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c+lrql <fsi uffis ,!o <t ,s+Ifi.s word frrs r qi
sstlqs word-(? qr.orotr<
ffiel€q-{lql ,ss <t ,cofft$ word-4i functional:p'Ff effrs r qQ rT-|.6 qflI3
R&n word frcrF ftr"F {q Ef<{ <Ycn I ffilq' sentence-cR csf{ -er<-{r+ c+,f{
word-r{i s't (form) ft qrs q ei'Frcq Ers sentenceFm tsh-\r-fr< off,* +-<t sR r

qftmlx fitlftq-< qQ q's-sl qrcq ft-q| Et qlTR tst-{i sentence completion

question Ch-.til qT I

Choose the right answer to fill in the blank in each sentence.

1. I need a pen, some paper and
a) if there is any candle
b) some candle
c) a candle
d) what a candle is
ANSWER : (c) t
need-verb-€R object {l-{l a pen, some paper €?tr(
-f{iqRq< qS-]Ff ; qrfl : €TE sentence-€ rnt element Sfr qr$< qks
q{, 6l{[q qfsjsmffi qFt tt'({-{ q€Tt BftE I ,liflr{ object {elemeni){fdfl
&qF r qtr Q(Fl noun phrase r E€Tt( pfilfie noun phrase er{ r (a) q<( b)
q$5q qlts .w, $T{cl" €g{qi phrase Tll, clause r €"f*'g ia) c'g- qol-<rccf if {sll{l
EITIq I (b) Cs candie {count noun)-s< qlti some T{I({I q6g6q qq afts
€l'{lIqTll] ET i ?FRcl count noun-43 Vldtt some <qTE B-s noun-s{K plural form
{candles) <e'lFq-E ic$$€sl{ c r

2. i want to buy a book, to sharpen my pencil and .

a) g,:ing tc school -_-

b) when I go to school
c) that I should go to school
d) to go to schsol
ANSWER : Question-1 4R :].CEi 4?if(-{s qaE
{fu eft{Frl't 'want' verb-
€K complement {@ to buy ., to sharpen. . . q<(-t{i'$({<qC-IFr
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 579
Principle Parallelism ({:Ifg{l6F5l3f ffi; qwn<, verbfti c<erEl
complement-E €{'to + verb'form-€3 I €q-$ choice (a), (b), (c) qF+qT ,

choice (a) CE gerund (verb + ing) ll{du qC{-rq I choice (b) q<( {c) {rEI
clause, q s-iTccl q+F ea T{ r cfrs €-s< {c{ (d).

3. This box is too heavy for

a) to lift it
b) to lift
c) that I can't lift it
d) so I can't lift it
ANSWER : S + be + too + Adj. + (for + objective casei + To +
verb r4vl6{3lsl"t$\oSr I choice (a) co cE structure qelq fr6s <fre gcE'e
q< 6.rcri'it'-q< Tt{{R qlflfrq-{s I

This box-.{B q-dlt it <r{qs qfficq r firE cR structure - q qeBq Es 6$t(El

subject r+ fr€h-<n <r-<El{ s--{lT Ecrfq{ * ql I w.<ls. choice (a) qq{csi'fir{ r

choice (c) q<( (d) structure-€:tr q$ift i's I q$'4-q choice b) I siructure
q-{fll-<,{s61'c{trli r p,fll ls+ tssa 61 r

4. He is both a student
a) as well as a player
b) as well as plays games
c) and a player
d) and plays well
ANSWER : both + €Tfr element + .{Tt sl6-{ q-al €sF element I

q..ffqboth-q< ffirIE Etr element ?fs"54 {Tm er\a{-+.Fn qr< qse WfiT c<!,
€-se {tcl< I E'fdg'{E EE element-€R T[{I and {sK{, as well as
T{ I ,.! s'Kr"ei
choice (c) q qft"s Bg< t choice (d) co and qrR <"[b. \5[< \fig and.q;i 4-{ qlrq
€sft clause; ft-E q{r{, q-<-sl-{ ql-dll €sft phrase-q<, sl{cf both-€K el'{ STgrq
csfr pirrase.

5. Both
a) Rahim and Karim went there
b) Rahim went there and Karim
c) Karim went there and Rahim
d) Rahim as weil as Karim went there
ANSWER : choice (d) qfrs-fi, sRq {ru both-c{K m-,V Rrqrq <Kqe
{trf68 as well as I choice (c) qft-+ qS, 4tl6l, principie of parallelism q-{iTR"
both-€< el{ CT element afFF"C-{ and €< "R€ CCq €:st element effsr< I +-cat,
Karim +went(verb) ... + and + Noun+verb+... €3[4 structure EeTl
CGs r ftp (c) F Karim-q< el? qlCR verb + adverbial, €R( and q< 'K qfcq
E{ noun r rFCE (c) qlt+ qr I qri T.l<-c"l to) e lfr+ +* r c#r Ss< qcql (a).
R:€: paraiellism Frift Rfu* q-<ffi{ fiTTf<ft-{ q-dl qq c{rlc€{ The
Anatomy of the F.nglish Sentence Rt€ cq"ll
580 A Passage to the English Language
6. He is so fat run fast.
a) to run
b)-that he could not
c) that he cannot
d) for him to run
ANSWER : so . . that-4slf< sentence q'fg'l@ E{ I . . . too . . . to +
verb 4916{ sentence qtql(s qT I q FffC"f choice (a) qv6 r choice (b) 6e
q{K{j-$-sffE tense f,S present 6ef6p past-€ shift F{t qC{'Cq I choice (d)
choice ia)-q<R s{lrr{ I cfs Es{ {r<t choice (c) |

7. He is so bad that he does not speak the truth.

(a) man
(b) a rnan
(c) the man
(d) one man

ANswER.fillqrtr: so + ADJECTIVE . + noun phrase-

qvlr< sentencn ot'aq oatE{ I W<t(Us-{ (b) r fu such <j:RK nr< qTQ wd{
sentence utfq o-<r.o qrsl qe[6{ such .r + ADJ. + noun phrase.
8. He is such that he does not spead the truth.
(a) bad a man
(b) abadaman
(c) a bad man
(d) bad the man
ANSwER , q#sVs<qnt (c) r "(<ff<foF<<t1I cq.1l'l
9. How he isl
(a) a nice boy
(b) nice the boy
- (c) a very nice boy
(d) nice a boy

ANSWER : How + adjective + noun phrase . . . qstr{

sentence qS I q $FI6l choice (d) qfr+ r What E1gl qst qCdT a1Si {t{
F<l cq-s qslr<: Wh"i .{AlN} + Adjective + Nsun. . .

10. what _ he isr

(a) nice a boy
(b) a nice boy
(c)j nice boy
(d) nice the boy
ANswER, q6-sBsREffi (u) r
"I6aff sentence-q< <]tfi cq{ r
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 581

11. It for four hours.

(a) is raining
(b) has to be raining
- (c) has been raining
(d) have been raining
ANSWER , .6;€* (c) r for four hours calrs uu1:t6t C{ sentence6{
verb-€3tr tense q6ail present perfect continuous | {g-fi( choice (c)l Cfr<' r

i$.:t 12. Father home last night'

(a) came
(b) has come
(c) should come
(d) must come
ANSWER :last night-st Eraq {IslT F{ sr6q GI sentenceBd verb-q-?t
(b) I6-s CCgI {ft
tense q6{ past indefinite I sKc6t choice (a)q6s t "hoicn
last night -q< qr{ today { just now el1=FE I

13. I do not like with that girl'

(a) him to talk
(b) him talk
(c) his talking
(d) of his talking
ANSWER qff+Bs<<EI (c) r

14. i Jailed for me in the exam hall'
(a) him io disturb
- his disturbing
(c) he disturbed
(d) because of his disturbing
qstc< <l$i Efto qs r {o-<tqcfts us< w< b) |

15. If I his address, I would write him a letter'

(a) would know
(b) knew
(c) should have known
(d) should know
ANSWER, qftoE"s< 1U1 r R'la Wnt :

clause-€ would,/should Tccg 'fIK qt tffi qf{f{ q-{ qt <Rtr{

If r

Conditional sentence q{lTTfr cq'"l ll

16. If he had not helped me, I in danger'
(a) would be
(b) were -
(c) was to be
(d) would have been
ANSWER : If clause-4 had + verb (past participle) en-a(4 main clause-
€ would have + verb (past participle) <Kqs {({ I
A P.assage to the English Language
17. I'm sorry that I've disturbed lou = I am sorry _- you.
(a) to disturb '
(b) to disturbing
(c) to have disturbed
(d) having to disturb
ANSWER, nE+Ev<1c1 r

18. I am looking forward to him.

(a) see
' (b) seeing
(c) be able to
{d) how to see
ANSWER : looking foward to (q-.ft-g qFil{ al1-sl)_€t to {C{I
preposition r qS'KCct 4-( tit verb (ing) Tq"r< I CE{ BgT
b) r qrq <FIdu qr{,
.€ to Rg infinitive-q< toT{t I

19. who want to participate in the game are requested

apply to the right authority on or before May 9, Z,-OOO.
(a) They
- (b) Those
(c) Them
(d) They that
s..frs U'g< (b) r who-€K qIc'f C{d those TC{ I

20.1'hey are the people did this.

