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ESWA 8848 No.

of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

Expert Systems with Applications xxx (2013) xxx–xxx


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Expert Systems with Applications

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3 Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid

4 of K-means and support vector machine algorithms
7 Q1 Bichen Zheng, Sang Won Yoon ⇑, Sarah S. Lam
8 Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
2 2
14 Keywords: With the development of clinical technologies, different tumor features have been collected for breast 21
15 Data mining cancer diagnosis. Filtering all the pertinent feature information to support the clinical disease diagnosis 22
16 K-means is a challenging and time consuming task. The objective of this research is to diagnose breast cancer based 23
17 Support vector machine on the extracted tumor features. Feature extraction and selection are critical to the quality of classifiers 24
18 Cancer diagnosis
19 founded through data mining methods. To extract useful information and diagnose the tumor, a hybrid of 25
K-means and support vector machine (K-SVM) algorithms is developed. The K-means algorithm is uti- 26
lized to recognize the hidden patterns of the benign and malignant tumors separately. The membership 27
of each tumor to these patterns is calculated and treated as a new feature in the training model. Then, a 28
support vector machine (SVM) is used to obtain the new classifier to differentiate the incoming tumors. 29
Based on 10-fold cross validation, the proposed methodology improves the accuracy to 97.38%, when 30
tested on the Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) data set from the University of California – 31
Irvine machine learning repository. Six abstract tumor features are extracted from the 32 original 32
features for the training phase. The results not only illustrate the capability of the proposed approach 33
on breast cancer diagnosis, but also shows time savings during the training phase. Physicians can also 34
benefit from the mined abstract tumor features by better understanding the properties of different types 35
of tumors. 36
Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 37

40 1. Introduction a low accuracy of prediction. From their study, 90% of radiologists 59
recognized fewer than 3% of cancers. Today, more and more tech- 60
41 Cancer is a major health problem in the United States. While nologies are utilized for collecting and analyzing the data. It is 61
42 conclusive data is not yet available, it was estimated that the difficult for physicians to learn every detailed cancer feature from 62
43 number of new cancer cases in 2012 would approach 1,639,910 the large volume of cancer cases. Therefore, data analysis method- 63
44 while the number of cancer deaths would reach at 577,190 (Siegel, ologies have become useful assistants for physicians when making 64
45 Naishadham, & Jemal, 2012). Among the estimated new cancer cancer diagnosis decisions. 65
46 cases in 2012, breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed To increase the accuracy and handle the dramatically increasing 66
47 cancer among women, accounting for 29% of estimated new female tumor feature data and information, a number of researchers have 67
48 cancer cases (790,740 cases) (Siegel et al., 2012). Diagnosing the turned to data mining technologies and machine learning 68
49 tumors has become one of the trending issues in the medical field. approaches for predicting breast cancer. Data mining is a broad 69
50 With the development of information technology, new software combination tool for discovering knowledge behind large scale 70
51 and hardware provide us ever growing ways to obtain mass data, and it has been shown to be highly applicable in the real 71
52 descriptive tumor feature data and information on cancer research. world. In 1995, data mining and machine learning approaches 72
53 Traditionally, breast cancer was predicted based on the mammog- were embedded into a computer-aided system for diagnosing 73
54 raphy by radiologists and physicians. In 1994, ten radiologists were breast cancer (Wolberg, Street, & Mangasarian, 1995); and a fuz- 74
55 asked to analyze and interpret 150 mammograms to predict the zy-genetic approach to breast cancer diagnosis was proposed by 75
56 tumor types in the breasts (Elmore, Wells, Lee, Howard, & Pena-Reyes and Sipper (1999). The results of their research showed 76
57 Feinstein, 1994). Although the value of using mammograms was that data mining technologies were successfully implemented in 77
58 proven, the variability of the radiologists’ interpretations caused cancer prediction, and the traditional breast cancer diagnosis was 78
transferred into a classification problem in the data mining 79
domain. The existing tumor feature data sets were classified into 80
Q2 ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 607 777 5935; fax: +1 607 777 4094. malignant and benign sets separately. By figuring out a classifier 81
E-mail address: yoons@binghamton.edu (S.W. Yoon). to separate the two types of tumors, a new incoming tumor could 82

0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044
ESWA 8848 No. of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

Q1 2 B. Zheng et al. / Expert Systems with Applications xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

