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Part III

Table of Content
1. MS Word Fundamentals .................................................................................. 1
1.1 Word processing with MS Word ...................................................................... 1
1.2 Starting MS Word ............................................................................................. 1
1.3 Document Window ........................................................................................... 2
1.4 Parts of MS Word window ............................................................................... 3
1.5 Getting Help...................................................................................................... 4
2. Creating a document .......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Inserting text ..................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Deleting text...................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Automatic Spell and Grammar Checking ......................................................... 5
2.4 Undo Command ............................................................................................... 5
2.5 Saving and Closing a Document...................................................................... 6
2.5.1 Saving a document................................................................................... 6
2.5.1 Closing a Document................................................................................. 6
2.6 Opening an Existing Document ........................................................................ 6
2.7 Exiting MS Word.............................................................................................. 7
3. Formatting MS Word Documents............................................................................ 7
3.1 Moving through a Document ............................................................................ 8
3.1.1 The Go To Command .............................................................................. 8
3.1.2 Selecting Text .......................................................................................... 8
3.2 Character Formatting ........................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Typefaces, Fonts, and Font Sizes............................................................. 9
3.2.2 Highlight, Color, and Animation ............................................................. 9
3.2.3 Format Painter.......................................................................................... 9
3.3 Paragraph Formatting...................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Indenting Paragraphs ............................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists.................................................. 11
3.3.3 Changing Paragraph Alignment/Justification ........................................ 11
3.3.4 Changing Tab Settings........................................................................... 12
4. Editing and Moving Information ........................................................................... 12
4.1 Working With Multiple Documents ............................................................... 12
4.2 Copying and Moving Information ................................................................. 13
4.2.1 Drag and Drop........................................................................................ 13
4.2.2 Using The Clipboard.............................................................................. 13
4.3 Finding and Replacing Text............................................................................ 13
5. Creating Headers and Footers ................................................................................. 14
6. Inserting Page Numbers.......................................................................................... 15
7. Creating a Table...................................................................................................... 15
8. Printing A Document ............................................................................................. 15

1. MS Word Fundamentals

1.1 Word processing with MS Word

Word processing is the most widely used application for microcomputers. Word
processing is the method by which documents (for example letters, reports, etc.) are
created, edited, formatted, and printed using a computer. Microsoft Word is one of the
most popular word processing software available today.

The main features of MS Word are:

Feature Use
Entering text - text is entered through keyboard.
Editing text - features of Word that are used to make corrections and modify
existing documents.
Formatting text - refers to changing the appearance of text in a document.
Proofing tools - is an integrated Spell- and Grammar- checking capabilities.
Printing - sending the document to printer.
Merging - to insert a list of names and addresses into a standard document for

Note: When Word is referred, it means MS Word.

1.2 Starting MS Word

To use MS Word, it should be first loaded into memory. To start the program, do either
of the following.

• Start → All Programs (Programs) → Point to MS Word →Click MS Word.

• Double-click MS Word on Desktop.

1.3 Document Window

The document window of MS Word provides the viewing and editing area for a

Parts of the Word window

1. Title bar – contains the name of the document, maximize, minimize, close and
control buttons.
2. Menu bar – contains all the menu /set of commands/ of MS Word.
3. Toolbars – Word provides about 13 toolbars. The two main toolbars are the
standard and formatting toolbars.
o Standard toolbars – provides access to file management and editing
o Formatting toolbars – help to access character and paragraph formatting.
4. Ruler – displays the tab, paragraph, and margin settings for the current line.
5. Status bar – provides editing and status information for a document including
page number, section part, total number of pages, column and row position.
6. Dialog boxes – use for collecting information before processing a command.

1.4 Parts of MS Word window

Formatting toolbar
Standard Toolbar
Menu bar Title bar

Ruler Document Window

1.5 Getting Help

Like other application programs, MS Word provides a comprehensive online help. To

access MS Word online help, do one of the following.

• Click Help menu → Click Microsoft Word Help (F1) →Type the text you want to
get help →Click Search
• Click the Help button (button with ?) → click the control or object of the window
you want to seek information.

