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ProblemPa e
Se/ De ense with Master Won

OK, so you're jogging, all zoned out and

things go WRONG •..


Sure, It happens, It even happened to me ...

On hollday by the sea. NO, not a mountain LION. Well

dressed ASSASSINS Intent on VIOLENCE?

Too Bloody rfght!I


••. Split aecond ... REACT•.•They m••n busln ...... TOO



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.titors t
�om men
Welcome to this November/ December issue of

World Of Martial Arts Magazine.

The l'ir,,r Issue h.u been ,1 buge suocess, th.ink you for your feedback II i

fantastic that you like i

t so much. Yourcomm.:nts make i
r all WOl'thw hilc,

•11 ,;
• like f� N(Jfiom,I GOO<Jrophic ofnl(l,ti(i/ (Jrl-><"
, u wry good mix
"/1:S a fHOpl'I' ....ad ofmartial artist,;and difler.,111 arL�"

s .-ery pro doss, u

"Yoor mug i s ••,di CJS )'OIIT mortial J0Unwl1sm

/1:S t
he righ110111: UI 1he right time·

/ rrt1/ly like the chords and 1om, )'OOThiuing. the light and shade. 1he m
" ag looksuma:11ng."

�,ne nwga.lme i
s pun> quulity. w11h well wri1w1 ur1rcks. across u w.rielyo[aris,

brauti{ully laid OUI, lib, a cool /\'ational (.mgraphic mtt!s 'fimc Maganne "

So, from us ,1 big thank you f

or l iking and supponi11g whar wcdo.

Inside II i s.ill martial arnscs. martial arts and manial movies, f

rom BJI, IKD. Wini!

Chun. SilaL Tai Chi. Pak Mei. Samurai. Taekwoudo. Aikido. Self Defense, Mental

He.11th nesense, Mind, Body& Spirit ,:u,d lotsd"Movics, ·1v, Books, just anything

m arti.11 arts related. All great insight and entertainment for any martial artist, wc know

"CO.I "�11 likc thcm. If )QI.I• art isn't featured yd, we h op,:, todo 50 in c future. Lcr
th s

know"ilat you thmk of th is issue.

Don't forgct to check out our hu# world ofrontent &om videos toartides()fl

World of Martial ArtsT�levision """'w.woma.tY. W e hcve a lot of n<'wproJe<..1"s

launching acro:JM Worid of Martial Arts Television t hat will keep us e�rcmcly husy.

Well let you knowwhcn th ey are hvc.

In the mronrime enjoy th IS rssuc. keep t raining and

enjoying m artial arts wh<'l"<'1.."\lt.'f')'}U fln<l th<'m from the

Do;o to the Drive In. N, thi� is the Novcmbcr/lJ,."'CCmbcr

issue ha,"'a vcry m erry run up to the holid.:,.ysca!,Oll and

a I l;,rrrChl"15tmJSor hJppy holid.:,.ysoqu�t be happy

-.....'Cf )OU CXpt.'1'11..'IICC

1,o,. this part of the }l..'.lT.

Wc'rcalrcady-iting the next issue. with awesome

"Titers and grt.

t articles.

Sec )OU in ::019,


s Tru

YES. you can re

.xi this digitally or you ccn alwaysg1..'I the

print •'Cl"Sion, it"sJdiffen.'flt, beautifully tJctileexperiencc

and could be used f

oe Origanu

YES. you Gin reJ<l this in print or you can always get the

digital \'Cl"Sion, an equally pleasurable read in a varicty of

different so:n.arios and i

t will change YOUR lifu

04 WOMAMagaz1ne
Wing Chun in tbngcr of becoming stuck 11, 11,;clf? October ,1
1 one or rhc Lirgest e).hib111on spaces
Fats.an Pakmel Kune 06
Adam Williss e,,plains. . in Southeast Europe. Julie Gabriel reports.
Fatsan gets its fame for being rhe birthplac,, o(

Wing Chun and Hung Gar Kung ru styles.

H°""""'"• I here's an unknoo,,-n styleOULslde of

Mental HeaHh Warrior 11 The Spirit of Alkldo 71
Jim Wright inten,1cwi,,1 rem.irbbk man, Kobert In Aikido md,vidu.ils mUSI le.irn thal 11 ,s nor
Pnsan, the White Cyebrow Monk's !:loxing.
Con,.ulmagno, whom che face of advers11y, jUSI rcchmques 1ha1 rhey ha,.., 10 master. The
Jon;uhan l:1;,rb.:,ryei.pb1flS. ..
warns people to )Oin h,m on htS quc,,j co "End 1 he development or·sc1r is also an important.

Stigma' a""°"iat�-d with mental health. Without thi� hohe.ticapproach todewlopment,

Gun Samurai 10
maximum dfod can not bea.chi.,.,:d. Hob
Samurai are normallya-,ciared .. ith sharp

sworJ,.and closeoornb.ir. J kM"e\'Cf, tbe

JKD lnveatliated 48 Iones e).plaiM. ..

W e, Are lli9ht und Yot, Art' Wron9" wnucn whrlc
Mabumoto Gun Corp" ....,ar k.Jtana"und

wakiushi",i, but urry


1.l.nt"Slshima" gun,;.
he was leaching m lraly r«en1ly Chris Kcnl 1alks Brld .. Bulldlni 76
about a problem that seems to be: P"-""alen1 in Lhe Shock horror outrage: training in another
Mat thew Okuhara fijllains the rarity or this
jKO ....,rid today. system tocnhancc, your style or martial arts
martial art.
bridge building: thc principle,.o(anorhcrart

The Power of IKD 14

Savate Wortd Championships 70 enhandng your.,..,·n! Stephen Hlomcleyopell!I

Followmgscvcral moruhs of prcparanon, the your �'Y�'S ro differem pcrspectlves.

