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Dedicate my Life in her memory, to research for

the healing of human sufferings.

Mrs. Vijay Laxmi Gupta

(10.9.1940 – 17-3-2005)
© All rights reserved with R S Gupta

Price : Rs. 1100/-

Printed and Published by :

R S Gupta
Skype: rajendra1936
E-mail: rsgupta15936@gmail.com
www: energyhealing.co.in

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the
Author / Publisher. The author has provided the information in the book based on his
experience and knowledge on the subject. The author shall not be held responsible for
any errors or any action taken by the users based on the information provided in the book.

The Divine Science
of Healing
(Psychosomatic ailments through
Medical Astrology & God’s Energy)

(Reiki Grand Master & Medical Astrologer)

Dr. Venkataramiah, M.D. as Advisor


Dear Mr. Gupta,

As discussed i hereby agree to be the Advisor of your HOMEOPATHY BY

ASTROLOGY.COM organization which is a Software prepared on Scientific lines
and has been of immense help to the needy to suggest remedies on the basis
of this Software.

My best wishes

Dr. Col. Retd. V V Venkataramiah

# 340 Sector 37, Noida 201301

Mr. R.S. Gupta
Homeopathy by Astrology.com
An Alternative Medical Therapy,
A2 Sector 36, Noida 201301
Mr. R S Gupta,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Honorary Association with your Centre

I have seen your above programme and thoroughly convinced about its utility to
assess the strength of the Organs and the likely ailments. In addition to the
ailing person, this is a very good programme especially for the newly born and
growing children.
This programme also suggest Biochemic Tonics to be prescribed at the right
Medicines can also be indicated for the ailments depending upon this programme
which will save time. The programme also gives lead to right medication.
I accept to be the Honorary Advisor of this Centre.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Manoj Kumar Birla

S 23-26 Parampuri, Uttam Nagar,
New Delhi 110059
Ph. 212210856

‘Heal Yourself through God’s Universal
Energy sitting anywhere in the World

Author’s wishful thinking proved by his various experiments

My experience is that God’s Universal Energy (REIKI) works well and specially
improves the efficiency of glands and organs relating to the undermentioned
planets :
1. Sun (Crown Chakra) (Ruling the pineal gland, the heart, vision and vitality)
(Violet Colour)
2. Moon (Third Eye Chakra) (Ruling the brain, the cortex, the pituitary gland,
the hypothalamus) (Indigo Colour)
3. Jupiter (Throat Chakra) (Ruling the liver, the gallbladder, the thyroid and
parathyroid) glands (Blue Colour)
4. Saturn (Heart Chakra) (Ruling the thymus and the spleen) (Green Colour)
Whereas for the following planets and chakras, we also require medicines for
faster relief depending on the type of ailment. This is done to cure the infection
that has developed due to the virus or bacteria. Here the Energy plays its role in
that the Saturn (i.e., the spleen and the thymus glands) gets activated through
the heart chakra. Thymus in turn improves the immune system and spleen
helps the lymphatic system.
1. Mars (Lord of the Manipur Chakra) (Ruling blood and the circulatory system)
(Yellow Colour)
2. Venus (Lord of the Swadhisthan Chakra) (Ruling the genitals and the kidneys)
(Orange Colour)
3. Mercury (Lord of the Mooladhar Chakra) (Ruling the lungs and the respiratory
system) (Red Colour)
(pl. See Annexure 2)
Unfortunately medicines which have side effects damage the organs and the

glands relating to the above four planets, i.e., Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.
Allopathic medicines cure mostly by cutting and burning and so cannot kill virus
and bacteria. They can only immobilise them. This is the reason why the ailments
recur after a period of time. In fact, many ailments relating to these planets are
caused just because of the side effects of these medicines although inefficient
and weak placements of these planets in one’s body might also result in a few
ailments. Therefore, I suggest and use homeopathy as a better system of
medicine as it does not have side effects.
The homeopathic medicines are best to immunise the body against particular
virus or bacteria and then of course, the energy is given which helps the body
to fight those microbes.
Energy heals as it improves the circulation of blood, water and air in the body.
This is the reason that apart from healing, the efficiency of the organs is
improved as the energy removes the blockages in the whole body system. The
process may be slow or fast depending upon the extent of blockages in the body
parts. Energy gives life, therefore, according to my assessment, it does not kill
bacteria and virus. But when one’s body system is energised, its immunity
system gets energised and so is able to fight these bacteria and virus and then
And last but not the least, the role of astrology in the science of healing can be
judged from the following lines in a book by Dr. B.V. RAMAN (a world famous
Astrologer) :
“How to judge a horoscope – volume one on page c253 line 23 writes :
“.. In ancient times all Doctors were expected to know Astrology and its
relation to disease to know what diseases would be produced under different
planetary conditions…”
The book is based on compilations from records available in various books and
websites in same or modified forms/versions to help understand the concept of
this “Divine Healing”.


I had been keenly interested in homeopathy from 1960s, the main source of my
knowledge being books on homeopathy. About 15 years back I developed yet
another passion-Astrology. My main interest being in the field of medicine, I
studied even Astrology from this perspective and soon created a unique and the
only Medical Astrology Software produced so far in the world. This shares ground
with Lal Kitab and Vedic Astrological information available on various websites.
While studying Astrology, I completed the levels of the registered REIKI course
and was endowed with the title of the ‘Reiki Grand Master’.
I learnt Anatomy and Medicine from two qualified physicians.
Having had a long experience and done quite some research related to the
healing of the human body, I have realised that most of the ailments are
psychosomatic. It has been mentioned in various texts on the subjects that
even the modern medical science has acknowledged the fact that almost 90 per
cent of ailments are Psychosomatic, i.e., related to the brain and body but the
modern medical system is yet to develop a technology to cure them. God’s
Healing Energy is the only solution for such diseases.
According to Dr. Rajiv Dixit, before the realm of modern medicines entered
India, only 8-10 per cent of the population was sick but gradually the toll
reached almost 100 per cent. This is the result of the modern life style and
allopathic system of medicine.
The modern medical science has definitely made good progress in the study of
the human anatomy and its investigation system, but the presence of side
effects which the allopathic medicines carry tend make them unsuitable solution
for health ailments. The modern medical science is very good in emergencies
and have done good in surgical interventions. The allopathic treatment actually
manages and prolongs the ailments rather than eradicating them completely.
Rather, it creates side effects and various other ailments during the whole
process. Surgery remains the only option in extreme emergencies but that too
with lot of side effects. Age old systems of treatments were such that very few
were requiring surgical interventions. In to-day’s time most of the ailments lead
to surgery. Thus, there is need of systems which can provide relief by other
than surgery to reduce human agony. The present work is in this direction.

While learning homeopathy, I had already found that there are more than one
remedies for the same ailment, so this makes it difficult to identify the correct
medicine for an ailment in the first go. It, therefore, needs short-listing and
often working through a trial and error method till one reaches the perfect
solution for the patient. Therefore, I classified all homeopathic medicines
according to their relation with the Planets and then co-related to Astrology,
i.e., the Planet to which they relate. This helps in identifying nearly accurate
selection of remedies
When I studied the subject in depth, I came across the fact that astrology deals
with a variety of predictions but there is not much content related to Medical
Astrology. Even this limited information does not exist in an assimilated form.
Thanks to various books and web-site material that helped me during my
research, I understood a lot about the Planetary and Zodiac conditions, the type
of ailments that they bring and the way these are reflected in one’s Astro Chart.
The extent of the impact of the planets and nakshatras indicate the extent of
damage caused in one’s body organs/parts. Past life related ailments is another
which create ailments special in Rahu periods.
I also learnt that it is possible to identify the homeopathic remedies and link
them with the – SEVEN PLANETS which have a significant role to play in the
human anatomy. In fact, during the golden era of the Indian history, the
knowledge of astrology was a must for a medical practitioner to understand the
extent and the root cause of ailment.
I started developing and finally came up with software where a medicine would
relate to a particular planet and, thus, the first step would be to identify the
weak planets of the patient through his Horoscope and then to link them with
the planet’s related homeopathic medicines. Naturally it now became possible to
shortlist the homeopathic medicines for one’s ailment before prescribing any
kind of treatment to him. When I further linked them with the present ailment of
the person, further short-listing was done and with the basic knowledge of
homeopathic remedies, such shortlisted system of cure when prescribed to the
patient (based on his Horoscope, the Medical Astrological Report and the
Astrological based Homeo remedies) was definitely more effective both in terms
of time and durability.
Also it is well known that the homeopathic remedies are immunity developing
remedies and so one medicine often cures more than one ailment if that is
present in one’s body.
In fact we term such homeopathic medicines as ENERGY medicines. Further
research revealed that these Energy medicines can be further energized by the
Human Energy – via ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVES – called God’s Universal Energy
– or REIKI – as the Japanese have named the God’s Universal Energy.


Basically our body runs on the Energy we get from the seven planets which
travels in our body through the seven main chakras. These seven chakras
supply energy to different parts of the body. All chakras are assigned a specific
Similarly, it is important to identify the planets and zodiac signs affecting the
organs and parts of the body with the help of medical astrological calculations.
I realised that by meditating and strengthening the mental healing power and
practising REIKI to energise and correct the blocked CHAKRAS was another
method to create strength in the related body part to heal/cure. It is the body
which cures naturally and not the medicines. The energy provided to the brain
activates the whole healing process in the body.
FAITH in the system and CONCENTRATION over the area where the energy is
needed is essential.
When identification of the main organ to be treated and its related planet is
done together with the extent of weakness of that organ/planet/chakra, then the
right Astro-based homeopathic medicine can be selected. Now the question is
to find the right medicine. Having a strong faith in the homeopathic system of
medicine, I have also experienced that all homeopathic remedies have relevance
to one or the other planets. Some of them relate to two or three planets..
The next step is to activate the relevant chakras resulting in the strengthening of
the organs and body parts and systems of the body as the Homeo (relating to
planets) and Biochemic (relating to Zodiac system) remedies have to be energised
to make them more effective. The system of using the Radiesthesia Dowsers
and REIKI has been found to be very effective to overcome the ailments.
Radiesthesia and Dowsers – Pendulums, Spiral Rods and L shaped rods can
be used to locate the area where exactly the problem exists in the body and
thereafter using one’s own sub-conscious mind which is possible after one’s
attenuations to direct energy in the ailing body parts to heal.
Together with the medicine, when the chakras are balanced and energised and
energy is transferred to the related ailing organ, the cure becomes faster.
The Medical Astrological Reports also suggest that certain ailments also arise
due to our previous Karmas (deeds) through the SOUL. Thus, correction of
these ailments with the charging of those planets/chakras/organs helps in
correcting these ailments. When we treat one organ – it is actually treating that
particular chakra/organ which is under punishment and so the past life’s sin
are forgiven by the SOUL.
KUNDALINI JAGRAN (Activation of the Chakras) done through Sahaj Yog by the
Dowsing technique is much faster leading to the patient feeling the heat, cold,
vibrations or mild pain in his palms, soles, fingers and other body parts confirming

that energy transmission through the Spinal Cord (in Ida, Pingla and Sushma
Naris) is taking place with the help of the subconscious mind working towards
the cure of the patient.
Thus, this unique combination of Medical Astrology, identification of past life
related and present ailments because of weak inherent organs, selection of the
chakras requiring energy, identifying organs causing ailments, identification of
the Astro-based homeopathic medicines, energising the KUNDALINI and
energising chakras and organs with the help of Dowsing and Radiesthesia in
totality helps in bringing any chronic and present ailment to an end.
I am grateful to Mrs. Sonal Sadhu Singhal for all the help she gave in compiling
the material and presenting this book for the betterment of the humanity. I do
not have words to express the gratitude for her encouragement that helped me
to put this book together. It is because of her and only her efforts.
I am also grateful to my daughters and grand daughters who have helped me in
this mission.
Disclaimer: It contains details from Lotus Materia Medica & extracts of some
websites on Astrology, Dowsing, Color Therapy, Reiki and related links in order
to make the subject meaningful for the humanity. I do not claim the originality of
the whole material in this Book. I am grateful for their help.


He who is the creator, He who is the Master, He who is the provider, the savior
and the Destroyer did not just create the universe zillions of years ago. In every
speck of dust that He created, every drop of water that He made to flow, every
inch of space that He granted to the ether, He filled gallons of invisible energy
everywhere. Energy which flowed directly from Him, energy which was basic to
not just the birth but also the survival, growth, healing and restoration of all
kinds of life forms existing on the Earth – however trivial they might appear to
rest of the superior beings.
The Divine let such an abundant supply of its energy envelope and penetrate the
Universe, that it was enough to vitalize all of the living and non-living entities till
eternity. Eventually, no doubt, this energy would act as the Destroyer, too.
But of course, generous as the Superpower was, He also decided to be humble,
unlike His fateful creation. God let this Eternal energy is invisible, reaching out
to each and everybody, making no bias, free of charge, accessible through
direct and indirect channels. And finally, He gifted mankind with the most
valuable and yet the most testing of attributes – something which even we, His
less modest progeny do not allow each other – the freedom of choice.
The freedom to believe in His divinity, the freedom to acknowledge all that He
has granted us, the choice to believe that it was after all that energy which was
healing an injured insect that remained unattended by any kind of medical help,
who fed millions of flora and fauna on Mother Earth that had not been tamed by
the egoistic human and that which was available for us, day-in and day-out, all
around us, in the colours, fragrances, stars and planets, stones, in our prayers,
in our words and actions.
In fact He let us decide for ourselves whether we would prefer to add to this
abundant reservoir of energy around us through every positive thought that we
entertained, every kind word that we uttered, every noble action we carried out.
This book talks about all of these energy forms, how easily they are available to
one and all, how it can be reached out to and absorbed into our own selves so
that good health sustains and we can in fact energise ourselves till the purpose
of our present life is fulfilled. It is not the first time such a book has been
written. There is endless literature available on non-medical healing starting

right from our ancient scriptures to modern day research papers talking about
quantum physics, energetic circuits, the self-energising ‘chakras’ present in our
body, the dormant energy that lies hidden in us, etc.
The book is a humble effort to coordinate all of these in a simplified form and
bring before the readers, the contribution I have tried to make to this never
ending research for that thread of vitality and energy which keeps us going on,
making it easier to reach our ultimate destinations.



Chapter 1 Waves and Colours 1

Chapter 2 The Universal Life Force 8
Chapter 3 The Chakra System 21
Chapter 4 Radionics 27
Chapter 5 An Introduction to Medical Astrology 30
Chapter 6 Homeopathy / Biochemistry 39
Chapter 7 Computerisation of Medical Astrological Predictions 46
Chapter 8 Tools and Techniques 49
Chapter 9 Medical Radiesthesia 53
Chapter 10 The Treatment 57
Chapter 11 Psychosomatic Diseases 66
A Review 68
Glossary 70
Annexure 1 73
Annexure 2 81
Annexure 3 83
Annexure 4 85
Annexure 5 89
Annexure 6 92


Waves and Colours 1

A person usually falls ill when the balance system (yin and yang) of his bioenergy
collapses. What can cause this imbalance?
It can be caused by different elements, such as harmful radiation, stress,
depression, improper relation between work and rest, worries, etc. The basic
rule says that every individual is responsible for his own health and well-being,
as well as everything that happens in his life!!! It sounds unbelievable, but it is
Imbalance of any of the chakra or the energy in the relevant organ brings about
the ailment. To maintain the weak organs which happens to be so because of
the weak energy level, the various remedies like food habits, change of life style,
exercises, pranayam, yoga, acu-pressure, physiotherapy, medication and healing
in the form of energy can be suggested which helps in maintaining the energy
level of that organ and, thus, avoids the ailment. We can say the immunity level
of that organ is increased.
Each part of the body and also the body as a whole has seven layers of
protection that collectively are called Aura of that being. The higher the Aura,
greater is the life of that organ or the body.
Chakra healing has also come up to be the best pain treatment for body aches
in the human body pathology, at individual chakra levels as well as at the level
of all the seven chakras to be opened in order to get rid of all aches and pains
for once and for all.
As far as pathology in the outer body organs is concerned, almost all of the
body aches and pains including the muscle pain and the bone pain with
joint pain along with are generated owing to the faulty body posture that people
habitually keep maintaining for long.
Chakra opening through re-posturing the human body for good at the level of
each individual chakra very efficiently relieves the pains associated with the


chakra in question whether they are the muscle pain, the bone pain or joint
pain there.
The foot pain including the bottom foot pain, the heel pain, the ankle pain, the
knee pain, the leg pain, the hip pain, the groin pain and the anal pain are
relieved by the opening of the lowest chakra group comprising the root chakra,
the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra.
The wrist pain and the elbow pain are relieved by the opening of the middle
chakra group comprising the heart chakra and the throat chakra.
The ab dominal pain, the stomach pain, the neckpain, the shoulder pain, the
lower back pain and the upper back pain are relieved by opening the torso
chakra group comprising five lower chakras, namely, the root chakra, the sacral
chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra and the throat chakra.
The jaw pain, migraine headaches, tension, headache and sinus headache are
permanently relieved by opening the skull chakra group comprising two upper
chakras, namely, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.

An introduction to the Chakras

Even kind of electromagnetic waves forming a part of our atmosphere create
different colours on different frequency waves. Not just this, these waves control
different body organs and, thus, their energy level indicates.
The strength of that particular organ in the body. There are the gamma rays, the
X-rays, the ultra violet rays, the visible rays, the infra red rays, the Micro-
Klystron and the radio oscillating circuit.
The colours formed on different frequencies by these waves are also seven.
These seven colours in a combination create a rainbow which we can also sum
up as a VIBGYOR. The letters of this abbreviation actually represent the colours
of the rainbow, viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Each
colour represents a different chakra in the human body, naturally, thus, leading
to seven chakras, viz., –
1. The Crown Chakra
2. The Third Eye Chakra
3. The Throat Chakra
4. The Heart Chakra
5. The Solar Plexus
6. The Swadhishthan Chakra
7. The Mooladhar Chakra

Each CHAKRA gets energy from the different frequencies which are the cause
of the formation of the seven different colours mentioned above.
For the understanding of the astrological system, we must also know that there
are seven main planets influencing the physical, mental and emotional
dimensions of a person, not to mention the main events of his life. The seven
main planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
They give energy relevant to that colour or say the Chakra or the organ in the
Body. Rahu and Ketu are supplementaries to Saturn, Mars and Venus. The
main organs affected by these chakras are also seven, viz., the Heart and the
Circulatory system, the Brain, The Blood, Lungs and the Respiratory system,
Liver, Gallbladder and the Thyroid, Kidney and the Genitals, and Spleen and
These organs control different parts of the body depending upon the placement
of these planets in the Zodiac System.

What are the healing effects of colour?

