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Transact-SQL Reference (Transact-SQL)


The SQL IN clause allows you to specify discrete values in your SQL WHERE search criteria.

THE SQL IN syntax looks like this:

SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, …

FROM Table1
WHERE Column1 IN (Valu1, Value2, …) 

Lets use the EmployeeHours table to illustrate how SQL IN works:

Employee Date Hours

John Smith 5/6/2004 8
Allan Babel 5/6/2004 8
Tina Crown 5/6/2004 8
John Smith 5/7/2004 9
Allan Babel 5/7/2004 8
Tina Crown 5/7/2004 10
John Smith 5/8/2004 8
Allan Babel 5/8/2004 8
Tina Crown 5/8/2004 9

Consider the following SQL query using the SQL IN clause:

FROM EmployeeHours
WHERE Date IN ('5/6/2004', '5/7/2004') 

This SQL expression will select only the entries where the column Date has value of
'5/6/2004' or '5/7/2004', and you can see the result below:

Employee Date Hours

John Smith 5/6/2004 8
Allan Babel 5/6/2004 8
Tina Crown 5/6/2004 8
John Smith 5/7/2004 9
Allan Babel 5/7/2004 8
Tina Crown 5/7/2004 10

We can use the SQL IN statement with another column in our EmployeeHours table:

FROM EmployeeHours
WHERE Hours IN (9, 10) 

The result of the SQL query above will be:

Employee Date Hours

John Smith 5/7/2004 9
Tina Crown 5/7/2004 10
Tina Crown 5/8/2004 9

SQL Server 2000

Determines if a given value matches any value in a subquery or a list.


test_expression [ NOT ] IN 

        | expression [ ,...n ] 



Is any valid Microsoft® SQL Server™ expression.


Is a subquery that has a result set of one column. This column must have the same
data type astest_expression.

expression [,...n]
Is a list of expressions to test for a match. All expressions must be of the same type
as test_expression.

Result Types


Result Value

If the value of test_expression is equal to any value returned by subquery or is equal

to any expressionfrom the comma-separated list, the result value is TRUE.
Otherwise, the result value is FALSE.

Using NOT IN negates the returned value.

A. Compare OR and IN

This example selects a list of the names and states of all authors who live in
California, Indiana, or Maryland.

USE pubs

SELECT au_lname, state

FROM authors
WHERE state = 'CA' OR state = 'IN' OR state = 'MD'

However, you get the same results using IN:

USE pubs

SELECT au_lname, state

FROM authors
WHERE state IN ('CA', 'IN', 'MD')

Here is the result set from either query:

au_lname state
-------- -----
White CA
Green CA
Carson CA
O'Leary CA
Straight CA
Bennet CA
Dull CA
Gringlesby CA
Locksley CA
Yokomoto CA
DeFrance IN
Stringer CA
MacFeather CA
Karsen CA
Panteley MD
Hunter CA
McBadden CA

(17 row(s) affected)

B. Use IN with a subquery

This example finds all au_ids in the titleauthor table for authors who make less
than 50 percent of the royalty on any one book, and then selects from
the authors table all author names with au_ids that match the results from
the titleauthor query. The results show that several authors fall into the less-than-
50-percent category.

USE pubs
SELECT au_lname, au_fname
FROM authors
WHERE au_id IN
(SELECT au_id
FROM titleauthor
WHERE royaltyper < 50)

Here is the result set:

au_lname au_fname
---------------------------------------- --------------------
Green Marjorie
O'Leary Michael
Gringlesby Burt
Yokomoto Akiko
MacFeather Stearns
Ringer Anne

(6 row(s) affected)

C. Use NOT IN with a subquery

NOT IN finds the authors who do not match the items in the values list. This example
finds the names of authors who do not make less than 50 percent of the royalties on
at least one book.

USE pubs
SELECT au_lname, au_fname
FROM authors
(SELECT au_id
FROM titleauthor
WHERE royaltyper < 50)

Here is the result set:

au_lname au_fname
---------------------------------------- --------------------
White Johnson
Carson Cheryl
Straight Dean
Smith Meander
Bennet Abraham
Dull Ann
Locksley Charlene
Greene Morningstar
Blotchet-Halls Reginald
del Castillo Innes
DeFrance Michel
Stringer Dirk
Karsen Livia
Panteley Sylvia
Hunter Sheryl
McBadden Heather
Ringer Albert

(17 row(s) affected)

The SQL BETWEEN & AND keywords define a range of data between 2 values.

The SQL BETWEEN syntax looks like this:

SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, …

FROM Table1
WHERE Column1 BETWEEN Value1 AND Value2 

The 2 values defining the range for SQL BETWEEN clause can be dates, numbers or just

In contrast with the SQL IN keyword, which allows you to specify discrete values in your SQL
WHERE criteria, the SQL BETWEEN gives you the ability to specify a range in your search

We are going to use the familiar Customers table to show how SQL BETWEENworks:

FirstName LastName Email DOB Phone

John Smith John.Smith@yahoo.com 2/4/1968 626 222-2222
Steven Goldfish goldfish@fishhere.net 4/4/1974 323 455-4545
Paula Brown pb@herowndomain.org 5/24/1978 416 323-3232
James Smith jim@supergig.co.uk 20/10/1980 416 323-8888
Consider the following SQL BETWEEN statement:

FROM Customers
WHERE DOB BETWEEN '1/1/1975' AND '1/1/2004' 

The SQL BETWEEN statement above will select all Customers having DOB column
between '1/1/1975' and '1/1/2004' dates. Here is the result of this SQL expression:

FirstName LastName Email DOB Phone

Paula Brown pb@herowndomain.org 5/24/1978 416 323-3232
James Smith jim@supergig.co.uk 20/10/1980 416 323-8888

BETWEEN (Transact-SQL)
test_expression [ NOT ] BETWEEN begin_expression AND end_expression


Is the expression to test for in the range defined

by begin_expressionand end_expression.test_expression must be the same
data type as both begin_expression and end_expression.


Specifies that the result of the predicate be negated.


Is any valid expression. begin_expression must be the same data type as

both test_expression andend_expression.


Is any valid expression. end_expression must be the same data type as

both test_expressionandbegin_expression.


Acts as a placeholder that indicates test_expression should be within the

range indicated bybegin_expression and end_expression.
Result Types


Result Value

BETWEEN returns TRUE if the value of test_expression is greater than or equal to

the value ofbegin_expression and less than or equal to the value of end_expression.

NOT BETWEEN returns TRUE if the value of test_expression is less than the value
of begin_expression or greater than the value of end_expression.


To specify an exclusive range, use the greater than (>) and less than operators (<).
If any input to the BETWEEN or NOT BETWEEN predicate is NULL, the result is



The following example returns the employees of Adventure Works Cycles that have
an hourly pay rate between 27 and 30.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
SELECT e.FirstName, e.LastName, ep.Rate
FROM HumanResources.vEmployee e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory ep
ON e.BusinessEntityID = ep.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY ep.Rate;
Here is the result set.
FirstName LastName Rate
----------- ------------------ ------------------
Paula Barreto de Mattos 27.1394
Karen Berg 27.4038
Ramesh Meyyappan 27.4038
Dan Bacon 27.4038
Janaina Bueno 27.4038
David Bradley 28.7500
Hazem Abolrous 28.8462
Ovidiu Cracium 28.8462
Rob Walters 29.8462
Sheela Word 30.0000

(10 row(s) affected)

B. Using > and < instead of BETWEEN

The following example uses greater than (>) and less than (<) operators and,
because these operators are not inclusive, returns nine rows instead of ten that were
returned in the previous example.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;

SELECT e.FirstName, e.LastName, ep.Rate

FROM HumanResources.vEmployee e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory ep
ON e.BusinessEntityID = ep.BusinessEntityID
WHERE ep.Rate > 27 AND ep.Rate < 30
ORDER BY ep.Rate;

Here is the result set.

FirstName LastName Rate

--------- ------------------- ---------
Paula Barreto de Mattos 27.1394
Janaina Bueno 27.4038
Dan Bacon 27.4038
Ramesh Meyyappan 27.4038
Karen Berg 27.4038
David Bradley 28.7500
Hazem Abolrous 28.8462
Ovidiu Cracium 28.8462
Rob Walters 29.8462

(9 row(s) affected)


The following example finds all rows outside a specified range of 27 through 30.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
SELECT e.FirstName, e.LastName, ep.Rate
FROM HumanResources.vEmployee e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory ep
ON e.BusinessEntityID = ep.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY ep.Rate;
D. Using BETWEEN with datetime values

The following example retrieves rows in which datetime values are

between '19971212' and '19980105', inclusive.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
SELECT BusinessEntityID, RateChangeDate
FROM HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory
WHERE RateChangeDate BETWEEN '20011212' AND '20020105'

Here is the result set.