'How Tucliwondo�u�d my lifc'a remark.Ible,
1018 Savarc World Chamrionships took place in
srory that inspired 'The l'ink lklt Scholar,.hlp',

a unique fundr.1i,;er to help w,:,men learn

Tradltlonal Tralnlnll 60
'Lo�e you,-.,df tofind tht, wuy' Ste.-., Row,:,
·rad,wondu, 1okl by Kri�ty llitchcni<, The
loob at finding the right balance.
Mortal Moui,c,l"aekwondo Hlogger.

The Power Pain Muttlpller 16 Orllllnal Truth 61

It's like riding a bike ... 'llu�urd rillution'
Many martial arts sys.rems, UIJ in p;irticul.u, arc
martial artists are ,seryiimilar to mOlorcydists.
built on an undc�andingand applkarionof
Lak Loi dahor.H�'S--
lhc principleso(l,:,."Cfagc. What docs1his me;,n

though? John H Will c,;plains._

Dim Mak64

Dim 1'-bk isa far more !iOflhistkatcd and

Tradition Is Kllllnt Wint Chun? 18
oomphcarcd 's�em o(fightingand self ,kfcncc,"
Almost anyone who 1.,.-es marti.il arts knows of

lhan ,imply striking a few points and hO(>ing for

Ip Man, rhc, Wing Chun tead1e,-o(Hrutt LN-.

a KO 10 happen. Atho. Antoni;id,:,s uplair'l!I

lo lp Man"stby, Wing Chun ""s highly rcg.ardcd
the complete fighringsysyem of Dim Mak.
for"" prae1ical11y.ind cffe,::11w,ncss. lfowc,.-.,r,"'

WWW.'Mlffla.lv 05
Gun Samurai?

A shooting martial art?

With a British Veteran ofIraq &Afghanistan?

Yes. That's Houjutsu.

t's more than n..·-cnactmcnt or to the city and more than anything I'm willing
Samurai are normally
d�play. lt's about preserving hetorv to commit myself to what we do.'
associated with sharp
Matsumoto Castle wa� d�1gnLod
swords and close
with this 'ncw' warfare in mind In [apan there are !,'lln warns all around the
combat. However, the
and the tecucs and eqciprncnt cocntrv • and they often meet up to share
Matsumoto Gun Corps
reflect th.it: !,,lid l\fatsumoto Gun Corps research and dcmonstrall' their skill at arms.

are a rare breed as far

spokesman /'.btthew Okuhara. The Matsumoto Gun Corps puts on displays

as modern Japanese and lectures to the peblic as well. In a country

martial artists go. Man hew Okuhar,1 is a llritish veteran where martial arts are S0\\��1 known and

now living in Matsumoto, Jap.111. 'I first b'Ol ,1 part of m,1ny people's lives, houjutsu is
Yes, you will seethe team
involved with the Matsumolo Gun Corps perhaps thl· most unique.
weilring karana and wakiushi
in xi16', ht! recollects. 'I'd been involved with
- but they will also be carrying
martial ans fin quill' some ume before but 'I came .x:� [apanese gunnf'ry through a
"tanegash ima" guns, named

after the small island or this W.lS mO!otly ,1 MMA kind of thing. SPl:.All. family conncctjon so was quite lucky in that

Tanegashima in southern Japan. .lS well, if)Uu've heard of it'. respect. t had known about the Gun Corps

They haven't been made for for eomc time as a n:.-gularvisitor to the Far

centuries - going some way to As ,1 'wHtttn samurai' Matthf'w Okuhara Ea�t hefort' senlmg down here permanently.

explain therarityof
en as ,1 bn of an odditywidun dil'
is se In order to jom and bl-gin training I had to
this mart.ial art.
gunnery rornmumty m [apan. "It was hard at attend an mtervsew at Matsumoto Castle.

first' he says. "But J have ,1 strong connccnon Gun laws in Jap.i.n arc really strict so the

10 WOMAMagaz1ne
d by the modern
The guns use

S,lmurai are all antiques. Thf..

'Y were

produced in the Cdo-era, before the

Meiji Restoration, that s.awout the

last s.amurai.

k, members of the gun corps.

the castle collccdon ,1llows each

pract itionc.r t
o use and .Kt as

custodian toa t.all(:g.ishima, or

matchlock !,'lln. "rhc inventory

it!>l.-lf is extensive and features O\"Cr

100 examples· IT10!,

l in a firing

condition. Many of the guns arc

a baslc production • the kind that

was stockpiled for use by the militi.i

and peasant soldit..'f'S. Interestingly,

these guns "'Crc sometimt.'S

called 'noodle 1,•1.ms' as they had ,1

tendency to bend when the b.arrd

overheated from heavy use! 11,c

finer weapons W<..

"R' reserved for the

s.amurai and arc easy to distinguish

owing to the ornate decor on the

stock, and also the larger caliber.

The process for lo.xling and

firing .i gun is in eight steps.

m d po"'Crful t.anegashima • some ll!>ing This is sometimes done whilst st.anding

three ti� es much gunpowder per shot. (or knt.-cling) and .it othc..T times ts done

They were notonlyexpt..ttt.-d tocomman<l whilst moving in and out oflonnation.

truof)!i of ashig.iru, bot t

o abo identify and In a training!,(."SSion it's rc[ati\'ely

eliminatl' high priority large�· first by �tra1ghtforw.ird todo these

gun ,
m d then by swced. The hc.ivil'rguns ma ll(.
'TS l'SJl"."Ci,1 Ily

hdped shoot through C'O\

W, walls and as the equlpmem

armour, At a famous battle at Nagashino - allows forca�y and

the highlyskillOO end fc.in.-d Takeda cavalry ra�t movcmem- the

""-11' "11 but wiped out by the gunners of training uniform

the Tokug.iwa. is much like i


With the arriv,11 of new

weapons also came new t.H:tioi.

