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La Universidad Católica de Loja

Methodology and Didactics I

5 créditos

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación

Sección Lenguas Contemporáneas
Titulación Ciclo

§§ Ciencias de la Educación, mención:

-- Inglés V

Profesora autora:
Fernanda Elizabeth Sarango Solano

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Aprendizaje) es obligatorio; y, el ingreso se lo realiza en las fechas establecidas en el
calendario académico, que se encuentra en el siguiente enlace.

Abril - Agosto 2018

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Asesoría virtual:
Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I
First bimester


Apply and analyze two interviews; one to an expert teacher (4 years or more
of experience) and the other one to a novice teacher about “Managing the
Classroom” write an academic essay about it and answer a questionnaire in
the EVA+

2. TOPIC: Managing the classroom through the expert and novice teachers’

3. COMPETENCES that support the activity: The student will be able to:

• Apply and distinguish the different elements in classroom management.


a. Summarize units 1 and 2 related to learners and teachers, take notes to

support your work.
b. Review unit 3 “ Managing the Classroom” and skim the information
corresponding to this unit in your didactic guide.
c. Read and take notes of the article “Teacher vision: Expert and novice
teachers’ perception of problematic classroom management scenes” by
Wolff, Jarodzka, van den Bogert, Henny & Boshuizen
d. Write down four questions based on unit 3 and two questions based on
the article you have read.
e. Choose two teachers to interview, these teachers can work at the
elementary, secondary or university level as well as they can work in
public or private institutions.
f. Set the time and place to conduct the interview.
g. Record a video or take notes while you are interviewing each teacher.
h. After interviewing them, listen to the recording or check your notes in
order to analyze each question.
i. Write down the interpretation of both interviews.
j. In a chart, classify the information of the interviews and find out the
similarities and differences of the answers provided by both teachers.

Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I

k. Write a comparative essay including the analysis of each question

of both interviews (use the format provided as a guide), support your
answers mainly with content learned in Unit 3 and in the article “Teacher
vision: Expert and novice teachers’ perception of problematic classroom
management scenes”. You can consider chapter 1 and 2 of Harmer’s
book to support the discussion section in your essay.
l. The following format will help you as a guide in order to organize the
information to write your comparative essay.

Final Essay

This should briefly but explicitly describe the purpo-

se of the essay.
It presents the reasons, the topics of the interview
as well as the selection of the interviewees.
2. INTRODUCTORY All personal and professional data that allow you to
PARAGRAPH identify the interviewees.
3. (the interviewees and the Additionally, where the interview took place (school,
context) university, private address, public place) and factors
that favored or impeded the work. Possibility of
recording, filming, etc.
In this part you discuss your material. The facts and
evidence you have gathered should be analyzed
and discussed with specific reference to the problem
4. DISCUSSION. or issue. You have interviewed two people so you
DEVELOPMENT OF THE can compare both interviews and find the similarities
INTERVIEWS and differences to write your essay.

The ideas should be arranged in a logical order,

easy to follow.
The fundamental ideas that can be extracted from
5. CONCLUSION the interview taking into account the title and the

m. To answer the questionnaire you need to review Units 4 and 6.

n. Answer the questionnaire in the EVA+ and upload the academic essay.

QUESTIONNAIRE. It is worth 2 marks.

Before completing these questions, it is important that you read and

analyze all the contents for the first term. This will help you to have a
clear idea of the subject.

La Universidad Católica de Loja UTPL
Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I


Instruction: Analyze the descriptions below and choose the correct

concept. (1 point) (0, 2 each)

Strategy: For doing this activity, please study Unit 4.

a. Learners use what they

1. Rough-tuning
b. have studied to make their original productions.
c. Teachers and parents adapt their speeches to a less
2. Comprehensible input
complex structure so children can understand.
d. Teachers choose the best elements among the different
3. Discovery activity
methods or ideas.
e. Students become independent learners because they
4. Personalisation
perform the intellectual work.
f. It refers to the right kind of language exposure, students
5. Eclecticism understands the language even if this is challenging for


Instruction: Read the example below and answer the related questions. (1
point) (0,5 each)

Strategy: For doing this activity, please study Unit 6.

