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Af ter the compl eti on of thi s chapter , the students or r eader s

w i l l be abl e to under stand the f ol l ow i ng:

What ar e the v ar i ous par ts of an i nducti on motor ?

How a r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s dev el oped i n the stator of a

thr ee-phase i nducti on motor ?

What i s the w or k i ng pr i nci pl e of an i nducti on motor ?

Why thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s cal l ed an

asy nchr onous motor ?

What ar e the v ar i ous l osses i n an i nducti on motor ?

Find answers onterthe

Why star fly,toor
i s needed starmaster something
t a thr ee-phase i nducti on new.
motor ?
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What i s a push button (DOL) and star t–del ta star ter ?

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What ar e the major appl i cati ons of thr ee-phase

i nducti on motor s?


Inducti on machi nes ar e al so cal l ed asy nchr onous machi nes, that i s,
the machi nes that nev er r un at a sy nchr onous speed. Whenev er w e
say i nducti on machi ne w e mean to say i nducti on motor . Inducti on
motor s may be ei ther si ngl e phase or thr ee phase. The si ngl e-phase
i nducti on motor s ar e usual l y bui l t i n smal l si zes (up to 3 H.P.).
Thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s ar e the most commonl y used AC
motor s i n the i ndustr y , because they hav e si mpl e and r ugged
constr ucti on, l ow cost, hi gh ef f i ci ency , r easonabl y good pow er
f actor , sel f -star ti ng tor que, and l ow mai ntenance. Near l y , mor e
than 90 per cent of the mechani cal pow er used i n i ndustr y i s
pr ov i ded by thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s.

In thi s chapter , al l the i mpor tant aspects of a thr ee-phase

i nducti on motor ar e di scussed.


A thr ee-phase i nducti on motor consi sts of tw o mai n par ts, namel y
stator and r otor .

1 . Stator: It i s the stati onar y par t of the motor . It has thr ee

mai n par ts, namel y outer f r ame, stator cor e, and stator
w i ndi ng.
1 . Outer frame: It i s the outer body of the motor . Its
f uncti on i s to suppor t the stator cor e and to pr otect
the i nner par ts of the machi ne. For smal l machi nes,
the f ame i s casted, but f or l ar ge machi nes, i t i s
f abr i cated.

To pl ace the motor on the f oundati on, f eet ar e

pr ov i ded i n the outer f r ame as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 .

2. Stator core: The stator cor e i s to car r y the

al ter nati ng magneti c f i el d w hi ch pr oduces
hy ster esi s and eddy cur r ent l osses; ther ef or e, cor e i s
bui l t up of hi gh gr ade si l i con steel stampi ng. The
stampi ngs ar e assembl ed under hy dr aul i c pr essur e
and ar e k ey ed to the f r ame. Each stampi ng i s
i nsul ated f r om the other w i th a thi n v ar ni sh l ay er .
The thi ck ness to the stampi ng usual l y v ar i es f r om
0.3 to 0.5 mm. Sl ots ar e punched on the i nner
per i pher y of the stampi ngs, as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.2,

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to accommodate stator w i ndi ng.

Fig. 12.1 Stator of 3-phase i nducti on motor

Fig. 12.2 Stator stampi ng

3. Stator winding: The stator cor e car r i es a thr ee-

phase w i ndi ng w hi ch i s usual l y suppl i ed f r om a
thr ee-phase suppl y sy stem. The si x ter mi nal s of the
w i ndi ng (tw o of each phase) ar e connected i n the
ter mi nal box of the machi ne. The stator of the motor
i s w ound f or def i ni te number of pol es, the ex act
number bei ng deter mi ned by the r equi r ement of
speed. It w i l l be obser v ed that gr eater the number
of pol es, the l ow er i s the speed and v i ce-v er sa, si nce

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thr ee-phase w i ndi ng may be connected i n star or

del ta ex ter nal l y thr ough a star ter .
2. Rotor: It i s the r otati ng par t of the motor . Ther e ar e tw o
ty pes of r otor s, w hi ch ar e empl oy ed i n thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor s, namel y squi r r el -cage r otor and phase-
w ound r otor .
1 . Squirrel-cage rotor: The motor s empl oy i ng thi s
ty pe of r otor ar e k now n as ‘squi r r el -cage i nducti on
motor s’. Most of the i nducti on motor s ar e of thi s
ty pe because of si mpl e and r ugged constr ucti on of
r otor . A squi r r el -cage r otor consi sts of a l ami nated
cy l i ndr i cal cor e hav i ng semi -cl osed ci r cul ar sl ots
at the outer per i pher y . Copper or al umi ni um bar
conductor s ar e pl aced i n these sl ots and shor t
ci r cui ted at each end by copper or al umi ni um r i ngs,
cal l ed shor t-ci r cui ti ng r i ngs, as show n i n Fi gur e
1 2.3. Thus, the r otor w i ndi ng i s per manentl y shor t
ci r cui ted, and i t i s not possi bl e to add any ex ter nal
r esi stance i n the r otor ci r cui t.

Fig. 12.3 Squi r r el cage r otor

The r otor sl ots ar e usual l y not par al l el to the shaf t

but ar e sk ew ed. Sk ew i ng of r otor has the f ol l ow i ng
adv antages:

1 . It r educes hummi ng, thus ensur i ng qui et

r unni ng of a motor .
2. It r esul ts i n a smoother tor que cur v es f or
di f f er ent posi ti ons of the r otor .

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3. It r educes the magneti c l ock i ng of the stator

and r otor .
4. It i ncr eases the r otor r esi stance due to the
i ncr eased l ength of the r otor bar conductor s.
2. Phase-wound rotor: Phase-w ound r otor i s al so
cal l ed sl i p-r i ng r otor and the motor s empl oy i ng thi s
ty pe of r otor ar e k now n as ‘phase-w ound or sl i p-
r i ng i nducti on motor s’. Sl i p-r i ng r otor consi sts of a
l ami nated cy l i ndr i cal cor e hav i ng semi -cl osed sl ots
at the outer per i pher y and car r i es a thr ee-phase
i nsul ated w i ndi ng. The r otor i s w ound f or the same
number of pol es as that of stator . The thr ee f i ni sh
ter mi nal s ar e connected together f or mi ng star
poi nt, and the thr ee star t ter mi nal s ar e connected to
thr ee copper sl i p-r i ngs f i x ed on the shaf t (Fi gur e
1 2.4).

Fig. 12.4 Phase-w ound r otor

In thi s case, dependi ng upon the r equi r ement, any

ex ter nal r esi stance can be added i n the r otor
ci r cui t. In thi s case al so, the r otor i s sk ew ed.

A mi l d steel shaf t i s passed thr ough the centr e of the

r otor and i s f i x ed to i t w i th k ey . The pur pose of
shaf t i s to tr ansf er mechani cal pow er .


Consi der a stator on w hi ch thr ee di f f er ent w i ndi ngs r epr esented

by thr ee concentr i c coi l s a a , b b , and c c , r especti v el y , ar e
1 2 1 2 1 2
pl aced 1 20° el ectr i cal l y apar t.

Let a thr ee-phase suppl y , as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.5, i s appl i ed to the

stator . Thr ee-phase cur r ents w i l l f l ow thr ough the thr ee coi l s and
pr oduce thei r ow n magneti c f i el ds. The posi ti v e hal f cy cl e of the
al ter nati ng cur r ent (AC) i s consi der ed as i nw ar d f l ow of cur r ent i n
the star t ter mi nal s and negati v e hal f cy cl e i s consi der ed as

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outw ar d f l ow of cur r ent i n the star t ter mi nal s. The di r ecti on of

f l ow of cur r ent i s opposi te i n the f i ni sh ter mi nal s of the same coi l .

Fig. 12.5 Wav e di agr am of 3-phase AC suppl y w i th i nstants t ,t

1 2
and t

Let at any i nstant t1 , cur r ent i n coi l si de a 1 be i nw ar d and i n b1 and

c 1 outw ar d, w her eas the cur r ent i n the other si des of the same coi l s
i s opposi te, that i s,i n coi l si de a 2 i s outw ar d and b2 and c 2 i s
i nw ar d. The r esul tant f i el d and i ts di r ecti on (Fm ) ar e mar k ed i n
Fi gur e 1 2.6.

At i nstant t2 , w hen θ i s 60°, cur r ent i n coi l si des a 1 and b1 i s i nw ar d

and i n c 1 i s outw ar d, w her eas the cur r ent i n the opposi te si des i s
opposi te. The r esul tant f i el d and i ts di r ecti on i s show n i n Fi gur e
1 2.7 , w hi ch i s r otated thr ough an angl e θ = 60° f r om i ts pr ev i ous
posi ti on.

At i nstant t w hen θ i s 1 20°, cur r ent i n coi l si de b i s i nw ar d and i n

3 1
c and a i s outw ar d. The r esul tant f i el d and i ts di r ecti on i s show n
1 1
i n Fi gur e 1 2.8, w hi ch i s r otated thr ough an angl e θ = 1 20° el ectr i cal
f r om i ts f i r st posi ti on.

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Fig. 12.6 Posi ti on of r esul tant f i el d at i nstant t 1

Fig. 12.7 Posi ti on of r esul tant f i el d at i nstant t


Fig. 12.8 Posi ti on of r esul tant f i el d at i nstant t 3

Thus, i n one cy cl e, the r esul tant f i el d compl etes one r ev ol uti on.
Hence, w e concl ude that w hen thr ee-phase suppl y i s gi v en to a
thr ee-phase w ound stator , a r esul tant f i el d i s pr oduced w hi ch
r ev ol v es at a constant speed, cal l ed sy nchr onous speed (Ns = 1 20° f /

In thi s case, w e hav e obser v ed that w hen suppl y f r om phase 1 , 2, and

3 i s gi v en to coi l a a , b b , and c c , r especti v el y , an
1 2 1 2 1 2
anti cl ock w i se r otati ng f i el d i s pr oduced. If the suppl y to coi l a a ,
1 2
b b and c c i s gi v en f r om phase 1 , 3, and 2, r especti v el y , the
1 2, 1 2
di r ecti on of r otati ng f i el d i s r ev er sed. Ther ef or e, to r ev er se the
di r ecti on of r otati on of r otati ng f i el d, the connecti ons of any tw o
suppl y ter mi nal s ar e i nter changed.


When thr ee-phase suppl y i s gi v en to the stator of a thr ee-phase

w ound i nducti on motor , a r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s set up i n the stator . At
any i nstant, the magneti c f i el d set-up by the stator i s show n i n
Fi gur e 1 2.9. The di r ecti on of r esul tant f i el d i s mar k ed by an ar r ow
head F
m . Let thi s f i el d i s r otati ng i n an anti cl ock w i se di r ecti on at
an angul ar speed of ω r adi ans per second, that i s, sy nchr onous

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Fig. 12.9 (a) Induced emf /cur r ent i n r otor conductor s at an i nstant
(b) Phasor r epr esentati on of stator and r otor f i el d at an i nstant

The stati onar y r otor conductor s cut the r ev ol v i ng f i el d and due to

el ectr omagneti c i nducti on an emf i s i nduced i n the r otor
conductor s. As the r otor conductor s ar e shor t ci r cui ted, cur r ent
f l ow s thr ough them i n the di r ecti on as mar k ed i n the f i gur e. Rotor
cur r ent car r y i ng conductor s set up a r esul tant f i el d Fr . Thi s f i el d
tr i es to come i n l i ne w i th the stator mai n f i el d Fm . Due to thi s, an
el ectr omagneti c tor que Te i s dev el oped i n the anti cl ock w i se
di r ecti on. Ther ef or e, r otor star ts r otati ng i n same di r ecti on i n
w hi ch stator f i el d i s r ev ol v i ng.

12.4.1  Alternate Explanation
Repr oduci ng secti on X of Fi gur e 1 2.9(a) as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 0,
w hen the r ev ol v i ng stator f i el d (r ef er Fi gur e 1 2.1 0(a)) cuts the
stati onar y r otor conductor s, an emf i s i nduced i n the conductor s by
i nducti on. As r otor conductor s ar e shor t ci r cui ted, cur r ent f l ow s
thr ough them, as mar k ed i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 0(b) w hi ch sets up f i el d
ar ound them. A r esul tant f i el d i s set up, as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 0(c)
w hi ch ex er ts f or ce on the r otor conductor s. Ther ef or e, the r otor
star ts r otati ng i n the same di r ecti on i n w hi ch stator f i el d i s
r ev ol v i ng.

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Fig. 12.10 (a) Fi el d pr oduced by stator w i ndi ng at an i nstant (b)

Fi el d pr oduced ar ound r otor conductor s at that i nstant (c)
Resul tant f i el d ar ound r otor conductor s

The r otor pi ck s up speed and tr i es to attai n the sy nchr onous speed

but f ai l s to do so. It i s because i f the r otor attai ns the sy nchr onous
speed, then the r el ati v e speed betw een r ev ol v i ng stator f i el d and
r otor w i l l be zer o, no emf w i l l be i nduced i n r otor conductor s. No
emf means no cur r ent, no r otor f i el d Fr ,and hence, no tor que i s
pr oduced. Ther ef or e, an i nducti on motor s nev er r uns at
sy nchr onous speed. It al w ay s seems at a speed l ess than
sy nchr onous speed.

Si nce the pr i nci pl e of oper ati on of thi s motor depends upon

el ectr omagneti c i nducti on, hence the name i nducti on motor .



In Fi gur e 1 2.2, i t has been obser v ed that a r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s set up

i n the stator of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor , w hen thr ee-phase
suppl y i s gi v en to i ts w i ndi ng and the di r ecti on of r otati on depends
upon the suppl y sequence.

In Fi gur e 1 2.3, i t has been obser v ed that r otor of a thr ee-phase

i nducti on motor r otates i n the same di r ecti on as that of the
r ev ol v i ng f i el d.

The di r ecti on of r otati on of the r ev ol v i ng f i el d or that of the r otor

can be r ev er sed i f the sequence of suppl y i s r ev er sed. The suppl y
sequence can be r ev er sed by i nter changi ng the connecti ons of any
tw o suppl y l eads at the stator ter mi nal s.

Hence, the di r ecti on of r otati on of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor

can be r ev er sed by i nter changi ng the connecti ons of any tw o
suppl y l eads at the stator ter mi nal s.

12.6  SLIP

The r otor of an i nducti on motor al w ay s r otates at a speed l ess than

sy nchr onous speed. The di f f er ence betw een the f l ux speed (Ns) and
the r otor speed (N) i s cal l ed sl i p. It i s usual l y ex pr essed as a
per centage of sy nchr onous speed (Ns) and i s r epr esented by sy mbol

Mathemati cal l y ,

% sl i p,

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or f r acti onal sl i p,

Rotor speed,

N = N (l−S)
The di f f er ence betw een sy nchr onous speed and r otor speed i s
cal l ed sl i p speed, that i s,

Sl i p speed = Ns − N

The v al ue of sl i p at f ul l -l oad v ar i es f r om about 6 per cent smal l

motor s to about 2 per cent f or l ar ge motor s.

12.6.1  Importance of Slip
Sl i p pl ay s an i mpor tant r ol e i n the oper ati on of an i nducti on
motor . We hav e al r eady seen that the di f f er ence betw een the r otor
speed and sy nchr onous speed of f l ux deter mi ne the r ate at w hi ch
the f l ux i s cut by r otor conductor s and hence the magni tude of
i nduced emf , that i s, e 2 ∝ Ns − N

Rotor cur r ent,

i2 ∝ e 2 and tor que, T ∝ i2

T = K(N − N)

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T = K1 S


T ∝S

Thus, gr eater the sl i p gr eater w i l l be the i nduced emf or r otor

cur r ent, and hence, l ar ger w i l l be the tor que dev el oped.

At no-l oad, i nducti on motor r equi r es smal l tor que to meet w i th the
mechani cal , i r on, and other l osses, and ther ef or e, sl i p i s smal l .
When the motor i s l oaded, gr eater tor que i s r equi r ed to dr i v e the
l oad, and ther ef or e, the sl i p i ncr eases and r otor speed decr eases
sl i ghtl y .

