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< Web Based Payroll Management System For Ministry Public Enterprises >

Prepared by:

No Name ID email phone

1. EYOB TESHALE ETR/0073/08 eyobeyayesh@gmail.com 0926220591

Submission date: 04/04/2011 E.c

Web based payroll management system 2018

Executive summary
Payroll management has traditionally been in a domain of its own, occupied solely with ensuring
correct and timely payment along with compliance with relevant regulations. As a narrowly
focused and transaction-oriented process, payroll management has provided the required
accuracy and timeliness but has been peripheral to the larger concerns of human capital
management, which has been evolving around it rapidly. Over the last decade payroll
management has been so widely outsourced that most of its services have been severed from the
other HRM processes.

The primary mission of the payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately
and timely with the correct withholdings and deduction, and to ensure the withholdings and
deductions are remitted in a timely manner.

Acronym and Abbreviation

HRM…………….human resource management

HRMs…………… human resource management system

E.c………………..Ethiopian calendar


ETR……………….. employee serial No or Id No

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List of Tables
Table 1.1 hardware and software tools ........................................................................................................ 9

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Executive summary ........................................................................................................................................ i
Acronym and Abbreviation ............................................................................................................................ i
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. ii
Chapter one .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Background of the organization .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Background of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 1
1. 3 existing system description .................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Statement of problem............................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 proposed system description .................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Objective of the project .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1 General objective ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.6.2 Specific objective ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.7 Scope of the project ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.7.1 Out Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.7.2 Scope In ................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.8 feasibility study ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.8.1 Economic feasibility ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.8.2 Technical feasibility .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.8.3 Operational feasibility .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.9 Methodologies and Tools ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.9.1 Data gathering technique .................................................................................................................... 8
1.9.2 Design methodology ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.9.3 Implementation methodology ............................................................................................................. 8
1.10 Significance of the project .................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter two ................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Sequence diagram ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 Class diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Activity diagram ................................................................................................................................... 12

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Chapter three .............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.User Interface design .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.1 User Interface To View Slip .................................................................................................................. 14
References ................................................................................................................................................. 15

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Web based payroll management system 2018

Chapter one
The aim of this Project is to develop web based payroll system for ministry of public enterprises. This
system enables to pay the employee payment easily and effectively. In order to develop the team
members’ use various types of gathering information which can enables to get sufficient information such
as direct interview, internet access, observation as well as document analysis.

1.1 Background of the organization

The Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia is striving hard with a vision to make the
country a middle income economy. In line with this approach and to enable public enterprises
compete globally, the Ministry of Public Enterprises has been established by the proclamation to
provide for the definition of powers and duties of executive organs of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia (proclamation no.916/2015).

1.2 Background of the Study

This project is about Payroll Management System for ministry of public enterprises. Payroll system
is the heart of any Human Resource System of an organization. The solution has to take care of
the calculation of salary as per rules of the company, income tax calculation and various
deductions to be done from the salary including statutory deductions like Income tax. It has to
generate pay-slip reports.

It is understood that we are tired of managing thousand of odd papers, pay slips, payroll reports,
and salary details and so on. Imagine that we have a payroll processing system which will
generate our pay slips and payroll reports within seconds. We can help others automated your
payroll system by developing a customized payroll application that suits your specific
requirements. The team member can make the Application where the database will be hosted in
order to manage the EMP ETR departments which will be located in different places and by
keeping domain of Application as Online.

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Web based payroll management system 2018
Main services provided by our project:
Record the employee information: record the employee basic information.
Calculate the salary payment for each employee.
Update the employee information: to modify the employee information.
Delete the employee information: to remove employee information if you leave from the
Search the employee information: view all information about yourself.

1. 3 existing system description

The existing in payroll system is currently running with a manual system. Because of this, there
are many problems like loss customer time and lack of uncertainty on the budget.

Thus, the customer dissatisfaction their works on the time, the main tasks of the existing system
are the following:-

• Documenting and storing customer information using manual system.

• Registering employee information using manual documentation.

• Ordering the customer using manual system.

• Giving or pay the money for employee is manual.

Problems identified and alternative solutions

Manual processing such a strong retrieving of data and information, the current system has the
following problems

• Performance problem

The current system unable to perform tasks and activities with efficient and required time, it is
tedious and not fast, do not give paper services for employer i.e. salaried employer or hourly

• Information problem

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The employees of the system cannot gain more information science the system is manual
processing system due to this problem.

• Search information the employee is difficult

• Data can be repeated
• The data can be lost from the document

• Data storage problem

Data storage problems can be occurred because of lack storage device that store the all
information of the employee.
• Efficiency problem

Since the system is running by manual system there is no efficiency because working the
productivity with waste of money or effort.

1.4 Statement of problem

Payroll system in public enterprises is not a computerized system that performs its overall
activities manually. As a result, it has lack of data security, difficult data processing, and
resource consumption such as time, man power, and paper. For more detail the following are
some of the problems associated with the manual system

• Their file control mechanism is complicated.

• Processing of the payroll takes long time, because it is being done manually.

• There is no fast and efficient way of sharing information across the organization.