As warfare and tt.-.:hnology<k.'\"Cloped, the

skills and requirements demanded of the

samurai multiplit.-d. The research element

ofthecorpsdri-,"1.'S the training that is

undertaken. Matsumoto C�tle ltselfw.is

built with firearms i

n mind so there is a

..-ealth of material from history to study

kcndo but without the armour; hakama. it is now practired in much the same way as their hcntagc and do not want the history

kcikogi (traditional trousers and jacket] traditional archery. kyudo, or perhaps more of their discipline to disappear,

and tabi shoes. Thcy also carry shorter familiarly as kata that )'OU SL
'C in more wdl 'We train m the tecncs and skdlsofthe

samurai swords c d wakizeshi in their

alle known martial ans. time. equip ourselves the same and

belts. HO',\-'L'\·er unlike thcb-samurai research the herit.lb'l' that has been

ancestors thL)' also make use of some Sword skill� and closecombar do not form lcft to us'.

quality car and L1'C protection .JS well! a regular part of the training but arc by

OubKleof practia.- though the Matsumoto no means ignon.-d ... .ifter all. why bring The Matsumoto Gun Corps is keeping the

Gun Corps wear full armour - from head a sword toa b'Unfight? The samurai carry s.amurai spirit allve.

to toe. This looks impressive and it 'almost their swords with them when training. 'Our rnain focus is to not only he the best

makes you f
o,..·I superhuman' according displaying or taking pan in events. Many gun team in Japan, but to also be the

to some members, but there are a fow of the gun corps are also familiar with world experts on

drawb.K:ks to it as l'.�11. the tr.iditional martial arts as well • t.inegashim.i and

karate. judo and kcndo especially, the skills of warring

'I personalty found rhat J got very hot, very They re

cognize the need to not only States period'. •

quickly in my armour! It's something I'm become proficient with the

-d to now but in the [apanese eomrncr, ranegashtma, but to also

it is quite warm. Like any martial an, it is maintain the high martial

important to stay l'.�IJ hydrau-d and to also standards oftho!.c

devdopyoursclfto become accustomed who implemented .:md

to your environment', s.i

ys Okuhara. 'The developed houjutsu, all

kabuto, or helmet also l"C'Stricts peripheral those years a!J).

vision so we spend a lot ofumedewlopmg

awareness of our other members - to the Much like any of

point where you can '

'C' what they are the japanese rnarnal

doing to the left and right of you without ans, those

t.lkmg your cres off "

the ta�t". who

practice it

N, sparring is not possible (owing to the foel rightly

deadly and long range natureofhoujutsu) proud m

12 WOM4Magazine
"A journey of discovery into the

forgotten origins of karate"

By Joel Reeves 5th Dan Okinawan Karate

After a chance encounter in Tokyo with an Old Man who recalled

training In his youth with the Father of Karate-do, Glchln

Funakoshl, the author ultlmately abandons the mainstream

dojo to seek out the last of the Te masters.

From Japan to Okinawa, The Karate-ka is a refreshing

travel Jou ma I read spanning twenty years suitable for all

, �

mart la I artists regardless of style Of cultural origin.

A fascinating read and the 'Moving Zen' of the


next generation� - C.W Nicol



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Formerty of Martial Arts Illustrated magazine

Kristy Hitchens

J The Mortal MouseTaekwondo Blogger


Once the violence in her marriage escalated to a

point where she feared ending up dead, •Anaya knew

it was time to get out.

But now, living on lier own, struggling to cover the bills,

sire's hod to quit Taekwondo. And it was tire one tl,ing -

tl,rougli it all - that. !rad been Jiolding lier togetl,er. Her

confronting story inspired a uniquefundraiser to help more

women learn Taekwondo.

The Power Of . . .

How Taekwondo Saved My Life:

twas after upm. She lay on Her life with a seemingly loving new threeyears, but

her pillow won<lenng if she husband on the eastern side of Australia wtth nowhere really to go, no

should escape now or wait until was supposed to be an escape from all of family close by and only .:i smJII group

the morning. She's ecrntied, th,ll. How wrong could she have been? of girlfriends · also from India - life was

L--•thinking if she gsves in to sleep. about to get hard in ,1 whole neww.1y.

he might actually try to kill her. Connecting with Anaya ...

And not just because her ex-husband

It started as rontrol. What she should This t

s a ll:·tellingof *Anaya's story (with would spend the next )'e.lr harassing and

weer, who her friends should be, her pcrrneeion, "name changed to protect st.alking her r,:lentlcs..ly.

constant put-downs and n,1mc calling. identity) as told to Kristy Hitchens, the

So quickly it's turned into something Mortal MouseTaekwondo Blogger. With what you could only describe es the

much, much wori.c. Anaya was NOT looking for sympathy, only inner fighting spirit of a true warrior in

to share her love ot Taekwondc. spue of what �he hed Ix-en through, J part­

E.:irlicr today he choked her so hard time job at .:i local euperrnarket and the

it's left .:i m.:irk on her neck. It hurts Ml was one o

f those perso11 who have family of Ielends shc had developed

to swallow, self doubt and I was one o

f f/io� by recently taking up Tuekwondo.

person who never feel conjidc11t obout AnayJ began to put one loot in fronl

She knows she needs to leave. There is myself," she said. of the other toward J new and helter,

no w.:iy in hell she is going to li,•c through Independent and safe life.