83 be predicted, based on the historical tumor data, by evaluating the The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 138
84 classifier. 2, the SVM and feature selection and extraction methods are 139
85 In the literature, data mining techniques were applied for reviewed. K-means algorithm are brought to discuss for pattern 140
86 diagnosing cancer based on tumor feature data. As the number of recognition. The new approach based on feature extraction is pro- 141
87 descriptive tumor features increases, the computational time posed in Section 3. The experimental results are summarized in 142
88 increases rapidly as well. In this research, to deal with the large Section 4. In Section 5, the conclusion of this research is presented. 143
89 number of tumor features, methodologies for recognizing tumor
90 patterns and extracting the necessary information for breast cancer 2. Literature review 144
91 diagnosis are studied. The objective of this paper is to find an effi-
92 cient and accurate methodology to diagnose the incoming tumor Data mining (DM) is one of the steps of knowledge discovery for 145
93 type using data mining techniques. As the tumor features can be extracting implicit patterns from vast, incomplete and noisy data 146
94 described as much detail as possible, the redundant information (Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro, & Smyth, 1996); it is a field with the 147
95 leads to a larger computation time for tedious calculation but with- confluences of various disciplines that has brought statistical anal- 148
96 out significant contribution to the final classifier. In this case, the ysis, machine learning (ML) techniques, artificial intelligence (AI) 149
97 basic requirement of cancer diagnosis is not only the accuracy and database management systems (DBMS) together to address is- 150
98 but also the time complexity. With consideration of time sues (Venkatadri & Lokanatha, 2011). Fig. 1 shows the importance 151
99 efficiency, how to mine and extract the necessary information from of data mining in the knowledge discovery framework and how 152
100 the tremendous data sets, filter the features and predict the classi- data is transferred into knowledge as the discovery process contin- 153
101 fication of the new tumor cases with high accuracy has become a ues. Classification and clustering problems have been two main is- 154
102 new issue. Previously, Nezafat, Tabesh, Akhavan, Lucas, and Zia sues in the data mining tasks. Classification is the task of finding 155
103 (1998) proposed sequential forward search and sequential back- the common properties among a set of objects in a database and 156
104 ward search to select the most effective combination of features classifying them into different classes (Chen, Han, & Yu, 1996). 157
105 for obtaining a multilayer perceptron neural network to classify tu- Classification problems are closely related to clustering problems, 158
106 mors. F-score (Chen & Lin, 2006) for determining the DNA virus since both put similar objects into the same category. In classifica- 159
107 discrimination was introduced for selecting the optimal subset of tion problems, the label of each class is a discrete and known 160
108 DNA viruses for breast cancer diagnosis using support vector ma- category, while the label is an unknown category in clustering 161
109 chines (SVM) (Huang, Liao, & Chen, 2008). Akay (2009) proposed problems (Xu & Wunsch, 2005). Clustering problems were thought 162
110 a SVM-based method combined with feature selection for breast of as unsupervised classification problems (Jain, Murty, & Flynn, 163
111 cancer diagnosis. By using F-score (Chen & Lin, 2006) for measuring 1999). Since there are no existing class labels, the clustering pro- 164
112 the feature discrimination, a time consuming grid search for the cess summarizes data patterns from the data set. Usually breast 165
113 best parameter setting combination on diagnosis accuracy was cancer has been treated as a classification problem, which is to 166
114 conducted to select the optimal subset of the original tumor fea- search for a optimal classifier to classify benign and malignant 167
115 tures for training by SVM (Akay, 2009). Prasad et al. (2010) tried tumors. 168
116 different combinations of heuristics and SVM to figure out the best In the previous research, SVM was one of the most popular and 169
117 feature subset for SVM training instead of the exhaustive search. widely implemented data mining algorithm in the domain of can- 170
118 Their results not only showed an improvement on cancer diagnosis cer diagnosis. The first part of the literature review introduces the 171
119 accuracy, but reduced the computation time for the training signif- basic concept and some implementations in the related areas of 172
120 icantly because of the deduction on feature space dimension. A de- cancer diagnosis and predicting cancer survivability. Next, two 173
121 fect was noted that those methods used the training accuracy as a main data pre-processing steps of data mining (feature extraction 174
122 criterion to evaluate different feature combinations. In other and selection) are reviewed to eliminate the redundant features 175
123 words, exhaustive training on different feature subsets was used and provide an efficient feature pattern for the classification 176
124 to obtain the optimal subset with the best diagnosis accuracy, model. Last but not the least important, the implementation of 177
125 which was not time efficient. Thus, K-means algorithm as an unsu- canonical K-means algorithm in this domain is summarized. 178
126 pervised learning algorithm is proposed to extract tumor features
127 in this paper to avoid the iterative training on different subsets. 2.1. Support vector machine 179
128 Since K-means algorithm clusters the original feature space by
129 unsupervised learning, all of the individual feature information Support vector machine is a class of machine learning algo- 180
130 can be preserved in a more compact way for the following one- rithms that can perform pattern recognition and regression based 181
131 time training instead of multiple training pilots on different feature on the theory of statistical learning and the principle of structural 182
132 subsets. A membership function is developed to get the compact risk minimization (Idicula-Thomas, Kulkarni, Kulkarni, Jayaraman, 183
133 result of K-means algorithm ready for training by support vector & Balaji, 2006). Vladimir Vapnik invented SVM for searching a 184
134 machine (SVM), which was shown the high accuracy on breast can- hyperplane that separates a set of positive examples from a set 185
135 cer diagnosis (Bennett & Blue, 1998). Therefore, K-means algorithm of negative examples with maximum margin (Cortes & Vapnik, 186
136 and SVM are proposed to be hybrid for breast cancer diagnosis in 1995). The margin was defined by the distance of the hyperplane 187
137 this research. to the nearest of the positive and negative examples (Platt, 188

