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Piper Curda

COMM 311
Interview Protocol

Interview Basis
Since my project involves studying the experiences of half-Asian, half-white individuals, I will
be interviewing those of half-Asian, half-white descent attending college. My hope is to
interview at least one such individual from each class (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior),
as well as have a relatively equal sample of females and males. I plan on performing a semi-
structured interview since I am seeking somewhat specific answers, however, the questions will
be based on the general lives of each individual so I want to be able to leave them room to
expand on their personal experiences and how they might differ from others.

Cover Letter

Dear valued student,

I am of half-Asian and half-Caucasian descent and I have found that my specific biethnic descent
has directly affected the way I communicate with those around me as well as the way I do or do
not identify with them. Minorities are an understudied and often misunderstood population, and
biethnic minorities are even more so.

I am thrilled to be able to explore the ways in which the biethnic identity of being Half-Asian
and half-Caucasian plays a role in communication. If you are of this same biethnic identity, I
would greatly appreciate you donating a moment of your time to discuss your personal
experiences with me. Your participation is completely voluntary. The interview should last
around 30-60 minutes and your answers will remain confidential along with your identity.
Additionally, at any moment, should you decide you no longer want to participate you are not
obligated to complete the interview.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions about this research, you may reply to
this email or contact me at piper.curda@my.wheaton.edu.

Piper Curda

Script of Introductory Comments

I appreciate you taking your time to speak with me today. As you may or may not know, I am
half-Korean, half-white, and I’ve found that my specific biethnic identity has had a significant
impact on the way I communicate with others. I think the growing population of biethnic
individuals has gone unnoticed and is, therefore, understudied. I want to understand more about
the ways people with my same biethnic identity have found that it does or does not affect their
lives and communication, which is why we are here today.
This interview should last around 30-60 minutes, and you have the option to stop or discontinue
participation at any time. You can also request to skip a question if you choose. Additionally,
your answers and identity will be kept confidential.

Interview Questions

1. How would you describe your identity? (introducing question, 3-5 minutes)
a. In what way would you say your ethnicity impacts the way you view
yourself/your identity? (follow-up question, 2-3 minutes)
b. How would you say that being specifically half Asian has an effect, if any, on
your identity? (follow-up question, 3-4 minutes)
c. How would you say that being specifically half Caucasian has an effect, if any, on
your identity? (follow-up question, 3-4 minutes)
d. Could you share some examples of struggles you have been through relating to
your dual identity? (probing question, 2-3 minutes)
e. Could you share some examples of rewards you have experienced relating to your
dual identity? (probing question, 2-3 minutes)
2. I would now like to discuss your experiences with your identity in relation to others. How
would you describe your sense of belonging with monoracial peers or peer groups?
(structuring/introducing question, 3-5 minutes)
a. Have your monoracial friends ever expressed different views of race that you did
not share? (direct question, 4-5 minutes)
i. How did you react when they shared these views? (specifying question, 2-
3 minutes)
b. Can you describe, if any, differences (accommodations) in communication you
have observed other half-Asian individuals make when speaking with full-Asian
or full-Caucasian friends? (indirect question, 4-5 minutes)
i. Do you ever find yourself doing the same type of things? Why/Why
not/How so? (follow-up/specifying question, 2-3 minutes)
c. How would you describe your sense of belonging when discussions of race occur
in your peer group? (introducing question, 4-5 minutes)
i. Is it correct that you generally feel understood/misunderstood?
(interpreting question, 1-2 minutes)
3. Now that we have covered friends, I’d like to discuss family. Specifically, what types of
discussions about your biracial identity or cultural background did your parents have with
you or you with them? (structuring/introducing question, 4-6 minutes)
a. What difficulties, if any, did you have identifying with one or both of your parents
growing up? (follow-up question, 3-4 minutes)
i. Were any of these difficulties due to race? (direct question, 3-4 minutes)
b. What significant family events or discussions contributed to your identity?
(introducing question, 2-3 minutes)
i. Could you explain why? (probing question, 2-3 minutes)
4. I would now like to discuss the role of your ethnic identity in romantic relationships,
especially what role, if any, you believe your biracial identity plays or has played in
dating, either regarding whom you date or your experiences with dating?
(structuring/introducing question, 5-7 minutes)
a. What challenges have you experienced dating someone who is monoracial?
(follow-up question, 3-5 minutes)
i. Is it correct that you frequently/rarely face challenges specifically due to
race? (interpreting question, 1-2 minutes)
b. What communication strategies (accommodations), if any, have you used when
dating someone monoracial? (introducing question, 3-5 minutes)
i. Are these strategies primarily used with your partner or with their family
members or both? (follow-up question, 2-3 minutes)
5. Now, I’d like to move on to the topic of microaggressions, which are subtle, sometimes
unintentional slights made in a negative manner about race. What are some experiences
you’ve had with forms of microaggression? (structuring/introducing question, 4-5
a. How did it make you feel? (specifying question, 3-5 minutes)
b. In what way, if any, do you feel like your experience with microaggression was
specific to your biracial identity? (introducing question, 3-5 minutes)
c. In what ways do you feel like the microaggression you experience is the same or
different from the kinds of microaggression monoracial individuals experience?
(introducing question, 3-5 minutes)
i. How do you think monoracial individuals perceive biracial individuals
differently from monoracial minorities? (indirect question, 2-4 minutes)
1. Do you agree/disagree with their perceptions, and why? (follow-up
question, 2-3 minutes)

Question 1 and those that fall under it will all help answer research question one, which is, “How
do biracial Asian Americans identify ethnically and what childhood experiences do they share
that played a role in developing their identity?” Question 2 and those under it will contribute to
answering research question two, which is “How do biracial Asian Americans describe their
communication strategies and feelings of belonging in monoracial peer groups?” Question 3 and
those that fall under it will help answer research question three, which is “How do families of
biracial Asian/Caucasian Americans communicate and contribute to cultural identity and
navigate discussions of race within the household?” Question 4 and its associates will aid in
answering research question 4, which asks “How salient a role does ethnic identity play in
romantic relationships for biracial Asian Americans?” Finally, question 5 and the rest will help
answer research question 5, which is “What types of microaggressions do biracial Asian
Americans report they experience?”

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