BusinessEntityID RateChangeDate
----------- -----------------------
3 2001-12-12 00:00:00.000
4 2002-01-05 00:00:00.000

The query retrieves the expected rows because the date values in the query and
the datetime values stored in the RateChangeDate column have been specified
without the time part of the date. When the time part is unspecified, it defaults to
12:00 A.M. Note that a row that contains a time part that is after 12:00 A.M. on
1998-0105 would not be returned by this query because it falls outside the range.

AND (Transact-SQL)
Combines two Boolean expressions and returns TRUE when both expressions
are TRUE. When more than one logical operator is used in a statement,
the AND operators are evaluated first. You can change the order of evaluation by
using parentheses.

boolean_expression AND boolean_expression


Is any valid expression that returns a Boolean value: TRUE, FALSE,


The following chart shows the outcomes when you compare TRUE and FALSE values
by using the AND operator.





Result Types

Result Value
Returns TRUE when both expressions are TRUE.

SOME | ANY (Transact-SQL)

Compares a scalar value with a single-column set of values. SOME and ANY are

scalar_expression { = | < > | ! = | > | > = | ! > | < | < = | ! < }
     { SOME | ANY } ( subquery )


Is any valid expression.

{ = | <> | != | > | >= | !> | < | <= | !< }

Is any valid comparison operator.


Specifies that a comparison should be made.


Is a subquery that has a result set of one column. The data type of the
column returned must be the same data type as scalar_expression.


SOME requires the scalar_expression to compare positively to at least one value

returned by the subquery. For statements that require the scalar_expression to
compare positively to every value that is returned by the subquery, see ALL
(Transact-SQL). For instance, if the subquery returns values of 2 and
3, scalar_expression = SOME (subquery) would evaluate as TRUE for
a scalar_express of 2. If the subquery returns values of 2 and 3, scalar_expression =
ALL (subquery) would evaluate as FALSE, because some of the values of the
subquery (the value of 3) would not meet the criteria of the expression.

Result Types

Result Value
SOME or ANY returns TRUE when the comparison specified is TRUE for any pair
(scalar_expression,x) where x is a value in the single-column set; otherwise,
returns FALSE.

The following example creates a stored procedure that determines whether all the
components of a specified SalesOrderID in the AdventureWorks database can be
manufactured in the specified number of days. The example uses a subquery to
create a list of the number of DaysToManufacture value for all of the components of
the specific SalesOrderID, and then tests whether any of the values that are
returned by the subquery are greater than the number of days specified. If every
value ofDaysToManufacture that is returned is less than the number provided, the
condition is TRUE and the first message is printed.

USE AdventureWorks ;

CREATE PROCEDURE ManyDaysToComplete @OrderID int, @NumberOfDays int

@NumberOfDays < SOME
SELECT DaysToManufacture
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
JOIN Production.Product
ON Sales.SalesOrderDetail.ProductID = Production.Product.ProductID
WHERE SalesOrderID = @OrderID
PRINT 'At least one item for this order cannot be manufactured in specified number of days.'
PRINT 'All items for this order can be manufactured in the specified number of days or less.' ;

To test the procedure, execute the procedure by using

the SalesOrderID49080 which has one component that requires 2 days and two
components that require 0 days. The first statement below meets the criteria. The
second query does not.

EXECUTE DaysToBuild 49080, 2 ;

Here is the result set.

All items for this order can be manufactured in specified number of days
or less.

EXECUTE DaysToBuild 49080, 1 ;

Here is the result set.

Some items for this order cannot be manufactured in specified number of

days or less.

ORDER BY Clause (Transact-SQL) + ASC +

SQL Server 2008 R2

Specifies the sort order used on columns returned in a SELECT statement. The ORDER
BY clause is not valid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries, unless
TOP is also specified.

When ORDER BY is used in the definition of a view, inline function, derived table, or subquery, the
clause is used only to determine the rows returned by the TOP clause. The ORDER BY clause does not
guarantee ordered results when these constructs are queried, unless ORDER BY is also specified in the
query itself.

[ COLLATE collation_name ]
[ ASC | DESC ]
} [ ,...n ]

Specifies a column on which to sort. A sort column can be specified as a name

or column alias, or a nonnegative integer representing the position of the
name or alias in the select list. An integer cannot be specified when
the order_by_expression appears in a ranking function. A sort column can
include an expression, but when the database is in SQL Server (90)
compatibility mode, the expression cannot resolve to a constant. Column
names and aliases can be qualified by the table or view name. In SQL Server,
qualified column names and aliases are resolved to columns listed in the
FROM clause. If order_by_expression is not qualified, the value must be
unique among all columns listed in the SELECT statement.

Multiple sort columns can be specified. The sequence of the sort columns in
the ORDER BY clause defines the organization of the sorted result set.

The ORDER BY clause can include items that do not appear in the select list.
However, if SELECT DISTINCT is specified, or if the statement contains a
GROUP BY clause, or if the SELECT statement contains a UNION operator, the
sort columns must appear in the select list.

Additionally, when the SELECT statement includes a UNION operator, the

column names or column aliases must be those specified in the first select list.

ntext, text, image, or xmlcolumns cannot be used in an ORDER BY clause.
COLLATE {collation_name}

Specifies that the ORDER BY operation should be performed according to the

collation specified incollation_name, and not according to the collation of the
column as defined in the table or view.collation_name can be either a
Windows collation name or a SQL collation name. For more information,
see Collation Settings in Setup and Using SQL Server Collations. COLLATE is
applicable only for columns of the char, varchar, nchar, and nvarchar data


Specifies that the values in the specified column should be sorted in

ascending order, from lowest value to highest value. ASC is the default sort.


Specifies that the values in the specified column should be sorted in

descending order, from highest value to lowest value.


Null values are treated as the lowest possible values.

There is no limit to the number of items in the ORDER BY clause. However, there is a
limit of 8,060 bytes for the row size of intermediate worktables needed for sort
operations. This limits the total size of columns specified in an ORDER BY clause.

When used together with a SELECT...INTO statement to insert rows from another
source, the ORDER BY clause does not guarantee the rows are inserted in the
specified order.


The following examples show ordering a result set.

Ordering by the numerical ProductID column. The default is ascending order.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Production.Product
WHERE Name LIKE 'Lock Washer%'
ORDER BY ProductID ;

Ordering by the numerical ProductID column in descending order.

SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Production.Product

WHERE Name LIKE 'Lock Washer%'

Ordering by the Name column. Note that the characters are sorted alphabetically,

not numerically. That is, 10 sorts before 2.

SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Production.Product

WHERE Name LIKE 'Lock Washer%'

Ordering by two columns. This query first sorts in ascending order by

the FirstName column, then sorts in descending order by the LastName column.

SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Person.Person

WHERE LastName LIKE 'R%'
ORDER BY FirstName ASC, LastName DESC ;

BEGIN...END (Transact-SQL)
SQL Server 2005

Encloses a series of Transact-SQL statements so that a group of Transact-SQL

statements can be executed. BEGIN and END are control-of-flow language keywords.

        sql_statement | statement_block
{ sql_statement| statement_block }

Is any valid Transact-SQL statement or statement grouping as defined by

using a statement block.


BEGIN...END blocks can be nested.

Although all Transact-SQL statements are valid within a BEGIN...END block, certain
Transact-SQL statements should not be grouped together within the same batch, or
statement block. For more information, see Batches and the individual statements


In the followoing example, BEGIN and END define a series of Transact-SQL

statements that execute together. If the BEGIN...END block were not included,
both ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements would execute and both PRINT messages
would be returned.

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT * from Person.Contact WHERE LastName = 'ADAMS';
PRINT N'Rolling back the transaction two times would cause an error.'
PRINT N'Rolled back the transaction.'
Rolled back the tranaction.
BREAK (Transact-SQL)
SQL Server 2005

Exits the innermost loop in a WHILE or IF…ELSE statement. Any statements

appearing after the END keyword, marking the end of the loop, are executed. BREAK
is frequently, but not always, started by an IF test.

Imports a data file into a database table or view in a user-specified format.
   [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . | schema_name . ] [ table_name | view_name ]
      FROM 'data_file'
     [ WITH
   [ [ , ] BATCHSIZE = batch_size ]
   [ [ , ] CODEPAGE = { 'ACP' | 'OEM' | 'RAW' | 'code_page' } ]
   [ [ , ] DATAFILETYPE =
      { 'char' | 'native'| 'widechar' | 'widenative' } ]
   [ [ , ] FIELDTERMINATOR = 'field_terminator' ]
   [ [ , ] FIRSTROW = first_row ]
   [ [ , ] FIRE_TRIGGERS ]
   [ [ , ] FORMATFILE = 'format_file_path' ]
   [ [ , ] KEEPIDENTITY ]
   [ [ , ] KEEPNULLS ]
   [ [ , ] KILOBYTES_PER_BATCH = kilobytes_per_batch ]
   [ [ , ] LASTROW = last_row ]
   [ [ , ] MAXERRORS = max_errors ]
   [ [ , ] ORDER ( { column [ ASC | DESC ] } [ ,...n ] ) ]
   [ [ , ] ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch ]
   [ [ , ] ROWTERMINATOR = 'row_terminator' ]
   [ [ , ] TABLOCK ]
   [ [ , ] ERRORFILE = 'file_name' ]


A. Using pipes to import data from a file

The following example imports order detail information into

the AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetailtable from the specified data file by
using a pipe (|) as the field terminator and |\n as the row terminator.

