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When on earth, God’s grace takes care of your body, mind and soul. He makes sure that the three are in

★The mind is what makes you reason; it is your rational being.

★The body is what makes you belong to this physical world; it is your physical being.

★The soul is your conscience. It is what makes you exist.

When you die, your mind shuts down, your body begins to rot and the soul leaves the body. But souls
cannot die. So, after death, your soul rests in the grave or in another name hell. Unlike what most
people think that hell is a place for eternal suffering, hell is a place where souls are held in deep sleep to
be awoken on the last judgment.

On the other hand, after we die and our physical body rots, we gain other spiritual bodies. These
spiritual bodies have mind body and souls. Even in hell or paradise, we cannot be souls without bodies. 2
Corinthians 5:1-4: & 1 Corinthians 15:48-49/51-54.


If you’d happen to rise to eternal suffering, you will rise after death or hell is thrown in the lake of fire.
That will be the second death. In this new hell, you will be given a new body, mind and soul. But in this
hell, nothing works with the other. The mind does not work with the body and the body does not work
with the mind while the soul wanders around aimlessly. The three are not in agreement.

With an illustration; if your body wants to move to a certain region in hell, it cannot be able to move for
the body does not work with the mind. So, you remain stuck in one position while your soul wanders
around aimlessly finding no rest. And when the soul leaves the grave to seek rest, it finds none. It roams
the earth finding a body to possess but finds none. Matthew 12:43-45.

This will be the punishment of hell. But on the other hand, we will all be judged according to our works.
So, not all people will suffer eternal suffering. When Hell is thrown in the lake of fire, some will be
tormented for a short period and then their souls will be destroyed. For only God can destroy both the
soul and the body in hell. So, God can destroy or kill a soul. That is what the bible refers to as eternal
suffering or eternal shame, for the second death has no remedy. So, there will not be second chances.
When your soul is destroyed in hell after serving your sentence, that will be your forever shame,

If there is any philosopher or theologian out there who would happen to disagree with this, let them be
reminded that his is no philosophy. It’s from the word of God which is always true and right. That’s why
every explanation of my concepts is always followed or backed by a bible verse. Saying that God inspires
philosophers or theologians simply mean that your perception for inspiration is misguided. God does not
inspire philosophers, in fact, the bible condemns them. Romans 1:21-22. I have already read the work of
God which is the scripture and i am content with it. Why should i read the work of man who is prone to
a million errors and believe in it?

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