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Lesson plan Class 9th

Topic: Electoral Politics

Sub topic: Election commission and its features

Specific Objectives:

 To recognise the significance of election commission

 To introduce the idea of free and fair elections.
 To familiarise the learners with the independence of election commission

Teaching learning material:

 Video clip of “Wadiya elections- The Dictator”

Exploring learners’ knowledge base:

 Why do we need elections?

 What do you mean by elections?
 Do you know about major political parties in India?
 How do we have elections in India?

Introduction to sub- topic:

Today we are going to learn about how we make sure that elections are democratic. We are going to
learn about the election commission.

Teaching learning process:

The pedagogical intervention would be an activity. Through the activity, students will be engaged in
a dialogue and discussion will be held to chalk out the points of focus. The focus toady will be on
election commission and its features.

The class will start with the showing of the video clip. The students will be asked as to describe the
video clip. The students will thus be asked whether the process shown in the video is fair or unfair.
How to make sure that this process is fair? Who keeps a check on elections? Is it political parties? Is
it common people? Is it the government?

After this, an activity will take place to make students understand about this entity which checks that
the elections take place fair. The students will be asked to give their names for representing the
class. Since it is a small scale election and to save some time, the students will be instructed that a
total of three names are to be given. (Hence setting a rule). The names of the students will be
written on the board.

Next, another rule is set. The candidates have to come to the front of the class and describe in one
line as to why they should be chosen as the representative. The rules for this election are also
described. Firstly, one person can vote for only one person. Second, the teacher will decide in case
of any cheating or any other discrepancies. Thirdly, those who were defaulters today will not be
allowed to vote.

Now this will be an open voting system. Each student will be asked for their vote. After this, the
teacher will declare the elections open and start with the voting. The teacher will keep he count on
the blackboard.
After each student votes, counting will be done loudly and clearly in front of everyone and the
teacher will declare the winner.

Now the students will be asked if the elections were fair. If yes, why? If no, why? The students will
then be asked about the various roles that took place in the activity. What role did the students
play? What role did the teacher play?

Through this activity and the dialogue that will take place after this activity, the students will learn
about the election commission and the role it plays in elections.

Now the students will be asked to analyse the teacher’s role in the activity and what all tasks were
done by her. Through this, the students will be led to the discussions about the role of the election
commission and its features.

The students will then be asked to imagine the following situation. Suppose one of the students had
a hold over the teacher. The student, let us assume, is a child of the school management or trustee
and is asked to be favoured. Would the elections still be fair? Through this discussion and dialogue,
the learner will be led towards the idea of an independent election commission.

The students will then learn about the election composition of election commission. They will be
asked if such an institution could run only by a few people. Who would lead such an institution?
Who is the leader of such an institute called? They will hence learn about the chief election
commissioner and election commissioner. They will also be asked I they know about the recent chief
election commissioner?


What are the six major functions of the election commission?


Find out about the appointment of the chief election commissioner

Blackboard Summary:

Date: 07-05-2018

Topic: Electoral Politics

Sub- topic: Election Commission

 Independent
 Composition-
o Chief Election Commissioner
 Mr. Achal Kumar Jyoti
o Election Commissioner
 CEC appointed by the president
 Functions
o Decisions of every aspect of elections
o Code and conduct for fair elections
o Order government to follow guidelines
o Re-polling
o During election, govt. officials work for the election commission

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