What is colour? From all our textbooks on Physics that we have been reading,
we understand that colour is light. It is an electromagnetic energy that exists in
different wavelengths. When these wavelengths are reflected back off objects,
they create light. What colour will be visible depends on the speed, intensity,
absorbent and reflective qualities of those particular rays of energy.
Our chakras are responsible for much of our physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual health.
When these centers become weak or out of line, the colour therapy is one of the
most effective vibrational remedies to restore balance and strength to our system.
Similarly, the olfactory sense is found in one of the earliest developed parts of
the brain, and has one of the most dramatic emotional effects on us. Only
essential oils, as opposed to impure oils, have real therapeutic value. They are
absorbed in two ways. First, inhaling the scent carries it through your nose to
your lungs, where it is then absorbed into the bloodstream. Second, by applying
the oil to your skin, is absorbed into the senses.
Whether they use essential oils, colours or crystals, it must be clear that these
are all pure energy. When they are applied, they work on all levels of the human
body. The oils, colours and crystals – all have their own unique properties which
work with various body systems and organs.
The colour therapy’s usage to heal is definitely not credited to the breed of
modern scientists. The history goes back to over 5,000 years, when the ancient
Egyptians, Chinese, Native Americans and Tibetans understood, rather used
and transferred the legacy to the present day practitioners and healers. The

ancient Egyptians wore amulets of coloured stones. They wore red to treat
diseases and building strength, yellow to create happiness and green to increase
fertility. The blue light is still relied on in case of newborn babies with jaundice
in the hospitals. The pink does not only adore the rooms of the kids but is also
used in prisons to calm the more violent criminals. Also, many police stations
use blue rooms for their interrogations, as the suspect is more apt to tell the
truth in a blue room. Quartz crystals have been used since ancient times as
powerful healing objects and meditation tools, and to make medicinal elixirs.
Wise adepts have long known about their qualities and have used Crystals for
powerful talismans and amulets. Throughout history people have valued the
beauty of quartz crystals and have used them for ornamental decoration.
We know that each colour found in the visible light spectrum has its own
wavelength and its own frequency, which produces a specific energy and has a
nutritive effect. We know some rays can be dangerous if we are exposed to
them. But the visible light, the rainbow, has a soothing effect on us. Light is the
only energy we can see, and we see it in the form of colour.

The Rainbow of Colours

Light consists of the seven colour energies: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
Indigo, and Violet. Each colour is connected to various areas of our body and
will affect us differently emotionally, physically, and mentally. By learning how
each colour influences us, we can effectively use colour to give us an extra
boost of energy when we need it. If you wake up in the morning with little
energy, or you need to prepare for a business meeting, this is where the power
of colours can help. All you have to do is reflect on the type of day you have
planned; choose the colour that will help you meet the demands of the day; and
then absorb that particular colour. It’s like fueling your system with the right
kind of gas.
FULNESS : Brings joy to our workday and strengthens
our appetite for life! Orange is the best emotional stimulant.
It connects us to our senses and helps to remove
inhibitions and makes us independent and social.
Personality Traits: Enthusiastic, happy, sociable, energetic,
sporty, self-assured, and constructive. The Spleen Chakra
or Vortex is governed by the orange energy.
Yellow Stands for WISDOM, CLARITY, SELF-ESTEEM : Gives
us clarity of thought, increases awareness, and stimulates
interest and curiosity. Yellow energy is related to the ability
to perceive and understand. The yellow energy connects
us to our mental self. Personality Traits: Good-humoured,

optimistic, confident, practical, and intellectual. The Solar

Plexus Chakra or Vortex is governed by the yellow energy.
Gre en Stands for BALANCE, LOVE, SELF-CONTROL : Helps
relax muscles, nerves, and thoughts. Cleanses and
balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace
and harmony. Green connects us to unconditional love
and is used for balancing our whole being. Personality
Traits: Understanding, self-controlled, adaptable,
sympathetic, compassionate, generous, humble, nature
loving, and romantic. The Heart Chakra or Vortex is
governed by the green energy.
This is a mentally-relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying
effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation.
Ideal for sleep problems, and hyper-active children.
Connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and
clarity enhancing communication and speech. Personality
Traits: Loyal, tactful, affectionate, inspiring, inventive,
caring, and cautious. The Throat Chakra or Vortex is
governed by the blue energy.
The indigo energy connects us to our unconscious self,
and gives us the experience of being part of the whole
universe. Strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic
powers, and increases dream-activity. Personality Traits :
Intuitive, fearless, practical, idealistic, wise, and a truth
seeker. The Brow Chakra or Vortex is governed by the
indigo energy.
Purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in
all undertakings. The violet energy connects us to our
spiritual self-bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength.
Enhances artistic talent and creativity. Personality Traits:
Inspirational leaders, kindly and just, humanitarians, self-
sacrifying, visionary, creative, and strong mentally. The
Crown Chakra or Vortex is governed by the violet energy.
Use when you need to meet a demanding day, or when
you feel drained of energy. The colour red provides the
power from the earth and gives energy on all levels. It

connects us to our physical body. Everything that is to be

commenced needs the life vitality of red. Personality Traits :
Courageous, confident, humanistic, strong-willed,
spontaneous, honest, and extroverted. The Root Chakra or
Vortex is governed by the red energy.
According to colour therapy, colours are capable of influencing many aspects of
our lives, including our mood, mental state and energy level. Each colour is
thought to be associated with one of seven energy centers, or chakras, in
ayurveda. If a person’s chakra is thought to be out of balance or weak, the
colour its associated with is believed to help strengthen it.

• Red
Red is thought to be linked to the base chakra and the spine, hips and legs.
It’s thought to stimulate and boost physical energy, strengthen will power,
increase circulation, clear congestion and is linked with sexuality. Too much red
may overstimulate and possibly promote anger or aggressiveness.

• Orange
Orange is thought to encourage joy, socialising and optimism, which is why it is
considered useful for depression or sadness. Orange is associated with the
sacral chakra and it is believed to benefit the kidneys, urinary tract and the
reproductive organs. Too much orange is thought to lead to tiredness, pessimism
and confusion.

• Yellow
Yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra. An imbalance in the solar
plexus chakra is thought to promote fear, apprehension, confusion, lack of
determination, introversion or power issues, which this colour is believed to
balance. Yellow is associated with the intellect and mental processes and is
uplifting. The solar plexus chakra is also thought to influence the digestive
system. Too much yellow is believed to lead to poor concentration and

• Green
Green is a colour that’s thought to encourage emotional stability, purity and
calmness. It is related to the heart chakra, so it is believed to help with
emotional issues, such as love, forgiveness, trust and compassion. An imbalance
in the heart chakra is associated with fear of relationships, mistrust, jealousy,
isolation and insecurity.

• Blue
Blue is related to the throat chakra and is said to be connected to the throat
and lungs. It is thought to enhance verbal expression and communication,
artistic expression and willpower. It’s a calming colour and is believed to help
insomnia, anxiety, throat problems, high blood pressure, migraine and skin

• Indigo
Indigo is associated with the third eye chakra, located between the eyes, and is
related to the eyes and the lower part of the head. It is said to encourage
greater intuition and strengthen the lymph system, immune system and help
purify and cleanse the body.

• Purple or Violet
Purple, or violet is associated with the crown chakra, which is at the top of the
head. It’s thought to encourage spirituality, intuition, wisdom, mastery and
mental strength and focus. Too much purple is thought to promote pride and
arrogance. Too much of purple, violet or orange also mark a distinctive personality
trait to show off belongings or status.


The Universal Life Force 2

he Divine or God, as all religions have decided to call Him, is the eternal
source of all beings and also the infinite source of life infusing energy. He
is the great Cosmic power. The Life Energy vitalises the whole system; the
Etheric Wave soothes pain and puts one into a deep slumber as if one is under
an anesthesia; while the Cosmic Wave radiates vibrations of exultant feeling and
lifts a person into harmony.
The world knows this energy as “REIKI”. Reiki is the Japanese word for the
Universal Life Force Energy. The word Reiki is broken down into its two component
parts- REI and KI. REI – is the universal, transcendental, the spirit, the mysterious
power, and the essence. KI – is described as the vital life force energy, very
similar to the Chi of the Chinese acupuncture science or ‘the light’ visualised by
the Christians (some call it God, Buddha, Chi, Qi, Prana, Love Energy, or similar).
It relates to the superior, all-encompassing cosmic energy from which all other
minor energies in the universe draw their power. Everything in the Universe is
made up from energy particularly which forms by the Omniscients, All-knowing
Blueprint for Creation. The Vital Living Energy Force comes in different
manifestations of energy and one of these being the frequency in which Reiki
was born.
Reiki is a radionic wave. It can be applied locally or as a short wave. A distant
treatment can be successfully given. Reiki is not Electricity, nor Radium or X-
ray. It can penetrate thin layers of silk, linen, porcelain or lead, wood or steel,
because it comes from the Great Spirit, from the Infinite.
It does not destroy delicate tissue or nerves. It is absolutely harmless; therefore,
it is a practical and safe treatment. Because it is a Universal Wave, everything
that has life benefits when treated – human beings, infants and old, poor or
rich, plant life or animals.
Reiki – the modern art of healing as many of us keep listening to through word
of mouth or reading it in the newspapers and journals, is not as modern as it
may appear. The Tibetans knew the art or the science as some may prefer to call


it, around ten thousand years ago while there are records to show that Reiki
was practised by Indians around two and a half thousand years ago.
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese scholar, while researching the science in 1900s,
came upon a Reiki formula, mentioned in an ancient scripture written in Sanskrit.
The book contained an explanation of the powers of the seven symbols which
form the basis of Reiki. Dr. Mikao further meditated for long periods to understand
how he could actually empower himself with Reiki. He also desired to possess a
better understanding of these seven symbols and their relative energies.
In fact, his meditation and fasting for twenty-one days, led him not only to self-
enlightenment but also to past life memories where he saw himself as a Reiki
teacher. He again found himself empowered with Reiki and when his meditation
ended after twenty-one days, he even miraculously cured himself and a woman.
Thus, was established probably the first Reiki school where students were
attuned with Reiki 1, the first level, for a couple of days and as they returned
after healing people, they would be attuned with Reiki 2, the second level of
Reiki. However, there were a few students who were able enough to master the
seven levels of Reiki.
The seven levels of Reiki are known as Reiki 1, 2, 3A-3B, 4, 5A-5B, 6 and 7A-
7B. The Usui System of Natural Healing teaches us also the “Secret Art” of
“Inviting Happiness” into one’s life which can be achieved by working with the
Five Reiki Ideals and the Three Degrees of Attunements. The Five Reiki
Ideals help us realise that improving oneself is an essential part of Reiki

The Benefits of Reiki

No matter how painful our life may have been, we always have the internal
resources to heal and grow into happiness. The strength to pursue this happiness,
to introspect and use the spiritual tools is also available within us. This
combination teaches us that there is no unhappiness too great to be made
better. We just have to let our beings get exposed to the miracles, so that we
can move out of the darkness of all kinds of negativities and embrace the light
of positivity and His generosity. It doesn’t happen all at once, but it does
happen, one day at a time.
Spirituality is all about self-introspection and self-elevation – elevation to a level
where there remains no difference between the Creator and the Creation. Exploring
one’s own divine self can be better termed as spiritualism. There are many
instruments which help an individual to attain success on this path. There is
religion, cast, mantra, tantra, God, dharma, karma, etc., but spiritualism is
none of these. Spiritualism is the gradual growth of the spirit. It is not concerned
with any deities, customs, traditions or most of the commonly believed notions.

All dharmas say that mercy is the medicine for all worries, quarrels, anger and
progress. A spiritual person always remains in a perfect mind, blessed with bliss
and mercy.
All non-conventional therapies of healing are based on the super divine healing
power of God who upon invocation embraces the soul and empowers it. Reiki is
one such technique.
Reiki reduces stress. It relaxes. It revives the original healing abilities of the
human body. So we can say that Reiki is a natural therapy that balances the life
energies of the individual it is given to and also brings the ultimate health,
Reiki immediately does not address the physical ailments of a person. It aims to
align the physical, mental and spiritual faculties of the body. Before we understand
the ‘how’ of it, there is a simple truth we need to know. Remember how we all
read about the renewable and non-renewable sources of energy in our school
text books? Besides those two categories, rather I must say, above these two
categories there is The Eternal Source of Energy – God and no line of faith
can deny this.
The subtle science of Reiki is based on this simple fact. The Reiki practitioner
draws energy from this limitless source and transfers the same to the patient.
This is done in such a gentle manner but with such a powerful impact that a
total purification happens within the physical, mental and emotional level.
The only thing desired in the whole process is the good intention and the faith
of both the healer and the patient. The Reiki energy can be channelled to
oneself and to others sometimes by the touch of a hand and sometimes even
from a distance. Reiki healing is a pure energy form.
Some of the Reiki Healing Health Benefits
 Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension
 It accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities
 Aids better sleep
 Reduces blood pressure
 Can help with acute injuries and chronic problems (asthma, eczema,
headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions
 Helps relieve pain
 Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system,
thus, bringing the body into balance and harmony
 Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins

 Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover
from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy
 Supports the immune system
 Increases vitality and postpones the aging process
 Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
 Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing
Reiki works on the whole body by restoring its general condition. All the energy
channels are opened making the body relaxed and stress free. Naturally in this
state, the natural ability of the body to heal increases.
In case of an illness, the additional energy provided by Reiki helps. An overall
change happens at the level of the patient’s consciousness. In fact, Reiki has
been very successfully used in combination with other natural therapies like
meditation, aroma therapy and homeopathy. With absolutely no side effect,
this wonderful therapy can be used effectively even on pregnant women. There
have been instances of animals (dogs, cats, horses, etc.) and plants receiving
Reiki and benefitting from it.
The effect produced by the healing energy of Reiki is so instant that it can be
used for on the spot stress release and pain relief.


A gift of Reiki is the awareness of being reconnected to your source of “coming
home”. It gives you a sense of wholeness, where it is easy to love yourself, and
in so doing, discover how loving the world can become.
From the point of view of radionics. Everything has a frequency or set of
frequencies because everything is in vibration. These frequencies are found
both on the electromagnetic scale and within the subtle energies. Every human,
every animal, every plant, the insects, the microbes in the soil, the winds, the
waters – each has its own set of frequencies. Everything is marked by an
uniqueness which glorifies its existence in this universe. Each of us have a
frequency or group of frequencies and patterns which define us as individuals.
With investigation we can determine which frequencies define the uniqueness
of a particular entity. And we can tap into those frequencies to connect to that
unique entity, like calling him on the phone. When we know the frequency of
something, we can connect to it, make contact, exchange information, and alter
Our individuality has a set of frequencies and patterns of frequencies that
continue to vibrate and radiate. And each and every part of our body has its
own frequencies and vibrational patterns – each cell and piece of a cell, each

organ, the auric field and each section of the aura. When we work radionically
on an organism we are utilising these frequencies.
The law of physics says that every particle in this universe is actually an
electromagnetic wave.
The physical body which is a combination of various organs with their specific
functions, in fact more than that, generates a frequency. There is an energy
field which exists around the body and its organs and which is continually
changing. All conditions of disease are rooted in this energy system. If our “life
force” is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But if it is high and
flowing freely, we can maintain our health and well being.
Particles, cells, molecules, atoms all vibrate everywhere in the human body as
well. These vibrations travel in the universe and are collected through the
healer’s intention are transferred to the ailing person through electromagnetic
The ailment gets converted into vibrations of a certain nature. These can be
sensed as an electro-magnet wave (vibrations) by the healer as intended by
him, through a physical diagram or similar other method.
For healing, intention is made to heal the affected part which becomes an
electromagnet wave generated by the brain. It is transmitted to the place for
which it is intended.
Vibration of the electromagnetic wave is felt by the dowsers and energy goes to
the indented body part to heal as intended. The healer takes the help of several
diagrams or certain similar methods to sense these vibrations which surround
the diseased body part.
Vibration of the electromagnetic wave is felt by the dowsers and energy goes to
the indented body part to heal as intended.
Reiki healing energy provides means to balance the human energy fields (Auras)
and energy centers (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the body’s healing
system to function.
Universal energy (Reiki) enhances the body’s ability to deal with both physical
and mental ailments and assists a person to correct the imbalances of mind
and spirit. It is this imbalance of the mind, body and the soul which creates
ailments in the body. The physical body must be respected and an individual
must take the onus on himself. Once the physique is fit, one experiences an
inner joy in one’s being and a general balance is felt in everything that one
does. We know of so many cases where severe, even terminal illnesses have
been healed with Reiki; total health and recovery have been achieved.
As the healee becomes the recipient of the Divine energy, he can actually feel a

kind of flowing sensation in his body, accompanied sometimes by a wave of

warmth and at other times, a cool sensation in certain parts of his body. Various
reactions might occur at the emotional level. These might be related to one’s
past in general and certain strong, yet subdued patterns in his sub-conscious
mind. On receiving the energy, these unresolved experiences might resurface
resulting in a gradual release of emotions.
It must be first understood that any kind of physical ailment occurs when there
is the slightest of imbalance or disharmony as we might call it either with one’s
own inner self or with the world at large. Simple ailments like the headache are
known to have taken place when a tense thought sustains for a long period.
When you or someone is treated with Reiki, they are brought back into a state of
unity with the harmony of the universe.
This harmony must be felt by the body as a whole, completely in the smallest of
its cells. Only then can a person feel cured. The wonder about this line of
treatment is that it does not treat a specific body part. Rather, it acts as a magic
portion for the mind and soul as well (based, of course on the very scientific
explanations, if it must).
The Reiki practitioner assists the client to heal himself spiritually, mentally,
emotionally and physically by a simple laying on of hands. By the use of ancient
healing symbols the practitioner channels the universal life force energy allowing
it to flow where it is needed to bring the energy centers into alignment.
The Reiki practitioner must be a clear vessel through which the healing energy
flows. He/She plays an instrumental part in the healing process, but ultimately it
is up to the healee to manifest harmony and balance in his own life.
Identification of one’s body’s organs and parts requiring energy can be done by
dowsing. But it is time consuming and cannot exactly translate the ailment.
For this purpose it is essential to have medical reports. This is also difficult as
there are many investigations that are required for the purpose of locating the
damaged part of the body.

The Reiki Symbols

Once upon a time Reiki symbols were a sacred part of the Reiki curriculum. The
masters did not allow the free disclosure of these symbols and insisted that
only students who reached at least Level 2 of Reiki be allowed the usage of the
same. As time passed the secret could no longer be contained. The Reiki
symbols have been off and on published in various books and are freely available
on the internet. It has also been realised that the symbols do not have any value
per se and it is only the Divine energy which gives the actual power to them.
The Reiki symbols as such and the information that can be read about them are

of little value on their own. In different tests it has been proven that the symbols
have little or no use before a Reiki initiation. Students with no Reiki experience
(but with psychic abilities) have been asked to memorise the symbols and then
use them. The results differ from a control group who had Reiki 2. The conclusion
has been that it is the Reiki initiation as such that gives the Reiki symbols their
The Reiki symbols are like keys that open doors to a higher mind. You can also
see them as buttons. When you press the button you automatically get a result.
In my opinion one of the functions of the Reiki symbols is to instantly override
the user’s precognition that some things cannot be done (i.e., distance healing).
The symbols trigger a belief or intention built into the symbols that helps the
user to get the results intended. The different symbols also quickly connect the
user to the universal life force.
When a Reiki Master does an attunement and shows the Reiki symbols to a
student, the form of the symbol is impressed in the student’s mind and merges
with the metaphysical energies it represents. When a Reiki practitioner draws,
thinks about or visualises a symbol it will instantly connect to the energies it
Today there are many different forms of Reiki and some have incorporated their
own symbols in their initiations. In “traditional” Reiki there are three Reiki
symbols given during the Reiki 2 Attunement (initiation). They are: the Power
symbol (Choku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance
symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen).