ii repeat of the unspeakable violence MAfter I joined doing Tnekwo11do it's

her fomily endured .:it the hands of her changi119 me. Clw119e the way Ifeel Starting Taekwondo had meant so much

alcoholic father bock home in lndi.:i. about myself and Ifind my confidence to her. It was somt.'thing she had wanted to

and Ifind myself able to face my fears do stncc she was J child and now at 18 she

She runs her fingers ocer the long where I wasn't able to before.• had done it.

lumpy scar en her chest - .:i gh.btly and

permanent rcmmderofwh.:it her father The mormngaftt>r the night described �, think Taekwo11do is importalll for

was capable of Jbo\·e, AMy.l did leave her husband of women besides a,1y other spores these

14 WOMAMagaz1ne
Anaya's story Inspired the concept for a Pink Belt Scholarship; All

costs associated with one year of Taekwondo training covered for one

woman in Australia (next year II should expand to the rest of

the world) who would receive Immense personal benefit

from the training but could not afford to participate.

As the idea for the Pink Belt Scholarship came together

Kristy Hitchens, The Mortal Mouse Taekwondo

B/ogge,, approached AustraUan Taekwondo lo

see If they would be Interested In working on It In

partnership. They agreed almost Instantly!

Please help The Mortal Mouse Taelcwondo B,OU.r

and Australian Taekwondo deliver the gift of

empowerment. Let's make this a success and

expand It to the rest of the world.

Find out more Md dona .t:

�/dlwff 1119'1{


sothcr aru h.n·c traditional of a mind..ct in order to unhealthy dependency upon tradition has

progressed to deal with bcsurcof i

ts quality. Now, don't b't.'
t me blinded its pr.1ctitiom.·� to someof\\ling

e\·en'\.'Olving th rens wrong. knowing the art inside,rnd out like I Chun's mostobvioos modem needs.

from Jong range fighM-s do, the art itself rs nothing �hort of genius.

and take downs, Wing IJut the reality is, the modern st.:itcofWing Rigid DeflnHlon
Chun practitioners, for the most part. Chun training isn't living up to All the i»m.'S surrounding Wing Chun's

ha\'\' st.1y1..od inside their "chi sao bubble" of its applicanon potential. lack of evolution boil down to ideas of

uadiuonal close-range training. rigidity. Wing Chun practitioners, for the

Here's wiry: most part, hold a very rigid definition

This is \\-hy, as a .IJ·)e.ar \\ling Chun of what Wing Chun must be. This

pr.acmion..r, I h.n-e ,1 difficult timc por most Wing Chun practitioncrs, b't.'m.•r.1lly stems from the pn..'Yailing idea of

recommendmg Wmg Chun to anyone. pre.crvmg tradition rs more important attempting to "preserve" the an rather than

In most cases, the art is taught with too than handling modern threats. This rontinuallyevolving 1t Too often, f)(."Ople in

18 WOMAMaga:zine
Article: Adam Williss

Photographs: ©Adam Williss

Wing Chun look to practice l'Xdctly as this, etarttng eparring only while in

Ip Man did. This. focus upon "passing arm contact is ,1 common practice.

on a tradition" is viewed as noble

within the Wmg Chun community. It's a common limitation IO be told

Yet, this exact focus upon preservation "don't hit to the foce", "don't kick",

is what is killing it. "don't aucmpe takl-downs". "don't

�trike, only pu�· or"don't follow

This focus upon preserving a tradition through with }0Urstrik1..-s".

promotes the idea that those whose

lineage is closest to "the source" is the If someone changes levels

most original or authcmic:. Although a for a rakedown, Wing Chun

wonhy idea and 001 wrong in of itself, practitioners are commonly

trying to bcorigm.il or authentjc isn't taught not to break an upright

what Wing Chun needs. posture. This stubborn reliance

on an upright posture often

Wing Chun is meant to be a living. allows grapplers t

o easily get under

brcathmg ever cvolvmg art. Rigid them. If Wing Chun practitioners

definitions of the art attempting don't practice ag.ilnst ukcdown

to preserve it only bring Wlng attempts th1..-y won't know how to

Chun closer to b«:oming obsolete. prevent them.

When Wing Chun rs f

ree to evolve

based upon modem, practical The truth?

needs, it is alive. Jt is thriving. And

because of that, it is respected. It's more common to have\Ving

Respect doesn't come from legends Chun practitioners f,.

'O back and

of the past. It comes from honest fon.h debating theory than it is to

abrlitv in the present. hit and !, "l hit .


Truth and Hardwork without an actual stimulus. Because of this, I Gotta Link

The only way to break f

n.'C from this the idea of manufacturing ,1 W.lf m ha� Another issue lncludes an owr reliance

rigid mindset is hard work Wing Chun d1....,dop..-d as practitionen, attempt to force upon linking or bridging. Wing Chun is ,1

has to be hon c-st about training for an opening out of nothing. However, Wing earikmg art. Yes, it blends aspects

application and continuous pressure Chun is based upon acting �imply and of stand-up grappling.. but the

t�ting. In other words, practical sparring efficiently upon a )timulu�. nor forcmg main go.ii ofWi11g Chun is to

where students a re constantly hming and an opening. Trymg to create or strike. Often precntioners


,..-uing hit. Coming from a place where force a pathway mtsses the 1,-.::t so used to

this doesn't happen. This kind of change is cnurc poinl of Wing Chun's "linking"

f,.oOing to bcvcry difficult. However, if response-based nature.