Ther ef or e, i t i s obser v ed that sl i p i n an i nducti on motor adjusts

i tsel f to such a v al ue to meet the r equi r ed dr i v i ng tor que under
nor mal oper ati on.


The f r equency of r otor cur r ents depends upon the r el ati v e speed
betw een r otor and stator f i el d. When the r otor i s stati onar y , the
f r equency of r otor cur r ents i s the same as that of the suppl y
f r equency . But once the r otor star ts to r otate, the f r equency of
r otor cur r ents depends upon sl i p speed (Ns − N). Let at any speed N,
the f r equency of r otor cur r ents be fr .


Example 12.1

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A thr ee-phase, f our -pol e, 50 Hz, i nducti on motor r uns at 1 460 r pm.
Deter mi ne i ts per centage sl i p.

(U.P.T.U. June 2004)


Sy nchr onous speed,

Speed of motor ,

N = 1 460 r pm

Sl i p,

= 2.667 %

Example 12.2

In a thr ee-phase sl i p-r i ng, f our -pol e i nducti on motor , the r otor
f r equency i s f ound to be 2.0 Hz, w hi l e connected to a 400 V, thr ee-
phase, 50 Hz suppl y . Deter mi ne motor speed i n r pm.

(U.P.T.U. Dec. 2003)


Sy nchr onous speed,

Sl i p,

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Speed of motor on l oad, N = N (1 − S) = 1 500 (1 − 0.04) = 1 440 r pm


Example 12.3

A thr ee-phase, f our -pol e i nducti on motor i s suppl i ed f r om thr ee-

phase, 50 Hz AC suppl y . Cal cul ate (i ) sy nchr onous speed, (i i ) r otor
speed w hen sl i p i s 4%, and (i i i ) r otor f r equency w hen r otor r uns at
600 r pm.

(U.P.T.U. 2005–06)


Her e, P = 4; f = 50 Hz; S = 4% = 0.04

1 . Sy nchr onous speed,

2. Rotor speed, N = N × (1 − S) = 1 500 × (1 − 0.04) = 1 440 r pm

3. When r otor speed i s 600 r pm

Sl i p,

Rotor f r equency ,

f = S × f = 0.6 × 50 = 30Hz
Example 12.4

A thr ee-phase sl i p-r i ng, f our -pol e i nducti on motor has r otor
f r equency 2.0 Hz w hi l e connected to 400 V, thr ee-phase, 50 Hz
suppl y . Deter mi ne sl i p and r otor speed.

(U.P.T.U. 2006–07)

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No. of pol es, P = 4

Suppl y f r equency , f = 50 Hz

Rotor f r equency , ƒr = 2 Hz

Now ,

Sy nchr onous speed,

Rotor speed,

N = N × (1 − S) = 1 500 × (1 − 0.04) = 1 440 r pm

Example 12.5

A thr ee-phase, f our -pol e i nducti on motor oper ates f r om a suppl y

w hose f r equency i s 50 Hz. Cal cul ate i ts sy nchr onous speed, speed of
r otor w hen sl i p i s 0.04 and f r equency of r otor cur r ents at
standsti l l .

(U.P.T.U. 2004–05)


Sy nchr onous speed,

Speed of r otor w hen the sl i p i s 0.04

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N = (1 − S) × Ns = (1 − 0.04) × 1 500 = 1 440 r pm

Fr equency of r otor cur r ents at standsti l l

At standsti l l = S = 1 and N = 0

Fr equency of r otor cur r ent ƒ = S × f = 1 × 50 = 50Hz

Example 12.6

A 1 2-pol e, thr ee-phase al ter nator dr i v en at a speed of 500 r pm

suppl i es pow er to an ei ght-pol e, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor . If
the sl i p of the motor i s 0.03 pu, then cal cul ate the speed.

(U.P.T.U. July 2002)


No. of pol es of the al ter nator , Pa = 1 2

Speed of al ter nator , Na = 500 r pm

No. of pol es of the i nducti on motor , P = 8; sl i p S = 0.03 pu


Suppl y f r equency del i v er ed by the al ter nator ,

Sy nchr onous speed of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor ,

Speed of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor , N = NS × (1 − S) = 7 50 × (1 −

0.03) = 7 27 .5 r pm

Example 12.7

A 1 2-pol e, thr ee-phase al ter nator i s coupl ed to an engi ne r unni ng

at 500 r pm. It suppl i ed a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor hav i ng a

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f ul l -l oad speed of 1 440 r pm. Fi nd the per centage sl i p, f r equency of

r otor cur r ent and number of pol es of the motor .

(U.P.T.U. 2005–06)


No. of pol es of thr ee-phase al ter nator , Pa = 1 2

Speed of engi ne, NS(a) = 500 r pm

Fr equency of gener ated v ol tage,

For thr ee-phase i nducti on motor ,

Sy nchr onous speed,

NS i n near l y equal to N

But pol es ar e al w ay s ev en i n number

Pm = 4

∴ Sy nchr onous speed,

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Sl i p

Fr equency of r otor cur r ent, fr = S × f = 0.04 × 50 = 2Hz

Example 12.8

A motor -gener ator set used f or pr ov i di ng v ar i abl e f r equency AC

suppl y consi sts of a thr ee-phase, 1 0-pol e sy nchr onous motor and a
24-pol e, thr ee-phase sy nchr onous gener ator . The motor - gener ator
set i s f ed f r om a 25 Hz, thr ee-phase AC suppl y . A si x -pol e, thr ee-
phase i nducti on motor i s el ectr i cal l y connected to the ter mi nal s of
the sy nchr onous gener ator and r uns at a sl i p of 5%. Deter mi ne (i )
the f r equency of the gener ated v ol tage of the sy nchr onous
gener ator , (i i ) the speed at w hi ch the i nducti on motor i s r unni ng.

(U.P.T.U. Feb. 2001)


Gi v en, No. of pol es of sy nchr onous motor , P = 10


No. of pol es of sy nchr onous gener ator , Psg = 24

No. of pol es of i nducti on motor , Pi m = 6

Suppl y f r equency , f = 25 Hz

Sl i p of i nducti on motor , S = 5% = 0.05

Speed of sy nchr onous motor ,

Fr equency of emf gener ated by sy nchr onous gener ator ,

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Sy nchr onous speed of the i nducti on motor (r ev ol uti on f i el d),

Runni ng speed of the i nducti on motor ,

N = N × (1 − S) = 1 200 × (1 − 0.05) = 1 1 40 r pm


Short Answer Questions

1 . Def i ne thr ee-phase i nducti on motor .

2. How w i l l y ou cl assi f y thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s?
3. What do y ou under stand by r ev ol v i ng f i el d?
4. What i s the w or k i ng pr i nci pl e of thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor ?
5. How can y ou r ev er se the di r ecti on of r otati on of a
thr ee-phase i nducti on motor ?
6. What do y ou mean by sl i p i n an i nducti on motor ?
7 . What do y ou mean by r otor f r equency ?

Test Questions

1 . Name the v ar i ous par ts of a squi r r el -cage i nducti on

motor and ex pl ai n the constr ucti on of stator w i th
neat di agr am.
2. Why stator cor e of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s
l ami nated?
3. Ex pl ai n w i th neat sk etch, how r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s
dev el oped i n the stator of thr ee-phase i nducti on
motor ?
4. Ex pl ai n the w or k i ng pr i nci pl e of a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor w i th the hel p of a neat sk etch.

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5. What i s sl i p? Show that tor que i s pr opor ti onal to sl i p

under r unni ng condi ti on.


1 . If a thr ee-phase, f our -pol e i nducti on motor i s

suppl i ed f r om a thr ee-phase, 50 Hz AC suppl y ,
deter mi ne the f ol l ow i ng:
1 . i ts sy nchr onous speed,
2. r otor speed w hen sl i p i s 3%
3. r otor f r equency w hen r otor r uns at 1 000
r pm.

(Ans. 1 500 r pm, 1 455 r pm, 1 .5 Hz)

2. A si x -pol e, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor oper ates

f r om a suppl y of f r equency 50 Hz. Cal cul ate i ts
sy nchr onous speed, speed of r otor at a sl i p of 4% and
f r equency of r otor cur r ents at standsti l l and r unni ng
condi ti on.

(Ans.1 000 r pm, 960 r pm, 50 Hz, 2 Hz)

3. An ei ght-pol e, thr ee-phase al ter nator i s coupl ed to

an engi ne r unni ng at 900 r pm suppl i es pow er to a
f our -pol e, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor . If the sl i p of
the motor i s 0.04 pu, deter mi ne i ts r otor speed and
r otor cur r ent f r equency at r unni ng condi ti on.

(Ans.1 7 28 r pm, 2.4 Hz)


When thr ee-phase cur r ents ar e suppl i ed to the stator w i ndi ng of a

pol y phase i nducti on motor , a r esul tant f i el d i s set up, w hi ch
r otates at a constant speed cal l ed sy nchr onous speed (N = 1 20 × f/P).

Thi s r otati ng f i el d i nduces pol y phase emf s i n the r otor w i ndi ng,
and i f r otor w i ndi ng i s cl osed, pol y phase cur r ents ci r cul ate i n i t.
These cur r ents set up a r ev ol v i ng f i el d i n the r otor that r otates at a
speed Nr = 1 20 × fr /P w i th r espect to r otor .

Now ,

Nr = 1 20 × S × f/P = SNs

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When r otor i tsel f i s r otati ng at a speed N r pm i n the space,

∴ Speed of r otor f i el d i n space = N + Nr = (1 − S) × Ns + S × Ns = Ns − S

× Ns + S × Ns = Ns

Ther ef or e, r otor magneti c f i el d al so r otates i n space at the same

speed and i n the same di r ecti on as that of stator f i el d. Hence, the
tw o f i el ds ar e magneti cal l y l ock ed w i th each other and ar e
stati onar y w i th r espect to each other .


The r ev ol v i ng magneti c f i el d set up i n the stator by pol y phase

cur r ents i s common to both stator and r otor w i ndi ng. Thi s f i el d
i nduces emf s i n both w i ndi ngs. The stator -i nduced emf per phase i s
gi v en by the r el ati on

E1 = 4.44 × k w 1 × T1 × f × ɸm (1 2.1 )

Wher e k w 1 = w i ndi ng f actor , that i s, pr oduct or coi l span f actor k c

and di str i buti on f actor k d.

T = No. of tur ns/phase of stator w i ndi ng


ƒ= stator or suppl y f r equency and

ɸm = max i mum v al ue of f l ux .

The r otor -i nduced emf /phase, E = 4.44 × k w × T × ƒ ×

2 2 2 r
ɸ (1 2.2)

Wher e ƒ i s the r otor cur r ent f r equency , and under stati onar y
condi ti on, that i s, at the star t ƒ = ƒ.

Ther ef or e, r otor -i nduced emf /phase at standsti l l or star t, E2s = 4.44

× k w 2 × T2 × f × ɸm

Di v i di ng equati on (1 2.2) by (1 2.1 ), w e get,

(i .e., tr ansf or mati on r ati o)

Fr om equati on (1 2.2), i nduced emf i n the r otor under r unni ng

condi ti on,

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E2 = 4.44 × k w 2 × T2 × (S × f ) × ɸm = S × E2s

The i nduced emf i n the r otor ci r cui t i s max i mum at the star t and
v ar i es accor di ng to the v al ue of sl i p under r unni ng condi ti on.
Si nce the v al ue of nor mal sl i p under l oaded condi ti on i s near l y 5
per cent, the r otor -i nduced emf i s, ther ef or e, near l y 5 per cent of
the max i mum v al ue.


Si nce the r otor w i ndi ng i s made of some conducti ng mater i al

(copper or al umi ni um), i t has a def i ni te r esi stance (R = ρ× l/a). Its
v al ue r emai ns constant and i s denoted by R2 .


Total f l ux pr oduced by the r otor cur r ents does not l i nk w i th the

stator w i ndi ng. The par t of r otor f l ux that l i nk s the r otor
conductor s but not w i th the stator w i ndi ng i s cal l ed l eak ages f l ux
and hence dev el ops l eak age i nductance (L2 ). The l eak age f l ux and
hence the i nductance i s v er y smal l , i f the r otor conductor s ar e
pl aced at the outer most per i pher y of the r otor as show n i n Fi gur e
1 2.1 1 . Dependi ng upon the r otor cur r ent f r equency , r otor r eactance
w i l l be dev el oped.

Fig. 12.11 Leak age f l ux

Rotor r eactance,

X = 2 × π × f × L = 2 × π × S × f × L = S ×(2 × π × f × L )
2 r 2 2 2
When the r otor i s standsti l l , that i s, at the star t, w hen sl i p, S = 1

The v al ue of r otor r eactance = X2s = 2 × π × f × L2

Ther ef or e, under nor mal r unni ng, r otor r eactance, X2 = S × X2s

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The total opposi ti on of f er ed to the f l ow of r otor cur r ent by the

r otor ci r cui t i s cal l ed the r otor i mpedance.

Rotor i mpedance,

= R2 + jX 2 = R2 + = jSX2s

Magni tude of r otor i mpedance,


The r otor ci r cui t di agr am of an i nducti on motor i s show n i n Fi gur e

1 2.1 2.

Fig. 12.12 Rotor ci r cui t of an i nducti on motor as per i ts

par ameter s

U nder r unni ng condi ti on

Rotor -i nduced emf = E = S × E

2 2s

Rotor i mpedance,

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Rotor cur r ent,

Rotor pow er f actor ,


The v ar i ous par ameter s and el ectr i cal quanti ti es ar e r epr esented
on the ci r cui t di agr am, as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 3. The r otor cur r ent
i s gi v en by the f ol l ow i ng ex pr essi on:

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Fig. 12.13 Rotor ci r cui t

The other ex pr essi on f or the r otor cur r ent i s

(di v i di ng the numer ator

and denomi nator by S)

Thi s ex pr essi on gi v es a conv eni ent f or m of equi v al ent ci r cui t as

show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 4.

Fig. 12.14 Equi v al ent r otor ci r cui t

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The r esi stance i s a f uncti on of sl i p and can be spl i t i nto tw o par ts;

w her e r epr esents el ectr i cal l oad on the r otor .

Ther ef or e, the f i nal si mpl i f i ed equi v al ent r otor ci r cui t i s show n

i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 5(a). Wher e R2 i s r otor r esi stance and X2s i s standsti l l

l eak age r eactance. The r esi stance i s f i cti ti ous

r esi stance r epr esenti ng l oad.

The pow er consumed by thi s f i cti ti ous r esi stance, that i s,

i s the el ectr i cal pow er , w hi ch i s conv er ted

i nto mechani cal pow er to pi ck the l oad. Af ter subtr acti ng the
mechani cal l osses, w e get the output pow er av ai l abl e at the shaf t.

Ther ef or e, el ectr i cal pow er conv er ted i nto mechani cal pow er =

Fr om the si mpl i f i ed equi v al ent ci r cui t, the phasor di agr am of

r otor ci r cui t i s dr aw n as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 5(b).

Rotor cur r ent I l ags behi nd the r otor standsti l l i nduced emf E
2 2s
by an angl e ɸ.

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The v ol tage dr op acr oss R , that i s, I R and acr oss

2 2 2

that i s, ar e i n phase w i th

cur r ent I 2 , w her eas the v ol tage dr op i n X2s , that i s, I 2 X2s l eads the
cur r ent I 2 by 90°.