In an English class at the university, the teacher starts a new unit by giving the
students a reading activity “The story of Google”; they are supposed to figure out the
patterns found in this reading. Once again students are exposed to the same reading
but this time they are allowed to work in pairs. Their task is to find out how the regular
and irregular verbs in the past differ in their spelling. First of all, students share with
other peers their findings and then with the whole class. Finally, they work on a chart
to write down their findings.

2.1. Which is the approach used?

a. The inductive approach.

b. Boomerang.
c. The deductive approach.

Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I

2.2. What is the sequence of the lesson?

a. Study, engage, activate.

b. Engage, activate, study.
c. Engage, study, activate.

5. EVALUATION CRITERIA/ RUBRIC: This task has two sections: The

questionnaire is worth 2 marks.

The written report is worth 4 marks and it will be assessed by the attached





REGULAR 2 – 1,5
4 - 3,5 2,5
Content: missing
Content: present clear and Content: Present the ideas re- ideas, irrelevant con-
consistent ideas related to the lated to the topic, but the ideas tent. The information is
suggested topic in your own are not in your own words. The copied from textbooks,
words. The comparative essay comparative essay is partially websites, etc. The com-
is complete, it has a minimum of complete; it has a minimum of 1 parative essay is not
2 pages single space. page single space. complete. The content
is too brief.
Critical thinking: Position de-
Critical thinking: Po-
monstrates ownership. Critical thinking: Presents own
sition is clearly adopted
position, which includes some
Appropriately identifies own with little consideration.
original thinking, though incon-
position, drawing support. Fails to justify own
sistently. Position is generally
opinion or hypothesis is
Hypothesis demonstrates so- clear, although gaps may exist.
unclear or simplistic.
phisticated thought.
Grammar, Usage, Me-
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, chanics, Spelling: Nu-
Spelling: No errors. Spelling: More than four errors. merous errors distract
from understanding
Citation: It does not
Citation: It provides additional Citation: It provides additional
provide support from
bibliography that has been co- bibliography. Problems with
additional bibliography.
rrectly cited, using APA style. citing sources in APA style.
No citation sources.

La Universidad Católica de Loja UTPL
Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I

Estimado(a) estudiante, una vez resuelta su tarea en el documento impreso

(borrador), acceda al Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA) en www.utpl.edu.ec
e ingrese las respuestas respectivas.

Le recordamos que para presentarse a rendir las evaluaciones presenciales no
está permitido el uso de ningún material auxiliar (calculadora, diccionario, libros,
Biblia, formularios, códigos, leyes, etc.)
Las pruebas presenciales están diseñadas para desarrollarlas sin la utilización
de estos materiales.

Second bimester


Analyze an academic strategy to teach one of the four basic English language
skills, include it in a lesson plan, describe your strategy in detail and answer a
questionnaire in the EVA +.

2. TOPIC: Teaching one of the four basic English language skills in a different way

3. COMPETENCES that support the activity: The student will be able to:

• Apply different strategies to teach the four basic English language skills.


a. Summarize and underline the main aspects in unit 7 “Teaching reading

and writing” and unit 8 “Teaching speaking and listening.”
b. Write down the similarities and differences when teaching each one of
these skills. Design a chart for a better understanding.
c. Choose the skill you would like to teach and answer yourself why you
would be more comfortable teaching this skill.
d. Read the article (REA) “Continuing conversations about literature circles”
by Brabham & Villaume in order to have an idea of an innovative strategy.
e. After reading this article and choosing the skill you would like to teach,
think about a strategy you would like to implement in an English classroom.
f. Once you have chosen your teaching strategy, search online for extra
information so you can support your writing with additional readings.
g. Review and take notes of Unit 10 “Planning Lessons”, take especial
attention to the format of a lesson plan at page 161.
h. Describe your strategy in 400/350 words and include the corresponding
support of additional readings. Complete the chart below.

Description of your strategy:

La Universidad Católica de Loja UTPL
Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I

Name of the skill: Ex: Listening.

