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What is bad about suffering, then, is that it undermines or destroys what the sufferer centrally cares about,
her own flourishing or the desires of her heart or both.
In my view, suffering so understood is what is in need of explanation in the problem of evil.
ELEONORE STUMP Wandering in Darkness Narrative and the Problem of Suffering
p 11. WD

"If human reality is affected by evil, how and where did evil manage to get within it?
What actually makes evil possible in human reality?
Finding an answer to this question is unveiling the essence of fallibility...." CORNELIU C. SIMUŢ
In Paul Ricoeur’s Concept of Fallibility as Fault, Myth and Symbol,

 Significance of man's potential for evil.

"Concern about large-scale and in some cases unprecedented atrocities during my lifetime motivates my
own interest in evil: the Holocaust; the bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, Hamburg, and Dresden;
the internment of Japan- ese Americans and Japanese Canadians during World War II; the My Lai mas-
sacre; the Tuskegee syphilis experiments; genocides in Rwanda, Burundi, and East Timor; the killing fields
of Cambodia; the rape/death camps of the former Yugoslavia; and the threat to life on our planet posed by
environmental poisoning, global warming, and the destruction of rain forests and other natural habitats.

Such a litany seems to confirm the view of Arthur Schopenhauer, (in)famous as the philosopher of
pessimism, that human conduct produces far more suffering and harm than joy and happiness.

Historians and psychologists justifiably probe the causes of evildoing, with the aim of helping future
generations avert some of the worst consequences of past errors and ignorance.

But if Schopenhauer really is right, if it is unrealistic to expect that within our future as a species there will
be no more atrocities, it is all the more important that philosophers also consider how we may better live
with that knowledge and with the aftermath of evils we fail to prevent or escape." -- The Atrocity Paradigm
A Theory of Evil CLAUDIA CARD

 Traditional Explanation: Man’s freewill is the cause of evil

This view doesn’t answer the question ‘Why man could freely choose to do evil?’ What makes man choose
evil instead of good?

Freewill doesn’t have any preference.

 Man's potential for evil arises from man's contradictory nature as finitude being with an infinite

Man’s has an innate possibility for evil is the only answer.

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