(a) which
(b) those
(c) that
(d) that which
ANSWER r q$-+ Ee< (c) r <ffuf<T<-+ noun GF refer $3Ke thatRl who
<I{{<Grcoq{ r

27.1{ I had much money I you some.

(a) would give
(b) would have given
(c) gave -
(d) give
COULD MIGHT + VERB WORD (s/es) ing/ed Rfu) r +m qS+ Bs-{ {6<
(a) t

had much money, I you some.

(a) would have given
(b) would give
(c) gave -
(d) would gave
ANSWER : cfts$-s< (a) I IF +pAST PERFECT TENSE +
WOULD,/COULD,/MIGHT + HAVE + VERB (past participle).
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 583
23.lf I were young enough, I in the match.
(a) would have participated
(b) would participate
(c) participated
(d) were ParticiPating
ANSWER: qS-+Bq<b)r

24. He hit the glass so hard -- break it.

(a) so that he wanied to
* (b) as to
;fll (c) that he wanted to
(d) that it was to
ANSWER : . so + Adverb + ASTo +verb . . . qsl6{<f+i {6sCT r

{fts$-gq h) r (c) grammatically correct qrq\3 qcd{ tisfu 3sl s"c il I

25. Be careful wiih tha giass-wares break them.

(a) so that not to
(b) so not to
(c) that you don't
(d) so as not to
ANswER, qfrsEsr(d r

26. She studied hard _- pass the exam.

(a) so as to
(b) so that she could
(c) because that she could
(d) only because to
ANSWER t qs.+BS< {a) q<( b) I

27 . Work hard so that rich.

(a) you can become
(b) to be -
(c) for becoming
(d) as to become.
ANSWER . c$-s E-s{ (a) r <ffi .cglr< {6s q.s : clause + So THAT +
S + can,/could/may/migl'tt + verb word.
28. He is so weak waik.
(a) as cannot
(b) that cannot
(c) that he cannot
(d) as noi to be able to.
ANSWER: (c) t. . so+Adj,/Adv' +THAT+clause'

29. We should try hard be successful.

(a) so that we
(b) so we
(c) so that we can
584 A passage to the English Language
(d) so as to
. (e) in order to
ANSwER : (c), (d) q<( (e)_qq e{Et c8s Eq{ r

30. Walk carefully lest you

(a) will fall down.
(b) should fall down.
(c) may fall down.
(d) can fall down.
ANSWER : main clause + LEST + Subject + SHOULD + verb
simple I {E<l( (b) qfrS r Should6s <lq€ Cq-{l 6qF flf6{ I

31. I would rather that you .

(a) do not go
(b) do not go
(c) not to go -
(d) not go
(e) did not go
ANSWER : 51 + would rather that + 52 + verb (past tense :
negative-4 did not + simple ver(b))-€vlC{ TlSj rfSE
{t{ would rather
semi-modal-4it +lq Ff< I q{F past tense <Fes Efqe qd fug past_€i
q-{tt$ cr I <t+lFn qdqcEl ffi
: <fr ft Vfr <-<q q FM sk qr r q5i *s< qcqr
choice (e).

32. I would rather that you .

(a) bought this book
(b) buv this book
(c) should buy this book
(d) to buy ihis book
ANSWER : 1{T6f sentence-€Jt <it"trl cqX I <l$lF{ qd : s"tfi <fr ft yR
{<( qq <EF c+a r qff+ E-e< {rqr (a).

33. Tom would rather that his sister

' (a) does not mix with bad boys

(b) do not mix with bad--

(c) not mixed with bad boyi
(d) did not mixed with bad boys
(e) did not mix with bad boys
ANSWER : 6Tff5sn1.nce-€i[ <tllil fi{q t uFt Ed : b{ Dll c{ El{ c{n
(<"{9 ?ll-<i"t qrqrq-{ clcei freo r q#s Es< (e).

34. He would rather that you tomorrow.

(a) come
(b) should come
(c) will come
(d) came
(e) not come
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 585
qeF\5 I[{ ECo '[(< CS (b) <l
ANSWER , CtS €-s{ (d) r tomorrow cm{
(c) {< cft-s g-g< I fug q Rr< { r would rather that . . . construction-€
q.oO *t (q<(<l5q'j subject R6 an$rEl verb-€3l fr1 R{ past indefiniie.

35. I would rather '

(a) not to beg
(b) to not beg
(c) not- beg
(d) did not beg
ANSWER , T'{<q<l+ierqf{ xcEI ql(lcsi subject firq qtr T{ I
{tq,$sE subject r el qlft{ sentence-€3lll5-q
qr<'a<fl :
S + would rather + verb simple ling, s/es/ed
<qr< 4l) 3l not + verb
simple I qd : qlft $r(frsl a3<rl i {w<'i<qft+
Bc< 1c; r

qllsl) than
36. I woulcl rather starve (q{W<
(a) begging
(b) to beg
(c) begged
(d) bea
qfr$ Vs{ sr< (d) | qd : qfr <<<qt
ANSwER, ;d<fr <roft <rl"lfl cq?t I

c"l(s cfis-<q{ftqa-sa;1

37. Tuhin would rather some coffee than beer'

(a) to have
(b) have
(c) has
(d) had

ANSWER r "I{{q <tl"li cq"l t Tuhin third person singular

qbR verb to have -€K simple
number q€fi C'Cqs has {'IK {1, have <Cr{ I
(s/es ffi) form rW<ls.qfrsEsr b).

38. Moni would rather cards than chess'

. (a) PlaYs
(b) PlaY
(c) to PlaY
(d) PlaYed
ANSWER , q8+E-e<qrEl (b) I tf{q sentence-qi <llrBl
e{ t

39. You had better _- todaY'

(a) did not go'
(b) not tt'go.
(c) not go.
(d) not went
ANSWER , ii#,"Uj".lRpp would rather construction-€< :[csR s?
uifE +-*t< fiT{ eQ '
constructionfr t 9d19 senten.n
586 A Passage to the English Language

S + had better +.verb simple (s/es/-ing/ed R6{ TI r) {.l not

+ verb
simple r had qfs(E\s qfr past tense 6s ffit of< nI I c8s E-g< (c)
r vd : pfr
<-{(Stq GCRt4t t<t CoFkqIjsM4<te{litEqin.qr{ I

(Structure C?fT ffis qlql.:T gl-{t qE 6{rs-n A High Level Dictionary

of English Structures <tE nV r)

40. He had better that medicine regularly.

(a) took
* (b) not took
i#. (c) takes
(d) take
ANSwER : tftrq<ritr{<tTqlT eRt rqF+tss{ (at

41. She is used to .- in that din (:19).

(a) work
(b) working
(c) works
(d) worked
ANSWER : be used to + noun Tt verb + ing (gerund) r qd : Elsrg
q€$ r {qfl(q#s s-s< << (b) r .{{t-{ to {6{r preposiiion; qfr infinitive-9< to
Ts rqt (d q#+Ee<q's r

42. You _ it.

(a) ought to not do
(b) ought not do
(c) ought not to do
(d) should not to do
ANSWER : should (+not) + vertr simple I qsl q.cd ought (not)
+verb simple I FrE q#s E-c< qr< (c) i urd : FlqK qil s-fl S6s
T* r

43. You cione it.

(a) ought have to
(b) ought have
(c) ought to have
(d) should to have
ANSWER , c6-sUsr (c) rvd : cuF]K q stq s-fl BfiE R{
Gq pR \dl
+-<fr)r Should <I{qK s-{6E sentenceFrs cvf6a fr1.6s qrol : Vol },orta
have done it. Lcs'f EF*r construction rrrcs ffis qnCE qq
<EF* Modal,
Auxiliary, semlmodal verb Fl{$ S<IHE Cq'{ r

