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J Neurosurg 63:321-341, 1985

Review Article

The pineal gland: anatomy, physiology, and clinical



Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, California

Since the discovery of melatonin approximately 25 years ago, there has been intense study regarding the
details of the structure and function of the pineal gland. This work is reviewed, with particular emphasis on
those aspects of importance to human physiology and disease.

KEY WORDS pineal gland

" 9 melatonin - arginine vasotocin 9
suprachiasmatic nuclei ~ circadian rhythm

HE existence of the pineal gland has been recog- no substantive knowledge regarding pineal anatomy or
nized since ancient times. Kappers, v9 in his sur- function was realized during these first 23 centuries.
vey of the advances in pineal research, divided The second period lasted from about the middle o f
its history into three major periods. The first began the 19th century to the middle o f the present century.
circa 300 B.C. when the human pineal gland was dis- It was characterized by interest in pineal comparative
covered by Herophilus. Galen introduced the term anatomy, histology, and embryology, owing to the de-
"konareion" (conarium in Latin) for the pineal gland velopment o f m o r e refined sectioning and staining
because in man the structure is shaped like the cone of methods. In 1850, Kolliker observed the presence o f
a pine tree. The word survives in the designation "nervi nerve fibers in the m a m m a l i a n pineal gland, and, in
conarii," the pineal nerves. "Pineal" is derived from the 1904, Cajal found m a n y branching nerve fibers in the
Latin pinealis, pinea meaning pine cone. It has also mouse pineal gland and suggested that they were o f
been referred to as the epiphysis, or "what is grown on sympathetic origin. Physiologists became interested in
something." Vesalius (1514-1564) elaborately de- the pineal gland because o f the discovery of the endo-
scribed the topography and consistency of the pineal crine glands and, by the end o f the 19th century, some
gland. Descartes (1596-1650) believed that it was the thought that the m a m m a l i a n pineal gland might play
seat of the soul. For over two miIlenia, multiple organs an endocrinological role. This concept appeared to be
and regions of the brain were at one time or another supported by a c a s e r e p o r t 73 describing a boy with
considered to be the seat of the soul. These included precocious puberty who suffered from a pineal tumor.
the heart (Aristotle), cerebral ventricles (Herophilus), It was subsequently theorized ~3 that the h u m a n pineal
cerebral parenchyma (Galen), pia mater, septum pel- gland is an endocrine organ which inhibits the function
lucidum, corpus striatum, corpus callosum, medulla, o f the hypothalamus, and therefore the development o f
centrum semiovale, and even the stomach. 28 In essence, the reproductive system. However, most clinicians still
believed that the pineal gland was o f no functional
The third period encompasses approximately the past
This contribution is the 18th in a series of review articles 30 years to the present and has been marked by the
selected jointly by the Committee on Graduate Education of
the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the rapid development o f pineal biochemistry, pharmacol-
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, and the Journal of Neu- ogy, and endocrinology. Near the beginning of this
rosurgery. - - Editor. period, Kitay and Altschule 83 wrote their landmark

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 321

S. S. E r l i c h a n d M . L. J. A p u z z o

mals most thoroughly studied, but the mouse, guinea

Definitions of Abbreviations pig, rabbit, and monkey have also been used. Tissue
culture studies have involved the use of organ explants
ACTH = adrenocorticotrophichormone such as pineal gland, SCG, pituitary, testis, and hypo-
ALS = amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AVT = arginine vasotocin thalamus; J22 continuous cell lines such as neuroblas-
CAT = choline acetyltransferase toma, melanoma, and Chinese hamster ovary cells; and
cAMP = cyclicadenosine 3%5'-monophosphate primary cell cultures such as astrocytes. 2~
cGMP = cyclicguanosine 3',5'-monophosphate The morphological techniques presently used include
CRF = corticotropin-releasingfactor
DST = dexamethasonesuppression test transmission and scanning electron microscopy and
EEG = electroencephalograph immunohistochemistry, particularly to localize mela-
GCMS = gas chromatography-massspectrometry tonin and serotonin. Studies using horseradish peroxi-
GFAP = glial fibrillaryacidic protein dase (HRP) and autoradiography are few, but should
HIOMT = hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase become more c o m m o n in the future in order to further
HRP = horseradish peroxidase
MSH = melanocyte-stimulatinghormone elucidate the anatomical connections of the pineal
NAT = N-acetyltransferase gland and the localization of melatonin. In the past,
REM = rapid eye movement biochemical studies used bioassay 223'224 and later RIA
RHT = retinohypothalamictract methods to measure melatonin, but the more specific
RIA = radioimmunoassay
SCG = superior cervicalganglia and accurate methods of high-performance liquid chro-
SCN = suprachiasmatic nuclei matography (HPLC) and gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GCMS) are now coming into more wide-
spread use. 174 Receptor methods have been used exten-
sively to measure neurotransmitter, hormone, and mel-
atonin receptors both in the pineal gland and in the
areas affected by melatonin. Behavioral studies have
book summarizing the world's literature on the pineal used electronic monitoring of locomotor activity and
gland. A major breakthrough in pineal studies occurred electroencephalographic recordings (EEG's).
in 1958, when Lerner, et al., 98 isolated and character- Multiple manipulations employing surgery, exoge-
ized a potential pineal hormone, the same compound nous chemicals, and physical agents have been per-
that had been present in the pineal extracts which, when formed to assess function. Surgical manipulations have
fed to amphibians, had caused their skin to lighten. 116 usually involved ablation o f key regions, such as pine-
Lerner named it "melatonin," from the Greek words alectomy, superior cervical ganglionectomy, 122 gona-
m e & s , meaning black, and tosos, meaning labor. In dectomy, and blinding, and isolation by deafferentation
1959, Lerner and Case 9s found that melatonin lightens or destruction of strategic sites, such as the suprachias-
frog skin by contracting melanophores. Shortly there- matic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Pineal tissue
after, the importance o f light and dark in controlling has even been transplanted to other anatomic locations.
pineal function 53 and the dramatic effects o f the pin- Numerous hormones have been administered, includ-
eal gland on m a m m a l i a n reproduction were demon- ing melatonin and testosterone, using various injection
strated. 22z These findings, with the definition of legiti- methods and, more recently, via implants and orally.
mate functions, laid the foundation for thousands of Various radionuclides, neurotransmitters, and drugs 227
investigations over the past two decades. have been used, particularly those affecting norepineph-
fine, serotonin, and dopamine pathways. The most
Current Experimental Techniques extensively studied physical agent has been light, partic-
The development o f m o d e r n research tools, such as ularly the effects of photoperiod length (that is, the
electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay (RIA) length of the light phase) and the time of administration
techniques to measure melatonin, 9 has led to rapid of compounds within the photoperiod. More recently,
progress in this field. The central neural pathway by the effects of temperature, the intensity and wavelength
which lighting information reaches the pineal gland by of light, 26 and electric 2~7and magnetic ~82fields are being
way o f the hypothalamus, spinal cord, and superior studied.
cervical ganglia (SCG) has been elucidated. The com- A natural consequence o f all the animal data which
pounds and enzymes involved in the melatonin biosyn- have been obtained is that the human pineal gland and
thetic and metabolic pathways have been discovered, its hormones, particularly melatonin, are now being
and much work has been d o n e to determine the factors actively investigated and have been shown to be of
responsible for their circadian rhythmicity. Besides reg- clinical importance. Melatonin is being studied as a
ulating reproductive function, the mammalian pineal marker of human pineal function and as a possible
gland has also been shown to influence other endocrine therapeutic drug.
organs, such as the thyroid and adrenal glands, and The first section of the present review is intended to
nonendocrine functions such as growth, body temper- serve as an introduction to some of the basic aspects of
ature, blood pressure, m o t o r activity, and sleep. 175 pineal structure and function in mammals. The second
The laboratory rat and hamster have been the mare- section will highlight a n u m b e r of clinically related areas

322 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland
that are currently under active investigation in both
animals and man.