The v ector sum of al l the thr ee dr ops i s equal to E , that i s,


Pow er f actor of r otor ci r cui t,

Fig. 12.15 (a) Si mpl i f i ed r otor ci r cui t (b) Phasor di agr am f or r otor
ci r cui t

Example 12.9

A thr ee-phase, 440 V, 50 H.P., 50 Hz i nducti on motor r uns at 1 450

r pm, w hen i t del i v er s r ated output pow er . Deter mi ne: (i ) number of
pol es i n the machi ne, (i i ) speed of r otati ng ai r gap f i el d, (i i i ) r otor -
i nduced v ol tage i f stator to r otor tur ns r ati o i s 1 :0.80. Assume the
w i ndi ng f actor s ar e the same, and (i v ) f r equency of r otor cur r ent.

(U.P.T.U. 2004–05)


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1 . No. of pol es,

2. Speed of r otati ng ai r gap f i el d,


Er(ph ) = 0.8 × Es(ph ) = 0.8 × 440 = 342 V

4. Fr equency of r otor cur r ents, fr = S × f

Wher e

fr = 0.0333 × 50 = 1 .665 Hz

Example 12.10

A thr ee-phase, 50 Hz i nducti on motor has si x pol es and oper ates

w i th a sl i p of 5% at a cer tai n l oad. Deter mi ne (i ) the speed of the
r otor w i th r espect to the stator , (i i ) the f r equency of r otor cur r ent,
(i i i ) the speed of the r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to r otor , (i v )
the speed of the r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to stator , and (v )
the speed of the r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to the stator
magneti c f i el d.

(U.P.T.U. Feb. 2002)


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Suppl y f r equency , f = 50 Hz

Number of pol es, P = 6

Sl i p,

S = 5% = 0.05

Sy nchr onous speed,

1 . Speed of r otor w i th r espect to the stator , N = NS × (1 − S) =

1 000 × (1 − 0.05) = 950 r pm
2. Fr equency of r otor cur r ent, ƒr = S × f = 0.05 × 50 = 2.5 Hz
3. Speed of r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to the r otor

= 50 r pm
4. Speed of r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to the stator = N
+ Nr = 950 + 50 = 1 000 r pm
5. Rotor f i el d and stator f i el d ar e r ev ol v i ng at the same speed
of 1 000 r pm, and ther ef or e, speed of r otor f i el d w i th r espect
to stator f i el d i s zer o.

Example 12.11

A thr ee-phase, 50 Hz i nducti on motor has a f ul l -l oad speed of 960

r pm. Cal cul ate (i ) sl i p, (i i ) number of pol es, (i i i ) f r equency of the
r otor -i nduced emf , (i v ) speed of the r otor f i el d w i th r espect to r otor
str uctur e, (v ) speed of r otor f i el d w i th r espect to stator str uctur e,
and (v i ) speed of r otor f i el d w i th r espect to the stator f i el d.

(U.P.T.U. Tut)


Suppl y f r equency , f = 50 Hz

Ful l -l oad r unni ng speed, N = 960 r pm

Al l the machi nes hav e ev en number of pol es such as 2, 4, 6, 8, …

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When, P = 2, N = 3000 r pm; P = 4, N = 1 500 r pm; P = 6, N = 1 000

r pm

P = 8, N = 7 50 r pm.
The near est sy nchr onous speed mor e than 960 r pm i s 1 000 r pm, and
ther ef or e, P = 6

1 . Sl i p,

= 4% = 0.04

2. Fr equency of r otor -i nduced emf , ƒ = S × f = 0.04 × 50 = 2Hz

3. Speed of the r otor f i el d w i th r espect to r otor str uctur e

4. Speed of the r otor f i el d w i th r espect to stator str uctur e

= Speed of r otor + speed of r otor f i el d w i th r espect to r otor

str uctur e

= N + Nr = 960 + 40 = 1 000 r pm

5. Rotor f i el d and stator f i el d ar e r ev ol v i ng at the same of

1 000 r pm, and ther ef or e, speed of r otor f i el d w i th r espect to
stator f i el d i s zer o.

Example 12.12

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A bal anced, thr ee-phase, 50 c/s v ol tage i s appl i ed to a thr ee-phase,

f our -pol e i nducti on motor . When the motor del i v er s r ated output,
the sl i p i s f ound to be 0.05. Deter mi ne (i ) the speed of the r ev ol v i ng
f i el d r el ati v e to the stator str uctur e, (i i ) the f r equency of the r otor
cur r ents, (i i i ) the speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the r otor
str uctur e, (i v ) the speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the stator
str uctur e, (v ) the speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the stator f i el d
di str i buti on, and (v i ) ar e the condi ti ons r i ght f or the dev el opment
of the net uni di r ecti onal tor que?



Her e, P = 4, f = 50 Hz, S = 0.05

1 . The speed of the r ev ol v i ng f i el d r el ati v e to the stator

str uctur e
that i s,

2. ƒr = S × ƒ = 0.05 × 50 =2.5 Hz
3. The speed of r otor mmf r el ati v e to the r otor str uctur e,

4. Rotor speed, N = N × (1 − S) = 1 500 × (1 − 0.05) = 1 425 r pm

The speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the stator str uctur e

= N + N = 1 425 + 7 5 =1 500 r pm

5. The speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the stator f i el d

di str i buti on

= Ns − (N + Nr ) = 1 500 − 1 500 = 0

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6. Yes. The gi v en condi ti ons compl etel y sati sf y the

dev el opment of net uni di r ecti onal tor que.

Example 12.13

A thr ee-phase i nducti on motor has a r otor f or w hi ch the r esi stance

per phase i s 0.1 Ω and r eactance per phase w hen stati onar y i s 0.4Ω.
The r otor -i nduced emf per phase i s 1 00V w hen stati onar y .
Cal cul ate r otor cur r ent and r otor p.f . (i ) w hen r otor i s stati onar y
and (i i ) w hen r unni ng w i th a sl i p of 5%.



Her e, R2 = 0.1 Ω; X2s = 0.4 Ω; E2s = 1 00 V

1 . When the r otor i s stati onar y

Rotor cur r ent,

Rotor pow er f actor s,

2. When r otor i s r unni ng w i th a sl i p of 5%, that i s, S = 0.05

Rotor cur r ent,

Rotor pow er f actor ,


Si mi l ar to r otor , the stator w i ndi ng of the motor al so has r esi stance

R1 . The f l ux pr oduced by stator w i ndi ng l i nk i ng w i th i ts ow n tur ns
onl y (l eak age f l ux ) pr oduces l eak age r eactance X1 .

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Of the total v ol tage V appl i ed to the stator , a par t of i t i s consumed

by stator r esi stance (I R ) and l eak age r eactance (I X ) and the
1 l 1 1
r emai ni ng i s uti l i zed i n establ i shi ng mutual f l ux that l i nk s w i th
both stator and r otor w i ndi ng. When i t l i nk s w i th the stator
w i ndi ng, i t pr oduces sel f -i nduced emf E .


In sl i p-r i ng, i nducti on motor r otor ci r cui t can be opened. U nder

thi s condi ti on, w hen stator i s connected to thr ee-phase suppl y , i t
dr aw s a v er y smal l cur r ent cal l ed no-l oad cur r ent I . Thi s cur r ent
has tw o components, that i s,w or k i ng component I and
magneti zi ng component I . Wor k i ng component i s i n phase
m ag
w i th the suppl y v ol tage, and i t suppl i es the stator i r on l osses.
Wher eas magneti zi ng component l ags behi nd the suppl y v ol tage V
by 90° and pr oduces the mutual f l ux that l i nk s w i th stator and
r otor w i ndi ng and i nduces E and E .
1 2s

The equi v al ent ci r cui t and phasor di agr am of the motor under thi s
condi ti on i s show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 6.

Fig. 12.16 (a) Equi v al ent ci r cui t of an i nducti on motor w i th open

ci r cui ted r otor (b) Phasor di agr am of an i nducti on motor w i th open
ci r cui ted r otor


When l oad i s appl i ed on the i nducti on motor , i ts speed decr eases

sl i ghtl y and sl i p i ncr eases. Ther ef or e, r otor cur r ent I 2 i ncr eases.
Si mul taneousl y , to meet w i th thi s l oad, motor dr aw s ex tr a cur r ent
f r om the suppl y mai ns si mi l ar to that of a tr ansf or mer . In f act,
pow er i s tr ansf er r ed thr ough magneti c f i el d or f l ux .

The compl ete ci r cui t di agr am and phasor di agr am of a l oaded

i nducti on motor i s show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 7 (a) and (b), r especti v el y .

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Her e, X0 – ex ci ti ng r eactance

Fig. 12.17 (a) Equi v al ent ci r cui t of an i nducti on motor (b) Phasor
di agr am of an i nducti on motor

R – ex ci ti ng r esi stance

Al l other abbr ev i ati ons hav e thei r usual meani ng.

12.17.1  Causes of Low-power Factor

The basi c pr i nci pl e of oper ati on of an i nducti on motor i s mutual
i nducti on. When thr ee-phase suppl y i s gi v en to a thr ee-phase
w ound stator of an i nducti on motor , a r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s set up i n
the stator . Thi s f i el d (f l ux ) i s al so set up i n the ai r betw een stator
and r otor , w hi ch l i nk s w i th r otor conductor s and emf i s i nduced i n
them by mutual i nducti on.

To set up the mutual f l ux , i nducti on motor dr aw s magneti zi ng

cur r ent (I ) f r om the mai ns w hi ch l ags behi nd the v ol tage by
m ag
90° as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 6(b) and 1 2.1 7 (b). The magni tude of thi s

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cur r ent i s qui te l ar ge because of hi gh r el uctance of the ai r gap

betw een stator and r otor .

The pow er f actor of the i nducti on motor i s mi ni mum at no-l oad as

show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 6(b) si nce the magneti zi ng cur r ent has i ts
domi nati ng ef f ect. How ev er , the pow er f actor i ncr eases w i th
i ncr ease i n l oad on the i nducti on motor and i s max i mum at f ul l -
l oad as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 7 (b). Ther ef or e, i t i s adv i sed to oper ate
the i nducti on at f ul l -l oad.

Ther ef or e, because of ai r gap, i nducti on motor dr aw s l ar ge

magneti zi ng cur r ent and oper ates at l ow l aggi ng pow er f actor .


The major l osses i n an i nducti on motor ar e as f ol l ow s:

1 . Stator losses: The l osses that occur i n the stator of an

i nducti on motor ar e cal l ed stator l osses.

1 . Stator copper losses: (per phase)

2. Stator iron losses: These ar e the hy ster esi s and

eddy cur r ent l osses.
2. Rotor losses: The l osses that occur i n the r otor of an
i nducti on motor ar e cal l ed r otor l osses.

1 . Rotor copper losses: (per phase)

2. Rotor iron losses: Si nce under nor mal r unni ng

condi ti on, r otor f r equency i s v er y smal l . These
l osses ar e so smal l that they ar e negl ected.
3. Mechanical losses: The sum of w i ndage and f r i cti on l osses
i s cal l ed mechani cal l osses.


El ectr i cal pow er i nput i s gi v en to the stator . Ther e ar e stator

copper and i r on l osses and the r emai ni ng pow er , that i s, stator
output i s tr ansf er r ed to the r otor thr ough magneti c f l ux cal l ed
r otor i nput. In the r otor , ther e ar e r otor copper l osses, and the
r emai ni ng pow er i s conv er ted i nto mechani cal pow er cal l ed
mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n the r otor .

Then, ther e ar e mechani cal l osses, and the r emai ni ng pow er i s

av ai l abl e at the shaf t cal l ed mechani cal pow er output.

The pow er f l ow di agr am i s show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 8.

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Fig. 12.18 Pow er f l ow di agr am


We hav e seen that the el ectr i cal pow er dev el oped i n the r otor i s
conv er ted i nto mechani cal pow er w hi ch i s gi v en by the f ol l ow i ng
r el ati on:

Mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n the r otor

The r otor copper l osses

Fr om pow er f l ow di agr am,

Rotor i nput = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped + r otor copper l osses

Fr om eq. (1 2.3) and (1 2.4), w e get,

∴ Rotor copper l oss Mechani cal pow er dev el oped

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Fr om eq. (1 2.4) and (1 2.5), w e get,

∴ Rotor copper l oss = S × Rotor i nput

Note: Al l the v al ues ar e the phase v al ues.


The r ati o of r otor output (i .e., mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n r otor
negl ecti ng mechani cal l osses) to the r otor i nput i s cal l ed the r otor
ef f i ci ency .

Example 12.14

The pow er i nput to a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s 80k W. The

stator l osses i n total 1 .5 k W. Fi nd the total mechani cal pow er
dev el oped i f the motor i s r unni ng w i th a sl i p of 4%.


Stator output or r otor i nput = Stator i nput − stator l osses = 80 − 1 .5

= 7 8.5 k W

Rotor copper l osses = S × Rotor i nput = 0.04 × 7 8.5 = 3.1 4 k W

Mechani cal pow er dev el oped = Rotor i nput − Rotor copper l osses

= 7 8.5 − 3.1 4 = 7 5.36 k W

Example 12.15

A 1 0H.P., f our -pol e, 25Hz, thr ee-phase, w ound r otor i nducti on motor
i s tak i ng 91 00W f r om the l i ne. Cor e l oss i s 290W, stator copper l oss
i s 568W, r otor copper l oss i n 445W, f r i cti on and w i ndage l osses ar e
1 00W. Deter mi ne (i ) pow er tr ansf er r ed acr oss ai r gap, (i i )
mechani cal pow er i n w att dev el oped by r otor , (i i i ) mechani cal
pow er output i n w att, (i v ) ef f i ci ency , and (v ) sl i p.

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Pow er i nput to motor or stator = 91 00 W

Pow er tr ansf er r ed acr oss ai r gap = Stator i nput − Stator cor e l oss −
Stator copper l oss

= 91 00 − 290 − 568 = 8242 W

Mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n r otor = r otor i nput − Rotor copper
l oss = 8242 − 445 = 7 7 97

Rotor output = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped − Mechani cal l oss

= 7 7 97 − 1 00 = 7 697 W

Sl i p,

Example 12.16

The pow er i nput to the r otor of a 440 V, 50 Hz, thr ee-phase, si x -pol e
i nducti on motor i s 50 k W. The r otor emf mak es 1 20 cy cl es per
mi nutes. Fr i cti on and w i ndage l osses ar e 2 k W. Cal cul ate (i ) sl i p,
(i i ) r otor speed, (i i i ) r otor copper l osses, (i v ) mechani cal pow er
dev el oped, (v ) output pow er , and (v i ) output tor que.


Her e, V = 440 V; P = 6; f = 50 Hz

Pow er i nput to r otor or r otor i nput = 50 k W

Fr i cti on and w i ndage l oss = 2 k W

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1 . Sy nchr onous speed,

Fr equency of r otor emf ,

Now ,

ƒ =S ×f
Sl i p,

2. Rotor speed, N = NS × (1 − S)

= 1 000 × (1 − 0.04) = 960 r pm

3. Rotor copper l oss = S × Rotor i nput

= 0.04 × 50 = 2 k W

4. Mechani cal pow er dev el oped = Rotor i nput − r otor copper

l oss

= 50 − 2 = 48 k W

5. Output pow er = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped − f r i cti on and

w i ndage l oss

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= 48 − 2 = 46 k W

6. Output tor que

= 457 .57 Nm

Example 12.17

A f our -pol e, thr ee-ɸ i nducti on motor r uns at 1 440 r pm. Suppl y
v ol tage i s 500 V at 50 Hz. Mechani cal pow er output i s 20.3 H.P. and
mechani cal l oss i s 2.23 H.P. Cal cul ate (i ) mechani cal pow er
dev el oped, (i i ) r otor copper l oss, and (i i i ) ef f i ci ency .

