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Research Log #1

Date: September 10, 2017

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of having vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarians are usually happier.

#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1: Vegetarians are usually happier.


“And previous research has shown high levels of AA can cause mood-disturbing brain changes.”

“After two weeks, mood scores were unchanged for the fish- and meat-eating groups, but
vegetarians reported significantly better moods and less stress.”

“High dietary levels of omega-3 fatty acids are linked to better brain health, better mood and a
host of other health benefits.”

“In theory, then, frequent fish eaters should have be protected against the damaging effects of
AA because of their higher intake of omega-3 acids. But an earlier study found omnivores
reported significantly worse moods than vegetarians, despite higher intakes of EPA and DHA.”


The Huffington Post proves that people who follow a vegetarian diet are usually happier.
This article states that it all comes down to the fatty acids we intake. People who tend to include
more meat in their diet have a higher arachidonic acid level. AA is a type of omega-6 unsaturated
acid that our bodies need to function properly but too much can lead to problems later on.
Research has found that higher levels of arachidonic acid causes our mood swings in our brain as
well as hormones.
The next best thing as a replacement for meat would be fish. Fish contains omega-3 fatty
acids such as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. Omega-3 is an important that is
linked to better brain health. These acids should combat the high levels of AA but recent studies
found that omnivores have more mood swings unlike vegetarians. To prove this they conducted
an experiment over a two weeks span. People who ate strictly vegetarian had slight amounts of
DHA, EPA, and AA in their bloodstream. Participants who ate their regular diet and who ate part
vegetarian and regular still had high levels of the fatty acids in their bodies. Eating magnesium,
protiein, iron, and calcium can also help with moods. Even if vegetarians can’t have meats,
supplements can be taken.

Works Cited
Nolan Brown, Elizabeth. “Vegetarian Diet Could Make You Happier and Less Stressed, Study

Shows.” Huffington Post. Oath Inc., 11 Mar. 2012. Web. 10 Sept. 2017.
Research Log #2
Date: September 18, 2017
Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of having vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarianism can affect mood and emotions.
#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body. (Nutrients and heart health)
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body.


“Studies have linked a vegetarian diet to increased life expectancy and a lower risk for heart disease and

“High intake of soy products - which may replace meat as a source of protein in a vegetarian diet may
strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.”

“Those who ate no meat had a 15% lower chance of dying than those who ate meat at least once a week.”

“Numerous studies have shown that a vegetarian diet lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood lipid
(fat) levels. That adds up to a lower risk for heart disease.”


This article by Harvard Medical School of Health states that a vegetarian diet is more
beneficial to the human body. They call this addition by subtraction because additional studies
are proving that human bodies are healthier eating a low to no meat diet. Scientists conducted a
study by following 34,000 member of the Seventh-day Adventists group for 12 years. Those who
did not eat meat had a 15% lower chance of dying than those who ate meat more than twice per
week. A vegetarian diet can also lower the risk of heart disease and failure, lower cholesterol,
and lipid levels. Lipid levels are the amount of cholesterol that is in his or her blood. The
saturated fats in meats take a toll on human hearts. These fats could potentially block essential
arteries and then lead to a stroke or a heart attack. The fiber found in plants helps with diabetics
with blood sugar control. Higher intake of fiber will lower cholesterol and control the digestive
tract. Animal protein makes human blood slightly more acidic than the normal level. Acidic
blood draws calcium out of our bones. But protein from plants is less acidic which is healthier
for our blood. Soy products could also prevent calcium loss because it has estrogen like effects.
Works Cited

"Vegetarianism: Addition by Subtraction. An Increasing Number of Studies Are Finding Health

Benefits from a Low- or No-Meat Diet." Harvard Health Letter, vol. 29, no. 4, 1 Feb

2004. Web. 21 Sept 2017.

Research Log #3
Date: October 6, 2017
Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of having vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarianism can affect mood and emotions.
#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2: Being vegetarian is eco-friendly.


From tropical rain forests in Brazil to ancient pine forests in China, entire ecosystems are being
destroyed to fuel humans’ addiction to meat.

It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of cow flesh, whereas it takes about
180 gallons of water to make 1 pound of whole wheat flour.

Of all the agricultural land in the U.S., 80 percent is used to raise animals for food and grow
grain to feed them—that’s almost half the total land mass of the lower 48 states

As the world’s appetite for meat increases, countries across the globe are bulldozing huge swaths
of land to make more room for animals as well as crops to feed them.