2. Creating a document

Creating a document in Word is easy. After loading Word, we type the information
through the keyboard. The entered data is displayed on screen. Then save the document
to disk or if desired print the document. Creating a document involves the following three
main activities.

2.1 Inserting text

Inserting text is the process of entering text to our document through keyboard or
other means.

2.2 Deleting text

Deleting text is removing text from your document. BACKSPACE and DELET keys
are commonly used to remove information from our document one character at one

Word Wrap – allows us to continuously type without pressing Enter key at the end of
each line.

To create a document

• Click File → New… → Select the Document or Template type →Click Ok.
• Click New Blank Document tool (Standard toolbar)

2.3 Automatic Spell and Grammar Checking

Red underline word indicates that the Spell Checker cannot find a match for the word in
its main dictionary. Usually it notifies us to check whether the word is correct or wrong.
When a word or phrase or statement is underlined with a green zigzag line it means there
is grammatical error. For example, I are a teacher. Here, the word are is underlined with
a green zigzag line because it is wrong grammatically.

To check Spelling and Grammar:

• Press F7
• Click Tools menu → Click Spelling and Grammar …. F7
• Click Spelling and Grammar tool (Standard toolbar).

2.4 Undo Command

While working with our document, we may want to reverse the last recently performed
action or series of actions. The Undo command is used to cancel the last several
commands we performed in a document.

To reverse your last action(s), do one of the following.

• Click Edit menu → Click Undo
• Click Undo tool (Standard toolbar)
• Press Ctrl + Z

2.5 Saving and Closing a Document

2.5.1 Saving a document

When we create and work on a document, the document is temporarily stored in the main
memory. If power is off, it will be lost forever. In order to preserve the document for a
long time, we have to save the document in secondary storage media such as diskette or
hard disk. Saving a document is the process of transferring and placing the document
from main memory to a storage media.

To save a document

• Click File → Save or Click Save tool (standard toolbar) or Press Ctrl + S
• Select the folder (in which you want to put the document) → Give name for the
document(in the File name box) → Click Save

2.5.1 Closing a Document

After we finish working with our document and saved it, we want to remove the
document from main memory so that we can use the main memory for other purpose or
shut down our computer. Closing a document is the process of getting rid of the
document from main memory.

To close the document:

• Click the Close(X) button

• Click File → Close

2.6 Opening an Existing Document

Before we work on a document created earlier, we have to load the document from the
storage device into main memory. The process of loading a file from the storage medium
to the main memory is known as opening a file (document).

To open a document or file:

• Click File → Open … or Click Open tool (standard toolbar) or Press Ctrl + O
• Open the folder (that contains the file/document)
a. Select the file → Click Open or
b. Double-click the file name

2.7 Exiting MS Word

As soon as we finish our session with MS Word, we should exit. Exiting MS Word is
removing it from main memory.

To exit MS Word:

• Click Close button (X) on the title bar.

• Click File Exit
• Press Alt + F4

3. Formatting MS Word Documents

Formatting is a mechanism for changing our document characteristics in order to make

the document readable, attractive, and informative. Words in a document contain the
message; a formatted document can better communicate the message. There are two
types of formatting: Character formatting and paragraph formatting.

Before we discuss the features of the two formats separately, lets look at some concepts
and techniques used in formatting.

Word’s Default Settings

For any new document, MS Word set standard characteristics (for example, paper size,
orientation, margins, etc) for that document. These standard characteristics provided by
MS Word are known as Default settings.

3.1 Moving through a Document

While we work on a MS Word document, we move in different parts of the document for
entering text, deleting or modifying text, formatting text or paragraph, moving text from
one position to another, etc. in the document. For navigating around our document, we
use the mouse and arrow movement keys.

3.1.1 Go To … Command

To go to a particular page, section, line, etc. use the Go To command (Edit menu). For
example, to go to a specific page: Click Edit menu → Click Go To … → Enter the page
number → Click Next or Previous.

3.1.2 Selecting Text

To format or edit an entered text, first we must select the text in order to apply a
formatting or other command. To select a text, drag the mouse pointer over the text or use
Shift key and arrow keys.