(U.P.T.U. 2007–08)


Her e, P = 4; N = 1 440 r pm; VL= 500 V; f = 50 Hz

Mechani cal pow er output = 20.3 H.P. = 20.3 × 7 35.5 = 1 4931 W

Mechani cal l oss = 2.23 H.P. = 2.23 × 7 35.5 = 1 640 W

1 . Mechani cal pow er dev el oped = Mechani cal pow er output +

mechani cal l oss

= 1 4931 + 1 640 = 1 657 1 W

2. Sy nchr onous speed,

Sl i p,

Rotor copper l oss

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3. Rotor i nput = mechani cal pow er dev el oped + Rotor copper

l oss

= 1 657 1 + 690 = 1 7 261 W

Si nce stator l osses ar e not gi v en, consi der i ng them to be

equal to r otor copper l oss, that i s,

Stator l osses = r otor copper l oss = 690 W

Pow er i nput to the motor = Rotor i nput + stator l oss

= 1 7 261 + 690 = 1 7 951 W

Ef f i ci ency ,

Example 12.18

A si x -pol e, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor dev el ops 30 H.P. i ncl udi ng
2 H.P. mechani cal l osses at a speed of 950 r pm on 550 V 50 Hz mai ns.
The pow er f actor i s 0.88 l aggi ng. Cal cul ate (i ) sl i p, (i i ) r otor copper
l oss, (i i i ) total i nput i f stator l osses ar e 2 k W, (i v ) ef f i ci ency , and (v )
l i ne cur r ent.

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(U.P.T.U. June 2001)


Data gi v en, P = 6; N = 950 r pm; V = 550 V; f = 50 Hz


Mechani cal pow er dev el oped = 30 H.P.; mechani cal l oss = 2 H.P.

Stator l oss = 2 k W

Sy nchr onous speed,

1 . Sl i p,

2. Rotor copper l oss =

3. Total i nput

= Mechani cal pow er dev el oped + Rotor copper l oss + stator

l oss

= 22065 + 1 1 61 + 2000 = 25226 W

Output = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped − Mechani cal l oss

= 30 − 2 = 28 H.P. = 28 × 7 35.5 = 20594 W

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4. Ef f i ci ency ,

5. Li ne cur r ent,

Example 12.19

A 400 V, si x -pol e, 50 Hz, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor dev el ops 20

k W i ncl usi v e of mechani cal l osses w hen r unni ng at 980 r pm and
the pow er f actor bei ng 0.85. Cal cul ate (i ) sl i p, (i i ) r otor cur r ent
f r equency , (i i i ) total i nput i f the stator l oss i s 1 500 W, and (i v ) l i ne
cur r ent.

(U.P.T.U. Tut)


Sy nchr onous speed of motor ,

1 . Sl i ps,

2. Rotor cur r ent f r equency , ƒ = S × ƒ = 0.02 × 50 = 1 Hz


Rotor output = 20 k W

3. Pow er i nput to stator = Rotor i nput + stator l osses

= 20.408 + 1 .5 = 21 .908 k W

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4. Li ne cur r ent suppl i ed to motor

Example 12.20

A 400V, si x -pol e, 50Hz, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor dev el ops 20

H.P. i ncl usi v e of mechani cal l osses w hen r unni ng at 965 r pm, the
pow er f actor bei ng 0.87 l aggi ng. Cal cul ate (i ) the sl i p, (i i ) r otor
copper l osses, (i i i ) the total i nput i f the stator l osses ar e 1 500W,
(i v ) l i ne cur r ent, and (v ) the number of cy cl es made per mi nute by
the r otor emf .


Her e,

V = 400 V; P = 6; f = 50 Hz; N = 965 r pm


cos ɸ = 0 × 4 l ag; stator copper l oss = 1 500 W

Sy nchr onous speed,

1 . Sl i ps,

Mechani cal pow er dev el oped = 20 H.P. = 20 × 7 35.5 = 1 47 1 0


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2. Rotor copper l osses = mechani cal pow er

dev el oped

3. Input to stator = mechani cal pow er dev el oped + r otor

copper l oss + stator copper l oss

= 1 47 1 0 + 533.5 + 1 500 = 1 67 43.5 W

4. Li ne cur r ent,

Rotor f r equency , ƒ = S × f = 0.035 × 50 = 1 .7 5 Hz or c/s


5. No. of cy cl es made per mi nute by r otor emf = 1 .7 5 × 60 = 1 05

cy cl e/mi n.

Example 12.21

A f our -pol e, thr ee-phase, 50Hz i nducti on motor suppl i es a usef ul

tor que of 1 59 New ton metr e. Cal cul ate at 4% sl i p: (i ) the r otor i nput,
(i i ) motor i nput, (i i i ) motor ef f i ci ency , i f the f r i cti on and w i ndage
l osses ar e total l y 500W and stator l osses ar e 1 000 W.



No. of pol es, P = 4; f r equency f = 50 Hz

Tor que at shaf t, Tm = 1 59 Nm; sl i p, S = 4% = 0.04

Mechani cal l osses = 500 W; stator l osses = 1 000 W

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Sy nchr onous speed,

Rotor speed,

N = Ns × (1 − S) = 1 500 × (1 − 0.04) = 1 440 r pm.

Angul ar speed,

Rotor output

Mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n r otor = Rotor output + Mechani cal
l osses = 2397 7 + 500 = 2447 7 W

Rotor Cu l oss = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped =

1 . ∴ Rotor i nput = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped + Rotor Cu

l oss

= 2447 7 + 1 020 = 25497 W

2. Motor i nput = Rotor i nput + Stator l osses = 25497 + 1 000 =

26497 W

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3. Motor ef f i ci ency ,

Example 12.22

A thr ee-phase i nducti on motor has an ef f i ci ency of 90% and r uns at

a speed of 480 r pm. The motor i s suppl i ed f r om 400V mai ns and i t
tak es a cur r ent of 7 5A at 0.7 7 p.f . Cal cul ate the bhp (metr i c) of the
motor and pul l on the bel t w hen dr i v i ng the l i ne shaf t thr ough
pul l ey of 0.7 5 m di ameter .


Suppl y v ol tage, V = 400 V; r otor speed, N = 480 r pm


Motor ef f i ci ency , η = 90% = 0.9; Cur r ent dr aw n f r om mai ns, I L = 7 5


Motor p.f .,

cosɸ = 0.7 7 l ag . Di ameter of pul l ey , d = 0.7 5 m

Radi us of pul l ey

Input pow er =

Output pow er = Input pow er × η = 4001 0 × 0.9 = 36009 W

Bhp of the motor =

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Angul ar speed,

Tor que at the shaf t,

Now , tor que, Tm = Pul l on the bel t × r adi us of pul l ey

∴ Pul l on the bel t =


We hav e al r eady seen that the el ectr i cal pow er of thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor conv er ted i nto mechani cal pow er i s gi v en by the
f ol l ow i ng r el ati on:

al so,

P = ωT (1 2.7 )
Wher e, ω = angul ar speed of the r otor i n r ad/sec. and

T = tor que dev el oped by an i nducti on motor i n Nm.

Equati ng eq. (1 2.6) and (1 2.7 ), w e get


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[si nce ω = ω s × (1 −S)]

Wher e ω s = angul ar sy nchr onous speed i n r ad/sec.



Thi s i s the ex pr essi on f or f ul l -l oad tor que



The f ul l -l oad tor que dev el oped i n an i nducti on motor i s gi v en by

the r el ati on:


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The tor que dev el oped w i l l be max i mum at a par ti cul ar v al ue of

sl i p. As sl i p (S) i s a v ar i abl e quanti ty , ther ef or e, to obtai n the
condi ti on f or max i mum tor que, the abov e ex pr essi on f or tor que i s
di f f er enti ated w i th r espect to S and equated to zer o.



S = R2 /X2s i s the sl i p at w hi ch tor que i s max i mum.

To obtai n the ex pr essi on f or max i mum tor que substi tute, the v al ue
of R2 = SX2s i n the ex pr essi on f or f ul l -l oad tor que, w e get,

Ther ef or e, the max i mum tor que i s i ndependent of r otor r esi stance,
but i t i s i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to r otor r eactance at standsti l l
(i .e., X ). Ther ef or e, to achi ev e hi gher v al ue of max i mum tor que,
the l eak age r eactance of the r otor shoul d be k ept mi ni mum. Thi s i s
achi ev ed (i ) by pl aci ng the r otor conductor s v er y near to the outer
per i pher y of the r otor and (i i ) by r educi ng the ai r gap betw een
stator and r otor to smal l est possi bl e v al ue.


Ini ti al l y , r otor i s stati onar y and the v al ue of sl i p i s one, that i s, S =


Ther ef or e, to obtai n the ex pr essi on f or star ti ng tor que, substi tute

the v al ue of sl i p, S = 1 i n the ex pr essi on of f ul l -l oad tor que.

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Someti mes max i mum tor que i s r equi r ed at star t. In that case, i n the
condi ti on f or max i mum tor que, substi tute the v al ue of S = 1 .

R = SX =X (si nce, S = 1 at star t)

2 2s 2s
Ther ef or e, to obtai n max i mum tor que at star t, the v al ue of r otor
r esi stance must be equal to r otor l eak age r eactance at standsti l l .
Ther ef or e, at star t, some ex ter nal r esi stance i s added i n the r otor
ci r cui t. Thi s i s onl y possi bl e i n case of sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor s.
Thi s i s the r eason, w hy sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor s ar e appl i ed
w her e heav y l oads ar e r equi r ed to be pi ck ed up at star t such as i n
l i f ts, cr anes, el ev ator s, etc. Once the motor pi ck s up the l oad, the
ex ter nal r esi stance i s gr adual l y r educed to zer o.

In case of squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s, the r otor r esi stance i s

f i x ed and i s k ept qui te l ow i n compar i son to r otor r eactance;
other w i se, the r otor copper l osses w oul d be hi gh and the ef f i ci ency
of the motor w oul d f al l to l ow v al ue. How ev er , to obtai n hi gher
star ti ng tor que i n case of squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s another
cage i s embedded i n the r otor and the motor i s cal l ed doubl e-cage
i nducti on motor .


Star ti ng tor que i s gi v en by the ex pr essi on:

Max i mum tor que i s gi v en by the ex pr essi on.

The r ati o of star ti ng to max i mum tor que i s obtai ned by di v i di ng

equati on (1 2.8) by (1 2.9):

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Putti ng


Ful l -l oad tor que i s gi v en by the ex pr essi on:

Max i mum tor que i s gi v en by the ex pr essi on:

To obtai n the r ati o of f ul l -l oad tor que to max i mum tor que, di v i de
equati on (1 2.1 0) by the (1 2.1 1 ).

Putti ng


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The tor que dev el oped by the i nducti on motor , w hen i t i s r unni ng
w i th sl i p S, i s gi v en by the f ol l ow i ng ex pr essi on:


At f ul l -l oad, the sl i p S i s v er y l ow , and ther ef or e, the v al ue of

i s so smal l that i t can be negl ected i n compar i son to

R2 .

T ∝ SV

Ther ef or e, w hen the suppl y v ol tage V i s changed, i t changes the

tor que T dev el oped by the motor under r unni ng condi ti on. Wi th
the decr ease i n suppl y v ol tage, tor que decr eases abr uptl y and i n
or der to mai ntai n the same tor que to pi ck up the l oad sl i p i ncr eases
or speed decr eases. Hence, the motor dr aw s ex tr a cur r ent f r om the
suppl y mai ns that may ov er heat the motor . If the motor i s oper ated
conti nuousl y under thi s condi ti on, i t may bur n.


The f ul l -l oad tor que dev el oped by an i nducti on motor i s gi v en by

the ex pr essi on:

To dr aw the tor que–sl i p or tor que–speed cur v e, the f ol l ow i ng

poi nts ar e consi der ed:

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1 . At sy nchr onous speed (N ), sl i p, S = 0 and tor que T = 0.

2. When r otor speed i s v er y near to sy nchr onous speed, that i s,
w hen the sl i p i s v er y l ow , the v al ue of the ter m (SX ) is
v er y smal l i n compar i son to

and i s negl ected.

Ther ef or e, tor que i s gi v en by the ex pr essi on:

Ther ef or e, at l ow v al ues of sl i p, tor que i s appr ox i matel y

pr opor ti onal to sl i p S and the tor que–sl i p cur v e i s a
str ai ght l i ne, as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.1 9.

Fig. 12.19 Tor que-sl i p cur v e of an i nducti on motor

3. As the sl i p i ncr eases tor que i ncr eases and attai ns i ts

max i mum v al ue w hen S = R /X . Thi s max i mum v al ue of
2 2s
tor que i s al so k now n as br eak dow n or pul l out tor que.
4. Wi th f ur ther i ncr ease i n sl i p due to i ncr ease i n l oad
bey ond the poi nt of max i mum tor que, that i s, w hen sl i p i s

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hi gh, the v al ue of ter m (SX ) i s v er y l ar ge i n compar i son


to Ther ef or e,

2 2
R2 i s negl ected as compar ed to (SX2s ) and the tor que i s
gi v en by the ex pr essi on.

Thus, at hi gher v al ue of sl i p (i .e.,the sl i p bey ond that

cor r espondi ng to max i mum tor que), tor que i s
appr ox i matel y i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to sl i p S and the
tor que–sl i p cur v e i s a r ectangul ar hy per bol a, as show n i n
Fi gur e 1 2.1 9.

Ther ef or e, w i th the i ncr ease i n sl i p bey ond the poi nt of max i mum
tor que, due to i ncr ease i n l oad, tor que decr eases. The r esul t i s that
the motor coul d not pi ck -up the l oad and sl ow s dow n and
ev entual l y stops. Thi s r esul ts i n bl ock ed r otor or shor t-ci r cui ted
motor .


The tor que–speed cur v e of an i nducti on motor i s show n i n Fi gur e

1 2.20. It i s the same cur v e w hi ch i s al r eady dr aw n, the onl y
di f f er ence i s that speed i s tak en on the absci ssa i nstead of sl i p.

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Fig. 12.20 Tor que-speed cur v e of an i nducti on motor

Fr om the cur v e, i t i s cl ear that i nducti on motor dev el ops the same
tor que at poi nt X and Y. How ev er , at poi nt X,the motor i s unstabl e
because w i th the i ncr ease i n l oad, speed decr eases and the tor que
dev el oped by the motor al so decr eases. Ther ef or e, the motor coul d
not pi ck up the l oad and the r esul t i s that the motor sl ow s dow n and
ev entual l y stops. The mi ni atur e ci r cui t br eak er s w i l l be tr i pped
open i f the ci r cui t has been so pr otected.

At poi nt Y, the motor i s stabl e because i n thi s r egi on w i th the

i ncr ease i n l oad speed decr eases but the tor que dev el oped by the
motor i ncr eases. Thus the motor w i l l be i n posi ti on to pi ck up the
ex tr a l oad ef f ecti v el y .

Ther ef or e, on the tor que–speed cur v e, r egi on BC i s the unstabl e

r egi on and r egi on AB i s the stabl e or oper ati ng r egi on of the
i nducti on motor as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.20.


To obser v e the ef f ect of r otor r esi stance on tor que–sl i p cur v e,

consi der a sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor i n w hi ch addi ti onal
r esi stance i n the r otor ci r cui t can be i ntr oduced thr ough sl i p-
r i ngs. The r otor r eactance X r emai ns constant. It has al r eady
been obser v ed that max i mum v al ue of the tor que dev el oped by an
i nducti on motor i s i ndependent of r otor r esi stance R , but i s

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i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to r otor standsti l l r eactance X .

Ther ef or e, the ef f ect of change i n r otor r esi stance w i l l change the
v al ue of sl i p at w hi ch thi s max i mum tor que occur s. Gr eater the
r otor r esi stance, gr eater the v al ue of sl i p at w hi ch the max i mum
tor que occur s si nce

at w hi ch tor que i s max i mum

Fig. 12.21 Ef f ect of r otor r esi stance on the tor que-sl i p cur v e of an
i nducti on motor

The tor que-sl i p cur v es ar e show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.21 f or v ar i ous v al ues

of r otor r esi stance R2 k eepi ng r otor r eactance X2s constant. When
R2 i s 0.1 ti mes of X2s , the max i mum tor que w i l l occur at sl i p

Now , i f the r otor

r esi stance R2 i s i ncr eased, by addi ng some r esi stance ex ter nal l y , to
the v al ue so that i t becomes 0.2 ti mes of X2s , then max i mum tor que

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w oul d occur at a sl i p

and so on.