There are just as many animals as there are humans on this planet and maybe even more.
These animals provide for humans, such as food. The meat humans consume increases the
resources needed to sustain the animals. Every second seven football fields get bulldozed out of
existence to create a farm for cows and pigs. These animals also need to feed so they are eating
plant resources. Over eighty percent of the deforested Amazon forest is now cattle pastures.
These are taking up too much of the community’s land that could be used as a forest. Global
agricultural businesses have to provide feed for the cattle, chickens, and pigs so humans need to
produce that for them.
Consuming a piece of meat is also consuming the water that the animal needed to live
and thrive. At most, it takes two hundred thirty pounds of water to grow potatoes, wheat, maize,
or rice. One pound of beef or meat requires 20,000 pounds of water. Pigs are the thirstiest of
these animals because a single pig drinks eight hundred seventy-five pounds of water in a year.
Farming these animals takes seventy percent of water that are available to humans. Humans
alone are already competing with each other for water access. Some people around the world
don't have access to clean water. As the demand for meat increases so does the demand for water
which means less for the human population and crops.
Works Cited

Horrigan, Leo, Robert S Lawrence, and Polly Walker. “How Sustainable Agriculture Can

Address the Environmental and Human Health Harms of Industrial

Agriculture.” Environmental Health Perspectives 110.5 (2002): 445–456. Print.

Research Log #4

Date: October 15, 2017

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarianism can affect mood and emotions.
#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1: Vegetarians are usually happier.


On the other hand, accumulating evidence suggests that good nutrition is a basic
requirement for good mental health, and that a number of neuropsychological conditions —
chronic stress, anxiety disorders, major depressive disorders, autism spectrum disorders, bipolar
disorder and even schizophrenia — are influenced by what we eat and drink.

Persuading patients to choose, say, fruits and vegetables over “comfort food” could enhance their
state of mind.

The Western diet, the norm for many Americans, may impair learning, memory and mood

The old adage has proved true — we are what we eat. But we can also say that in a very real
way, we think and feel what we eat.


A recent study showed that a hundred billion neurons in the brain talk to a hundred
trillion bacteria cells in the gut. This is known as the brain-gut axis.
Industrial fats the prolong the life of food and snacks that sit on shelves are definitely not
good for the human body. Trans fat increases the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, and could
even lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Trans fat’s brother saturated fats are not as awful but are still
unhealthy. Saturated fats increase risk to depression. Saturated fats induce neuro-inflammation.
These fats can be found in red meat, cheese, and butter. Fats that are healthy for a human body is
monounsaturated fats that come from avocados and olive oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are especially
healthy for humans because these acids can help with mood regulation and brain health. Omega-
3 can be found in salmon and fish but as a vegetarian omega-3 supplements can give the same
effect. These fats transmit signals to the brain which then reflects in one’s mood.
Also eating fermented foods such as kimchi, yogurt, dark chocolate, soymilk, pickles,
and miso soup can help with moods. In a study based on 710 young adults these foods
significantly reduced social anxiety. Fermented foods act as an anti-anxiety or antidepressant
Works Cited:
Knepper, Catherine. “The food – mood connection.” Des Moines University Osteopathic Medical Center.

Des Moines University, 4 April 2016. https://www.dmu.edu/dose/2016/04/the-food-mood-

connection/. Accessed 17 Oct. 2017.

Research Log #5

Date: October 30, 2017

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarianism can affect mood and emotions.
#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.


In the U.S., animals raised on large-scale farms generate more than 1 million tons of manure
each day.

Livestock contributes to fifteen percent of the world’s human-caused greenhouse gases, thanks
to the methane gas that the animals release.

Raising animals for food — including acreage allocated for growing feed crops and grazing
— gobbles up 30 percent of the Earth’s land mass.

Large-scale “factory” farming aims to produce the most meat and other products “as quickly
and cheaply as possible and in the smallest amount of space possible, resulting in abusive
conditions for animals.