The form of the symbols

The Reiki symbols are partly based on the Japanese writing system, Kanji. The
symbols should be drawn or visualised as they have been taught during the
Reiki 2 Attunement. As more and more people get attuned to Reiki this will mean
that there can be a great number of variations between the symbols taught by
different Masters. This is not really a problem as there is not a 100 per cent
right or wrong way to draw them. The Reiki symbols given to a student will work,
however, they look as they incorporate the intention and the connection to the
metaphysical energies it represents.

The Reiki Power symbol – Choku Rei

(Choku Rei is pronounced: “Cho-Koo-Ray”)
The general meaning of Choku Rei is: “Place the power of the universe here”.
The power symbol is used not only for protection but also to enhance the power
of Reiki. The ability of the healer to transfer the Reiki energy is immediately
increased when this symbol is used by him.

Draw or visualise the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to
more healing energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power
when they are used together.
The symbol can be used in the beginning, during a treatment or at the end of it.
No doubt, it is more effective if it is used in the beginning of a session to
empower the Reiki energy. At the end of a session it can be used to close the
session and seal off the Reiki energies.
The Reiki Power symbol is like a main power switch but it can also be used for
other purposes. What matters is the intention of the Reiki practitioner that
decides the outcome. If one wants to add new “functions” to the Power symbol,
one must have a very clear statement and intention of what one wants the
symbol to do and the same will be realised during the course of treatment.

Some other uses of the ‘Choku Rei’

 Increase the power of your healing abilities; use it as a light switch – Draw
or visualise Choku Rei in front of you or draw it in your hands if you want
 You can focus the Reiki energies (like a looking glass) on a specific point of
the body – Draw the symbol directly on the spot being treated
 Increase the power of the other symbols – Draw it before drawing the other
 One can use the Power symbol to close a space around the receiver and to
stop the energies received to disappear from the body – Draw it above the
body with the intention of sealing the healing process
 The Power symbol can be used to spiritually clean a room from negative

energy, to leave it in light and make it a holy place – Draw or visualise the
symbols on all the walls, ceiling and floor with the intent to energise the
 You can clean crystals and other objects from negative energies – Draw the
Power symbol above or on the crystal/object with the intent of cleansing it
and restoring it to its original state. Hold the object in your hands and “give”
it Reiki (or send it Reiki from a distance if it is too big to hold
 Protect yourself from negative energies (from people you treat or people you
meet) – Draw or visualise the Reiki Power symbol in front of you with the
intent of being totally protected
 Protect yourself, your children, your spouse, your house and other things
you value – Draw Choku Rei directly on the object/person you want to
protect with the intent to protect him/her/it from harm
Since Reiki works on all different levels of existence it will naturally also give
protection on all levels of existence.
These are just a few uses. You can use your own intuition and imagination to
find other uses for the Reiki Power symbol – Choku Rei. There are no limits to
what you can do. The power is all in your mind, let your clear intention guide the
function of the symbols.

The Mental/Emotional symbol – Sei He Ki

(Sei He Ki pronounced as: “Say-Hay-Key”)
Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: “God and man become one”.
The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the “mind and the body”. There is
a wonderful function that this powerful symbol performs. It helps people to
realise, accept and bring out the mental and emotional causes of their problems
which helps them to heal speedily.
It is scientifically proved now that most of our ailments are based on mental and
emotional imbalances that are embedded in our sub-conscious mind. The physical
mind is not even aware of it. The symbol works to focus and harmonise the sub-
conscious with the physical side.
This symbol can be used to help with emotional and mental healing. It balances
the left and right side of the brain and gives peace and harmony. It is also very
effective on relationship problems. The Sei He Ki symbol can also be used on
diverse problems like nervousness, fear, depression, anger, sadness, etc.
The Mental/Emotional symbol, Sei He Ki, is related to the Yin and Yang and the
balance between the two sides of the brain.

The left part of the symbol represents Yang and our left side of the brain (logic,
structure and linear thinking, etc.). The right side of the symbol represents Yin
and our right side of the brain (fantasy, feelings, intuition, etc.). When you are
facing another person and draw the symbol, the left side of the symbol, i.e., the
Yang part of the symbol ends up on the receiver’s right side of the brain and
the Yin part on the left side thereby helping to balance the two sides.

Some other uses of the ‘Sei He Ki’:

 The symbol can be used to help heal misuse of drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc.
 Sei He Ki can be used to lose weight
 The symbol can be used to find things that you have misplaced – Draw the
symbol in front of you and ask for help in finding xxxx. Let go of trying to find
the object. The answer will soon pop up
 Sei He Ki can be used to improve your memory when reading and studying –
Draw the symbol on each page as you read it with the intent of remembering
the important parts
 Add the symbol when doing healing (normal or distance) as this can help
the healing process. Many physical problems have mental/emotional roots

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)
The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it also
means “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”.

As has been discussed earlier, the Divine energy can be transferred over long
distances without the healer and the healee actually meeting in person. The
Distance symbol can, as its name implies, help here. Many practitioners consider
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. The use of the
symbol gives access to the “Akashic Records”, the life records of each soul
which are not even disclosed to the individual but can be used in karmic
healing. Trauma and other experiences from this life or the previous life/ves that
affect and mirror peoples’ behaviours can be brought to light and released.
At the time when distance healing is taking place, one needs to be more
attentive and open! This applies both to the healer and the person receiving the
energy. Also, the healer must not focus his efforts on healing a specific problem
like a headache. One can, rather should send the Reiki energies without limitation
and they will naturally go where they are best needed. When doing distance
healing the energies will work on the receiver’s subtle body, the Chakras and
the Aura, and not as much on the physical level (i.e., it can take some time
before the energies seep down to the body but the immediate pain is definitely
The receiver of the Reiki energy can easily feel the energy working on his body.
If he does so with an open mind and has complete faith in the treatment, he can
narrate when the energy is felt in his body in the form of vibrations, a cool or
warm wave or heaviness in certain parts of the body.
Distance healing does not take nearly as long as a hands-on treatment. You
actually only need a few minutes to send distance healing. You can even set up
a Reiki distance healing to automatically repeat sending energies to a person. In
that case one should put a time limit on the repeat (as it otherwise might
continue forever) and also to renew and empower the distance healing every
other day. Actually whatever one decides to do will certainly happen.

Some other uses of the symbol:

 Send Reiki healing to people far away
 “Beam” Reiki to people across the room
 Send Reiki energies to the future to help with a specific task or be there as
a support
 Send Reiki to the past to lift up, to understand and release trauma
To put it across in a frank manner, there is no one defined way to give Reiki
energy to a person. Different masters have successfully done distance healing
in different ways and continue to do so. Absentee healing is basically a process
of visualisation, i.e., imagining or “seeing” the person you want to send healing
to and do it. Some masters even use photographs of people if made available,

although this is not necessary. Sometimes I send to people I don’t really know
(like a name I have received in an e-mail), I only have their name and city. In
many cases where people do not have an internet connection, the energy can
be given on the telephone. So, I would again maintain that the main force
working behind the transfer of this energy is the intention of sending Reiki to
the unknown people that makes it work. Without nurturing any kind of doubt in
mind and with a clear thought, one must send the energy to the healee.
The form of the Distance symbols is complex and probably this is the symbol
with most variations. It is a Japanese Kanji and represents the human body
incorporating the chakras and the five elements.

The Right Atmosphere

Reiki needs to be practised with sanctity and concentration. It is always advisable
to practice certain guidelines while transferring this divine energy to the healee.
 Cleanliness and tidiness of the room is certainly desirable
 One must ensure that there is good ventilation in the room
 A pleasant fragrance in the room would add to the congenial atmosphere.
One can burn incense or oils for this purpose
 Placing fresh flowers in the room to bring in the goodness of nature is a
good idea
 How about some soothing music to relax the mind
 Now ask the recipient to sit in a relaxed state. It would be better if the
distraction of a phone ringing during the healing process is avoided
 Ensure that there are no unnecessary noises, e.g., squeaking doors, flapping
curtains or ticking clocks
 Have the room at a comfortable temperature, avoid noisy heaters or fans if
 Have a jug of fresh water and glasses nearby for thirst
As Reiki is an exchange of Universal Energy between the giver and the receiver,
both the parties must respect the sanctity of the occasion and ensure that all
possible steps are taken to allow smooth transfer of this energy.

Energy Transfer
The Quantum Theory in Physics says that thoughts travel faster than Light.
When the sub-conscious mind is activated by various mechanisms as was
explained by our ancient sages, the sub-conscious mind, through a thought
process was able to transmit energy to the person in need of that energy leading

to the healing of that person. The treatment of ailments happens through a

certain mechanism. The patient must be able to feel the vibrations of the energy
transferred in his/her body. Only then can the healing commence.
First of all the ailing part must be identified. Techniques like transmission of
energy through thoughts and use of the Dowsing method on the affected organ
or related body part are made for healing.
The cyber science has made it possible to assess the strength of each planet
and the related organ/body parts with the help of a software. Through this
software the age of the organ and its effects on the system of the body can also
be suggested. There are remedies available to correct the weakness in the
related organs which are suggested in the form of tonics.


The Chakra System 3

or an energy healer, the chakras of the patient are of central importance
as he works. Because the chakras are so important, and because he
channels energy into them and senses their condition by passing his
hands over them, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of them both for
the healer and the healee.
There are seven major chakras associated with the human body, and
numerous minor ones which are much less important. These major chakras do
not actually exist as “objects” (they are actually energy patterns) but there are
certain specific locations on the body that correspond to them, five along the
spine, and two on the head. Each chakra is shaped like a funnel or whirlpool of
energy. Their vortices lie inside the body, along the spinal cord (which
corresponds to a central energy channel) and up into the head.
Each of the seven chakras has both a front (usually dominant) component, and
a rear (usually less dominant) component, which are intimately related. The 1st
and 7th chakras, however, are usually represented and thought of as having
only the one dominant component, as it is far, far more significant than the
weaker component in these two chakras. The seventh chakra extends vertically
upwards above the head. The 1st chakra extends forwards from the base of the
spine, and downwards, at up to a 30 to 45 degree angle, although its exact
position will vary from person to person and often appears to extend mostly
downwards towards the feet. The other five chakras, spaced between the 1st
and 7th, have at their appropriate locations a front component extending out the
front of the body and a rear component extending out the rear of the body (see
Figure below).

The Chakra System

Each of these seven major chakras, or primary energy centers, has its own
character and corresponds to a unique aspect of our being – from the 1st
chakra (physical vitality, or survival) to the 7th chakra (totality of
beingness, or spiritual perfection). Because the chakras are spiritual

entities, however, it is impossible to convey a true explanation of the nature of

each chakra in words alone — each is a realm of being and consciousness that
cannot be described in mere words but must be experienced. In later level of
the Chios Energy Healing (the Chios Energy Healing System deals with the
chakra system) levels one learns to sense the true spiritual nature of the
chakras for oneself. Each chakra also has a certain true colour of the visible
light spectrum associated with it – from red (1st chakra) to violet (7th chakra).
Num ber Location Character Colour

7 Crown of Head Totality of Beingness and Spiritual Violet


6 Forehead (3rd Eye) Visualisation, Psychic Insight Indigo

5 Pit of Throat Creative Expression, communic- Blue


4 Heart Universal Love, Compassion, Green


3 Solar Plexus Creation of Self, perception & Yellow

Projection of Self

2 Sacral Including sexual energy (Pubic) Orange


1 Base of Spine Physical Vitality, Survival Red

The chakras are energy processing centers, points of energy flow, and act as the
major energy junctions in the energy field. The energetic operations within them
are what make every aspect of our bodily, emotional, mental and spiritual life
possible. Every chakra is always receiving energy into itself, from all around, and
it is this energy that supports the energy field and the entire life process of each
individual. Aside from this entry of energy into the energy field through each of the
seven major chakras, there is also an upward flow of energy in the central energy
channel, from the lower to higher chakras. This upward flow of energy originates
mostly from the earth and then moves through the 1st chakra, 2nd chakra, etc.,
as it ascends finally to the 7th (crown) chakra. This energy is processed at each
chakra, on its way up, in accordance with the unique nature of that chakra. The
lower chakras are simpler-functioning, but as the energy ascends upwards there
is a greater degree of sophisticated and more spiritual functioning, intimately
related to the life experience and state of being of the individual.

The Details
The word “CHAKRA” is derived from Sanskrit and it means a wheel. The

CHAKRAS themselves are circular energy centers, which exist, in a human’s

subtle body. Clairvoyants perceive CHAKRAS as being circular spirals of energy,
which differ in size and activity from one person to another.
The CHAKRAS are connected to a fine channel of energy, which runs parallel to
the spiral chord, and our material body cannot exist without them. They serve as
gateways for the flow of energy and life into our physical bodies.
Each CHAKRA is associated with a certain part of the body and a certain organ,
which it provides with the energy it wants to function. Just as every organ in the
human body has its equivalent on the mental and spiritual level, so too every
CHAKRA corresponds to a specific aspect of human behaviour and development.
A blockage of the energy flow of the CHAKRAS as well as an excess of energy
can lead to an imbalance and disharmony on the physical, mental and spiritual
level. Stress and trauma as well as painful experiences cause such disturbances.
A Reiki channel can do a lot by simply purifying and balancing the CHAKRAS, so
that the energy flows again without disturbance. Meditation and yoga seek to
balance the energy of the CHAKRAS by purifying the lower energy and guiding
them upwards.
In the average person the CHAKRAS look like dull glowing little circles. However,
once awakened, in a spiritually developed person, the CHAKRAS will pulse and
glow and an enormous amount of energy will flow through them.
1 . “The Root or Base CHAKRA” lies in the area of the coccyx in men, and
between the ovaries in women. This CHAKRA is the seat of physical vitality
and the fundamental urge to survive. It regulates those mechanisms, which
keep the physical body alive.
Glands: The suprarenal glands
Organ related: The kidneys, bladder and the spine
2 . “The Sacral or Sexual CHAKRA” is positioned slightly below the navel,
in front of the sacrum. It is the center of sexual energy (both as transmitter
and receiver) and of the ego. The feelings of other people are directly
perceived with this CHAKRA, (making it one of the centers of extrasensory
Glands: The gonads
Organ related: The organs of reproduction and the legs
3 . “The Solar Plexus CHAKRA” lies slightly above the navel. It is the actual
center of the body, the place where physical energy is distributed. It is also
the center of unrefined emotions and the power urge and it is here, when
we are scared, we can feel this area tightening up.

Gland : The pancreas

Organ related : The stomach
4. “The Heart CHAKRA” is positioned in the middle of the chest at the
height of the heart. It is the center of real, unconditional affection as well as
brotherly love, spiritual growth, compassion, devotion and love. Many Eastern
methods of meditation are especially designed to open up this CHAKRA.
Gland : The thymus
Organs related : The heart, the liver, the lungs and the blood circulation.
5. “The Throat CHAKRA” also known as the Thyroid or Laryngeal CHAKRA,
is the CHAKRA of communication, self-expression and creativity. This is
where you hear your inner voice and ones coming from extrasensory realms.
Gland : The thyroid
Organs related : The Throat, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract
6. “The Third Eye CHAKRA” lies in the middle of the forehead, a little higher
than the eyebrows. It is the center of such forms of extra-sensory perception
such as clairvoyance and telepathy. It is the seat of the will, the intellect and
the spirit; it is here that we visualise. The opening of the Third Eye
corresponds to spiritual awakening in many mystic traditions.
Gland : The pituitary gland (hypothesis)
Organs related : The spine, lower brain, left eye, nose and ears.
7. “The Crown or Lotus CHAKRA” is positioned at the top of the head, at
the fontanel. This CHAKRA represents the highest level of consciousness
that a man/woman/child can attain, known as enlightenment,
consciousness of unity and the consciousness of “I AM.” (For this reason a
spiritually awakened person is often represented with a halo or rays of light
around her/his head). This CHAKRA is the seat of intuition and direct
spiritual vision which exceeds the ability of clairvoyance.
Gland : The pineal gland (the epiphysis)
Organs related : The upper brain and the right eye
When we channellise energy to someone else we act as a pipeline for the
Universal energy, the energy that surrounds us. This energy flows through into
the other person, such as water flows through a hosepipe onto your garden. The
water nurtures the garden, as well as cleans the hose it travels through.
When it is channelled like this, the natural healing energies already present
around us are intensified and consciously directed to the areas for highest

A defect in the energy flow through any given chakra will result not only in a
defect in the energy provided to certain portions of the physical body, near to
and associated with that chakra, but will also affect emotions, mind and spirit in
certain specific ways associated with the nature and character of that particular
chakra. Defects in a certain chakra will also often affect many other parts of the
energy field – they will impair the entire energy field’s ability to process energy.
This is because the energy field is a holistic entity: every part affects every other
The chakra system is also the way the healer brings extra energy into himself so
he may channel it into his patient. When he calls in the energy, it enters him
through his own chakra system. He receives the extra energy at first primarily
through his 1st and 7th chakras, but later, with practice, he will draw the
energy through all his chakras equally.
The law of physics says that every particle in this universe is actually an
electromagnetic wave.
Particle, cells, molecules, atoms all vibrate, all time and in the human body as
well and so these vibrations are there, which go in the universe which are
collected by the healer’s intention and then the intended vibrations are
transferred to the ailing person through electronmagnetic waves.
The ailment gets converted into vibrations of a certain nature. These can be
sensed as an electromagnet wave (vibrations) by the healer as intended by him
through a physical diagram or similar other method because there is vibration of
a certain kind on the ailing part.
For healing, intention is made to heal the effected part which becomes an
electromagnet wave generated by the brain. It is transmitted to the place for
which is intended.
Vibration of the electromagnetic wave is felt by the dowsers and energy goes to
the indented body part to heal as intended.
Try to think of something that doesn’t involve energy and you won’t get very far.
Even thinking – even thinking about energy! – needs some energy to make it
happen. In fact, everything that happens in the world uses energy of one kind or
another. But what exactly is energy?
Energy is a bit of a mystery. Most of the time we can’t see it, yet it is everywhere
around us.
What makes Reiki (universal energy) different from other healing methods is the
ATTUNEMENT process, wherein a person has been through the process of fine
tuning the physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibratory level. In addition,
certain energy centers, known as CHAKRAS, are opened to enable the person to
channel higher amounts of this Universal Life Energy.