The max i mum v al ue of the tor que can be obtai ned ev en at the star t
by addi ng that much r esi stance i n the r otor ci r cui t so that R
becomes equal to X
2s .

The f ol l ow i ng i mpor tant poi nts may be noted f r om the abov e

di scussi ons:

1 . The max i mum tor que dev el oped by an i nducti on motor

r emai ns constant si nce i t i s i ndependent of the r otor
r esi stance.
2. The sl i p at w hi ch max i mum tor que occur s v ar i es w i th the
v ar i ati on of the r otor r esi stance.
3. The star ti ng tor que i ncr eased w i th the i ncr ease i n the
v al ue of r otor r esi stance.
4. The max i mum tor que i s obtai ned at the star t w hen r otor
r esi stance i s made equal to r otor r eactance at standsti l l ,
that i s, R2 = X2s .

Example 12.23

A f our -pol e, 50Hz, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor has a r otor

r esi stance of 0.21 Ω per phase and standsti l l r eactance of 0.7 Ω per
phase. Cal cul ate the speed at w hi ch max i mum tor que i s dev el oped.



Her e,

P = 4; f = 50 Hz; R2 = 0. 21 Ω; X2s = 0.7 Ω

Condi ti on f or max i mum tor que i s R = S × X

2 2s

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∴ Tor que w i l l be max i mum at a sl i p,

Sy nchr onous speed,

Speed at w hi ch the tor que w i l l be max i mum, N = Ns × (1 − S) = 1 500

× (1 − 0.03) = 1 455 r pm



For the compar i son of tw o ty pes of i nducti on motor s, the same

output i s consi der ed. The compar i son gi v en i n Tabl e 1 2.1 i s made on
the basi s of constr ucti on, cost, l osses, mai ntenance, star ti ng,
per f or mance, etc.

Table 12.1 Comparison of squirrel-cage and phase-wound

induction motors


The cur r ent dr aw n by a motor f r om the mai ns depends upon the

r otor cur r ent. The r otor cur r ent under r unni ng condi ti on i s gi v en
by the ex pr essi on:

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At star t sl i p S = 1 , ther ef or e, r otor cur r ent.

Thi s cur r ent i s v er y l ar ge as compar ed to i ts f ul l -l oad cur r ent.

Ther ef or e, w hen a squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor i s di r ectl y
connected to the suppl y mai ns, i t dr aw s v er y l ar ge cur r ent (near l y
5 to 7 ti mes of the f ul l -l oad cur r ent) f r om the mai ns. Thi s heav y
cur r ent may not be danger ous f or the motor because i t occur s f or a
shor t dur ati on of ti me, but i t causes the f ol l ow i ng af f ects:

1 . It pr oduces l ar ge v ol tage dr op i n the di str i buti on l i nes and

ther ef or e af f ects the v ol tage r egul ati on of the suppl y
sy stem.
2. It adv er sel y af f ects the other motor s and l oads connected to
the same l i nes.

Hence, i t i s not adv i sabl e to star t l ar ge capaci ty i nducti on motor s

by di r ect sw i tchi ng. Rather , such motor s shoul d be star ted by
means of some star ti ng dev i ce k now n as star ter .

The f uncti on of a star ter i s to l i mi t the i ni ti al r ush of cur r ent to a

pr edeter mi ned v al ue.

A star ter al so has some pr otecti v e dev i ces to pr otect the i nducti on
motor s agai nst ov er l oadi ng.


The v ar i ous star ter s that ar e empl oy ed to r estr i ct the i ni ti al r ush

of cur r ent i n squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s ar e Di r ect On Li ne
(DOL) star ter , Star –del ta star ter , and autotr ansf or mer star ter .

12.33.1  Direct On Line (DOL) Starter

It i s a star ter by w hi ch the motor i s sw i tched ON di r ect to the
suppl y mai ns by sw i tchi ng conductor . Wi th nor mal i ndustr i al
motor s, thi s oper ati on r esul ts i n a heav y r ush of cur r ent of the
or der of f i v e to sev en ti mes of the nor mal f ul l -l oad cur r ent. Thi s

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hi gh cur r ent r api dl y decr eases as the motor pi ck s up speed but i t i s

at a v er y l ow pow er f actor and thus tends to di stur b the v ol tage of
the suppl y i n the di str i buti on l i nes. For thi s r eason, the suppl y
author i ti es l i mi t the si ze of motor up to 5 H.P., w hi ch can be star ted
by thi s star ter . An automati c DOL star ter i s show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.22.

Fig. 12.22 Di r ect-on-l i ne star ter

A di r ect on l i ne star ter essenti al l y consi sts of a contactor hav i ng

f our nor mal l y open (NO) contacts and a contactor coi l al so k now n
as no-v ol t coi l or no-v ol t r el ease. Ther e ar e tw o push buttons ON
and OFF w hi ch ar e used to star t and stop the motor . To pr otect
motor agai nst ov er l oad, ther mal or magneti c ov er -l oad coi l s ar e
connected i n each phase.

To star t the motor , the ON push button (gr een) i s pr essed w hi ch

ener gi es the no-v ol t coi l by connecti ng i t acr oss tw o phases. The
no-v ol t coi l pul l s i ts pl unger i n such a di r ecti on that al l the
nor mal l y open (NO) contacts ar e cl osed and motor i s connected
acr oss suppl y thr ough thr ee contacts. The f our th contact ser v es as
a hol d on contact w hi ch k eeps the no-v ol t coi l ci r cui t cl osed ev en
af ter the ON push button i s r el eased. To stop the motor , OFF push
button (r ed) i s pr essed momentar i l y , w hi ch de-ener gi ses the no v ol t
coi l openi ng the mai n contacts.

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When the motor i s ov er l oaded, the ther mal ov er l oad r el ay contact,

connected i n the contr ol ci r cui t opens thus di sconnecti ng the No-
v ol t r el ay f r om the suppl y . Ov er l oad pr otecti on i s achi ev ed by
ther mal el ement ov er l oad r el ay .

12.33.2  Star–Delta Starter
Thi s method i s based upon the pr i nci pl e that i s star connecti ons,
v ol tage acr oss each w i ndi ng i s phase v ol tage, that i s, one-thi r d
ti mes the l i ne v ol tage, w her eas the same w i ndi ng w hen connected
i n del ta w i l l hav e f ul l -l i ne v ol tage acr oss i t. So at star t,
connecti ons of the motor ar e made i n star f ashi on so that r educed
v ol tage i s appl i ed acr oss each w i ndi ng. Af ter the motor attai ns
speed, the same w i ndi ngs thr ough a change-ov er sw i tch, as show n i n
Fi gur e 1 2.23 ar e connected i n del ta acr oss the same suppl y . The
star ter i s pr ov i ded w i th ov er l oad and under v ol tage pr otecti on
dev i ces al so.

Fig. 12.23 Star -del ta star ter

Si nce at star t stator w i ndi ngs ar e connected i n star connecti on, so

v ol tage acr oss each phase w i ndi ng i s r educed to 1 / of l i ne

v ol tage, and ther ef or e, star ti ng cur r ent/phase becomes equal to

I / = Star ti ng l i ne cur r ent


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Star ti ng l i ne cur r ent by di r ect sw i tchi ng w i th stator w i ndi ng

connected i n del ta =

Ther ef or e, i t concl udes that w hen a thr ee-phase motor i s star ted by
a star –del ta star ter , the cur r ent dr aw n by i t i s l i mi ted to one-thi r d
of the v al ue that i t w oul d dr aw w i thout star ter .

12.33.3  Autotransformer Starter
In the pr ev i ous method, the cur r ent can onl y be r educed to one-
thi r d ti mes the shor t ci r cui t cur r ent, w her eas, i n thi s method, the
v ol tage appl i ed acr oss the motor and hence cur r ent can be r educed
to a v er y l ow v al ue at the ti me of star t. At the ti me of star t, the
motor i s connected to suppl y thr ough autotr ansf or mer by a si x -
pol e doubl e-thr ow sw i tch. When the motor i s accel er ated to about
f ul l speed, the oper ati ng handl e i s mov ed to r un posi ti on. By thi s,
motor i s di r ectl y connected to the l i ne as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.24.

Ov er l oad pr otecti on and under v ol tage pr otecti on i s pr ov i ded as

ex pl ai ned i n the f i r st method. Al though thi s ty pe of star ter i s
ex pensi v e but i s most sui tabl e f or both the star -connected and
del ta-connected i nducti on motor s. It i s most sui tabl e f or star ti ng of
l ar ge motor .

Fig. 12.24 Auto-tr ansf or mer star ter

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Lar ge si ze motor s dr aw huge amount of cur r ent f r om the mai ns i f

they ar e connected to mai ns w i thout star ter . How ev er , i f they ar e
connected to the mai ns thr ough star –del ta star ter , the cur r ent i s
l i mi ted to one-thi r d v al ue w hi ch i s sti l l , so l ar ge that i t w oul d
di stur b the other l oads connected to the same l i nes. Hence, to l i mi t
the i ni ti al r ush of cur r ent to l ow v al ues autotr ansf or mer star ter s
ar e pr ef er r ed. Wi th the hel p of autotr ansf or mer star ter s, w e can
l i mi t the star ti ng cur r ent to any pr edeter mi ned v al ue as ex pl ai ned
bel ow :

Let the motor be star ted by an autotr ansf or mer hav i ng

tr ansf or mati on r ati o K.

If I i s the star ti ng cur r ent w hen nor mal v ol tage i s appl i ed.

Appl i ed v ol tage to stator at star t = KV

Then motor i nput cur r ent I s = KI sc

Suppl y cur r ent = Pr i mar y cur r ent of Auto tr ansf or mer

= K × Secondar y cur r ent of autotr ansf or mer = KKI sc = K I sc

If 20 per cent (i .e.,1 /5th) v ol tage i s appl i ed to the motor thr ough
autotr ansf or mer star ter , the

cur r ent dr aw n f r om the mai ns i s r educed to , that i s,1 /25th

ti mes.


To star t a sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor , a thr ee-phase r heostat i s

connected i n ser i es w i th the r otor ci r cui t thr ough br ushes as
show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.25. Thi s i s cal l ed r otor r heostat star ter . Thi s i s
made of thr ee separ ate v ar i abl e r esi stor s joi ned together by means
of a thr ee-phase ar med handl e w hi ch f or ms a star poi nt. By mov i ng
the handl e, equal r esi stance i n each phase can be i ntr oduced.

At star t, w hol e of the r heostat r esi stance i s i nser ted i n the r otor
ci r cui t and the r otor cur r ent i s r educed to Cor r espondi ngl y , i t
r educes the cur r ent dr aw n by the motor f r om the mai ns at star t.

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Fig. 12.25 Sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor star ter

When the motor pi ck s up speed, the ex ter nal r esi stance i s r educed
gr adual l y and ul ti matel y w hol e of the r esi stance i s tak en out of
ci r cui t and sl i p-r i ngs ar e shor t-ci r cui ted.

By i nser ti ng ex ter nal r esi stance i n the r otor ci r cui t, not onl y the
star ti ng cur r ent i s r educed but at the same ti me star ti ng tor que i s
i ncr eased due to i mpr ov ement i n pow er f actor :

At star ts:

Pow er f actor w i thout star ter ,

Pow er f actor w i th star ter ,

Hence, cos′ɸs >> cosɸs

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Example 12.24

A 1 0 H.P. thr ee-phase i nducti on motor w i th f ul l -l oad ef f i ci ency

and p.f . of 0.83 and 0.8, r especti v el y , has a shor t ci r cui t cur r ent of
3.5 ti mes f ul l -l oad cur r ent. Esti mate the l i ne cur r ent at the i nstant
of star ti ng the motor f r om a 500V suppl y by means of star –del ta
star ter .



Output of the motor = 1 0 H.P. = 7 355 W

Pow er f actor ,

cosɸ= 0.8

Ef f i ci ency ,

η= 0.83

Suppl y v ol tage (l i ne v al ue), VL= 500 V

Input to the motor

Ful l -l oad cur r ent,

Rati o of ,

∴ Shor t ci r cui t cur r ent,

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I = 3.5 × 1 2.7 9 = 44.7 6 A

Star i ng cur r ent,

Example 12.25

Deter mi ne the star ti ng tor que of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i n

ter ms of f ul l -l oad tor que w hen star ted by means of (i ) star –del ta
star ter and (i i ) an autotr ansf or mer star ter w i th 50 per cent
tapi ngs.

The motor dr aw s a star ti ng cur r ent of 5 ti mes the f ul l -l oad cur r ent
w hen star ted di r ect on l i ne. The f ul l -l oad sl i p i s 4 per cent.


Rati o of shor t ci r cui t cur r ent to f ul l -l oad cur r ent,

Ful l -l oad sl i p, S = 0.04

1 . For star –del ta star ter ,

Rati o of star ti ng tor que to f ul l -l oad tor que,

∴ Star ti ng tor que = 33.33% of f ul l -l oad tor que

2. For autotr ansf or mer star ter ,

Tr ansf or mati on r ati o or tapi ngs, K = 50% =

Rati o of star ti ng tor que to f ul l -l oad tor que

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∴ Star ti ng tor que = 25% of f ul l -l oad tor que

Example 12.26

A 20H.P., thr ee-phase, si x -pol e, 50Hz, 400V i nducti on motor r uns at

960 r pm on f ul l -l oad. If i t tak es 1 20A on di r ect star ti ng, f i nd the
r ati o of star ti ng tor que to f ul l -l oad tor que w i th a star –del ta
star ter . Ful l -l oad ef f i ci ency and p.f . ar e 90% and 0.85.

(U.P.T.U. Tut)


Output pow er = 20 H.P.= 20 × 7 35.5 = 1 47 1 0 W

No. of pol es, P = 6

Suppl y v ol tage (l i ne v al ue), VL= 400 V

Suppl y f r equency , f = 50 Hz

Shor t ci r cui t cur r ent, I sc = 1 20 A

Ef f i ci ency , η = 90% = 0.9

Pow er f actor , cosɸ= 0.85

Rotor speed, N = 960 r pm

Ful l -l oad cur r ent,

Sy nchr onous speed,

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Sl i p,

Rati o of star ti ng tor que to f ul l -l oad tor que,


Example 12.27

Fi nd the sui tabl e tappi ng on an autotr ansf or mer star ter f or an

i nducti on motor r equi r ed to star t the motor w i th 36% of f ul l -l oad
tor que. The shor t ci r cui t cur r ent of the motor i s 5 ti mes the f ul l -
l oad cur r ent and the f ul l -l oad sl i p i s 4%. Deter mi ne al so the
star ti ng cur r ent i n the suppl y mai ns as a per centage of f ul l -l oad
cur r ent.


Rati o of star ti ng tor que to f ul l -l oad tor que,

Rati o of shor t-ci r cui t cur r ent to f ul l -l oad cur r ent,

Ful l -l oad sl i p, S = 0.04

Now ,

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2 2
0.36 = K × (5) × 0.04

∴ Tr ansf or mati on r ati o or tappi ng of autotr ansf or mer ,

In an autotr ansf or mer star ter , r ati o of star ti ng cur r ent to shor t-
ci r cui t cur r ent,

Example 12.28

Fi nd the r ati o of star ti ng to f ul l -l oad cur r ent f or 1 0 k W i nput,

41 5V, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor w i th star –del ta star ter at f ul l -
l oad ef f i ci ency 0.9 and the f ul l -l oad p.f . 0.8. The shor t ci r cui t
cur r ent i s 40A at 21 0V and the magneti zi ng cur r ent i s negl i gi bl e.