Fig. 1. An overview of knowledge, discovery, and data mining process (Fayyad et al., 1996).

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044
ESWA 8848 No. of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

Q1 B. Zheng et al. / Expert Systems with Applications xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

189 1998). SVM has been widely used in the diagnosis of diseases be- The value of feature selection was illustrated by Jain and Zong- 253
190 cause of the high accuracy of prediction. SVM generated a more ker (1997). According to their research, feature selection played an 254
191 accurate result (97.2%) than decision tree based on the Breast Can- important role in large scale data with high dimensional feature 255
192 cer Wisconsin (Original) Dataset (Bennett & Blue, 1998). In the re- space, while it also had some potential pitfalls for small scale 256
193 search for diagnosing breast cancer developed by Akay (2009), and sparse data in a high dimensional space. With high dimen- 257
194 SVM provided 98.53%, 99.02%, and 99.51% for 50–50% of training- sional input, feature selection could be used for eliminating unnec- 258
195 test partition, 70–30% of training-test partition, and 80–20% of essary information for training to reduce the overall training time 259
196 training-test partition respectively based on the same previous while maintaining the original accuracy. Feature selection is 260
197 data set which contained five features after feature selection by a mainly based on the performance of different feature combinations 261
198 genetic algorithm. In this research, the features were selected which means that to obtain the best combination, each possible 262
199 based on the rank of feature discrimination and the testing accu- combination of features would need to be evaluated. Among the 263
200 racy on different combinations of feature subsets using grid search different approaches for feature selection, genetic algorithm (GA) 264
201 and SVM, which requires high computational time and resources. is one of the most popular. With the high dimension of feature 265
202 In other words, to get the optimal parameter settings and feature space, GA provides a relatively good methodology of selecting 266
203 subsets, the SVM trained the input iteratively until the optimal features in a short time compared with other algorithms. It may 267
204 accuracy was obtained. The feature selection algorithm not only not guarantee the optimal like the branch and bound method, 268
205 reduced the dimension of features but also eliminated the noisy but it performs well from the results and the time consumption 269
206 information for prediction. Polat and Günesß (Polat & Günesß, perspective. GA was introduced into the feature selection domain 270
207 2007) proposed least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) by Siedlecki and Sklansky (1989). In the GA approach, a given fea- 271
208 for breast cancer diagnosis based on the same data set with accu- ture subset is represented as a binary string (‘‘chromosome’’) of 272
209 racy of 98.53%. The main difference between LS-SVM and SVM was length n, with a zero or one in position i denoting the absence or 273
210 that LS-SVM used a set of linear equations for training instead of presence of feature i in the set. Note that n is the total number of 274
211 solving the quadratic optimization problem. By improving the available features. A population of chromosomes is maintained. 275
212 training process, the calculation became simpler; however, feature Each chromosome is evaluated to determine its ‘‘fitness,’’ which 276
213 selection was not combined in this research. Another SVM with a determines how likely the chromosome is to survive and breed 277
214 linear kernel was applied for the classification of cancer tissue into the next generation. New chromosomes are created from old 278
215 (Furey et al., 2000), based on different data sets with more than chromosomes by the processes of (1) crossover where parts of 279
216 2,000 types of features. two different parent chromosomes are mixed to create offspring, 280
and (2) mutation where the bits of a single parent are randomly 281
perturbed to create a child (Prasad et al., 2010). 282
217 2.2. Feature extraction and selection Based on SVM classifier, three approaches, including GA, ant 283
colony optimization (ACO) and particle swarm optimization 284