Aj na

Vis uddh a






Radionics 4

ethod of healing and diagnosing at a distance by using the unique
extra-sensory faculties of the operator by a physical instrument is called
There are certain subtle auric fields which surround every living body. The
normal physical eyes cannot see or detect these auras. On the contrary, these
subtle fields are not only essential for the body functions but also support life in
Radionics operate on principles of Quantum Physics, upon these subtle energy
auric fields. Radionics can be both a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure.
Anyone utilising the science of radionics as a physical body treatment need not
stop the other medical treatments that he might be undergoing at that time as
this science supports and supplements the other treatments rather than replacing
Every person’s energy patterns, frequencies, signatures, vibrations or rhythms
are as unique to them as their fingerprints, reflects these ‘vibrations’. These
energy patterns are disturbed and get imbalanced whenever a person is exposed
to any kind of illness, infection, pollution, or poor hygiene, thus, resulting in the
alteration of the same. This altered energy pattern can be read from any part of
the body and treated by sending messages, with an instrument, to the body in
order that the body may heal itself through the restored flow of energy.

The effectiveness of this spiritual science is independent of the distance between
practitioner and patient. Distance is not a limitation. The patient can be with the
practitioner, can be connected to a machine, or can be many miles away.
Scope of effectiveness : Radionics is really valuable in situations where
conventional medicine becomes ineffective due to seriousness of the disease.
The science has been successfully applied in problems pertaining to humans
but also animals, soil and crops.


Radionics is used in Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Reiki. Radionics can treat

any type of illness through the auric fields, although medical emergencies and
life-threatening illnesses or injuries should always be primarily treated by a
medical doctor.

Radionic Assessment?
Radionics should not be mistaken with a conventional medical diagnosis, in the
sense that it does not try to name the set of symptoms exhibited by the patient.
It is a process by which a practitioner finds out all the factors that are involved
in the development of the illness and disease the patient presents with. The
treatment can proceed only by finding out these factors.
The factors leading to the illness of the patient not only be physical in nature but
might also dwell in the mental, emotional or etheric plane. There could be a
single factor or a set of factors belonging to different planes.
Some factors that could predispose a person to an illness include the environment;
negative energy fields coming from the earth (e.g., geopathic stress); adverse
planetary factors (e.g., transits and bad astrological aspects), etc., etc.
Many times, such factors are discovered which are least expected by the patient
as well as the practitioner. The aim of the radionic practitioner is to isolate these
factors, prioritise them, and then embark on their correction or “balancing the

The procedure of the Radionics assessment

On starting the treatment, the practitioner usually asks a series of questions,
trying to obtain all kind of information from the patient. The questions posed are
generally answerable in ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
For diagnostic assessments and answers to questions (Radiesthesia), Radionics
usually uses a dowsing tool held by, or in contact with the skilled, trained
operator to gather information about the subtle energies of people, animals,
plants, foods, etc. Dowsing devices can take many forms such as:
1. Pendulum movements of a weight attached to a string or chain.
2. Changes in frictional forces or surface tension on a detector pad.
3. Movements of a forked twig or L-rods.
4. Biofeedback instruments with electrodes or transducers to amplify low level
body signals.

The Treatment
When the diagnosis is completed it is able to conclude the overall health including

the functional integrity of all organ systems, psychological states and imbalances
that are present in the energy structures which form the auric fields enveloping
the body.

Has Radionics been validated ?

Radionics in different forms like Healing Touch, Reiki, and Acupuncture have
been validated in hundreds of controlled studies over the past 80 years.

Radionics can be used to help to restore the health of people, animals, plants
and the soil wherever in the world that need exists, and with no depletion of
material resources.

A ‘witness’, is an object such as a photograph, a lock of hair, a blood spot, or a
fingernail clipping from the patient, which is placed into the machine and will
pick up its energy rhythm. Using this rhythm, coded messages are sent from the
instrument back to the patient to correct imbalances discovered through the
initial analysis. There is no need for the patient to be anywhere near the
machine to take place. Some patients and energy-sensitive individuals have
reported feeling subjective effects and sensations long distances from the


An Introduction to 5
Medical Astrology

he Law of the Universe states that every soul is unique. The past karmas
(the accumulated deeds) of the past births are responsible for the different
traits and temperaments of the different souls making them unique in
every respect. Hinduism believes in the fact that the good as well as the bad
deeds of an individual follow him in the lives to come. Astrology is actually based
on this simple principle. The Vedic Medical Astrology is actually as old as the
Vedas, almost Circa 20,000 years.
Ayurveda, mentions three major reasons of illness. The solutions to these three
reasons of illness lie in Astrology. Such advanced is the science that all the
diseases and ailments of a person can be predicted even before he is born. A
person well read in astrology can actually dictate the time and extent of the
illness a person will undergo in his life, not to mention the cures, if possible for
those ailments.
Where modern medical science is at a loss, astrology can foresee and chalk out
viable solutions. By a powerful combination of time and the zodiacs, a smart
diagnostic methodology has been devised by this science.
Medical astrology (traditionally known as Iatromathematics) is an ancient medical
system that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as under
the influence of the sun, moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological
It is important to note that while treating knowledge of Anatomy is very important.
According to this great but unfortunately not so popular science the signs of the
zodiac are believed to preside over the parts of the body, covering the body from
head (Aries) to toe (Pisces). For instance, an individual with the Sun, Moon,
ascendant or many planets in the sign of Aries is presumed to have more
headaches than other people because of the association of Aries with the head.
A person with Taurus strong in the natal chart is predicted to have many sore


throats and problems with the voice because of the Taurean association with
that particular part of the body.
In astrology, a natal chart is a stylised map of the universe with the “native” (the
individual or subject to be studied) at the center. It is calculated for the exact time
and location of the native’s birth for the purposes of gaining insight into the
native’s personality and potential. Commonly used alternative names for the natal
chart include birth chart, horoscope, natus, nativity, radix, geniture and genethliac
chart, among others. The chart shows the positions of the sun, moon, planets,
and potentially other celestial objects, all referred to as the native’s “planets,”
within the frames of references defined by the astrological signs and houses.
The character of diseases given to the planets include : heart and spine disorders
by the Sun; cuts, injuries and bruises as well as fevers and inflammations with
redness and heat by Mars; liver disorders by Jupiter; diseases of expansion and
excess by Sun or Jupiter; menstrual and mammary complaints and dropsies
[fluid retention] by Moon; urinary complaints by Venus; diseases of decline,
collapse, wasting, blockages and contraction by Saturn; poisonings by Saturn;
tremors, neuroses, insanity by Mercury, digestive disorders by Venus.
Medical Astrology
Taking the Signs first, they are connected in this way with the body :
Aries : Head and face, the eyes.
Taurus : The neck, ears, throat, larynx, tonsils.
Gemini : The arms, shoulders, muscles and bones in these, the lungs (including
the trachea and bronchi), and the hands.
Cancer : Stomach, breasts, solar plexus, diaphragm, upper part of the liver.
Leo : The heart, spine and spinal parts.
Virgo : The intestines, alimentary canal, lower part of the liver.
Libra : Kidneys, loins, appendix, lumbar vertebrae and the skin generally.
Scorpio : The organs of reproduction, bladder, gall, colon and rectum.
Sagittarius : The hips, thighs and the sciatic nerves.
Capricorn : The knees, joints of the body and the hair.
Aquarius : The lower leg (calves and ankles), the teeth and the circulation of the
Pisces : The feet and toes.
The Planets govern parts corresponding with the Signs they rule and in which
they have their exaltation.

The physiological side, in relation to the Signs, is as follows :–

Aries : The brain faculties and the distribution of mental and physical energy.
Taurus : Recuperative forces.
Gemini : The breathing and those things connected.
Cancer : Nutrition.
Leo : Distribution of vital forces and especially through the blood.
Virgo : Processes of assimilation and absorption.
Libra : The liquid processes of the body.
Scorpio : Procreation and reproduction.
Sagittarius: The senses, malady as studied through the nerves.
Capricorn : Processes of preservation and reserve of energy.
Aquarius : The circulation and eliminative processes.
Pisces : Perspiration and the lymphatic processes generally.
Diseases which pertain to the various signs are as follows :–
Aries : Headaches, fevers, neuralgia, eye troubles, eruptions and inflammations,
wounds and accidents.
Taurus : Diseases which particularly attack the throat.
Gemini (n): Bronchial complaints, consumption, nerve diseases, pneumonia and
pleurisy, asthma and anaemia.
Cancer : Affections of the digestion.
Leo : Heart trouble, poor circulation and similar troubles
Virgo : Digestive troubles and complaints to do with intestines generally.
Libra : Kidney affections and afflictions to the spine.
Scorpio : Diseases of the parts already mentioned as belonging to the Sign.
Sagittarius : Gout, rheumatism, sciatica, accidents.
Capricorn : Skin complaints and diseases affecting the parts of the Sign.
Aquarius : Accidents to the ankles and complaints affecting that part of the
body; varicose veins, blood poisoning and some nervous diseases.
Pisces : Influenza, colds, diseases accompanied by mucous discharges and
similar complaints.

The planets are generally associated with certain portions of body and functions
of body :–
Sun Heart – Circulation/Vitality, Eyes/Vision
Moon Brain – Nervous System, Sleep/Dreams
Ma r s Blood – Immunity, Defence
Mer c ur y Lungs & Respiratory, Healing/Speech
Jupiter Liver – Metabolism, Appetite, Thyroid and Parathyroid
Venus Kidney/Genital – Urinary Sen/Social
Sat urn Thymus, Spleen – Structural/Alignment
Rahu Thymus, Spleen; Bone Marrow and Kidney
Ke tu Immunity; affects areas below the naval region
Apart from planets and the constellations, viz., the twelve zodiac signs, the
nakshatras also play an important role in the predictive astrology. A resultant of
the planet placed in the particular zodiac sign is very much influenced after
considering the nakshatra in which the planet is placed, for example the
characteristics of the Moon in Rohini nakshatra are drastically different from
the Moon in Kritika nakshatra.
Astrologers and intellectuals have made an in-depth study of the planets,
nakshatras and their effect on the individual. Janam Nakshatra can identify
broadly the disease to which an individual can be prone to. Let us understand
the 27 nakshatra and related injuries and diseases. (Also see annexure 3).

Does reincarnation relate to physical ailments and limitations ?

Besides a lot of books that try to answer the above question. Here is an article
by Barbara K Folts which might assist the readers in the quest of their soul
journey as well as clear their basic doubts as to why ailments happen in the
first place :
“We all have physical ailments and limitations of one sort or another. Issues
that we’d just as soon get rid of; they’re a nuisance or downright debilitating.
We rail at God, the Universe, and ourselves for failing to overcome them. Why
That’s a very good question indeed – WHY ME? A basic principle of
reincarnation is that between lives, with the help of spirit guides, our soul
chooses the next lifetime according to what will be most beneficial for the
maturity and development of our soul. Thus, our physical ailment and/or
limitation may have been a SOUL CHOICE. So there is a purpose for the

situation to be occurring now, which will in some way contribute to our SOUL
GROWTH. Our challenge is to accept this and understand what it is that we
need to learn from it. To name only a few possibilities, it may be patience,
tolerance, an ability to receive help and caring, or humility. Our karmic history
is unique to each individual, so the reasons are as varied as our soul’s and
the Universe’s imaginations.
Looking at a physical ailment and/or limitation from a different perspective,
what if the issue is not for our soul’s growth, but rather UNFORTUNATE
BAGGAGE in the particular human body we chose for our incarnation? The
SOUL CHOICE is made not only for our karmic growth, but also involved in
that decision is finding the most appropriate human being that would help us
achieve our important cosmic goals. Sometimes, that means we have to
incarnate into a body that has a predisposition to certain physical aliments
and limitations. Genetic history does play a role in what each human being
inherits. Therefore, we might have to incarnate into a body that has a genetic
history of cancer or Alzheimer’s because that body offers us the best
possibility to accomplish our SOUL’S GROWTH. For example, that human
being may be our best chance of incarnating with other souls who will be
living in a certain geographic area and we need them to help us in the bigger
picture of our SOUL DEVELOPMENT. The SOUL CHALLENGES that are
important for our SOUL GROWTH outweigh the encumbrance of the physical
Understanding this dynamic can provide some patience and acceptance. I
invite you to step back and contemplate a different perspective. Whether the
physical issue is a soul choice or an unpleasant consequence of incarnating
into that particular human body, our challenge is to tolerate it the best we can
and be open to whatever learnings it can offer us. As difficult as it might be to
understand why our soul would have chosen this, there may be some
important purposes that go far beyond the temporary discomfort we encounter
Barbara K Folts wears two hats! Her experience as a licensed psychologist, in
practice for over 25 years, provides a solid background for working with
clients. As a past life therapist, her expertise substantiates the need for
healing symptoms and the benefit of doing so in the context of reincarnation.
Her clients respond to one or both of these approaches well and find the
healing potential satisfying.”
The 5th and the 6th house of the horoscope points towards the past life
ailments of a person while the 9th house indicates the body organs which need
to be treated for curing the past life ailments of a person.
Case Study: Aman Sharma (name changed) was born on 17-09-75; 4.20 p.m;

place: New Delhi under nakshatra ‘Dhanishtha’. His horoscope shows that he
is prone to whooping cough, anaemia, etc. The nakshatra Dhanishtha (Mars)
rules the knee cap, bones, ankle, limbs, portion between knees and ankle.
Natives born under this nakshatra are prone to malaria, filarial, high fever, boils,
elephantiasis, dry cough, hiccups. Apart from cough, his horoscope also reveals
that the native will suffer from some kind of an eye problem.
The presence of Mars and Ketu in the 5th house indicates the presence of past
life karma in his case. For the cure of his ailments I looked at the 9th house of
his horoscope where the Sun and Mercury are placed. The Sun rules the heart
and the spine while Mercury governs the brain, the central nervous system,
thyroid gland and the five senses.
When the patient came to me, he had his left eye fully damaged. Aman had met
with an accident a few years back involving his left eye. A couple of surgeries
followed which worsened the situation ultimately leading to the displacement of
the retina, gradual glaucoma, cataract and finally complete blindness in the
affected eye. Here I would like to repeat that the past life ailments cannot
be cured by medication. They can only be corrected by charging the
chakras through God’s Universal Energy, better known as Reiki. My objective in
his case is firstly to bring back the eye shape and then the retina to its original
position and then to retrieve the eyesight. All this would be done solely through
Reiki and without any kind of medication. First part was done and the patient
does not have patience and satisfied with the correction of the shape of eye.
Given picture shows the impact of energy healing.

4.9.13 Before start of 21.9.13 During course of 4.11.13 During course

energy treatment energy treatment of energy healing
On the other hand, Sneha was born on 09-01-97 at 9.45 a.m. Her horoscope
(the 5th and the 6th house) does not show any kind of past life ailments. The
next step for me was obviously to find out the deficient salts in her body (again
with the help of her horoscope) so that she could be treated through
homeopathy. Moon and Saturn were the weak planets in her chart. The related
salt for curing these planets is Calcarea Phosphorus which is generally useful in
poor nourishment, diseases of the kidney and the bladder, catarrahs of different
organs. In Sneha’s case, a weak Saturn was responsible for a not perfect

respiratory system. There was congestion in the nasal cavity leading to frequent
cold and cough. This in turn had created pressure on the eye veins leading to
weak eyesight.
The point I am trying to draw through these two cases is that apparently the
same kind of ailment would have to be treated in a different manner. If the
horoscope shows the ailment to be a resultant of a past life karma, generally the
cure is the Divine Energy of God or Reiki as we know it. In case the disease is
an outcome of weak or retrograde planets, Homeopathy works as a strong
assistant along with Reiki to treat the patient.
The planets represent forces or energies at loose in the world; diseases are
likewise represented by energies; thus, a parallel became delineated and the
one came to represent the other in this system. Diseases came to be seen
and depicted very much as manifestations of these planetary energies. They
shared the same qualities and attributes and, thus, could substitute for one
another easily. This constitutes one of the fundamental foundations of medical
The method of the medical astrologer was first to cast a chart for the patient’s
birth and another for the patient’s disease or its approximate time of onset.
From looking at these the astrologer could then determine any excess or deficient
planetary energies which lay at the bottom of the problem. And a general
prognosis could also be made at this stage. In effect the patient’s problem is
translated into astrological language and then its course and cure figured out
from there.
Drugs used were also classified under different planets and so excess energies
could be cooled and neutralised by employing an appropriate drug; likewise
deficient energies could be boosted by employing a drug which was known to
stimulate that organ or system into better functioning. Drugs used were mainly
of botanic origin but some minerals were also employed. The whole system
attempts to harmonise and regularise the body functions by addressing certain
organs and systems which are not working correctly. It is very like Acupuncture,
Ayurveda and Chinese herbal medicine in its overall approach, in which a similar
‘harmonisation of functioning’ is the central therapeutic objective.
Yet medical astrology soon became debased. It is a complex system which
requires a great deal of time and thought to treat someone properly. By taking
shortcuts and trimming the system, some bogus practitioners hoped to speed it
up. This caused a debasement of the original system and, thus, it fell into
disrepute along with astrology generally after the 1750s. Which is not to say that
it didn’t work or that it was useless, or that it was utterly without a rational


All homeopathic and biochemic medicines have a relationship with one or more
planets. If the biochemic/homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of
clinical history and linked with the planetary conditions present at the time of
the sickness, the results are far better.
Astrology is a very difficult science as it depends upon various calculations,
combinations and variety of predictions.
The time when one is likely to get sick or have good health can be predicted
through astrology.
For astrological purposes the time of cry when the child takes the first breath is
taken into account for preparing one’s horoscope. I feel that it is the good and
bad deeds of the previous life that makes the person take birth at a particular
time, place and family and that person’s horoscope is the reflection of those
There are twelve biochemic salts. Doctors have found that the body contains 12
compounds called salts. These will be discussed later.
Some astrologers believe that it is the rays of certain planets entering the body
and brain through air or light at the time of birth which affects one’s personality.
Some conclude that it is due to the distance and angles of certain planets at the
time of birth which makes his/her horoscope and the mind cells are charged
and accordingly they function in one’s life.
It is this condition of the brain cell that affects the absorption power of those
salts in the body and a person gets his brain power and health accordingly. It
makes the person act accordingly and so it affects his/her day-to-day life, his
ability, character, behaviour, power to get education, proficiency, positions,
money, health, complexion, etc.
Probably this is the reason that a person’s life is assessed on the basis of one’s
horoscope which is on the basis of date, time and place of birth.
The effects of individual planet in different houses takes shape during periods
and sub-periods of the respective planets allocated according to the Dasa system
or transits. So if during any such particular period one is ill, it is the effect of
that planet and the biochemic salt for that planet may improve one’s health.
If there are bad effects of any planet in one’s body they can be improved by
various methods. Medical astrology actually cures by providing proper salts
which are deficient in one’s horoscope, thus, leading to an improvement in
one’s life and health.