Input pow er ,

P = 1 0 k W = 1 000 W

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Suppl y v ol tage (l i ne v al ue),

V = 41 5 V
Pow er f actor ,

cosɸ= 0.8

Shor t ci r cui t cur r ent at

21 0 V = 40 A

Shor t-ci r cui t cur r ent at 41 5 V,

Ful l -l oad cur r ent,

In case of star –del ta star ter

Star ti ng cur r ent,

Rati o of star ti ng to f ul l -l oad cur r ent,

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The appl i cati ons of squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s and sl i p-r i ng
(phase w ound) i nducti on motor s ar e gi v en bel ow :

1 . Squirrel-cage induction motors: These motor s ar e

mechani cal l y r obust and ar e oper ated al most at constant
speed. These motor s oper ate at hi gh-pow er f actor and hav e
hi gh ov er l oad capaci ty . How ev er , these motor s hav e l ow -
star ti ng tor que. (i .e., these motor s cannot pi ck up heav y
l oads) and dr aw heav y cur r ent at star t. On the bases of these
char acter i sti cs, these motor s ar e best sui ted f or the
f ol l ow i ng:
1 . Pr i nti ng machi ner y
2. Fl our mi l l s
3. Saw mi l l s
4. Shaf t dr i v es of smal l i ndustr i es
5. Pumps
6. Pr i me mov er s w i th smal l gener ator s
2. Slip-ring (or phase-wound) induction motors: These
motor s hav e al l the i mpor tant char acter i sti cs (adv antage)
of squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s and at the same ti me hav e
the abi l i ty to pi ck up heav y l oads at star t dr aw i ng smal l er
cur r ent f r om the mai ns. Accor di ngl y , these motor s ar e best
sui ted f or the f ol l ow i ng:
1 . Rol l i ng mi l l s
2. Li f ts and hoi sts
3. Bi g f l our mi l l s
4. Lar ge pumps
5. Li ne shaf ts of heav y i ndustr i es
6. Pr i me mov es w i th medi um and l ar ge gener ator s


The compar i son betw een i nducti on motor and sy nchr onous motor
i s gi v en i n Tabl e 1 2.2.

Table 12.2 Comparison between Induction and Synchronous


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The speed of an i nducti on motor i s gi v en by the r el ati on

Hence, the speed of the motor depends upon thr ee f actor s, that i s,
f r equency , sl i p, and number of pol es f or w hi ch the motor i s w ound.
Ther ef or e, the speed of an i nducti on motor can be contr ol l ed by
changi ng or contr ol l i ng any one of these thr ee quanti ti es.

12.37.1  Speed Control by Changing the Slip

The speed of an i nducti on motor can be changed by changi ng i ts
sl i p, and the sl i p can be changed by the f ol l ow i ng:

1 . Changi ng the r otor ci r cui t r esi stance

2. Changi ng the suppl y v ol tage
3. Injecti ng v ol tage i n the r otor ci r cui t

Speed control by changing the rotor circuit res is tance

In the w ound-ty pe motor , the sl i p may be changed by i ntr oduci ng

r esi stance i n the r otor ci r cui t, and hence, speed i s changed.

Tor que dev el oped i n an i nducti on motor i s gi v en by the ex pr essi on:

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The tor que w i l l r emai n constant i f i s constant.

For a gi v en tor que, the sl i p at w hi ch a motor w or k s i s pr opor ti onal

to the r otor r esi stance.

The tor que-speed cur v e (dotted) of a sl i p-r i ng i nducti on r otor i s

show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.26. When an ex ter nal r esi stance i s added i n the
r otor ci r cui t, speed decr eases f or the same tor que T, so that r ati o

r emai ns constant.

Fig. 12.26 Ef f ect of r otor r esi stance on speed of i nducti on motor

The di sadv antages of thi s method of speed contr ol ar e as f ol l ow s:

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1 . Poor efficiency: By the i ntr oducti on of ex ter nal r esi stance

i n the r otor ci r cui t, ther e i s ex tr a pow er l oss in

the r otor ci r cui t w hi ch r educes the ov er al l ef f i ci ency of

the motor .
2. Poor speed regulation: When speed of the i nducti on motor
i s contr ol l ed by addi ng some ex ter nal r esi stance i n the
r otor ci r cui t, the change i n speed i s l ar ger w hen l oad on the
machi ne changes f r om one v al ue to the other . Hence, the
machi ne oper ates at a poor r egul ati on.

Fig. 12.27 Tor que-speed cur v es by addi ng r esi stance i n r otor

ci r cui t

For i l l ustr ati on, r ef er to Fi gur e 1 2.27 . When the r otor r esi stance i s
R1 and the l oad on the machi ne changes f r om hal f l oad to f ul l -l oad,
the speed of the motor decr eases f r om N1 to N2 . How ev er , w hen
some r esi stance i s added i n the r otor ci r cui t so that i ts v al ue
becomes R2 (i .e., R2 > R1 ), then the speed changes f r om N3 to N4
w hen l oad on the motor changes f r om hal f l oad to f ul l -l oad. It i s
v er y cl ear that N3 − N4 i s l ar ger than N1 − N2 .

Hence, the machi ne oper ates at a poor r egul ati on.

Speed control by controlling the s upply v oltage

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Sl i p or speed of a motor can al so be changed by contr ol l i ng the

v ol tage f ed to the motor . We hav e al r eady seen that the tor que
dev el oped by the motor i s di r ectl y pr opor ti onal to the squar e of
the suppl y v ol tage. If the suppl y v ol tage i s decr eased, the tor que
dev el oped by the motor decr eases r api dl y (T ∝ V ) and to pi ck up
the l oad sl i p i ncr eases or speed decr eases.

Fig. 12.28 Tor que-speed cur v es at di f f er ent v ol tages

For i l l ustr ati on, l ook at Fi gur e 1 2.28. At r ated v ol tage and gi v en
l oad, the speed of the motor i s N1 . If the suppl y v ol tage i s r educed
(say to 90%), the speed of the motor decr eases to N2 to pi ck up the
gi v en l oad. Thi s method i s nev er used f or the speed contr ol of thr ee-
phase l ar ge i nducti on motor s because the v ol tage contr ol dev i ces
ar e v er y costl y and bul k y . How ev er , thi s method i s usual l y
empl oy ed w i th si ngl e-phase i nducti on motor s, f or ex ampl e,cei l i ng
f ans, etc.

Speed control by injecting v oltage in the rotor circuit

The speed of an i nducti on motor can al so be contr ol l ed by i njecti ng

a v ol tage at sl i p f r equency di r ectl y i nto the r otor ci r cui t. Thi s
method w as f i r st of al l i ntr oduced by K.H. Schr age of Sw eden and
the motor i n w hi ch thi s method i s empl oy ed i s cal l ed Schr age
motor . If the i njected emf has a component di r ectl y opposi te to the
r otor -i nduced emf , the motor speed decr eases. On the other hand, i f
the i njected emf has a component i n phase w i th the r otor -i nduced

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emf , the motor speed i ncr eases and may r i ses bey ond the
sy nchr onous speed.

Now aday s, Schr age motor s ar e not pr ef er r ed because of thei r heav y

cost and bul k y constr ucti on but these ar e sti l l empl oy ed i n l ar ge
pr i nti ng pr esses l i k e new spaper pr i nti ng.

12.37.2  Speed Control by Changing the Supply Frequency

The f r equency of the pow er suppl y i s constant, and ther ef or e, to
contr ol the speed of an i nducti on motor by thi s method, the
i nducti on motor i s connected to the al ter nator oper ati ng
i ndependentl y . To contr ol the speed, the f r equency of the
al ter nator i s changed. Thi s i s a costl y af f ai r .

Recent i mpr ov ements i n the capabi l i ti es of contr ol l ed r ecti f i er s

(SCR) and conti nued decr eases i n the cost of thei r manuf actur i ng, i t
has made i t possi bl e to contr ol the speed of i nducti on motor by
contr ol l i ng the suppl y f r equency f ed to the motor . By thi s method 5
to 1 0 per cent of r ated speed of i nducti on motor s can be contr ol l ed.
How ev er , i f the speed i s to be contr ol l ed bey ond thi s v al ue, the
motor has to be desi gned accor di ngl y .

12.37.3  Speed Control by Changing the Poles

By means of sui tabl e sw i tch, the stator w i ndi ng connecti ons can be
changed i n such a manner that the number of stator pol es i s
changed. Thi s changes the actual speed of motor si nce actual speed
of the motor i s appr ox i matel y i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to the
number of pol es.

By sui tabl e connecti ons, one w i ndi ng can gi v e tw o di f f er ent speeds.

Suppose ther e ar e f our coi l s per phase. If these ar e connected i n

such a w ay that they car r y cur r ent i n same di r ecti on then i t w i l l
f or m ei ght pol es al together as show n i n Fi gur e 1 2.29(a). Now i f the
connecti ons ar e such that the al ter nate coi l s car r y cur r ent i n
opposi te di r ecti ons, w e get f our pol es al together as show n i n
Fi gur e 1 2.29(b).

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Fig. 12.29 (a) Stator w i ndi ng connecti ons f or 8-pol es (b) Stator
w i ndi ng connecti ons f or 4-pol es

If mor e than tw o speeds ar e r equi r ed, tw o separ ate w i ndi ng ar e

housed i n same sl ots, and i f each i s ar r anged to gi v e tw o speeds, then
tw o w i ndi ngs can gi v e f our di f f er ent speeds.

In squi r r el -cage motor s, the r otor pol es ar e adjusted automati cal l y .

How ev er , i n w ound-ty pe motor s, car e has to be tak en to change the
r otor pol es accor di ngl y .


Short Answer Questions

1 . What do y ou mean by r otor r esi stance and r otor

r eactance?
2. Menti on the par ti cul ar s on the basi s of w hi ch
squi r r el -cage and phase-w ound i nducti on motor s ar e
compar ed?
3. Why a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s connected to
the mai ns thr ough a star ter ?
4. What i s a DOL star ter ?
5. To w hat ex tent the star ti ng cur r ent of a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor can be r educed by empl oy i ng star –

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del ta star ter ?

6. To star t l ar ge squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s, an
autotr ansf or mer star ter i s pr ef er r ed. Why ?

Test Questions

1 . Ex pl ai n that i nduced emf i n the r otor ci r cui t of an

i nducti on motor i s max i mum at the star t.
2. Ex pl ai n that r otor magneti c f i el d r otates at
sy nchr onous speed w i th r espect to stator .
3. What do mean by r otor r eactance? How sl i p af f ects
i ts v al ue?
4. Dr aw and ex pl ai n tor que-sl i p cur v e of a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor .
5. When a r esi stance i s connected i n ser i es w i th the
r otor ci r cui t of a sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor , how i t
af f ects the tor que?
6. Mak e a compar i son betw een squi r r el -cage and sl i p-
r i ng i nducti on motor .
7 . What i s the necessi ty of a star ter i n case of squi r r el -
cage i nducti on motor ? Ex pl ai n the f uncti on of ov er -
l oad r el ay used i n the star ter of an i nducti on motor .
8. Ex pl ai n how a star –del ta star ter l i mi ts the star ti ng
cur r ent of an i nducti on motor .
9. Ex pl ai n the w or k i ng of an autotr ansf or mer star ter .
1 0. How a star ter pl aced i n the r otor ci r cui t of a sl i p-
r i ng i nducti on motor l i mi ts the star ti ng cur r ent
suppl i ed to the motor ?


1 . A thr ee-phase, 50 Hz i nducti on motor has f our pol es

and oper ates w i th a sl i p of 4 per cent at a cer tai n
l oad. Cal cul ate (i ) the speed of r otor w i th r espect to
the stator (i i ) the f r equency of r otor cur r ent (i i i ) the
speed of r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to r otor ,
(i v ) the speed of r otor magneti c f i el d w i th r espect to
the stator , and (v ) the speed of the r otor magneti c
f i el d w i th r espect to the stator magneti c f i el d.

(Ans. 1 440 r pm, 2 Hz, 60 r pm, 1 500 r pm, zer o)

2. A thr ee-phase, 400 V, 20 H.P., 50 Hz i nducti on motor

r uns at 1 455 r pm w hen i t del i v er s r ated l oad.
Deter mi ne (i ) number of pol es of the machi ne, (i i )
speed of r otati ng ai r gap f i el d, (i i i ) r otor -i nduced

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v ol tage i f the stator to r otor tur ns r ati o i s 1 :80,

assumi ng that the w i ndi ng f actor s ar e same f or stator
and r otor , and (i v ) f r equency of r otor cur r ent.

(Ans. 4, 1 500 r pm, 320 V, 1 .5 Hz)


1 . Three-phas e induction motor: A machi ne that conv er ts

thr ee-phase AC el ectr i c, pow er i nto mechani cal pow er by
usi ng an el ectr omagneti c i nducti on phenomenon i s cal l ed a
thr ee-phase i nducti on motor .
2. Types of induction motors : Accor di ng to the constr ucti on of
r otor , ther e ar e tw o ty pes of i nducti on motor s namel y
squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor and phase-w ound i nducti on
motor .
3. Production of rev olv ing field: When a thr ee-phase suppl y i s
gi v en to a thr ee-phase w ound stator of an i nducti on motor , a
r esul tant f i el d of magni tude 1 .5 ɸ i s step-up w hi ch
r ev ol v es i n space at a constant speed cal l ed sy nchr onous
speed N (N = 1 20 × ƒ/P).
s s
4. Work ing principle: At star t, stati onar y r otor conductor s cut
acr oss the r ev ol v i ng magneti c f i el d and an emf i s i nduced i n
them by the el ectr omagneti c i nducti on phenomenon.
Cur r ent f l ow s thr ough the r otor conductor s as they ar e
shor t ci r cui ted and pr oduce r otor f i el d. By the i nter acti on
of r otor and stator magneti c f i el d, tor que dev el ops and r otor
star ts r otati ng i n the same di r ecti on as that of the
r ev ol v i ng f i el d.
5. Rev ers al of direction of rotation: The di r ecti on of r otati on of
thr ee-phase i nducti on motor can be r ev er sed by
i nter changi ng the connecti ons of any tw o suppl y l eads at
the stator ter mi nal s.
6. Slip: The r otor of a thr ee-phase motor nev er obtai ns
sy nchr onous speed because at that speed ther e w oul d be no
r el ati v e speed betw een r otor conductor s and stator
r ev ol v i ng f i el d and i nducti on phenomenon i s not possi bl e.
Its speed i s al w ay s l ess than sy nchr onous speed.

The di f f er ence betw een sy nchr onous speed and r otor speed
i s cal l ed sl i p. It i s gener al l y denoted as a f r acti on of
sy nchr onous speed. S = (N − N)/N .
s s

7 . Frequency of rotor currents : fr = S × ƒ

8. Rotor emf: At stand sti l l , E2s = 44 k w 2 T2 ƒɸ or E2s = KE1

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U nder r unni ng condi ti ons E = SE

2 2s

9. Rotor res is tance: R2

1 0. Rotor reactance: At standsti l l − X2s ; at r unni ng condi ti ons,
X2 = SX2s
1 1 . Rotor current: I 2 = E2 /Z2 w her e E2 = SE2s and Z2 =

1 2. Rotor p.f: cosɸ2 = R2 /Z2 =

1 3. Pow er flow : Input el ectr i c pow er to stator –stator cu. l oss–

stator i r on l oss = stator output or r otor i nput.

Rotor i nput-r otor cu. l oss = Mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n
r otor .

Mechani cal pow er dev el oped i n r otor − Mechani cal l oss =

output mech mechani cal pow er at the shaf t.