218 Even when the same data mining approach is applied to the (PSO), were utilized for selecting the most important features in 285
219 same data set, the results may be different since different research- the data set to be trained by the classification model (Prasad 286
220 ers use different feature extraction and selection methods. It is et al., 2010). The PSO-SVM showed the best results with 100% 287
221 important that the data is pre-processed before data mining is accuracy while GA-SVM provided 98.95% accuracy based on the 288
222 applied so that redundant information can be eliminated or the Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) data set. In their 289
223 unstructured data can be quantified by data transformation. Theo- research, the evaluation function of the optimization heuristic con- 290
224 retical guidelines for choosing appropriate patterns and features tained the training and validation accuracy, which means the 291
225 vary for different problems and different methodologies. Indeed, whole data set had to be trained and validated to obtain the accu- 292
226 the data collection and pattern generation processes are often racy to evolve the algorithm to the next generation. The time it 293
227 not directly controllable. Therefore, utilizing feature extraction took to complete this part was not recorded by the researchers. 294
228 and selection is the key to simplifying the training part of the data Mu and Nandi developed a new SCH-based classifier for detecting 295
229 mining process and improving the performance without changing the tumors and a hybridized genetic algorithm to search for the 296
230 the main body of data mining algorithms (Platt, 1998). best feature combination to get a better result (Mu & Nandi, 297
231 Feature extraction, also called data transformation, is the 2008). Feature selection has become another issue which cannot 298
232 process of transforming the feature data into a quantitative data be ignored to get a more accurate result. Either getting rid of 299
233 structure for training convenience. The common features can be redundant information or reconstructing new patterns to repre- 300
234 subdivided into the following types (Chidananda Gowda & Diday, sent the data is the objective of feature extraction and selection. 301
235 1991): This issue will also be solved by the proposed methodology in this 302
paper. 303
236 (1) Quantitative features:
237 (a) continuous values (e.g., weight); 2.3. K-means algorithm 304
238 (b) discrete values (e.g., the number of features);
240 (c) interval values (e.g., the duration of an activity). Traditionally, K-means algorithm was for unsupervised learning 305
241 (2) Qualitative features: clustering problems. It was not often utilized for predicting and 306
242 (a) nominal (e.g., color); classification problems but it was a good method for recognizing 307
244 (b) ordinal. a hidden pattern from the data set (Jain et al., 1999). In the existing 308
245 literature, the K-means algorithm is seldom used for diagnosing 309
246 A generalized representation of patterns, called symbolic diseases directly which have been treated as a classification prob- 310
247 objects, was defined by a logical conjunction of events (Chidananda lem, but is implemented for exploring hidden patterns in the data. 311
248 Gowda & Diday, 1991; Jain et al., 1999). These events link values Constrained K-means algorithms were utilized for pattern recogni- 312
249 and features to represent the abstract pattern of the data. Based tion by Bradley, Bennett, and Demiriz (2000). The algorithm added 313
250 on current research, feature extraction still focuses on transferring K constraints in order to avoid empty clusters or a cluster with very 314
251 the data into a quantified data type instead of recognizing new few members to reduce the number of clusters. The algorithm was 315
252 patterns to represent the data. tested with the breast cancer diagnosis data set for clustering the 316

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044
ESWA 8848 No. of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

Q1 4 B. Zheng et al. / Expert Systems with Applications xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

317 benign and malignant tumors, which proposed another way of Table 1
318 thinking about using clustering algorithms for recognizing patterns Summary of data attributes.