44. The street is wet; it last nioht.

(a) must have rained
(b) must rain --
(c) must rained
(d) should have rained
qll+r< t<M
ANSWER : ed: <tvt?t ewt; frmt to<Tcs1EsrtR-q/qm
tggit 6hrdQ "K<€rq-dIF{F F-{t EcFq t Cslr{I sb{I cq.cq ffi€ sc? {en
mlr{I s?dl qq136 W${ s-{l T<lTcs sentence Cs must have + verb (past
o"ir.to"t-".f.u dl" 3:-rF ql iEsnrc6-$ E-g-< (a) t (d) grammatically
i-u a"n^ qfr qcd< qlcct ?fiq fi
qI r 4T<61, (d)-q< EId scqt : 18 ns* €fiv
R+ r vtv<t qt 33lrs
fu uRsl Er{I' ffi
'l-s<lF 18
qcsRE t

<-6ffi <']1q-{ c<'K{l $:fl< c{FrE q<fl q{ql4 q-sl.l<iKK q-{is must {l{ds
qg I sf{ C{IT-CE must-qK "l3l have + verb (past participle) <lTdo AI I't I {<(
qm-cat<lsi {fts E{ I

must +
f f 3: i::i:.ll#)
j (not) + 1bn * noun phrase
L Luntb simple
q-<-{qEF sentence -€ 6 construction a({I <I?l-qs Effil I

45. He spends a lot of money every month; he rich'

(a) should be
(b) must be --
(c) musi have been
(d) should have been
qtot-s< I Eclq clauseft< tense 4=t( qd celrs $t {tcq
ANSWER ' (b)
qS-6 qd '
R, fr6T chuseF< tense qr< present indefinite | {tr-<]( choice (b) 1

cc q& firc Eq< b.l-cl ?KF T?K lfi'olt cc rfft r

45.1have to go now; my friend for me now'

(a) must wait
(b) must waiting
(c) should be waiting
(d) must be waiting
qllr< gi-{i qc"fqrt s<rq
ANSWER : q.$',lqF qrE1 : ftsrE ql{R Tt q?F i

ry<tq{F$ V€< qr< choice (d).

47. Do You know .- swim?

(a) to
(b) how You can
(c) how to
(d) how about
(e) how can You
How ro + €src{ al$s
ANSWER : Know + verb simple sentence

ET I Ts3l( choice (c) {fr+ t

48. The doctor

(a) arrived after the Patient died
(U) t"tua arrived after the patient died .
i.i nua arrlved after the patient had died
588 A passage to the English Language
(d) came after the patient had
(e) came after the patient dyinj --

ANSWER : Past perfect tense-€ after_€il eifs q<( before_€R qk1 had
+ verb (past participle) TCI I {E{l( choice (d) {ffS r

49. Would you please him this.

(a) do not tell
(b) not tell
(c) not to tell
(d) not telling
ANSWER : Would you please not + verb simple (vlf,{ <fq a$s qg r
srEc6-{B-€{w{ (b).
50. I made him _.-- my shirt.
(a) to wash
(b) washed
(c) wash
(d) to have washed
ANSWER : S + make + objective case of pronoun/noun phrase
VERB SIMPLE (s/es/ing/ed qc< il l)-qstr< se'tence ,f$s qn-,
Bs (c) r qd : ffi q.. fr* *** r*,tt t*a"A"
fi-qn r $cr -udnl-uin-*u *
7ot/get <frms q+t wdn <l+jffi T-<l sTT I \o54 cq"cs"6q oRFtfiverb_,s-<.qcE

51. Every day mother gets me clothes.

(a) to wash
(b) wash
(c) washing
(d) washed
ANSWER . qFo Vs< qr< (a) r
"Ifirff<TsrB< Tfirilt r

52. He is tired of -- your objections and requests.

(a) hear
(b) hearing
(c) heared
(d) to hear
ANSWER : of {C{l preposition 1 frS.{ Rf4l : preposition_q-< fi Verb +
ing (gerund) <Flds SCq r awflq c8s E-s< ECsl (b).

53. We are thinking about _- a new project.

(a) to start
(b) start
(c) we should start
(d) that we start
(e) starting
ANSWER , c8s E-sT (e) r About {Cfl preposition I {v{T( qr$rE "Ii<-q
sentence-(R <fT"ffi Ec{lgl-I I
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 589
54. Today I shall get my servant to go to market the
(a) do --
(b) to do
(c) in doing
(d) so that he do
ANSWER: rfifsE-$tEr{b)l
55. I want my watch
(a) to rePair
"'Ft (b) to be rePairing
$j: (c) repairing
(d) repaired
ANSWER, qft+E-g<(d) I structure RcEl : S + want + obiect + verb
(past participlel / adjectiv e.

56. I want mv rice

la) cooked
(b) to cook
(c) cooking
(d) having cooked
qEsS-€< (a)r

57. I want to have it within a week'

(a) to do
(b) do
(c) done
to be done

ANSWER : .HAVE + OBJECT (<q<l'n+) + VERB (past

participle)-€elc{ <w'f6s qs r qd : qtfr es q€lr'€ {c{I qfr Tfrrl F&€
uTl rssrF{ : firq<t{FutQ-q+qtTqtq@.41rcfi-sE-sr (c) r

58. He had his hair

(a) to cut
(b) to be cut
(c) cut
(d) cutting
ANSWER : (c) r T!-{'t, cut-€?t past participle {F{l cut r f'<v"f 4ofr<
d1]l cq:l r

59. We will have them the work lor us'

(a) to do
(b) doing
(c) to be done
(d) do
590 A Passage to the English Language
ANSWER , qft+ E'ss (a) r frvq qrfl: S+HAVE+SOMEONE
({rfu<tF-$ o&rECT) + VERB srMpLE . . . qd: qFq-fl islcq-< q-fl qqkPi-r q-{1
otsFoR'cs cfi r

60. I will not let you

(a) so
(b) ro go
(c) to going
{d) rvent
'" (e) will go
::l ANSWER : ler + OBJCET + VERB SIMPLE (s/es/ins/edfrfu)

TrEc6sB€?qrs (a)r
61. Are you letting them rest?
(a) to take
(b) tale
{c) taking
(d) to be taking
ANSWER, cft-sB€{tut rtf+ff<ioffi<<lt{ln m{{ I

62. I shall help you the hometask.

(a) to do
{b) do
(c) doing
(d) done
ANSWER : (A) 4(( b) BSTR qft+ r riEI-P + OBJECTIVE CASE
nuon or pronoun + verb or TO{NFINITIVE qsk{ <lTI ufFs
ET r

63. If I a king, I you much money.

(a) was, gave
(b) were, to give
- give
(c) were, will
(d) was,
was, would oir
was. give
(e\ were. would grve
ANSwER : sF{Eg*{r< (e) iqd: qtfr sfr rrqt Wtq, \51-q.rq cqiqfrs
qr"r+ ttat fts'fC r Unreal past
i €Sfl 6sr4 5g61"o1 sR RIs. .p-.F"l{ were
TC{ I main clause-€ would,/could,zmight + VERB SIMPLE {r{.t

64. Stay here until I --- .

(a) do not come
(b) not come
(c) come
(d) should come
AMWER : UNTiL = <qr{ Tr "F{s I {E-fi( .lR Er<lq NOT_q< <rqrl
<rrrq I q rl<'c6r UNTIL-qi eFr not <'{rc{r <tT qt r {gs Es<
{c) r 9d : {s$cr
("Fis) qfrif qtfrssq{ ffi q?firairc"istT-s I
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 591
65. Do not call me unless You _- helP.
' (a) need
(b) do not need
(c) not need any
(d) not to need
ANSWER : UNTIL-€R UNLESS q< El(] NOT-q{ {e-{l TCscR t
,s< qd 1fr qt' I qg-<]s, c6-s B-s< qr< (a) r 9d q5qt : If you NEED help, call
me; if you DO NOT need help, DO NOT call me.