Pineal Structure and Function RHT

(Optic Chiasm)
The anatomical relationships of the human pin-
eal gland are similar to those of the lower mam-
mals. 78'124'144"t61"196The pineal gland is in contact with
two recesses o f the third ventricle: the pineal recess
proper and the dorsal suprapineal recess, which con- Lateral Hypotbalamus ]
tains choroid plexus. The pineal gland is attached to
the posterior roof of the third ventricle, between the
I Nervi Conarii
posterior commissure and the more dorsal habenular (Brain Stem) (Tentorium Cerebelli)
commissure. The posterior choroidal arteries provide
the arterial supply, and the venous drainage is via the
internal cerebral veins, which course dorsal to the pineal
lntermediolateralcolumn I
Preganglionic L
Photosensory information reaches the mammalian Fibers
pineal gland via a complex polyneuronal pathway FIG. 1. Neural innervation of the mammalian pineal
which begins at the retina 6~ (Fig. 1). The first part of gland. RHT = retinohypothalamic tract; SCN = suprachias-
matic nuclei; MFB = medial forebrain bundle; SCG = supe-
this anatomical route, from the retina to the SCN, has rior cervical ganglia.
received a great deal o f attention in recent years. Retinal
photoreceptors convert environmental light into elec-
trical impulses which are conveyed to the SCN via the cord, from which preganglionic fibers reach the S C G . 37
retinohypothalamic tract (RHT).120 This monosynaptic Horseradish peroxidase studies have shown that neu-
retinal pathway has been demonstrated in all major rons of the cord projecting to the rat SCG are restricted
orders of mammals. 12I The R H T mediates light-dark to spinal segments C8-T5, and that 75% of these neu-
entrainment of the SCN, which interprets day length rons are found in the intermediolateral nucleus.159 Post-
(that is, the photoperiod). The R H T is the most impor- ganglionic noradrenergic fibers from the SCG reach the
tant pathway by which visual information reaches the pineal gland via the nervi conarii, which pass through
SCN, but some information also reaches the SCN from the tentorium cerebelli.
the primary optic tract via the lateral geniculate bodies. The techniques used to determine the above input
Various wavelengths of light differ in their ability to route have mostly involved degeneration following the
entrain the circadian system via the SCN; yellow-green destruction of specific regions and the incorporation o f
is most effective.223"224In adult mammals there are no tritiated amino acids. In some mammals, a parasym-
known photoreceptors outside the retina, but extra- pathetic acetylcholinergic pineal innervation has been
retinal photoreceptors may exist in very young animals. demonstrated. ~24The preganglionic fibers course in the
In blinded newborn rats, environmental lighting persists superficial petrosal nerves and reach the pineal gland
in influencing the pineal rhythm of serotonin content via the nervi conarii. They synapse with intramural
for almost 1 month. The R H T consists of small fibers parasympathetic neurons, whose axons terminate freely
that project exclusively to the SCN. The SCN are paired in the parenchyma or in pericapillary spaces. More
clusters of small neurons located in the medial anterior recent H R P studies have shown that there may be direct
ventral hypothalamus. They are situated on either side connections between the habenular nucleus and the
of the optic recess o f the third ventricle, immediately pineal gland. This third type o f pineal innervation
dorsal to the optic chiasm. Each SCN receives a bilateral consists of aberrant fibers o f the habenular and posterior
retinal projection with predominantly contralateral in- commissures, which may be present in the pineal stalk
nervation, with most of the fibers crossing over at the or (in species that possess one) in the deep pineal gland.
optic chiasm. However, species differences are present, As opposed to the great detail in which the neural
the great apes having a predominantly ipsilateral pro- input to the mammalian pineal gland has been estab-
jection. The ventral and lateral parts of the SCN receive lished, the neural connections o f the h u m a n pineal
the most innervation. gland are less precisely defined, due to the limitations
The second, multisynaptic part of this route is cir- o f studying h u m a n subjects. O f major importance has
cuitous? 24 From the SCN, synaptic connections are been the identification of a region o f the h u m a n hypo-
made in the lateral hypothalamus. Within the brain thalamus believed to be the SCN. 1~ This structure had
stem, the pathway from the lateral hypothalamus to the been overlooked for m a n y years because it is more
spinal cord is not well established, but probably involves diffuse than other hypothalamic nuclei, and extends
the medial forebrain bundle. Descending projections only about 0.33 m m in the anteroposterior dimen-
then pass through the intermediolateral column of the sion. ~2~ A recent investigation comparing postmortem

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 323

S. S. E r l i c h a n d M . L. J. A p u z z o

tissue from patients with optic nerve damage to control TABLE l

tissue ~79 has provided evidence for the existence of a Pineal cells and their main neurotransmitters and
retino-suprachiasmatic pathway in man. That study immunohistochemical markers
employed a recently developed method that uses para-
Cell Type Transmitter Marker
phenylenediamine to stain for degenerating axons and
axon preterminals. pinealocyte serotonin neuron-specific enolase
interstitial cell serotonin glial fibrillaryacidic protein
As in other mammals, the h u m a n pineal gland might S-100 protein
also receive sympathetic innervation. A study o f mela- vimentin
tonin rhythms in quadriplegic patients 88 suggests that Cl antigen
the h u m a n pineal gland is regulated by sympathetic sympathetic norepinephrine,
nervous connections. In these patients, the normal day- nerve serotonin
night variation in urinary melatonin excretion (see
below) was not detected. No differences were found
between day and night levels. Larger amounts o f mel-
atonin were excreted in each 24 hours than in control
subjects, with most o f this increase occurring during
the daytime when melatonin levels should have been
low. These subjects also had abnormal sexual function,
slight testicular atrophy, and sympathetic dysfunction.
It was suggested that these abnormalities might be due
to "decentralization" of the pineal due to their trau-
matic cervical spinal cord lesions interrupting descend-
ing sympathetic fibers. These patients also had dimin-
ished periods o f total sleep and reduced percentages of
Stage 3 and 4 and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep,
suggesting a possible relationship between pineal func-
tion and sleep (see below). Treatment with the adrener-
gic beta-blocker propranolol leads to decreased mela-
tonin levels, providing further support that melatonin
production in man might be under noradrenergic con-
trol. 213 FIG. 2. Photomicrograph of pineal gland from an adult
Nervi conarii are also thought to be present in the C57BL/SJ mouse. Note the uniformity of the main pineal
h u m a n pineal region, coursing from the tip of the gland parenchymal cells, the pinealocytes. Semi-thin section. Tol-
to the tentorium cerebelli. 16~ Thick bundles of unmye- uidine blue, x 110.
linated nerves enter the septae and follow the course of
the capillaries. Nerve bundles also enter the pineal gland
from the habenular and posterior commissures. Fibers docrine cells.ml2 Two or more types of pinealocytes have
from both these sources send numerous branches into rarely been reportedfl 9 The classification of the intersti-
the parenchyma. tial cells (also called "supportive cells") is uncertain, but
many may be o f glial origin. They have been shown to
stain positively for vimentin, C l antigen, glial fibrillary
Histological a n d Ultrastructural Findings acidic protein (GFAP), 72 and S-100 protein. 7~Serotonin
A distinct pineal gland is present in virtually all has been identified histochemically in the pinealocytes,
vertebrate species. However, this structure is very oc- interstitial cells, and sympathetic nerve endings of the
casionally lacking, as in the alligator 176 and arma- mouse pineal gland. In certain species, such as the rabbit
dillo. 67"~57Certain species, such as the golden hamster 72 and squirrel, intrinsic neurons are believed to be pres-
and white-footed mouse, ~8~ possess both a superficial ent. Endothelial and connective tissue cells are invari-
and a deep pineal gland. 69 In some species, the cellular ably present. Skeletal muscle fibers and lymphocytes
pattern of the pineal gland is not homogeneous, but have also been described, and the lymphocytes may
instead, a cortex and a medulla can be discerned. 68 even form nodular or dispersed lymphoid infiltrates. 29
The cell types within the adult mammalian pineal The morphology of the h u m a n pineal gland is similar
gland are generally divided into parenchymal and in- to that described in other mammals. It is surrounded
terstitial cells (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The parenchymal by a capsule and composed of lobules separated by
cell is the pinealocyte (also referred to as "pineocyte"), connective tissue septae. Astrocytes comprise a signifi-
which shows characteristics of both a paraneuron 2~ and cant component of the h u m a n pineal gland 132and show
of a cell belonging to the amine precursor uptake and pronounced differentiation at 24 weeks of gestation.
decarboxylation (APUD) series. 142.157Pinealocytes stain With GFAP staining, it has been established that proc-
positively for neuron-specific enolase, an immunohis- esses form an extensive interstitial network of fibers
tochemical marker for neurons and central neuroen- which surround almost every pinealocyte in the adult.

324 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland

FIG. 3. Ultrastructure of a pineal gland from an adult C57BL/6J mouse. Various organelles and inclusions
are present, including clear (small arrow) and dense-core (large arrow) vesicles, a myeloid body (arrowhead),
and lipid (L). Lead citrate and uranyl acetate, x 17,700.

