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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Whitney White Date: Today

Grade and Topic: 2nd Health Education Length of Lesson: 45 – 60 minutes

Mentor Teacher: Annette Cornelius School: University of Memphis


● Why is it important to have healthy meals and snacks versus what is considered junk food?

 Given a list of foods, the student will be able to identify which foods are considered healthy and un-
healthy and present facts to clarify his or her response with 80 % accuracy.
 Given a computer and word processing software, students will write one or two sentences that exhibits a clear
understanding of the different types of foods and what it means to her/him with a score of four out of five on the

 TN Health Education and Lifetime Wellness—2.PCW.1 Describe the importance of healthy meals and
 ISTE 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
b. Locate, analyze, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources.

● Heart Healthy Worksheet
● Print resources including the textbook
● Computer
● Pencil
● Kidspiration software
● Internet Access to:
 Nourish Interactive
 Dining Decisions Interactive Game
 Kidspiration Software: Tool to create Graphic Organizer
 Bing Image Search:
● Students will use the provided websites as resources for healthy foods and access to images. Kid-
spiration will be used to create a graphic organizer with information and images related to the different
food groups and each different group’s benefits and disadvantage, if there are any. Students, upon com-
pleting the activity, will save their work to a shared Dropbox folder for their class and submit a printed
copy. A sample of the product is available in Student Sample below.


● What are the characteristics of each food group?
● This lesson continues with the study of different types of foods and hot it enhances or is unhealthy for
one’s body.
● Subsequent lessons will create the connection between the foods that are consumed and how it can im-
pact physical activities and overall energy.
● I am aware that the lesson will sway students differently who did not master the objectives and for those
prepared for improvement. However, adaptations are not covered in this course and are not part of this
specific session.


● Introduction:
Imagine that you are the food that makes you feel happy. You can be dairy, a meat, fruit, vegetable,
grain, sweet/fat, or a combination of each different food group. It is your job to make sure the food you
select to be will indeed make and keep you heart healthy. REMEMBER, certain foods will make your
heart and other body parts unhappy and ill, so be sure to choose wisely. Therefore, your first task is to
review the different types of foods and the benefits and disadvantages of certain foods. After you select
the different types of foods, you will create a graphic organizer that will have the different food groups
and examples of each such as: fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, dairy, and sweets/fats. You will present
the graphic organizer with the information you found to the class. Make sure you are paying attention to
each presentation as you will be asked questions to identify foods that make your body happy and un-
happy from each presentation and why.

● Procedures:

Activity 1
Prior to the computer
1. The teacher will divide the class into teams of 3 and distribute the Heart Healthy Worksheet to
each team.
2. Students will use the printed resource (textbook) to research what types of foods and examples of
those foods will be beneficial to the heart.
3. Students will divide up the examples of healthy and unhealthy foods on the Heart Healthy work-
sheet to determine who will research each one. (Students will take turns on selecting each option.
The student’s last name will be the determining factor of the order who chooses 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Selections will proceed until all options have been assigned).
At the computer
1. The teacher will have the above sites bookmarked on each computer.
2. Each student will research the bookmarked websites to complete their assigned options from the work-
After the computer
1. Each team will meet together at a table.
2. Each member will report their findings to the team related to their assigned options.
3. Team members will decide together what information is best for each food option to include in the
presentation. The graphic organizer should include the following: Dairy, Meats, Grains, Sweet/Fats,
Fruits, and Vegetables. Each group should include at least two examples of each food group. The groups
can decide to include more, if necessary.

Activity 2
Prior to the Computer
1. Teacher will distribute an example of a graphic organizer and review parts that should be included on
the current assignment.
2. Students will sketch out how they will create their organizer using the information they have obtained
from activity 1. Students will choose who will be the reader, who will type, and who will proofread.
Roles can be alternated throughout the assignment, if students choose to do so.
At the computer
1. Teacher will have Kidspiration opened on each team’s computer.
2. Teams, using their assigned roles previously selected, will create their graphic organizer using Kidspi-
ration software and include the required information from the Heart Healthy worksheet and additional
information they have gathered by their research. The graphic organizer should include the following
Title, a concept shape that identifies each food group, appropriately used colors, Times New Ro-
man font, an easy to ready contrasting color, no grammatical errors, and examples of each group
and facts about each.
3. Students will print a copy of their graphic organizer and submit one to the class drop box.