BULK INSERT AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail

FROM 'f:\orders\lineitem.tbl'
B. Using the FIRE_TRIGGERS argument

The following example specifies the FIRE_TRIGGERS argument.

BULK INSERT AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail

FROM 'f:\orders\lineitem.tbl'

C. Using line feed as a row terminator

The following example imports a file that uses the line feed as a row terminator such
as a UNIX output:

DECLARE @bulk_cmd varchar(1000)

SET @bulk_cmd = 'BULK INSERT AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
FROM ''<drive>:\<path>\<filename>''

CASCADE (Transact-SQL)
A table can have object dependencies. Indexes, views, programs. 

When you give a "drop table" command, it will not drop the table that has dependencies
unless you include the "cascade" command in the statement. The database programming is
written this way to make sure you know the table has dependent objects and makes you
explicitly say you want to drop the table and all its dependencies. 

You should be very careful with this command. If you find you need to restore this table, you'd
also have to recreate the view and index and recompile the programs attached. 

The best way to recover from this is if you have a tool that will put the create statement into a
file, including all attached objects. That way, if you drop the table and need to recover, all you
have to do is run the create command which will recreate in a minute versus a recovery that
could take 30 minutes to hours dependent upon the availability of the data. After you run the
create statement, make sure all objects are attached, test the view and make sure the
programs are VALID. 

Check Constraints (Transact-SQL)

Check constraints can be added to a table to enforce specific rules on one or more
columns.  By using check constraints you can specify a valid range of values for a
specific column or group of columns.  When placing check constraints you should always
have it check to ensure that all existing values are valid.  By default when you add or
create a check constraint it will check all existing values unless you use the keywords
One column can have multiple check constraints.  If more than one check constraint
exists for a column SQL Server will check them in the order they were created.  Check
constraints are useful to enforce business rules at all times, especially from manual data
changes made in Query Analyzer or Enterprise Manager.  Many constraints are enforced
by a client application prior to sending queries that modify data to the database.  This
technique avoids unneeded network traffic when data does not meet required
constraints.  Having constraints on specific columns in SQL Server simply ensures that
everything complies with the same rules.
Now that I have described check constraints, I will show you some useful constraints that
you can use in your databases.  I will use the pubs and Northwind databases for
my  examples.  I developed and tested the examples in this article on SQL Server 2000.  I
think they will work on SQL Server 7.0, but do not have one to test them on.
Example 1:  Phone Numbers
Execute the following code in Query Analyzer:
USE pubs
CHECK (Phone LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
Now try to modify any phone number in the authors table.  You can try changing a
number to a letter or try changing the space after the third number to a dash. The above
constraint will block these changes and display an error message for you that will read
something like this:
Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
UPDATE statement conflicted with COLUMN CHECK constraint 'cc_ValidPhone'. The
conflict occurred in database 'pubs', table 'authors', column 'phone'.
The statement has been terminated.
You can modify the constraint to also accept an alternate format as follows:
CHECK (Phone LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
OR Phone LIKE '[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
This constraint would allow either format for a phone number.  Please note that SQL
Server will let us add this constraint even though no phone number using the second
phone format can ever be added unless we increase the length of the Phone column from
12 to 15.
Example 2:  Birth Dates
The following code will place a check constraint on the employees table in the Northwind
USE Northwind
ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT cc_ValidBirthDate
CHECK (BirthDate LIKE '%19[0-9][0-9]%')
This constraint ensures that the birth year is at least 1900 and will prohibit all other birth
years.  Now, assuming this article survives long enough to make it necessary to allow
some birth years in the early 2000’s you could modify the constraint as follows:
ALTER TABLE employees
ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT cc_ValidBirthDate
CHECK (BirthDate LIKE '%19[0-9][0-9]%' OR BirthDate LIKE '%200[0-2]%')
This constraint will allow years from 1900 to 2002.
Example 3:  Age
The below constraint will make so that only certain ages can be entered and will prohibit
all others.  For this example we will add a column to the employees table in the
Northwind database.  You can execute the following code in Query Analyzer:
USE Northwind
ALTER TABLE employees
ADD Age tinyint
ALTER TABLE employees
CHECK (Age > 18 AND Age < 65)
UPDATE employees SET Age = 64 WHERE employeeID = 1
UPDATE employees SET Age = 19 WHERE employeeID = 1
UPDATE employees SET Age = 18 WHERE employeeID = 1
UPDATE employees SET Age = 65 WHERE employeeID = 1
You will notice that the first two updates will work fine and the second two updates will
be blocked by the constraint.
Example 4:  Multiple Columns
We can also create constraints that effect more than one column.  The following sample
code will create a constraint that uses two columns from the employees table:
USE Northwind
ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT cc_ValidEmployment
CHECK (DATEDIFF(yyyy, BirthDate, HireDate) > 17)
Now when you execute the below updates they will be blocked because they violate the
UPDATE employees SET BirthDate = '1998-12-08' WHERE EmployeeID = 1
UPDATE employees SET HireDate = '1948-12-08' WHERE EmployeeID = 1
UPDATE employees SET BirthDate = '1998-12-08', HireDate = '1948-12-08' WHERE
EmployeeID = 1
Constraints are useful to help maintain database integrity, especially from updates done
via Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer.  Constraints aren’t needed if you always
validate data on the client side before sending update requests to SQL Server.  Having
constraints simply ensures that nothing gets past the client application and makes sure
DBA’s and SQL programmers don’t accidentally enter an invalid value somewhere.
SQL Server 2005

Writes all dirty pages for the current database to disk. Dirty pages are data pages
that have been entered into the buffer cache and modified, but not yet written to
disk. Checkpoints save time during a later recovery by creating a point at which all
dirty pages are guaranteed to have been written to disk.

CHECKPOINT [ checkpoint_duration ]


Specifies the requested amount of time, in seconds, for the checkpoint to

complete. Whencheckpoint_duration is specified, Microsoft SQL Server 2005
attempts to perform the checkpoint within the requested duration.
The checkpoint_duration must be an expression of type int, and must be
greater than zero. When this parameter is omitted, SQL Server 2005 automatically
adjusts the checkpoint duration to minimize the performance impact on database

In SQL Server 2000, the timeframe for the checkpoint process was based on
the sp_configureRECOVERY INTERVAL setting.


For performance reasons, the Database Engine performs modifications to database

pages in memory and does not write the page to disk after every change. However,
periodically the Database Engine needs to perform a checkpoint to write these dirty
pages to disk. Writing dirty pages to disk creates a known good point from which the
Database Engine can start applying changes contained in the log during recovery
after an unexpected shutdown or crash. For more information, see Checkpoints and
the Active Portion of the Log.

Checkpoints can occur concurrently on any number of databases.

The Database Engine cannot recover from an interrupted checkpoint. If a checkpoint

is interrupted and a recovery required, then the Database Engine must start recovery
from a previous, successful checkpoint.
Events That Cause Checkpoints

Before a database backup, the Database Engine automatically performs a checkpoint

so that all changes to the database pages are contained in the backup. In addition,
checkpoints occur automatically when either of the following conditions occur:

 The active portion of the log exceeds the size that the server could recover in
the amount of time specified in the recoveryinterval server configuration
 The log becomes 70 percent full, and the database is in log-truncate mode. 
A database is in log truncate mode when both these conditions are TRUE: the
database is using the Simple recovery model, and, after execution of the last
BACKUP DATABASE statement that referenced the database, one of the
following events occurs:
o A minimally logged operation is performed in the database, such as a
minimally logged bulk copy operation or a minimally logged
WRITETEXT statement is executed.
o An ALTER DATABASE statement is executed that adds or deletes a file
in the database.
o A BACKUP LOG statement referencing the database is executed with
either the NO_LOG or TRUNCATE_ONLY clauses.

Also, stopping a server issues a checkpoint in each database on the server. The
following methods of stopping SQL Server perform checkpoints for each database:

 Using SQL Server Configuration Manager.

 Using SQL Server Management Studio.
 Using the SHUTDOWN statement.

The SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT statement shuts down SQL Server without executing a checkpoint
in each database. This may cause the subsequent restart to take a longer time than usual to recover the
databases on the server.
 Using the net stop mssqlserver command in a command-prompt window.
 Using Services in Control Panel, selecting mssqlserver, and clicking Stop.

