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‘STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, ea x45 SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COUNTY OF WAKE : I8CVS 3348 ROY A. COOPER, Il in his official capacity 8s GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PHILIP E. BERGER, in his offical capacity ‘ORDER as PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SENATE; TIMOTHY K. MOORE, in his official capacity as SPEAKER OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES; and THE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Defendants THIS MATTER appears before the undersigned duly-appointed three-judge Cour, sur sponte, to determine if this Court's October 22, 2018 Order to Stay should be extended (On October 22, 2018, this Court issued an Onder staying the effectiveness ofits October 16,2018 Order and injunetion in its entirety through December 3, 2018, To ensure thatthe Sate Board and county boards of election can remain focused on the November 2018 election and ‘results, this Court extends its October 22, 2018 stay until 12:00 pm. on December 12, 2018. This stay shall be lifted in its entirety at 12:01 pin. on Wednesday, December 12,2018, unless extended by a futher order ofthis Court or an appellate cout SO ORDERED, this the 3 day of December, 20 Q vd 80 ORDERED, this the 3 day of December, 2018 “meee oer —

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