Wing Chun is to survive, honesty is the

only way it c,m evoh"t.". Wh.1t sp,irring there is,

students are often confined by

This seems obvious from the outside too many rigid limitations.

looking in, but in an attempt to preserve Currently, in Wing

traditional training methods, there isan Chun m.1ny Wing Chun

overall lack of practical sparring. tnsrcad. pracnnoners only practice

drills are prioriti�cd in a deed pattern often al a close ran1,>e. Along with

and "bndging" with their training partners

that they rely on this link for security. This

creates a defensive-mindedness counter

to the goal of slriking. II creates whal's

referred 10 as chasing hands.. Although

most Wmg Chun schools consider this

poor, almost all Wing Chun practitioners

do it anyway. This goes lo show thal saying

something is poor doesn't mener when

training mclhods often promOle linking. are lrying lo create or force an opening practitioners fail to understand is that

This problem of saying one thing while outside the moment. The art ofWmg structure is irrelevant if someone has the

doing another is \'cry common. Chun is about operating in the present, angle on you. This is why mos! Wing Chun

not setting up with combinations for the practitioners enter long range sparring

I Gotta Trap future. This is a big difference between like a sitting duck waiting to be picked oft

Too many Wing Chun practitioners focus boxing and Wing Chun. They structure up and post on one leg from

on trapping rather than hitting. This six feet away. This is so far from the idea of

creates the idea of forcing a hil rather I Gotta Be Close being like water.

than the practice of asking f

Of" the hit. Traditional Wing Chun doesn't address

Constantly asking is the key to being able long range practice. Therefore it often takes To me, the entire art of Wing Chun

to find your way in. Trapping happens as a dose-range posture and mindset into is meant as a process lo f
ret! you from

a means to negotiate your way lnto your long range. This is why most boxers usually limitations. Yet so many get distrac1ed by

goal, but only afler asking correctly This dominate Wing Chun pracmloners. Jn the rules. If only they could see tha1 the

is why trapping, in the sense of trying long range, mobility, evasiveness .ind rules are merely guidelines to help point

to trap. doesm work. It means that you Ouidiry is key

. What most Wing Chun them to being able to evolve.•

Info: www.ocwingchun.com

Dra9011 Defense Sysrem: dragoninst.com

20 WOMAMagazine
"The world
breaks every
one and
afterward many
are strong at the
broken places."
·Ernest Hemingway
rigid phvsical fitness test. That means doing .w

pull-ups. a j-mrlc run in 18 minutes ,md 1

00 crunches

in two rmnutes.

I sat down with Robert recently and asked for his

thoughts on ,1 varkxy of i!>SlK.'S. Here's how it wcnt.;

I• Jl1 "1 lijhl I'"" ,hrt \flll ltO ..... ,•• 1 I '"''"'

""' ,,,.11,,I H• 1•,,1,., .+11,I Pl\ll ,t1.+11,11,..,,, ,.,.,!

, h.1111,..hn ,1,,..,. "''"""' h .+ ""'Ill'" .......... ,11 ..

Robert Consulmo1gno: The day I found out I was

Bipolar, and had PTSD m.-.dc me just shake my

head. I was m dcni,1!, but the inner me sald, Cozmo,

you can't lk- to yourself. I looked at my post and .-.II rhe

cra1.y things 1 had done. I never staved in one plare.

There were rountle.s drives across the Country. V1..ogas,

Chicago, St. Louis .. I would just jump in the cu and

o s.:iy that Robert Consulmagno l,

'O, I'd find ,1 spot to crash on Craig�list or lived with

has overcome adversity during hie. friends. One time I wound up in Tampa. Florida and

lifC would be an undl'rst,1tement rented an apartment. I took out a loan and furnished

His Mother was only 15 years old 11, settled in, then Sil
t on my couch, and was hkc holy

when Rohen was born, and his row, I hvc m T,1mp.1 Now what?

Fathcrsuffered from schizophrenia which ultimately

led to his suicide. That alone, would be enough My first order of business was always to find a local

trauma for a young 8 year old boy, however, it gym and then b
'O "bcastmode" m it d.iily. lt was in

didn't end there. Plonda that I was introduced to Brazihan Jiu Jitsu. I

trained at Marcio Cn,1 BJJ Marcio is known as KPe

Consulmagno's mother remamed, and it was De Pane" and i!o a legend in BJJ. I studied under him

at his step-father's hand that he endured the lorover ,1 jeer- I competed under him 8 times and

serious physical abuse that would fud his won. I would get my Ulue Helt from ,1fr.erwinning the

biological pre-disposition for mental health I BJJF Miami Open. After that day I realized Mani.-.1

issues. This abuse would follow Robert A� and competing was why I was put on this Earth.

into the US Marines where his ,1vl'n.ion to Soon after, I left Tampa and heeded back

. . . authority and un-diagnoscd Bi-Polar to Pcnusylvanlo Searching for thl' next

' • 0 • I ' • • • ' ' •

Disorder led to numcrous incidcntsof challenge
' • I ' • ' • • • • • •

. . . . .. . ....
discipline and 'rode red" ,.tyll' hazing,
.. . . . . . . . .

••I I I• • ' 'o ••• "'"" \ \ h d l \oo , t s l l '

.'. .. . \ ..
"Each time he was knocked Till this d,1y I am still Sl',1rching.
... .. .

• •• down, Cozmo got up!"

• • •
. . . . \.\ 1,,u "'"""•'II"' ,\01011 t,,.,t t,11

. ..