(a) be
(b) had been
(c) was
(d) were
ANSWER , qd : $fr sft <]qI wn I q8+ E-sr (dl'

67. I wish that he

(a) will
(b) shall
(c) will have
(d) should
(e) would
ANswER , qF+ Vs< (e) r eR'<ire REEIT qR slT-{ erslrl eftDq t wouid
<j?rqs qrEs qfr qfrsrs fi6{"15-a6qa I
-qe]'6rs fiffii4-E5q would,/could +

HAVE + verb (past participle)<Ii-qs qfq I

68. I wish that you it YesterdaY.

(a) would do
(b) did
(c) would have done
(d) had done
ANswER , qE+ Ses (c) q<l (d I qfrosrq frE {fu St qt +,ffi ersn
"llcE I

69" I rvish that the ParhJ on Tuesday.

{a) were --
(b) had been to be
(c) was
(d) should
ANswER t cfrsEs{ (a) r <]-s{-fr*q s.ffi {<rlF qrscq WERE {l{q\5
70. I require that he the work immediately.
(a) does
(b) should do
(c) do
(d) to be doing
592 A passage to the English Language
ANSWER : {bq verb ffifilv structure_{ <K.q"\r- CCE vm. ffi
clause-4 s/eslingled frft{ verb <Kd.s qS1 VERB
{g I
SUBJUNCTIVE r Structurefr {C{} :
I demand recommend
s * J 9n:iln
I lnslst require + that +
I Rrefer urge
S + VERB (SU&IUNCTIVE) + . . .
L{-rf-rc6l c6-o U-e<
ef{ British English (WTRT{ 6qn< ftfi $T{T q6fitr)
q-{fl[{ (b) q<( American English-4 (c) qi
r American English_4 fr.g{ Ersfg
avlsfusttilffi4-4q I

71. She insists that her husband _ there.

(a) does nof go
(b) goes
(c) should go
id) go
ANSWER , CFs tss< British English qq{llT(c) \e (d) €K( American
English gF{rTr{ e{ (d) r $aer <r-+r< TJt?Rl-{ Eqg structure_€i verb e(fl {re
<Irl r

manaser pre{erred that Mrs. Rahman with marketing
(a) provides him
(b) should provide him
(c) to provide him
(d) providing him
(e) provide him
ANSWER : (b) qrT( (e) r 6<-ff<t+iF< <itfi cqq I

73. Her demand that we punctual was declared yesterday.

(a) are
(b) should be
(c) be
(d) are to be
. . . _qEt_f{
cE noun €rq.t qtcs

insistence request
preference requirement
ploposal suggestion
"ffi VERB-q< 4-r sZeslilgT"6-ffia SIMpLE VERB T{cr fr(<}
should + VERB <'{r{ r s'$ft1q c6-+ U-es ErqI (b) e<(. (c)
Grammar : How Strong Is your Knowledge of Structures? SgB
74. I comply with your suggestion that everybod! some
initiative in the project.
(a) should take
(b) take -
(c) takes
(d) taking
ANSWER : {ft+E<r< q<( b) r
T{Eef <foiF< <fi"lrt fi.{ I Noun a6fl
T"R TI"t I frrR $-Cs American English-e et fiTEeIEI sg'll-tel-* "lfdn €d S{ I

75. The streets of Dhaka are cleaner than

o (a) Khulna
(b)that of Khulna
(c) Khulna's
(d) those of Khulna
ANSWER : paffi q6q phaka)< street-qi {l|rl (Khulna-i) street-(F,
Dhaka-n r'Kel Khulna-3 Ts $ Dhaka-F street-4i rT[qf Khulna-R ir |
Chcice (d) cS-$ I choice iUl qf+ qrq sfr streets-€K {q singutar-d{
the/that/street qFFe I

76. A book of has been lost.

(a) me
(b) mine
(c) my
(d) r
ANSWER , qF+ E-e-< (b) r tffi,r- qtTR q-{I @ <?F< Case (possessive)
qqts (qrl tl

77. Theg the work by August I0, 1996.

(a) will finish
(b) r,r'ill be finished
(c) will have finished
(d) did finished
ANSWER , c'8{ UgT (c) r {reiFro future perfect tense-€?tr f{l Erl-cq r

ffiqnmq-{i qe<etr{ Tense E{i13 ch'{ r

78. He told rne that he me, but he did not.

(a) will help
(b) would have helped
(c) would help
(d) should hetped
ANSWER r q#$ €Cfi (c) r Qeln clause-€? verb past tense .S< <h
ffi clause-fi verb I corresponding past tense-€E q[-{ r q FK[{ will help
a.l <'CC would help TllC{ t

tft$R\o qlqR q-;l] @ <tF< sequence of renses 4?( Narration qq]f{ Eft
cq-{ ri
594 A Passage to the English Language
79. Had it not been for your help, I in danger.
(a) would be
(b) would have been
(c) was
(d) were to be
ANSWER , qfroB-e{Ec{l (b) r Qqfit
dslqc{GF<slrqqtr{{c{ E{ I

qr{-rs qFrF .s{ qeR {<Rs '116{ sl r 6sE c+B qd ws

{rc{ <ct, b-r< frcq

.{; s'm1<r$] {5q s'<r6 {l-c< {l r m{ :

[emq <rsi qF4 construction {'{69 e<( sfds-{-slr{ q'FTf{ q-{I qq @qr{-{
Tough English Made simple <8F cqq rl

80. The man did not corne again, ?

(a) did he
(b) didn't he --
(c) was he
(d) was it

ANSWER, qF+Es<(a).
Tag Question c?ffi R-<rtfisqlql;tq-{I €<?F'< Question and Comment
Tags gEi1TI 6q"l tl

81. Let us go out for a walk,

(a) will we
(b) let's not
(c) won't we
(d) shall we
ANSWER , qfto E-s< (d) r ttfqff sent:nce-q< ?rFNrEi €s <AfrT fu
q{rt{F m{ tj

82.The man waiting in the street with his frierl'ls my uncle.

(a) are
(b) is
, (c) were
(d) had to be

ANSWER r qF+ €-s< (b) r Subject {[{1 The man waiting in the street
with his friends t (E Noun phraseFa Headword Rrfl The man t €fr
singular I "F-{ff verb-€?t qq fr6Rs {C{ Headword El{I I Headword-€i
modifier (,SqF waiting in the street with his FRIENDS) Sl-fl T{ I sKcq
Headword 6q6{g- singuiar number 4d( third person, 6qq \5t< 'lCR is nF-dg
ErE | [q fr'q'cn lnlr<l fiMRG q]ql-< q-{i eE c{"trsir The Anatomy of the English
Sentence €F cq*l rj
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? S9S
83. His brother along with his friends come.
(a) have
(b) has
(c) have to
(d) having
ANSWER : Subject {[{t His brother along with his friends I !4SF
phrase I Headword-(His) "brother" r qF third person singular number I c{i[
modifier q(41 along with his friends-@ phraseF 1fi3a q6{l Noun phrase €-?t
ekt verb qd cs.FI{qF<I{qs<{qfr,ftRs{c{
Headword ERl, ER modifier
S'Ft iT t F(al His brother s{ 9i.<t TCGI has, have m r W<tf CEs Ee{ b) r

.!: )

84. My purse together with the cards Iost.

(a) have
(b) has
(c) has been
(d) will have,
ANSWER : (c) t 83B(<lrsr{{ll{iT cTll I

85. Neither Bulbul nor his parents cotn€.

(a) have
(b) has
(c) has to
(d) shall have been
ANSWER : (a) I Neither . . . nor ll either or construction-4 verb
q{{1fi(IRtre3 ffi3q sublectfre6l r

86. Either his parents or he this.

(a) have said
(b) was say
(c) have to said
(d) has said
ANSwER : (d r T{c€f <r+iF< <'fi{i mri r

87. It is no use
(a) to bargain
(b) to have bargained
(c) bargaining
(d) for to bargain
ANSWER : (c)t lt's no use + gerund (V + ing)r

88. Don't laugh at

(a) a poor man
(b) poor
(c) poors
(d) the poor
ANSWER : (d) r The + Adj - frfq plural common noun €i[ slq s-t-{ I
596 A Passage to the English Language
89. is a useful animal.
(a) Dogs
(b) A dog
- (c) The dogs
(d) Dos
ANSWER : (b) I erwco The dog (dogs lll) e q6-o qret r

90. Start
(a) to write
(b) to read
(c) reading
't*, (d) to have written
ANSWER : Start + gerund RI to-infinitive I :TE-s[53[ infinitive al{qs {I
q6TK SL{Ccl s.l(<l4ir{t Tr{ q{ 6{ Et Eq I ql{r{ \5tT$ I 4T{ q4'Jl-{t verb €Il
q-di <ttr{ gerund q{ll{ m{{ | {qfl( (a), (b), (c) frqF choice-Q correct'