After the computer

1. The teacher will supply a ½ size poster board, glue stick, and markers to each team.
2. Each team will glue their graphic organizer on the poster board and label with a title and each name of
the members of the team. The teams will prepare to present their presentation to the class. EACH
MEMBER must participate in the presentation.
3. The team will present their findings to the class.
4. Each team will also submit their Heart Healthy worksheet to the teacher.

● Closure: Once the presentations are complete, each student will be asked questions to identify foods
that make your body happy and unhappy from each presentation in one to two sentences and why.

Students will submit and present their Graphic organizers as well as one to two sentences reflection on their
choice of foods providing their validation.

Each team member will receive the same score for the graphic organizer using the following rubric. Students will
receive individual scores for the assessment of their participation in the presentation and their reflective
Criteria Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Graphic Organizer – At least 2 cor- At least 2 correct At least 2 cor- At least 2 correct At least 2 cor-
Information provided rect examples examples for 5 rect examples examples for 3 out rect examples
about food groups: for each food out of 6 food for 4 out of 6 of 6 food groups; for 2 out of 6
Dairy, Meat, Fruits, group; Cool groups; Cool food groups; Cool Fact for each food group;
Sweet/Fats, Vegeta- Fact for each Fact for each ex- Cool Fact for example. Cool Fact for
bles, and Grains. example. ample. each example. each example.
At least 2 examples
& Cool Fact for each
(NOTE any incorrect
information will result
in a 0 for this level).
Graphic Organizer - Graphic Organ- Graphic organ- Graphic organ- Graphic organ- Graphic organ-
Organization izer is well con- izer is izer is izer is izer is not well
structed and well-con- well-con- well-constructed organized and is
easy to under- structed and structed and and easy to un- difficult to un-
stand with ap- easy to under- easy to under- derstand but may derstand. Con-
propriate con- necting line may
stand but may stand but may have missing
necting lines. or may not be
have missing have missing some connecting present.
some connect- some connect- lines, etc.
ing lines, etc. ing lines, etc.

Graphic Organizer - Organizer has a Organizer has a Organizer lacks Organizer lacks 2 Organizer lacks
Appearance title, identifying title, identifying 1 of the follow- of the following: 3 of the follow-
concept shape, concept shape, ing: at least two at least one ing: at least one
required font, at required font, graphic per graphic per topic, graphic per
least one and is colorful topic, a title, re- a title, required topic, a title,
graphic for each Organizer only quired font, col- font, colorful, required font,
topic, and is has 1graphic for orful, identify- identifying colorful, identi-
colorful each topic ing concept concept shape fying concept
shape shape

Participation Student demon- N/A N/A Student demon- Student lacked

(Presentation) strated strated knowledge knowledge of
knowledge of of different types different types
different types of foods and how of foods and
of foods and it effects the body. how it effects
how it effects However, student the body.
the body. Stu- did not speak
dent spoke clearly and
clearly and plainly.
Reflection Sentence(s) Reflection pre- N/A N/A Reflection pre- Reflection did
sented facts that sented facts that not present facts
supported the supported the ben- that supported
benefits and efits and disad- the benefits and
disadvantages vantages of certain disadvantages of
of certain foods. foods. More than certain foods.
Used correct 2 grammar and May or may not
grammar and punctuation errors. have used cor-
punctuation. rect grammar
(Less than 2 er- and/or punctua-
rors) tion.


I am aware that the lesson will sway students differently who did not master the objectives and for those pre-
pared for improvement. However, adaptations are not covered in this course and are not part of this specific ses-
Heart Healthy Worksheet (Handout that supports Lesson Plan)

Team Members (in alphabetical order)

1. 2. 3.
TEAM will choose COOL FACTS to use on Graphic Organizer. Team must choose two COOL FACTS from their
research of each food option.

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