1 4. Relation betw een rotor Cu los s and s lip: Rotor cu. l oss = S ×
Rotor i nput.
1 5. Torque dev eloped:

1 6. Condition for max. torque: R2 = SX2s or S = R2 /X2s

1 7 . Max. Torque:

1 8. Effect of change in s upply v oltage: T ∝ SV , ther ef or e, w hen
v ol tage decr eases, tor que dev el oped by the motor decr eases
abr uptl y but l oad i s same hence to pi ck thi s l oad sl i p
i ncr eases or speed decr eases.
1 9. Effect of change in rotor res is tance: In case of sl i p-r i ng
i nducti on motor s, some r esi stance i s added i n the r otor
ci r cui t; the v al ue of sl i p at w hi ch max i mum tor que occur s
changes. But the v al ue of max i mum tor que r emai ns the same
because max i mum tor que i s i ndependent of r otor r esi stance

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20. Comparis on of s quirrel-cage and phas e-w ound induction

motors : Squi r r el case i nducti on motor s ar e mor e r obust,
cheap i n constr ucti on, hav e hi gher ef f i ci ency and
ther ef or e, i nv ar i abl y empl oy ed i n i ndustr i es f or the
conv er si on of el ectr i cal pow er i nto mechani cal pow er .
21 . Starter: A dev i ce used to l i mi t the i nr ush f l ow of cur r ent at
star t i s k now n as star ter . It contai ns no v ol t coi l and ov er -
l oad coi l f or motor pr otecti on.
22. Direct On Line (DOL) Starter: Thi s star ter does not l i mi t the
i nr ush f l ow of star ti ng cur r ent but i t contai ns No-v ol t and
Ov er -l oad r el ay s to pr otect the motor s. It i s used w i th the
motor s of smal l er si ze (l ess than 3 H.P.).
23. Star–delta Starter: It connects the stator w i ndi ng f i r st i n
star and then i n del ta thus r educed the star ti ng cur r ent to

r d v al ue. It i s empl oy ed w i th most of the thr ee-phase

squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s.

24. Autotrans former Starter: It pr ov i des l ow er v ol tages to the
stator w i ndi ng at the star t and has the abi l i ty to r educe the
star ti ng cur r ent to any pr edeter mi ned v al ue. It i s used to
star t thr ee-phase squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s of v er y
l ar ge si zes.
25. Starting of s lip-ring induction motors : In sl i p-r i ng i nducti on
motor s, the star ti ng cur r ent i s l i mi ted by addi ng r esi stance
i n the r otor ci r cui t at the star t.



1 . The star ti ng tor que at a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor can be

i ncr eased by i ncr easi ng the r otor ________.
2. In i nducti on motor s, the tor que i s di r ectl y pr opor ti onal to
3. When l oad on an i nducti on motor i ncr eases, i ts sl i p w i l l
4. A squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor has ________ sl i p-r i ngs.
5. The mechani cal l oad acr oss the i nducti on motor i s
equi v al ent to el ectr i cal l oad of ________.

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6. To deter mi ne ef f i ci ency of an i nducti on motor , w e hav e to

per f or m ________ test and ________ test.
7 . When a thr ee-phase, f our -pol e, 50 Hz i nducti on motor r uns
at 1 440 r pm i ts sl i p i s ________.
8. Inducti on motor s hav i ng w ound r otor ar e k now n as
________ ty pe motor s.
9. The r esi stance i n the r otor ci r cui t of a squi r r el -cage
i nducti on motor ________ i ncr eased.
1 0. The cor e of a r otor of an i nducti on motor i s l ami nated i n
or der to r educe ________ l osses.
1 1 . The condi ti on f or max i mum tor que i n a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor i s ________.
1 2. The magneti si ng cur r ent of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s
hi gh as compar ed to tr ansf or mer because of ________ of
magneti c path.
1 3. The sl i p of an i nducti on motor at standsti l l i s equal to
1 4. Lami nated stator cor e i s used i n thr ee-phase i nducti on
motor to r educe ________.
1 5. At nor mal l oad, the sl i p of an i nducti on motor i s usual l y
1 6. The sl i p of an i nducti on motor at sy nchr onous speed w i l l be
1 7 . A r ev ol v i ng f i el d can be pr oduced w hen ________ phase
suppl y i s f ed to a ________ phase w i ndi ng.
1 8. A thr ee-phase, f our -pol e, 50 Hz i nducti on motor r otates at
1 440 r pm the f r equency of the r otor -i nduced emf at r unni ng
condi ti on i s ________ Hz.
1 9. A thr ee-phase, si x -pol e, 50 Hz i nducti on motor r otates at
960 r pm. The f r equency of the r otor -i nduced emf at
standsti l l (star t) condi ti on i s ________ Hz.
20. The v al ue of max i mum tor que dev el oped by an i nducti on
motor i s i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to ________.


1 . Stator cor e of an i nducti on motor i s made of

1 . l ami nated cast i r on.
2. mi l d steel .
3. si l i con steel stampi ngs.
4. sof t w ood.
2. The stator w i ndi ng of an i nducti on motor can be desi gned
f or
1 . any number of pol e.
2. any ev en number of pol es.
3. any odd number of pol es.

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4. onl y f or f our pol es.

3. The r otor of squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor i s sk ew ed
1 . i t r educes hummi ng thus ensur es qui te r unni ng of
the motor .
2. i t r esul ts i n a smoother tor que cur v es f or di f f er ent
posi ti ons of the r otor .
3. i t av oi ds the magneti c l ook i ng of the stator and
r otor .
4. Al l the abov e
4. Sl i p-r i ngs of phase-w ound i nducti on motor ar e made of
1 . w ood.
2. cast i r on.
3. steel .
4. cooper .
5. Ther e i s no el ectr i cal connecti on betw een stator and r otor ,
sti l l pow er i s tr ansf er r ed f r om stator to r otor thr ough
1 . magneti c f l ux .
2. ai r
3. w ater
4. magnet.
6. In a l ar ge i nducti on motor usual l y the v al ue of f ul l -l oad
sl i p i s
1 . 0. 4%.
2. 20%.
3. 3% to 5%.
4. 6% to 1 5%.
7 . At star t, the sl i p of the i nducti on motor i s
1 . zer o.
2. 0.5.
3. one.
4. i nf i ni te.
8. U nder r unni ng conducti on, the r otor r eactance i s di r ectl y
pr opor ti onal to
1 . i nduced emf .
2. r otor cur r ent.
3. sl i p.
4. suppl y v ol tage.
9. At star t the r otor pow er f actor i s
1 . v er y hi gh.
2. v er y l ow .
3. uni ty .
4. zer o.
1 0. The r otor copper l osses of an i nducti on motor ar e di r ectl y
pr opor ti onal to
1 . i nput to the motor .

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2. output of the motor .

3. r otor r esi stance.
4. sl i p.
1 1 . The condi ti on f or max i mum tor que i s
1 . R = SZ .
2 2s
2. X = SR .
2s 2
3. R = X .
2 2s
4. R = SX .
2 2s
1 2. The f uncti on of a star ter i s
1 . to star t the motor .
2. to star t and stop the motor .
3. to l i mi t the star ti ng cur r ent.
4. to l i mi t the appl i ed v ol tage.
1 3. Whi ch of the f ol l ow i ng statement i s most appr opr i ate i f T
i s the star ti ng tor que dev el oped i n the r otor and V i s the
suppl y v ol tage to the stator ?
1. T ∝ V
2. T ∝ V



1 4. The tor que dev el oped i n the cage i nducti on motor w i th

autotr ansf or mer star ter hav i ng tappi ng at tr ansf or mati on
r ati o K i s
1 . K × tor que w i th di r ect sw i tchi ng.
2. K/tor que w i th di r ect sw i tchi ng.
3. K × tor que w i th di r ect sw i tchi ng.
4. K /tor que w i th di r ect sw i tchi ng.
1 5. In a thr ee-phase sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor , i f some
r esi stance i s added i n the r otor ci r cui t, then
1 . i ts star ti ng tor que w i l l decr ease and max i mum
tor que w i l l i ncr ease.
2. i ts both star ti ng tor que and max i mum tor que w i l l
i ncr ease.
3. i ts star ti ng tor que w i l l i ncr ease but the max i mum
tor que w i l l r emai n the same.
4. i ts star ti ng tor que w i l l r emai n the same but
max i mum tor que w i l l i ncr ease.
1 6. The pow er f actor of an i nducti on motor w i l l be hi gh w hen
1 . r otor i s l ock ed.

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2. motor s ar e r unni ng at f ul l -l oad.

3. motor i s r unni ng at no-l oad.
4. to r educe hy ster esi s l oss.
1 7 . Now aday s di e cast al umi ni um r otor s ar e used i n thr ee-
phase, squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s because
1 . al umi ni um i n cheaper than copper .
2. al umi ni um i s l i ghter than copper .
3. al umi ni um has hi gh r esi sti v i ty than copper .
4. al umi ni um i s easy to cast because of i ts l ow mel ti ng
poi nt and i s easi l y av ai l abl e.
1 8. The max i mum tor que dev el oped by an i nducti on motor i s
1 . i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to r otor r eactance.
2. i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to r otor r esi stance.
3. i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to suppl y v ol tage.
4. i nv er sel y pr opor ti onal to sl i p.
1 9. A 400 V, thr ee-phase, 50 Hz i nducti on motor r otates at 960
r pm on f ul l -l oad. The motor i s w ound f or
1 . 2 pol es.
2. 4 pol es.
3. 6 pol es.
4. 8 pol es.
20. A thr ee-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, f our -pol e i nducti on motor
cannot r un at 1 500 r pm because
1 . at thi s speed motor w i l l dr aw such a heav y cur r ent
w hi ch may damage the motor .
2. at thi s speed motor bear i ngs may be damaged.
3. at thi s speed, emf w i l l not be i nduced i n the r otor
ci r cui t and hence no tor que w i l l be dev el oped.
4. Al l the abov e
21 . Tor que dev el oped by a thr ee-phase, 400 V, i nducti on motor
i s 200 Nm. If the suppl y v ol tage i s r educed to 200 V, the
dev el oped tor que w i l l be
1 . 1 00 Nm
2. 50 Nm
3. 7 5 Nm
4. 200 Nm
22. The stator and r otor cor e of an i nducti on motor ar e made up
of l ami nati ons
1 . to r educe r el uctance.
2. to r educe cooper l osses.
3. to r educe hy ster esi s l oss.
4. to r educe eddy cur r ent l oss.


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1 . If the emf i n the stator of an ei ght-pol e i nducti on motor has

a f r equency of 50 Hz and that i n r otor 1 .5 Hz f i nd the speed
at w hi ch motor i s r unni ng and i ts sl i p.

(U.P.T.U. Type) (Ans. 7 27 .5 r pm, 0.03)

2. An ei ght-pol e al ter nator r uns at 7 50 r pm and suppl i es

pow er to a si x -pol e i nducti on motor w hi ch has f ul l -l oad
sl i p of 3%. Fi nd the f ul l -l oad speed of the i nducti on motor
and the f r equency of i ts r otor emf .

(Ans. 97 0 r pm, 1 .5 Hz)

3. It i s desi r ed to obtai n a speed of appr ox i matel y 7 00 r pm

w i th a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor . Deter mi ne number of
pol es f or (i ) 60 Hz motor and (i i ) 25 Hz motor . If the r ated
l oad sl i p of each motor i s 5%, deter mi ne r ated speed f or each
motor .

(U.P.T.U. Type) (Ans. 1 0, 684 r pm, 4, 7 1 2.5 r pm)

4. Deter mi ne the number of pol es, the sl i p and the f r equency

of r otor cur r ents at r ated l oad f or a thr ee-phase, 3.7 k W
i nducti on motor r ated at:
1 . 220 V, 50 Hz, 1 440 r pm
2. 1 20 V, 400 Hz, 3800 r pm

(Ans. 4.4%, 2Hz, 1 2.5%, 20Hz)

5. A bal anced thr ee-phase, 50 Hz v ol tage i s appl i ed to a thr ee-

phase si x -pol e i nducti on motor . When the motor del i v er s
r ated output the sl i p i s f ound to be 0.04. Deter mi ne the
f ol l ow i ng:
1 . The speed of the r ev ol v i ng f i el d r el ati v e to the
stator str uctur e.
2. The f r equency of the r otor cur r ents.
3. The speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the r otor
str uctur e.
4. The speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the stator
str uctur e.
5. The speed of the r otor mmf r el ati v e to the stator
f i el d di str i buti on.
6. Ar e the condi ti ons r i ght f or the dev el opment of the
net uni di r ecti onal tor que ?

(U.P.T.U. Type) (Ans. 1 000 r pm, 2Hz, 40r pm, 1 000 r pm,
zer o, y es)

6. A si x -pol e, thr ee-phase, 50 Hz i nducti on motor has a star

connected r otor . The r otor has r esi stance and standsti l l

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r eactance of 0.25 ohm and 2.5 ohm per phase, r especti v el y .

The i nduced emf betw een sl i p-r i ngs at star t i s 1 00 V. If the
f ul l -l oad speed i s 960 r pm. Cal cul ate (i ) the sl i p, (i i ) r otor -
i nduced emf per phase, (i i i ) the r otor cur r ent and pow er
f actor at standsti l l , and (i v ) the r otor cur r ent and pow er
f actor at r ated l oad.

(Ans. 4%, 57 .7 35V, 22.98A, 0.0995 l aggi ng, 8.57 7 A, 0.9285

l aggi ng)

7 . The pow er suppl i ed to a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s 40

k W and the cor r espondi ng stator l osses ar e 1 .5 k W.
Cal cul ate the f ol l ow i ng:
1 . The total mechani cal pow er dev el oped and the r otor
I R l osses w hen the sl i p i s 0.04.
2. The output pow er of the motor i f the f r i cti on and
w i ndage l osses ar e 0.8 k W.
3. The ef f i ci ency of the motor . Negl ect the r otor i r on
l osses.

(U.P.T.U. Type) (Ans. 36.96k W, 1 .54k W, 36.1 6k W, 90.4%)

8. The shaf t output of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s 7 5 k W.

The f r i cti on and w i ndage l osses ar e 1 000 W. The stator cor e
l osses ar e 4000 W and the stator copper l osses ar e 2500 W. If
the sl i p i s 3.5% w hat i s the ef f i ci ency of the motor ?

(Ans. 87 .97 %)

9. A 400 V, si x -pol e, 50 Hz, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor

dev el ops 20 H.P. i ncl usi v e of mechani cal l osses w hen
r unni ng at 995 r pm, the pow er f actor bei ng 0.87 . Cal cul ate
the f ol l ow i ng:
1 . Sl i p
2. The r otor copper l osses
3. The l i ne cur r ent. The stator copper l oss i s 1 500 W.

(U.P.T.U. Type) (Ans. 0.005, 7 3.92W, 27 A)

1 0. A 50 H.P., si x -pol e, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor del i v er s

f ul l -l oad output at 955 r pm and w i th 0.86 p.f . w hen
connected to 500 V, 50 Hz mai ns. Fr i cti on and w i ndage
l osses total 2 H.P. and stator l osses ar e 1 .5 k W. Deter mi ne f or
thi s l oad (i ) total r otor Cu l osses, (i i ) the ef f i ci ency , and (i i i )
the l i ne cur r ent.

(U.P.T.U. Type) (Ans. 1 .802k W, 88.51 %, 55.7 8A)

1 1 . A si x -pol e, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor r uns at a speed of

960 r pm and the shaf t tor que i s 1 35.7 Nm. Cal cul ate the

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r otor copper l oss i f the f r i cti on and w i ndage l osses amount

of 1 50 W. The f r equency of suppl y i s 50 Hz.

(P.T.U.) (Ans. 57 4.67 W)

1 2. An i nducti on motor has an ef f i ci ency of 85% w hen l oaded at

50 H.P. At thi s l oad, stator copper l oss and r otor copper l oss
each equal i r on l oss. Mechani cal l osses ar e one thi r d of the
no-l oad l oss. Cal cul ate r otor copper l oss, r otor i nput, and

sl i p. (Hi nts: Input = ; l osses = Input − Output. If

r otor copper l oss = K, then total l osses =

(P.T.U.) (Ans. 1 946.9W, 3937 0.88W, 0.04945)

1 3. If the motor has a r otor r esi stance of 0. 02 ohm and

standsti l l r eactance of 0.1 ohm. What must be the v al ue of
total r esi stance of a star ter f or the r otor ci r cui t f or
max i mum tor que to be ex er ted at star ti ng.