Name of the strategy: Ex: Listen, sketch and label
Description of the strategy: (400 / 350 words as minimum)
Bibliography: (Cite in APA style, at least 3 additional readings)

i. Design a lesson plan including your strategy; consider the group number,
students’ background, level, the time of the lesson and so forth. (Use the
format stated in Harmer’s book page 161). Keep in mind you need to
include the strategy you have chosen and the way you will be using it.
j. You need to review unit 11 “Testing” and unit 12 “Problems and Solutions”
to answer the questionnaire.

QUESTIONNAIRE. It is worth 2 marks

Before completing these questions, it is important that you read and

analyze all the contents for the second term. This will help you to have a
clear idea of the subject.


Instruction: Write true or false according to the statements (1 point) (0, 2

each) Strategy: For doing this activity, please review Unit 11.

• The purpose of progress tests is to find out how well students have
assimilated what they have been taught over a period of time.
• Reliability and validity are pivotal features for good tests.
• When designing tests teachers need to include all the content stated
in the syllabus even if students haven’t reviewed it in class.
• Writing a postcard to my friend is a great example of an indirect test
• A student who is good at multiple-choice questions is not necessarily
a better language learner.
• Indirect tests items refer to the activation phase, whereas direct test
items are more related to the study phase.
• Our “gut instinct” is high recommended when marking our student’s
pieces work.

• Marking scales do not have subjectivity issues for grading our students’
pieces of work.

Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I

• When designing a test, teachers should consider the time and the
students’ motivation.
• It is a good idea to pilot the exam first or show it to our coworkers to
get feedback.


2. Instruction: Choose the best two options. (1 point) (0,5 each) Strategy:
For doing this activity, please study Unit 12.

Which are appropriate alternatives to support the students’ learning

process in a class within a heterogeneous group?

A. Threat all the students the same way because they have the right to be
threated equally
B. Use the material differently in order to support all learners
C. Do not consider their prior learning experiences
D. Allow students to use their mother tongue when they do not understand
E. Vary the same activity according to the students’ needs
F. Pair students to work cooperatively with someone who has their own level
so they can communicate effectively

5. EVALUATION CRITERIA/ RUBRIC: This task has two sections: The

questionnaire is worth 2 marks.

The lesson plan and the description of the strategy are worth 4 marks and it will
be assessed by the attached rubric.

La Universidad Católica de Loja UTPL
Assignment: Methodology and Didactics I





4 - 3,5 3 – 2,5 2 – 1,5
Content: missing ideas,
Content: Present clear and Content: Present the ideas re- irrelevant content. The
consistent ideas related to the lated to the topic, but the ideas information is copied
suggested topic in your own are not in your own words. The from textbooks, websi-
words. The description of your description of your strategy tes, etc. The description
strategy has a minimum of has a minimum of 300 words. of your strategy has
400/350 words. The lesson plan The lesson plan is partially less than 200 words.
is complete. complete. The lesson plan is not
Critical thinking: Position de-
Critical thinking: Presents Critical thinking: Po-
monstrates ownership.
own position, which includes sition is clearly adopted
Appropriately identifies own some original thinking, though with little consideration.
position, drawing support. inconsistently. Position is Fails to justify own
generally clear, although gaps opinion or hypothesis is
Hypothesis demonstrates so-
may exist. unclear or simplistic.
phisticated thought.
Grammar, Usage, Me-
Grammar, Usage, Mecha-
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, chanics, Spelling: Nu-
nics, Spelling: More than four
Spelling: No errors merous errors distract
from understanding
Citation: It does not
Citation: It provides additional Citation: It provides additional
provide support from
bibliography that has been co- bibliography. Problems with
additional bibliography.
rrectly cited, using APA style. citing sources in APA style.
No citation sources.

Estimado(a) estudiante, una vez resuelta su tarea en el documento impreso

(borrador), acceda al Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA) en www.utpl.edu.ec
e ingrese las respuestas respectivas.

Le recordamos que para presentarse a rendir las evaluaciones presenciales no
está permitido el uso de ningún material auxiliar (calculadora, diccionario, libros,
Biblia, formularios, códigos, leyes, etc.)
Las pruebas presenciales están diseñadas para desarrollarlas sin la utilización
de estos materiales.


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