91. One of the I come'

(a) student have
(b) students has
(c) students have
(d) peoples have
ANSWER : (b) t One of (the) + plural count noun l{4 Headword Qrdt
"one" I 4.:l 'l3l has TcIGr | {rc--<]( choice (b) cfts r

92. He is to kill such a cow.

-- (a) enough cruel
(b) cruel enough
(c) too cruel enough
(d) enough too cruel
ANSWER : (b) t Adjective + ENOUGH + to + verb I
(structure wffi ffis qTql-< q-ql qt cElTs-r A High Level Dictionary
of English Structures dfr W r)

93. She's not

(a) clever enough
(b) enough clever
(c) enough
(d) much of clever
ANSWER: (a)t

94. He sang so from the street.

(a) loud that we could hear him
(b) loudly that we could heard him
(c) loudly for us to that we could hear him
(d) loudly that we heard him
ANSWER: (d).
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 597

95. Iron feels .

(a) hardly
(b) hard
(c) so too hard
(d) too very hard

96. This mango tastes .

(a) good
(b) well
(c) soodly
(d) badlv
ANSWER : (a)Subject + i,::::l + Adjective (Adverb f$ t

97. than ten people there.
(a) No less, was
(b) No fewer, -were
- (c) More, was
(d) Less, were
ANSWER : (b) I people qf;ll count noun I ffKl( few,/fewer {I<[QE
q6{, less {S I Non-count nount-€K 6FGl less 3i-4p {T I

98. I could not attend the meeting problem.

(a) due to
(b) on cause of
(c) owing to
(d) for cause of
ANSWER : Preposition /adiective ffif< owing to €K( a{ adjective
pq{ ffit- ql{K q-{i qR o{rfi Tough
Rql.c< due to Rl{de q{ t{€q"f vtra
English Made Simple fi( Words That Often Confuse You ll qF cn:t tl

99. He was for murder.

(a) hung
(b) hanged
ANSWER r Tfu.q ilrlt qrd
hang hanged hanged

100. He asked- me
(a) what is your name.
(b) what was your name?
(c) what your name was.
(d) what my name were.
ANSWER : (c) tsr*i choice-sfr{ qrFs cfr$ T{ r
598 A Passage to the English Language
(a) Reread the passage again.
(b) Re-read the passage igain.
(c) Read the passage again.
(d) Re-read the passage.
ANSWER : (c) {{( (d)tg{E q6s r Re-read = Read again I

102. One should do _

(c) one's
(d) ones
ANSWER : (a) €R( (c) o9Rt q8o r American English qflrT (a) qF+ r

<t(qrfi"6f British Engtisht ftsrtrcm "l{tcn, c{ft quFs r British English-€

formal offrcs (c) q6-+ r

103. He not only scolded him --..-

(a) but beat him also.
(b) but also he beat him.
(c) but also had beaten him.
(d) but also beat him.
ANSWER : (d) t Not only either,/neither €i 'l{ C<-{3tC6|{ word Tl
phrase 3l clause al1.F6{, but also/or/nor €it 'Ks 6-S sR {|s-C< t

104. went there.

{{ Not only I went there but also my brother
- (b) I not only went there but also my brother
(c) Not only I but also my brother
(d) I only not went there but my brother also
ANSWER: (c)t

105. I want to help you your need.

(a) in
(b) at
(c) for
(d) within
ANSWER t a#+Es< 1a; r

106. there?
--_- (a) Was anything occurred
(b) Did anything occurred
(c) Did anything occur
(d) Was anything occur
ANSWER r cFs E-s< (c) r occur wEt esF intransitive verb r €cs
passive F<T {Et il r
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 599
107. more time, I would have checked my paper again'
(a) If I had
(b) Had I
- (c) If I had had
(d) Had I had
ANSWER , qft-+Us< qFTI (c) ,${( (d) EeR? r If + past + participle + . .

. would have + verb (past partl')-49-K <Kq\5

q{ I

108. I want twice that'

(a) as much than
(b) as manY than
(c) as much for than
(d) as manY as
ANSWER q6+Ee-< (d) rRm{c<t :
twice l
thrice I f muchl
| + as + |-unul
fourtimes J' + as +'''
fivetimesl '
etc )
109. Give it to it'
(a) whom wants
(b)- whomever wants
(c) whoever wants
(d) who want
ANSWER , q6+ g-s< (c) r qlq-fi WR m preposition (cm to' for) +
oK-{ff clause-€ (wants it) verb
objective case-4 qflc< (b)c6-s {tst I ft-E
qsqq{]'l1lqfrE construction q< {qq il{lK q-{i q? rEtl6s-{ The Anatomy
of the English Sentence <ES fl$ I

110. Take the.umbrella lest

__- rain'
(a) it will
(b) it should
(c) it maY
(d) it night
ANSWER : (b) t lest + SHOULD + verb word I American
English-€ 'should'<l<"Qs qT il I

111. It's high time there'

(a) we go
(b) for-us to should go
(c) we must go
(d) we went
ANSWER' c6"sBs<td fraa4a1 ;

It's high time + Subjeci + VERB (PAST) ' ' '
Ii's high time we changed our views'
q"Frs qER qlcq r)
i+fl.il Efi= R" qTEq< IEsfus {r+ F-{l-sr<
600 A passage to the English Language
FO OD F,S_ryqGHT (Structures)
(w?r 6tcs cq.-{t Ersa t) '
A' suppry a suitable word in the
blank of each sentence to comprete
1. who are students among you shourd
- come to this side.
0 A friend of Thosel
- has gone to the U.s.A.for higher .,r$lr.
c [Ans' mine / his'/ hers ' ']
J. all have come. '
4. -
She will ariJlnrv [Ans' ThevJ
5. - the milk.
We were informed of your illness.
6. -
He comes here a week.
7. btve the patient -this meciicine
_ other dav.
8. The three girls haue won'ihe o;;;:."'"'
9. - give me a _
10. Many a begqar "milk
turneJ into a thief in this locality.
11. We are waiting - dinner.
72. What are you waitino _?
13. She takes exercise in-_ morning.
74. Do you have probiem here?
15. It you have - doubt
16. Give me -one of it. about it, inform me.
17. -
19. A very
J""y''i-'H #' i f il t'r15 il'i:' "' " has son e bad
many shirts were tiied but none
',. are-
20. We
of them fit me.
the down train. t.cstr q.fq *J uofa" qr*<l
awaitingl - [Ans.
27. A dog seldom bites.
22. -
He tried to nass the examination, but could
23. - on
Do not get a bus.
?! Rice.has
- come tomorrow, but I am not
26. He dare not- cooked by her.
?7 He ought -have done this.
28. Wait here. -
?2 Thereading
- ofthere is my son.
*9 I- saw novels is a good habit.
ll We him - in the U"a. '"-" "'""
32. found him
19 do - hard indeed.
that is very
34. -He is sure wii
19 He -
Someone ,nn-r-to be _ towards us.
is said to
19 j-rn _ j9 h.ave died
- beentong u!ol''" ""
:!. He isir Khulna hut hidini.
- his com"panion is not.
1? The lady the dog is a very rich woman.
40. Give it to needs it.
Gramrnar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 601
B. 1. She feels
2. We found -.him
3. i cannot stay here -. any
4. The milk is too hot. -.
5. He has - any - money.
6. Hardly had we reached the station the train left.
7. No sooner had we reached home - it started to rain.
8. Do not punish him; he is a child.-
9. He worked hard but, -he failed.
10. The horse can run -,than the tiger.
C. 1 Do you know the helped you?
2. Can you pluck - the flower?
3. The King came to see us.
4. Not only money- solves problem, but money
[Hint : 3 € 4q(-€ reflexive <i:l.AE qc< t]
- is a problem.
5. Let us go out for a walk, we?
6. It was kind - you to help-me.
7. It was foolish you to leave the bicycle outside.
8. We must love -one or die.
9. The two brothers love - each very much.
10. Economics a hard subject. -
11. I love - whom - I admire.
+? Those
- you hate
13. He is inferior
are superior to you.
you in many respects.
74. Children parents - are dead should be brought up by the
society. -
15. You and your brother are very kind and helpful to me; I love
76. They-.do not hesitate to break law.
17 . -
iven - few people who survived the war caught various fatal
18. I do not like red pens, give me the blue
A friend of my
\2 This came to our home last-.night.
20. machine is-not capable doing that kfid of work.
2L My father is dead smoking.-
22. The more man gets, -
23. Her sister is brighter than - more he wants.
lq+F<lEE wordl -.
24. Just as we take food to live, plants also take food to live and
grow. -
25. He looks
26. - islikesimilar
This picture
a woman than a man.