If the health and brain works better, the person shows better results in his/her
performances in specific areas. Of course it also depends on the capability of
one’s brain cells to absorb those deficient salts and eradicate the excess salts.
That is why along with the salts, various exercises and pranayams have been
suggested by our ancestors to improve one’s absorption power of those deficient
Before we go into details as to how the planets and alternative medicines are
related, let us understand what good health is about.

In a Journal of the American Institute for Homeopathy, Health is defined as
below :
Physical :
Health is freedom from pain in the physical body, having attained a state of well-
Emotional :
Health on the emotional plane is freedom from passion, having as a result a
dynamic state of serenity and calm.
Mental – Spiritual :
It is peace of mind and can be drastically affected by egotism, selfishness and
The more egotistical and selfish an individual is, the greater his potential for
mental derangement.
A good parameter for measuring the health of an individual is the degree to
which he is free to CREATE.
Anybody who is basically healthy will seek to create rather than destroy. Creativity
means all those actions that promote the interests and good of oneself and
others. WHEN one commits destructive acts toward either himself or others it is
apparent to understand the degree to which he is diseased.
Q. Do all planets become retrograde?
A. Except for the Sun and the Moon, all planets become retrograde once in a
while. Since the Moon is essentially a satellite of the Earth, its apparent and real
movements are one and the same. Rahu and Ketu, which are not physical
planets are always in retrograde motion.


Homeopathy / 6
omeopathy is also spelled as homeopathy or homeopathy and
has originated from the Greek word “suffering”. This alternative system
of medicine was developed in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemannans and was
based on his doctrine of similia similibus curentur (“like cures like”), according
to which a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people
will cure similar symptoms in sick people.
According to Hahnemann miasms are actually the deep rooted causal
phenomena that lead to disease. The homeopathic remedies take care of these.
The remedies are prepared by repeatedly diluting a chosen substance in alcohol
or distilled water, followed by forceful striking on an elastic body, called
succussion. Each dilution followed by succussion is said to increase the remedy’s
potency. Dilution usually continues well past the point where none of the original
substance remains. Homeopaths select remedies by consulting reference books
known as repertories, considering the totality of the patient’s symptoms as well
as the patient’s personal traits, physical and psychological state, and life history.
When a patient takes a homeopathic medicine in a very dilute form, his body
produces the same symptoms which are present in a healthy person. But a lot
needs to be inquired from the patient before deciding which substance would
best reproduce his symptoms. For instance, most homeopathic remedies can be
prescribed for fever; only some of those if the fever does not recur in the
evenings, fewer still if it is accompanied by body ache and finally only one
remedy if the fever is accompanied by a running nose and sore throat. The art
of prescribing homeopathic medicines is to drill down, in this manner, to find
the one remedy which matches all your symptoms.
In spite of this, many scientific researchers have declared homeopathic remedies
to be ineffective and their postulated mechanisms of action implausible. Not just
this, the scientific community regards homeopathy as a sham; the American
Medical Association considers homeopathy to be quackery, and homeopathic
practice has been criticised as unethical.


Nevertheless homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in

the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to
50 per cent a year throughout the last decade. This success is fueled by
several factors:
 Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results
can be rapid, complete and permanent.
 Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use
Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can
also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side
 Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural
 Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some
conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example,
cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body’s attempt to
clear the lungs)
 Homeopathic remedies are not addictive – once relief is felt, you should stop
taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong
homeopathic remedy.
 Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical
terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often
means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.

Despite the proven benefits of this line of medicine, there are

two main barriers to the effective use of homeopathy:
 Prescribing the right homeopathic remedy takes a little more time and
patience than conventional medicine. Exactly the right remedy needs to be
taken for your symptoms. There is no such thing as a standard homeopathic
headache remedy.
The remedy you take has to be matched to your particular fever – the range
of temperature the patient suffers from, the frequency of the rise in
temperature, whether it is accompanied by body ache or not, what aggravates
it and what other symptoms the patient experiences.
 The sheer range of remedies in use can cause practical problems for an
average sized pharmacy. If the right remedy is not one of 30 or so commonly
used remedies, they can be difficult to obtain.
 Taking a particular homeopathic medicine often, for a long time, particularly
in high potencies, is generally considered bad practice. While homeopathic

remedies are in themselves free of long term side effects, this can lead to
other health problems while your immune system is directed to your initial
Despite all the discussion and debate over the genuity of Homeopathy and
Biochemistry, it can be concluded that both of these are wonderful sciences. It is
certainly not easy to learn and practise Homeopathy. There must be professional
handling of this school of medication and due encouragement for the promotion
and research by the government in order to experience better results.
Since prescribing the right homeopathic remedy takes more time and patience
than conventional medicine, exactly the right remedy needs to be taken for your
symptoms. That is why finding out astro-based remedies works better.
To overcome this problem a new method has been researched and found very
effective. This Identifies the planets giving problems to one’s body, select –
Biochemic Salt on the basis of Zodiac Science, identify Homeo Remedies based
on medical astrological basis, i.e., the Planets giving problems. And then give
energy (REIKI) through symbols and dowsing. It helps in treating all ailments
including Psychosomatic ailments. This system works well on psychosomatic
ailments where there is no cure in modern medicines.
About modern medicines I would like to draw your attention to the following
comments from an article published in a famous health journal – JAIH :–
“...If conventional medicine does not take notice, and drastically changes its
practices and its logic in treating with chemical drugs; if it does not also
change the direction of its research, soon diseases will go to the very center
of the organism, which is the nervous system, and most of the population on
earth will be mentally ill individuals.”
The same author has mentioned that diseases like Cancer, AIDS, Disorder of
Neuromuscular System, Myopathy and Muscular Dystrophy are known to the
western world to be caused due to massive use of Antibiotics. These diseases
are uncommon to Africans, Asians or South Americans, who have not had the
‘benefit’ of the excellence of western medicines. He claims that the immune
systems of the western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated
vaccinations, have broken down.
The author strongly recommends alternative methodologies of treatment including
acupressure. In this book where I have talked about colour therapy, Reiki,
Homeopathy and Medical Astrology, I might as well mention a small note on this
ancient method of curing which originated in China.
God has created points of all basic organs on hands, palms, tongue, foot and
soles. Basic organs will mean – heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, colon and
intestines, etc.

By pressing points on palm, wrist and fingers one can easily identify the areas
of the internal body that are affected as those points gives pain. If any of such
points such as of thyroid, liver or heart, etc., is painful, one can send him for
a pathological test and the results will be before you. People have found these
to be very accurate. These tests developed by the modern system can give us
the idea of the extent of damage although the severity of pain also tells us the
If one can identify the affected area on tongue, it can give a fair degree of
assessment of the disturbed organ/s and they can be corrected by providing
the relevant salt.
Painful pressure points on hands and soles and feet can be treated by applying
pressure on those points which will ultimately lead to the improvement in
functions of those organs.


Let us now examine which parts of the body are affected by relevant Planets and
which biochemic salt will be helpful in improving the body and mental functions.
Credit of discovering the biochemic system of treatment in its present form goes
to Dr. W.H. Schuessler, a German Physician. The Doctor analysed the ashes of
dead bodies and found that they contained 12 compounds called salts.
An idea occurred to the Doctor that it was possible that a deficiency in any of
the “Salts” might be responsible for disease and that if the deficiency therein be
supplied, the patient might be cured. He worked upon the idea and evolved the
theory that a man falls ill because deficiency takes place in one of the salts in
the system and if the deficient salt is supplied the man would be cured.
According to Schuessler a person cauld only remain healthy as long as he
obtained the necessary minerals in the necessary quantity and in correct
proportion. He further stated that with Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium
and Ferrum in their compound with Phosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid, and Chloride,
all illnesses that are curable could be cured with this method.


The deficiency must be supplied with the requisite salt not in crude state but in
potentised form. Take for instance, common salt (Natrum Mur-NM). We take it in
crude form in our meals daily but it has practically no curative properties but the
same common salts in potentised form is a most wonderful remedy. It cures
delirium; it removes exhaustion and prevents heart failure, cures heat stroke
and sun-stroke (Loo), etc.

Potentising the medicines

Take for instance 1 grain of pure Common Salt and add 9 grains of sugar of milk
and grind them thoroughly in a mortar with pestle for a long time; the result is
the first decimal potency of Natrum Mur. It is described as Natrum Mur 1x.
Similarly if we take 1 grain of Natrum Mur 1x and grind it with 9 grains of sugar
of milk in a similar manner, we get Natrum Mur 2x; and so on.
Biochemic tissue salts help to prevent relevant planet’s adverse effects on
health. Thus, adverse effect of any Planet results in health related problems or
ailments in one’s body.
Given below is a chart showing the relevance of a particular Planet, Organs and
Systems affected and the names of biochemic salts and metals which helps in
improving one’s general health :
Salt Water Nerve Oxygen White Liver Acid Pus
Functions Distribution Nutrient Carrier/ coated remedy Neutraliser/ related/
Spasmodic tongue/ Thin Mucus Calcium/
action Expectorate eliminator Fibrous
thick mucus tissue




that affects

Source: Lotus Book of Homeopathy

Let us analyse each planet and the parts of the body on the basis of the above
chart one by one.

Take the first sign – “SUN”

Sun is the source of all energy and, hence, the most powerful of all planets. It is
a very important Planet in a person’s life.
Water content in one’s body of the average person is about 70% by weight! It is
about 90% at the time of birth but it progressively decreases from birth to old
age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. It is well
understood that the defence force of the child to tolerate sun rays may be less
so the child requires more water in the system. Perhaps this is the reason why
nature has provided more water content in a child’s body. As soon as the child
grows, the requirement is reduced and in the old age it is because of the
insufficient salt that the water retention is reduced.
Having water is critical for all body functions – from moving vitamins around our
system to helping our brain think more quickly. Our muscles are about 75 per
cent water. Fat has about 50 per cent water. Bones are about 50 per cent water,
which helps them to stay strong. Maintaining moisture levels in our skin is also
important. So it is a very important content of the body.
Astrologers tell us that an improper position of the Sun in one’s horoscope
affects a person’s health condition and the behavioural pattern of the mind.
Various combinations and placements of the planets make it possible to judge
all that which might not be possible for me to explain in this book..
My understanding is that if Sun is weak or placed in disturbed position in a
particular person’s horoscope, this shows that all his/her ailments and the
mental condition will have water distribution system related problems. In other
words it can be concluded that the water distribution system of the person is
weak or disturbed. Ailments due to improper distribution of water in one’s body
takes place in one form or the other and have effect on various other organs
depending upon the strength of those organs – against planets.
Indications are that such person either has an excess dryness or the excessive
sweating on any part of the body. One logic is that regulation of brain water
content is one of the functions of Hypothalamus. Hypothalamus also gets energy
from Sun and if it is disturbed the water distribution system of brain is affected
and there is malfunction of brain power as well.
Also lack of the right balance of water in the blood leads to blood either tending
either to get thicker or thinner. This affects its circulation and possibly early or
late clotting of blood. In old age the capability to retain water in the body gets
reduced and so there are many old age ailments like constipation, dryness in
mouth, insufficient saliva, etc. It affects the heart, circulation of blood, eyes, etc.
Dryness in the eyes creates problem of vision leading to Glaucoma, etc. In some
kind of Dandruff the cause is again dryness.

The salt Natrum Mur helps in reducing the dryness.

In the biochemic system the salt Natrum Mur is the Common Salt or Sodium
chloride. It is defined as “Water Distribution System Controller”. Since disturbed
“SUN” in one’s body creates disturbance of water distribution hence the ailments
arising out of this position are possibly corrected by this salt but in potentised
form. It adjusts the water absorption and water delivery of the cells.
As Natrum Mur corrects the water distribution system of the body it improves
the functions of Eyes, Heart and Blood circulation. It also helps in improving
the thyroid, Hyperthyroidism, Goiter, Addison’s diseases, Dehydration and
Rheumatic gouty symptoms, etc. So the person improves his/her health by a
potentised salt – Natrum Mur which controls water distribution system of the
We will discuss the other salt’s functions separately.
If the ill health is due to the effect of more than one planet, the patient would
require more than one salt. Like in case of dandruff in the scalp, if there is
stickiness alongwith, it shows that it indicates not only dryness but other
probable infections due to bad effect of Saturn, Venus and Mercury. The
treatment would need a combination of salts to be given to the individual.
Twelve tissue salts are further astrologically researched and found that for any
given Zodiac System birth there is deficiency of a particular salt. This salt
corresponds to the particular ailments in one’s body. (see Annexure III)


Computerisation of 7
Medical Astrological

software to assess the strength of each planet and related organ or body
part has been devised by the author. It also suggests the age of the organ
and its effects on the system of the body. Tonics to remedy the weakness
in the related organ are also suggested. A chart in the following format is also
This software also identifies the likely ailments due to Nakshtra’s effect, past life
related ailments and how to cure them. It also suggests the deficient salt in
one’s body which require long-tems supplementing it to avoid ailment and
improve immunity.

The Astro based Medical System of Cure – How it works

All Homeopathic remedies are co-related to Planets. Once based on the above
software, the Homeopathic remedies relating to the Planet requiring treatment is
identified. So the selection of remedies is shortlisted and once such remedy is
given together with Healing Energy it brings faster relief to the patient.
During my research I found that the modern medical science made a good
progress in the study of the human anatomy, Surgery intervention and its
investigation system, but the presence of side effects which the allopathic
medicines carry tend to make them a not very suitable solution for health
ailments. The allopathic treatment actually manages and prolongs the ailments
rather than eradicating them completely. Rather it creates side effects and
various other ailments during the whole process. Surgery remains the only
option in extreme emergencies but that too with lot of side effects. Thus, I
continued my search for a better system of cure.
While I explored Homeopathy, to my pleasant surprise I found that there were


more than one remedies and sometimes over 100 medicines for the same
ailment although this makes it difficult to identify the correct medicine for an
ailment in the first go. It, therefore, needs short-listing and often working through
a trial and error method till one reaches the perfect solution for the patient.
A twin analysis is done to find which medicine is more effective depending upon
the weak planets and the related organs. As such all Homeopathic remedies are
compiled to indicate the planets to which they relate. Medicines in relation to
ailment are also given. These remedies if common to the related Planets and
ailment are found to be most suitable and effective.
On the other hand while studying Astrology, I learnt that it is possible to identify
the Homeopathic remedies and link them with the – SEVEN PLANETS which
have a significant role to play in the human anatomy. I started on developing
and finally came up with a software where a medicine would relate to a particular
planet and, thus, the first step would be to identify the weak planets of the
patient through his horoscope and then to link them with the planet’s related
Homeopathic medicines. Naturally it now became possible to shortlist the
Homeopathic medicines for one’s ailment before prescribing any kind of treatment
to him. When I further linked them with the present ailment of the person, further
shortlisting was done and with the basic knowledge of Homeopathic remedies,
such shortlisted cure system when prescribed to the patient (based on his
Horoscope, the Medical Astrological Report and the Astrological based Homeo
remedies) was definitely more effective both in terms of time taken and durability.
Also it is well known that the Homeopathic remedies are immunity developing
remedies and so one medicine often cures more than one ailment if that is
present in one’s body. In fact we term such Homeopathic medicines as ENERGY
medicines. Further research revealed that these Energy medicines can be further
energised by the Human Energy – via ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVES –called
God’s Universal Energy – or REIKI – as the Japanese have named the God’s
Universal Energy.
I realised that by meditating and strengthening the Mental Healing Power and
practising REIKI to energise and correct the blocked body CHAKRAS was another
method to help in creating strength in the related body part to heal/cure. It is
the body which cures naturally and not the medicines. The energy provided to
the brain activates the whole healing process in the body.
CHAKRAS are the vital Energy Centers located in different parts of the body and
receive different waves from the environment which are radiated from different
planets. Energy of these planets makes everything, even the body organs to
vibrate and, therefore, works throughout the three layers of the human element –
physical, mental and spiritual.

REIKI and its use by Radiesthesia on different body parts from a distance –
untouched by hands. It extended to the study of the telepathic way of healing
which helps in the transfer of energy in any part of this world. This helps in
activating the effected body part and, thus, slowly the patient’s sub-conscious
mind starts bringing relief to the ailing person. Faith on the system and
CONCENTRATION over the area where the energy is needed is essential.
When identification of the main organ to be treated and its related planet is
done together with the extent of weakness of that organ/planet/chakra,then the
right Astro-based Homeopathic medicine can be selected. Together with the
medicine, when the Chakras are balanced and energised and energy is
transferred to the related ailing organ, the cure becomes faster.
The Medical Astrological Reports also suggest that certain ailments also arise
due to our previous karmas (deeds) through the SOUL. Thus correction of these
ailments with the charging of those planets/chakras/organs helps in correcting
these ailments. When we treat one organ – it is actually treating that particular
chakra/organ which is under punishment and so the past life sins are forgiven.
The soul of the person carries the memories of the past life in the sub-conscious
mind, and certain characteristics and the personality traits into the new life. The
soul of a human being has two aspects – active and the passive. It is the
passive aspect of the soul that returns.
It is true in a sense that the soul’s data does not need to be reintegrated into
humanity and imputed into new human beings that are born.
The personality does not reincarnate.
Sahaj Yoga which is actually the KUNDALINI JAGRAN (Activation) is also done by
the Dowsing technique much faster leading to the patient feeling the heat, cold,
vibrations or mild pain in his palms, soles, fingers and other body parts confirming
that energy transmission through the spinal cord (in Ida, Pingla and Sushma
Naris) is taking place with the help of the Sub-conscious mind working towards
the cure of the patient.
Thus, this unique combination of – Medical Astrology, identification of past life
related and present ailments because of weak inherent organs, selection of the
Chakras requiring energy, identifying organs causing ailment, identification of
the Astro-based Homeopathic medicines, energising the KUNDALINI and
energising chakras and organs with the help of Dowsing and Radiesthesia in
totality helps in bringing any chronic and present ailments to an end.


