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Dear Sir/Madam,

You are kindly requested to answer all questions in this research study
questionnaire. The information that you will provide shall be treated with a high level
of confidentiality and strictly used for the purpose of this research study. This study
aims at finding the effect of Credit Management on the Growth Strategies adopted by
Retail Small and Medium Enterprises in Davao City. Kindly do not write your name
anywhere on this questionnaire.

Instruction: Kindly put a tick mark (/) on the statement using the following scale: (1-
strongly disagree, 2- disagree, 3- neutral, 4- agree, 5- strongly agree)

Growth Strategies 1 2 3 4 5
Product Development Strategy
1. We have achieved high growth by identifying new
markets for our new but related products.
2. We have evolved from our main core activity into more
complex businesses since we embarked on product
development strategy
3. Our Product development strategy targets a specific
group of people.
Market Penetration Strategy
1.Our firm has penetrated deeper into the markets to
capture a larger share of the market.
2. We have increased the firm‟s existing share of
products and markets as a way of Market penetration
3. We have expanded our products and services to
various market segments.
Market Development Strategy
1.We have increased sales by selling present products in
the new markets.
2. Through market development we remain competitive
and grow in the market.
3. We have improved our products by branding, labelling
and packaging so as to attract more customers and
increase our sales.
Marketing Strategy
1. Marketing is as important as production, financing,
distribution and other profit determining factors in small
and medium enterprises.
2. We aspires to engage customers, prospects and the
competition in the market place for success.
3. We consider some general marketing principles and
develop a marketing strategy.
Credit Management
Credit Risk Control
1.Imposing loan size limits is a viable strategy in credit
2. The use of credit checks on regular basis enhances
credit management
3. Flexible repayment periods improve loan repayment.
4. The use of customer credit application forms improves
monitoring and credit management as well Credit
committees involvement in making decisions regarding
loans are essential in reducing default/credit risk.
5. Penalty for late payment enhances customers
commitment to loan repayment.
Collection Policy
1.Available collection policies have assisted towards
effective credit management.
2. Formulation of collection policies have been a
challenge in credit management.
3. Enforcement of guarantee policies provides chances
for loan recovery in case of loan defaults.


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