His reaction when asked about hi,, l.1,1' ,m,t ,.., "'"" ,,1 , h,l,h ""

time in thc M,1rine Corps? "1 loved ............. , ....... ,t, ..11,, ....... , ... ,1, t

the Marine Corps, and I didn't want to

� t thrown out." II seems the M.uinc's My ml'!l>Nlb't' to kids and parents is to

brand of structure and discipline accept your dtagnoeis!

ultimately agreed with Ccnsulmagno.

and it was here that he achieved his fil'llt Mental Health is real andcan

eecoleocs for what would become his oomplctclv ruin you, if you don't talk

lifestyle of smashing fitness records. That about and seek help! Don't worry abcct

initial achlevemcnt came in the form what pt.'Opll' thmk ... I know so many

of ,1 N,1vy Achievement MOOdl for his high ll'\\'I fighters and athletes who talk

mnsistently perfect scores m the service's to me but arc afraid to come out into

WWW.'Mlffla.lv 23
the hght for fcar of'becktash. One fighter said bro

you l,
'Ot balls man for coming out and talking about

this. I shook my head and was like you too can too.

HoWL'Vl.'T, not evcrjooecan t.alk openly about it, but

I thmk with ,1 strong support group those folks will

come out of the darkness.

\\ho ""f" """'" ul '""' ,ulr ,uo,lrl, 11.'""'"'II u '

Ahh, man ... my role models .lll.' R�ky Balboa,

Bruce Lee and the Hulk. Ye,1h, twoof them are

fictional characters but to me they .lll.' 11.'al! Marwl

Super Heroes live in all of us. I was the kid who ll.'ad

comic books and envisioned himself saving the world

from evil and pain. Competing and fighting was my

way of emulating those characters. Think about it,

NFL ftMJtball pla)"Crs arc Gods to some people.

Spons have a wayof bcaling and helping people.

Take Bruce Lee ... Ahh, Bruce Lee ... Man, Bruce was

,1 physical specimen. I would read his "Art o

f the

Human Body" and follow his C\'ery lead i

n the gym,

and in life. To me Bnocewasthcepitomeofa wonder

human bemg. Lovmg, caring. inspirational and a

beast when the the need ar1SCS.

. . .
\\ h,11 di ,. ""'",. .,; I h,. 1h11 Ill:,. • uu ,. "" Id h 1,.,. aspect has to be more on point then the physical. If .. . .. ' .

I'"' 't'I" 1 n , 11,,1,.,.,, ,111rl "hu,n �"'" 1011 r ""' my mind is right, my body l
!o the reflccnon of it. I ··:,.>:·:-:<-:

I want people to understand that Bipolar Disorder gtve you an example ... ' :,:.:.-,.- - .

and PTSD arc very real, and that those afflicted ' ' .. . .

.... : :-,

with them will haw episodes here and there I Jon'1 . . . . .

when training for my 4 World Records I

rake medicatjon for fear of drugs and worsening my would walk in the gym with a fire like no . ·.-:::::\:.':

. . .. . .
symptoms. I firmly beheve scrious exercise and diet other. 1 remember once I was talking to a guy
. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . .

can O\'l"TCOmc many physical and mental essues. in the gym and was like, hm, I'm not leaving . . . . . . .
' . . .. . .. . . .
. ' . .
'00<.I scpoort team helps as "ell. I gur.:ss
A 1, I want the gym till I do a 1000 standmg ab wheel . . . .

ople to join meon my quest to "End TI1e Stigma�

pe rolloutl.. He thought I was nuts, but 1 !oaid

associated with menta! health. watch ml'. So I 1,

'0t a pencil and paper from

gym owner an<l woul<l mark off on the paper

\\ 1,,.1 "oul,l ,o,, .,.., "' ....r, n rm ..., ,111,I ,..,..,,.n sets of 10 and ao ull I hit 1000 reps. I don't

"hu "'" ,1,.,.1,,,._., ,rh l'I \I) n1 u,h,., , ..1 ..,,...1 remember the time th,lt went by. I would

"'�""" 11 '"" '"'""""i homr'

bang a set out then walk in a circle like a ti1,>cr

Per all my fdlow service men and women all I in ca1,'(.' then iump beck on the wheel.

can say is seek help. PTSD is real as .....-11 as other

Mental Health issues. Find something special that can Another time I grablx:d a guy at the gym

help you fight b.ick! Maybe it's sports or art? What and asked him to put two 45lbs plates on

ever it is that focds your soul and helps you lollow a my back. I <li<l se
ts of ten with him holding

dream .. [
)o it! the plates on my back so thcy don't slide off

and hit me in the head. Ha ha I remember

,,..,.,, ,1, .. '""' rl••h '""'"""' , �,,...,n' 1,,.,... another time I was <lc,1dl1fung and dead set

II 111< lurlf' !,nil, !hf' 1,,.,,. .. 1 dnrl lllf'llldl on pulling 405 for one rep. I trained for months

diiilh§ON rack pulling 55011>!. to pulhng 315 with high power

My workouts arc intense! I walk into the gym with resistance ban<ls ued to my feet m order to b't.'
l to

my headphones pumping inspirational music, and 405 for one g

ood clean rcp. It was my dream!

with an intent to push the bar. I find the mental Well the day came when I wes ready and httle

24 WOMAMagaz,ne
I •


did I know I could pull 405 forso.:tsof7 reps. not bad

fora 45 year old m.:m at 165 pounds. Guystwkc my

size were like dam!

I have so manycra;,;y sessions ,

m d they nL-VCTb'<:

o push my body
bored. I'm constandv trying t . Hcna:

the broken hack from this last World Record. I

fractured my L5 and have a slipped disc as wcll. This

record kille
d ml' but i
t was so worth it1 I did i
t lor

mcntill hc.ilth and fur my leg.icy! I am proud to hold

4 World Records, meny jiu Jitsu Gold Medals and

being in the boxing ring once at Ringside World

Championships. J lost bydt.'Cision but won in lifu!