Astrocytic endfeet form a barrier between perivascular as the hamster, 72 are formed by the interstitial cells with
spaces and the parenchyma and a limiting lamina at their large flat cytoplasmic processes. These processes
the periphery of the gland. In degenerated areas, astro- have tight junctions and surround groups of pinealo-
cytes commonly degenerate and proliferate, and mi- cytes. The presynaptic terminals o f the sympathetic
croglia have been noted. Cells indistinguishable from postganglionic fibers from the SCG generally synapse
oligodendrocytes have been seen. in the perivascular regions. At most, these terminals
Various compounds, including lipid, melanin, and come in close contact with pinealocytes, but do not
lipofuscin, are present in parenchymal cells, and recent form true synapses with them. The junctions between
studies have utilized immunohistochemical techniques pineal parenchymal cells vary between species. No gap
to demonstrate the presence of several hormones and junctions and gap/tight junction combinations are
proteins in the h u m a n pineal gland. Immunoreactive found in the hamster, 72 but they are present in the rat.
arginine vasotocin (AVT), arginine vasopressin, and The types o f junctions between pineal cells may be
oxytocin, and neurophysins I and I157 have been iden- important in determining the degree of access of these
tified in human pineal autopsy specimens. Alpha-al- cells to the neurotransmitters released in the perivas-
bumin, a protein specific for glial cells and identical to cular spaces.
GFAP, has also been f o u n d ) ~ The cytoplasmic organelles o f pinealocytes are nu-
The mammalian pineal gland contains various types merous and varied. In addition to having organelles
of ultrastructural features involved in intercellular com- c o m m o n to many other cell types, pinealocytes show
munication, such as synapses, and gap junctions and features indicative of an active secretory process, in-
tight junctions. The boundaries o f the lobule-like com- cluding dense-core, clear, granular, and agranular
partments of the pineal gland seen in some species, such vesicles 181 (Fig. 3). Certain characteristics of these cells

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 325

S. S. Erlich and M. L. J. Apuzzo

make them distinctive. 146 These include synaptic rib- tophan is hydroxylated in the pinealocyte to 5-hydroxy-
bons (also referred to as "vesicle-crowned rodlets"), tryptophan by tryptophan hydroxylase. 5-Hydroxytryp-
synaptic ribbon fields, "unusual membranous organ- tophan is decarboxylated by aromatic-L-amino acid
elles," anulate lamellae, and myeloid bodies.~8~ Myeloid decarboxylase to become 5-hydroxytryptamine (sero-
bodies have been described in the retinal pigment epi- tonin). In some mammalian pineal glands, serotonin
thelium of most lower vertebrates, and are thought to levels and turnover are higher than in any other part of
be somehow involved in either photopigment metabo- the brain. Within the pineal gland, serotonin is pro-
lism, photoreception, or photoneuroendocrine activity. duced only in pinealocytes, and some of it is taken up
into adjoining nerve terminals. N-acetyltransferase
Biochemical Results (NAT), the rate-limiting enzyme, converts serotonin
The direct input to and output from the pinealocyte into N-acetylserotonin, which becomes melatonin via
has changed substantially throughout its phylog- the action of hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase
eny.~27'~s7 Pinealocytes are photoreceptors in fish and (HIOMT).
amphibians, directly converting light into an electrical Norepinephrine acts on pinealocytes via cyclic
signal. The pineal gland of birds is considered a pho- adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) and beta-
toendocrine transducer, converting light into a hor- adrenergic receptors in the membrane of these cells) 2
monal signal. In mammals, the pineal gland has been Stimulation of the beta-adrenergic receptors on the
termed a "neuroendocrine transducer," converting an pinealocyte by the postganglionic fibers causes an acti-
electrical signal into a hormonal signal) 2 vation of adenylcyclase, leading to increased cAMP.
Melatonin is the major secretory product of the pin- This in turn increases N A T levels, causing a rise in
eal gland, and it fits the definition of a hormone. melatonin synthesis. Besides beta-adrenergic receptors,
Melatonin, or N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is an in- bovine and rat pineal glands also contain alpha recep-
doleamine with a 232 molecular weight. 96 Melatonin tors. 56 Several functions have been attributed to an
synthesis depends on environmental lighting condi- alpha-adrenoceptor-cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophos-
tions, m4'~54 It is stimulated by the beta-adrenergic post- phate (cGMP) mechanism in the pineal gland, includ-
ganglionic sympathetic fibers from the SCG, which are ing beta-receptor desensitization s6 (see below).
stimulated by darkness. Light is inhibitory. Both nor- Melatonin rapidly disappears from the blood follow-
epinephrine and serotonin can be released from the ing intravenous injection, *9and rapidly disappears from
sympathetic terminals. The initial precursor for mela- the brain following intracisternal administration. 33 The
tonin is the indole amino acid, tryptophan, which is half-life is short during the initial few minutes, followed
taken up from the plasma by the pineal gland (Fig. 4). by a second longer phase. 59 Most melatonin is conju-
Most of the tryptophan is used in the indole pathway, gated in the liver to 6-hydroxymelatonin and is then
but a small a m o u n t is used in protein synthesis. Tryp- excreted into the urine, s9 Melatonin in the rat can also
be metabolized to N-acetylserotonin. 93 The metabolic
pathway in the brain is different from that at the
periphery, s5 Plasma melatonin levels also fall quickly
(Blood) after melatonin administration to humans.

Tryptophan Hydroxylase Chronobiological Studies

5-H~ droxylryplophan [
Light is the main Zeitgeber (entraining agent or
synchronizer) regulating the duration and phase of mel-
Aromatic-l..-Amino Acid
atonin production. The SCN serve as the "master
clock," a circadian pacemaker having an endogenous,
Decarboxylase self-sustained oscillation, through which lighting infor-

I s~roto,i,, I
mation reaches the pineal gland. 2~ Circadian rhythms
in NAT are present in free-running conditions (that is,
- "~Adenyl Cyclase
I constant darkness). 6~ Because NAT is the key enzyme
I N-Acelyllransfcrase in melatonin synthesis and shows an endogenous cir-
N-Acetylserotonin [
cadian rhythmicity, it has been extensively investi-
gated. 2~176 Dibutyryl cAMP and beta-adrenergic ago-
i nists and antagonists mimic the effect of light and dark
Norepinephrine 1 I
on NAT. There is a rapid decline in cAMP and NAT
following exposure to light or treatment with propran-
( Postganglionic Fibers) Met hyltransferase
olol. Toward the end of the scotophase (dark phase),
I Mcl~to,~, ]
NAT levels decline prior to the initiation of the photo-
phase, possibly because of a compound that may serve
as an NAT inactivator.
FIG. 4. Stages of melatonin synthesis. ATP = adenosine tri- Several studies have been performed to examine the
phosphate; cAMP = cyclic adenosine 3',5'-rnonophosphate. effects of light on melatonin production. 99 The human

396 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland
response to light is qualitatively similar to that of other man pineal gland include histamine, inositol, taurine,
species) ~ Bright artificial light suppresses nocturnal pteridines, iodinated compounds, angiotensin I, and
melatonin secretion in normal humans, but room light a possible pro-opiocortinJ 66 Three other methoxyin-
of less intensity fails to do so. Different types of mela- doles are present in postmortem pineal glands: 5-meth-
tonin circadian secretory rhythms are present in blind oxytryptamine, 5-methoxytryptophol, and 5-methoxy-
subjects.I~ Some appear to have a free-running rhythm, indole-3-acetic acid.~8
while others secrete during the day. ,88 The pineal gland and melatonin also show ultradian
Melatonin in the pineal gland, blood, cerebrospinal (rhythms shorter than 24 hours), 17~ infradian (rhythms
fluid (CSF), and extrapineal sites, and melatonin recep- longer than 24 hours), estrous cycle, and circannual
tors all show diurnal cycles. Melatonin levels in the (seasonal) rhythms. '62 Changes in melatonin patterns
pineal gland and serum show a rise during the scoto- enable animals to "anticipate" the future, resulting in
phase of the diurnal cycle in all vertebrates, whether the proper timing o f seasonal hibernation, temperature
the animal is nocturnal or diurnal. The variation in changes, and reproduction. 1s7 Melatonin m a y be in-
melatonin receptor levels2~ has led to a theory of recep- volved in regulation of the h u m a n menstrual cycle,
tor down-regulation '62 to account for the opposing re- since elevated serum levels have been found at the time
productive effects of melatonin administration, depend- o f the menses, with a nadir at the time o f ovulation? '6
ing on the time point within the photoperiod in which Seasonal variation in plasma melatonin has been dem-
it is given (see below). Pineal beta-adrenergic receptors onstrated in men and women, and in young and elderly
exhibit a circadian rhythm in their sensitivity, and adults, '~176176
but is different in young and elderly sub-
pineal super- or subsensitivity may depend on the de- jects, zoo The variable factor o f race has also been ex-
gree and duration of prior stimulation. 56 amined in studies o f melatonin rhythms. African chil-
Melatonin has been measured in a number of human dren show higher daytime melatonin levels than do
body fluids and tissues, 2~3"2z5 including blood, CSF, comparable Caucasian children, but, in both groups,
urine, saliva, lymph, amniotic fluid, pineal gland, ret- the circadian rhythms are comparable. 65
ina, and sciatic nerve. In blood, melatonin has been
measured in plasma and serum by bioassay, RIA, or Melatonin Localization and Secretion
G C M S . 100'223'224 Most studies show a clear circadian It had long been believed that melatonin was pro-
rhythm with peak values during the dark phase in both duced only by the pineal gland; however, evidence has
men and women. 9''89 Whether or not melatonin is accumulated recently for extrapineal sources o f mela-
additionally secreted episodically throughout the 24- tonin. 158 Some, but not all, 1~ studies show that pineal
hour period is controversial. Secretory episodes have ablation does not eliminate all circulating melatonin.
been reported during the waking day in the presence of Circulating melatonin is present in alligators 176 and
bright light. 2~176176 The nocturnal melatonin secretion armadillos, 67 although these animals lack a pineal gland.
pattern also exhibits secretory episodes. 23 Spontaneous It has been measured by RIA in the hypothalamus and
waking episodes are associated with melatonin peaks, brain stem o f several species, including man, indicating
and periods of REM sleep with melatonin nadirs, sug- either local uptake or synthesis. 9~176176 It has been
gesting that melatonin secreted in connection with demonstrated by bioassay in peripheral nerves o f cows,
arousals during the night might in turn act to restore monkeys, and man. 14.96.97Melatonin has been identified
sleep. However, other studies have shown no correlation immunohistochemically in the SCN, Harderian gland,
between the stages of sleep and melatonin concentra- retina, and intestine, and the enzymes necessary for the
tions. As in blood, circadian rhythms of melatonin are synthesis o f melatonin (NAT and H I O M T ) have been
present in the h u m a n pineal gland 64 and in urine, with found in these areas. 2' Substantial a m o u n t s o f melato-
high nighttime values and low daytime levels.Ill nin are present in the h u m a n retina; ~28in fact, in certain
Numerous compounds, including melatonin precur- mammals the retina may produce the majority o f mel-
sors, enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, peptides, atonin.t58
and receptors, are present in the pineal gland, '87 and Melatonin is probably not stored in the pineal gland,
many also show diurnal variation. Tryptophan levels but is secreted immediately and by simple diffusion;
rise during the photophase and serotonin concentra- however, it is unclear whether it is initially secreted into
tions decrease during the scotophase. 223'224Pineal sero- the blood or CSF. In several mammals, the CSF con-
tonin in man decreases well before the NAT activity centration is less than that in the plasma, 17~and in the
increases, as distinct from other mammalsJ 89 The rat, at least, melatonin is probably secreted into the
mechanism for this is unknown. The activity of NAT blood. Circulating melatonin is taken up by all organs,
and H I O M T in postmortem pineal specimens is directly and an effective blood-brain barrier to melatonin is
related to the time o f death o f the subject, resulting absent. 223'224 The pineal gland lacks a blood-brain bar-
in a nyctohemeral (pertaining to both night and day) tier. '24 Approximately 70% o f circulating melatonin is
rhythm similar to that o f serum melatonin. Therefore, albumin-bound, 34 but both free and albumin-bound
any clinical interpretation o f pineal dysfunction in melatonin rapidly crosses from the blood into the
disease states should take this normal rhythm into CSFJ 33 Melatonin accumulates in the choroid plexus,
consideration. Is9 Other compounds found in the hu- which pumps it from CSF into the blood.'9~

