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Push factors are

a. Factors that drive people to emigrate
b. Factors that draw people to a new country
c. The reason people are pushed to being sad
2. Forced migration is
a. When people choose to leave their county
b. People are forced to leave their country
c. People decide to stay in their country
3. An alien is
a. A green person from space
b. A person from a different country
c. A type of drink
4. What is a custom?
a. A tradition
b. A reason to leave your home
c. A new house
5. A generation is
a. A group of people born at different times
b. A country of people
c. Group of people born around the same time
6. A steerage is
a. A ship
b. A way to walk
c. The way people steer a car
7. What is heritage?
a. The history of a person/family
b. A place people settled
c. Reasons people left their country
8. Immigrant is
a. Person who moves from a different country to a new one
b. A person who is in their home country
c. The history of a person
9. What is a type of job an immigrant would have?
a. Sweatshop worker
b. Ship owner
c. Baker
10. Ellis Island is
a. An island in New York City
b. A place in Europe
c. A famous person

11. Write 2-3 sentences about push and pull factors.

12. Write 1-2 sentences about a way people would travel.

13. Write about the type of stuff people would take when traveling.

14. Answer the question: Do you think people still migrate today? Explain.

15. Write a summary about what you learned.

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