Scvcr.1! ycari., and numerous awards ,md \Vorld

records later, Consulmagno is a bit more

cuntcmpletive He offers. �w._. all have challenges

and issues in lifo. Wh.1t meners is th,u you make a

choice to own it and fight like hell to do something

about it." Th1..� days. Cotmo spends hls time

training, speaking t
o groups about the stigma of

mental health Issues, !,Citing World records and His

mantra ... be authentic, be relevant, be enjoyable, be

i!cceptmg and be POWERFUL! This mindset has led

him to,1 !"\.-cent 111 ranking in the world in llrazrlian

Jiu Jitsu in hii, a1,

'I.' and weight class. an honorable

. . .
mention m the pre..tigious 2018 Dis.abled Veteran of
. ',
the Year awards. This past July, Rohen set a World

rt.-cord for most standing ab whL-.:1 rollouts in one

. . . . . ..
. .. .. . .. .. . . hour wearing a 40 pound ,1..'!>t .
' .. .• . .. .. . • t

. . . . . . '

A deeper look into Consulmagno's family history
. .. .. .. . . .

·.'·:-;,;:•:,: reveals ,1 possible reason for Cozmo's ceaseless motor

and drive for greatness. His Great Grandfather,

. .. - , . . . .
Michael Consulmagnoeamed an induction into

the New Jersey Boxing Hall of game. During the

1¢,os, hrs "Greilt Gri!mps' hon-cl in .111 8 divisions, and

earned 149 wms m 175 bouts sconng 50 knockouts in

the heavy ...eight ranks.

1\.-digrt.'e ... defiance ... ori,imply the will to ronqUl.'r his

demons end rise above rbcobsteclcs placed bdi.

m :

him. whatever the n.-cipc f

or this Wilrrior's

quest towards greatness. One thing l can

y for i,ure ... he's noe done. •

very sooften )'OU wd] come M;mi.-.1 Ans (MMA) fighting. A furmcr

3CTO§S.I oombat sport M.1rinc, haunted by J tragic pcsr. Tommy

movie that m,lllages tofin.J Rionl.:m returns r
o his hometown of

just the right bal.inceof Pittsbu,W, .1nd enlisls h,s father,;,

dra.m;:i aod ;,ction - th.it i�. recovered alooholicand hi• for1ncroo.>ch,

more drama than 3Ction. \\!hen fighrsare 10 train him for an MMA toumamcnt

justified with becksroeics full ofcrush mg awarding the bi�sl purse in th1., history

cmo1ion. they bccome.1ll the more intense ofthe spon. As Tommy blazes a viol1.,nt

.ind gr.1tifying. Wurrior xhievcsex.:aclly path towards the title pri1.<!, his brother,

this potent mix in the work! of mi:<cd Breml.m. a li:,rrT'll,r MMA fighll'I' unable

martial .ir1�. where punches, kicks, and 10 nuke ends meet J> a puhlie school

',1ny1hinggoes' brutalityaru:xposet.l in all

their bloody glory.

Origin.illy rek.i..cd in lOU the popufariry

;md cult st.itusofthc film bave led to.i well

deserved, upgraded retecse in 4K and lllu­

lt:iy. Thccxccllenl c.istingofTom 11,udy.

1-1 Ed�rton and Nick Nol tr .ire Jt the

heart of1hc film's surquahry.

The film focuses ;,round two brothers

facing the fight of.i lifctime amidst the

wreckage of their broken family- .,..;thin

the brutal, high-bta.� .,."OOJ of Mixed

26 WOMAMagaz1ne
Android Cop Escape Plan 2
lmdroid Cop h.u a different plot. and is set ln this sequel, Ray Breslin (Syl,cster

in the ye.ir 1045, ye1 it ls, of cou rse, a rip -off Staltonc) is managing an elite te.im of

of theorigin.:il 1987 Rob-op m011ie. Yes, it security spcci.ilists tr.iinecl in rhe an of

Requiem For has,1 lc,o.,-er budget. bur 11 is absolutely an breaking peoplcoul oft he world's most

enten.:,ining .iction movie. More particularly impenetrable prisons. When his most
A Fighter with tod.iy's ad11an.:es in t«hnology the trusted operati,-e, Shu Ren, i
s kidnapped

R..quil:'m For A Fighter ,s.i real hard hiuing viewer can better understand the meaning and disappe,irs inside the most elaborate

Irish sci acuoner st.irring Kim 1\0ld. h tells behind the origin.ii. prison e<"t"r built, entirdy computerizecl

the story of Lucas, ,1 former Danish Anny and constan1tych.Jnging shape. Ray must

officer who trav<!ls to Deny, Northern Ireland Michael J.ii White (Blood and Bone) track him down with the help of some of his

to clear up details of his estranged son's death. stars in 1he.ictio11.idventure.ind shows th.it fonner friends.

He discovers that there was another side to the origin.ii Robocop was not as helpful,

hissc.m's life and the people he parti.ed with. derailed and tech S.l\l\ly.1sAndroid Cop St.ill one's ac1mg rs good, he looks like he is

These include Mich.lei who has bttn fightmg enjoying it. unlike in Reach Me where he

in unliarn,;ed bo,cing matche,s t

o rai:.equick MJW pl,1ys,1 Los Angeles Pohce looks beyond ured. In addmon, a new As1,1n

cash, trained by his fa1herwhodoes not know Department detecfoe partnered with ,1 new char.icter joins the cclebratecl e.ist, she is

M1ch.iel rs quesuonmg his sexuality. The fights Android crime fighter. Together they enter the talentecl rn.irtial arts action star Hwing

haH� been building to.i final fig.ht ag.ainst Brian the Zone, ,1 forbidden secnon oft he city Xiaoming, who plays Shu, she is bet

Beru, undefeated King of the Gypsy's and ,1 pl.iguecl with an unknown disease. There. known for Donnie Yen's I
p Mon a.

