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‘Cause No.2016-768-C1 ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 19™ JUDICIAL vs. DISTRICT COURT JACOB ANDERSON McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS K Please see reports, records, interviews, and statements for more details, available in the State’s file at the Office of the Criminal District Attorney. The following information has been conveyed to the District Attomey’s office as a result of trial preparation and is now being disclosed to the Defense: ‘The complaining witness in this ease provided a statement attributed to her by her civil attorney and filed in the papers of this cause that includes allegations inconsistent with her prior ‘statements to civilians, police officers, and a SANE nurse given on the night of the offense. ‘Verbal notice of these inconsistent statements was provided to the defense at the time of the original plea and in two subsequent conversations the last being on December 3, 2018. S 3 . Respectfully Submitted; Qs 5 Abelino "Abel" Reyna fu. = 5 Criminal Distriet Attorney | ‘MoLennan County, Texas wi 2 219 North Sixth Strect, Suite 200 = Waco, Texas 16701 sie 8 Oo * State Bar Number 24034529 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE properly served, as indi This is to certify that on the date indicated a true copy of this motion was upon the Defendant, by serving the Attomey of for Defendant by

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