Tools and Techniques 8

Dowsing is a technique by which, using a wand of hazel-nut, it is possible to find
mineral, underground water, precious metals, etc.
Dowsing is a natural ability in man which has been with him from the beginning.
Centuries back, man used this ability to find his food and the things he needed.
Through this ability, he could even communicate with other parts of his tribe at
a distance.
With the passage of time human beings developed more sophisticated gadgets
to communicate as well as replace this wonderful technique making it redundant
over the years. However, this natural sensitivity can be redeveloped and retrained
in many people and used for good.
It is actually the mind of the person which is the active participant in practising
this technique. The mind and brain of the person must not be confused with
each other. The brain can of course remember, reason, appreciate, store
experiences and co-ordinate what our five senses tell us. But the mind is much
more powerful than the brain.
The mind in the sense that it is used here covers those things commonly
spoken of today as the super-conscious, the sub-conscious and the various
levels of consciousness. Instinct and Intuition could be included, too. Although
the modern science has started rationalising these concepts, the fact that these
are quite subtle in nature leads to all of us having our own related ideas and
There is a certain sensitivity used in dowsing which is in reality the working of
the mind. The trained and qualified dowser “knows“ the answer to his question
in his mind. He can get at the answer simply by using the mind alone, but this
is difficult and mistakes are easily made. So, to simplify the process of getting
what is in the mind out into some simple visible signal he uses tools.
These tools, whatever they are – the hands alone, rods, pendulums, etc. – are


activated by the muscles on the instruction of the mind and they move in
accordance with the code the user of the dowser has arranged with
himself. (Hence, the infinite number of variations in tools and tool movements
among dowsers.)
Dowsing does not depend upon the distance. The enhanced experimentation
with the technique has shown that it can be used with absolute effective results
over any range of physical distances. This is probably due to the mind being the
active participant in the process. The mind which can mysteriously travel
anywhere and everywhere (for therein lies the power of the mind) can go to any
length and depth.
The dowsing work is usually divided into three stages. The first is done at home
on maps or plans or by question and answer; this work is done with a pendulum.
The second is done on the ground with a rod, to confirm the work done at a
distance. The third stage is to obtain proof of the accuracy of the work by
whatever practical means exist. This is the most important part, for no work is of
any value until the third and vital stage have proved it accurate.
When starting a problem all the information available is gathered and sized up.
This can be termed as the Brain Appreciation. Before starting the dowsing, the
brain appreciation is completed. The next step would obviously be to chalk out
the series of questions that one is trying to resolve through dowsing. The
questions must be clear to the mind. While the dowser repeats the question
clearly in his mind, he must set aside all the logical activity of the brain and try
to invoke his intuitive abilities by probing the answer in a neutral manner. The
natural sensitivity of the mind needs more and more practice to flare up.
The ability to set aside the brain influence also requires training and practice.
For if the brain influence is not set aside it will intrude and preconceived ideas
and wishful thinking will influence the dowsing. This can tend to be the largest
source of dowsers’ failures.

The roots of Radiesthesia

The Chinese already used the art of dowsing around two thousand years before
our Era and they had become very experienced searching water, mining layers,
etc. They used a wand that differed from the classical one in that it was
bifurcate and every extremity was held up by a different operator. It is told that
a Chinese Emperor, belonging to the dynasty Hia, has been one of the biggest
water finder of antiquity. An incision on wood, dated 147 B.C., represented him
with an object in hand. It is well understood and without any confusion that this
object must have been used for dowsing purposes.
In Egypt the searches carried out in the graves of the valley of the Kings have
allowed to not only discover some wands but also a certain number of tools

oddly similar to that of the pendulum. It seems that they were used especially by
the Pharaoh, his men and the priests in the temples. It was a sacred and secret
It seems that even Mosès would have been a dowser. Deep expert of all the
sciences that he was and the secret of the Egyptians, which would have been
allowed to him, along with the other prodigies, to have, in full desert, the water
risen from the rock of Horeb?
When Romolo founded Rome in Italy, a sensitive guy, likely a dowser, climbed
with him on the hill and, wand to the hand, determined the zone of favourable
influences for the building of the city.
We learn from history that when the Roman legions advanced toward the Gallia
and Germany, their armies were preceded from carriers of wands, the mission
of which consisted in discovering essential underground water to the feeding of
the troops. In this way there were also discovered a certain number of thermal


All forms of matter exude radiation and it was a swiss priest, the Abbe Mermet
that, in the 1920’s, introduced the term “radiesthesia” meaning “sensitivity to
radiation”. At that time he was using the dowsing technique for medical
Dowsing is one of the oldest sciences. When a man goes along with a rod
looking for water or gold or silver, or for a submarine, as we did in the last war,
or uses a pendulum to choose a medical substance, the reactions of the rod or
pendulum are what we study physically.
The word “Radiesthesia” means “sensitivity to radiations”. It has been known of
for centuries in the guise of water divining. Only recently has the word
Radiesthesia appeared in the English language; it is better known in France and
other European countries by its French equivalent Radiesthésie.
The basis of radiesthesia is the carrying out of tests depending on sensitivity of
human beings, which may be sensitivity to the presence of running water, of
metals, or indeed of radiations coming from any object or person. In the old
times, the term “dowsing” almost always related to the practice of testing for the
presence of water and other objects.
Some dowsers, or diviners, have been highly successful in searching for lost
objects or persons by carrying with them in their search a sample or “witness”
(after the French word te’moin) of the missing object or person, and not
infrequently we read in our newspapers of diviners assisting the police in tracking
down murderers or missing people. The instrument mostly used for practices of

this kind is the divining rod, which may consist simply of a V-shaped hazel twig
cut from the tree, or two whalebone rods bound together at one end.
In the past radiesthetic work, consisting mostly of finding water supplies in arid
districts, consisted of “field work” carried on out of doors. It is only in
comparatively recent years that human sensitivity has been employed on any
scale for delicate work of a laboratory nature involving precise measurements.
Work of this nature is widely practised in France and is being followed with great
interest by radiesthetists in Belgium, Italy and other European countries.
A number of radiesthetic periodicals are published in the ‘Continent and
Societies’, in the United States and other countries, with the object of furthering
the interests of radiesthesia.
Paracelsus’ opinion of the physician was that he either cured miraculously or by
using the forces of the earth and by the knowledge and use of his science. Now
radiesthesia is on the borderline between the two.
Dowsing in fact like medicine is both a science and philosophy. For a scientific
interpretation of the technique, fresh researches must be conducted in a scientific
way. If you don’t want to bring it down to that you must accept that human
beings can function miraculously or they can function on a physical-ethereal
body level.


Medical 9

edical Radiesthesia means to make a medical diagnosis, of the client’s
health condition and/or his environment. An expert dowser can locate
areas of disease within the body and also areas of geopathic or
electromagnetic stress within buildings. The latter could be causing some
The advantage of radiesthesia as applied to medicine is that much information
can be obtained about the patient, which cannot readily be ascertained in any
other way. It can, therefore, add to the knowledge obtained through clinical
examination and may throw an entirely new light on a case. While similar
information can sometimes be obtained by orthodox methods, it should be
remembered that radiesthesic tests can be carried out at any convenient spot
and in the minimum of time, provided that a blood smear, saliva specimen, or
other suitable sample of the patient is at hand.
While there are many people who take a somewhat elementary interest in
radiesthesia by using methods which are somewhat severely limited in their
scope, that is no reason why the scientifically trained should assume that the
whole subject is unworthy of their attention.
The fact is that human sensitivity is of such an order that often the
simplest method softesting can produce reliable and worthwhile results.


Dr. Albert Abrams (1863-1924), was a highly qualified conventional practitioner
with an illustrious career and also the advantage of a substantial private fortune,
Abrams was able to pursue his researches without reliance on outside funding.
Abrams’ fundamental discovery was that under certain conditions the human
nervous system will react to the energy field of external elements such as
persons with disease conditions, samples of diseased tissue, and so forth. This
reaction would manifest by means of a muscle reflex which could be detected
by percussing the abdominal wall.

Alternatively, Abrams found that drawing a glass rod across the abdomen could
also be used to localise the point of response. Different diseases – or as
Abrams noted, “drugs in homeopathic dilutions can be detected and identified
by the stomach reflex” – produced reactions in different parts of the abdomen,
which suggested a unique diagnostic method.
He then proceeded to develop a technique which placed a person with abdomen
bared (known as the “subject”) in series with a patient, i.e., linked by a wire
which terminated on the subject’s forehead. He could then diagnose by testing
on the healthy subject for response to disease conditions in the patient.
Abrams later discovered that certain diseases produced reactions in the same
muscle groups, which neatly threw his method off the rails until he hit upon the
idea of placing a variable potentiometer (i.e., a rotary control such as might be
used to adjust the volume on a hi-fi) in the middle of the cable linking the
subject to the patient. Settings of the potentiometer would be found which were
unique to each disease, thus, making it possible to diagnose a wide range of
Eventually Abrams discovered that he could diagnose just as accurately using a
blood sample from the patient, and eventually found out that he could work at a
distance with the patient’s sample placed next to the telephone line; such tests
were performed over distances of more than 500 miles.
From these basic elements:
 the reflex muscle reaction to the stimulus of an external energy field (i.e.,
the radiesthetic faculty, from the practitioner’s point of view);
 the substitution of a sample from the patient for the patient himself;
 the creation of a unique value representing a disease or other energy factor;
 the possibility of working at a distance.

Dr. Ruth Drown (1892-1963), a chiropractor based in Hollywood, had apparently
worked in Abrams’ clinic as a young woman and decided to develop his methods.
Drown redesigned the diagnostic instrument into a compact system which gave
greater flexibility and extended range. The patient’s blood sample was relocated into
a small container in the instrument. She replaced the subject’s abdomen with a
small rubber membrane (known as the “stick pad”); the index finger was stroked
along the pad while the potentiometers were adjusted, and when the appropriate
setting was found – i.e., the circuitry came into balance, indicating a resonance or
response in the practitioner – the finger would “stick” on the membrane.

Her new designs also allowed longer sequences of numerical values to be

created, which enabled her to assemble an atlas of rates which covers most of
the structures in the human body, many disease types, poisons, toxins, and a
range of other factors including emotional states.
Drown sought to define perfect structures, to measure the degree of deviation
from perfection, and then to rectify any imbalances or deficiencies. Thus, very
simply, her rate for the liver is 48 g; this would be set on the instrument and the
deviation from 0 tested. Any significant reading would indicate a problem either
in the liver or elsewhere in the body which was affecting the liver.
Her principal treatment method was to feed the “perfect” rate back to the
respective diseased location in the patient, either by wires or remotely, the idea
being that as new cells were created they would be healthy and would replace
the diseased structures, and according to the information available, she claimed
many successes.
She also placed a priority on treating the endocrine system, and as radionics
emerges as a system of treatment on the dynamic plane, I will show how this
ties in with the analysis of the subtle anatomy which has come to dominate
present-day radionics, at least in the UK.
It would seem, from the present-day position, that virtually anything can be
represented by a radionic rate, and this of course includes the entire homeopathic
Materia Medica; it is even possible, in principle, to find rates for remedies which
we do not yet have or which are too dangerous to handle, such as radioactive

So what does a Radionic practitioner do? First and foremost, he uses his mind,
but he does so in a rather special way. He does not merely “think about” the
problem he wishes to solve and try to reason it out: he deliberately incorporates
his own mental faculties as a factor in the situation. Aware of the distinction
between the conscious and unconscious mind of man, he uses his unconscious
mind as a tool of his conscious mind.
Employing the unconscious for information retrieval purposes, he processes the
information so obtained with his conscious mind, decides logically and rationally
what has to be done, and (probably) again brings his unconscious into play in
administering the indicated treatment. In carrying out those mental processes,
he externalises and objectifies them by means of certain equipment, physical
devices or “instruments” designed to suit his particular purposes, which may be
of various different kinds.
For diagnostic purposes, he uses a pendulum or other detection device for
registering signals from the unconscious mind giving the answers to questions

formulated by the conscious mind. For treatment purposes, he creates an

energy field specifically designed to meet the requirements of the patient
concerned at the time in question.
This can be achieved either by means of a conventional radionic instrument
comprising a number of potentiometers or by means of geometric diagrams on
paper. The effect in either case is the same since the purpose is simply to create
the pattern of energy required to rectify a distortion in the patient’s energy field.
This process can be illustrated by reference to the experiment which every
school boy has carried out with iron filings on a sheet of paper and a magnet. If,
when the filings have been organised in a particular pattern by holding the
magnet under the paper, they are disturbed by moving the paper, the pattern
symmetry of their arrangement can be restored by re-asserting the magnetic


The Treatment 10

ur ancestors researched and developed the science of Astrology to identify
the area which one is likely to suffer or is presently suffering. Medical
Astrology is another way of assessing the area of deficient energy in
one’s body.
There are two ways to access this information. One is by preparing one’s
Horoscope on the basis of Birth Chart, i.e., time, place and date of birth. This
gives the whole life’s picture. Also the planetary position on the basis of sub-
periods the present ailments can be translated.
Secondly to prepare one’ horoscope on the basis of when the person comes for
treatment or asking the question.
It is said that planet’s energy is always with the person wherever one goes and
works on the body depending upon his already charged brain cells at the time
of birth. This is the reason that the strength of each planet in one’s body is
calculated on the basis of degrees which were present at the time of birth and
so at the time of asking a question.
Hence, we calculate on the basis of horoscope the power at which each planet
is transmitting the energy in one’s body. We can translate it into the body’s
organs and parts which will be having high or deficient energy. (annexure 6)
This was the reason that in olden time’s knowledge of Astrology was a must before
entering into the field of medical arena so that an assessment of the area and the
extent of ailment can be translated and the treatment is given on this basis.
Nine main planets and twelve Zodiac placements in one’s horoscope’s chart
together with their degrees, i.e., power positive and negative coupled with the
likely ailments on the basis of Nakshatra’s which are also powered by relevant
planet’s energy indicates the Body’s organs and parts likely to get affected
unless treated and/or energised otherwise.
Planets have role on main organs and their functions and Zodiac placement of
one’s horoscope indicate the body parts and functions likely to get affected.


Detailed calculations are to be done based on the strength of planet’s power in

one’s horoscope placed in the respective houses.
Planets of the Ascending House and the 9th House of the horoscope indicates
requiring energy to treat one’s health.
Weak energy in one’s horoscope’s respective house represents the likely
ailments and excess energy also burns energy faster. To what extent is
calculated on the basis of their power. Software has been developed. 8/9th per
cent accuracy can be ascertained if the main chart is calculated and if navamsa
chart is added, i.e., 1/9th the more accurate results can be obtained. There
may be other factors for which higher knowledge of Astrology is needed.
Once the weak and strong planets are found out, then based on main period
Vimsottari (Mahadasha) and sub-periods Vimsottari Dasa (Pratyantar) can be
studied to locate the present body parts causing ailments.
By looking at the chart given at the end of the book, one can know which planet
placed in which house gives how much power in the body’s organs. (see
Annexure 1).
The unconventional methods of treatment which often work as a combination of
two or more therapies (earlier discussed in the book) and might appear to be
quite illogical to some of the rational minded. Definitely, the astrological data of
the patient serves as the base of the treatment as can be seen in the case
discussed below:
Case Study 1: The patient in this case is an eleven-year old child, Rachit
(name changed) whose date of birth is 10th November, 2003, birth time is 4.35
a.m. and the birth place is Delhi. The parents of the child approached me in a
confused and disappointed state of mind. According to the parents, Rachit ate
more than an average child, did not show interest in his regular studies and
suffered from a few other minor problems.
The first thing I did, as my treatment started, was to create Rachit’s astrological
chart which showed that the person bearing the details of the horoscope would
have a good appetite but would be unable to maintain a systematic food habit.
The chart also revealed that the person would suffer from dental problems,
weak eyesight (the child was already supporting spectacles), wind and piles,
brain fever (cerebral meningitis). Now these problems would obviously be spread,
over his lifespan.
Further conversation with the parents disclosed that the child actually suffered
from frequent headaches. The child also displayed a forgetful tendency and a
lack of inclination towards academics.
After the primary diagnosis of the child’s health through his horoscope, I

proceeded towards the planetary analysis. The medico astrological software

developed by me showed a weak Moon, Mercury and Saturn in Rachit’s chart.
In fact, the planets, according to my opinion were retrograde rather than weak.
That means they were performing the reverse of their desired functions. As has
been discussed in the earlier part of the book, the Moon rules the stomach, the
digestive system and the lymphatic system along with the female organs
(irrelevant in this case); Mercury rules the brain, the central nervous system,
the five senses and the hands while Saturn is the lord of skin, hair, teeth,
bones and the body’s defences.
All the three mentioned planets were retrograde in Rachit’s horoscope. It could
be clearly inferred that instead of making the related organs strong, the reverse
was actually happening. The child was actually ailing from respiratory and lung
problems, a bleeding nose in summers and frequent nasal blockades all due to
the retrograde Mercury. A weak respiratory system further leads to inadequate
supply of oxygen to the brain causing frequent headaches in this case.
During the discussion with the parents, I also came to know that when the child
was younger and suffered from cold, cough and nasal blockades, he had been
prescribed a heavy dose of antibiotics by the allopathic physicians due to which
the mucus inside the nasal cavity, instead of being cured, thickened and stayed
inside which gradually led to blockades in the sinus area resulting in not just
deficient oxygen supply to the brain but also in weak eyesight.
Rachit in fact stayed away from almost all kinds of physical activities which
would lead to panting and increased lung pressure. At most, he enjoyed cycling
which was more convenient in this respect.
The child was also suffering from deficient lymphocytes, weak lymphatic glands,
deficient white blood cells and weak bones (bad Saturn). Besides the Mercury
giving Rachit deficient lung and respiratory systems, even the retrograde Moon
was pointing to a weak and exhausted brain which was being actually caused by
the inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain. The same planets were also
responsible for erratic pains in the body, forgetfulness and mistakes in writing.
(remember, Mercury is also responsible for the hands). No wonder, the child
was not showing any interest in his studies and other mental activities.
The weak Moon had given the native an irregular metabolism and a weak
digestive system. The child was eating much more than an average child and
was gradually being led to obesity. Lack of any physical activity was encouraging
the problem even more.
The planetary analysis was over and I was already pondering on the treatment
issue. The combination of the Reiki and Homeopathy were the perfect for
this case. It was necessary that the Chakras of the child be corrected and

which would happen over the next couple of sessions when the Divine Reiki
Energy would be transferred by me to the child’s body.
To remind the readers CHAKRAS are circular spirals of energy, which differ in
size and activity from one person to another. Each CHAKRA is associated with a
certain part of the body and a certain organ, which it provides with the energy.
Just as every organ in the human body has its equivalent on the mental and
spiritual level, so too every CHAKRA corresponds to a specific aspect of human
behaviour and development.