3.2 Character Formatting

In word processing software, improving the appearance of text is known as Character

formatting. Character formatting involves selecting font types, font sizes, and attributes
for text. Some of the attributes available in MS Word include bold, italic, underline,
highlight, font color, strikethrough, shadow, outline, superscript, and subscript.

Word’s character formatting commands are accessed through the Font dialog box, the
Formatting toolbar, or using shortcut keyboard combinations.

Boldface, Italic, and Underline

To bold a text: Select the text and click the Bold tool ( B )
To italicize a text: Select the text and click the Italic tool ( I )
To underline a text: Select the text and click the Underline tool ( U )

3.2.1 Typefaces, Fonts, and Font Sizes

A typeface is a style of print. A font is defined as all the symbols and characters of a
particular typeface for a given font size.

Although we can access the typeface, font type and font size from the Font dialog box, it
is easy and quick to use them on the standard toolbar.

Example: Type “Hello world!” and change the font style to Heading 1, font to Georgiea
and font size to 18.

3.2.2 Highlight, Color, and Animation

To highlight a text:

1. Select the text to be highlighted

2. Click the Highlight tool (on Formatting toolbar)

To change the color of a text:

1. Select the text

2. Click the Font Color tool (on Formatting toolbar)

To animate a text

1. Select the text

2. Click Format →Font … →Click Text Effect→ select Animation type
3. Click Ok

3.2.3 Format Painter

To copy the format of a character, text, or paragraph use the Format Painter command.

To copy format using Format Painter

1. Select the text or character or paragraph (whose format is to be copied).
2. Click Format Painter tool.
3. Select the character or text or paragraph (to which the format will be applied) by
4. Release the mouse button when you finish.

3.3 Paragraph Formatting

Paragraph formatting involves changing indentation, alignment, line spacing, and tab
settings for paragraphs.

Paragraph formatting commands are accessible from Paragraph … command(Format

menu) or from Formatting toolbar. Word store formatting information in the
paragraph symbol ( ).

To apply paragraph formatting commands to a paragraph:

1. Position the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph

2. Apply any paragraph formatting command you want.

3.3.1 Indenting Paragraphs

Indenting a paragraph means to move a body of text in from the normal page margin.
When we indent a paragraph, we temporarily change the text’s positioning relative to the
left and right margins. We can indent a paragraph on the left side only or on right side
only or on both sides.

To indent a paragraph, we use the following indent markers.

First line indent marker – moves only the first line of a paragraph in from the left margin.
Left indent marker – moves the body of the entire paragraph in from the left margin.
Right indent marker – moves the body of the entire paragraph in from the right margin.

3.3.2 Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Word provides a utility for automatically creating lists with leading bullets or numbers.
There are different types of bullet or number styles available in MS Word
(Format→Bullets and Numbering command) that we can choose and use.

To create a Butted list:

1. Enter the list(Each list on new line)

2. Click Format → Bullets and Numbering command → Click Bullets tab → Select
the type of Bullet style you want → Click Ok.
1. Click the Bullets button (Formatting toolbar)

To create a Numbered list:

1. Enter the list (Each list on new line)

2. Click Format → Bullets and Numbering command → Click Numbered tab →
Select the type of Numbering scheme you want → Click Ok.
1. Click the Numbering button (Formatting toolbar)
Note: To modify the bullet symbols or numbering schemes: Choose Format, Bullets and

3.3.3 Changing Paragraph Alignment/Justification

Paragraph alignment refers to how text aligns with margins of a document. We can align
a paragraph before or after text is entered. Word provides four types of alignments.

Left alignment – aligns text to the left margin.

Center alignment – centers the paragraph between the margins.
Right alignment – aligns text to right margin.

Full Justification/alignment – provides even text columns at the left and right margins by
automatically spacing words on the line.

To align left – click Align Left tool(Formatting toolbar)

To align right - click Align Right tool(Formatting toolbar)
To align center - click Center tool(Formatting toolbar)
To fully justify a paragraph - click Justify tool(Formatting toolbar)

3.3.4 Changing Tab Settings

Tabs enable us to neatly enter text and numbers into columns. The basic types of tabs that
MS Word provides are.

