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Megan Davies

Biology 1610

Common Themes

Section 1; Chapter 3:

1) Name Common theme:​​ Function depends on structure.

2) Give example of that common theme:
Deficiency of protein chaperones which help proteins take shape, can
cause disease, because loss of structure means loss of function.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
Understanding this common theme was important because it relates to
many of the concepts we learned this semester. For example, there are
thousands of types of proteins and what differentiates one from another,
essentially, is their shape. There are so many different types of proteins because
every protein performs a certain function. The function depends on the shape
because other compounds will interact with the protein according to how they fit
together, in relation to each other.

1) Name Common Theme: ​New Properties emerge at successive levels of

biological organization.
2) Give an example of that common theme:
Phosphates, glycerol and 2 fatty acid chains combine to form a
phospholipid. A phospholipid bilayer forms a membrane.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me to make sense of or
remember this aspect of biology?
Knowing this concept helped me to understand that almost every substance is
made up of other substances, compounds and chemical reactions. Almost
everything can be broken down into more basic forms. Similarly, complex
organisms are made up of increasingly complex levels of organization. There are
more possible biological outcomes at higher levels of biological organization.
1) Name the common theme:​​ Life requires the transfer and transformation of
energy and matter.
2) Give an example of that common theme:
Peptide bonds link amino acids together. Amino acids are joined together
by dehydration synthesis.
3) How does understanding this concept help me to make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
It's important to know that when compounds are made or broken, it takes
energy and/or releases energy. This is important, because this process can
create an imbalance of energy which causes more reactions to take place. For
example, atoms that have incomplete number of valence electrons will always try
to add more to satisfy the charge. This give and take is necessary for life.

Section 2; Chapter 4

1) Name Common theme: ​New Properties emerge at successive levels of

biological organization.
2) Give example of that common theme:
The mitochondria in the cell is theorized to have been its own organism in
the early days of cell evolution, until a cell consumed it and used it to perform
advantageous biological functions.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
I made sense of this by thinking about evolution. With time, organisms will
likely experience some kind of genetic mutation. Sometimes this will have a negative
impact on the organism, but other times, this mutation proves beneficial and as the
organism reproduces, they pass this down to their progeny. These properties are
seen as evolution.

1) Name Common theme:​​ Function depends on structure.

2) Give example of that common theme:
The 3 types of fibers in the cytoskeleton: Microfilaments- 2 protein chains
loosely intertwined for contraction/crawling. Microtubules- hollow column of tubulin
dimers for movement of cell or materials within cell. Intermediate filaments- keratin
wound together to provide mechanical support.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
When I thought of this concept, it was helpful to know which types of
organisms had which types of fibers and what the fibers do. For example, the
flagellum of a sperm cell is made of microtubules. The shape allows for a
whip-like action which helps to propel the cell. Microfilaments allow for
contraction of cells for movement.

1) Name common theme:​​ Life requires the expression and transmission of genetic
2) Give example of common theme:
Cells arise only from pre-existing cells.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
This helped when I was learning about how cells reproduce. The DNA
from one cell is replicated and it used to create a new cell, by cell division. The
expression of DNA decides how the cells will look and function. Knowing this was
crucial for understanding the genetic concepts we learned.

Section 3; Chapter 6

1) Name Common theme:​​ Life requires the transfer and transformation of energy
and matter
2) Give example of common theme:
Energy can change from one form to another
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
Since entropy is constantly increasing, it takes energy to to bring
molecules and matter into order. This means that there is a constant exchange of
energy and matter. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, it must be
transformed and exchanged. Biochemical pathways prevent the reaching of
equilibrium to keep the metabolic processes going.

1) Name Common theme:​​ Function depends on structure.

2) Give example of common theme:
Enzymes binding sites.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
When a substrate binds to an enzyme, the enzyme changes the shape of
the substrate, subsequently causing to have a new function and therefore a new
relation to its environment. I would think of the enzymes and shape-changers and
it would help me to remember what they do. The enzymes even have different
binding sites that allow for different things to bind to it.

1) Name Common theme: ​Organisms interact with one another and the physical
2) Give example of common theme:
Environment can affect the structure of the enzyme
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
Understanding this theme helped me make sense of this aspect, because
I remembered that enzymes have an ideal environmental temperature, they also
are affected by the pH. If the temperature is too high, it breaks the bonds of the
enzyme, rendering it ineffective, because the breaking of the bonds causes the
enzyme to lose its shape.

Section 4; Chapter 10

1) Name Common theme:​​ Genetic Information: storage and expression

2) Give example of common theme:
DNA stores and expresses information
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or
remember this aspect of biology?
The DNA encodes genetic information, then when it is preparing to divide,
the DNA is replicated. When the DNA replication is finished, the cell can divide, with the
new cell carrying the replicated DNA. The DNA is stored in the nucleus and the DNA
transcription and translation takes place in the cytoplasm.

1) Name Common theme:​​ Living things interact with other living things and with
the environment.
2) Give example of common theme:
Environment can affect the health of cells.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
Cells can come into contact with radioactive substances or harmful
chemicals that can interfere with healthy cell reproduction. Cells have a series of
checkpoints that are designed to makes sure that all parts of the cell are
developed properly so that subsequent cells are healthy. If the cell is damaged
and the checkpoints don’t work, it can lead to unhealthy cells like cancer.

1) Name Common theme:​​ New properties emerge at successive levels of

biological organization
2) Give example of common theme:
DNA allows for living things to reproduce.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or
remember this aspect of biology?
New properties emerge at successive levels of biological organization,
and one way this manifests is through evolution. Because mutations happen in
DNA, some mutations happen to work better in a given environment, the fittest
organism to the environment will survive and reproduce, passing on their

Section 5; Chapter 14

1) Name Common theme:​​ Evolution: explains the unity and diversity of life
2) Give example of common theme:
DNA can be traced back to the same origins.
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
This helped to reinforced the concept of evolution and how cell mutations
can be advantageous, given the environment. Often, gene mutations result in the
death of the organism, but if the mutation makes the organism more fit for the
environment, the organism will survive and reproduce, passing the mutation down to
its offspring. Eventually, if this continues to be beneficial, evolution will occur.
1) Name Common theme:​​ Organisms interact with one another and the physical
2) Give example of common theme:
Organisms interact with each other for sexual reproduction, thereby
producing offspring and continuing the species

3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or

remember this aspect of biology?
Meiosis, the creation of gametes (sperm and eggs cells), requires the male and
female gametes to join in order to create a new organism. The interaction of male
and female organisms leads to sexual interaction, which ensures reproduction. This
helped me to remember what meiosis was in contrast to mitosis.

1) Name Common theme:​​ Genetic Information: storage and expression

2) Give example of common theme:
Too much change in gene expression can be harmful
3) How did understanding this common theme help me make sense of or remember
this aspect of biology?
If too many mutations happen that result in phenotypic gene expression
can prevent the passing on of the genes of that organism. The more
attractive and healthy the organisms are to the prospective partner, the
more likely the genes are to be passed to offspring.

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