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History of Islam

The definition of the word Islam means: “Surrender” or “Surrender to God” (Allah).


ALLAH –means God in Arabic

ISLAM - is more than a religion; it is a culture and system of living. It is best known as a form
of government under the guise of religion with “Extreme Legalism” and religious overtones.

MUSLIM – is one who surrenders him/her self to Allah the faith of Islam.

ARAB - does not mean Muslim, although the majority of Arab’s are Muslim, but many have
different orthodoxies (religious beliefs).

Muslims believe that Islam is the basic monotheistic (belief in one god) faith proclaimed by
prophets throughout history. The Qur'an is not seen as presenting a new revelation but rather
as providing a complete, accurate, and therefore final record of the message that had already
been given to Abraham, Jesus, and other earlier prophets

QURAN – Muslims believe that the Qur’an (Koran) is the Holy book of Islam given by
revelation to Muhammad the prophet, to be the final and most complete holy book. The book
is comprised of Surah (chapters) totaling 114 and divided by ayahs (verses).


 Towrah (to-raw’ or tawart) - First five books of the Bible

 Zabur – Psalms (psalms of David)
 Injil – Gospel or New Testament (literal translated “good news”)


Founder of the ISLAM religion -MUHAMMAD

Muhammad-Means “The praised One”

Born 570 AD, (Anno Domini: In the year of Our Lord).

Born in Mecca, to the Quraysh Tribe-after the fall of the Roman Empire
Married in 595 AD, first wife “Khadija” when he was 25 and she was 40
Later he married “Aisha” his youngest wife when she was 9
Died in 632 AD in Hijra


The Quraysh was a ruling clan located in Makkah or Mecca [MACK-ah] – an ancient city in the
Hijaz region of northwestern Arabia along the Arabian Peninsula (Red Sea).

At the time of Muhammad’s birth, Mecca had become an important caravan city on the trade
route from Yemen to Syria. It also became an important religious center that housed the
Ka’bah a religious shrine. The Quraysh and surrounding tribes were polytheistic (belief in
several or more than one god).

Ka’ bah

The history of the Ka’bah in early Saudi Arabia was known as a sanctuary or sanctuaries built
to honor and the worshiping of tribal idols. The existing tribes of the region were primarily
nomads, who often warred against each other. When they did converge peacefully, it was
usually under the protection of cult practices and the worship of several different Idols.

A Roman geographer from the second century AD known as Ptolemy identifies early Mecca
with a place called Macoraba. It is described as a foundation (site) in southern Arabia built
around a sanctuary (alter-place of worship). At the time of Muhammad his tribe the Quraysh
was in charge of the Ka’bah, which was as a shrine to numerous Arabian tribal gods.


Ka’bah = Idols worship (Quarysh-Gentiles)

Christian = Followers of Christ (Jews-Gentiles)
Judaism = Jews (decedents of the tribe of Judah)


According to the mother of Muhammad, she said upon the birth of her son the stars merged
together and a bright light appeared. (Similar to the Biblical account regarding the birth of Jesus Christ)


About the year 570 AD, Muhammad was born to Abdul Muttalib (father) and Aminah
(mother). His father died prior to his birth and his mother died when he was only six years old.
He was left as an orphan to be raised by his uncle Abu Talib.

About the year 590 AD, Muhammad then in his twenties entered the service of a widow named
Khadija as a merchant actively engaged with trading caravans to the north. Muhammad later
married Khadija, by whom he had two sons - who did not survive - and four daughters.

As a merchant Muhammad would travel widely, interacting with other culture and tribes. While
home in Mecca he would from time to time withdraw into the mountains of Hijra to meditate
and pray. In about the year 610 AD he had a vision which changed his life. Muhammad
claimed that he had a revelation (vision) from god. He said he saw a luminous being, which he
called an angel (Angel Gabriel) speaking for god. A series of several visions with the angel
inspired him to create the writing of the Qur-an (revelations and edicts from god).

When Muhammad first began having the visions, he feared that the messages were coming
from Jinn (In pre-Islamic and Asian-Mid Eastern Folklore a jinn was generally thought to be a race of supernatural
creatures that inhabit the earth which exercise demonology, i.e., evil spirits, evil Jinn, evil Jeannie. It was his wife
Khadija who convinced him that the visions were divinely inspired and that Muhammad was a
true prophet.

Muhammad soon began preaching of one God, all-powerful but also merciful, and he freely
acknowledges that other prophets - in particular Abraham, Moses and Jesus - have preached
the same truth in the past. Muhammad was against Idolatry and condemned the idols of
Quarysh. He firmly believed in one God which caused strife between him and the Quarysh.

He wanted the Ka’bah to be dedicated to the worship of God (Allah) alone, and all the other
statues evicted. The Quraysh persecuted and harassed him continuously, and he and his
followers eventually migrated (left for fear of persecution) to Yathrib (modern day Medina) in
622 AD.

While in Yathrib, Muhammad converted many people from the two existing opposing tribes
“Aus” and “Khazraj.” He was soon made chief and united the Muslim converts under the name
“Ansar” (helper) and organized an army.

As Muhammad's converts grew, he began to speak out against the Meccans and their idol
worship. It was this conflict with the Meccans that led to the first blood shed in the name of
Islam. Muhammad and his army attacked a Meccan caravan, killing many Meccans and took
spoils. He declared 20% of all plunder was for Allah and him. He then went on to kill the Jews
in Yathrib who refused to convert.