319 of data. Since their research was not focused on how to figure out a Attributes Measurement (Range)
320 practical approach for determining the number of clusters on the Mean Standard error Maximum
321 data set, the number of clusters for the test on the breast cancer
Radius 6.98–28.11 0.112–2.873 7.93–36.04
322 diagnosis data set was set to two arbitrarily for malignant and Texture 9.71–39.28 0.36–4.89 12.02–49.54
323 benign tumors. To discover the hidden patterns of breast cancer, Perimeter 43.79–188.50 0.76–21.98 50.41–251.20
324 determining the number of patterns should not be ignored. Also, Area 143.50–2501.00 6.80–542.20 185.20–4254.00
325 the bridge between supervised and unsupervised learning for Smoothness 0.053–0.163 0.002–0.031 0.071–0.223
Compactness 0.019–0.345 0.002–0.135 0.027–1.058
326 improving breast cancer diagnosis needs to be explored more.
Concavity 0.000–0.427 0.000–0.396 0.000–1.252
327 To reduce the training set dimension, some researchers have Concave points 0.000–0.201 0.000–0.053 0.000–0.291
328 started to combine clustering algorithms and classifier models in Symmetry 0.106–0.304 0.008–0.079 0.157–0.664
329 machine learning areas. Dhillon, Mallela, and Kumar (2003) used Fractal dimension 0.050–0.097 0.001–0.030 0.055–0.208
330 a hybrid clustering algorithm to group similar text words for
331 achieving faster and more accurate training on the task of text clas-
332 sification. A variant of K-means algorithm, Fuzzy C-Means cluster-
333 ing algorithm was introduced to select training samples for SVM
334 classifier training (Wang, Zhang, Yang, & Bu, 2012). Through the
335 Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm, similar training samples were
336 clustered and a subset of the training samples in the same cluster
337 was selected for SVM classifier training.
338 From the previous discussion, several approaches have been
339 utilized for breast cancer diagnosis based on classification and
340 clustering. Yet in recent years, the amount of available data (both
341 features and records) has increased dramatically. Traditional
342 methodologies show their disadvantages on large scale data set.
343 Although using meta-heuristics for feature selection reduces the
344 number of features, the exhaustive enumeration on different
345 feature subsets costs high computation time for different pilot
346 training. The clustering algorithm, especially K-means algorithm,
347 does not require a exhaustive search on feature selection, instead,
348 it provides a good deduction on number of training samples with-
349 out any contribution for feature selection and extraction. In this
350 study, a hybrid of K-means algorithm and SVM is to condense
351 the existing feature space to reduce the computational cost for
352 SVM training and maintain a similar diagnosis accuracy.

Fig. 2. General data mining framework.

353 3. Methodology

354 3.1. Data description property of a new tumor (malignant or benign). The proposed 377
method hybridizes K-means algorithm and SVM (K-SVM) for 378
355 To implement the method for this research, a data set of Wis- breast cancer diagnosis. To reduce the high dimensionality of 379
356 consin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) from the University of feature space, it extracts abstract malignant and benign tumor 380
357 California – Irvine repository has been used. The WDBC data set patterns separately before the original data is trained to obtain 381
358 was donated by Wolberg, in 1995. The data set contains 32 features the classifier. 382
359 in 10 categories for each cell nucleus, which are radius (mean of To recognize the patterns, feature extraction is employed. 383
360 distances from center to points on the perimeter), texture (stan- Inheriting the idea of symbolic objects, the K-means algorithm is 384
361 dard deviation of gray-scale values), perimeter, area, smoothness used for clustering tumors based on similar malignant and benign 385
362 (local variation in radius lengths), compactness (perimeter2/ tumor features respectively. A K-means problem can be formulated 386
363 area  1.0), concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour), by using an optimization problem to minimize the overall distance 387
364 concave points (number of concave portions of the contour), between cluster centroids and cluster members as follows (Jain, 388
365 symmetry, and fractal dimension (‘‘coastline approximation’’  1). 2010): 389
366 For each category, three indicators are measured: mean value, 390
367 standard error, and maximum value as shown in Table 1. Those X
min kX i  lk k2 ð1Þ
368 different measurements are treated as different features in the data l1 ;l2 ;...;lK
k¼1 i2Sk
369 set. Since different features are measured in different scales, the er-
370 ror function will be dominated by the variables in large scale. Thus,
where k denotes the cluster index, Sk denotes the kth cluster set, lk 393
371 to remove the effect of different scales, normalization is required
is the centroid point in cluster Sk, which is also treated as the sym- 394
372 before training. Totally, 569 instances have been collected with
bolic tumor of the cluster, and K is the total number of the clusters. 395
373 the diagnosed cancer results.
It is important to normalize the data point for eliminating the effect 396
of the different feature scales. To train the centroids used to 397
374 3.2. Feature extraction and selection construct the cluster, the K-means algorithm repeatedly adapts 398
the centroid location for reducing the euclidean distance. There 399
375 Fig. 2 shows the general steps of the proposed methodology. are two approaches for determining the number of clusters: (1) 400
376 The objective of the breast cancer problem is to predict the the physicians’ experience and (2) a similarity measurement. The 401

