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Parsons 1

Julia Parsons

Lynn Raymond

UWRIT 1105

12 November 2018

Annotated Bibliography

Bosari, Jessica. “The Cost of Addiction on Families.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 12 Aug. 2012,
The purpose of this source is to tell about families, and about how their family members

addictions can take a toll on them. It tells a lot about families with an addictive member, and how

what they are doing can affect the family not only physically, but emotionally as well. I will use

this source during my presentation to further my topic more. One weakness of the source could

be that it doesn’t have enough personal interviews, or people’s personal opinion of the topic. The

strength of the source would be that it gives a good inside look on what it is like to live with

someone who is dependent on some sort of drug or kind of alcohol.

The author of this article is a good author because they have written other articles of this kind

and are talked of very highly.

Robinson, Terry E., and Kent C. Berridge. “Incentive‐Sensitization and Addiction.” The

Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Wiley-Blackwell, 3 May 2002,


The purpose of this source is to get into the mind of a person with an addiction. This source told

about the parts of the brain that cause addiction, and even talks about how people with addictions

can first start. This source will be super useful for me so that I am able to further my topic with

the research of Terry Robinson. One weakness of the source is how it shows addictions, and

addictions come across in the journal. There are many strengths of this journal, just a few being
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things like it talks about the mind, inside the mind of someone with addiction and even talks

about ways to trick the mind out of an addiction. There are many good topics in this journal that

make me want to further my research on the topic of addiction.

“Is Marijuana Addictive?” American Addiction Centers, 2018,


This source’s main purpose is to talk about marijuana, and marijuana addictions. This source

talks a lot about the addictiveness of marijuana, and it also states that although some people

believe marijuana isn’t addictive, it in fact, is. This source brings up very many serious topics

that have to do with marijuana usage such as; medicinal marijuana and the difference between

being physically dependent and psychologically addicted. There are many strengths of this

source- the source is not at all bias because it simply just tells you the pros and cons of marijuana

usage. It also gives good facts about marijuana addiction, and even gives some of the signs of

abuse and addiction. This source also had some weaknesses, it only talks about marijuana

addiction, not any other drugs so this source doesn’t fully capture the topic of my short inquiry

project. I will use this source in my project when talking about marijuana addictions, because the

article goes very in depth, and gives good “fast facts” about marijuana and its how it actually is

an addictive drug.

Smith, M.D, Melinda. “Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse.” Healthy Eating Tips to Prevent,

Control, and Reverse Diabetes, 2018,


The main purpose of this source is to inform the reader about the signs of alcoholism, and the

signs that you or someone you know may have a drinking problem. This source talks a lot about

the signs of alcoholism, and ways you can prevent, and even treat an alcohol problem before it
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becomes alcoholism. The source also gives good insight on the risk factors for a person to

develop a drinking problem. The main strength of this source is that it goes so in depth about

alcoholism and the ways it can affect your health. Another great thing about this source is that it

gives step by step instructions on how to get help and also how to help a loved one who is

addicted to alcohol. This source covered all bases of alcoholism, and the effects it can have on

your life very well, therefore, I do not think it has a weakness. I will use this source in my project

when my group talks about how addictions can affect family members. This article shows very

clearly the signs and symptoms, and how to treat an addiction before it fully starts.

Jabr, Ferris. “How the Brain Gets Addicted to Gambling.” Scientific American,


In this article, Ferris talks about the brain, and how it gets addicted to gambling. Because my

group is doing addictions in general, and not just one specific type, I thought it would be

beneficial to look into gambling addictions. The author of the article, Ferris, talks about

gambling addiction, and even gives someone’s personal testimony about having a gambling

addiction. Personal testimonies are very beneficial to my research because my group will be able

to make a personal connection with the audience by using the testimonies in our presentation.

This source does not talk about what happens after you get addicted to gambling, it only talks

about the early stages of gambling, and what happens when you realize you have an addiction

too late. Another weakness of the source would be that it doesn’t talk about treatments for

gambling addiction, which would be very beneficial to the reader if they thought they were

addicted to gambling. This source will definitely be used in my project because it will help the

audience get more information on a type of addiction many people are not familiar with. Many
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people know about the basic addictions such as drugs and alcohol, but most people are very ill

informed about gambling addictions, and how they affect people worldwide.