Global warming is the biggest issues we have as a society today. Greenhouse gases is gas
that Communities and programs have failed to take into account how much greenhouse houses
from raising animals take a toll on the environment. Greenhouse gases produce twice as much
gas than all the cars and trucks combined. Cows and sheep are responsible for thirty seven
percent of the total methane in the atmosphere. Livestock also produces sixty four percent of
ammonia which then generates acid rain. Livestock manure also emits nitrous oxide which
contributes to global warming. Straying away from a meat based diet will reduce the amount of
greenhouse gases significantly. Switching to a plant based diet will also be faster than trying to
shift away from fossil fuel burning technology that emits carbon dioxide.
A plant based diet will save copious amounts of water. A kilo of beef varies from 13,000
liters to 100,000 liters to produce compared to 1,000 to 2,000 liters to produce a kilo of wheat.
Pollution of waterways is also caused by animal manure, antibiotics, and hormones that are used
to make them grow faster. Animals farms produce 130 times as much waste as the human
population of the United States. In order to meet demand for meat, companies have to expand
their farms so they raze acres of land from wildlife habitats.
Works Cited:

Leitzmann, Claus. “Nutrition ecology: the contribution of vegetarian diets.” The American

Journal of Clinical Nutrition.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.,

http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/78/3/657S.full.pdf+html. Accessed 1 Nov. 2017.

Research Log #6

Date: November 16, 2017

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarians are usually happier.

#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3.


A wealth of published data points to a plant-based diet as a way to prevent cancer.

Many studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can affect risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which remains the
number one cause of death in America.

Studies have shown that the intake of plant sterols reduces LDL cholesterol, which is one of the factors responsible
for the plaque buildup that causes atherosclerosis.

Japanese who adopt a Western diet, however, develop colon cancer with increased frequency; among Japanese
immigrants, the frequency approaches that of native Americans.


A study shows that vegetarians compared to postmenopausal women have lower total cholesterol, fasting
blood sugar, and hemoglobin levels. The same experiment was conducted with Brazilians who ate a omnivorous diet
and Brazilians with Western diet eaters. The outcome was the same as the first. The vegetarians had lower blood
pressure, cholesterol, and glucose. The lacto-ovo diet is one where vegans allow themselves to indulge in dairy
products but not egg. People who follow this diet have lower risk of a cardiovascular disease. They also tend to have
less excess fat and have healthier lipid profiles than carnivores do. High intakes of meat have been linked to bladder
and colon cancer. High consumption of fiber and legumes reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fiber helps with quick
digestion and eliminating food. Dried fruits, beans, peas, and lentils reduced the risk of prostate cancer.
Eating fruits will reduce the risk of lung cancer. Soy products also significantly reduced the risk of pancreatic
cancer. Processed meat is also a main cause of colorectal and lung cancer. Researchers have found that there is an
increasing risk for premenopausal breast cancer in adolescents that eat an excessive amount of red meat.
Works Cited:
Null, Gary and Martin Feldman. "The Argument for a Vegetarian Diet." Townsend Letter, no.

312, July 2009, pp. 82-87. EBSCOhost,

Research Log #7

Date: November 16, 2017

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarians are usually happier.

#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1: Vegetarianism tend to be happier.


Compared to omnivores, persons following a vegetarian diet have reported less depression and anxiety.

In a subsequent pilot trial, omnivores randomized to a vegetarian diet for 2 weeks reported better mood than those
consuming fish or control diets.

In a large cross-national study that investigated the relationship of fish and meat intakes with health and socio-
demographic characteristics in older adults, fish consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of dementia
and meat consumption was associated with a higher prevalence of dementia.

In fact, the lower stress and anxiety reported by vegans and some vegetarians in our sample may be associated in
part with their avoidance of animal fats.


In this academic journal a company tested how a vegetarian or vegan diet affects the human brain. First
they completed a series of questions relating to race, ethnicity, geographic location, and marital status. Then they
answered questions about their lifestyle. The survey required them to state how much they spend outdoors, sleep,
drink alcohol, smoke, and work. Then they were tested for depression.Vegan adolescents who were included in this
study showed that they had the most boosted mood because of how much they exercise. Exercise releases happy
endorphins and this contributes to mental health. This study found that less of animal consumption will increase a
better mood. However, fish consumption has shown a lower prevalence to dementia while meat consumption
showed a higher prevalence of dementia. Red meat has been constantly proving to be a negative effect on human
health. Stress and anxiety can contribute to fewer fruits and vegetables in a daily diet. People who can cope and
handle stress and anxiety may be more open to trying a vegetable based diet. The new and upcoming research is how
psychological stress and depression are linked to inflammatory pathways in the brain. Inflammation in the brain
characterizes mood disorders. Animal products are from grain-fed animals; the fatty acid of animal products are pro-
inflammatory and negatively impact the brain cell membranes. Vegans and vegetarians also consume less sweets.
Females with higher intake of sweets are more stressed. The mood for plant based eaters without the intake of
animal nutrients is essential for mental health but doesn’t seem to be a problem as long as supplements are being
Works Cited:

Beezhold, Bonnie, et al. "Vegans Report Less Stress and Anxiety Than Omnivores." Nutritional

Neuroscience, vol. 18, no. 7, Oct. 2015, pp. 289-296. EBSCOhost,

Research Log #8

Date: December 29, 2017

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarians are usually happier.

