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We use adjectives to describe The adjectives can be short or long!

how people, things or animals Ex.:

are. Big (is a short adjective)
We use the “comparative” to
compare two things,
Comfortable (is a long adjective)
individuals or animals.

COMPARATIVE OF SHORT ADJECTIVES: add –er to the adjective (short – shorter than)
COMPARATIVE OF LONG ADJECTIVES: add “more” before the adjective
(beautiful – more beautiful than)

- Which adjectives are short and which are long?

Short adjectives Long adjectives

Big Easy Adorable _______________________ _______________________

Adventurous Fat _______________________ _______________________
Aggressive Thin Funny _______________________ _______________________
Perfect Modern Large _______________________ _______________________
Obedient High Elegant _______________________ _______________________
Small Delicious Dark _______________________ _______________________
Rich Important _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_____________ _____________

Fill in the gaps with the comparative of the j) You have got a wonderful house. It’s
adjectives: _____________________ (modern) than mine.
a) My car is _________________ (big) than k) This pool is large! Much ____________ (large)
yours. than the one from the gym.
b) This exercise is ____________(easy) than that l) Charlie is _____________________ (obedient)
one. than Daisy.
c) Ellen’s baby is so adorable! He is _______ m) Mount Everest is ________________ (high)
___________(adorable)than a teddy bear! than Serra da Estrela.
d) Jason is _________________ (adventurous) n) Catherine Middleton is __________________
than his brother. (elegant) than Camilla P. Bowles.
e) Is this your cat? It is much ___________ (fat) o) My eyes are ___________________ (small)
than mine. than Melissa’s.
f) Your dog is _______________________ p) An icecream is ___________________
(aggressive) than a lion! (delicious) than cauliflower.
g) Look at that girl! She’s _______________ q) The night is __________________ (dark) than
(thin) than she was a year ago! the day.
h) Charlie is _________________ (funny) than r) Mr. Johnson is __________________ (rich)
Elton! I’m always laughing! than Mrs. Jules.
i) Your handwriting is ___________________ s) An English class is ______________________
(perfect) than his. (important) than playing computer.

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