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Frekuensi usia responden

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 45-54 11 18,0 18,0 18,0

55-64 14 23,0 23,0 41,0

>65 36 59,0 59,0 100,0

Total 61 100,0 100,0

Jenis kelamin

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid L 29 47,5 47,5 47,5

P 32 52,5 52,5 100,0

Total 61 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid PT 13 21,3 21,3 21,3

SD 19 31,1 31,1 52,5

SMA 9 14,8 14,8 67,2

SMP 8 13,1 13,1 80,3

TS 12 19,7 19,7 100,0

Total 61 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Guru 6 9,8 9,8 9,8

IRT 6 9,8 9,8 19,7

Petani 3 4,9 4,9 24,6

PNS 3 4,9 4,9 29,5

Polisi 1 1,6 1,6 31,1

TB 5 8,2 8,2 39,3

wiraswasta 37 60,7 60,7 100,0

Total 61 100,0 100,0

kategori pengetahuan lansia

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Baik 10 16,4 16,4 16,4

Cukup 27 44,3 44,3 60,7

Kurang 24 39,3 39,3 100,0

Total 61 100,0 100,0

kategori minat lansia

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Baik 24 39,3 39,3 39,3

Cukup 35 57,4 57,4 96,7

Kurang 2 3,3 3,3 100,0

Total 61 100,0 100,0


Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

kategori pengetahuan lansia

61 100,0% 0 0,0% 61 100,0%
* kategori minat lansia

pengetahuan lansia * minat lansia Crosstabulation

kategori minat lansia

Baik Cukup Kurang Total

kategori pengetahuan lansia Baik % within kategori

70,0% 30,0% 100,0%
pengetahuan lansia

% within kategori minat

29,2% 8,6% 16,4%

% of Total 11,5% 4,9% 16,4%

Cukup % within kategori

40,7% 59,3% 100,0%
pengetahuan lansia

% within kategori minat

45,8% 45,7% 44,3%

% of Total 18,0% 26,2% 44,3%

Kurang % within kategori

25,0% 66,7% 8,3% 100,0%
pengetahuan lansia

% within kategori minat

25,0% 45,7% 100,0% 39,3%

% of Total 9,8% 26,2% 3,3% 39,3%

Total % within kategori
39,3% 57,4% 3,3% 100,0%
pengetahuan lansia

% within kategori minat

100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 39,3% 57,4% 3,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 8,424a 4 ,077

Likelihood Ratio 9,067 4 ,059
N of Valid Cases 61

a. 4 cells (44,4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is ,33.


lansia Minat Lansia

Pengetahuan lansia Pearson Correlation 1 ,316*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,013

N 61 61
Minat Lansia Pearson Correlation ,316 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,013

N 61 61

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Nonparametric Correlations

lansia Minat Lansia

Spearman's rho Pengetahuan lansia Correlation Coefficient 1,000 ,297*

Sig. (2-tailed) . ,020

N 61 61

Minat Lansia Correlation Coefficient ,297* 1,000

Sig. (2-tailed) ,020 .

N 61 61

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

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