27. The two broihers look - ihat. which is why I find it hard to
recognise them separately.
[qT.Fltq word TJ:l-{li s-{Cs SC{I
28. He is not blar:e.
29. of the -two boys has come.
30. -Here are two pens; one for you and one for me; you can take
602 . A Passage to the English Language
31. It is money they want.
32. He asked nte- a of questions.
33. It is hard me-to believe you.
34. -
It is too difficult task for me to do in one week.
35. It is good take- exercise.
36. -
Would you mind helping me the bag? [4SE preposition
37. He died cholera.
38. What are- you taiking
39. -? by his wife and children,
Mr. Rahman, accompanied come
to visit us. -
[Hint : Subject €i Headword €l3ll verb {d n't fi{tRs qC< rl
40. He is strong - to break ihe door.
41. Do you have - money to buy this?
42. About ten years have passed we met for the last time.
43. It has been raifiing
- morning.
44. Wait here I come.
45. Give me a-pen to write
46. This sum is -.you.
difficult for
47 . it's no use - over split milk.
48. - that I there.
Mother insisted
t,s-sF{[F word]
49. She insisted my doing it.
50. I have never-seen so nice - {lower.
[so,/as + adj. + indefinite article + noun]
51. He enjoys [gerund l.>l-tr{l
52. We thank you
- your letter.
[qnF preposition {lttr{]
53. He can do it very nicely.
54. What colour - his shirt?
55. What is Bibha-
lesT,{sF word TrIIcs Sm {I tc<t{f$IFrs qstr efq m"nsRs
s-<r< tl
56. It is expensive for me to buy.
- him
57. We
- chairman.
t.cTF frrfi {-:Kdttr verb Ttr6{ I q qtqt qqnql verbsl{l $lE <l"lt
9lDe ll
58. Mother wants me
- go there.
[$Dt{ sffi pprlt64qR 11

59. I watch the TV only after 9p.m., and so

- my brother.
[s-sF auxiliary verb Tsl6{ pro-form Rcqr< 11

60. You are a student, and so

- I.
[auxiliary verb TrK{ t]
61. He does not play chess, and
- do l.
[4]-m{s conjunction TrK{ r Neither RI nor q< qsF 3"qr< 1 CofiBTl
62. There is nothing to be afraid
[Preposiiion Q-SFR]
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 603
63. We regard him a social worker.
64. I believe him -be honest.
lS + V + O + TO-INFINITIVE-{SpatternEqenmre|ftverbel{l
T6il <lr11 EGs rl
65. That's
- bad a situation.
66. He is
- dishonest a man
mix with.
[qt Ulank r q+Fes 6{tr word- <Ttrt sF clcct qsF vowel c<ft mlut
T-?rcq q"4'i
blank-€i wordF flts$ <k< rl
67. He talk as if he
- mad.
68. He ran towards me as if
69. No - beat
than fifty people were
present in the meeting.
70. -
He needs no than one litre of milk.
7 7. What does- the down train leave?
72. - age are you?
73. old are you?
74. -- distance is Khulna from Dhaka?
75. He will come - Monday.
76. I was born - April.
77. He came - a noble family but I not.
lEt bhnk rl -
78. This is the best book ihat I have read on the subject.
79. Of the two brothers which is -stronger?
80. He has a son - be proud of. -
81. He does not play chess but I
[Pro-form {iI6{ l]
82. They are - to open a new branch next week.
83. Rabindranath is one of the greatest of the world.
84. Her sister is not - beautiful as she -
l5t ulant I {AsF cs-c$t6{t.q-+Eqwoo -. trc< rl
85. How - is the mountain?
86. - of the three boys is your brother?
lWho Rr{ql tl
87. I prefer coffee tea.
88. My boss is superior
89. It is not known - me. - me in many respects.
90. None of the boys - bright.
[Singular RT plural Ew verUt clq"icqlt r]
9L It is
- a fine day.
[q$F adverb <rTC< I ft-E very EqcftSttB;W t]
92. What
- you weeplaugh?
[Causative Trf6< t]
93. Both Rita and Shilpi
- awake.
94. He is not afraid
- all.
95. They died
- hunger.
96. He iold us not to make fun
- him.
97 . There is plane that crushed.
98. trt is very -imporiant go to bed now.
644 A Passage to the English Language
99. is a real happiness to have a good child.
100. -He told us he was doing.
D. Correct the following sentences.
1. If I had much money, I could have helped you with some.
[Conditional sentence '4it F t]
2. Would you mind to come on the stage?
lGerund q< <I{Cfrtrd Fq ll
J. He was the first who won the prize.
tl llnfinitive <Kql-< s"6{ ftS<I of those C{lrt S'Gl correct Ttrcu {5q 1l

4. Either you or your friend have done it.

[{F subject or€l3ll]p eII-+C4
"l-fr{q verb €K numberfi6Rs q{q<
Fffi subject 4i number El3ll tl
5. I do not know what is his name.
[Subordinate clause'C$ assertive-4 {"[gRg f{cv Qfa 1]

6. He told us what is he doing.

[Sequence of tense €?l( sentence typ" frs s:lcs qC{ l]
7. He told us what was his concern.
[5 q( q< Hint&}{l r]

8. When five years old, my father died.

[Adverbial fi-+ o-cre Ec-{ r ccB {fr "ffF <{< <qrc EIil ${, \ol<F fi
rrslrffi <R qT ft-'5lr< rl
9. I saw a dead cow walking along the street.
t{fl rRP ft,tbF 'fTf,i? Participial modifier as 6-s s<cs Er{ q<(
\aR-S SqI|{-6;t <qIc€ Er< t]
10. The man was hung for murder.
tfPnr*r wcd : hang-hung-hung;
$fi ffitsrf : hang-hanged-hanged.l
11. You take your dog, I take my.
lmy dog q< efuqf+o Rcqc< double possessive "mine" TliRlK s]l@
RC{ r€glr<:
his + noun qa <q-fq
- hisyours
your + noun €3[ Rri6{
their + noun €3[ lli6{
- theirs
her + noun <q6{
- hers
Rahim + noun 4itr <vim
12. - Rahim's
One should do his duty properly.
lFormal British English-€ one GF refer GICE ens's <i?Rs E{ I fu9
American English-€ one's ill his E g-{E Eh, {frig his-Q c{Ft SFfis r

EITkq-< cqfi RrQ British English q-{cE{ alqq qRlt.q {ftsl<,4{fls

?e-R F-<l qr, cqrqg British usage qFK6t silE B6s, <fre efX"fco
q{9lSi Cq-ff{ Crf6il $rl? ST ll-c{C{F American English 6s jffi(
British ilrg q"F \fl31 incorrect <'6 E&cT frre {ff< Tl rl
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 605
13. I will prevent him to take sucha rash decision.
[prevent + object + {rom + verb-ing]
74. She is stronger than me.
[Expanded <tfrqu*"t:
She is stronger than I am.
frft{ chuse fi be-verb €-q' cmq :
She is stronger then I.
Spoken English-€ 'me'lFl-{lit s'{t ,s-sF Y|*qft-s <ilof[T qr{s written
formal English-q q €fqlCSItB T{ t]
15. Do not stare me at the face like that.
lstare = qs frRl{ Effr[T ell=Fl t Preposition-€i <r+qr< f+ +-+os
q[ ll
76. Father has come home yesterday.
tqQo q{es{ salt *qfsk< Srfl{ a[T6q ffifiF"rq past indefinite tense
<r{qEq{ tl
77. My mother betng ill for two days.
t<f$iBrc 6€l[:{l finite verb 6€ I Verb + ing, to + verb, verb (past
participle)-€erEf{ ffC{ be-verb ql effSrE \5l(q-{f{ finite ffi1 {1-ri TI r