To revist our knowledge on the Chakras

The Solar Plexus relates with the Pancreas Gland (Organ: the Stomach); the
Heart Chakra rules the Thymus (Organ: Heart, Liver, Lungs and Blood Circulatory
System); the Throat Chakra connects with the Thyroid Gland (Organ: Throat,
Upper Lungs, Arms and the Digestive Tract); the Third Eye Chakra can be
related to the Spine, Lower Brain, Left Eye, Nose and Ears and the Crown
Chakra or the Lotus Chakra is responsible for the Pineal Gland (Organ: Upper
Brain, Right Eye). I have chosen not to repeat the Root and the Sacral Chakras
for the sake of their irrelevance in this case.
A regular energising of the related chakras would help in healing the related
body parts. The number of sessions needed for the same would be decided by
me in the near future. The dowsers would be handy in this.
The other important course of treatment that was decided by me was of course
the homeopathic medication. Here again I took the help of my medico-
astrological software. There is a unique relation between the homeopathic
medicines and planets, as very few readers would know. The software disclosed
two medicines, viz., TUBERCULINUM and CALCAREA SULPH which could be
prescribed for a retrograde or weak Saturn, Mercury and Moon. Before choosing
the course of medication, I had a further conversation with the father of Rachit.
Coincidentally, the boy had a family history of tuberculosis. Both his father and
grandfather had suffered the disease. In fact, Rachit’s father said he shared
quite a few problems that the child was encountering. Now I knew it. I prescribed
TUBERCULINUM to my patient to start with. That would cure the child of his lung
infection and clear his nasal passage. This would form a base to cure all the
other ailments in his body.
Case Study 2 : Harsh (name changed), born on 12th February 2013 at
12:18:00 PM, in Delhi is prone to muscular/nerves ailment, acidity and diabetes.
His horoscope shows that he also might have problems with the ribs, flanks and
soles of the feet. The child was born under the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapad.
Another view, looking at his nakshatra at the time of his birth indicated that he
could suffer from complaints like nervous/muscular attacks, diabetes, gastric

and abdominal problems. The women born under the Purva Bhadrapad could
suffer from uterine problems.
The deficient salt in this case is: NATRUM MUIR. This contains sodium chloride
more than any other inorganic salt. It has power to use water to build up and
carry on functions of life. It also acts as a vehicle to eliminate waste substances.
Any deficiency of this salt causes a disturbance in moisture of solids and in
fluid of body. The deficiency of the salt indicates cold with discharge of clear,
watery transparent mucus, chronic catarrh with salty and watery mucus
discharges from eyes and nose, excessive dryness of nose, perspiration on face
after eating, excess of saliva, constipation, etc.
The child’s birth chart showed that Sun, Venus and Saturn were the weak
planets which needed to be corrected in his case. Venus and Saturn affect
the kidneys/genitals – involving the urinary and sexual functions; thymus and
spleen – influencing the structural and the alignment of the body parts,the
pancreas, heart, spine, upper back, liver, stomach. A discrepancy in the kidneys
and genitals could lead to reproductive problems, disturbances in the menstrual
cycle, ovarian cysts, testicular and prostrate problems.
Sun and Venus if malaffected lead to problems in the knee-caps, joints and
bones of the neck, face, throat, the oesophagus and the cerebellum.
The child’s parents approached me for the child suffering from acute
constipation, eye squint and a flat foot. Their family pediatrician had also detected
a peculiar sound in the heart during a routine check-up of the child. Since the
child was prone to weak muscles (revealed by his horoscope), it added to his
problem of constipation. The eye squint, in his case, was also indicative of weak
eye muscles. The child’s body muscles were unable to retain moisture from the
food and fluids that he took. The child was able to excrete solid waste once in
three-four days as the dryness in his body was the cause of severe constipation.
The salt Natrum Muir (functions of the salt mentioned earlier) would have to be
given lifelong to the child. The malfunctioning Sun in his case had to be cured
since it was responsible for the dryness in his body. And this whole problem
related to his past life ailments which would have to be corrected not by
medicine but through Reiki. The treatment showed results in due course of
Case Study 3: Divya was born on 9th January 1997 at 9:45:00 AM in Delhi.
She was sixteen at the time of our first appointment. Born under the Ashadha
Nakshatra, she was prone to low blood pressure, dropsy or swollen ankles,
apoplexy and palpitation. The Nakshatra also gave the native perspiring feet and
an enlarged liver. Her birth chart showed that she could even suffer from
ailments like T.B. Eosonophilia, muscular problems, etc. The woman could suffer
from uterine problems.

The deficient salt in Divya’s case was: Calcarea Phosphorus. It is found in all
cells especially bone cells. A lack of this salt is frequently a cause of indigestion.
The salt is useful in poor nourishment, heart burn, diseases of kidney and the
bladder, catarrhs of different organs, rachitic, emaciation, etc. Moon and Saturn
were the planets involved in her chart. Saturn, to remind the readers affects the
Thymus, Spleen (responsible for structural alignment and influences the genitals).
Mercury which was also in a retrograde condition while being responsible for
the lungs and the respiratory system, the uterus, testicles and the ovaries.
I was consulted by the girl’s parents for her sinus, lungs and respiratory
problems besides a distant weak eye sight. Divya wore glasses. A heavy dose of
allopathic medicines in the early years for her sinus problem had not solved the
ailment. Rather the suppression of the mucus in the upper nasal cavity had
clogged the passage leading to deficient oxygen reaching the brain further
resulting in a rather not so active mental faculty.
Her treatment involved basically the repletion of the salt Calc. Phos. in her body.
The divine energy would have to be given to her for the past life ailments in her
Case Study 4: Sumit Goyal (name changed) aged 35, born on 27th July, 1978
at 7:15:00 AM in Hissar was born under the Nakshatra Ashvini.
His deficient salt is : Magnesium Phosphorus. This salt is found in blood
cells, muscles, brain, spinal marrow, nerves, bones and teeth. Sharp pains,
cramps, and paralysis call for this salt. It is used in neuralgia, toothache, face,
convulsions, fits, colic pains, gall stone colic, twitching, and spasmodic retention
of urine, trembling, chorea (sty. Virus’ dance), etc.
Mars and the Moon which are responsible for the Brain – Nervous system,
sleep/dreams and also the pancreas, heart, spine, upper back, liver and the
stomach were the rectifiable planets in his chart. The pituitary gland too was
affected and so were the body parts associated with the pituitary gland like the
lower brain, left eye, ears and nervous system.
The current problems as reported by the patient were related to the lungs,
respiratory tract, dryness all over the body, problems related to the pituitary
gland, a weak pulse due to weak heart muscles. Sumit was also ailing from
urinary disorder.
The obvious treatment in his case lay in treating, rather, recharging his pituitary
gland which is the controller of the muscular function in the body. Many of the
problems with Sumit were directly or indirectly related to the malfunctioning of
the pituitary gland. Besides Reiki, the patient was supplemented with a dose of
Magnesium Phosphorus which was his deficient salt.
Case Study 5: Meenakshi Barua (name changed); date of birth : 26-05-1962;

6:30:00 AM in Jodhpur, aged 51 at the time of our meeting was born under the
Dhanishtha Nakshatra. The native could suffer from complaints like anemia,
cough and cold, etc. The women might suffer from uterine problems. Her
deficient salt was KALI MUIR. It unites with albuminous substances, forming
fibrin which is found in every tissue of body. A deficiency of this salt brings a
discharge of a thick, whitish, sticky character from mucus membranes, and a
white or grey coating of tongue. This salt is the chief remedy for bronchitis,
colds, catarrh, dyspepsia, liver diseases, mumps, quinsy, stomach
derangements, sick headache/deafness, Rheumatism with swellings (generally
all swellings without fever; if accompanied with fever alternate with ferr. Phos.).
This salt is useful in haemorrhage of dark clotty blood and for bright blood.
A weak Venus would affect the kidneys/genitals, and the pancreas, heart,
spine, upper back, liver, stomach leading to reproductive problems, disturbances
in the menstrual cycle, ovarian cysts, testicular and prostrate problems.
Saturn and Kety, retrograde in her case were leading to weak bones of the
neck, face, throat, oesophagus, cerebellum, knee-caps, joints, bones. The
breast, digestive system and the stomach would also be affected.
An overall view at her health chart indicated that Saturn would deteriorate from
age, Rahu would weaken from age 45 affecting the chest, breast, digestive
organs, stomach. The patient had approached me for her current problems, viz.,
sinus, hearing, pain of the bones and muscles, lungs and respiratory and
hormonal imbalance.
A few sessions of Reiki were needed to charge the chakras to give an overall
vitality to the whole system, keeping specific sessions for the digestive system
and the respiratory system. It need not be mentioned that Kali Mur was advised
to the healee to be taken since the deficiency of the salt was also the cause of
a lot of current problems in her case.
Case Study 6: Ms. Sonal, born on 7th Aug 1974 (Srinagar) was advised
dental surgery by three orthodentists for multiple gum and teeth problems,
especially gum bleeding and piarhhoea. One look at Sonal’s horoscope indicated
a retrograde Saturn and Jupiter. The weakness of these two planets in her case
was not just responsible for her teeth problems but also indicated breathing
problems and an imbalanced thyroid gland.
The latter two problems did not exist at the time of our first meeting. The patient
returned for the treatment of these ailments after a couple of months following
fourteen successful Reiki sessions and a good dose of homeopathy which
cured her gums of even the slightest of infections. This was followed by a
booster dose of Reiki after three months. In the later months, I was able to cure
her Thyroid which had reached a level of 10.4 and brought it down to 4.5
without any kind of medication. Just four sessions of the Divine energy and she

was saved of the life long allopathic medication, generally recommended to a

patient of hypothyroidism.

Case Study 7


Psychosomatic 11

sychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). A psychosomatic
disorder is a disease which involves both mind and body. Some physical
diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse by mental
factors such as stress and anxiety. Your current mental state can affect the
degree of a physical disease is at any given time.

Which diseases are psychosomatic ?

To an extent, most diseases are psychosomatic – involving both mind and body.
 There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. How we react to and
cope with disease varies greatly from person to person. For example, the
rash of psoriasis may not bother some people very much. However, the rash
covering the same parts of the body in someone else may make them feel
depressed and more ill.
 There can be physical effects from mental illness. For example, with some
mental illnesses you may not eat, or take care of yourself, very well which
can cause physical problems.
However, the term psychosomatic disorder is mainly used to mean – “a physical
disease that is thought to be caused, or made worse, by mental factors”.
Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse
by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. For example, psoriasis, eczema,
stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It is thought that the
actual physical part of the illness (the extent of a rash, the level of the blood
pressure, etc.) can be affected by mental factors. This is difficult to prove.
However, many people with these and other physical diseases say that their
current mental state can affect how bad their physical disease is at any given
Some people also use the term psychosomatic disorder when mental factors


cause physical symptoms, but where there is no physical disease. For example,
a chest pain may be caused by stress, and no physical disease can be found.

How can the mind affect physical diseases?

It is well known that the mind can cause physical symptoms. For example, when
we are afraid or anxious we may develop: a fast heart rate, palpitations, feeling
sick, shaking (tremor), sweating, dry mouth, chest pain, headaches, a knot in
the stomach, and fast breathing. These physical symptoms are due to increased
activity of nervous impulses sent from the brain to various parts of the body,
and to the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream when we are anxious.
However, the exact way that the mind can cause certain other symptoms is not
clear. Also, how the mind can affect actual physical diseases (rashes, blood
pressure, etc.) is not clear. It may have something to do with nervous impulses
going to the body, which we do not fully understand. There is also some
evidence that the brain may be able to affect certain cells of the immune
system, which is involved in various physical diseases.

Spotting stress
What are the treatments for psychosomatic disorders?
Each disease has its own treatment options. For physical diseases, physical
treatments such as medication or surgeries are usually the most important.
However, healthcare workers will usually try to treat a person as a whole and
take into account mental and social factors which may be contributing to a
disease. Therefore, treatments to ease stress, anxiety, depression, etc., may
help if they are thought to be contributing to your physical disease.

A Review

To sum up the techniques, methodologies and fundamentals, as mentioned in

this book, I would rather do for the more simple minded readers :
1. A person’s ailments/diseases can be assessed from his birth chart which
can be prepared using his/her date, time of birth and place of birth.
2. The horoscope or the birth chart of the native also shows the weak or the
retrograde planets and the nakashatras under which a person is born,
which are basically responsible for the ailments and, thus, need to be
3. The overall health chart (developed during research) points towards the
particular ages when the specific organs of the person will start to deteriorate
in their functioning. The idea is to take preventive measures before a person
reaches that particular time.
4. The treatment of these ailments/diseases involves correction of the weak
planets which is further carried out by giving God’s divine energy, Reiki, as
we know it by now, to the person. This energy can be given to the patient
personally across the table, telephonically or even through skype for any
length of a distance.
5. Besides Reiki, homeopathic medication (with the permission of RMP) is
given to the receiver of the energy.
The medicine to be given is also identified by having a look at the birth chart
of the person since specific homeopathic medicines are related to specific
planets, the same way, as specific planets are related to specific body
6. Apart from retrograde and weak planets, there are ailments which arise from
past life karma which can also be assessed from the horoscope of the
person. The Soul of the person carries the memories of the past life in the
unconscious mind, and certain characteristics and the personality traits
into the new life.


The soul of a human being has two aspects – active and the passive aspect.
It is the passive aspect of the soul that returns. It is true in a sense that his
soul’s data does not need to be reintegrated into humanity and imputed into
new human beings that are born.
The personality does not reincarnate.
7. Such ailments can be cured not by any kind of medication but only through
the blessings and energy of God which again comes to the person through
Often the more rational minded refuse to receive such philosophies which the
unconventional modes of remedies have to offer. There has already been a lot of
research in non-allopathic areas which can be explained quite logically, provided
the people are ready to accept. One such methodology has been presented in
this book which has been analysed during these past twelve years. These
methodologies have always existed in our scriptures, culture and the not so
famous dawakhanas in one form or the other. I have tried to make use of a
combination of these techniques, more importantly, the birth charts of a person,
which astrological scientists, since that is what I prefer to call them (as I have
believed astrology to be a science of the study of planets and constellations)
have studied for centuries to reveal and cure.
Many people have accepted homeopathy as a milder solution to allopathy but still
do not understand the medication in its fullness. As far as Reiki is concerned,
the belief in its power is as subtle as the belief in the Almighty. It does not work
by the rationale of people, nor by the logic of the scientists. It is the belief in that
eternal energy that drives every atom of this universe to its gradual destiny, that
places its faith in it and that does not.


Acupressure A form of touch therapy that utilises the principles of

acupuncture and Chinese medicine. In acupressure, the
same points of the body are used as in acupuncture but are
stimulated with finger pressure instead of with the insertion
of needles.
Anatomy The branch of science concerned with the bodily structure
of humans, animals and other living organisms, especially
as revealed by the dissection and separation of parts.
Astrology The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial
bodies interpreted as having an influence on humans and
the natural world.
Aura The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround
and be generated by a person, thing or place.
Ayurveda The traditional Hindu system of medicine (incorporated in
Atharva Veda, the last of the four Vedas) which is based on
the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal
treatment and yogic breathing.
Biochemic These are the 12 basic tissue salts required by the body.
The system is credited to Dr. W.H. Schuessler.
Chakras Each of seven centers of spiritual power in the human body
(in Indian thought).
Choku Rei The Reiki power symbol (pronounced as Cho-Koo-Ray).
Dowsing A technique for searching for underground water, minerals
or anything invisible by observing the motion of a pointer
(traditionally a forked stick, now often paired bent wires) or
the changes in the direction of a pendulum, supposedly in
response to unseen influences.


Dasa ‘Dasha’ in Sanskrit, meaning ‘condition’, ‘state’,

‘circumstances’, ‘period of life’, ’planetary period’.
Dawakhanas Dispensary
Electro- Radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with
Magnetic electric and magnetic fields resulting from an acceleration of
Waves electric charge.
Energetic The flow of energy in a circle
Etheric In esoteric cosmology, a plane, other than the physical plane
is conceived as a subtle
State of consciousness that transcends the known physical
Homeopathy A system of complimentary medicine in which ailments are
treated by minute doses and which planets energy will cure
them of natural substances that in larger amounts would
produce symptoms of the ailments.
Horoscope A forecast of a person’s future typically including a delineation
of character and circumstances, based on the relative
position of the stars and planets at the time of that person’s
Ida The left channel (nadi). It is white, feminine, cold, represents
the moon and is associated with the river Ganges. Originating
in Mooladhar, Ida ends up in the left nostril.
Janm Birth Chart
Jagran Activation of the kundalini, seat of Shakti at the base of the
Ketu Name given to the south node of the moon. In astrology, it
has been given the status of a chhaya graham (shadow
planet). Practically, it is non-existent.
Karmic The effect of a person’s actions which determine his destiny
in the next incarnation (in Hinduism and Buddhism).
Miasms A supposed predisposition to a particular disease, either
inherited or acquired (in Homeopathy).
Myopathy A disease of muscle tissue

Nadis Channels through which, in traditional Indian medicine and

spirituality, the energies of the subtle body are believed to
Nakshatras A term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology. A nakshatra is
one of the 27 sectors along the ecliptic.
Native The subject of a celestial figure
Pingla The right channel (nadi). It is red, masculine, hot, represents
the sun and is associated with the river Yamuna. Originating
in Mooladhar, Pingala ends up in the right nostril.
Pranayam A Sanskrit word meaning ‘the extension of the Prana or the
breath” or “ extension of the life force”.
Prana Breath, considered as life giving force.
Physics The branch physics based on the quantum theory.

Annexure 1


1 ARI 100% 35% 75% 35% 60% 35% 0% 20% 20%

2 TAU 20% 100% 35% 60% 20% 75% 60% 100% 0%

3 GEM 35% 60% 20% 75% 20% 60% 60% 60% 60%

4 CAN 35% 75% 0% 20% 100% 20% 20% 20% 20%

5 LEO 75% 60% 60% 60% 60% 20% 20% 20% 20%

6 VIR 35% 60% 20% 75% 60% 0% 60% 60% 60%

7 LIB 0% 35% 35% 60% 20% 75% 100% 60% 60%

8 SCO 60% 0% 75% 35% 60% 35% 20% 0% 100%

9 SAG 60% 35% 60% 35% 75% 60% 35% 60% 60%

10 CAP 20% 35% 100% 35% 0% 60% 75% 60% 60%

11 AQU 20% 35% 35% 35% 35% 60% 75% 60% 60%

12 PIS 6 0 % 35% 60% 0% 35% 100% 35% 60% 60%

Power of overseeing and Ascending Planet’s in proportionate to their power as

above if and multiplied with the degrees of each Planet in one’s horoscope gives
an indication of the organ’s and body part/system’s power. On further analysis
the Age till when the energy of that organ will be good can be worked out.
Planets which give energy to the following Houses are as under :-
Sun To Moon To Mars To 7, Mercury To Jupiter 7, Venus To Saturn To 7,
7th House 7th House 4th, 8th 7th House 5th, 9th 7th House 3rd, 10th
Houses Houses Houses


N AK S H AT R A Female Natives. Male Natives.

Abhijit Her health will be very bad Will be poor during

during childhood. May suffer childhood. Parents of the
from whooping cough, native will have to spend
rheumatism, arthritis or skin several anxious moments due
diseases. Her 15th year will to the poor health condition
be most troublesome period. of the native. However, his
Parents are advised not to health will improve after his
venture to scold the native. On 20th year. He may suffer from
the other hand, keep a watch piles, jaundice. There is a
over the native secretly and danger or risk to life when
try to make her understand he is in his 19th or 20th
about her drawbacks, with love year. If he can cut through
and affection. If she can that period, there will not be
prolong beyond the age of 18 any serious health problem
years, there is nothing to cough and cold, constipation
worry, she is at the top and sore throat. Due to non-
thereafter. care nature of his/her own
health he/she does not take
medicines properly.
Anuradha She may suffer from irregular May have some diseases,
menses. Severe pain will be which may term to be
felt at the time of bleeding, as sometimes incurable. His
the flow of spoiled blood will health will generally be good.
be quite intermittent. In some He will be prone to asthmatic
cases it has been told that, attack, dental problems,
after appearance of monthly cough and cold, constipation
menses, there will be break and sore throat. Due to non-
for some hours or for one or care nature of his own health
two days before commencing he does not take medicines
actual flow. She may also properly.
suffer from headache, nasal

Ardra She is prone to menstrual May have some diseases,

troubles, asthma, spoiled which may term to be
blood, lack of blood or uterus sometimes incurable.
trouble, ear trouble, mumps, Muscular, heart trouble and
bilious and phlegmatic. dental problems. He is also
prone to asthma, eosonophilia,
and dry cough, ear trouble.