#2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2: Being a vegetarian is eco-friendly.


Clearly the savings, in terms of both energy input and available calories for human consumption, would be very
great if we weaned ourselves completely away from dependence upon livestock.

These wastes, the runoff of water used to clean farm buildings and equipment, and pesticide residues and other
agricultural chemicals, are often poorly handled and cause the contamination of waterways and soil, as well as air

This horrendous pace of destruction stems from several major sources, including the clearing of foreign and
domestic forests for agricultural purposes and development, drainage and filling in of wetlands, damming of rivers,
use and abuse of coral reefs, and relentless high-tech ocean fishing.

Rain forests are cleared by humans seeking firewood, settlement space, farm plots, monoculture plantation space,
expanded land holdings, oil, minerals, and pastureland for cattle.


Vegetarianism is a healthy alternative to a regular diet that consists of meat. Eating a regular diet that
contains meat is not environmentally healthy. In Canada, expanding in agriculture has resulted in the destruction of
85% of wetlands. The crops grown by farmers are used 95% of the time in feed that goes to livestock. Animals that
humans consume take up most of our resources. In example, more than 26,000 liters of water is used to produce one
kilogram of meat. In the process of growing all these crops, farmers use pesticides and chemicals to get the best
grown crops so they make money. These pesticides and chemicals runoff into the ocean, fall into the food chain, and
sometimes even end up in one’s body.
A researcher states that “meat production is the main source of environment damage.” This destruction is
caused by many issues like clearing the forests for domestic and commercial uses, drainage of wetlands, abuse of
coral reefs, and blocking rivers. Also, the high demand for fish reduces the chance of fish diversity. They also can’t
procreate as much if they don’t have many pools. A plant based diet relieves the pressure from ecosystem by
allowing humans to be still the top of the food chain yet eat below. This way we can take advantage of solar energy
and resources.

Works Cited:

Fox, Michael Allen. "The Contribution of Vegetarianism to Ecosystem Health." Ecosystem

Health, vol. 5, no. 2, June 1999, pp. 70-74. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1046/j.1526-
Research Log #9

Date: January 1, 2018

Name: Makayla Miyashiro
EQ: What are the benefits of a vegetarian diet?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Vegetarian diets can affect one’s mood.
#2: A vegetarian diet is eco-friendly.
#3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3: Vegetarianism is beneficial to the body.


The disease-fighting components of a plant-based diet are in part due to the increased dietary fiber and the bounty of
phytonutrients such as vitamin C and folate.

A plant-based diet offers documented nutritional support and long-term management strategies for people with

Vegan diets can offer protection against diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels.

Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats (from sources such as soy, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and healthy
oils) has been shown to lower, coronary heart disease risk.


The human body is not meant to intake as much meat as an average human does now. In the earlier
centuries they had a lean diet consisting of small animals, occasional red meat, and mostly plants. Now that red meat
is in high demand for humans, one’s body does not know how to handle it. A vegetarian diet can help with asthma.
Studies have shown that a higher intake of plant foods and a lower intake of arachidonic acid may lower the chance
for asthma in children. Asthma found in adults can be decreased with a higher intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C can be
found in kiwis, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, red bell peppers, and tomatoes. Eighty percent of heart diseases and
strokes can be prevented with an adopted healthy lifestyle. A big risk factor is lack of fruits and vegetables in one’s
Also, recovery from workouts can be sped up with fruits and vegetables. Eating these foods makes a body
alkaline which helps with the healing process. Many people think that if they switch to a vegetarian diet, they will
lack vitamins and nutrients needed for growth. Taking the right supplements can help with that. They contain the
same amount of vitamins that you could get from the fruit or vegetable. Humans also ingest hormones given to the
animal that is going to become food. One’s body then digests those toxins and hormones, which then becomes
harmful to the body.

Works Cited:
SOVIERO, JULIANNE. "Deprivation as a Good Thing." USA Today Magazine, vol. 144, no.
2842, July 2015, p. 61. EBSCOhost,

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