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Sachin Tandukar

Professor Jamie Mc-Beth Smith

English 1010

2 December 2018

What is the best way to make college affordable and is college degree still valuable?

As we all know education is the key to success. Once a high school degree was enough

for living and economic success. However, in this current time college education has been one of

the very important phases of life. To make your life better, different levels of education and

training are required. Investing in a college education is your first step to open many doors. So,

in order to do it students are going into college and getting their education.

Even though college education is important, there are millions of people in the country

who are not being able to go to college due to skyrocketing tuition fees. Everybody should get

equal education and college education should be affordable. Thus some people argue that

students are ending up with college debt therefore, college education should be free, and

everybody should be able to get free education and pursue their careers.

She was told by students paying for college made them grow up and become more

responsible. When they had to pay, they worked even harder. European studies have found that

students who pay more in tuition exert greater effort and are more likely to graduate on time

(Chenny Ng). There was a factory worker son who never made any good grades while in high
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school but after few years later he graduated from college with 3.3 average grade. Chenny Ng is

education policy researcher at the institute for policy research at Northwestern University.

Now, we know with the research of European studies, students are more likely to become

more responsible. Nothing is easy to achieve in life. Hard work and determination are always

needed. We all know education is always important. Going to college will be the first investment

of the life and eventually professor, college advisor, financial aid, scholarships, friends and all of

this will help to graduate. Remaining focus and working will always help you to achieve your

goal. However, student do still face financial short even after providing grant. There have always

been numbers of enrollments then graduates. Students drop out due to family emergency other

times they have bills that needs to be paid off. Going to college and working can be exhausting

and still save up for your student loans. Sometimes people give up and starts to work but if

college used all the motivating factors like as a non-tuition expenses like books, transportation,

housing. We could give them those opportunities instead of having tuition fees. However, there

are a lot of students with low-income and with skyrocketing tuition fees students are ending up

with a lot of student’s loans

As we all know college cost are twice as much as it did 20 years ago. Since the college

fees are so expensive, students have to take student loans to attend college. They expect to pay

those loans back after 10, 15 years after having a advance degree (Chenny Ng). Therefore, in

order to avoid those college debts, nowadays there is a trending of working full-time and attend

college part-time. Higher education budgets and tuition are done by the state of the economy.

Whenever the higher education does well the cost remain stable but during an economic

downturn, states tend

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to reduce higher education funding and tuition rises. Students migrate to different state because

of college being cheaper.

Legislatures are working to solve this problem, but they also have helped to create it. For

example, the largest state merit program and the most famous is Georgia HOPE Scholarship

program Established in 1993, this program is conducted through the state lottery and costs about

$200 million each year (Chenny Ng). With this program, the state pays for tuition, fees and

books at a state public college as long as they graduate with a B average and maintains a B

average in college.

I know from my own experience that college education is so important. Establishment of

Georgia HOPE Scholarship program is a huge success. Later many other states slowly followed

this program (Chenny Ng). In order to overcome from college debt this is a very neat way to give

education to the students. Most of the students stopped moving to different state for cheaper

college. Getting educated is more important, If the government is willing to offer free public

college then I would want to be part of it. Not only that the government and state law makers

have completely changed the education system.

This is the second view point of my position synthesis paper where college education is

making change slowly by providing baccalaureate program on community college.

Most of the community college are providing their student with a four-year degree

courses in community college. Bachelor’s degree has been a very common and essential degree

in high level industry. The change of education system in community college is a big hit.

However, the private universities aren’t happy about it and see as a competition.
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Ohio will be conducting four-year degree program starting in fall 2019 at Sinclair

community college. It is one of the growing numbers of community college at Ohio that has

started to provide bachelor’s degree program. They will be teaching their students on mission

planning, maintenance, laws, data analytics and more. However, just up the road there is

Youngstown State University that offers similar kind of degree, but their tuition is double

Sinclair’s. Ohio is one of 19 states that allow at least one two-year college to offer a four-year

degree and a half-dozen states could be moving in the same direction (Povich).

As college costs rise and state officials look to accommodate low-income students, most

of the community colleges are changing into four-year universities. Most community colleges

can offer only limited baccalaureate programs, rather than offering of all different kinds of

course. According to Beth Hagan, about 90 two-year colleges are offering about 900

baccalaureate programs across the country. She is the executive director of the Community

College Baccalaureate Association, a Florida-based trade association. Beth Hagan said “There

are people who can’t leave their families or their jobs to go away to university and get a degree,”

(Povich). Although there is limits on what they offer at community college on the counter side

the four-year university sees as a competition. The offerings of program are commonly found at

four-year university. The four-year university thinks financial assistance makes degree

affordable to low-income students. “Community colleges are doing this to serve the students and

employers community we serve now,” said Adam Murka, chief of staff for Sinclair Community

College in Dayton. “We are not trying to be universities” (Povich). This has helped a lot of

family and students where costs matter. Student can be closer to home, have flexible schedule

avoid housing costs. Sinclair average in-state tuition fee is about $3000 while Youngstown State
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came around $8000. This baccalaureate program has proved a hit and some state lawmakers

would like to see the program expanded.

With all the evidence and argument given, Community college changing to baccalaureate

degree has proved a huge success for all those people with low-income. Education should be

convenient to everybody. Students who wants to achieve their degree from four-year school then

the student must be prepared and study hard and graduate so that student loan can be paid off.

