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Application of Learning Model Type The Power Of Two

in High School Students

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TAHUN 2017

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished
engineering ideas right in the calculated time. The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill
the assignment that given by Mr. Joni Haratua Panggabean as lecturer in English Physics
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this engineering ideas.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper engineering ideas. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all.the
writer realized this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then the writer hope
the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.

Medan, 27 November 2017


PREFACE .......................................................................................................... i
TABLE LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................ ii
1.1 Background.......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Aims of Paper ...................................................................................... 1
1.3 Benefits ................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Definition ............................................................................................. 2
2.2 Learning Model Type The Power Of Two .......................................... 3
3.1 Work Procedures ................................................................................. 5
4.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 6

1.1 Background
In studying physics, student activeness is necessary. Activity in learning physics lies
in two aspects, namely active in the act (hands activity) and mindset (minds activity). Mims
mentioned that students will be active if students can connect new knowledge with their
initial understanding. But connecting between the two in physics learning is not easy.
Physics learning has the purpose of developing knowledge, understanding, and
students' analysis ability to the environment and its surroundings. Physics learning in students
is expected not only to master the concept but also apply the concepts they have understood
in solving physics problems. However, in-class learning tends to emphasize the mastery of
concepts and override students' problem solving skills physics.
In learning physics, the ability to solve student problems is still relatively low. In
doing the physics questions given by the teacher, students more often directly use
mathematical equations without doing the analysis, guessing the formula used and
memorizing examples of problems that have been done to do other problems. Student have
difficulty when dealing with complex problems. Students are able to solve simple
quantitative problems but lack the ability to solve more complex problems.
Students experience difficulties because the strategies taught in learning only to solve
problems that require mere mathematical calculations. In fact, one of the goals of physics
learning is to create human beings who can solve complex problems by applying their
knowledge and understanding to everyday situation.

1.2 Aims of Paper

1. As one of the requirements to fulfill the task of English physics course
2. Find out the problems that occur among students in physics lessons
3. As an additional insight for readers in solving the problems that occur in students
in understanding the lessons of physics

1.3 Benefits
1. Increase reader insight in finding referrals and completing tasks
2. Can know the problems that occur among students in studying physics lessons

2.1 Definition
Djamarah (1994) reveals that learning is a series of activities of the body of soul,
psychophysical to the development of the full human person which involves the elements of
creativity, taste and intention, the realm of cognitive, effective and psychomotor. The result
of this learning activity is a change of behavior as a result of experience. Changes that occur
are essentially the business of the individual itself in interaction with the environment.
Interaction in question is the interaction that allows the process of teaching and learning.
Learning is a business process that a person undertakes to obtain a whole new
behavioral change, as a result of his own experience in his interaction with his environment.
Characteristics of behavioral change in the lesson are conscious changes, changes in learning
are continuous and functional, changes in learning are positive and active, changes in
learning are aimed or directed, and changes include all aspects of behavior (Slameto, 2003).
Learning is essentially perfecting the potential or ability of the biological and
psychological organisms necessary in human relationships with the outside world in social
life. In learning will include two things: training and addition / acquiring new behaviors
(Notoatmojo, 2003). Thus, learning is an activity that can produce a meaningful change in the
individual that is necessary in human relationships with the outside world and in social life.
learning is a matter of every human being. Almost all knowledge, skills, habits, passions, and
attitudes that a person is formed and develops because of learning. Learning activities occur
not only in the formal situation at school but also out of school like in family environment,
environmentassociation in the midst of society.
Educational experts as well as psychologists generally agree that in the sense of
learning contained several elements. The main elements are contained in the meaning of
learning are: 1) learning as a process, 2) acquisition knowledge and skills, 3) behavioral
change, and 4) self-activity. Based on the description, then the definition of learning can be
defined as a process
the acquisition of knowledge or skills as well as changes in behavior through activity self.
Physics is the science of trying to understand the rules of nature that so beautiful and
neatly can be described mathematically. Mathematics in this case serves as the language of
science communication including Physics. Science and human life over the past four
centuries shows a dramatic improvement in the blessing human success in analyzing and
describing nature mathematically.
There are several cognitive abilities that play a very important role in improving the
students' success in solving the Physics problem is the ability to identify as well as to
interpret precisely the concepts and principles of Physics, ability create descriptions and
organize the knowledge of physics effectively.

2.2 Learning Model Type The Power Of Two

Type The Power Of Two (Power type together), is learning in small groups with grow
maximum cooperation through learning activities by friends themselves with members of two
people in it to achieve basic competencies. Type The Power Of Two designed to maximize
collaborative learning (shared) and minimize the intermediate gap one student with another.
Learn collaborative became popular in the environment education now. By placing the
participants educate the group and give it a task where they are interdependent with one
another another to complete the work is way that is amazing. They tend to be more interested
in learning as they do it with their classmates.
The Power Of Two means combining power of two people. Combine the power of
two people in this case is forming a group small, each group consists of two. This activity is
done to appear that synergy, that is two or better than one. As confirmed by Zaini, H.,
Munthe, B., Aryani, S.A. states that "Learning activity of The Power Of Two used to
encourage learning cooperative and strengthen the importance as well benefit synergy two
people. This strategy has the principle that thinking together is much better rather than
thinking for themselves ".
Same thing too stated by Hamruni that the model Cooperative Learning The Power Of
Two type aims to show that learning in a manner in pairs will be better results than learning
independently. So, it can concluded that model of Cooperative Learning The Power Of Two
type is an activity that implemented to improve learning collaborative and encouraging
interests advantage synergy, that's because 2 heads of course more good than 1 head.
Due to the power of two type is part of the cooperative learning model, then each
stage of the power of two type is covered in the cooperative learning model phase. One of the
materials that can be taught with cooperative learning model of the power of type two is the
material of the type fluid fluid and the hydrostatic pressure which comprises density and
hydrostatic pressure. The concept of two submateri will be facilitate students if studied on a
regular basis in groups. By applying cooperative learning model of the power of type two,
students are expected to learn more effective, making it easier for students within understand
the material.

3.1 Work Procedures

The steps that can be done in applying the progam of The Power Of Two are :
1. Giving students a question requires thinking. Questions raised at the LKS are
distributed to all students.
2. Ask students to complete or complete the answer.
3. Divide the students into several groups (couples). Each kelMeminta students in pairs
to share answers with answers created by other friends.
4. Ask each group to draw up an agreed answer.
5. Ask each group to compare answers with other spouse answers.
6. Make a summary of the above questions that have been given.


SISWA SMA., Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya., 5 (2) : 44-50

Budiharti, Rini dan Nur Ulfah Citra Devi., 2016., Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif

Tipe The Power Of Two dalam Pembelajaran Fisika., Jurnal Materi dan

Pembelajaran Fisika., 6 (1) : 7-13

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