Factors Affecting the Duration of Checkpoint Operations

In general, the amount time required for a checkpoint operation increases with the
number of dirty pages that the operation must write. To minimize the performance
impact on other applications, SQL Server 2005 by default adjusts the frequency of
writes that a checkpoint operation performs. SQL Server uses this strategy for
automatic checkpoints and for any CHECKPOINT statement that does not specify
acheckpoint_duration value. Decreasing the write frequency increases the time the
checkpoint operation requires to complete.

You can use checkpoint_duration to request that the checkpoint operation complete

within a specific amount of time. The performance impact of
using checkpoint_duration depends on the number of dirty pages, the activity on the
system, and the actual duration specified. For example, if the checkpoint would
normally complete in 120 seconds, specifying a checkpoint_duration of 45 seconds
causes SQL Server to devote more resources to the checkpoint than would be
assigned by default. In contrast, specifying a checkpoint_duration of 180 seconds
causes SQL Server to assign fewer resources than would be assigned by default. In
general, a short checkpoint_duration will increase the resources devoted to the
checkpoint, while a long checkpoint_duration will reduce the resources devoted to
the checkpoint. SQL Server always completes a checkpoint if possible, and the
CHECKPOINT statement returns immediately when a checkpoint completes.
Therefore, in some cases, a checkpoint may complete sooner than the specified
duration or may run longer than the specified duration.


CHECKPOINT permissions default to members of the sysadmin fixed server role and

the db_owner anddb_backupoperator fixed database roles, and are not

CLOSE (Transact-SQL)
SQL Server 2005

Closes an open cursor by releasing the current result set and freeing any cursor locks
held on the rows on which the cursor is positioned. CLOSE leaves the data structures
available for reopening, but fetches and positioned updates are not allowed until the
cursor is reopened. CLOSE must be issued on an open cursor; CLOSE is not allowed
on cursors that have only been declared or are already closed.


CLOSE { { [ GLOBAL ] cursor_name } | cursor_variable_name }


Specifies that cursor_name refers to a global cursor.


Is the name of an open cursor. If both a global and a local cursor exist
with cursor_name as their name, cursor_name refers to the global cursor
when GLOBAL is specified; otherwise, cursor_namerefers to the local cursor.


Is the name of a cursor variable associated with an open cursor.


The following example shows the correct placement of the CLOSE statement in a

cursor-based process.


SELECT EmployeeID, Title FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee;
OPEN Employee_Cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor;
CLOSE Employee_Cursor;
DEALLOCATE Employee_Cursor;


Marks the starting point of an explicit, local transaction. BEGIN TRANSACTION
increments @@TRANCOUNT by 1.



    [ { transaction_name | @tran_name_variable }
      [ WITH MARK [ 'description' ] ]

Is the name assigned to the transaction. transaction_name must conform to

the rules for identifiers, but identifiers longer than 32 characters are not
allowed. Use transaction names only on the outermost pair of nested


Is the name of a user-defined variable containing a valid transaction name.

The variable must be declared with a char, varchar, nchar,
or nvarchar data type. If more than 32 characters are passed to the
variable, only the first 32 characters will be used; the remaining characters
will be truncated.

WITH MARK [ 'description' ]

Specifies that the transaction is marked in the log. description is a string that
describes the mark. If description is a Unicode string, values longer than 255
characters are truncated to 255 characters before being stored in
the msdb.dbo.logmarkhistory table. If description is a non-Unicode string,
values longer than 510 characters are truncated to 510 characters.

If WITH MARK is used, a transaction name must be specified. WITH MARK

allows for restoring a transaction log to a named mark.


BEGIN TRANSACTION represents a point at which the data referenced by a

connection is logically and physically consistent. If errors are encountered, all data
modifications made after the BEGIN TRANSACTION can be rolled back to return the
data to this known state of consistency. Each transaction lasts until either it
completes without errors and COMMIT TRANSACTION is issued to make the
modifications a permanent part of the database, or errors are encountered and all
modifications are erased with a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement.

BEGIN TRANSACTION starts a local transaction for the connection issuing the
statement. Depending on the current transaction isolation level settings, many
resources acquired to support the Transact-SQL statements issued by the connection
are locked by the transaction until it is completed with either a COMMIT
TRANSACTION or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement. Transactions left outstanding
for long periods of time can prevent other users from accessing these locked
resources, and also can prevent log truncation.

Although BEGIN TRANSACTION starts a local transaction, it is not recorded in the

transaction log until the application subsequently performs an action that must be
recorded in the log, such as executing an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. An
application can perform actions such as acquiring locks to protect the transaction
isolation level of SELECT statements, but nothing is recorded in the log until the
application performs a modification action.

Naming multiple transactions in a series of nested transactions with a transaction

name has little effect on the transaction. Only the first (outermost) transaction name
is registered with the system. A rollback to any other name (other than a valid
savepoint name) generates an error. None of the statements executed before the
rollback is, in fact, rolled back at the time this error occurs. The statements are
rolled back only when the outer transaction is rolled back.

The local transaction started by the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement is escalated to

a distributed transaction if the following actions are performed before the statement
is committed or rolled back:

 An INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement that references a remote table on

a linked server is executed. The INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement fails if
the OLE DB provider used to access the linked server does not support
the ITransactionJoin interface.
 A call is made to a remote stored procedure when the

The local copy of SQL Server becomes the transaction controller and uses Microsoft
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) to manage the distributed transaction.

A transaction can be explicitly executed as a distributed transaction by using BEGIN


Marked Transactions

The WITH MARK option causes the transaction name to be placed in the transaction
log. When restoring a database to an earlier state, the marked transaction can be
used in place of a date and time. For more information, see Using Marked
Transactions (Full Recovery Model) and RESTORE (Transact-SQL).

Additionally, transaction log marks are necessary if you need to recover a set of
related databases to a logically consistent state. Marks can be placed in the
transaction logs of the related databases by a distributed transaction. Recovering the
set of related databases to these marks results in a set of databases that are
transactionally consistent. Placement of marks in related databases requires special

The mark is placed in the transaction log only if the database is updated by the
marked transaction. Transactions that do not modify data are not marked.

BEGIN TRAN new_name WITH MARK can be nested within an already existing

transaction that is not marked. Upon doing so, new_name becomes the mark name
for the transaction, despite the name that the transaction may already have been
given. In the following example, M2 is the name of the mark.


UPDATE table1 ...;
UPDATE table2 ...;
SELECT * from table1;
UPDATE table3 ...;

When nesting transactions, trying to mark a transaction that is already marked

results in a warning (not error) message:


"UPDATE table1 ...;"


"Server: Msg 3920, Level 16, State 1, Line 3"

"WITH MARK option only applies to the first BEGIN TRAN WITH MARK."

"The option is ignored."


Requires membership in the public role.


A. Naming a transaction

The following example shows how to name a transaction.


SELECT @TranName = 'MyTransaction';


USE AdventureWorks;
DELETE FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.JobCandidate
    WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;



B. Marking a transaction

The following example shows how to mark a transaction. The

transaction CandidateDelete is marked.


    WITH MARK N'Deleting a Job Candidate';
USE AdventureWorks;
DELETE FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.JobCandidate
    WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;


Marks the end of a successful implicit or explicit transaction. If @@TRANCOUNT is 1,
COMMIT TRANSACTION makes all data modifications performed since the start of the
transaction a permanent part of the database, frees the resources held by the
transaction, and decrements @@TRANCOUNT to 0. If @@TRANCOUNT is greater
than 1, COMMIT TRANSACTION decrements @@TRANCOUNT only by 1 and the
transaction stays active.


COMMIT { TRAN | TRANSACTION } [ transaction_name | @tran_name_variable ] ]


Is ignored by the SQL Server Database Engine. transaction_name specifies a

transaction name assigned by a previous BEGIN
TRANSACTION. transaction_namemust conform to the rules for identifiers,
but cannot exceed 32 characters. transaction_name can be used as a
readability aid by indicating to programmers which nested BEGIN


Is the name of a user-defined variable containing a valid transaction name.

The variable must be declared with a char, varchar, nchar,
or nvarchar data type. If more than 32 characters are passed to the
variable, only 32 characters will be used; the remaining characters are


It is the responsibility of the Transact-SQL programmer to issue COMMIT

TRANSACTION only at a point when all data referenced by the transaction is logically

If the transaction committed was a Transact-SQL distributed transaction, COMMIT

TRANSACTION triggers MS DTC to use a two-phase commit protocol to commit all of
the servers involved in the transaction. If a local transaction spans two or more
databases on the same instance of the Database Engine, the instance uses an
internal two-phase commit to commit all of the databases involved in the

When used in nested transactions, commits of the inner transactions do not free
resources or make their modifications permanent. The data modifications are made
permanent and resources freed only when the outer transaction is committed. Each
COMMIT TRANSACTION issued when @@TRANCOUNT is greater than 1 simply
decrements @@TRANCOUNT by 1. When @@TRANCOUNT is finally decremented to
0, the entire outer transaction is committed. Because transaction_name is ignored by
the Database Engine, issuing a COMMIT TRANSACTION referencing the name of an
outer transaction when there are outstanding inner transactions only decrements
Issuing a COMMIT TRANSACTION when @@TRANCOUNT is 0 results in an error;
there is no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.