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044
ESWA 8848 No. of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

Q1 B. Zheng et al. / Expert Systems with Applications xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 3. Determine K for tumors.

402 second approach is applied to cluster similar tumor patterns. The Each cluster represents a specific tumor pattern. Each cluster 441
403 similarity metrics to evaluate the in Eqs. (2) and (3) as follows: centroid symbolizes the symbolic tumor of that cluster. To show 442
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the patterns clearly, the patterns for benign and malignant tumors 443
PK P PF  i lk 2

are projected on three dimensions, which are shown in Fig. 4. The 444
k¼1 i2Sk j¼1 X j  X j
dav g ¼ ð2Þ different color codes index different clusters, and the purple rectan- 445
406 N gle is the symbolic tumor of the cluster. 446
407 After recognizing the malignant and benign tumor patterns,
2vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi3 447
u F 
uX lk lk 2 several symbolic tumors have been formed in both the malignant 448
dmin ¼ min 4t X j 1  X j 2 5; 8k1 – k2 ð3Þ and benign data sets. The similarity between the untested tumor 449
409 j¼1
and the symbolic tumors plays an important role for diagnoses. 450

410 where davg is the average distance of each member i to the centroid Therefore, a membership function is developed for measuring the 451

411 lk in same cluster Sk, dmin represents the minimum distance be- similarity of the original data point and the symbolic tumors to 452

412 tween any two centroids, X ij denotes the jth input element of mem- show the fuzzy membership of the point to the identified patterns. 453

ber i; X j k denotes the jth input element of centroid lk, N is the total The membership function is as follows: 454
414 number of data points, and F is the dimension of an input vector. 8 lc    
jX j X ij j
<1    n i n
415 The optimal number of clusters (K⁄) is obtained by getting the min-  lc n  if ðmin X j 6 X j 6 max X j ; 8n 2 Sc
fc X ij ¼ maxX j X j 
416 imum validity ratio (h) using Eq. (4) as follows: >
417 0; otherwise;
dav g
K  ¼ arg minh ¼ arg min ð4Þ ð5Þ 457
419 K K dmin
420 where h is the validity ratio for evaluating different numbers of 1X F  
pc ¼ fc X ij ; 1 6 c 6 K m þ K b ð6Þ
421 clusters. This function is used to find an acceptable number of clus- F j¼1 460
422 ters to recognize the potential hidden patterns of benign and malig-
423 nant tumors respectively. By searching for the minimum validity where c denotes the index of new pattern, X ij denotes the jth feature 461
424 ratio, the average distance of each member to its cluster centroid of the original input i; X j c denotes the jth feature of centroid lc for 462
425 (davg) is decreased, while the minimum distance between any two cluster Sc obtained by previous K-means algorithm, and Km and Kb 463
426 cluster centroids (dmin) is increased. In other words, the identified are the numbers of malignant and benign patterns found by K- 464
427 cluster is pushed itself to be compact and forced to be isolated from means algorithm respectively. With this membership function, the 465
428 others. When K is close to the number of data points, it does not similarity between a tumor and the detected patterns is measured 466
429 show several patterns with a large number of members, in other to show how well the tumor is fitted for the detected patterns. 467
430 words, the density of clusters obtained by K-means algorithm is Therefore, in this approach the new pattern obtained by K-means 468
431 low, which is more similar to the original data. Thus, the smaller is treated as the new abstract features of tumors. The new feature 469
432 range of K(2 6 K 6 30) is tried to find the local minimum number is different from the previous one that contains only one feature; 470
433 of clusters to represent the compact patterns of both types of it is a profile tumor pattern, which is condensed information 471
434 tumors. The cluster center is considered as a new symbolic tumor combining different previous features. Thus, the feature space 472
435 of that cluster. In this case, the scale of the original data set has been dimension is reduced. The value of the new feature represents the 473
436 reduced by the symbolic objects labeled by malignant and benign. similarity between the tumor and the pattern. The boundary 474
437 The different trials for benign and malignant tumors are shown in between benign and malignant tumors is determined by training 475
438 Fig. 3. From the curve, three is chosen for the number of clusters the SVM based on these new features. 476
439 for benign and malignant tumor sets separately since it is the local
440 minimum (red point in the figure)1 in the range of K from two to 30. 3.3. Data mining for classifier 477

