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Student Name: ___________________________________

Classroom and Teacher: _______________________________

Child’s Strengths Goals

Teacher: Teacher:
• Listens and respects others. • A is working on trying different ways to solve
• Can identify most of the basic colors. a problem.
• A is able to recognize his name, and he is • A is working on listening with increasing
beginning to write his name. attention to spoken language, conversations,
• He is beginning to identify the letters in his and stories read aloud; and use an
name. increasingly complex and varied spoken
• Can count orally the number of objects in a vocabulary.
set containing five or fewer concrete objects • A is working on sorting by size, and
using one-to-one correspondence. recognizing the geometric shapes such as,
• Can sort by color, and shape. squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles.

Parent: Parent:

Student: Student:

A is following our classroom rules and routines with minimal teacher support. He continues to benefit from
consistent and predictable routines and expectations. He has shown interest in his peers and is beginning to
initiate and participate in multiple types of play. He enjoys playing at the art center. He uses the playdough
and makes different shapes with it. He also likes to play at the computer center and practice learning the
alphabet on the Starfall program. He also participates in class activities and seems interested in learning new
things. He displays independence by taking care of his belongings, clearing his place after meals and brushing
his teeth without assistance. He assists with classroom tasks as setting the table for breakfast and lunch,
putting his cot away after rest time and putting toys away when he is finished playing with them. As the year
progresses, we will support A with a consistent engaging environment with activities to promote academic,
social-emotional, and physical growth.

Revised July 2015


Conference Held Yes No Date 11/06/17

Home Visit Held Yes No Date

Teacher Signature Date 11/06/17

Inst. Asst. Signature Date 11/06/17

Parent/Guardian Signature Date 11/06/17

Date 11/06/17
Additional Participants

Revised July 2015

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