You cannot roll back a transaction after a COMMIT TRANSACTION statement is

issued because the data modifications have been made a permanent part of the

The Database Engine in SQL Server 2000 and later increments the transaction count
within a statement only when the transaction count is 0 at the start of the
statement. In SQL Server version 7.0, the transaction count is always incremented
regardless of the transaction count at the start of the statement. This can cause the
value returned by @@TRANCOUNT in triggers to be lower in SQL Server 2000 and
later than it is in SQL Server version 7.0.

In SQL Server 2000 and later, if a COMMIT TRANSACTION or COMMIT WORK

statement is executed in a trigger and there is no corresponding explicit or implicit
BEGIN TRANSACTION statement at the start of the trigger, users may see different
behavior than in SQL Server version 7.0. Placing COMMIT TRANSACTION or COMMIT
WORK statements in a trigger is not recommended.


Requires membership in the public role.


A. To commit a transaction.

This example deletes a job candidate.

USE AdventureWorks;
DELETE FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate
    WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;

B. To commit a nested transaction.

This example creates a table, generates three levels of nested transactions, and then
commits the nested transaction. Although each COMMIT TRANSACTION statement
has a transaction_nameparameter, there is no relationship between the COMMIT
The transaction_name parameters are simply readability aids to help the
programmer ensure that the proper number of commits are coded to decrement
@@TRANCOUNT to 0 and thereby commit the outer transaction.

USE AdventureWorks;
    DROP TABLE TestTran;
-- This statement sets @@TRANCOUNT to 1.
PRINT N'Transaction count after BEGIN OuterTran = '
INSERT INTO TestTran VALUES (1, 'aaa');
-- This statement sets @@TRANCOUNT to 2.
PRINT N'Transaction count after BEGIN Inner1 = '
INSERT INTO TestTran VALUES (2, 'bbb');
-- This statement sets @@TRANCOUNT to 3.
PRINT N'Transaction count after BEGIN Inner2 = '
INSERT INTO TestTran VALUES (3, 'ccc');
-- This statement decrements @@TRANCOUNT to 2.
-- Nothing is committed.
PRINT N'Transaction count after COMMIT Inner2 = '
-- This statement decrements @@TRANCOUNT to 1.
-- Nothing is committed.
PRINT N'Transaction count after COMMIT Inner1 = '
-- This statement decrements @@TRANCOUNT to 0 and
-- commits outer transaction OuterTran.
PRINT N'Transaction count after COMMIT OuterTran = '


Rolls back an explicit or implicit transaction to the beginning of the transaction, or to
a savepoint inside the transaction.



     [ transaction_name | @tran_name_variable
     | savepoint_name | @savepoint_variable ]

Is the name assigned to the transaction on BEGIN

TRANSACTION. transaction_name must conform to the rules for identifiers,
but only the first 32 characters of the transaction name are used. When
nesting transactions,transaction_name must be the name from the outermost


Is the name of a user-defined variable containing a valid transaction name.

The variable must be declared with a char, varchar, nchar,
or nvarchar data type.


Is savepoint_name from a SAVE TRANSACTION

statement. savepoint_name must conform to the rules for identifiers.
Use savepoint_name when a conditional rollback should affect only part of the


Is name of a user-defined variable containing a valid savepoint name. The

variable must be declared with a char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar data


ROLLBACK TRANSACTION erases all data modifications made from the start of the
transaction or to a savepoint. It also frees resources held by the transaction.
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION without a savepoint_name or transaction_name rolls back
to the beginning of the transaction. When nesting transactions, this same statement
rolls back all inner transactions to the outermost BEGIN TRANSACTION statement. In
both cases, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION decrements the @@TRANCOUNT system
function to 0. ROLLBACK TRANSACTION savepoint_name does not decrement

A ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement specifying a savepoint_name releases any

locks acquired beyond the savepoint, with the exception of escalations and
conversions. These locks are not released, and they are not converted back to their
previous lock mode.

ROLLBACK TRANSACTION cannot reference a savepoint_name in distributed

transactions started either explicitly with BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION or
escalated from a local transaction.

A transaction cannot be rolled back after a COMMIT TRANSACTION statement is


Within a transaction, duplicate savepoint names are allowed, but a ROLLBACK

TRANSACTION using the duplicate savepoint name rolls back only to the most recent
SAVE TRANSACTION using that savepoint name.

In stored procedures, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements without

a savepoint_name ortransaction_name roll back all statements to the outermost
BEGIN TRANSACTION. A ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement in a stored procedure
that causes @@TRANCOUNT to have a different value when the stored procedure
completes than the @@TRANCOUNT value when the stored procedure was called
produces an informational message. This message does not affect subsequent

If a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION is issued in a trigger:

 All data modifications made to that point in the current transaction are rolled
back, including any made by the trigger.
 The trigger continues executing any remaining statements after the
ROLLBACK statement. If any of these statements modify data, the
modifications are not rolled back. No nested triggers are fired by the execution
of these remaining statements.
 The statements in the batch after the statement that fired the trigger are not

@@TRANCOUNT is incremented by one when entering a trigger, even when in

autocommit mode. (The system treats a trigger as an implied nested transaction.)

ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements in stored procedures do not affect subsequent

statements in the batch that called the procedure; subsequent statements in the
batch are executed. ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements in triggers terminate the
batch containing the statement that fired the trigger; subsequent statements in the
batch are not executed.
A ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement does not produce any messages to the user.
If warnings are needed in stored procedures or triggers, use the RAISERROR or
PRINT statements. RAISERROR is the preferred statement for indicating errors.

The effect of a ROLLBACK on cursors is defined by these three rules:

1. With CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT set ON, ROLLBACK closes, but does not

deallocate all open cursors.
2. With CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT set OFF, ROLLBACK does not affect any
open synchronous STATIC or INSENSITIVE cursors or asynchronous STATIC
cursors that have been fully populated. Open cursors of any other type are
closed but not deallocated.
3. An error that terminates a batch and generates an internal rollback
deallocates all cursors that were declared in the batch containing the error
statement. All cursors are deallocated regardless of their type or the setting
of CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT. This includes cursors declared in stored
procedures called by the error batch. Cursors declared in a batch before the
error batch are subject to rules 1 and 2. A deadlock error is an example of
this type of error. A ROLLBACK statement issued in a trigger also
automatically generates this type of error.


Requires membership in the public role.


Sets a savepoint within a transaction.

SAVE { TRAN | TRANSACTION } { savepoint_name | @savepoint_variable }

Is the name assigned to the savepoint. Savepoint names must conform to the
rules for identifiers, but are limited to 32 characters.


Is the name of a user-defined variable containing a valid savepoint name. The

variable must be declared with a char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar data
type. More than 32 characters can be passed to the variable, but only the first
32 characters will be used.

A user can set a savepoint, or marker, within a transaction. The savepoint defines a
location to which a transaction can return if part of the transaction is conditionally
canceled. If a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, it must proceed to completion
with more Transact-SQL statements if needed and a COMMIT TRANSACTION
statement, or it must be canceled altogether by rolling the transaction back to its
beginning. To cancel an entire transaction, use the form ROLLBACK
TRANSACTION transaction_name. All the statements or procedures of the
transaction are undone.

Duplicate savepoint names are allowed in a transaction, but a ROLLBACK

TRANSACTION statement that specifies the savepoint name will only roll the
transaction back to the most recent SAVE TRANSACTION using that name.

SAVE TRANSACTION is not supported in distributed transactions started either

explicitly with BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION or escalated from a local

When a transaction begins, resources used during the transaction are held until the completion of the
transaction (namely, locks). When part of a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, resources continue
to be held until the completion of the transaction or a rollback of the complete transaction.


Requires membership in the public role.


This example illustrates using a transaction savepoint to roll back only the
modifications made by a stored procedure if an active transaction is started before
the stored procedure is executed.