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 327

S. S. E r l i c h a n d M . L. J. A p u z z o

In humans, melatonin levels are higher in serum than level of the hypothalamus, affecting the production of
in lumbar or ventricular C S F , 9'195 supporting the view the releasing factors for these hormones. However, a
that melatonin is primarily secreted into the blood- number of studies suggest that melatonin might act on
stream. Also, oral administration of melatonin to hu- the pituitary gland directly. 162
mans results in markedly increased plasma and CSF The endocrine effects of melatonin are also exerted
melatonin concentrationsf126 However, plasma to CSF in areas not involved in reproductive function, such as
melatonin ratios are similar in patients who receive and the adrenal and thyroid glands. 124"151'163'2~ Melatonin
in those who do not receive melatonin, and no gradient can have either concurrent antigonadal and antithy-
in melatonin concentration between the basal cisterns roid actions, or concurrent counter-antigonadal and
and lumbar CSF is found; these findings again support counter-antithyroid effects, depending on its route and
the idea that melatonin is released from the pineal gland time of administration. This suggests that melatonin
into the blood and reaches the CSF via the blood. 226 might act at a single site to influence pituitary secretion
There is placental transfer of melatonin from the of hormones involved in gonadal and thyroid func-
mother to the fetus, 168 and transfer to the newborn via tion. 2~ Exogenous melatonin and pinealectomy have
the milk. 169Therefore, the melatonin-generating system been shown to alter adrenal gland weight and glucocor-
may be established in utero prior to the development ticoid and mineralocorticoid secretion, but the reports
of the necessary anatomic pathways, 87 and prior to the so far have been very contradictory. 163
differentiation of pineal cell types. 3~ The non-endocrinological effects of the pineal gland
have not been as systematically investigated as its en-
Physiological and Behavioral Effects o f Melatonin docrine role. Numerous behavioral and physiological
Since the pineal gland transduces photoperiodic in- studies have been performed to study the effects of
formation, it plays an integral role in the temporal exogenous melatonin administration and/or pinealec-
organization of numerous metabolic, physiological, and tomy in animals. 166 The influences of melatonin on
behavioral processes. T M Its effects can be generally clas- locomotor activity are controversial, 16~ but most
sified as endocrinological or non-endocrinological. En- studies show that the pineal gland acts to reduce this
docrine function of the pineal gland consists of its activity. It also appears to influence aggression (possibly
reproductive effects and its effects on nongonadal en- via an interaction with melanocyte-stimulating hor-
docrine organs, such as the thyroid and adrenal glands. mone (MSH)), TM passive avoidance (having an effect
The reproductive effects have been extensively investi- opposite to that of MSH), 44 ethanol preference, and salt
gated and summarized. was long believed preference. Social isolation and stress can affect pineal
that the reproductive effects of melatonin were solely morphology and biochemistry. 166 The pineal gland is
antigonadotrophic, in both maturing and adult mam- involved in hibernation and thermoregulation. 81'166Al-
mals. Some of the effects of chronic administration to tered temperatures can produce pineal changes, and the
maturing animals include retardation of the normal pineal gland can influence the level and rhythmicity of
increase in ovarian weight, delay of normal vaginal core body temperature and daily torpor; it may also
opening time, and decrease in incidence ofestrus, z21 In influence the porphyrin content of the Harderian
adult male rats, melatonin injections lead to a decrease gland, TM glucose and energy metabolism, food intake,
in size of the seminal vesicles. Darkness, produced the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver function,
either by blinding, prolongation of the daily scotophase, nerve growth factor, and hair color. 166
or retention in constant environmental darkness, causes
atrophy of the sex organs by stimulation of the pineal Melatonin Sites o f Action
gland. Pinealectomy can accelerate maturation of go- Many studies have been conducted to determine the
nadal function and induces a high incidence o f estrus, site of action o f melatonin (Table 2). Many regions,
which can be blocked by melatonin administration. both within and outside the nervous system, may be
It has since been found that melatonin does not sites of action. These include the hypothalamus, mid-
consistently produce antigonadotrophic effects. 162 Ex- brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, peripheral nerves,
ogenous administration may lead to paradoxical and gonads. The spinal cord has been almost completely
(counter-antigonadotrophic or progonadotrophic) re- ignored in these studies, except for recent work in our
productive effects, or even to functional pinealectomy. laboratory.47 Both in vivo and in vitro studies have been
These effects are dependent on the time point within undertaken to determine if the effects are directly on
the photoperiodic cycle in which it is administered (that certain cells. Direct cellular effects have been demon-
is, they show diurnal sensitivity), the length of the strated in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonads,
photoperiod, the dose of melatonin given, and the and pineal gland in vitro. 24
species. Within the central nervous system (CNS), the hypo-
Numerous studies have been performed to determine thalamus is considered by most to be the main target
the role of the pineal gland in the secretion of the of melatonin. Hypothalamic melatonin implants, SCN
anterior pituitary hormones prolactin, luteinizing hor- lesions, and surgical deafferentation studies support this
mone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. 124,225The ma- concept. 162,164 The cellular effects of melatonin are
jority of these reports suggest that melatonin acts at the prominent in areas that are concerned with reproduc-