(P.T.U.) (Ans. 0.08 ohm)

1 4. A thr ee-phase i nducti on motor , at standsti l l , has a r otor

v ol tage of 1 00 V betw een sl i p-r i ngs w hen they ar e open-
ci r cui ted. The r otor w i ndi ng i s star -connected and has a
l eak age r eactance of 1 ohm per phase at standsti l l and a
r esi stance of 0.2 ohm per phase. Cal cul ate the f ol l ow i ng:
1 . The r otor cur r ent w hen the sl i p i s 4% and the sl i p-
r i ngs ar e shor t-ci r cui ted
2. The sl i p and the r otor cur r ent w hen the r otor i s
dev el opi ng max i mum tor que. Assume the f l ux to
r emai n constant.

(P.T.U.) (Ans. 1 1 .323A, 40. 82A)

1 5. Deter mi ne the star ti ng tor que of a thr ee-phase i nducti on

motor i n ter ms of f ul l -l oad tor que w hen star ted by means of :
1 . Star –del ta star ter
2. An autotr ansf or mer star ter w i th 60% tapi ngs.

The motor dr aw s a star ti ng cur r ent of 4.5 ti mes the f ul l -l oad

cur r ent w hen star ted di r ect on l i ne.

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The f ul l -l oad sl i p i s 5%.

(Ans. 33.7 5%, 36.45%)

1 6. A 1 5 bhp (metr i c), thr ee-phase, si x -pol e, 50 Hz, 400 V

i nducti on motor r uns at 950 r pm on f ul l -l oad. If i t tak es 90
A i n di r ect sw i tchi ng, f i nd the r ati o of the star ti ng tor que
to f ul l -l oad tor que w i th a star –del ta star ter . Ful l -l oad
ef f i ci ency and p.f . ar e 90% and 0.8, r especti v el y .

(Ans. 0.27 6)

1 7 . Fi nd the sui tabl e tappi ng on an autotr ansf or mer star ter f or

an i nducti on motor r equi r ed to star t the motor w i th 31 .5% of
f ul l -l oad tor que. The shor t ci r cui t cur r ent of the motor i s 6
ti mes the f ul l -l oad cur r ent and the f ul l -l oad sl i p i s 35%.
Deter mi ne al so the star ti ng cur r ent i n the suppl y mai ns as
a per centage of f ul l -l oad cur r ent.

(P.S.B./H.S.B. May 1987) (Ans. 50%, 1 50%)

1 8. Fi nd the r ati o of star ti ng to f ul l -l oad cur r ent i s 1 5 H.P. 400

V, thr ee-phase i nducti on motor w i th star –del ta star ter . The
f ul l -l oad p.f . i s 0.85, f ul l -l oad ef f i ci ency i s 88% shor t ci r cui t
cur r ent i s 40 A at 200 V. Ignor e the magneti zi ng cur r ent.

(P.S.B./H.S.B. Dec. 1986) (Ans.1 .2526)


1 . What ar e the di f f er ent ty pes of thr ee-phase i nducti on

motor s? Name them.
2. Can the outer f r ame an i nducti on motor be made of pl asti c?
Why ?
3. The r otor of an i nductor motor i s sk ew ed. Why ?


4. Can w e r ev er se the di r ecti on of r otati on of a thr ee-phase

i nducti on motor by just i nter changi ng the connecti ons of
any tw o ter mi nal s at the i nput, i f so state w hy ?
5. In a squi r r el -cage r otor , no i nsul ati on i s pr ov i ded betw een
the r otor conductor s and sl ots. Why ?
6. An i nducti on motor i s al so cal l ed asy nchr onous motor .
Why ?
7 . Can an i nducti on motor r un at sy nchr onous speed, state
w hy ?
8. When thr ee-phase suppl y i s gi v en to the stator of a thr ee-
phase w ound i nducti on motor , a r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s set-up.

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When the same suppl y i s gi v en to a thr ee-phase

tr ansf or mer no r ev ol v i ng f i el d i s set up, state w hy ?
9. The r otor conductor s ar e pl aced at the outer most per i pher y
of the r otor . Why ?
1 0. The ai r gap betw een stator and r otor of an i nductor motor i s
k ept as smal l as possi bl e, w hy ?


1 1 . The di r ect on l i ne star ter does not l i mi t the star ti ng

cur r ent of an i nducti on motor sti l l i t i s cal l ed a star ter not
a sw i tch. Why ?


1 2. For v er y l ar ge thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s,

autotr ansf or mer star ter s ar e pr ef er r ed ov er star –del ta
star ter s. Why ?
1 3. Lar ge i nducti on motor s ar e not star ted di r ect on l i ne. Why ?
1 4. The i r on l osses i n the r otor of an i nducti on motor ar e
gener al l y negl ected. Why ?
1 5. In l i f ts w hi ch ty pe of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s
empl oy ed, state w hy ?
1 6. An i nducti on motor al w ay s dr aw s pow er at l aggi ng pow er
f actor . Why ?
1 7 . When l oad on an i nducti on motor i ncr eases, i ts speed
decr eases. Why ?
1 8. The r otor of a sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor i s al w ay s
connected i n star . Why ?


1 . What i s si gni f i cant of an i nducti on motor ?

(M.K. Univ. Nov. 1995)

2. What i s a thr ee-phase Inducti on Motor ?

3. How does thr ee-phase i nducti on motor di f f er f r om the DC
machi ne?
4. What ar e the tw o ty pes of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s?
Whi ch ty pe i s gener al l y pr ef er r ed?

(M.S. Univ. Nov. 1996)

5. What ar e the di f f er ent par ts of a thr ee-phase Inducti on

Motor ?
6. What ar e the tw o ty pes of r otor s? Whi ch ty pe of r otor i s
empl oy ed mor e commonl y and w hy ?
7 . What ar e end r i ngs?

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8. What do y ou under stand by sy nchr onous speed?

9. Inducti on motor s ar e al so cal l ed ‘asy nchr onous’ motor s,
w hy ?
1 0. The ai r gap betw een the r otor and stator of a thr ee-phase
Inducti on Motor i s k ept as smal l as possi bl e, w hy ?
1 1 . The r otor of a sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor i s al w ay s w ound
f or the same number of pol es as i ts stator , w hy ?
1 2. U sual l y cl osed ty pe sl ots ar e used f or smal l i nducti on
motor s, w hy ? Whi ch ty pe of i nducti on motor dev el ops
hi gher star ti ng tor que?
1 3. The r otor conductor s i n a squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor ar e
al w ay s shor t ci r cui ted, w hy ?
1 4. What happens w hen the ends of r otor conductor s of a
squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor ar e k ept open?
1 5. Ex pl ai n w hat i s r otati ng magneti c f i el d and how i t i s used
i n el ectr i cal machi ner y ?

(P.T.U. Dec. 2001)

1 6. When i n a r otati ng magneti c f i el ds pr oduced? What i s i ts

i mpor tance i n el ectr i cal machi ner y ?

(P.T.U. Jan. 2000)

1 7 . On w hat f actor does the di r ecti on of r otati on of a thr ee-

phase i nducti on motor depend?
1 8. How can the di r ecti on of r otati on of the thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor be r ev er sed?

(Madras Univ. April-1996)

1 9. What happens w hen i n a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor , the

connecti ons of any tw o phase ar e i nter changed?
20. The speed of an i nducti on motor cannot be equal to
sy nchr onous speed. Ex pl ai n w hy ?
21 . What i s sl i p of an i nducti on motor ?

(P.T.U. Nov. 1995)

22. What i s the speed of r otor mmf of a thr ee-phase i nducti on

motor w i th r espect to i ts stator mmf ?
23. In case of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor , the sl i p i s al w ay s
posi ti v e, w hy ?

(P.T.U. 1996)

24. Show that i n i nducti on motor , the r otor al w ay s r un i n the

di r ecti on of stator f i el d.

(P.T.U. Dec. 2002)

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(P.T.U. May 2001)

25. How does the sl i p v ar y w i th l oad?

26. At w hat sl i p, the tor que dev el oped i n an i nducti on motor
w i l l be max i mum?

(M.S. Univ. Nov. 1996)

27 . Is the max i mum tor que of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor

depends on the r otor r esi stance?
28. When the appl i ed r ated v ol tage per phase i s r educed to one-
hal f , w hat w i l l be the star ti ng tor que of a squi r r el -cage
i nducti on motor m ter ms of i ts star ti ng tor que w i th f ul l
v ol tage?

((M.K. Univ. Nov. 1996))

29. What i s the condi ti on f or max i mum tor que at star ti ng i n a

thr ee-phase i nducti on motor ?

(Pune Univ. Nov. 1996)

30. How i s the mechani cal pow er output r epr esented i n the
ci r cui t model of an i nducti on motor ?

(Pune Univ. Nov. 1996)

31 . An i nducti on motor can be cal l ed a gener al i zed

tr ansf or mer . Ex pl ai n.

(P.T.U., May 2001)

32. The r eactance of the r otor of an i nducti on motor v ar i es

gr eatl y betw een star ti ng and r unni ng condi ti ons. Ex pl ai n
w hy ?

(P.T.U. June 2000)

33. Li st the adv antages of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor .

34. What ar e the di sadv antages of thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s
as compar ed to DC shunt motor s?
35. Star ter s ar e used f or star ti ng of thr ee-phase i nducti on
motor s. Why ?

(P.T.U. Dec. 2003)

36. How many ter mi nal s do y ou ex pect on the ter mi nal box of a
squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor to be star ted by star –del ta
star ter ?
37 . In w hat r ati o the l i ne cur r ent and star ti ng tor que ar e
r educed w hen star ted by star –del ta star ter ?

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38. What i s the ser i ous objecti on to the pr acti ce of empl oy i ng

r educed v ol tage f or the star ti ng of a squi r r el -cage
i nducti on motor ?
39. What pr otecti ons ar e pr ov i ded i n the star ter s used to star t
thr ee-phase i nducti on motor s?
40. Rotor r esi stance star ti ng i s pr ef er r ed to r educed v ol tage
star i ng of a w ound r otor i nducti on motor . Why ?
41 . Is i t possi bl e to add an ex ter nal r esi stance i n the r otor
ci r cui t of a thr ee-phase cage i nducti on motor ? Gi v e r eason
f or y our answ er .

(Madras Univ. April 1997)

42. What ar e the adv antages of w ound r otor motor s ov er

squi r r el -cage motor ?
43. What ar e the di sadv antages of w ound r otor motor s
compar ed to squi r r el -cage motor ?
44. What i s meant by si ngl e phasi ng?

(Madras Univ. Elect. Machines-II, Nov. 1996)

45. What i s the usual pr opor ti on of thr ee-phase i nducti on

motor s, thr ee-phase sy nchr onous motor s, DC motor s and
f r acti onal hor se pow er motor s i n a ty pi cal di str i buti on
sy stem?

(P.T.U. Jan. 2000)

46. What i s the pl ace of appl i cati on of cage and w ound r otor
i nducti on motor s.

(P.T.U., Jan. 2000)


1 . Ex pl ai n the constr ucti on of thr ee-phase squi r r el -cage

i nducti on motor .
2. Di scuss how a r otati ng f i el d i s pr oduced i n a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor . How does the r otati ng f i el d hel p i n the
pr oducti on of tor que?
3. Der i v e the r el ati onshi p betw een the f r equency of r otor
cur r ents and suppl y f r equency i n case of a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor .

(U.P.T.U. 2003–04)

4. If one of the phase of a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor i s

bl ow n of f w hi l e r unni ng w i thout l oad, w hat w i l l happen to
i ts r otati on.

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5. Can i nducti on motor (thr ee phase) r un at sy nchr onous

speed? Ex pl ai n y our answ er .

(U.P.T.U.) 6.

6. Ex pl ai n the ter ms sl i p, sl i p f r equency , w ound r otor , cage

r otor .
7 . How can the di r ecti on of r otati on of thr ee-phase i nducti on
motor be r ev er sed?
8. Ex pl ai n the pr i nci pl e of w or k i ng of a thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor and gi v e the ex pr essi on of per centage sl i p.

(U.P.T.U. 2001, 2003–04)

9. How much tor que does an i nducti on motor dev el op at

sy nchr onous speed? Ex pl ai n y our answ er .
1 0. Der i v e an ex pr essi on f or the r otor copper l oss i n ter ms of
sl i p and i nput to the r otor .


1 1 . Obtai n an ex pr essi on f or tor que under r unni ng condi ti on,

f or a thr ee-phase i nducti on motor and then deduce the
condi ti on f or max i mum tor que.
1 2. Der i v e the si mpl i f i ed equati on f or tor que of an i nducti on
motor .
1 3. Dr aw and ex pl ai n the sl i p–tor que char acter i sti cs of a
thr ee-phase sl i p-r i ng i nducti on motor . Mar k on i t star ti ng
and max i mum tor que.

(U.P.T.U. 2002–03)

1 4. Dr aw the tor que speed char acter i sti cs of pol y phase

i nducti on motor and cl ear l y i ndi cate the ef f ect of change i n
r otor r esi stance.
1 5. Ex pl ai n br i ef l y the ef f ect of i ncr easi ng the r otor
r esi stance of an i nducti on motor on (i ) star ti ng tor que and
(i i ) r unni ng tor que.
1 6. State the di f f er ence betw een squi r r el -cage r otor and w ound
r otor ty pe of i nducti on motor s.


1 7 . Compar e r el ati v e adv antages of cage r otor -ty pe i nducti on

motor and w ound r otor ty pe i nducti on motor .
1 8. Gi v e a l i st of adv antages and di sadv antages of thr ee-phase
i nducti on motor s.
1 9. Compar e cage- and w ound-ty pe i nducti on motor s.

(U.P.T.U. 2003–04)

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20. Why star ter i s necessar y f or star ti ng thr ee-phase i nducti on

motor s? Name v ar i ous method of star ti ng thr ee-phase
squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor s and ex pl ai n any one method
i n detai l .

(U.P.T.U. 2002–03)

21 . Name the v ar i ous star ter s empl oy ed f or the star ti ng of

thr ee-phase squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor . Ex pl ai n star –
del ta star ter i n detai l .

(U.P.T.U. 2003–04)

22. Gi v e v ar i ous methods of star ti ng l ar ge thr ee-phase

i nducti on motor s. Ex pl ai n auto tr ansf or mer star ter i n
detai l .
23. Cal cul ate the r ati o betw een the l i ne cur r ents dr aw n by an
i nducti on motor w hen star ted di r ectl y on l i ne and thr ough
a star –del ta star ter .
24. How many ter mi nal s do y ou ex pect to f i nd on the ter mi nal
box of thr ee-phase squi r r el -cage i nducti on motor to be used
f or star ti ng by star –del ta star ter .
25. Ex pl ai n how thr ee-phase w ound-ty pe i nducti on motor i s
star ted.
26. State the causes of l ow -pow er f actor of an i nducti on motor s.
27 . Ex pl ai n w hy the no-l oad cur r ent i n an i nducti on motor i s
much hi gher than that of an equi v al ent tr ansf or mer .


Fill in the Blanks

1 . r esi stance
2. sl i p
3. i ncr ease
4. no


6. no-l oad test; l ock ed r otor test

7 . 0.04
8. sl i p-r i ng
9. cannot be
1 0. i r on (eddy cur r ent)
1 1 . R2 = S × X2s
1 2. hi gh r el uctance (ai r gap)
1 3. one

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1 4. i r on (eddy cur r ent)

1 5. 0.03 to 0.05
1 6. zer o
1 7 . thr ee, thr ee
1 8. 2
1 9. 50
20. standsti l l r otor r eactance

Objective Type Questions

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. c
8. c
9. b
1 0. d
11. d
1 2. c
1 3. b
1 4. c
1 5. c
1 6. b
17 . d
1 8. a
1 9. c
20. c
21 . b
22. d

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