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   c c

 cccc !c
Time: 2 Hrs. Marks: 50

1.c ½ at is t e significance of consumer be avior studies to marketer?

2.c ½rite t e name of a product for t e following statements:
a. I took a long time to t ink about and researc t is product before I purc ased it.
b. I purc ased t is product as soon as I saw it.
c. I buy t is product frequently wit out muc t oug t.
d. I compared many similar products before I purc ased t is one.
3.c T ink about your most recent purc ases. ½ y did you make t e purc ase?
4.c Do you t ink it is et ical to use customers͛ fears as a basis for advertising and promotion?
5.c ½rite a list of t e name and brand of products t at you buy (or would buy if you were living
on your own) t at is t e same as your family purc ases.
6.c How do your friends influence your buying decisions?
7.c Explain reference groups for following types of purc ases.
Clot es, Car, Jewelry, toot brus , Pen, Mobile, Laptop
8.c Explain t e meaning of following terms wit proper examples;
1. Impulse Purc ase
2. Routine Purc ase
3. Limited Purc ase
4. Extensive Purc ase

9. Consumers look different, ave different attitudes and perceptions, and are not
omogeneous in w at t ey like and dislike, Discuss wit suitable examples

10. Explain t e difference between Need and ½ant

11. Explain t e stages in consumer decision making process

12. ½ at factors affect t e rate of diffusion and consumer adoption of newly launc ed

13. Explain t e consumer adoption for new product.

14. ½ y Some New Products Fail and Ot ers Succeed? Explain wit reference to consumer
adoption and diffusion process.

15. Explain t e relations ip between emotion and marketing strategy

16. Explain t e nature of consumer be avior and factors affecting it.

17. ½ at is culture? How does it impact marketing tasks?

18. Explain considerations w ic must be understood before approac ing foreign market.
19. Explain t e various sources available to consumer to acquire information w ile making any
buying decision

20. ½ at is customer value? ½ at is required by a firm to provide superior customer value?

21. Design a questioner in order to understand psyc ological, Social and situational influences on
consumer be avior.

22. Explain t e importance of consumer be avior studies.

23. Explain difference between terms consumer and customer.

24. Explain Buying be avior of different categories of Indian Consumers considering following

: SizeIncomeDemandLife stylePrice

"# : Ball pen, Toilet soap, Sun glasses, ½rist watc , Cell p one, Dry fruits, Computer,
Books, Morning walker

Consumer class/Segment

1.c ürban/Rural Middle class

2.c Poor class

3.c Affluent group

4.c Middle class ousewife

5.c ürban/Rural teenager

6.c Yout market

25. Explain t e meaning of consumerism, and state as per your view weat er consumer is really
regarded as king in Indian market.

CBLeon G.sc iffmanpearson

CBA strategic approac Henri assailBIZtantra
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1.c In many consumer products companies, marketing executives seem to play t e lead role in
new product planning, w ere as researc and development executives occupy t is position
in firms wit very complex products suc as electronics. ½ y do t ese differences exist?
2.c segmenting , Targeting , Positioning and Differentiation old up t e Marketing Strategy of a
firm. Discuss t is fact by giving examples in t e four w eeler marker in India.
3.c Marketing is a concept developed by t e organization wit t e close participation of all t e
members including t e agencies. Explain t e bring out t e difference between Marketing
Strategy and Marketing management.
4.c Pricing of product as to maintain a fine balance w ile being optimum to generate profits
affordable to t e customer and fair to beat competition. Hig lig t t e importance of setting
t e objective in formulating t e pricing Strategy.
5.c Explain porter͛s five forces model and value c ain. How it can en ance performance of an
6.c ½rite s ort Notes
Harvesting Strategy

New Product Strategy ʹ Idea Generation

Sale Promotion tools for personal Selling.

Distribution C annels for Frozen Foods.

