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Those bygone years..

又回到最初的起点 you hui dao zui chu de qi dian Back to the starting point

记忆中你青涩的脸 ji yi zhong ni qing se de lian In my memory, I see your young face

我们终于来到了这一天 wo men zhong yu lai dao le zhe yi tian We have finally reached this day

桌垫下的老照片 zhuo dian xia de lao zhao pian The old photographs under the table

无数回忆连结 wu shu hui yi lian jie Linking to countless memories

今天男孩要赴女孩最后的约 jin tian nan hai yao fu nuu hai zui hou de yue Today, a boy will keep
his last date with the girl *

又回到最初的起点 you hui dao zui chu de qi dian Back to the starting point

呆呆地站在镜子前 dai dai de zhan zai jing zi qian Standing in front of the mirror dumbly

笨拙系上红色领带的结 ben zhuo ji shang hong se ling dai de jie Clumsily tieing a knot on a red

将头发梳成大人模样 jiang tou fa shu cheng da ren mo yang Combed hair to appear as an adult

穿上一身帅气西装 chuan shang yi shen shuai qi xi zhuang Wearing a handsome suit

等会儿见你一定比想像美 deng hui er jian ni yi ding bi xiang xiang mei When I see you in a
while, it’ll be better looking than you expected

好想再回到那些年的时光 hao xiang zai hui dao na xie nian de shi guang Wish that (we) could
go back to those years

回到教室座位前后  hui dao jiao shi zuo wei qian hou When we were sitting in the classroom, in
front back position

故意讨你温柔的骂 gu yi tao ni wen rou de ma (Doing something to get) purposely scolded from
you gently

黑板上排列组合  hei ban shang pai lie zu he Pairing arrangement written on the blackboard

你舍得解开吗 ni she de jie kai ma Are you willing to let go/ separate it?

谁与谁坐他又爱著她 shei yu shei zuo ta you ai zhe ta Whoever sits with whoever, he will love


那些年错过的大雨 na xie nian cuo guo de da yu Those missed years of heavy rain

那些年错过的爱情 na xie nian cuo guo de ai qing Those missed years of romance
好想拥抱你  hao xiang yong bao ni I really want to hug you

拥抱错过的勇气 yong bao cuo guo de yong qi Embrace the wasted /missed courage

曾经想征服全世界 ceng jing xiang zheng fu quan shi jie Wanted to conquer the world before

到最后回首才发现 dao zui hou hui shou cai fa xian But looking back in the end, I realized

这世界滴滴点点全部都是你 zhe shi jie di di dian dian quan bu dou shi ni Every little thing in this
world is all you

那些年错过的大雨 na xie nian cuo guo de da yu Those missed out days of heavy rain

那些年错过的爱情 na xie nian cuo guo de ai qing Those missed out years of romance

好想告诉你  hao xiang gao su ni I really want to tell you

告诉你我没有忘记 gao su ni wo mei you wang ji Tell you that I never forgot

那天晚上满天星星 na tian wan shang man tian xing xing That night, when the sky was full of

平行时空下的约定 ping xing shi kong xia de yue ding In parallel time and space, we made a

再一次相遇我会紧紧抱著你 zai yi ci xiang yu wo hui jin jin bao zhe ni If we meet again, I’ll hug
you tightly

紧紧抱著你 jin jin bao zhe ni Hug you tightly..

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