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Diabolik Lovers – Haunted Dark Bridal:

Ayato Sakamaki, AFTER STORY.

-Scene: Living Room-

Yui: Ayato-kun, we can’t do this…at such a place…

Ayato: Shut up. It doesn’t matter where the place is. I’m saying that I want to suck from you right

Yui: Ah…!

Ayato: …..Nn…..
…First…from you shoulder…..ngh…

Yui: N…

Ayato: Ngh….still, your blood’s the best….nn….

This blood….and you…are all mine…nn…..

Yui: A-Ayato-kun….my shoulder hurts…if you want to suck then suck from somewhere else….

Ayato: Hah? Because the shoulder has lesser flesh…. It can’t be helped. Then, where do you want
to be sucked from?

Yui: Nn…how about…the neck?

Ayato: Hehe…Then I won’t hold back….Ngh…..Nn…..

Yui: …Ah….

Ayato: Next……
Show your back. I’ll suck from there….

Yui: Ah….Ayato-kun…..
Suck from my finger…..please..?
(The marks on my finger are getting a little lighter, that’s why I want it to be strongly carved

Ayato: Heheh….you refusing at first but you’re already pestering me? Sure…give me your left
So that the marks won’t…disappear…Ha…Nnn…!

Yui: nn…! A..yato…kun.

Ayato-kun’s bite marks….are clearly seen on my ring finger….
(Our wedding ring….connected by blood…..)

Ayato: Since the wound’s so deep, it should be fine now.

If it’s going to disappear you better tell me immediately.
If it disappears, I’ll bite it again.

Yui: I’m happy.

Laito: The fact that we’re around doesn’t seem to bother them at all.
Flirting like that…

Haa…instead of here, doing it in the room is just fine….annoying….

Laito: Now, don’t get angry. Isn’t it fine?

The feeling of excitement of being seen by others….I understand that as well…nfu…

Kanato: They should think of the feelings of the people looking as well….Right, teddy?

Laito: Whether it’s the side being seen, or the side seeing, it makes me tingle…..haa.

Kanato: hmmph…….

Latio: That face of bitch-chan…..it’s irresistible……

Although, having that happy face forever is good, right?”

-Scene Change to Yui’s room-

Yui: It’s gone….If remember correctly, I thought left it on the desk here…..
(I should try asking Ayato-kun….)
(He’s sleeping so soundly right now, that I feel sorry for him….)
Ayato-kun, I’m sorry, but could you wake up for a moment?

*moving sounds*

Ayato: Nn…..

Yui: Ayato-kun.

Ayato: Nn….What? You’re noisy.

Don’t call me so many times!
And I was just having such a good afternoon nap…..
Yui: (Ayato-kun really thinks of this place as his own room. At least, my bed.)

Ayato: So? What do you want, purposely waking me up like that.

Yui: Well…do you know about my book which I left here?

Ayato: Book?

Yui: Yes. One with a few volumes which was left here.

Ayato: Ah, that? I already disposed of it.

Yui: Eh? You threw them….? Why?!

Ayato: Because, those things are always not interesting at all.

Yui: What? What kind of reason is that? I don’t understand what was the meaning of that!

Ayato: Those things are even worth yelling over for…..Geez. It’s just a book.

Yui: It’s a problem!! That’s—

Ayato: A problem? That’s right….heheh.

I did it in order to get you troubled, isn’t that obvious?

Ayato: If you don’t get troubled, I can’t have fun!!

Yui: What’s that…What do you mean…?!

Ayato: Ha, it’s your fault, chichinashi.

Lately, you’ve been looking at books all day when you come back, and I can’t stand it.
Having interest in something other than me…..
Care more about me!! (1)

Yui: uh…! That’s…..

Ayato: Ah? Aren’t you going to rebut? (2)

Yui: Uh….!

Ayato: Yui. You’re mine. Don’t you understand yet?


Yui: Ah…!

Ayato: You’re mine. Don’t look at anyone other than me, or even get interested in them!
Look. The evidence of that is still left on your ring finger.
Over here……see? *kisses*

Ayato: You just keep quiet, and just look at me only.

Yui; W-wait, Ayato-kun, wait!! That book is….

Ayato: Aahh?!