USE AdventureWorks;
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.objects
           WHERE name = N'SaveTranExample')
    DROP PROCEDURE SaveTranExample;
    @InputCandidateID INT
    -- Detect if the procedure was called
    -- from an active transaction and save
    -- that for later use.
    -- In the procedure, @TranCounter = 0
    -- means there was no active transaction
    -- and the procedure started one.
    -- @TranCounter > 0 means an active
    -- transaction was started before the
    -- procedure was called.
    DECLARE @TranCounter INT;
    SET @TranCounter = @@TRANCOUNT;
    IF @TranCounter > 0
        -- Procedure called when there is
        -- an active transaction.
        -- Create a savepoint to be able
        -- to roll back only the work done
        -- in the procedure if there is an
        -- error.
        SAVE TRANSACTION ProcedureSave;
        -- Procedure must start its own
        -- transaction.
    -- Modify database.
        DELETE HumanResources.JobCandidate
            WHERE JobCandidateID = @InputCandidateID;
        -- Get here if no errors; must commit
        -- any transaction started in the
        -- procedure, but not commit a transaction
        -- started before the transaction was called.
        IF @TranCounter = 0
            -- @TranCounter = 0 means no transaction was
            -- started before the procedure was called.
            -- The procedure must commit the transaction
            -- it started.
        -- An error occurred; must determine
        -- which type of rollback will roll
        -- back only the work done in the
        -- procedure.
        IF @TranCounter = 0
            -- Transaction started in procedure.
            -- Roll back complete transaction.
            -- Transaction started before procedure
            -- called, do not roll back modifications
            -- made before the procedure was called.
            IF XACT_STATE() <> -1
                -- If the transaction is still valid, just
                -- roll back to the savepoint set at the
                -- start of the stored procedure.
                ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ProcedureSave;
                -- If the transaction is uncommitable, a
                -- rollback to the savepoint is not allowed
                -- because the savepoint rollback writes to
                -- the log. Just return to the caller, which
                -- should roll back the outer transaction.

        -- After the appropriate rollback, echo error

        -- information to the caller.
        DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000);
        DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT;
        DECLARE @ErrorState INT;

        SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE();

        SELECT @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY();
        SELECT @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE();

        RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage, -- Message text.

                   @ErrorSeverity, -- Severity.
                   @ErrorState -- State.

COMPUTE (Transact-SQL)
Generates totals that appear as additional summary columns at the end of the result
set. When used with BY, the COMPUTE clause generates control-breaks and subtotals
in the result set. You can specify COMPUTE BY and COMPUTE in the same query.


    ( expression ) } [ ,...n ]
    [ BY expression [ ,...n ] ]

Specifies the aggregation to be performed. These row aggregate functions are

used with the COMPUTE clause.

Row aggregate Result


AVG Average of the values in the numeric expression

COUNT Number of selected rows

MAX Highest value in the expression

MIN Lowest value in the expression

STDEV Statistical standard deviation for all values in the expression

STDEVP Statistical standard deviation for the population for all values in the

SUM Total of the values in the numeric expression

VAR Statistical variance for all values in the expression

VARP Statistical variance for the population for all values in the expression

There is no equivalent to COUNT(*). To find the summary information

produced by GROUP BY and COUNT(*), use a COMPUTE clause without BY.

These functions ignore null values.

The DISTINCT keyword is not allowed with row aggregate functions when
they are specified with the COMPUTE clause.

When you add or average integer data, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database
Engine treats the result as an int value, even if the data type of the column
is smallint or tinyint. For more information about the return types of added
or average data, see SUM (Transact-SQL) and AVG (Transact-SQL).

To reduce the chance of overflow errors in ODBC and DB-Library programs, make all variable
declarations for the results of averages or sums the data type int.

An Expressions (Transact-SQL), such as the name of a column on which the

calculation is performed. expression must appear in the select list and must
be specified identical to one of the expressions in the select list. A column
alias specified in the select list cannot be used withinexpression.

ntext, text, or image data types cannot be specified in a COMPUTE or COMPUTE BY clause.
BY expression

Generates control-breaks and subtotals in the result set. expression is an

identical copy of anorder_by_expression in the associated ORDER BY clause.
Typically, this is a column name or column alias. Multiple expressions can be
specified. Listing multiple expressions after BY breaks a group into subgroups
and applies the aggregate function at each level of grouping.

If you use COMPUTE BY, you must also use an ORDER BY clause. The
expressions must be the same as or a subset of those listed after ORDER BY,
and must be in the same sequence. For example, if the ORDER BY clause
is ORDER BY a, b, c,the COMPUTE clause can be any, or all, of the following:

COMPUTE BY a, b, c

In a SELECT statement with a COMPUTE clause, the order of columns in the select list overrides
the order of the aggregate functions in the COMPUTE clause. ODBC and DB-Library
programmers must know about this order requirement to put the aggregate function results in the
correct place.

You cannot use COMPUTE in a SELECT INTO statement because statements including
COMPUTE generate tables and their summary results are not stored in the database.
Therefore, any calculations produced by COMPUTE do not appear in the new table
created with the SELECT INTO statement.

You cannot use the COMPUTE clause when the SELECT statement is part of a


A. Using COMPUTE in query to return totals

In the following example, the SELECT statement uses a simple COMPUTE clause to

produce a grand total of the sum of the SubTotal and TotalDue from
the SalesOrderHeader table.

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT CustomerID, OrderDate, SubTotal, TotalDue
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE SalesPersonID = 35
ORDER BY OrderDate
COMPUTE SUM(SubTotal), SUM(TotalDue);
B. Using COMPUTE in query to return totals

In the following example, the SELECT statement uses a COMPUTE clause to produce

totals per salesperson of the sum of the SubTotal and TotalDue from
the SalesOrderHeader table.

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT SalesPersonID, CustomerID, OrderDate, SubTotal, TotalDue
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
ORDER BY SalesPersonID, OrderDate
COMPUTE SUM(SubTotal), SUM(TotalDue) BY SalesPersonID;

Constants (Transact-SQL)
A constant, also known as a literal or a scalar value, is a symbol that represents a
specific data value. The format of a constant depends on the data type of the value it

Character string constants

Character string constants are enclosed in single quotation marks and include
alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9) and special characters, such as
exclamation point (!), at sign (@), and number sign (#). Character string
constants are assigned the default collation of the current database, unless
the COLLATE clause is used to specify a collation. Character strings typed by
users are evaluated through the code page of the computer and are
translated to the database default code page if it is required.

If the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option has been set OFF for a connection,

character strings can also be enclosed in double quotation marks, but the
Microsoft SQL Native Client Provider and ODBC driver automatically use SET
QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON. We recommend using single quotation marks.

If a character string enclosed in single quotation marks contains an embedded

quotation mark, represent the embedded single quotation mark with two
single quotation marks. This is not required in strings embedded in double
quotation marks.

The following are examples of character strings:

'Process X is 50% complete.'
'The level for job_id: %d should be between %d and %d.'

Empty strings are represented as two single quotation marks with nothing in
between. In 6.x compatibility mode, an empty string is treated as a single
Character string constants support enhanced collations.

Character constants greater than 8000 bytes are typed as varchar(max) data.
Unicode strings

Unicode strings have a format similar to character strings but are preceded by
an N identifier (N stands for National Language in the SQL-92 standard). The
N prefix must be uppercase. For example, 'Michél' is a character constant
while N'Michél' is a Unicode constant. Unicode constants are interpreted as
Unicode data, and are not evaluated by using a code page. Unicode constants
do have a collation. This collation primarily controls comparisons and case
sensitivity. Unicode constants are assigned the default collation of the current
database, unless the COLLATE clause is used to specify a collation. Unicode
data is stored by using 2 bytes per character instead of 1 byte per character
for character data. For more information, see Using Unicode Data.

Unicode string constants support enhanced collations.

Unicode constants greater than 8000 bytes are typed as nvarchar(max) data.
Binary constants

Binary constants have the prefix 0x and are a string of hexadecimal numbers.

They are not enclosed in quotation marks.

The following are examples of binary strings are:

0x (empty binary string)

Binary constants greater than 8000 bytes are typed as varbinary(max) data.
bit constants

bit constants are represented by the numbers 0 or 1, and are not enclosed in

quotation marks. If a number larger than one is used, it is converted to one.

datetime constants

datetime constants are represented by using character date values in

specific formats, enclosed in single quotation marks. For more information
about the formats for datetime constants, see Using Date and Time Data.
The following are examples of datetime constants:

'April 15, 1998'

'15 April, 1998'

Examples of time constants are:

'04:24 PM'
integer constants

integer constants are represented by a string of numbers that are not

enclosed in quotation marks and do not contain decimal
points. integer constants must be whole numbers; they cannot contain

The following are examples of integer constants:

decimal constants

decimal constants are represented by a string of numbers that are not

enclosed in quotation marks and contain a decimal point.

The following are examples of decimal constants:

float and real constants

float and real constants are represented by using scientific notation.

The following are examples of float or real values:

money constants

money constants are represented as string of numbers with an optional

decimal point and an optional currency symbol as a
prefix. money constantsare not enclosed in quotation marks.

SQL Server 2005 does not enforce any kind of grouping rules such as inserting a
comma (,) every three digits in strings that represent money.

Commas are ignored anywhere in the specified money literal.

The following are examples of money constants:

uniqueidentifier constants

uniqueidentifier constants are a string representing a GUID. They can be

specified in either a character or binary string format.