For interpretation of color in Fig. 3, the reader is referred to the web version of Since the dimension of the feature space has been reduced, and 478
this article. the data set with new features has been rebuilt, traditional 479

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044
ESWA 8848 No. of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

Q1 6 B. Zheng et al. / Expert Systems with Applications xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Tumor clusters.

480 machine learning algorithms can be applied here. SVM is used for 0.9995
481 obtaining precise classification because of its advantage of accu-
482 racy. The generalized SVM model is revised for this problem to 0.999
483 search the classifier as follows (Cortes & Vapnik, 1995; Akay,
484 2009): 0.9985
485 " #
1X n
maximizea ai  ai aj yi yj Kðxi ; xj Þ ð7Þ 0.998

487 i¼1
2 i;j¼1
subject to ai yj ¼ 0; 0 6 8ai 6 L: ð8Þ 0.997
490 i¼1

491 where x is the training vector, y is the label associated with the
492 training vectors, a is the parameters vector of classifier hyperplane,
493 K is a kernel function for measuring the distance between the train-
494 ing vector xi and xj, and L is a penalty parameter to control the Fig. 5. AUC comparison.
495 number of misclassification. For example, if L is infinity, the
496 classifier gives an infinite penalty on misclassification to forbid mis-
497 classification from happening. A higher L gives a higher accuracy on In terms of accuracy, the proposed method provides stable and 519
498 training data; at the same time it consumes more time to obtain the high prediction quality. Compared to the previous experimental re- 520
499 classifier. A lower L provides more flexibility on the classifier on the sults by Prasad et al. (2010), the K-SVM not only maintains similar 521
500 tolerance of error. In this case, since the dimension of new features accuracy but also refines and reduces the number of features as 522
501 has been reduced to six, the different kernel function does not shown in Table 2 based on the 10-fold cross validation method 523
502 significantly affect the results. In this case, sigmoid kernel function and WDBC data set for the convenience of comparison with result 524
503 has been applied in the SVM algorithm. from Prasad et al. (2010). The computational time for feature selec- 525
tion was not mentioned by Prasad et al. (2010). However, since 526
Prasad’s proposed method needs to calculate accuracy during 527
504 4. Experimental results
training and validation to evaluate different possible feature com- 528
binations, it should consume more time. The advantage of the K- 529
505 As stated in the previous discussion, the K-SVM is tested on the
SVM is that it does not require feature selection during the training 530
506 WDBC data set using 10-fold cross validation. The diagnosis accu-
and validation phases, but, rather, the K-SVM reduces the input 531
507 racy is maintained at 97.38%, which is calculated as:
scale by transforming the original data into a new format. From 532
TP þ TN the computation time perspective, the proposed method reduces 533

Accuracy ¼ ð9Þ the training time significantly by decreasing the number of the 534
TP þ TN þ FP þ FN

511 where TP: True Positive, TN: True Negative, FP: False Positive, and
Table 2
512 FN: False Negative. To compare the performance with traditional
Result comparison.
513 SVM, the area under curves (AUC) of the K-SVM and SVM based
514 on 10-fold cross-validation are shown in Fig. 5, which shows the Feature space dimension Accuracy (%)
515 stable good performance of the K-SVM and K-SVM keeps the high K-SVM 6 97.38
516 accuracy as SVM does. Even though the K-SVM reduces dimension- ACO-SVM (Prasad et al., 2010) 15 95.96
GA-SVM (Prasad et al., 2010) 18 97.19
517 ality of input feature space from 32 to six, the high prediction accu-
PSO-SVM (Prasad et al., 2010) 17 97.37
518 racy is maintained.

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044
ESWA 8848 No. of Pages 7, Model 5G
5 September 2013

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Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, B., et al. Breast cancer diagnosis based on feature extraction using a hybrid of K-means and support vector ma-
chine algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.044

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