Ashlesha Joint pains, hysteria, dropsy, Will have flatulence, jaundice,

jaundice and indigestion. She and pains in legs and knees,
will have frequent nervous stomach problem. May be
breakdown. addicted to drugs..

Ashvini Her health will generally be N.A.

good. Main cause of her
ailments is unnecessary mental
worry and anxiety. In some
cases, when such worry or
anxiety goes beyond control, it
has been noticed that brain
disorder of mild type takes
place at a later stage. She
should always be careful while
cooking or while handling fire.
In the modern society, motor
vehicle accidents have also
been noticed.
Bharni Her health will be good. She Does not take care of health,
will have frequent menstrual there won’t be any serious
problems, uterus disorders, health problems. Main possible
anemia and in some cases diseases are dental problem,
lungs problem has also been diabetes and severe body
noticed. pain, infections of brain, high
fever, apoplexy, ring worms
and malaria. Normally he is a
very poor eater. He believes in
the principle of ‘eating to live
and living to eat’. He is afraid
of water and as is the thought,
should be careful while
travelling through water, taking
bath in rivers, oceans and
ponds. Injury in the forehead
and just around the eyes. May
be chain smoker has to be
careful about lung.
Chitra N.A. Inflammation of kidney and
bladder, brain fever, diseases
connected with worms.
Abdominal tumors or

appendicitis also have been

Dhanishtha Her health will not be good. Health may not be so good.
She is prone to anemia, uterus Even then he will not think of
disorders of acute intensity his own health. It is only when
and spoiled blood. the disease reach at the peak
starts finding remedy.
Slightest improvement out of
the severest disease will drag
to work field. Prone to
whooping cough, anemia, etc.
However, will not be on a
prolonged state of illness.

Hast Her health will generally be Prone to have severe cough

good. However, she may have and cold, frequent emanation
high blood pressure and of water from the nose and
twisting of veins, asthma in her clotting of such fluid, asthma
old age. or cynos.
Jyeshtha Her health will not be so good Frequent temperature,
as it is seen. Some of you born dysentery, cough and cold,
in this nakshatra suffer from asthmatic attach and stomach
disorder of the uterus. She is problems are the possible
also prone to pain in arms and diseases. It is noticed that
shoulders. these people are affected with
one or the other health
problems frequently. May also
have severe pain in arms and

Kritika Her health will be severely Has good appetite but cannot
afflicted either due to excess have a systematic food habit.
work or lack of mental peace. Diseases to which is prone to
Glandular TB has also been are dental problem, weak
noticed. eyesight, wind and piles, brain
fever, accident, wounds,
malaria or cerebral meningitis.
Whatever may be the
condition of health, whether
good or bad, neither is afraid
of any disease nor is ready to
observe daily care of health.

Magh Her eyes may be affected. May suffer from eye ailment,
Blood disorders, uterine asthma or epilepsy.
trouble and hysteria. She may
also have jaundice.

Moola She is prone to rheumatism, If deficient salt is not

lumbago, hip or back ache supplemented and for other
combined with pain in arms ailments not medicated in
and shoulders. time, then will be affected with
are lungs, isnofelia, muscular
or stomach problem.
Whatever may be the nature
of disease it will not be visible
in appearance or face as even
when is critically ill, expression
and the attraction of the face
will not change? Normally it is
seen that the native is not in
the habit of taking care of own
health. With the result, some
severe health problems can
be noticed in his 27th, 31st,
44th, 48th, 56th and 60th
age. Once he is addicted to
any drug it will be very difficult
to control such addiction.
Hence, it must try to keep
away from any material of

Mrig Intermittent problems will take Has to face ill-health during

place. She is prone to goiter, childhood. Frequent
pimples, venereal diseases, constipation ultimately
menstrual troubles and leading to stomach disorder,
shoulder pains. cuts and injuries, pains in
the shoulders near

Purva She is prone to low blood Prone to muscular/nerves

Bhadrapad pressure, dropsy or swollen ailment, acidity and diabetes.
ankles, apoplexy and May have problems with the
palpitation. Perspiring feet and ribs, flanks and soles of the
enlarged liver. feet.

Purva Ashadha Her health will generally be While outward appearance is

good. In addition to the extremely good, internal
diseases mentioned in the case constitution may not be good,
of male natives above, she will i.e., health may not be good.
have acute disorder of the It is quite often noticed that
womb and uterus. Problems this native is prone to a
connected with thighs. particular incurable disease.
Still will not care for health.
Prone to severe whooping
cough, breathing trouble,
bronchitis, lungs, heart and
malaria or isnofelia is also
found in such natives. Even
in the state of critical illness
will not hesitate to jump into
the work, which feels, should
be completed. May face
problems with thighs. Must
take care about lungs, as
liable to suffer from rheumatic

Punarvasu She cannot enjoy good health. While there may not be any
This is mainly due to her non- serious health problem, even
care nature about her health. the slightest problem will be
Jaundice, tuberculosis, goiter a cause of concern. Drinks
and pneumonia, stomach lot of water. Has strong
upset and ear trouble. digestion.

Purva Phalguni Suffers from frequent Health will generally be good.

menstrual trouble, asthama, However, prone to dental
jaundice or breathing trouble. disease, abdomen problem
and diabetics. Even so, no
permanent nature of disease
is noticed in the native.

Pushya She will have respiratory Will not keep good

problem. She is prone to health during childhood, i.e.,
tuberculosis, ulcers, breast up to the age of 15 years.
cancer, and jaundice, eczema, Gall stones, gastric ulcer,
bruises in the breast or gastric jaundice, cough, eczema and
ulcer. cancer are the possible

Revati She may have some Prone to fever, dysentery or

deformities of the feet, dental diseases, intestinal
intestinal ulcers or abdominal ulcers and ear problems.
disorders. In some cases, ear
problem has also been

Rohini Her health will generally be Prone to diseases connected

good. She will have pain in the with blood, blood cancer,
legs and feet, pain in the jaundice, urinary disorders,
breast, sometimes breast blood sugar, tuberculosis,
ailment, irregular menses and respiratory problems, nerves/
sore throat, pimples and muscular and throat trouble.
swelling above the neck.

Satabhisaj Her health will be a cause of Outwardly may appear to have

concern for her. Urinary and very good health but it is not
uterus disorders have been like that. Cannot tolerate even
noticed. She may also suffer the slightest affliction to the
from colic troubles and chest body. Prone to urinary
pain. diseases, breathing trouble
and diabetics. Too much
inclined in the sexual
pleasures, be careful of
sexually transmitted diseases.
May keep illicit relationship with
others and will be kept a
secret from all. May have
problems with jaws. Also liable
to suffer from colic troubles
and must take precautions to
protect himself from the
diseases incidental to
exposure to cold weather.

Shravan She may be infected with some May suffer from ear problem,
kind of skin disease. She is skin disease, eczema,
also prone to eczema, filarial, rheumatism, lungs and
pus formation, lungs. Skin of indigestion.
low intensity is also not ruled
out. She may also have ear

Swati Outwardly her look to be very Normally the native has a very
good, but internal constitution good health. However, as
is weak. She may suffer from every human being has to
bronchitis, asthma, breast have certain diseases, Prone
pain, defect in/broken feet to diseases connected with
ankles and uterus trouble. the abdomen, heart, piles and

Uttara Ashadha She will have wind problems, Pone to stomach problems,
hernia or uterus problems, etc. limbs, pulmonary diseases.
Poor eyesight or some defects
in the eyes.
Uttara She is prone to rheumatic Health will be very good. Non-
Bhadrapad pains, acute indigestion, caring about own health.
constipation, hernia and in Hence, will search for a doctor
some cases lungs ailments of only when seriously ill. Prone
low intensity. to nerves/muscular problems,
stomach problems, piles, and
Uttara Phalguni Generally she does enjoy good Health will be generally good.
health. However, possible However, prone to body ache,
diseases for this native are dental problems, gastric
asthma of mild nature, trouble, liver and intestine
menstrual trouble, severe problems.
Vishakha She will generally have good Inherent vigour and vitality given
health. However, she is prone by the God, health will normally
to kidney trouble, goiter and be very good. However, prone
weakness due to homo- to nerves/muscle problrms. In
sexuality. more than 70 per cent of
vishakha born people it is
noticed this after the age of
55 years. In the remaining 30
per cent cases, i have every
doubt that the native could not
provide the correct birth time
as otherwise the same
symptom would have in one
form or the other present in
them. It is also seen that they
are prone to asthmatic attack.

Annexure 2

The author has developed a system to transfer Energy while sitting across or
through Skype, Phone, or energising a personal photograph. In fact he calls it
Digital Healing.




SUN & MOON SUN & balance. Acts as a CHAKRA -
MOON – manager of all HONOURS
CROWN glands ; controls SPIRITUAL
CHAKRA – cerebrospinal fluid CONNECTED-
HONOURS and sex desires, NESS
SPIRITUAL stimulates growth
CONNECTED- of nerves.

2 AJNA - SUN AJNA - SUN & Controls air and PITUITARY 3 THIRD EYE
& MOON MOON – space. It is like a CHAKRA
THIRD EYE king of all glands ;
CHAKRA control growth of
body and brain
power and also

3 VISHUDI - VISHUDI – Controls air – so THYROID/ 8 THROAT

JUPITER JUPITER – lungs and heart ; PARA- CHAKRA
THROAT controls temprature THYROID HONOURS
CHAKRA regulation ; governs COMMUNI-
HONOURS energy production CATION
COMMUNI- through control of
CATION calcium.

4 ANAHATA - ANAHATA – Acts as god mother THYMUS 38 HEART

SATURN & SATURN & till the child reaches CHAKRA
RAHU (Saturn RAHU – puberty, i.e., 12-15 HONOURS
& Venus) HEART years THE HEART

5 MANIPUR – MANIPUR – Controls fire and ADRENAL 25 & SOLAR

MARS & MARS & production of AND 27 PLEXUS
(KETU Mars KETU – digestive juices, PANCREAS CHAKRA –
& Venus) SOLAR Regulates blood and HONOURS
PLEXUS sugar level, controls THE LIFE


CHAKRA – stress, activeness FORCE

HONOURS and character
THE LIFE buildiing, controls
FORCE sodium and water


& VENUS – of stools and urine, HONOURS
SPLENIC also controls all THE
CHAKRA – organs below CREATIVE
HONOURS diaphragam.

7 MOOLADHAR MOOLADHAR Controls water and SEX / 14 & ROOT

– MERCURY – MERCURY phosphorous content, GONADS 15 CHAKRA -
– ROOT produces sex HONOURS
CHAKRA – hormones. THE

24th November Sagittarius (Silicea) Problem areas are bones, skin and
to 23rd connective tissues. Also the liver, hips
December thighs and autonomic nervous system.

24th December Capricorn (Calcarea Problems are Limitation and process

to 23rd January phosphorica) of hardening. Skin, knees, hair, nails,
teeth and cell walls.

24th January to Aquarius (Natrum Problems are rare illnesses and

23rd February MUR.) nervous ailments. Blood circulation and
oxidation processes in body. Lower leg,
calf and ankles, and valves of heart.

24th February Pisces (Ferrum Phos- Problem is hard to diagnose or cure.

to 23rd March phoricum) Ailments likely in Feet, toes, lymphatic
system, and spleen in its lymphatic role.

Annexure 3

Zodiac science and Biochemic Salts

21st March Aries (Kali Phos- Problem is related to heart and

to 20th April phoricum) inflammation. Feverish complaints.
Area affected is head and brain and all
injuries or complaints of head. Also
teeth and sinus cavities. But, in a
general way, all complaints of head

21st April to Taurus (Natrum Problems are relating to throat, tonsils,

20th May Sulphoricum) and thyroid gland. Also gums and
middle ear.

21st May to Gemini (Kali Problem area is tubes of body and over
20th June Muriaticum) nervous system and lungs. Also neck,
arms and shoulders.

21st June to Cancer (Calcarea Problem area is coverings and

20th July Fluorica) containers in body such as chest cavity,
stomach, (Females-breasts, and
uterus). Also mucous membranes.

21st July to Leo (MAG. PHOS.) Problem area is muscular portion of

21st August heart, spine and middle back.

21st August to Virgo (Kali- Problem area is the processes of

23rd September Sulphoricum) assimilation, selection and process of
discrimination. Small intestine
pancreas, duodenum, and enzyme
production of liver.

24th September Libra (Natrum Problem area is vasomotor system,

to 23rd October Phosphori- lower back (lumbar region), glandular
cum) vascular part of kidney and skin as it
relates cosmetically.

24th October to Scorpio (Calcarea Problem are is skin, respiratory tract. Is

23rd November sulphurica found in bile ; promotes continual blood

Annexure 4
Electro-Magnetic Waves – COLOUR FORMATIONS, CHAKRAS,
Electro Magnetic Waves


Fre quen cy 400–484 THz 484–508 THz 508–526 THz 526–606 THz 606–630 THz 631–668 THz 668–789 THz

FREQ. 428 484 517 566 638 714 1000


FACTOR 42.8 48.4 51.7 56.6 63.8 71.4 100

wavelength 6200A-700A 5900-6200 5600-5900 5100-5600 4700-5100 4500-4700 4000-4500
Therapy -





Location Located between Located. Located at the Located in the Located in the Located on the Located at the
the anus and between the base of the centre of the depression forehead centre of the
sexual organs. pubic bone and sternum. chest where the between the top of the head

navel devisal bones eyebrows.


GLANDS Spleen / Solar Plexus Adrenal & (SEX/GONADS) Thyroid/ Brain & Pineal
Thymus Pancreas Parathyroid Heart

ORGANS Spleen/ Kidney & Blood/ Lungs & Liver & Gb/ Pituitary Heart) &
Thymus Genitals Pancreas & Resp)/Uterus Thyroid & Brain
Adrenal TEST.& Ovary Parathyroid

(Acu.Pt.) 30 38 & 37 11, 12, 13, 14, 25 & 28 & 29 (14 & 15), 30 8 22 23 24 1235 4 36
15, 26

Physical Survival/ Lower Communica- Love/ Power/will. Intuition/ Understanding/

Ailments individuality/ abdomen. tion/creativity. compassion. Associated perception/ knowledge/
grounding. Function: Associated Associated body parts: intellect/ wisdom.
Associated desire/ body parts: body parts: liver, muscles, dreaming. Associated
body parts: sexuality/ respiratory heart, lungs, digestive Associated body parts:
genito/urinary procreation. organs, throat, arms, and system, body parts: the pituitary glands,
system, large Associated neck, hands. pancreas, and eyes, pineal cerebral cortex,
intestines, body parts: shoulders, Unbalanced adrenal glands, and the central
bones, legs, genito/urinary thyroid and manifesta- glands. secretory nervous
and feet. system, parathyroid. tions: heart/ Unbalanced functions of system.
Unbalanced testicles, Unbalanced lung diseases, manifestations: the pituitary Controls every
manifestations: prostate, manifestations: high blood liver, stomach glands. aspect of the
frequent ovaries, womb, throat pressure. disorders, Unbalanced body and mind.
illness, obesity, kidneys, and problems, Energizing hypoglycemia, manifesta- Unbalanced
bowel circulatory colds, stiff color: Green. and diabetes. tions: manifestations:
problems, system. neck, hearing Ruling planet: Energizing headaches, depression,
arthritis, poor Unbalanced difficulties, Venus (love, color: Yellow. insomnia, confusion,
eating habits. manifestations: and thyroid sensuality - Ruling planet: nightmares, alienation, lack
Energising bladder/ disorders. not sex, Sun (Ego, vision of under-
colour: Red. uterine Energizing morals, sense of problems, and standing, lack
Ruling planet: difficulties colour: Blue. values). identity, eye disorders. of ability to
Saturn lower back pain, Ruling planet: Foods: personality, Energizing color: relate or learn.
(structure, impotency, and Mercury Vegetables. dignity, Indigo (deep Affects the
responsibility, frigidity. (reasoning leadership purple). Ruling ability to be

ambition, Energizing color: and communi- abilities, planet: logical; make

discipline, Orange. cation will power). Jupiter. (Higher decisions.
patience, truth). Ruling planet: abilities, Foods: mind, morality, Energizing
Foods: Mars sensory Starches. personal color: Violet.
Proteins, (desire, sexual perceptions, philosophies/ Ruling planet:
meats. energy, intellect). beliefs). No one planet
courage). Foods : Foods: rules the
Foods : Fruits. Foods have no Crown Chakra.
Liquids. effect on the When
Brow Chakra. conscientiously
However, balanced and
alcohol, cleansed, the
narcotics, and Crown Chakra
drugs destroy simultaneously
the Brow uses the
Chakra. positive energy
of all the
planets of each
of the chakras
as listed
above. Foods:
Foods have no
effect on the
Crown Chakra.
fasting is
for additional

cleansing and

Properties Associated Reproductive Associated with Associated with Associated with Associated with Associated
of Chakras with the problems, the pancreas the pancreas the thyroid and the pituitary with the pineal
thymus and Menstrual cycle, and influences and influences influences the gland and gland and
influences the Ovarian cysts, the liver, the liver, lungs, bronchial influences the influences the
heart, Testicular and gallbladder gallbladder and system, throat, lower brain, upper brain and
circulatory prostrate and digestive digestive vocal chords left eye, ears right eye.
system and problems. system. system. and alimentary and nervous
the immune Creativity canal system.
system Passion
passionate Joy
and being Joyful
Nurturing of
self and others.

Controls Acts as god Controls Apan Controls fire Controls fire Controls air– Controls air Regulates water
mother till the Vayu and so and production and production so lungs and and space. It balance. Acts as
child reaches movement of of digestive of digestive heart; controls is like a king of a manager of
puberty, i.e., stools and urine, juices, juices, temperature all glands; all glands;
12-15 years also controls all regulates regulates blood regulation; control growth controls
organs below blood and and sugar level, governs energy of body and cerebrospinal
diaphragm. sugar level, controls stress, production brain power fluid and sex
controls stress, activeness and through control and also desires
activeness and character of calcium. memory. stimulates
character building, growth of
building, controls sodium nerves.
controls and water
sodium and balance.
water balance.
Annexure 5


(Pineal Gland, AJNA INDIGO
Pituitary, CHAKRAS





Gall Bladder & CHAKRA
Thyroid &

& Reproductive CHAKRA



(Thymus, CHAKRA
spleen) &

Annexure 6

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