The following examples both specify the same GUID:

Specifying Negative and Positive Numbers

To indicate whether a number is positive or negative, apply the + or - unary

operators to a numeric constant. This creates a numeric expression that represents
the signed numeric value. Numeric constants use positive when the + or - unary
operators are not applied.

 Signed integer expressions: 

 Signed decimal expressions: 

 Signed float expressions: 

 Signed money expressions: 

Enhanced Collations

SQL Server supports character and Unicode string constants that support enhanced
collations. For more information, see the COLLATE (Transact-SQL) clause.

Is a predicate used to search columns containing character-based data types for
precise or fuzzy (less precise) matches to single words and phrases, the proximity of
words within a certain distance of one another, or weighted matches.

In SQL Server 2005, you can use four-part names in CONTAINS or FREETEXT full-
text predicates to execute queries against linked servers.

CONTAINS can search for:

 A word or phrase.
 The prefix of a word or phrase.
 A word near another word.
 A word inflectionally generated from another (for example, the word drive is
the inflectional stem of drives, drove, driving, and driven).
 A word that is a synonym of another word using thesaurus (for example, the
word metal can have synonyms such as aluminum and steel).

Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions


      ( { column_name | (column_list) | * }
          , '< contains_search_condition >'     
   [ , LANGUAGE language_term ]
< contains_search_condition > ::=
    { < simple_term >
    | < prefix_term >
    | < generation_term >
    | < proximity_term >
    | < weighted_term >
    | { ( < contains_search_condition > )
    [ { < AND > | < AND NOT > | < OR > } ]
< contains_search_condition > [ ...n ]
< simple_term > ::=
          word | " phrase "
< prefix term > ::=
     { "word * " | "phrase *" }
< generation_term > ::=
     FORMSOF ( { INFLECTIONAL | THESAURUS } , < simple_term > [ ,...n ] )
< proximity_term > ::=
     { < simple_term > | < prefix_term > }
     { { NEAR | ~ }
     { < simple_term > | < prefix_term > }
     } [ ...n ]
< weighted_term > ::=
        ( { {
  < simple_term >
  | < prefix_term >
  | < generation_term >
  | < proximity_term >
   [ WEIGHT ( weight_value ) ]
   } [ ,...n ]
< AND > ::=
     { AND | & }
< AND NOT > ::=
     { AND NOT | & !}
< OR > ::=
     { OR | | }


Is the name of the column or columns included in the full-text index. Columns
of type char,varchar, nchar, nvarchar, text, ntext, image, xml,
and varbinary(max) are valid columns for full-text searching.


Indicates that several columns, separated by a comma, can be

specified. column_list must be enclosed in parentheses.
Unless language_term is specified, the language of all columns
ofcolumn_list must be the same.

Specifies that all columns in the table registered for full-text searching should
be used to search for the given contains search condition. The columns in the
CONTAINS clause must come from a single table. If more than one table is in
the FROM clause, * must be qualified by the table name.
Unless language_term is specified, the language of all columns of the table
must be the same.

LANGUAGE language_term

Is the language in which the user is issuing the query. If the column contains
several documents stored as binary large objects (BLOBs), the language used
to index the actual document content is determined by the locale identifier
(LCID) of the document. Consequently, a single column can be storing
multiple languages. The LANGUAGE parameter allows users to specify the
language in which they are searching, thus increasing the probability of a
good match.

This parameter is optional and can be specified as a string, integer, or

hexadecimal value corresponding to the LCID of a language.
If language_term is specified, the language it represents will be applied to all
elements of the search condition. If no value is specified, the column full-text
language is used.

When specified as a string, language_term corresponds to the alias column

value in thesyslanguages system table. The string must be enclosed in
single quotation marks, as in 'language_term'. When specified as an
integer, language_term is the actual LCID that identifies the language. When
specified as a hexadecimal value, language_term is 0x followed by the
hexadecimal value of the LCID. The hexadecimal value must not exceed eight
digits, including leading zeros.

If the value is in double-byte character set (DBCS) format, SQL Server will
convert it to Unicode.

If the language specified is not valid or there are no resources installed that
correspond to that language, SQL Server returns an error. To use the neutral
language resources, specify 0x0 aslanguage_term.


Specifies the text to search for in column_name and the conditions for a


contains_search_condition is nvarchar. An implicit conversion occurs when

another character data type is used as input. In the following example,
the @SearchWord variable, which is defined asvarchar(30), causes an implicit
conversion in the CONTAINS predicate.


USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @SearchWord varchar(30)
SET @SearchWord ='performance'
SELECT Description
FROM Production.ProductDescription
WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @SearchWord);

Because "parameter sniffing" does not work across conversion,

use nvarchar for better performance. In the example, declare @SearchWord
as nvarchar(30).


USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @SearchWord nvarchar(30)
SET @SearchWord = N'performance'
SELECT Description
FROM Production.ProductDescription
WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @SearchWord);
You can also use the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint for cases in which a non
optimal plan is generated.


Is a string of characters without spaces or punctuation.


Is one or more words with spaces between each word.

Some languages, such as those written in some parts of Asia, can have phrases that consist of one
or more words without spaces between them.

Specifies a match for an exact word or a phrase. Examples of valid simple

terms are "blue berry", blueberry, and "Microsoft SQL Server". Phrases should
be enclosed in double quotation marks (""). Words in a phrase must appear in
the same order as specified in <contains_search_condition> as they appear in
the database column. The search for characters in the word or phrase is not
case sensitive. Noise words (such as a, and, or the) in full-text indexed
columns are not stored in the full-text index. If a noise word is used in a
single word search, SQL Server returns an error message indicating that the
query contains only noise words. SQL Server includes a standard list of noise
words in the directory \Mssql\Binn\FTERef of each instance of SQL Server.

Punctuation is ignored. Therefore, CONTAINS(testing, "computer

failure") matches a row with the value, "Where is my computer? Failure to
find it would be expensive." For more information on word-breaker behavior,
see Word Breakers and Stemmers.


Specifies a match of words or phrases beginning with the specified text.

Enclose a prefix term in double quotation marks ("") and add an asterisk (*)
before the ending quotation mark, so that all text starting with the simple
term specified before the asterisk is matched. The clause should be specified
this way: CONTAINS (column, '"text*"'). The asterisk matches zero, one,
or more characters (of the root word or words in the word or phrase). If the
text and asterisk are not delimited by double quotation marks, so the
predicate reads CONTAINS (column, 'text*'), full-text search considers the
asterisk as a character and searches for exact matches to text*. The full-text
engine will not find words with the asterisk (*) character because word
breakers typically ignore such characters.
When <prefix_term> is a phrase, each word contained in the phrase is
considered to be a separate prefix. Therefore, a query specifying a prefix term
of "local wine*" matches any rows with the text of "local winery", "locally
wined and dined", and so on.


Specifies a match of words when the included simple terms include variants of
the original word for which to search.


Specifies that the language-dependent stemmer is to be used on the specified

simple term. Stemmer behavior is defined based on stemming rules of each
specific language. The neutral language does not have an associated
stemmer. The column language of the column(s) being queried is used to
refer to the desired stemmer. If language_term is specified, the stemmer
corresponding to that language is used.

A given <simple_term> within a <generation_term> will not match both

nouns and verbs.


Specifies that the thesaurus corresponding to the column full-text language,

or the language specified in the query is used. The longest pattern or patterns
from the simple_term are matched against the thesaurus and additional
terms are generated to expand or replace the original pattern. If a match is
not found for all or part of the simple_term, the non-matching portion is
treated as a simple_term. For more information on the Full-Text Search
thesaurus, see Thesaurus.


Specifies a match of words or phrases that must be close to one another.

<proximity_term> operates similarly to the AND operator: both require that
more than one word or phrase exist in the column being searched. As the
words in <proximity_term> appear closer together, the better the match.

NEAR | ~

Indicates that the word or phrase on the left side of the NEAR or ~ operator
should be approximately close to the word or phrase on the right side of the
NEAR or ~ operator. Multiple proximity terms can be chained, for example:


This means that word or phrase a should be near word or phrase b, which

should be near word or phrase c. When several proximity terms are chained,
all proximity terms must be near each other. So, in the example a ~ b ~ c,
word or phrase a should also be near word or phrase c.


Specifies that the matching rows (returned by the query) match a list of
words and phrases, each optionally given a weighting value.


Specifies the <weighted_term> keyword.


Specifies a weight value, which is a number from 0.0 through 1.0. Each
component in <weighted_term> may include a weight_value. weight_value is
a way to change how various portions of a query affect the rank value
assigned to each row matching the query. WEIGHT does not affect the results
of CONTAINS queries, but WEIGHT impacts rank in CONTAINSTABLE queries.
For more information, see CONTAINSTABLE (Transact-SQL).

The decimal separator is always a period regardless of the operating system locale.
{ AND | & } | { AND NOT | &! } | { OR | | }

Specifies a logical operation between two contains search conditions.