Yui: Uh…..
(….It was a book I was looking at to choose a birthday present for Ayato-kun though……)

Ayato: Grumbling about something so trivial, shut up! ….Mm..! …..Nnn….!

Yui: Ah!!!

Ayato: For someone who won’t listen even though I’m saying it, it’s faster to train their body,

Ayato: …..Nnn…….

Yui: ….aa…..!

Ayato: Hmph. Seeing the fact that you’re not resisting, you’re starting to feel good as well, right?
Hehe… Nn……..ha……
This time, I’ll suck from this side….

Yui: Kya!

Ayato: I haven’t been sucking from your leg lately. It’s fine once in a while, right?

Yui: ……..mnn…..

Ayato: Ha…..You’re making a really good face right now……

The scenery from your bottom is fine like this too……let me see more……

Yui: …..Ah….!

Ayato: …..Nnn…..ha…..Next is…..thats right….from your calf……

Yui: …Aya…to-kun……

Ayato: ….That’s good….calling out my name like that…..*Kiss*

…hey….call my name one more time…

Yui: ……Ayato….kun….

Ayato: Hehe……wonderful…..Nnnn….hnnngghh… (3)

Haha…..your blood is rapidly flowing……let’s not waste it….
I’ll lick…..all of it away for you…..nnn……
…..Nnn…..Ha….. As per usual, your blood’s really tasty…..hehe.
Give me more……

Yui: ..Nn….!
(There answer isn’t clear, but he threw the book away to sooth his jealousy…..)
(Considering that….somehow suddenly… )

Ayato: That fact that you’re stroking me on your own accord, means that you’re feeling good
That’s fine, I’ll suck more from you. ….Nnn……

Yui: (….Because….)
(Ayato-kun being sweeter than usual is irresistible…..)
(I think of Ayato-kun sucking my blood as his love, that’s why I feel happier than usual……)

-scene change: living room-

*door opens*

Yui: (Ayato-kun’s sleeping soundly right now)

(And the rest of them are probably sleeping around this time…..)
Good….before it’s too late I should quietly–

Reiji: What are you doing?

Yui: Waa!!
(Why is he awake at such an hour–?!)

Reiji: Sneaking around in broad daylight. Where do you plan on going?

Yui: Eh….well….I was hoping to breathe in some fresh air by going outside……

Reiji: The air outside…..? That sounds rather suspicious…..

Yui: (I’m really being suspected!!)
(Although, I really want to go and buy Ayato’s birthday present….)
(I want it to be a surprise, that’s why I don’t want to tell anyone about it.)
(You never know that they might spill it to Ayato-kun on impulse……)

Reiji: ………….

Yui: Uh…..Reiji-san?

Reiji: ……It should be okay. Please return on time so that you won’t be late.
It’s not that I really care about what happens to you, but if Ayato starts an uproar, it’s going to

Yui: Yes!!

*runs off*

-scene change: hall-

Yui: (…That was dangerous…)

(Besides Ayato-kun and Reiji-san, doing secretive things in this house is really troublesome.)
(But, this is for Ayato’s birthday. I have to do my best!)

-scene change: Yui’s bedroom-

Ayato: Un….n….
Oi Chichinashi… What time is it now…
….She isn’t here.
Tch…where did she go.

-Scene change: corridor-

Ayato: Not here either….Damn!!

Laito: Are~ Ayato-kun, what’s up?

Kanato: You looks like you’re in a bad mood.

Laito: No need to guess, it’s about bitch-chan? Nfu.

Ayato: Hey you guys, did you see Chichinashi around?

Laito: Nnn…..I haven’t seen her. How about Kanato-kun?

Kanato: I don’t know either. Right, Teddy?

Ayato: Tch….that should be right. You guys wouldn’t make a move on what you know is mine.

Laito: …..nfufu…..

Kanato: What do you think it is, teddy? Fufufu…..

Ayato: Ahh!? What do you mean!

Kanato: It means that, even though you’re married, it doesn’t guarantee that you can’t be friendly
with others.

Laito: Really, didn’t out mother make moves on so many men? Nfu…..

Ayato: Tch…!

Kanato: Besides, isn’t the person her? The Yui-san who loves things that make her feel good……

Laito: Kanato-kun, stop, stop! You shouldn’t say any more than that.
Ayato-kun’s iron restrain is disappearing~

Kanato: This isn’t like you, Laito. When this happens you’re always the one to talk.