 Distinguis between Flanking & Guerrilla strategy

 Internet advertising & its Target Audience

 Relations ip between Positing concept and Position Strategy

 Advantages & Disadvantages of Rural Penetration Strategy.

 Sales promotion Strategy

 Value pricing

 Product line strategy

7. ½ at are t e various strategic option t at emanate from product mix strategies? Elaborate
wit examples for eac quadrants.

8. Elaborate on Igor Ansoff͛s Model. ½ at strategy will you recommend for:

i) Declining market

ii) Hig brand Concentration ratio market wit very marginal market s are and profits for
eac of t e players?
9. ͞T e BCG matrix is tool t at can be very aptly use for Combating Competition͟ Elaborate
giving your reviews on strategies t at can be effectively generated for t e BCG matrix

10. Followers get attracted for t e rapidly growing markers? ½ at are t e opportunities and
risk in growt market?

11. Explain Growt strategy you will adopt during t e slow p ase in t e economy.

12. Define strategy . Explain wit suitable examples t e relation between corporate strategy
and t e marketing strategy.

13. ½ at are t e consideration for formulation of marketing strategy for

a) Leaders

b) C allengers

c) Followers

d) Nic ers

14. Discuss various issues in linking marketing strategies wit t e product life cycle.

15. How do marketing strategies vary for emerging, gr owing and mature markets?

16. Explain porter͛s five forces model of industry Analysis.

$cc%c c
1.c If you were to select an advertising agency to develop and implement a campaign fo a new
Honda Sport Car, w at agency attribute would you consider most important?
2.c ½ at is t e some advertisement issue associated wit global branding? Discuss t e pros and
cons of family branding from a global international perspective.
3.c ½ at is mean by Advertiser? Explain t e role of Brad Manger
4.c ½ at are t e effects of Advertisement͛s message on receiver? Explain Advertisement
Exposure Model
5.c ½ at are t e basic different between Planning and Decision Making in t e advertisement
management? How does an Advertisement plan is differ from overall marketing plan
6.c Advertising plan rest on t ree centers plans and decision making consideration. Name t em
and give examples of eac
7.c ½ at are Operational Objective? ½ at is different between Brand Image and Personality
Brand Compre ension and Brand Attitude
8.c ½ at are some advertisements t at you liked? ½ y? ½ at makes an advertisement well
9.c Explain DAGMAR approac detail
10.c T ere is a saying in t e advertising business ͞ w en you ave not ing to say, sing it͟ justify
your answer wit appropriate examples
11.c Identify a target segment of consumer t at you ave some interest marketing to and discuss
t e kinds of brand personality t ey mig t be most responsive to.
12.c Select t e ten Brands w ic you are familiar and describe t e brand personality associations
you t ink eac as
13.c ½ at is difference between Informative and Normative Reference Group Influence? w ic is
likely to play a greater role in brand c oice
14.c Answer your own motivation on sending and rejecting information regarding purc asing
be avior and television commercial
15.c ½ at are t e different rational creative approac es
16.c Explain w y refutational advertising works and discuss situations in w ic it could be more
and less effective
17.c ½ at criteria would you use in c oosing an endorser for a new line extension in t e C ips
market (potato or corn c ips). Evaluate potential candidates
18.c Explain t e concept copy writing in detail
19.c If you were a C ief Executive Officer of a corporation iring an advertising agency ow
would you go about selecting one? ½ at would you look for?
20.c ½ y s ould marketing company not simply product all of its advertisement at an In ouse
agency staffed by company employees, to save money, rat er t an to an outside agency
t at mig t cost it more money?
21.c ½ at assumption underlines t e ͞all can afford͟ and ͞Competitive parity͟ approac es to
setting advertising budget?
22.c ½ at is different between marginal analysis and regression analysis?
23.c If a brand is not substantially different from its competitor, s ould its advertisement state
t at fact? ½ at would be t e effect of
24.c ½ at is t e role of Advertisement manager in firm?
25.c Do you agree t at Nort American and ½estern American European culture are relatively
move ͞ secular͟ and individual oriented compared to Asian Market/?w y or w y not?