328 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland
TABLE 2 Melatonin affects protein synthesis in rat cerebral cor-
Some of the potential sites and physiological actions of tex. 35 Pineal cells enhance choline acetyltransferase
melatonin (CAT) activity in sympathetic neurons in vitro, a n d
conditioned media from pineal cultures inhibit C A T
Site Function Altered by Melatonin*
activity in S C G cultures. 177 Incubation o f astrocyte
nervous system cultures with melatonin causes an i m p a i r e d beta-adre-
hypothalamus microtubule protein content, ultrastruc-
ture, protein synthesis, serotonin & noceptor-mediated increase of c A M P levels. 2~
GABA content, neurotransmitter levels, Sites o f action m a y also be suspected if m e l a t o n i n is
cAMP & cGMP accumulation found n o r m a l l y in certain regions, if m e l a t o n i n is pref-
midbrain serotonin concentration, electrical activity erentially t a k e n up in certain regions, or if receptors for
cerebral cortex protein synthesis
peripheral nerve microtubule numbers, microtubule assem- melatonin are present. Melatonin has been d e m o n -
bly, axonal transport strated by bioassay in peripheral nerves o f cows, m o n -
superior cervical choline acetyltransferaseactivity keys, a n d m a n . 14'96'97 T h e only study examining the
ganglia spinal c o r d showed by bioassay that bovine spinal cord
endocrine system had no significant melatonin activity. 14 M o r e specific
pineal gland microtubule protein content, microtubule
numbers, ultrastructure, neurotransmit- RIA and G C M S analyses have shown an uneven distri-
ter uptake & release, melatonin synthe- bution o f brain melatonin in several species, with higher
sis, NAT & HIOMT activity levels reported in the pineal gland, h y p o t h a l a m u s , mid-
pituitary gland gonadotropin secretion, MSH release brain, p o n s - m e d u l l a region, and cerebellum.13~176 Intra-
thyroid gland thyroid hormone levels, guanylate cyclase
adrenal glands glucocorticoid & mineralocorticoidsecre- venously administered tritiated m e l a t o n i n is selectively
tion, weight, & size taken up by the hypothalamus, midbrain, and periph-
gonads & accessory seminiferous tubule contractility, guanylate eral nerves. 33"222 The strongest evidence for sites o f
organs cyclase, estrus incidence, weight, & size action c o m e s f r o m the demonstration o f cytoso139 and
other systems m e m b r a n e 36"2~ melatonin receptors in the hypothala-
eyes pigment aggregation
skin melanosome aggregation, melanin produc- mus, midbrain, and pineal gland. Since the pineal gland
tion contains m e l a t o n i n receptors, these m a y serve an au-
Harderian glands porphyrin content toregulatory role in melatonin production. Melatonin
* GABA = gamma-aminobutyric acid; cAMP = cyclic adenosine has been detected by RIA in the h u m a n brain in several
3',5'-monophosphate; cGMP = cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophos- areas, including the hypothalamus, habenula, substan-
phate; NAT = N-acetyltransferase;HIOMT = hydroxyindole-O-meth- tia nigra, a n d area postrema. 9~
yltransferase; MSH = melanocyte-stimulatinghormone.
M e c h a n i s m o f Action b y M e l a t o n i n
Melatonin m a y act via the serotonergic pathway, 186
tive function and contain steroid receptors, or show a particularly on neurons utilizing serotonin as a neuro-
high uptake of steroids, including the hypothalamus, transmitter. 6 It has been hypothesized that m e l a t o n i n
testis, and pineal gland. Steroid receptors, including exerts its anti- a n d progonadotrophic effects by primar-
those for estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, ily acting on the parvocellular h y p o t h a l a m i c nuclei,
and 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone, are present in the pin- probably b y m e a n s of an intrinsic neural serotonergic
eal gland. Melatonin possibly alters the number or hypothalamic system, j86 Intraperitoneal injections o f
sensitivity of hypothalamic steroid receptors, or the melatonin increase the concentration o f serotonin in
intracellular processing of steroid-receptor complexes. 24 h y p o t h a l a m u s a n d midbrain, 5'6 and there is extensive
The cellular (and probably neuronal) effects of mel- biochemical, anatomical, and morphological evidence
atonin have been studied most thoroughly in the hy- for h y p o t h a l a m i c innervation by serotonergic raphe
pothalamus. 3~ Several hypothalamic metabolic func- neurons. Serotonergic midbrain neurons have axons
tions change after melatonin treatment. These include projecting to the h y p o t h a l a m u s and limbic system via
protein synthesis, neurotransmitter levels and uptake, the medial forebrain bundle. The fact that serotonin
serotonin and g a m m a - a m i n o b u t y r i c acid content, and inhibits g o n a d o t r o p i n release 24 is consistent with the
n e u r o h o r m o n e release. Some of the hypothalamic ac- hypothesis that m e l a t o n i n inhibits g o n a d o t r o p i n output
tions of melatonin probably involve effects on cyclic via stimulation o f serotonergic mechanisms. This inhi-
nucleotide levels. Melatonin decreases cAMP accumu- bition might be responsible in certain species for alter-
lation in rat medial basal hypothalamus in vitro, and ations in the circadian r h y t h m s in h y p o t h a l a m i c sero-
pinealectomy increases this accumulation. 122Melatonin tonin. However, melatonin is not a c o m p e t i t o r for
applied onto neurons in the preoptic area of the hypo- serotonin binding to serotonin receptors, a n d serotonin
thalamus in rats and hamsters alters their excitatory is only a very weak competitor for m e l a t o n i n binding
responses. on m e m b r a n e receptor sites. 36 The effects o f m e l a t o n i n
There is evidence that melatonin might affect non- administration to h u m a n s on serotonin m e t a b o l i s m are
hypothalamic neurons and even astrocytes. Melatonin controversialf126
injected intravenously inhibits spontaneous neuronal It has been hypothesized that the m e c h a n i s m o f
activity of the rat mesencephalic reticular formation.14' action o f m e l a t o n i n is via microtubules, 21s although the

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 329

S. S. E r l i c h a n d M . L. J. A p u z z o

evidence is controversial. 31'149 Microtubules are intra- melatonin administration increases cGMP in the CSF
cytoplasmic organelles which n u m e r o u s studies suggest of humans. 226 Cyclic GMP-mediated mechanisms may
are involved in m a n y forms o f movement, including be involved in the effects of melatonin on testes, semi-
cellular division, growth and motility, and axonal trans- niferous tubule contractility, the inhibition of melanin
port. 27 Ultrastructural and axonal transport studies sup- production in melanocytes, 2~ and beta-adrenergic re-
port this concept. Melatonin causes an ultrastructural ceptor sensitivity. 86 Prostaglandins and norepinephrine
decrease in microtubules in toad sciatic nerve, and has influence each other's release in the pineal gland.
a colchicine-like effect in preventing microtubular reas-
sembly during temperature recovery? 48 Melatonin Clinical Significance of the Pineal Gland
treatment in vivo decreases rat hypothalamic microtu-
bule protein content and causes tubular and "crystal- Ontogeny
loid" formations in axons of the median eminence. 32 Although changes in serum melatonin concentra-
The ultrastructural changes produced by melatonin tions are associated with normal puberty, 184.2o8the phys-
have been compared to those produced by drugs which iological role of the pineal gland in human puberty is
cause intracellular microtubule aggregation, and to still obscure. 6s'225 In both sexes, nocturnal levels are
those produced by nerve transection. There are several highest in children aged 1 to 5 years, and decrease
reports of the effects of melatonin o n pineal morphol- steadily until the end of puberty. 2~ By the end of
ogy, interpreted as pineal "activation" or "hyperfunc- puberty, peak melatonin levels have decreased 75%
tionality," including increased microtubules. 55 Melato- from early childhood values. Melatonin levels in the
nin impairs axonal transport in sciatic nerve ~52 and in daytime are uniformly low and bear no relationship to
the visual pathway. 32 the age of the child.
It has been postulated that "certain melatonin-sensi- Proof that melatonin controls puberty is still lack-
tive tissues contain microtubule proteins with high spe- ing. 84 Many other physiological parameters also change
cific affinity for melatonin. ''218 Melatonin might bind during puberty. It has been found that the 24-hour
to tubulin at the colchicine-binding site and thereby profiles of plasma melatonin are similar in prepubertal,
prevent the assembly o f the 6S tubulin dimer into pubertal, and adult males to those in patients with
microtubules. Through this mechanism it is thought isosexual precocity, 45 thus not supporting a role for
that melatonin may influence hypothalamic gonadotro- melatonin in the initiation of normal or precocious
pin release by affecting axonal transport of neurosecre- puberty in man. There is no correlation between the
tory products. 32 The effects o f melatonin on mitosis daily excretion rate in the urine of 6-hydroxymelatonin
might also be due to a colchicine-like effect on micro- (the conjugated major metabolite of melatonin) and
tubules. 54 age in children, and the excretion rates are similar to
Since melanocytes are neural crest derivatives, the those in adults. 199 Children of all ages have normal
effects o f melatonin on skin m a y be important in circadian excretion patterns. However, a significant in-
understanding how melatonin affects neurons. ~3 Mela- crease in 6-hydroxymelatonin excretion is observed at
tonin exerts its skin-lightening effects in amphibians by the time of the onset of breast development in girls.
aggregating melanosomes in melanocytes. 58,94,157Since Melatonin excretion increases when the initial signs of
this action might also involve microtubules, it is possi- puberty are present, a finding inconsistent with an
ble that the mechanism of action o f melatonin in mel- inhibitory influence of melatonin on pubertal develop-
anocytes and neurons is similar. Melatonin receptors ment. 143
have been reported in skin, 39 and a c o m m o n receptor Further documentation indicating that plasma mel-
may mediate melatonin's effects on amphibian skin atonin may not play a role in the onset o f puberty
and brain. Melatonin inhibits skin darkening in re- comes from a study of children with Prader-Willi syn-
sponse to MSH both directly and also by inhibiting drome, who have a delayed onset of puberty. 193 These
M S H production by the pituitary. children showed similar melatonin profiles to those of
Melatonin regulates not only skin pigmentation, but exogenously obese children. In the latter children, levels
also eye pigmentation. Melatonin administration to were low during the day and high at night, and the
guinea pigs causes aggregation o f pigments in cells of profile did not vary as a function of weight or pubertal
the retina and choroid, resulting in a lightening effect.131 status. However, children with idiopathic precocious
Whether ocular a n d / o r extraocular melatonin are in- puberty have day-night increments in serum melatonin
volved with retinal pigment remains to be deter- lower than in an age-matched control group, whereas
mined. 157 children with constitutionally delayed puberty show
T h e mechanism of action o f melatonin might also normal increments.l
involve c G M P 226 and prostaglandins. 3~ Several Pineal neoplasms can produce precocious puberty,
studies suggest that c G M P m a y be a mediator of mel- delayed puberty, or no gonadal s i g n s , 83'124 but the etiol-
atonin's CNS actions, and a general effect of melatonin ogy of these changes still remains obscure. Proposed
m a y be an increase in c G M P in target tissues. Injection mechanisms have included hormones secreted by the
o f melatonin into the cisterna magna of rabbits in- tumor itself, disturbances in hormone production by
creases the concentration o f c G M P in the CSF, and oral the adjacent normal pineal parenchyma, or interfer-