Laito: Nfu. I just pity Ayato-kun who’s overly frantic about bitch-chan.
Ayato: Tch….
Anyway…if you see her tell me.
I’ll punish her harshly!!

Kanato: Hmph….

Laito, Ah, right…..Reiji’s in the living room, you should try asking him.

Ayato: ….Ahh, I’ll do that.

*ayato walks off*

Laito: nfufufu…..

Kanato: Hmm…? Laito….? Is there anything wrong?

Laito: No… Nothing at all. Ayato-kun…..after attaining Bitch-chan, he’s changed.

Kanato: Is that so?

Laito: It’s like, he’s always frightened of something, and impatient.

….When you get something important, you get cowardly. Too afraid that you’ll lose it……nfu….

Kanato: ….I don’t really understand.

Laito: For example, if Kanato-kun’s precious Teddy got caught by someone, you’ll hate it so much
that you want to kill the person right?

Kanato: Well…that’s right…

Laito: It’s precious, thats why you feel uneasy when you think about it being taken away. You don’t
want it to be stolen, that’s why you keep it by you side…..

Kanato: Hmmm…..

Laito: The more precious it is……..right? ……nfu.

-scene change: living room-

*door slams*

Ayato: Oi, you guys!

Reiji: What is it, so noisy. Please don’t make such a loud voice.

Ayato: Have you seen Chichinashi?

Subaru: Ha? I haven’t seen her. Besides, what are you so impatient for?

Ayato: Tch….it’s not that….im getting impatient!!

Reiji: I wonder.

Ayato: Aah!?

Subaru: No matter how you look at it, you’re getting overly impatient, so don’t deny it……lame.
Ayato: Aah? You bastard…..you wanna go? (1)

Subaru: Hmph, I just happened to have some free time. Sure, I’ll be your opponent.

Reiji: Please stop.(2) If you want to argue, please take it outside.

Ha……if the current family is in such a state, the family’s status will definitely be laughed upon. (3)

Ayato: Tch! Disagreement……. That’s enough!

Where’s the dull guy.

Reiji: If you’re referring to that good-for nothing, as per usual……

Shuu: Ku…..su….

Ayato: Tch……what a carefree guy. Reiji, you haven’t seen her either right?

Reiji: ……Why do I even have to been concerned about that woman and what she does?

Ayato: Ke, I knew you would say that. That’s enough, see you. (4)

Subaru: Hmph……If she’s that precious, put a collar on her and chain her to you…..

Ayato: Tch! Shut up…!

-ayato walks off, scene change to corridor-

Ayato: Damn….What’s this about….!!!

-scene change:garden-

Yui: (I was so engrossed in choosing the present, that I lost track of time.)
(However, thanks to that I found something good, and even bought the ingredients for the cake.)
(Fufu. I hope Ayato-kun will be happy about it.)
(….? Footsteps? It isn’t Ayato-kun right……?)

Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan. You’ve been out quite late right?

Yui: La-Laito-kun…! You too, what’s wrong?

Laito: Nn……a change of pace? Besides that, how about Bitch-chan?

Yui: Ah….I….
(If I don’t speak carefully, I may end up letting Ayato-kun know, so I’ll keep quiet over here.)
I-It’s nothing. I just went for a little shopping!

Laito: Fu-un….that’s why you’re carrying so many things. What did you buy?

Yui: Eh! Uh…..yeah. A couple of things!!

Laito: …..hmm?

Yui: (uu….Laito-kun’s suspicious glance is scary……I should say something to evade it….!)
Ah, Um……right, Laito-kun. For a man, what kind on present would make them happy?

Laito: Present? Hmm…..Let’s see…… His girlfriend’s underwear, maybe?

Yui: Naa…..! That’s wrong! Not something like that!
(Besides, the only person that would be happy about something like that is only Laito-kun….)

Laito: Umm, other things are….that’s right….how about the blood that’s flowing through you?
[original: screenshot]

Yui: As I said…. I don’t mean something like that.

Laito: Ahaha! Sorry, it was a joke! …Getting something from someone you like, no matter what it is
I’ll be happy.

Yui: Eh……?

