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Arabia, Israel, and the British, while the republicans were supported

U.S. Participation by the United Arab Republic (modern day Egypt) [2]. The war
continued for 8 years, but in 1970 the republicans won, and the
in the Yemen Yemen Arab Republic (YAR) controlled all of North Yemen. The
British controlled South Yemen as a colony until 1967, when the
Genocide National Liberation Front (NLF) forced the British out of South
Yemen and founded the People’s Republic of South Yemen, later
renamed the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY), a
“The US role in the military socialist state [1].
operations against our nation is pivotal. All fiendish
plots against Yemen are hatched by the US, Saudi Reunification and the Republic of Yemen
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Traitors The YAR and the PDRY reunited in 1990, after the USSR fell, taking
away one of the PDRY’s closest allies. They formed the Republic of
just struggle to carry them out on the ground. Yemen, but in 1993 fighting quickly broke out, as the country still
Washington is speaking of peace at the same time split on ideological lines. North Yemen quickly won, under president
that it is directing the Yemen war.” Ali Abdullah Saleh [3]. In the 1990’s, a Zaydi muslim resistance
movement against Saleh’s corruption began to form in the North,
- Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
which became Ansar Allah (popularly known as the Houthis) [4]. In
2004, Saleh’s troops killed their founder, Hussein al Houthi, and
“The United States has managed to reap tremendous during the following insurgency Saleh engaged in joint air strikes
financial gains, including arms deals, from the with Saudi Arabia against Ansar Allah [4]. Saleh held power until
Saudi-led aggression on Yemen. Washington is 2011, when Yemeni protests (encouraged by Ansar Allah) of
economic conditions and corruption forced Saleh to yield power to
supporting the Riyadh (Saudi) regime to be able to his vice president, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi [3].
stand on its feet. It is also managing the violent and
criminal role of Saudi Arabia.” The Current Situation in Yemen
- Abdul-Malik al-Houthi Hadi won an uncontested election to retain power in 2012, and was
ushered into power primarily by foreign governments including
Saudi Arabia [5]. In 2015, Ansar Allah led a revolution against Hadi’s
government. Hadi requested support and the Saudi Arabian
A Brief History of North and South Yemen government launched Operation Decisive Storm. Four main groups
North Yemen won independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1918, control territory in Yemen currently: the Saudi-backed Hadi forces,
and became a monarchy until 1962, when a civil war erupted United Arab Emirates-backed Southern Transitional Council, the
between royalists and republicans (supporters of the democratic Supreme Revolutionary Committee (Ansar Allah, often known as the
Yemen Arab Republic) [1]. The royalists were supported by Saudi Houthis), and Ansar Al-Sharia (an Al-Qaeda coalition in Yemen). This is
not truly a civil war however, as Saudi Arabia controls the Hadi forces. and US and other sanctions, this has caused a horrific famine.
Saudi Arabia won’t even allow the ex-president they supposedly According to Unicef, “there are in Yemen during any given year, 1.8
support, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, to return to Yemen [6]. The Hadi million children suffering from acute malnutrition. 400,000 children
forces also have received support from the United Arab Emirates, the on any given day suffering from a life-threatening form of severe
US, France, Senegal, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan, and others. [7] acute malnutrition” [12]. This is not a civil war in Yemen, it’s a
genocide perpetrated by Saudi Arabia, their coalition, and their
biggest international backer: the United States.

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[1]: BBC: “Yemen Profile- Timeline”
[2]: Orkaby, Asher Aviad: “The International History of the Yemen Civil War, 1962-1968”
[3]: Al Jazeera: “Yemen: The North-South Divide”
[4]: Batati, Saeed: “Who are the Houthis in Yemen?”
Occupied positions in Yemen September 2018 [5]: Kasinof, Laura: “How the Houthis Did It”
[6]: Al Jazeera: “Yemeni President Hadi ‘Under House Arrest’ in Riyadh”
[7]: Al-Haj, Ahmed: “Saudis’ Operation Decisive Storm in Yemen a ‘Dangerous Step’, Iran
US Weapons, Civilian Deaths Warns”
[8]: Cockburn, Patrick: “The Yemen War Death Toll is 5 Times Higher Than We Think”
The war in Yemen has had a huge death toll, both in Yemenis
[9]: Elbagir, Nima et. al.: “Made in America: Shrapnel in Yemen Ties US Bombs to Civilian
fighting for their country’s sovereignty, and in civilians, with over Deaths”
56,000 estimated deaths as of October 2018 [8]. The rate of killing is [10]: Hosenball, Mark, et. al.: “Exclusive: US Expands Intelligence Sharing With Saudis in
Yemen Operation”
increasing, and millions of Yemenis have fled their homes in an
[11]: Emmons, Alex: “On ‘60 Minutes,’ No Mention of U.S. Role in Yemen War”
attempt to survive. The US is the biggest arms supplier to Saudi [12]: Cappelaere, Geert: “Conflict in Yemen: ‘A Living Hell for Children’”
Arabia, and groups have documented US weapons used in the
murder of Yemeni civilians [9]. While few US troops have been
involved, the US has shared intel about targets with the Saudis [10].
While these airstrikes have killed many Yemenis, most deaths have
come from the blockade. Saudi Arabia has blocked most ships from
reaching Yemen’s ports, even those containing food and medical
supplies. This blockade has even used US warships [11]. In concert
with the destruction bombing has caused to Yemen’s infrastructure

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