• Wrong information is sent to payroll system center, e.g. name of employee and signature

• Search employee information is difficult

• Data can be repeated

• The data can be lost from the document

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1.5 proposed system description

The general overview of our proposed system is to point where the problems are exists in project
system. The proposed system solves the entire problem in the system. The new system that we
proposed in system will be able to:-

• Decrease human labor force

• Give easy accessible for payroll customers

• Decrease paper extravagance

• Give easily access to finance workers

• Give fast services

• Reduce data in consistency

Alternative solution of existing system

The Alternative solutions of existing system are:-

• Using network based payroll system

• Using computer based instead of file based

• Allows to customer web based system

• Authorize the system

• Decrease data redundancy

• Create straight security for reduce lost of data

• Store the data on the database

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• Create user interface prototype for employees

• Reduce paper lost by using computer

• Take fast service to the user

• Fast searching of user information

Option analysis and the proposed system

Evaluating the new system in terms of its advantages and disadvantages


• The new system can be reduce lose of data

• The new system does not require more human labor

• The user can gain fast and clearly services

• The new system already decrease uncertainty on work

• In new system there is no redundancy of data

• The new system increase the honest between employees and the system worker

• The system decrease the cost of paper


• All employees haven’t knowledge of the new system

• System can be busy

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1.6 Objective of the project

1.6.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop the web based payroll system for ministry of
public enterprises

1.6.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the proposed system are:
• The salary report is sending for each employee in ETR or in id no or serial no.

• Calculate the payment easily and quickly.

• Solve the problem behind traditional payroll system

• To design secured system for employees for ministry of public.

• To provide security for those data like employee information that needs more
security to not be modified or altered by an unauthorized.

• It uses its Username and Password to access the system.

1.7 Scope of the project

1.7.1 Out Scope
 Attendance management system
 Human resource management system
 The system doesn’t generate report

1.7.2 Scope In
The system is designed for the enhancement or development of computerized payroll system for
ministry of public enterprises ETR employees. It includes the features that can

• Store employee information in database.

• Create secured system.

• View the net salary report.

• Terminate employee information when the employee is leave from the job.

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Web based payroll management system 2018
• Calculate the total deduction, pension, taxed salary, total income, income
tax, net salary.

• Display allowance, basic salary.

• The user can search.

• Post the net salary report function.

• Update employee’s information as well as the net salary etc.

1.8 feasibility study

In our project we used such types of feasibility. Those are:-
 Economic feasibility
 Technical feasibility
 Operational feasibility

1.8.1 Economic feasibility

This project in economic feasibility includes that of tangible costs and benefits.

 Tangible cost: - software cost, hardware cost and operational cost.

 Intangible cost: - loss of customers good will, decrease the customers.

 Tangible benefit: - increase the speed of activity of the customers boosting the
employee morale.

1. Intangible benefit: which accesses here are moral from staff memaber, Work flow
will be effeciennt, Increase flexiablty.
Then the benefits of the project greater than cost there for it is feasible.

1.8.2 Technical feasibility

This project system is technical feasible because of

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Web based payroll management system 2018
 It is easy to understand by every customer.

 It understands the possible point of hardware and software environment

1.8.3 Operational feasibility

The proposed system has an end user. The end users of the systems are customers and others
organization employees and we think that the system and the user exceptions are much balanced.
We also concerned that the system is operational feasible.

1.9 Methodologies and Tools

Methodology means the way or method in which the project is used while to conduct his project.

1.9.1 Data gathering technique

Data is collected both in terms of primary data and secondary data.

 Primary data: -is the data that is collected in terms of interviews, observations, open
closed ended question and it is original form.

 Secondary data: -is the type of data collection method by verifying the different
document or financial profile of the office of different books etc.

1.9.2 Design methodology

For further investigation and interpretation, conclusion the row data requires percentage and to
solution data analysis method is used because of their simplicity in nature and enabling to
facilitate interpretation and also we can use OOSAD methodologies and SDLC.

1.9.3 Implementation methodology

Implementation methodology is a systematically structured of our project system approach to
effectively integrate software based. Generally, we use many different software and hardware for
implementing our projects. Those materials are:-

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Web based payroll management system 2018

Hardware Software

 Computer  MS word
 Flash disk  MS power point
 Visual studio code
 Pen
 Paper
Table 1.1 hardware and software tools


The employee information is documenting depend on employee information payroll

administrator is identify the activities by time management.

1.10 Significance of the project

The major information benefits of my project are:-

• To give a fastest payment system .

• To use time effectively.

• To satisfy employee.

• Easy access of information.

• Less resource wastage (like time, material)

• To provide easy and faster access information

• Easy report posting.

• Interactive system to the user.

• To post net salary report without miscalculations.

• To improve the efficiency.

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Chapter two
1.Use Case Diagram
The system use case diagram shows the overall activities of these system users, it represents the
functions that the actor (users) should perform.The diagram consists the system area in order to
hold all use cases, which shows the boundaries of the system. In our usecase diagram there are
two different actors, namely Accountant and Employer. And also there are Six usecase in the
following usecase diagram. Which are associated with all actors of the system.

1.1 Sequence diagram

The Sequence Diagram models the collaboration of objects based on a time sequence. It shows
how the objects interact with others in a particular scenario of a use case.

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SD 1
User<<actor>> Home page<<UI>> Login page<<Ui>> Database needed page<<UI>>


{The user opens the home page}

open login page()
{The user open login page}

{Enter username and password} Enter username and password

{The system checks check()

usernamend password}
If input is valid
{If username and password is correct
opns the needded page}

{If username and password is

incorrect lets the user if input is invalid
to enter again}

1.2 Class diagram

This system has Four classes; they are Employee data, PS, Created Payroll and History.

In Unified modeling language (UML) context, a class defines the methods and variables in an
object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity.

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1.3 Activity diagram

Activity diagrams describe parallel and conditional activities, use cases and system functions at a
detailed level.

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Chapter three
1. User Interface design
The sample user interfaces are shows us the design of the system interfaces that used in the
development of online payroll system.

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1.1 User Interface to View Slip

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1.12. References
The resources to develop our project system are used to interviewing the finance office,
gathering information from finance document, using sample project from the internet and also
using the internet to develop how to do our project system to the modernized system

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