Laito: Although, saying anything isn’t an answer right? Hm….ah, as long bitch-chan gives
something the person likes, it should be fine. Nfu~

Yui: ……!
…I see…. Yeah! That’s right!
Thank you, Laito-kun!

Laito: What is it, bitch-chan? Are you going to give me something?

Yui: Well, I just wanted to hear your answer for reference.

Laito: Che. Too bad then. I was actually expecting a little something.

Yui: I’m, sorry?

Laito: Nfu. It’s fine. I’ll help you hold your things. Could you pass them over?

Yui: It’s okay, since they’re heavy it’s fine.

Laito: It’s heavy that’s why I’m taking them.

Yui: Thanks……

Laito: You’re Welcome~

Yui: (……? Why do I feel that Laito-kun seems nicer than usual today……)
(Usually he would be more……)

Laito: bitch-chan, what’s wrong? Suddenly keeping quiet like that.

Yui: Ah! I’m sorry!

Laito: nfu…….

Yui: (I pretty sure it’s my imagination, right.)

Laito: By the way, you went out today because you were free right?

Yui: Yeah, That’s right. At night, the amount of shops are just really limited.

Laito: Shopping alone once in a while, is a good thing right?

Yui: Ye-Yeah, that’s right……I’m mostly with Ayato-kun during the night.

Laito: Because Ayato-kun’s currently infatuated with you, Bitch-chan. Nfu.

Yui: Is that so……? Does it really look like that?

Laito: Of course. Even if I don’t want to see it, I’ll still see it. You two are so close to the level where
it get me all excited. [screenshot]

Yui: Don’t tease me!

Laito: I’m not teasing. Isn’t it the truth?

Yui. Thank you. I’m really happy when you say that.

Laito: You’re welcome~ Well bitch-chan, ……are you happy right now? (5)

Yui: Eh……?

Laito: Nfu…~ Of course you’re happy right?

Yui: …Laito-kun?

Laito: Ooh~, we somehow arrived home in the middle of our conversation.

I have plans to go out, so I guess we’ll break up here.

Yui: Ah…thanks for helping me carry my things. As thanks next time I’ll…

Latio: Another time? I want it now……chu. *kisses*

Yui: !?
(I was kissed on the cheek……)

Laito: This is enough. Thanks for the meal! Well then, see ya later~ (1)
-scene change: hall-

*creaking noises*

Ayato: ……Yo.
……You finally came back.

Yui: !!
(T-that was surprising……! Ayato-kun was awake.)

Ayato: Oi, chichinashi. Where have you been walking around all this time.

Yui: Eh……?

Ayato: You’ve really got guts to disappear from my sight on your own accord.
What’s more, you seem to be enjoying something. You’re making a merry face.
Say it. Where did you go? Ah?

Yui: Th, That’s……

Ayato: Tch……

*kabedon noises, trust me*

Ayato: Purposely taking the chance while I’m asleep, I’m asking what time you were doing what at

Yui: (Ayato-kun’s really angry……! But if I reply honestly here the surprise I’ve planned will…)

Ayato: It seems like something you can’t tell me.

While I was sleeping, did you go to the others and get your blood sucked by them? Aah!?

Yui: !! That’s not it!!

Ayato: Ha…you deny that part.

Then, I’ll just check every nook and cranny of your body.
If it isn’t it, you won’t feel bothered right?

*rustling noises*

Yui: A, Ayato-kun……!

Ayato: *sniffing noises* ……

Ayato: ……Nn? …Laito’s scent…?

Oi chichinashi……
What’s the meaning of this……?

Yui: Eh……?
Ayato: I’m asking why is Laito’s scent coming from your body!!
As I thought, you were being sucked from while I was asleep!?

Yui: (……! Maybe it was because of earlier……?)

That’s not it……!!

Ayato: Then why is so much of Laito’s scent coming from your body!
Tell me, what were you doing with him.
What did you do to cause yourself to have so much on his scent?

Yui: (If I say that I met Laito-kun, I may end up exposing the fact I went shopping……)
(I really want to keep the present as a secret……)
I, I didn’t do……

Ayato: So you don’t plan on saying it……Then I’ll just hear it from your body.
Get over here!

*grabbing noises*

Yui: Ya……!