330 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland
ence, possibly by compression, of the hypothalamic- Electroencephalographic A ctivity
pituitary axis. The pineal gland and melatonin have a significant
The pineal gland may be active throughout the entire role in regulating and modulating brain electrical activ-
life span of man. The weight of the pineal gland in an ity, ~9~ and have been shown to be involved in seizure
adult is maintained into old age, and enzyme studies of mechanisms, sleep, and sleep disorders. Exogenous mel-
pineal glands in patients aged from 3 to 70 years have atonin administration is beneficial in several animal
shown that they retain the capacity to synthesize mel- models o f epilepsy, and pinealectomy and antimela-
atonin. 22~ The circadian rhythms of plasma melatonin tonin antibodies can result in seizures. These effects are
in humans are not modified in old age or in senile species-dependent. It is effective in two models o f epi-
dementia. 2~176
The nyctohemeral acrophases are remark- lepsy in rodents: pentylenetetrazol-produced or electri-
ably stable whatever the season, age, or sex; however, cally-kindled seizures. In the mouse, high doses (greater
24-hour mean levels of plasma melatonin in the elderly than 200 mg/kg) were necessary to produce an increase
are half those in the young, but are not influenced by in the seizure threshold following pentylenetetrazole
sex or mental condition. Melatonin activity in the CSF administration. 191 In the baboon with photosensitive
is also reported to decrease with increasing age. 226 The epilepsy, melatonin causes a slight decrease o f light
decline of melatonin levels might be related to changes sensitivity.175 Antimelatonin:antibody demonstrates an
in the release of the hormone, an increase in its metab- epileptogenic action when injected intraventricularly in
olism or excretion, an increased sensitivity to light in rats. 48 Melatonin is effective against seizures induced
the aged, or decreased or nonresponsive pineal beta- by pinealectomy in Mongolian gerbils. 147 In a study
adrenergic receptors. 2~176 testing the effects o f 12 different anticonvulsant drugs
on N A T and H I O M T activity o f the pineal gland, it
Effect of Melatonin on Movement was found that sulthiame inhibited N A T in the n o r m a l
Investigations in both animals and humans suggest therapeutic range of the drug.~23
that the pineal gland may play a role in several neuro- The pineal gland is involved in sleep and activity
logical diseases, such as movement, sleep, and seizure rhythms in several species. Melatonin was first shown
disorders. Administered in high doses (400 mg/kg) to to induce sleep, lasting about 2 hours, when adminis-
mice and rats, melatonin can produce toxic effects, tered directly into the hypothalamus o f unrestrained
including ataxia, motor incoordination, lack of motor cats) TM Intraperitoneal melatonin prolongs sleep time
activity, muscle relaxation, ptosis, piloerection, and induced by hexobarbitone, pentobarbitone, and barbi-
vasodilatation o f the extremities) 9~ At higher doses of tone in the m o u s e and r a t . 13'191 The inhibition o f m o t o r
melatonin, flexor reflexes are impaired, body tempera- activity is dose-dependent. Mice became inactive soon
ture is reduced, and slow, labored respiration precedes after injection; they appeared to be sleeping, and were
death. Melatonin is most potent 15 to 30 minutes after readily arousable.l 91
administration. 19 The pineal gland may be important in regulating the
Melatonin may be relevant to Parkinson's disease. circadian rhythmicity o f paradoxical (REM) sleep. Pin-
Melatonin blocks the adventitious movements induced ealectomy in the rat causes no changes in the total
by L-dopa in intact mice, 4~ and L-dopa administration amount o f R E M and slow-wave sleep in a 24-hour
increases rat pineal melatonin content) 1~ Melatonin period, or in the diurnal variations of slow-wave sleep,
has been detected by RIA in the human substantia but almost abolishes the circadian periodicity o f para-
nigra, 9~ and chronic oral administration of melatonin doxical sleep. 125 Melatonin given to rats in the morning
ameliorated the tremor and rigidity of Parkinson's decreases n o n - R E M sleep, but when given at night has
disease. 7 no effect on sleep stages) ~7 An analysis o f plasma
It is conceivable that melatonin may be involved in melatonin levels in 19 epileptic men and six normal
the motor neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis men during sleep showed no significant difference be-
( A L S ) . 47 Melatonin affects axonal transport and micro- tween the two groups; ~85 however, it was f o u n d in both
tubules in sciatic nerve, the motor component of which groups that melatonin levels preceded by R E M sleep
is derived from anterior horn cells, which are known to were higher than those preceded by n o n - R E M sleep.
degenerate in ALS. Also, melatonin may act via the Since REM sleep is associated with increased auto-
serotonergic system, and anterior horn cells may be part nomic activity, the higher melatonin levels might be
of this system. Since the cellular effects of melatonin due to increased pineal norepinephrine release with
are prominent in areas containing steroid receptors, resulting increased synthesis o f melatonin.
and anterior horn cells also have steroid receptors, it is Relatively few studies have been conducted to deter-
possible that the anterior horn cell may also be a site of mine the effects o f exogenously administered melatonin
action. 47 It has been hypothesized that androgen recep- on EEG activity and sleep in normal humans. More
tor loss may play a role in the etiology of ALS. 21~ If than 20 years ago, it was observed that intravenous
melatonin interacts directly or indirectly with the an- melatonin could produce sedation in an adult man. 94
drogen receptor, or acts selectively on motor neurons Most of the subsequent investigations have shown that
bearing these receptors, it may be involved in the path- melatonin administration to h u m a n s does m o d i f y the
ogenesis of ALS as well. EEG and r h y t h m s o f sleep and m o t o r activity) 24'225