6C(S-rq ET<il non-finite I Finite EfF sentence {S al r q|{-sg Et fi{

q'6 g{SR Tall <ETI qtr'q <'fi verb ,{3t tense fts s-s'ca- qC< tl
18. The work has come to end.
t<<qfo q-iFE arricle Trilr Cr{ tl
19. lVe were surprised by him falling down.
fql$<l 6lrs cqT{.q{-s qRR, e-ds qcsR qT {'q {l,€{l 6q6,4 1 lia{li
falling 6$ headword fuqf< fu<T{l $'6{ him C$ determiner-r{
R"[-gRE fifcg Etr{ I Surprised q< eR {fr$ pr"poritionfr Eqks
{6< rl
20. All as well as Rima has come.
[As well as EKI Csltrtl singularTl plural noun lf(ff 6SlC{l noun €i
{lcel {s qt-+F (F m"f fr{I{q q-{i Es singular T[
'f<-{Cf verb $-{l-<
plural noun (il ft.T sffifiR q<-SR C{E I Verb €K T'l
pronoun) qR
fi{tfiE {c{ a< "{{+ff noun (Rl pronoun) EKI rl
as welt as
21. He not only went there, but also his byother"
22. Not only he ate the mango, Lrut also the appie.
23. Not only he is a iawyer, he is a teacher too.
24. Neither his brother paid the money, nor promised to pay.
25. Either he will do this or that.
[21 CeR'S 25 {q <f$}eeqT{ f! struciure \r-tCqfqG ffiC{ <i{1 qTnp'K r

{ltr{I CS' element (6{'iFI subject, object, verb, complement) {tF,

q< 6-s q$Fd q1't neither, eiiher, not only €:t( ff+ q"fgF< qT't
nor, or, but also ,/ but . . too <f<as q6q (<qllo6q) I T6{ <1{F
q6{, B-S element qCE eftC? qSfr word, phrase, {l clause ti
606 A Passage to the English Language
26. Iwishlwasaking.
{q-{M{ SFm {<fi[G subordinate clause ( be-verb R6ryr< were qRq
pFilqi ffirE verb 43t past tense <Frde q{ tl
27. He is too strong.
lVery q'cd too iFt{R s-{t <l{ qI r Too +fu qotr Vrr+f< $q-{]' fi'T tl
28. You are very big for your shirt.
lshirt s{ size €i{('you' q1{.ifu<n $c'K lq-c$ eFF eq Ee-{I efsT.f
olke t T\d<li (t{k-{ very Tatf{ET{ tl
29. I am awaiting for you.
30. She wants to accompany with me.
31. You have to consult with your doctor.
[Await, aqcompany, consult (Es qld) ts]Ifr verb transitive R'Gl
Eil {.{lckobiect eR{ o<-cs "t[m rl
32: Look towards ahead.
33. They look alike each other.
34. We left the house on afire.
[Ahead, alike, afire, afore, ashore, abed QvIlfr wordgtfll< a : on,
qdte, q$F preposition tFFT \5ffl adverb q? Sfq <rK I Adverb €R
qk{fr 6€16{l preposition {tr{?l
35. He went on a-begging.
t"Fr€f <rt"Bt q{tr+€ scqsr rl
36. You and I am aware (elv) of the fact.
tqslfts subject and Elitl {s elt$(f, sf(q-< q-{'i C{ verb <Ffqs qn q?r
qqqs$SGs plural rl
37. You, I, and he has won.
[strql c(<lh u.tt{ s-{cg qcE, wvR ?fiGr<, qem *qr* c{ qftq \5R
Frtl R cl{r{ cdQ <t <In q"tTct q-Elet s<I EcFqql EF safi
(you), skteK
(he, she), q<( w{r{t< frrs-{ +afi TECS q{ I qDi 231 formula I

q{Sqcl6{ 2nd person, 9?'l{ 3rd person, q<(qTffc{ 1st. person

<rrds q{ I ql.Tl,c-$F EE qlcq tl
38. You, he, and I am to blame.
tqktR Tqt RcfQ g and q< st1ccl q?ff64 verb {c{ plural r ftV W
qt<e q+F qcq I vlr{l CKm Wfi s-{F qT-s 231 formula <l{qs E{
q$El3+-lgCct r qTt
56-47 twsTi) sl-?rcq ?trfl't cKlqGlflr;l-{ formula
qr{t 132 t{q{ Fl cq?l
39. He received a letter from his elder.
[elder QC{l'4TF adjective I q< eK qTG noun {ftTT elder + noun
= noun phrase ffi qgc-\r qR, aK{ q?[r{ li-trd< ,fsfr noun q{ i]
40. Ten miles are a long distance.
lfr{ q EI6{ ten miles €i Sql <6tl E'CE ql{'fl sfC-s plural (af(s
'lRslT tfr-q qrs T{lR-dT( q{t <la.JfrIE €s,F 6srnplsment ?ti?t-es
qC$fq : a long distance; 9dl9-
ten miles = a long distance
Grammar : How Strong Is Your Knowledge of Structures? 607
pTl( ten miles 6s ,{F-$-slr< C+E 69 Rcqr< q'm v.ft-$ sinsular
Rcqn{qls{tqM conmG"m o.f rl
47. I could not help to laugh.
(qlfrdt Rcq "ff<-drql r)
[<Q ttetp ,c< qdEcql : 11 s'64 ct 'ffil; 6omo- <t <q's-{CE 41 qH r q<
verb (il gerund TC{ I Noun ?ll pronoun€ TC{ I Cgl-{ .
I cannot help myself, though I do not want to be rude.
$tfr frF qcs DE a; ft-g frcqrs #orrs {R {| c{ r)
., .:
I cannot help it.


I cannot help but to do it.

British English (({s, American English)-€ a{ but (lqq-q A'6{s qSR
I could nst but do it.
sr{ circs'cl bare (vdls to frfu) infinitive {jTq\5 qT, to-infinitive
q{ tl
42. I am better today than yesterday.
iEqqi RsRiEr Dr-^qsTrci k qlr.t Tg-Er,ffi{ qrfr k-rrrqK q fcq
+* 1q[-s< clcRt {{cffi trEd] c[< fo-srr<r lqfl( qE{ clause
tr I S< ClCq lE-e-H clause €it q-SlD I €< gq+ O-<rG qr< r ft-s ft-q-{
clausq-g E{ I Tqtrqt qr< aI, 6tel verb !< cqt'tn fir.o qc-dr mfi
FqI, TNf$ ciause ItrGF exoand <l I{gE srfcs qrq rl
43. The streets of Dhaka arb wider thAn Khulna.
[qq]r{\3 43 q( Lfi <]]rm ffircTi rl
44. This is lraj's and Shiraj's house.
[INr lS c{g1<[<lre<& qsbri rqIF-s<tcq-{iEb{ rvrqn 's e{
TI|SRI qlCel
nounl5ll Tq6{ tl
45. That is Karim's and Rahim's father.
[+s-s{ <iTtlit etcqMi r]
46. Those are Karim and Rahim's fathers.
[+S-q< 6-s E(6l I Those are (:r( fathers c{rs T{tT {kE R father
nE.-{ I {s<t(11T {3t father CS \5fd E.R Ckel C.1s <i{cs q6q gtFlrsjt
qfCT{ {t[cl 's 6{trt S:Cs qG{ rl
47. Of the two brothers, I like youngest most.
tW qsB {s, &qF r sE E91 it'fi most q< q[q' comparative
degree Tritr{ I E'q-{rs E-rAq +-*cq q-ssT{ fiffi qcT <lT r rF[.{ like €R

'f{ definite article Tri-Ci I ql{f{ qR q'q-q ('6{ young €?rB

comparative degree <Fl-qg q(-{ tl
48. It is a true fact.
[Fact = true event I Tqflq true wortl.B €rlIC{ redundant
(qGfrqr) rl
49. They will return back son.
[reiurn = come backl
608 A passage to the English Language
50. The twins are same identical.
lRedundancy gkR rl
51. Re-read the passage again.
[Re-read = read a!ain]"
52. Let us proceed forwara.
[Proceed = advance : go forward]
53. Do not recede back.
[Recede = go back]
54. When we questioned. him, he saying again and again that he
knew nothing about the matter.
55. Could you repeat again what you said?
I.i t [Repeat = say again]
56. He is easy to be tal[ed to.
IqTlFs passive ro <tq'frcs qr< rl
27 This-theory is too difficult for me to be understood.
5b. He denied to write me letters.
59. Since you are going to the market, could you bring this letter
my brother?
[59 q<( 60 {{ principat verba(qt ft sctRq vd qq.|q s-{cRr1
60. The demand and supply of rice have changed
lvsrnduu fsrjle
[Demand r<rr r]ce qs(
€i( Supply sice i qlq-{Cs
sup,ply of rice I qs T<-rE€
61. B[?::i:'.*.qm"q<r'neftr'
n.+d' Ec< ] I
dog has iost it's master.
ltt L*( RftrqT qm-$.{F frr<5$ a-{F q6E ,1
62. She congratulated me for mv success.