As the opposition grew, Muhammad lost the battle of Uhud to the Meccans. Muhammad
instructed his followers who could not protect themselves to go into hiding in Ethiopia. Not
able to protect his remaining followers, Muhammad compromised with the Meccans by
incorporating some of their idols into the evolving religion of Islam. He proclaimed that Al-Lat,
Al-Uzza, and Manat, three Meccan deities, were exalted goddesses and their intercession was
to be sought. This led to the Meccans accepting Islam.

In 630 AD, Muhammad and his followers returned to Mecca and conquered the areas and took
over the Ka’bah. After this pivotal migration, or Hijra, his followers (Muslim community) became
the political and military force of Mecca.

In 632 AD with the death of Muhammad, his father-in-law, Abu-Bakr, devised a system in
which Islam can sustain religious and political stability. Accepting the name of Caliph ("deputy
of the Prophet"), Abu-Bakr begins a military exhibition to enforce the caliph's authority over
Arabian followers of Muhammad and Islam. Several campaigns began northward to overtake
Persian forces and neighboring empires.

Islam had begun its push on the world and those who would not submit would be stricken
down in the name of ALLAH. A new religion and governmental system was born, thus the
push for power to reign over the world.

Islam the religious culture and government took a new form and became more violent causing
what modern day call extremist, a view that takes the Qur-an ultra literal without interpretation.
The once subdued created religion by Muhammad has metamorphosed into a radical dictate
that uses force when faced with opposition of unbelievers. An unbeliever or one who rejects
Allah is considered an infidel. According to the Qur-an, infidel and unbelievers must be dealt
with harshly and swiftly, thus they now encourage incitement to violence against non-Muslims
(“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His
Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya (tax)
with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued (Surah.9 a.29-30)”.

“I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. This
because they contended Against Allah and His Messenger: If any contend against Allah And His messenger. Allah Is strict in
punishment (Surah.8.A.12-13)”


According to the history of Muhammad, He proclaimed himself as a prophet. He claimed he had

spoken with an angel from God who gave him the visions (revelations). According to the Bible it is
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than what we have preached to you, a curse
be on him! As we have said before, I now say again: if anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to what you received, a
curse be on him! (Gal 1:8-9)”

Paul wrote in his letter to the churches of Galatia, regarding the concern about the existing dangers of
false doctrine and the deception that was causing them to stray away from the truth of Christianity.
Muhammad brought forth a new teaching to the Middle East and surrounding countries. Muhammad
attempted to bring together the idol worshipers of Mecca under one God. He was taunted and
threatened with death. His temporary exile angered him, thus he engaged the help of those who would
believe his claim to be God’s messenger. Muhammad banded a group of nomads with promises of
power and riches from their victories that would be declared “done in the name of Allah”.

Muhammad’s earliest writings of the Qur’an spoke with a mood of peace, love and respect for those
"People of the Book" – a term used in the Qur’an to describe those who believe in one God and in the
revealed scriptures from God, such as the Torah and the Bible. A number of Qur’an writings (Surah
2:190, 2:256 and 29:46 (“and dispute ye not with the people of the Book”) speak to this.

His later writings were more hostile in nature to anyone who opposed or refused to submit to Allah.
The ideology of imprisonment, torture, and death was being taught. The spread of Islam was
accomplished by the conquering of countries and the spread of military force, later known as “by the

There is no democracy and secularism is not tolerated in most Islamic countries. The Sharia Law was
imposed which all true Islamic countries must abide in. Sharia is the system of all Islamic religious
laws. Failure to abide by the law could results in a man being put to death and women imprisoned for

The Islam religion differs with Christianity in many areas. They do not believe in the trinity. Allah has
no son, thus a no father concept or personal relationship. Only service, allegiance and submission are
required to serve Allah (a system of works).

The governmental system and military structure rule over the country which enforces the Islamic
religion over the citizens. The majority of Islamic citizens have no choice, but to be Islamic and
succumb to the tyranny for fear of punishment. There are also certain factions that have strong

orthodoxy and accept the Qur’an literally and are willing to commit themselves as martyrs for their

It should also be noted that not all those who claim to be Muslim prescribe to the authentic literal
doctrine of the Qur’an. This can be illustrated as the many protestant churches who do not prescribe to
the literal orthodoxy of the Bible. Theologians agree that both faiths would define this as falling short of
the beliefs in the teachings of their respective Holy Scriptures. One who claims belief does not
automatically equate with truly following the faith. A believer is not one who necessarily has faith.
“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble (James 2:19)”. As James
point’s out even Satan believes in God, but as a believer one must also have faith, for Satan did not have
faith in God.

A person claiming Muslim does not mean they are evil or even a bad person. I urge you to pray for
them who are lost. As believers of the Word we are called to be doers of the Word. We must pray for
them and seize the opportunity to share with those who are wiling to hear the Word of God. We must be
friendly, listen attentively and present our belief openly by being good witness and providing the manna
(the Word of God) for the hungry.

Written by,

Miguel A. Rivera
Servant of Christ

Christian Standard Bible - Holman

Quran-English translation
Tom Zinter-Islam and the Muslim world
Charlie Campbell-ISLAM
Paul F. Hoye, Islam and Islamic History
Norris D Thane- Logos Deluxe Maps
Merriam-Webster, Inc: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
James M. Freeman- The new Manners and Customs of the Bible
Authored by Miguel A Rivera / Calvary Chapel Pastors College

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