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 331

S. S. Erlich and M. L. J. Apuzzo

Fifteen to 20 minutes following intravenous adminis- Psychiatric Disorders

tration of melatonin, subjects fell asleep, and the period Melatonin and the pineal gland may be important
of REM sleep increased. 7 After the subjects were awak- in stress and in certain psychiatric diseases, such as
ened, there was an increase of EEG alpha activity and depression and schizophrenia. 2'4,225 Several investiga-
a feeling of well-being and elation. Chronic oral mela- tions have been undertaken in animals to analyze the
tonin administration led to enhancement of sleep Stages interactions of the pineal gland and melatonin with
3 and 4, and increased periods of REM sleep, Melato- psychiatric drugs, such as antidepressant56 and antipsy-
nin decreased paroxysmal EEG activity in epileptic chotic agents. 4' Antidepressant drugs can cause changes
patients, and acute administration was followed by sleep in the densities and circadian rhythms of pineal beta-
both in normal subjects and in epileptic patients. Sleep adrenergic receptors, thereby altering pineal enzyme
changes were minimal and not related to clinical im- and melatonin levels, 6 The acute administration of
provement in patients with Parkinson's disease (see various antidepressant agents, such as imipramine, des-
above). Intranasal administration caused sleep within methylimipramine, clomipramine, pargyline, and L-5-
30 minutes in some subjects, z~ hydroxytryptophan, increases pineal and plasma mela-
The mechanism by which melatonin produces its tonin levels, probably as a result of a beta-adrenergic
sedative and anticonvulsant effects is not known. The agonist action of these drugs. However, chronic treat-
two main hypotheses are an interaction with seroton- ment with imipramine or clomipramine reduces these
ergic neurons or with brain benzodiazepine receptors.19' elevations, and repeated administration of the anti-
The inhibitory effect of melatonin on the spontaneous depressant drugs desmethylimipramine or nialamide
neuronal activity of the mesencephalic reticular for- reduces the elevation in melatonin concentrations in
mation may contribute to changes in the sleep-wake the pineal gland produced by either darkness or the
cycle and to anticonvulsant activity, 41 However, doses beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol. This diminished
that had a clear sedative/hypnotic effect (20 mg/kg) in hormonal responsiveness is believed to be related to
rodents failed to alter whole-brain serotonin concentra- the development of beta-adrenergic subsensitivity with
tions. '9' Benzodiazepine receptors are present in the prolonged drug usage. Chronic lithium treatment in
bovine ~~ and rat 1,5 pineal gland. Benzodiazepines can the rat sometimes, but not in all studies, suppresses
prolong and increase the norepinephrine stimulation of pineal melatonin, also causing a shift in the peak night-
NAT activity and, at higher doses, diazepam can stim- time concentrationJ 6 The antipsychotic drugs chlorpro-
ulate NAT in the absence of norepinephrine. Since mazine and haloperidol inhibit the activity of HIOMT
NAT is the major enzyme regulating melatonin pro- (the final enzyme in the melatonin synthetic pathway).4'
duction, it is possible that human melatonin levels may There may be a close relationship between melatonin
be increased by benzodiazepine therapy. '~5 However, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-cortisol in
intravenous administration of melatonin to rats pro- man. 2~5 It has been hypothesized that patients with
duced a rise in seizure threshold and totally abolished major depressive illness who show no cortisol response
exploratory activity, but these effects were not demon- to dexamethasone may have an enhanced corticotro-
strated to be produced by binding to the benzodiazepine pin-releasing factor (CRF) production secondary to a
receptor. 63 subfunction of a proposed pineal factor inhibiting
The above studies suggest that melatonin administra- CRF. 2'5 Subgroups of patients with Cushing's disease
tion may be useful as a treatment for insomnia. 191Low or major depressive disorders have low levels of noctur-
doses have a specific sleep-promoting action in animals, nal serum melatonin. Depressed patients with an ab-
and even large doses (up to 6 gm) can be safely given normal dexamethasone suppression test (DST) have
to humans without any apparent adverse effects. lower melatonin levels than patients with a normal
Narcolepsy may represent an impairment of the mel- DST. Low melatonin levels may be a genetic trait
atonin-AVT control (see below) in the induction and marker for vulnerability to depression; however, high
circadian organization of REM sleep associated with an melatonin values were reported in manic-depressive
immaturity of REM-triggering centers. 138Arginine vas- patients who were also supersensitive to light. ,05
otocin administered intranasally and melatonin admin- Results of studies of schizophrenia have been contro-
istered intravenously to narcoleptic patients dramati- versial. Reduced melatonin levels have been reported
cally increased the amount of REM sleep and decreased in chronically schizophrenic patients, although an effect
REM sleep latency. In a comparison of narcoleptic to of body weight might have partly accounted for the
symptomatic hypersomniac patients, no significant dif- difference from a control group. 49 These authors cau-
ference could be detected in REM induction and in- tioned that body weight must be controlled in studies
crease of REM sleep caused by AVTJ 5~The symptoms of patients with psychiatric disease. No significant dif-
of narcolepsy might be related to a "hypermelatonin- ference in HIOMT activity was revealed between the
emia, ''zz since serum melatonin levels are much higher postmortem pineal specimens of schizophrenics and
in narcoleptic patients than in control subjects, both those of control subjects, and no significant effect of
during the day and night, and show no circadian age, sex, or neuroleptic treatment on HIOMT activity
changes. was found. ,29 Also, no significant differences in morn-

332 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland
ing CSF melatonin levels were identified between fluctuations occurred throughout the entire 24-hour
healthy control subjects and paranoid schizophrenic period. In a study in which subjects were kept under
patients, with or without neuroleptic agents.Z9However, constant conditions of no sleep, isolation from time
it is still unknown whether diurnal melatonin rhythms cues, and controlled activity for 64 hours, it was found
in schizophrenic patients are disturbed. that urinary melatonin levels varied directly with fatigue
and sleepiness. 3
Analgesia and Stress
The pineal gland may be involved in opioid analgesia. Nontumor Pathology and Tumor-Related
Several animal studies suggest a role of endogenous Conditions
opioids in the regulation of pineal function, ~~ and Little is known about the non-neoplastic pathology
melatonin has been found to have analgesic properties of the pineal gland in animals75 or in man. Necrosis,
in mammals? 2 It has been suggested that at least one calcification, cystic degeneration, hyaline degeneration,
opioid synapse may be involved in the modulation of hemosiderin deposits, hyperemia, and petechiae have
the nocturnal rise of pineal melatonin, 1~ since nalox- been reported in the pineal gland of the horse. A circling
one-treated rats show a smaller pineal melatonin peak syndrome in a mule was believed to be caused by pineal
as well as a slower decrease from peak values. Strain hyperplasia.
differences in sensitivity to the analgesic effects of mel- In man, reports usually describe common degenera-
atonin might account for the contradictory results ob- tive changes such as glial cysts, scars, and calcifica-
tained following naloxone treatment. 82"191 The pineal tion 83"t24A65,I72,j96 (Fig. 5). The pineal glands of females
gland and melatonin are also involved in modulating below the age of 60 years are heavier than those of
the diurnal rhythms of analgesia and in influencing the males, possibly in part because of their higher calcium
age-related changes in opioid responses in mice. 82 An- content. Fibrosis increases progressively throughout life
algesia induced by morphine lasts longer during the in females, but is much more variable in males. Pineal
scotophase, but this diurnal variation is absent in pi- gliosis is much greater in men than in women aged 30
nealectomized mice. Des-tyrosine-gamma-endorphin to 60 years. Calcification (also called "pineal acervuli,"
injected subcutaneously increased melatonin levels in "pineal sand," "calcospherites," or "corpora arenacea")
the rat pineal gland, and a dose-dependent induction of has been seen histologically in pineal glands of children
pineal melatonin synthesis was seen in rats injected who died in the first decade of life, and the amount
with several endorphin derivatives. remains fairly constant beyond the age of 30 years. The
A relationship exists between the pineal gland, visual degree of calcification may actually be a reflection of
input, and ketamine-induced catatonia in the chick, past secretory activity rather than an indicator of degen-
cat, and rat. 219 Catatonia induced by ketamine is aug- eration.196 The calcification consists of carbonate-con-
mented during the scotophase, but this augmentation taining hydroxyapatite, and magnesium, strontium,
is abolished by pinealectomy. Similarly, the duration of and calcium sulfate have also been detected.
ketamine-induced catatonia during the photophase is Other lesions include pineal atrophy, hypertrophy,
prolonged by adrenergic agonists, melatonin precursors, hemorrhages, and cysts) 24 One report concerns two
and melatonin. Pineal involvement in morphine-in-
duced analgesia and ketamine-induced catatonia might
be via similar mechanisms.219 Melatonin might act by
releasing endogenous peptides which perform at opioid
receptors that induce either analgesia or catatonia.
The pineal gland may play a role in stress. Hypertro-
phy and hyperplasia of pinealocytes in auditory stress,
and numerous glial plates, cavities, and acervuli in the
pineal glands of patients with ulcer disease have been
reported. It9 It is possible, if melatonin is truly episodi-
cally secreted during the diurnal waking period, that
these episodes may be related to stress. 5~Vigorous phys-
ical activity elicits transient increases in plasma mela-
tonin in both sedentary and physically trained women? 8
"Jet lag" is associated with decreases in mean plasma
melatonin levels, shifts in the acrophase (peak), or even
total desynchronization of the rhythm. 52 Under the
particular conditions of that study,52 it took many days
for the melatonin circadian periodicity to adapt. The FIG. 5. Photomicrograph of the adult human pineal gland.
study also suggested that daylight might influence the The suprapineal recess contains choroid plexus (arrow) and
amplitude of the melatonin rhythm, and it was also the parenchyma shows a faintly lobular pattern and a large
noted that, in the unperturbed basal state, episodic glial cyst. H & E, • 16.

J, Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 333

S. S. E r l i c h a n d M . L. J. A p u z z o

sisters and a brother who developed a syndrome of serum melatonin rhythms, although in elderly men the
pineal hypertrophy, sexual precocity, hyperplasia o f the amplitudes were less pronounced. 15In elderly men with
adrenal cortex, and diabetes mellitusJ s6 Acute devel- malignant tumors, rhythms were absent.
o p m e n t of a pineal region syndrome secondary to hem- Levels of plasma melatonin may be useful as tumor
orrhage into a pineal cyst in a patient undergoing markers. Low nocturnal levels may indicate the pres-
anticoagulant therapy has been observed. 8 A develop- ence of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, since
mental malformation in the pineal region has been there is a decreased nocturnal peak in patients with this
described, consisting of a small neuroepithelial cyst diseaseJ 94 Women with the lowest peak concentration
containing papillary infoldings and choroid plexus; 183 had tumors with the highest concentrations of estrogen
however, it is possible that the description was o f the receptors. Complete disappearance of plasma melato-
normal suprapineal recess. nin has been reported after removal of a tumorous
Several types o f pineal t u m o r s have been reported in pineal glandJ 26 Besides providing evidence that the
animals. These can be induced, or, rarely, they arise pineal gland is the sole source o f plasma melatonin in
spontaneously. 4"75 Experimental pineocytomas can be humans, this also may be a reliable means of assessing
induced in hamsters by the h u m a n JC papovavirus, m the completeness of pinealectomy. H u m a n chorionic
Dysgerminomas have been reported in the silver fox, gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein levels have been
horse, and rat, 75 and a pineoblastoma has been seen used as markers for h u m a n pineal tumors. 2
recently in a horse, vj The influence o f melatonin on
non-pineal t u m o r growth has been reported in animals. Other Clinical Manifestations
Patients with malignant neoplasms may show morpho- Numerous reports suggest that the pineal gland may
logical abnormalities of the pineal gland, as well as play a role in a variety of animal conditions which
changes in melatonin levels and rhythmicity. The sub- might be relevant to human diseases, such as hyperten-
ject of human pineal tumors is extensive and will not sion, disorders of myelin, and eye disease. 166The pineal
be covered in the present review, except for its relevance gland might be involved in blood pressure regulation.
to the use of melatonin as a t u m o r marker. Several studies have shown that pinealectomy in rats
Pineal morphology has been studied in animals and induces hypertension, which can be blocked by mela-
h u m a n s with cancer. 198 In benzanthracene-induced fi- tonin administration. It has been hypothesized that the
brosarcoma in rats, the pinealocytes and their nuclei hypertension may be secondary to overactivity of the
are larger and contain more lipid than in control ratsJ 98 renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or that melato-
In a gross and microscopic study of the pineal gland of nin might act as an antihypertensive agent via stimu-
275 patients with cancer, 66 31 glands were enlarged and lation of central inhibitory adrenergic pathways. Pin-
showed degenerative changes not previously described ealectomy also causes increased vascular reactivity to
in cancer patients. The findings were considered similar various vasoconstrictor agents. 42 Although pineal epi-
to those accompanying old age, except that the patients nephrine is high in both spontaneously hypertensive
were less than 30 years old. and neurogenically hypertensive rats, it is unknown
Many investigators have examined the effects in whether changes in pineal catecholamines are in any
animals of pinealectomy or exogenous melatonin ad- way causally related to experimental hypertension) TM
ministration on t u m o r growth, such as melanoma, However, in doses o f 10 mg/kg, melatonin failed to
m a m m a r y carcinoma, Walker 256 carcinosarcoma, change the blood pressure in cats or to alter the con-
leukemia, Yoshida sarcoma, and Lewis lung carci- tractile force or electrocardiogram of the dog.13
noma. 92"124'166'197 Most studies have suggested an inhib- Pinealectomy leads to myelin alterations. Neonatal
itory role of the pineal gland on t u m o r growth, possibly pinealectomy in the rat causes a delay in brain matu-
via effects on mitotic activity, immunocompetence, or ration, first decreasing brain lipid levels, and then de-
growth hormone, somatomedin, adrenocortical, or cat- creasing the amount of myelin itself. 167 Subsequent
echolamine secretion.155'197 Pinealectomy increases the work 77 showed that neonatal pinealectomy altered the
growth of transplanted m e l a n o m a in hamsters, and levels of long-chain fatty acids in myelin. These findings
melatonin given to pinealectomized animals abolishes may prove to be significant in human myelin diseases,
this effect. 46 The incidence o f benzanthracene-induced or in diseases resulting in demyelination, since, for
m a m m a r y carcinoma increased in pinealectomized example, ultrastructural abnormalities of the pineal
rats. 91 The effect of melatonin on t u m o r growth is gland have been reported in Tay-Sachs disease.1
dependent on the photoperiod and the time o f day it There are many other reports of the role of the pineal
was administered. ~7 gland in various human diseases, such as glaucoma, z~2
Melatonin levels and rhythmicity have also been porphyria, 2~3 hemochromatosis, and endocrine disor-
examined in t u m o r patients. In breast cancer patients, ders. TM In some cases of idiopathic hemochromatosis,
24-hour urinary melatonin levels are lower than in a disease in which many endocrine disorders occur,
control subjects, and the rhythmicity is abnormalJ 6 In especially hypogonadism, the circadian melatonin
a study o f patients with benign and malignant tumors rhythmicity is disturbed 51 and can even be absent. In
of the prostate gland, it was found that young men and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, the nocturnal peak in
elderly men with benign prostate tumors had similar melatonin is lower than in normal children, and occurs

334 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985

The pineal gland
earlier in the night. 6~ In patients with Turner's syn- serotonergic pathway. 136It has been suggested that AVT
drome, the average night melatonin value is similar to may interfere with serotonin release at postsynaptic
the value recorded at the onset of darkness. Children receptor sites. ~36 It has also been theorized that AVT
with growth hormone deficiency, hypogonadism, and exerts its hypnogenic effects by activating a descend-
Turner's syndrome have abnormally high daytime mel- ing gamma-aminobutyrate-containing habenulo-raphe
atonin levels, but children with seizures have low values. pathway.6j Arginine vasotocin delays brain maturation.
Daily administration decreased total lipid levels, and
Other Potential Pineal Hormones delayed eye opening in the kitten, 62 but did not change
It was long believed that melatonin was the only the normal daily increase in body weight and brain
pineal hormone, but other pineal factors have since weight. However, in the rat, pinealectomy impaired
been shown to have hormonal activityfl5'223'224 These brain myelination, t67
compounds comprise two groups: peptides (such as
AVT) and other methoxyindoles. In the early 1960's, it Summary
was suspected that pineal polypeptides would be im- A wealth of knowledge is currently available regard-
portant antigonadotrophic compounds. A polypeptide ing the structure and function of the mammalian pineal
was isolated from bovine pineal glands which, in addi- gland and its hormones. The pineal gland is essential
tion to showing pressor and oxytocic activities, also had for transmitting information as to day length, and is a
an antigonadotrophic effect in prepubertal mice,~8 and key organ in the regulation of mammalian reproduction
this compound was believed to be AVT. It is believed and of many circadian rhythms. Many animal studies
that some of the metabolites ofmelatonin may be active have indicated that pineal compounds, particularly
and may also be hormones, such as 5-methoxytrypto- melatonin and AVT, exert pronounced cellular effects.
phol and 5-methoxytryptamine. 3~ These studies, along with behavioral investigations
The nonapeptide hormone, AVT, is normally found demonstrating effects of these compounds on motor
in the pituitary gland of lower animals. In the mam- activity, sleep, and seizures, indicate that melatonin and
malian brain, it is synthesized by specialized cells of the AVT might directly affect certain neurons within the
pineal recess and subcommissural organ, and is stored CNS. However, it still remains unclear as to what the
in undefined cells of the pineal gland, m It differs from sites of action of melatonin are and how melatonin
arglnine vasopressin by one amino acid, having isoleu- works. Future research into these areas will almost
cine instead of 3-phenylalanine, and from oxytocin by certainly help explain the cellular and behavioral effects
having arginine instead of 8-1eucine. Its effects are very of the pineal gland. Other subjects requiring further
similar to those of melatonin, although it is far more investigation include the nonsympathetic innervation
potent. It has been hypothesized that melatonin may of the pineal gland and the role of other pineal hor-
be the releasing factor for A V T , 137 causing its release mones.
into CSF. Cultured cells from human fetal pineal glands It has been reported that factors such as inactivity
release a peptide, presumably identical to AVT, into and position may modify melatonin rhythms in hu-
the culture medium. mans. Urinary melatonin rhythms were abolished in
Like melatonin, AVT may be of clinical significance. three young patients kept supine in bed with healing
It has been most studied in relation to its effects on leg fractures. TM The weightless state encountered by
sleep and brain maturation. Also like melatonin, AVT astronauts subjected to zero gravity has been considered
has sleep-inducing and anticonvulsant effects. The ef- to possibly be analogous to the quadriplegic situation,
fects of AVT on sleep in adult mammals are controver- in which proprioceptive input is reduced or eliminated,
sial, but in newborns they are more consistent. Ex- and in which abnormalities of the melatonin rhythm
tremely small amounts of AVT injected into the third have been described. 88 Studies of the circadian time-
ventricle induce slow-wave sleep in the cat, and com- keeping mechanism during space flight have just been
pletely suppress paradoxical sleep. ~36'~4~The release of initiated, 192and an examination of melatonin rhythms
AVT into human CSF may be REM sleep-dependent? 39 in astronauts would probably prove to be quite inter-
The CSF of normal men contains AVT when it is esting, s8
withdrawn after the subject awakens from REM sleep, The circadian rhythm of melatonin is disturbed in
but AVT is not detectable after they awaken from several human diseases; therefore, melatonin levels
non-REM sleep. Subcutaneously administered AVT an- might be useful as a diagnostic marker. Exogenous
tagonizes pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in melatonin administration generally exerts a sedative
the rat. s~ effect, 175so melatonin administration may be useful as
Daily administration of AVT to newborn kittens a therapeutic tool. An extensive amount of literature is
induced an increase of total sleep and of active sleep, accumulating indicating that the human pineal gland
the ontogenetic precursor of adult REM sleep, 62 as well might play a role in the pathophysiology of puberty,
as increasing the number of REM's during an active sleep, seizure, and psychiatric disorders. A detailed un-
sleep episode, and decreasing locomotor and investiga- derstanding of the interactions of the human pineal
tive activities. The mechanism by which AVT exerts its gland, light, and circadian rhythms has only just begun
sleep-inducing effects is unknown, but it may be via the to lead to strategies for treating endogenous chrono-

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 63/September, 1985 335

S. S. Erlich and M. L. J. Apuzzo

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