1.c ½ at is international marketing? ½rite down t e features of international marketing?

2.c ½ at are t e problems faced by a firm w en it wants to go for international marketing?
3.c ½ at are t e modes to enter in international business?
4.c Differentiate between domestic and international marketing?
5.c Explain t e role of FDI in international marketing(advantages and disadvantage)
6.c Explain t e procedure of export in detail?
7.c ½ at are t e factors influencing exporting?
8.c How MNCs contributes international marketing?
9.c ½ at are t e documents using s ipment of good?
10.c Explain pres ipment and posts ipment in detail?
11.c Explain t e international market wit respect to political, sociocultural, economical and
legal factors?
12.c ½ at are t e limitations of international marketing?
13.c ½ at are t e modes of commercial payments in international marketing?
14.c ½ at are t e direct and indirect c annels of international sales and marketing?
15.c ½ at are t e c aracteristics of international marketing?
16.c ½ at are t e national gains from international trade and w at are t e gains for individual
firm t roug international trade?
17.c Explain t e role of 4 ps in international marketing?
18.c Explain product life cycle and limitations in international marketing?
19.c S ort notes
a.c Pres ipment procedure
b.c Product life cycle in IM
c.c Legal environment in international marketing
d.c Political and social environment in international marketing
e.c Advantages of international marketing
f.c Letter of trading
20.c ½ at are t e essentials of international market intelligence?
21.c Explain import and export procedure?
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49. cGive in detail introduction of production management?

50. cExplain t e success, failure and risk of new product development?
51. c½ at are t e initiating factors w ic affect a product management?
52. cGive in detail about product and its concept?
53. cDescribe t e modern classification of t e product, give t e special
reference to s opping goods in mall, bazaar?
54. cHow t e product performance is depend upon t e product reliability?
55. c½ at is t e product policy? ½ at is product mix?
56. c½ at is t e factor influencing c ange in product mix?


b.c ½ at is brand identity? How t e organization is going to use it for

t e development?

c.c ½ at is brand extension? Explain in detail wit t e example of

FMCG, durable and non durable organisation?

d.c ½ at is brand loyalty? Explain it as a customer sati sfaction and

loyalty upon it?

e.c Explain brand innovation in detail wit example?

f.c ½ at is mean by brand development?

g.c Explain brand building strategy wit example of any tourism

related company?

.c ½ at is brand relations ip and spectrum?

i.c ½ at are t e brand elements?

j.c ½ at is t e difference between brand extension and product

innovation wit example?
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57. c½ at is t e role of distribution in marketing mix? Explain in detail distribution

equity (logistics management)?

58. cExplain t e usefulness of c annel design for t e better approac of

organization towards consumer?

59. cHow t e c annel is designed for industrial product for example eavy
equipment, software industries , telecommunication indu stries?

60. cExplain t e suitability of c annel design and management for rural market and
providing t e service wit example of any FMCG automobile industries?

61. c½ at are t e responsibilities of c annel members in a distribution system?

62. cFind out t e problems of distribution system by referring all t e c annel


63. cExplain t e process of c annel selection, ow t e c annel members are

trained, motivated and appraised?

64. cExplain in detail financial dimensions of dealer management?

65. c½ at are t e management issues regarding t e distribution for example

c annel conflicts , disputes?

66. cExplain t e process for ware ouse management?

67. cDescribe t e supply c ain management wit it issues opportunities and


68. cExplain about ERP solutions wit opportunities and c anne l wit examples of
any process unit?

69. cExplain distribution budgeting and its controlling system in detail wit

70. cMention all type of cost of distribution upon inventory, ware ousing, material
andling, order processing, packing and transportation?

71. cExplain Govt. rules and regulations for distribution?


73. c½ALMART

74. cTata nano

75. cP & G

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