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Numerous researchers have a massive interest to study the relationship between erosion wear and
different operational conditions.
Wear is a damage of surfaces of one or all solid surfaces that is in contact with relative
motion [1]. All of the machines have lost their durability and reliability due to wear. Therefore,
wear must be control in order to control the quality of advanced and reliable technology of the
future. Wear is a type of phenomenon in which volume loss is occurred by various surfaces due
to abrasion, erosion and corrosion. Erosion wear is the removal of material occurred by impact or
sliding of abrasive particle. Various experiment is performed to analyze the erosion wear
phenomenon. The quality, life of components gets reduced because of the resultant of slurry
Ajith, Prasanna and Basavarajappa [2] has performed an experiment of slurry erosion
behavior of glass/epoxy composites with different filler of alumina was investigated. 5%, 10%
and 15% alumina fillers are used to incorporate with glass/epoxy composites. The sample is then
fix on specimen holder. The slurry particles were mixed with 10 liters of tap water. The samples
are then hanging in the slurry and rotated first at 30 mins. The wear of samples was measured by
the function of weight loss. The parameters that they studied are slurry concentration, contact
angle and also speed. They have concluded that slurry erosion was increased with increase of
slurry concentration and turning speed. The erosion also increases with increase of contact angle
until it reaches 60˚. Above from 60˚angle leads to the drop of erosion volume of composites.
Desale, et.al [3] developed pot tester to simulate erosion wear due to mixture of abrasive
particles and slurry. The relationship between solid concentration and different impact angles of
material have been studied in this experiment. The result of erosion was analyzed by the rate of
erosion of AISI SS304L specimens at different orientation angles in the quartz-water mixture.
The arrangements in the pot tester is to evaluate the effect of impact angle, concentration,
velocity, particle size etc. on erosion wear. At orientation angle of 15˚ to 45˚ shows the
formation of smear and indentation type craters at the surface. It can be concluded that the
impact angle of solid particles varies with the orientation angle and all the particles impact the
target surface at the orientation angle of the wear specimens. Desale et.al [4] also carried out
investigation of size particle effects on erosion wear of aluminium alloy in a slurry pot tester.
The erosion wear increases with increase of particle sizes. The mass loss at 30˚ and 90˚
orientation angle. The existing of kinetic energy of the particles changes the mechanism to three
body of abrasion wear. The wear due to smaller sized of particles is higher than impact of bigger
sized particles.
Nilkar, et.al [3], carried experiments on erosion wear at normal impact angles using a
slurry pot tester for SS304L. They used the developing pot tester by Desale et.al. to carried out
the erosion wear experiments. Based on experiments, they do a comparison of wear between
ductile material and also brittle material. Maximum wear was found when angle is 30˚ for ductile
material meanwhile wear of brittle material was found when angle of impact is normal to the
surface. They also studied the effect of kinetic energy on different size of solid particles after
impact by using Ansys software. The mass
The erosion wear of cast iron has been conducted and evaluated by Gandhi, et.al [5] in a
pot tester with different size of slurries particles. They used narrow sized and multi sized
particulate sand-water slurries. The observation can be concluded that as increase in size of
particle, the erosion wear also increases. The effective particle size was observed that the
narrow-sized particulate contributes the erosion wear. Pagalthivarthi, et.al [6] has been predicted
the erosion wear occurs in horizontal pipelines by using Galerkin finite element methodology.
The various operating parameters that have been studied which include flow rate, solid
concentration, solids density, particle size, particle size distribution and so on. The impact wear
depends on material coefficients, local concentration, solid velocity and impact angle. The
particles that they have been studied are in the range of 50-650 µm. Due to increase in
concentration, the mixture velocity increases along the pipe wall. Exposure of pipe wall to the
impacting particles increases along the pipe wall due to increase in impact angle and also
decrease in concentration.
Patil et al.(2011) have performed an experiment to analyze the erosion wear rates of
aluminium in sand water slurry mixture. Based on this experiment, they studied affecting
parameters like impact angle, particle size velocity and solid concentration on this ductile wear
material. The analysis has carried out with different impact angle ranging from 150 to 900 and
different solid concentration ranging from 20% to 40% and different particle size 225µm to
855µm and velocity ranging from 3.68 m/sec to 9.67 m/sec. The results obtained from the
experimental of aluminum wear in pot tester, conclusions are made that erosion wear depends
upon the impact angle. The higher the impact angle up-to 450 and decreases at 900 The higher
the result of erosion wear. Conclusion can be made that erosion wear increases with particle size
increases. Increase in solid concentration is another affecting parameter gives erosion wear to
occur. The rate of erosion become lessen at high concentration of solid [7].
The slurry abrasion behavior between mild steel and weld deposited alloy steel was
carried out by Kumar (2016). They used silica sand slurry with different slurry concentration,
load, total revolution, and particle size for both types of material. The slurry concentration has
highly effect on wear than the normal load for both steels. Weld deposited alloy steel shows a
great wear resistance than mild steel. The operation mechanism involve ploughing and cutting of
material removal [8].
[1] L. Of, M. Elements, and S. K. Faculty, “WEAR in Lubricated System,” no. October,
[2] M. D. X. E. D. F, “, QIOXHQFH RI $ O 2 ) LOOHU RQ 6OXUU \ ( URVLRQ %
HKDYLRU RI * ODVV ( SR [\ & RPSRVLWHV,” vol. 5, pp. 863–872, 2014.
[3] S. R. More, B. D. Nandre, and G. R. Desale, “Development of Pot Tester to Simulate the
Erosion Wear due to Solid-Liquid Mixture,” vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 6–12, 2014.
[4] G. R. Desale, B. K. Gandhi, and S. C. Jain, “Particle size effects on the slurry erosion of
aluminium alloy ( AA 6063 ),” vol. 266, pp. 1066–1071, 2009.
[5] S. Vol, N. Conferen, and P. Eng, “Effects of particle size and size distribution on
estimating erosion wear of cast iron in sand-water slurries t,” vol. 9, no. December, pp.
480–486, 2002.
[6] K. V Pagalthivarthi, J. S. Ravichandra, S. Sanghi, and P. K. Gupta, “Wear Prediction in
Fully Developed Multi-Size Particulate Flow in Horizontal,” no. 2004, 2009.
[7] M. S. Patil, E. R. Deore, R. S. Jahagirdar, and S. V Patil, “Study of the Parameters
Affecting Erosion Wear of Ductile Material in Solid-Liquid Mixture,” vol. III, 2011.
[8] A. Kumar, “Study of Slurry Abrasion Behaviour of mild steel and weld deposited alloy
steel,” vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 339–344, 2016.

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