“Addiction.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,


This source gives the most basic definition of addiction. It talks about the different types of

addictions a person can have, and it also talks about how scientific evidence has proven that

addictive substances and behaviors share a neurobiological feature in which they intensely

activate brain pathways of reward and reinforcement. The biggest strength of this source is that

the author talks so much about how substance abuse disorders are often times accompanied by

mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. This source also gives the symptoms of

addictions, which my group will include on our presentation. This sources weakness is that

because it is so basic, it doesn’t go very in depth to addictions other than just talking about the

signs and symptoms of addictions. Although this was a good source to get more information on

addiction, I will not use it in my project, just because it gives a lot of basic information that most

people already know about addiction.

“Learn How Addiction Affects Everyone.” A Forever Recovery, A Forever Recovery, 2018,


This source is one of the most interesting to me because it talks about the way addictions can

affect the family as whole and that is what my group’s topic is for the short inquiry project. I

found this source very interesting because it talks about how addiction can not only affect

yourself, but it can also harm the people around you. The author says that it is very important for

people to be supportive of recovering addicts, so they do not have a relapse and have to start all

over with their healing process. The one weakness of this source is its length. The article is not
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very long, so I feel like the information was all crammed into one tiny article. If the article was

more spread out, I feel like it would be able to cover more information about families and how

they are affected by addiction.

Mager, Dan. “Addiction as a Family Affliction.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 2 May

2016, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/some-assembly-required/201605/addiction-


This source is also very important to my groups topic of how addictions affect the family

dynamic. This source talks about families and how they are affected by certain types of

addictions and goes very in depth when describing the “why” of why families are affected by

addictions. The article mentions that families are a system, and when one person in the system

gets out of line, it sets the rest of the family up to potentially get out of line as well, just because

it messes with the organization of a family. This article gives good insight on why families are

affected, and even talks about ways that families can help a recovering addict. Because this

article is so big, I would consider the length to be a weakness. If the article had the same amount

of information, but wasn’t so drug out, I think it would make the article flow better. My group

will be using this source in our project to help classmates better understand the family dynamic,

and how addictions can affect it.

Treatment, Center for Substance Abuse. “Chapter 2 Impact of Substance Abuse on

Families.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of

Medicine, 1 Jan. 1970, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64258/.

This source is an excerpt from a book, and although it is small, I think it has the perfect amount

of information to where you won’t just feel like you are reading from a textbook. This source

talks about the effects of substance abuse, and how the effects of substance abuse often times
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extend past the nuclear family. Extended family members may also feel the effects of a person’s

substance abuse, which can sometimes cause issues between the nuclear family members and the

extended family members, just for the fact that extended family does not want to get involved

with the substance abuser. The greatest strength of this source would be the great amount of

detail it goes into. This source goes so in depth with substance abusers, and the effects they can

have on their family members. This source also in my opinion does not have any weaknesses

because I feel that it covers all bases, very concisely and clearly.

Johnson, Jeannette L., and Michelle Leff. “Children of Substance Abusers: Overview of

Research Findings.” Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1 May 1999,


In my opinion, this source is the best I found, because it talks about how children are affected by

substance abusers. This source says that children of substance abusers are at a much higher risk

of also developing substance abuse because they are vulnerable and because of the risk factors

present in their lives. This source has many strengths, it goes very in depth to why children of

substance abusers are higher risk, it also presents scientific research that goes along well with the

point the article is making. I also thought it was very interesting how the article goes into great

depth about the studies of twins, and alcoholism. The article shows that although there was

research done, it was found that there is no significant difference in the alcoholism rate between

identical and fraternal twins- which I thought would be a cool point to add in my groups

presentation. Although this is a great source, with plenty of information, I found that the

weakness would be how the article is put together. The article features many words that I did not

understand and had to look up on my own. I think if the article was more reader friendly it would

make the information easier to take in. This source will be very useful in my project, because I
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can use many of the findings in the research to further my topic more and make it easier for my

classmates to understand. Jeanette Johnson, the author of this article is a very reliable source

because of her other research she has done about the topic. Johnson is a seasoned researcher,

with many other articles posted about the topic as well.

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