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Exercise D. Page 44

Circle the correct word.

1. She ___ three blouses and two pairs of pants. has Have
2. They ___ red coats and red blouses. e
Has hav
3. The teacher___ three pairs of shoes.
Has hav
4. The students ___ white pants.
Has hav
5. I ___ a brown pair of pants and brown socks.
Has hav
6. We ___ blouses on sale for $32.00.

7. Maria and Lidia ___ shoes in their closets. Have

8. You ___ my coat. e Has

Exercise E. Page 44

Complete the sentences.

1. I needs (need) pants and a sweater.

2. They wants (want) new blouses.

3. We have (have) blue shirts in our closets.

4. She has (have) a pair of red shorts.

5. Lien and Pue needs (need) new clothes.

6. John has (have) a pair of black shoes.

7. They have (have) four shirts and three pairs of pants.

8. You have (have) five pairs of shoes in your closet.

Exercise B. Page 47

Answer the questions.

1. How many shirts are there? Ten

2. What color are the sweaters? Red/blue

3. How many blouses are there? Fifteen

4. What color are the coats? Black

5. How many coats are there? Seven

6. How many sweaters are there? eight

Exercise D. Page 48

Answer the questions about exercise A.

1. How many shirts are there? There are ten shirts.

2. How many blouses are there? There are fifteen blouses.

3. How many red dresses are there? There is one red dresses.

4. How many coats are there? There are seven coats.

5. How many green dresses are there? There is one green


6. How many sweaters are there? There are eight sweaters.

Exercise F. Page 48

Write sentences about what is in your closet.

There are twenty sweaters in my closet.

There are ten coats in my closet.

There are thirteen blouses in my closet.

Exercise D. page 50

Complete the sentences.

1- How much------are---- the sweaters? ------they are---- $45.00.

2- How much-----is----- the blouse It ? -----is-----$22.00.

3- How much---is----the shoes? They ----are---$30.00.

4- How much----is----the dress? It-----is----$55.00.

5- How much ----is---the shirt? It -----is---$15.00.

6- How much ----are---the shorts? They ----are---$13.00.

Exercise B. page 51

Answer the question.

1-How much are the blouse? $----18---

2-How much are the shoes? $ -----24----

3- How much are the dresses? ---33---

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