Left- Aligned (represented by L on the Ruler) – starting at the tab, text extends to the
right as we type.
Centered- Aligned (represented by ⊥ on the Ruler) – starting at the tab, text is centered at
the tab stop.
Right - Aligned (represented by on the Ruler) – starting at the tab, text extends to the
left as we type.
Decimal - Aligned (represented by ⊥with dot at right on the Ruler) – At the tab, the
integer portion of the number extends to the left and the decimal fraction extends to
the right.

4. Editing and Moving Information

4.1 Working With Multiple Documents

MS Word allows us to open and work with multiple documents at the same time
and share information among them. We can create new documents or open
existing ones. Each document is opened in its own window and can be resized,
moved, and arranged any where in the document area.

4.2 Copying and Moving Information

MS Word provides different methods for copying and moving text in a document.
It provides the Clipboard for sharing information within a document, among
document, and among applications.

4.2.1 Drag and Drop

The drag and drop method is the easiest way to copy and move information short
distances. This method is very quick for simple copy and move operations.

To copy or move information using Drag and Drop:

o Using the mouse, drag the text or graphics to the desired location.

4.2.2 Using the Clipboard

The clipboard provides greater flexibility for copying and moving information. It
allows us to copy information from multiple locations in a document, and to copy and
move information to and from other applications.

The steps for copying and moving information using the Clipboard are:
1. Select the text you want to copy or move
2. Cut or copy the selection to the clipboard
3. Move the insertion point to where we want to place the information
4. Paste the information from the Clipboard into the document

4.3 Finding and Replacing Text

The Find … and Replace … commands allow us to search for and replace text,
nonprinting characters, and formatting characteristics.

To search a text in a document:

1. Click Edit menu
2. Click Find …
3. Type the text in Find What box
4. Click Find Next

To search and replace a text in a document:

1. Click Edit menu

2. Click Replace …
3. Type the text you want to find and replace in Find What box
4. Type the text which replaces the text (in Find What box) in Replace with box
5. Click Replace button to replace only the currently found text, or
6. Click Replace All button to replace all found text once.

5. Creating Headers and Footers

A document header and footer appear at the top and bottom of each page, respectively.
The header often contains information about the title or section heading of the document
while the footer often holds page number or copyright information etc. Adding a header
or footer produces a more professional looking document.

To add header or footer information:

1. Click View menu Click Header and Footer

2. Enter the information that you want to put at the header section
3. Enter the information that you want to put at the footer section
4. Click Close or double-click the grayed document area

Note: you can add page number, date, time and format the header or footer information.

6. Inserting Page Numbers

Page numbers are important elements of any document as they serve as labels for each
page of the document. They enable the user easy and fast access to information in any
part of the document. Therefore, inserting page numbers to a document is mandatory.

To insert page numbers:

1. Click Insert menu

2. Page numbers …
3. Select the options you want
4. Click OK

7. Creating a Table

Tables in MS Word are used to organize our information in a grid format.

To create a table:

1. Click Table menu.

2. Point to Insert and click Table …
3. Enter the number of rows , columns and other options you want
4. Click OK.

Note: 1. A table can also be created by using Insert Table tool (Standard toolbar).
2. Format the table using the Borders and Shading … (Format menu) and Table
Properties (Table menu)

8. Printing a Document

Having finished the necessary editing and formatting to our document, we may require
the document printed on paper. Printing a document is the process of getting the
document in hardcopy. That is printed on paper. MS Word provides the print function to

print our document. However, before printing our document, it is recommendable to
perform the following activities.

Preview your document – this facility of Word helps you to look at what looks like your
document when printed and make the necessary corrections and adjustments if necessary.

To preview your document: Click File menu Click Print Preview or Click Print
Preview tool (Standard toolbar).

Check Printer - Check that the printer is connected and/or configured and on. In
addition, check that the printer has paper.

To print a document:

• Click File → Print … or Click Print tool (standard toolbar) or Press Ctrl + P
• Fill the required information (number of copies, page range, the printer you want
to print on, etc.) on Print window, and
• Click Ok.


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