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Jordan Nakamura

Dr. Sato
December 11, 2018
Senior Project
Interview #1: In Person
Craig Nakamura, Former Coordinator of the Hawaii Environmental Crimes Task Force
Senior Project Interview Questions

1. What is coastal development?

Coastal development is human activity, such as the construction of buildings for
commercial or residential purposes or the alteration of the natural landscape, in areas near
the coastline.
2. How does coastal development affect the marine life?
Coastal development may have an adverse effect on marine life because it often alters or
disrupts the natural habitat and ecosystems of marine life. Given these concerns, the
Hawaii Legislature has enacted environmental laws that require an assessment of the
environmental impacts of developments in shoreline areas. The Hawaii Legislature has
also enacted Coastal Zone Management laws and declared that it is the State’s policy to
preserve, protect, and, where possible, restore the natural resources of Hawaii’s coastal
zone. Pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management laws, for developments to proceed in
coastal areas, Special Management Area permits must first be obtained from the
3. What are some examples of coastal construction that negatively impact marine life?
Coastal construction that involves the grading, filling, and movement of soil may
negatively affect marine life through the increase in runoff. There was an incident on
Kauai in which a landowner did extensive grading and filling on property near the
shoreline without proper permits. Heavy rainfall resulted in erosion of the recently
graded and filled land and a massive mudflow into the ocean. A scientific study
concluded that the mudflow and subsequent sedimentation severely damaged a coral reef
and adversely affected marine life in the area.
Coastal construction of large hotels and high-density condominiums may also adversely
affect marine life by exposing the ocean to increased runoff of soil and discharge of
wastes, and by greater disturbance of marine life caused by increased human activities in
coastal waters.
4. What are some of the unintended consequences of coastal development? i.e. pollution
The unintended consequences of coastal development include damage to the coastal
environment and marine life though increased pollution and overexposure to human
activities. Coastal development that is excessive may destroy the natural beauty of
coastal areas, and, in Hawaii, the natural beauty of our coastal areas is one of the things
that makes Hawaii such a special place.
5. In what way does coastal development negatively impact the economy?
By damaging coral reefs and marine resources that support fisheries, coastal development
may negatively affect the health and sustainability of the fishing industry. In Hawaii, we
rely heavily on the tourist industry. Coastal development reduces the untouched areas of
nature that make Hawaii so beautiful and attractive to tourists. If the proper balance is
not maintained between coastal development and maintaining and preserving Hawaii’s
natural resources, Hawaii’s tourist industry may suffer.
6. If coastal development continues at the current rate what can we expect in the future?
Studies indicate that global warming is causing significant damage to coral reefs and
threatening the health of marine life. Coastal development also has an adverse effect on
coral reefs and marine life. If coastal development and global warming are not properly
controlled, their combined effects could have a devastating effect on marine ecosystems
and the health of our planet.
7. What can the community do as individuals to help prevent the consequences of coastal
Learn and become educated about the consequences of coastal development. Study and
become familiar with laws designed to protect and preserve the natural resources of
coastal areas. Speak out when the adverse effects of coastal development outweigh its
benefits. Work to mitigate the adverse effects of coastal development by engaging in
activities such as beach-cleaning and efforts to protect coral reefs.

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