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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Computer Information System Department


 Design the following web page

Background image
for the body

For the paragraphs

change its color and
size of the text, also
make their position Image in the
as it appears in the same position.

For headings change

its color to “purple”
and change its font
type to “Comic Sans
MS”, also change its
background color.
:For this Division set the following properties
.set a Background color -
set a Background image in the same position - Link in the exact position
.as it appears in the picture which display a yellow
set a Border (thickness, color, style) - background when the
.change the position of it as in the picture - mouse comes over it.
give it an appropriate width and height (close -
.to what appears in the picture)
give an appropriate space between the text -
.and border
give an appropriate space between the border -
.and the window boundaries

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