AND | &

Indicates that the two contains search conditions must be met for a match.
The ampersand symbol (&) may be used instead of the AND keyword to
represent the AND operator.

AND NOT | &!

Indicates that the second search condition must not be present for a match.
The ampersand followed by the exclamation mark symbol (&!) may be used
instead of the AND NOT keyword to represent the AND NOT operator.

OR | |

Indicates that either of the two contains search conditions must be met for a
match. The bar symbol (|) may be used instead of the OR keyword to
represent the OR operator.

When <contains_search_condition> contains parenthesized groups, these

parenthesized groups are evaluated first. After evaluating parenthesized
groups, these rules apply when using these logical operators with contains
search conditions:

 NOT is applied before AND.

 NOT can only occur after AND, as in AND NOT. The OR NOT operator is
not allowed. NOT cannot be specified before the first term. For
example, CONTAINS (mycolumn, 'NOT "phrase_to_search_for"
' ) is not valid.
 AND is applied before OR.
 Boolean operators of the same type (AND, OR) are associative and can
therefore be applied in any order.

Is a placeholder indicating that multiple contains search conditions and terms

within them can be specified.


CONTAINS is not recognized as a keyword if the compatibility level is less than 70.
For more information, see sp_dbcmptlevel (Transact-SQL).


A. Using CONTAINS with <simple_term>

The following example finds all products with a price of $80.99 that contain the
word "Mountain".

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT Name, ListPrice
FROM Production.Product
WHERE ListPrice = 80.99
AND CONTAINS(Name, 'Mountain');

B. Using CONTAINS and phrase in <simple_term>

The following example returns all products that contain either the
phrase "Mountain" or "Road".

USE AdventureWorks;
FROM Production.Product
WHERE CONTAINS(Name, ' "Mountain" OR "Road" ')

C. Using CONTAINS with <prefix_term>

The following example returns all product names with at least one word starting with
the prefix chain in the Name column.

USE AdventureWorks;
FROM Production.Product
WHERE CONTAINS(Name, ' "Chain*" ');

D. Using CONTAINS and OR with <prefix_term>

The following example returns all category descriptions containing strings with
prefixes of either "chain"or "full".

USE AdventureWorks;
FROM Production.Product
WHERE CONTAINS(Name, '"chain*" OR "full*"');

E. Using CONTAINS with <proximity_term>

The following example returns all product names that have the word bike near the
word performance.

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT Description
FROM Production.ProductDescription
WHERE CONTAINS(Description, 'bike NEAR performance');

F. Using CONTAINS with <generation_term>

The following example searches for all products with words of the form ride: riding,
ridden, and so on.

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT Description
FROM Production.ProductDescription

G. Using CONTAINS with <weighted_term>

The following example searches for all product names containing the
words performance, comfortable, orsmooth, and different weightings are given to
each word.

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT Description
FROM Production.ProductDescription
WHERE CONTAINS(Description, 'ISABOUT (performance weight (.8),
comfortable weight (.4), smooth weight (.2) )' );

H. Using CONTAINS with variables

The following example uses a variable instead of a specific search term.

USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @SearchWord nvarchar(30)
SET @SearchWord = N'Performance'
SELECT Description
FROM Production.ProductDescription
WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @SearchWord);

SQL Server 2005
Other Versions

Updated: 17 July 2006

Returns a table of zero, one, or more rows for those columns containing character-
based data types for precise or fuzzy (less precise) matches to single words and
phrases, the proximity of words within a certain distance of one another, or weighted
matches. CONTAINSTABLE can be referenced in the FROM clause of a SELECT
statement as if it were a regular table name.

Queries using CONTAINSTABLE specify contains-type full-text queries that return a

relevance ranking value (RANK) and full-text key (KEY) for each row. The
CONTAINSTABLE function uses the same search conditions as the CONTAINS


Is the name of the table that has been marked for full-text
querying. table can be a one-, two-, three-, or four-part database object


Is the name of the column to search that resides in table. Columns of

type char, varchar, nchar,nvarchar, text, ntext, image, xml, binary,
and varbinary are valid columns for full-text searching.


Indicates that several columns, separated by a comma, can be

specified. column_list must be enclosed in parentheses.
Unless language_term is specified, the language of all columns
ofcolumn_list must be the same.

Specifies that all columns in the table registered for full-text searching should
be used to search for the given contains search condition. If more than one
table is in the FROM clause, * must be qualified by the table name.
Unless language_term is specified, the language of all columns of the table
must be the same.

LANGUAGE language_term

Is the language whose resources will be used for wordbreaking, stemming,

and thesaurus and noise-word removal as part of the CONTAINS query. This
parameter is optional and can be specified as a string, integer, or
hexadecimal value corresponding to the locale identifier (LCID) of a language.
If language_term is specified, the language it represents will be applied to all
elements of the search condition. If no value is specified, the column full-text
language is used.

When specified as a string, language_term corresponds to the alias column

value in thesyslanguages system table. The string must be enclosed in
single quotation marks, as in 'language_term'. When specified as an
integer, language_term is the actual LCID that identifies the language. When
specified as a hexadecimal value, language_term is 0x followed by the
hexadecimal value of the LCID. The hexadecimal value must not exceed eight
digits, including leading zeros.

If the value is in double-byte character set (DBCS) format, Microsoft SQL

Server will convert it to Unicode.
If the language specified is not valid or there are no resources installed that
correspond to that language, SQL Server returns an error. To use the neutral
language resources, specify 0x0 aslanguage_term.


Specifies that only the nhighest ranked matches, in descending order, are

returned. Applies only when an integer value, n, is specified. If additional
filtering is performed, then less than n results may be returned.


Specifies the text to search for in column_name and the conditions for a

match. For more information, see CONTAINS (Transact-SQL).


The table returned has a column named KEY that contains full-text key values. Each
full-text indexed table has a column whose values are guaranteed to be unique, and
the values returned in the KEYcolumn are the full-text key values of the rows that
match the selection criteria specified in the contains search condition.
The TableFulltextKeyColumn property, obtained from the OBJECTPROPERTYEX
function, provides the identity of this unique key column. To obtain the ID of the
column associated with the full-text key of the full-text index,
use sys.fulltext_indexes. For more information, see sys.fulltext_indexes (Transact-

To obtain the rows you want from the original table, specify a join with the
CONTAINSTABLE rows. The typical form of the FROM clause for a SELECT statement

SELECT select_list
CONTAINSTABLE(table, column, contains_search_condition) AS KEY_TBL
ON FT_TBL.unique_key_column = KEY_TBL.[KEY]

The table produced by CONTAINSTABLE includes a column named RANK.

The RANK column is a value (from 0 through 1000) for each row indicating how well
a row matched the selection criteria. This rank value is typically used in one of these
ways in the SELECT statement:

 In the ORDER BY clause to return the highest-ranking rows as the first rows
in the table.
 In the select list to see the rank value assigned to each row.

CONTAINSTABLE is not recognized as a keyword if the compatibility level is less than

70. For more information, see sp_dbcmptlevel (Transact-SQL).

Execute permissions are available only by users with the appropriate SELECT
privileges on the table or the referenced table's columns.


A. Returning rank values using CONTAINSTABLE

The following example searches for all product names containing the words breads, fish,
or beers, and different weightings are given to each word. For each returned row
matching this search criteria, the relative closeness (ranking value) of the match is shown.
In addition, the highest ranking rows are returned first.

To run this example, you will have to install the Northwind database. For information about how to
install the Northwind database, see Downloading Northwind and pubs Sample Databases.
USE Northwind;
SELECT FT_TBL.CategoryName, FT_TBL.Description, KEY_TBL.RANK
FROM Categories AS FT_TBL
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(Categories, Description,
'ISABOUT (breads weight (.8),
fish weight (.4), beers weight (.2) )' ) AS KEY_TBL

Returns the context_info value that was set for the current session or batch by
using the SET CONTEXT_INFO statement.


Return Value

The value of context_info, or NULL if context_info was not set.

Multiple active result sets (MARS) enables applications to run multiple batches, or
requests, at the same time on the same connection. When one of the batches on a
MARS connection runs SET CONTEXT_INFO, the new context value is returned by the
CONTEXT_INFO function when it is run in the same batch as the SET statement. The
new value is not returned by the CONTEXT_INFO function run in one or more of the
other batches on the connection, unless they started after the batch that ran the SET
statement completed.


Requires no special permissions. The context information is also stored in

the sys.dm_exec_requests,sys.dm_exec_sessions,
and sys.sysprocesses system views, but querying the views directly requires


The following simple example sets the context_info value to 0x1256698456, and

then uses theCONTEXT_INFO function to retrieve the value.

SET CONTEXT_INFO 0x1256698456


Restarts a WHILE loop. Any statements after the CONTINUE keyword are ignored.
CONTINUE is frequently, but not always, opened by an IF test. For more information,
see WHILE (Transact-SQL) and Control-of-Flow Language (Transact-SQL).


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