For the students who go to community college can have lower cost, there is flexibility on

schedules, don’t have to worry about housing and still study and be closer to home. The article

about community college offering bachelor degree inspires that how education system is being

changed and making education affordable (Povich). Being in a debt of student loan is something

I’ve always scared off and now I don’t have to think anymore. Going to four-year university

have been a tradition however for me to see in a financial way, the four-year degree

opportunities given by the community college is more affordable. Getting educated is more

important and more importantly investing in a right way.

Although different changes have brought to college level education to make it more

affordable, there are people who think college degree is no longer valuable. Due to expensive

fees some think they are wasting their four-year career in college debt and loans. There is a new

trend of program known by Mission U in the market which helps student to finish their program

in a year and assure you a job on top of that. However, does this program helps student in long

term? Will those degree be more valuable in professional industry?

MissionU is the postsecondary education which is proving a hit. Aiden Cary is a high-

school senior in Hampton, and he saw this one-year old school on website and decided to enroll
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in a one-year, data-science degree program. Cary thinks the investment in college is costlier

these days and he thinks people have been waiting something like this to finally came around and

they could instantly see the value proposition (Belkin). This program is mainly based on digital

skills and already has 10,000 applications for 50 spots. This program offers a debt-free way to

attain skills in different technology and high-tech companies. The program is high demanding

these days. People like to get a job that pays more and MissionU being in the market has helped

more than 10,000 students to get a job after they graduated. A lot of students who have graduated

from college have really high expectations but what they have learned isn’t the same in real

world specially in marketing. Mission U founder Adam Braun said students formally meet once

a week and take most of their classes online. About half are traditional college aged, the rest are

older. Students pay nothing up front. After they graduate, and they've found a job paying at least

$50,000 they pay 15% of their income for three years (Belkin). But on the opposite side of this

degree that lacks are the longtime entry ticket to a professional career. Once they are out of that

job, they might not get another job easily. It’s because the degree that you got in a year isn’t

much more valuable than you get from a four-year university. It seems to more likely be for a

short period of time.

It could be true once in a blue moon that college makes you study that isn’t necessary at

your career, however getting educated in different field makes you even smarter. You learn so

many things like social science, economics not just what you will be doing later in your career.

College is a path for student that gives you knowledge in all different levels of education

whereas the post-secondary education like Mission U is short term. According to Gardner

Campbell, an English professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, “While alternative

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colleges can teach a person how to work, they don’t teach their students why they are working”.

The statement says everything; I wouldn’t want to work like a robot. This degree doesn’t

working a professional industry where a college degree is more valuable. It can help people for

the short term but if you want to think for a long term than college degree is always valuable and

never gets old. Although college are expensive in United States still people from all over the

world come here to study regardless of price. The history says it all, We have world renown

universities in the country. There has been a lot of changes on education system with tuition fees,

scholarships, for the students. They have been making public college affordable to everybody

and trending to change community college into four-year university which has proved a huge

success. No dream is bigger to you if you work hard, Therefore I’ve always supported college

because that is my life first biggest investment you would to make your life worth it. Therefore,

college degree is still valuable today and I believe it will always be valuable than post-secondary

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1. What appeals have I used as I try to persuade the class audience (more ethos? logos? pathos?


I have written about how college education is getting into the different level by providing

four-year courses in community colleges. The author provides convincing evidence to support

his claim. Evidence about why student haven’t been able to get college education and what could

be done in order to prevent it. It persuades more about how college education has been and

always will be important up to next generations. It has mixture of both pathos and logos.
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Work Cited

Belkin, Douglas. “One year of college with no degree, but no debt and a job at the end.”

The Wall Street Journal Online. 9 Apr. 2018

Povich, Elaine S. “More community college are offering bachelor’s degree and four-year

universities aren’t happy about it.” Stateline.org. 26 Apr. 2018

Bell, Julie Davis & Michelau, Demaree K “A College Degree Is Invaluable in Today’s World.

Making it Affordable is the challenge.” State Legislatures. Web. Oct./Nov. 2001

Leonhardt, David “The growing college graduation gap.” The New York Times. 26 Mar. 2018

Chenny Ng “Make College Affordable, but not Free” The Washington Post. 14. Nov. 2018
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1. Describe the feedback you got from me. Give specific details. How did you revise your

paper using this feedback?

2. What do you think you have done best? What have you changed that you really want me to

pay attention to in this revision?

In this paper I learned many things after I came back from our final homework

assignment meeting. I’ve put an extra effort on this homework to make it better. For me writing

is always challenging but on the final part of this semester writing position synthesis paper I kind

of love it the way the paper supposed to be and represented. When I was with the professor, she

read all mine paper in front of me she liked how my introduction and paragraph started however

after some point, she wanted me to make sure that I cited anything information taken from book.

I got a better view of how to write the view points and change the paragraph. It seemed like my

professor was happy of my all hard work. She corrected me on how to do the work cited page in

the correct manner. Overall the feedback is something that I always appreciate that helped me a

lot with my paper. The things that wasn’t correct were told to me therefore with her feedback I

made some changes in my paper with the cite source, paragraph change and grammars.

However, there is no certain place to pay attention but made changes in over all of my paper. I

think I really liked my ending paragraph about how no dream is bigger to you if you work hard

nothing is impossible and that is what I will be following and never give up.

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