Ayato: Shut up!! ……Nn….

…Tch…having so much of…Laito’s scent on you……!!
Did you let Laito do something like this to you as well? Naa!?

Yui: That, That’s not……!

Ayato: ……Nn…ha……

Yui: Ayato-kun, it hurts……!

Ayato: Ha……I’m making it hurt!

Yui: (Ah! The present……!!)

……Stop it!!

*lets go*

Ayato: ch……!!

Yui: (Th, Thank goodness…… The box didn’t break……)

Ayato: ……thh……
……I see.

Yui: Eh……?

Ayato: So that’s your answer.

……I got it.
Yui: Ah……
(Ayato-kun……for one moment he had a sad face……)
This isn’t it! You, You know…actually I……

Ayato: Don’t talk to me!!

Yui: ……!!

Ayato: …I don’t care about you…anymore!


Yui: Ah, Ayato-kun……! Wait!!

-yui runs after ayato, Scene Change: Corridor-

Yui: Ayato-kun, you’re in there right……? I’m really sorry about earlier.
I’ll properly apologise so, could you come out……?
(……Even I’m so sure he’s inside his room, he won’t even answer.)
(Ayato-kun…he’s really mad.)

-Scene Change: Hall-

Yui: (What should I do……I don’t want to leave it like that, should I have honestly told him about
the birthday present?)
(But…if I say everything…the celebration……)

*yui crashes into someone*

Yui: Wah……!

Laito: Bitch-chan! Walking around while looking down is dangerous, you know.

Yui: Laito-kun…sorry…

Laito: Hm? Bitch-chan? You don’t seem to have a happy face. Did something happen?
Unless, you had an argument with Ayato-kun? Nfu…….that couldn’t be!

Yui: ……

Laito: Hm? Did I hit bull’s eye?

Yui: I made Ayato-kun…angry.

Laito: ……Hehh. Bitch-chan did?

Yui: Yeah……

Laito: You were such a harmonious duo. I’m a little surprised.

Yui: That’s……
(By talking to Laito-kun like this, if Ayato-kun saw this he would misunderstand again……)

Yui: (If that happens, I’ll be apologetic to Laito-kun too……)

(Laito-kun didn’t do anything wrong.)
Laito: Nfu?

Yui: ……Well, it isn’t that big of a problem. I wasn’t by his side when he woke up……
You know. I went shopping alone. That’s why……

Laito: Eeh!? He got angry over such a thing?

Yui: I should have told him beforehand.

Laito: Nfu. Although, even though you told him, Bitch-chan can’t leave the house alone right?

Yui: ………

Laito: If it was me, if Bitch-chan went out a bit, I wouldn’t get angry.

Yui: Eh?

Laito: And I won’t do something childish like confinement. Fufu.

Yui: Laito-kun?

Laito: Juust saying. You should hurry up and go make up with Ayato-kun.

Yui: …R, Right…… Thanks, Laito-kun!

*yui runs off*

Laito: Fufu……
The next time you show me another weak point…, I may really steal you then……?

-Scene change: Ayato’s room-

Ayato: Ahh, dammit! …I’m getting irritated……

What’s chichinashi doing……disappearing on her own accord, and getting Laito’s scent on her……
What’s she trying to do? Unless she’s in……(2)
Wait, there’s also the possibility of Laito forcing her……
The worst case scenario will be that.
If it’s like that, then why isn’t Chichinashi saying anything.
As I thought she could have gone to Laito by herself.
But if it was that, then there’s a reason as to why she’s keeping her mouth shut……
I’ll definitely not forgive that……te!!


(1) Laito says “ 御馳走様” here, which is basically gochisousama, the thing where Japanese say
after they eat. But you know a kiss from laito is pretty much eating so I’ll leave it at that /bricked
super hard
(2) At the 2nd sentence, in Japanese it is phrased like “まさかライトに……?” which we can
pretty much gues he’s thinking that yui’s in love with laito. But English phrasing is a tad different
from Japanese phrasing, so I got rid of the “laito” to make it simpler.
Personal Comments:
Honestly i’ve never seen Ayato so panicky before and thinking so hard about something, which
makes me feel super glad that at least Ayato’s concerned about it. Just that, you know, this is just
a giant misunderstanding. (ノ_ _)ノ

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