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the retina after center and surround have been ] l I I I I I

segregated. The neuroanatomy of the cat retina tells
us that all post-receptoral interneurons pool the U
activity of m a n y photoreceptors. Therefore, the 10 •
o o o
p o s t - r e c e p t o r a l gain c o n t r o l m u s t p o o l c
o° o U o ~ Oo o o o o
photoreceptor signals.
10 ~ o ~ o o
3.6. Gain Control and Receptive Field Size Across c
o ~o
the Population of Ganglion Cells
c o
10 2 o
Since l i g h t - e v o k e d neural signals are summed
over the receptive field center to set the gain of the
center of a particular ganglion cell, one naturally
I I I I 1 1 I
would guess that ganglion cells with centers of 025 05 10 25 50 10 25
different sizes would be light adapted to different Total summing areaof centr resp mech (deg~)
extents by a large uniform background. The results
on the spatial summation of adaptive effect suggest FIG. 36. Transition level as a function of center area for a
population of cat retinal ganglion cells. The value of the
that gain depends on the total, steady state, effective transition level from the horizontal to the sloping portions
flux, i.e. illumination multiplied by area weighted of the gain vs background illumination curves (as in Fig. 24)
by the center's gain per unit area. The total effective is plotted against center summingarea. Empty circlesare from
on-center cells, while filled circles are from off-center cells.
flux falling on the center of a cell with a small The cells were not grouped into X and Y classes. From
receptive field will be less than the flux falling on Enroth-Cugell and Shapley (1973b).
a large receptive field center; the gain should be
reduced less in the small receptive field center.
in this study were not classified as X or Y.
The initial test of this idea is offered in Fig. 36,
Therefore, a question unresolved by these results
from Enroth-Cugell and Shapley (1973b). What is
is whether X and Y cells have the same dependence
plotted in Fig. 36 is the transition illumination at
of effective transition level on center area.
the knee of the curve relating gain and background
illumination. The transition illumination is defined Further evidence on the dependence of gain
here empirically as the illumination at which the setting on receptive field center size across the pop-
gain has dropped by a factor of two from the dark ulation of ganglion cells comes from the concordant
adapted gain (Note the slight difference between this studies of Fischer and May (1970) and Cleland et
definition and the more rigorous definition of al. (1973). The results of both studies implied that
transition illumination in connection with equation the center's gain, defined as G = d R / d F where F
(20)). Because the data in Fig. 36 were collected is luminous flux (illumination times area), is
from many different cats, possibly in different inversely proportional to the center's summing area
physiological states, the transition illumination was when the ganglion cell is well light adapted in the
multiplied by the dark adapted gain to obtain a mid-scotopic to mesopic range by large uniform
corrected transition illumination. This corrected backgrounds. This is consistent with the result of
transition illumination is plotted against center Enroth-Cugell and Shapley (1973b) on the "effec-
summing area, determined from an area - threshold tive transition level" and with the approximately
curve (Cleland and Enroth-Cugell, 1968). It can be inverse relationship between gain and background
seen in Fig. 36 that the cells with larger centers have above the transition level, equation (21). Thus, three
a lower effective transition level, and that the studies seem consistent in supporting the hypothesis
transition level is approximately proportional to the that ganglion cells with larger centers are more light-
center summing area. These data might be adapted than those with smaller centers under the
compatible with other functions of center size same fixed uniform background conditions, because
besides area, because of the large variance. The cells of spatial summation of adapting signals.

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