63. Fr:g';iii:1,,ff
ffi ft<-*c"
The boih brothers have passed.
<r< r

6-5 I trave two pens anci you can take the one.
66. He saw a brother of me.
67. It was a such important matter that we had to think it over for
68. It was a rather nuisance.
9? It was a quite long time.
70. Can you ever forglt a such nice face?
77. I asked him for cne litre of oil but he gave me the thrice
72. At present he gets Taka 20,000 a month but he is looking
for a
iob with the iwice pay.
73. Three my brothers live in America.
74. I want to sell this my house.
75. He works by the night and sleeps bv the dau.
76. This VCR set facilitates line+o-ihe-linn ,n.oiding.
77. We need a face-to-the-face talk.
78. They sat face to their face but remained silent.
79. I trave gone through the book from top to the
80. H-e was present frorn beginning to the end.
81. Many poors of our couniry lives from hand to the nlouth.
l&ffipqrq 11
Grammar : How Strong Is your Knowledge of Structures ? 609
82. We owe our life and happiness for God.
83. Exercise is beneficial fo'r-health.
84. I am indebted with Mr. X for this idea.
85. You will have to account as what you have done.
86. He was convicted for murder.
q7^ A beautiful baby has been born from them.
88. He seems to be competent to the post.-
89. She shot the bird but failed,

lfqn *m preposition E-{€l{ Shot at, Slnct he failed.l

?0 He is in need for a job.
*:su ?1 He has an en\"y for my car.
?? I am _tired in arguing wiih you.
t; 93. People who bojst alout their wealth have little personality.
94. I want to dedicate my life into research.
95. Work hard with an eye on the future.
fon (K {ref to fi-6{ tl
96. He is always in seareh for knowledge.
97. We shall compensate you into your loss.
98. i apologize (sqt Elefu T-{t) of my behaviour.
99. The jury acquiited him for murder.
[82-100 4( ECf{ q-{afrcs preposition q< <.J-{qlrTr yE RcrGa r

"fftsf< qql $<ltR qqfrdH q6{ €cu q6q preposition qn qiffl

9Rts Erdf$ <K$-{ qtq-Cs q6< I XIE )/\ <k fl'e preposition
sq($ Tf<-{l< c"i{l{ q-{l qt c{{rs-< Tactics for Learning
Prepositions Books-1 & 2 '|'q 6n?n ffLs qIC{ t]

Answers :
A. 4. half 5. all 6. once/twice 7. every (every other day_€F frq
"iK) 8. other 9. little 10. has 11. for 12. for 13. the 74. any 15. any 16.
anv 77. The 18. to 19. €reat 2l^barking 22. hard zs. running
?? Y"l?6. sry_27. to i8. just 29. ou"."eO. rh,n Sr. ,i"";irs'3Zl .rying
33. To 34. to 35. coming 36. have 37. thought 38.1, 3t.-;lir,-ib."*ho

1. tired 2. crying 3. more 4. much 5. not 6. when 7. than B.

but,/only 9. unfortunately 10. faster

c' 1' that 2' me 3' himserf 4. itself 5. shalr 6. of 7. of g.

other 10. is 11. those 12. that/whom 13. to 14. whose tS. another 9.
U"*lO. tfr"
17. the 18. ones 19. brother 20. ot 2I. against ZZ.iii-Zi.'"flJiol?..o
25' mare 26. ta 27. arike 28. to 29. one 30. either (R-c€ffi) si.
32.\c:t 33. for 34. a 35. to 36. with 37. of 39. aboui 39. is
4d. n,,,orgh,
fJ. e.19ugh 42. since 43. since 44. until 45. with 46. too SZ irviig +S
(should) go 49. on 50. a 51. gardening 52. for
65 i""lv-i+.'i, s's,'irirg
56. too 57. etected 59. to s9. does 6d. a- 61. .,o. ail
91. Ig. 66_..tg9, to 67, were 68. to 69. fewer 70.less 7i. "ioi."ul'o+.
ti*n ZZ.-,uf.,ut
73. How 74. what 7b. on 26. in77. ot, Jia 18. evei zs-. tii;'Bolt
610 A Passage to the English Language
do 82. about 83. poets 84. as, is 85. high 86. Which 87. to 88. to 89. to
90. is 91. such,/really 92. makes 93. are 94. at 95. of 96. of 97. the 98.
to 99. it 100. what
D. 1. If I had much money, I could help you.
2. Would you mind coming on the stage?
3. He was the first to win the prize.
4. Either you or your friend has done it.
5. I do not know what his name is.
6. He told us what he was doing.
7. He told us what his concern was.
!#' 8. When I w'as five years old my father died.
i*r^ 9. While (l was) walking along the street, I saw a dead cow.
10. The man was hanged for murder.
11. You take your dog, I take mine.
12. <I$Ifr ts6 I his : one's {qtFT <l(Efi],|.r,F ,tftS-Sm< skqE.I ffi nsq'
<'6q {cfi RF{ r

13. I will prevent him'from taking such a rash decision.

14. She is stkonger than I.
15. Do not stare at me in the face like that (qT{sl({).
16. Father came home yesterday.
17. My brother has been ill for two days.
18. The work has come to an end.
19. We were surprised by his falling down.
20. All as well as Rioa have come.
21. Not only he but also his brother went there.
22. He ate not only the mango but also the apple.
23. He is not onlv a lawyer, but a teacher too.
24. His brother neither paid the money nor promised to pay.
25. He will do either this or that.
26. Iwishlwereaking.
27. He is very strong.
28. You are too big for your shirt.
29. I am waiting {or you.
il I am awaiting you.
30. She wants to accompany (xfr <e$, transitive verb) me.
31. You have to consult your doctor.
32. Look ahead.
33. They look alike.
{l They look like each other.
34. We left the house a{ire.
35. F{e went a-begging.
{I He went on begging.
36. You and I are aware of the fact.
37. You, he, and I have won.
38. I, he, and you are to blame.
39. He received a letter from his elder brother.
40. Ten miles is a long distance.
Grammar : How Strong Is your Knowledge of Structures? 617
41. I could not help laughing.
{, I could not but laugh.
42. I am better today than I was yesterday.
43. The streets of Dhaka are widei than those of Khulna.
44. This is lraj and Shiraj's house.
45. That is Karim and Rahim's father.
46. Those are Karim's and Rahim's father.
47. Of the two brothers. I like the younger most.
48. It a fact.
49. They will return soon.
50. The twins are identical.
51. Re-read the passage.
nT Read the passage again.
52. Let us proceed.
il Let us go forward.
53. Do not go back.
ilDo not recede.
54. . . . said. . .
55. Could you repeat what you said?
56. He is easy to talk to.
57. The theory is too difficult for me to understand.
58. He denied having written me letters.
(qll< skq G6 c{{t{ <l't"tr<Btrs cq qftst-{ F<-{ r)
<1, cq frqm<+rcffifrc{Rq, cqt<iftf<tn-+ Cswfu{+r<Re r

ii, He refused to write me letters.

(c{ qFrr< otcn fr6 frqrs qfi-+r< srE t)
9?. {.ror. are going to the market, could you . . .?
60. The demand for and supply of rice have changed.
61. The dog has lost its mastei.
61. She congratulated me on my success.
63. They will invite all the men.
64. Both the brothers have passed.
65. I have two pens and you can take one.
56. He saw a broiher of mine.
67. It was such an important rnatter that we had to think it over
for hours.
68. It was rather a nuisance.
69. It was quite a long time.
70. Can you ever forget such a nice face?
71. I asked him for one litre of oil but he gave me thrice the amount.
. 72. At present we gets Taka 20,000 a mo"nth but he i. toofuns-lo, u
job with twice the pay.
73. Three c-rf my brothers live in America.
74" I want to sell this house of mine.
75. He works at night and sleeps by the day.
76. This VCR set facilitates line-to-line recording.
77. We need a face-to-face talk.
78. They sat faceto face but remained silent.

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