wrecking machine. Michael will nn-d Lurai;' they d1SOO\-er the source of the illness

help ifhe is to survive. .ind urn:o.er a troubhng Go\'crnmcnt The film i

s what it is, ,1 pure h,gh oct.ine,

conspir,1cy as its cause. gun slinging. hard knocking. fight after fight

The starof'the film Kim Kold has.in llick headlined by Stallonc on top f
orm The

intern! ing b.Jck-story. After" stint as .i The .action scenes are very good and movie has a good pace. Someof1he t«h

f001b.JII goalkttptt; he took up bodybuilding Mich,1el Jai White is visibly doing .ill storiesc.in be .i littlcCQnfusing. nl'\"t'T the

and became D.:inish N.ltion.il Bodybuilding his own fighting and presumably most of e
l ss it'senioyable 1f)'OU hke old sloool action

Champion m 1006. In UJt.T7 he w.u pttsWded his own stunts. No compl,1ints about the films with modern production values. There

o play the le.id ml" in th" short film D<'nniJ. hand-to-hand combat. Moreover, when the is a great twist in the middle of the movie.

lk,ing 193 cm tall ,

m d weighing 1-40 kilogr.ims he guns come cue and the shooting begins the

is prim.:irity known for his hulking size He has e:iccitement levds rise a notch further. Ste,en C Miller wrote .ind direct eel

gonc on 10.1ppe,1r m Fasr & Furious 6 and Star llie CGI looks great The acting is high this second inst.ilment, which still

Trek Beyo11d. quality from the wbole cast, .ind the features Stallone, whilst 0.1,·e B.autista

plentiful action perfoml.lnCt' continues the replaces Amie.

Oir«tecl by Danlel P.1trkk Ogle it (e.1tures quality theme. Charles S. Dutton is re,1lly

his movie hallm.:irks: brothers struggling with going lor the Oscar .11 the end of the film. Sly has his tradem.:irk v
oice and ronfidcnt

inner dcmons, point eel-shot's nxk-mttts-opcra In addition, one must give props to R.indy .ittitude, the referen� to the first movie

sound tracks and unrelenting c.11h.lnic 11iolen.:e. Wayne who has the hardest job of all as make a good follow up to thcorigln.:il and

the title character. Stallone.ind Bautista .ire.i"1'$1'.1me in this

This movie ls,1 full on revenge mer.it' with sequel; Escape Plan J' De>1ils Slation h.Js

bo:c:ing.1nd lreL:ind as its bad«lrop. It speaks Good O\"l'rall entenammenl with ,1 good already been announced.

for usclf; if )'OU W\-e rough. tough h.Jrd-hitting story: th.it gi\'t'S .i due to what may .iw.i,t us

Boxing movies this is not to be missed. ,ill; unfettered pov,...-rand moneyc,1n corrupt

society- good philosophy behmd this m0111e

if 'OU .in.ily5c
) it.
www.woma.tv 27
Blind Fury
Blind Fury is a loosely based. modernized

vc�ion ofZatoichi Challenged, the ,71h

cenrury se
t film in the Japanese Z.1t01ch1 film

series. Charles Rohen Carner (Gymkutu)

wrote the sen pt.

The ;1<:;tion c,:nl� on thech..:iracter Rutger Hduer is mostly n:mcmlx:!"<'d

Nick Parker {Rinser H,rner) a Vicrn.:im o.- his role as rhe super android Roy ll.:itty

vee who lost his sight m action. Lost on in Bludc- Runnc-r. ln this film. playing a

the hanlcficlJ one of the loc:,I blind man, there are some sccn<.'l>. which

V1e1nanit,se tribes fin<ls him. they take arc very humorous.

him in and care for him, !<:"Ching him

to enhance his remaining senses and t

o The film is pcrfoct for action fans

expertly wield .i sword with impressively choreographed

fight sequences. "11,<' sword fights.

o the United States, he

On his return t stunts ,1nd Jction sequences an:

l{PCS to visit an old Army friend. lhnk directed wirh flair by Phillip

Devereaux, but discoscrs th;it he and his Noyce, and great can1era work,

wife ,11'<' di YOrecd, and Frank no longc,- Ii•� awc,.ome angles, enhance the

there. Unknown to his ex-wife Devereaux very fast pace!

has accumubted a fargcdebt playing in a

crooked casino in Reno. ThccJsioo bo,,,i ln condusion, rhc film has a

o forgive the debt in return for

is willing t very cool �tory, an amazmg

Devereaux, who iii .i chemist, creating performance from R11111er

dc�igncrdruw,. To enforce the deal. they Hauer. wnh great cha racier

at tempt t
o k1dn.:ap his son. Th<' thug.s 3Cting, and daz:tling fight

encounter Nick who,.,we,, th<' boy. "llius lx:t ..een I laucrand ShO Ko,,ugi

gins a road mp to V<'g,ls r
o protect the 11,c movie is necessary for any

boy and"""-' his fri<'nd, wi1h rh<' boss' mania] ans movie collection

henchmen in pursuit. Great action. Great fun.

28 WOMAMagazine

Actor and Martial Artist

hat Is the show about Ama!ia, Meosha, Richard, l.H who have been

Anatomy ot An Antihero is a mini series and behind me throughout this whole project.

feature him tha

t is the story of Franck Denard,

a man acctJsed ol a crime he did not commit. Mll>liE\tiGllfi

Once out of prison, he discovers he has a We were lucky enough to have a cameo

brain tumor. He ends up agreeing to be from Billy Blanks who also gave his Input

the test subject of a government funded for the fight scenes and Bob Wall (Entttr the

research facility. The adventure starts Dragon, G•m• of Death) who plays my master

in France but then moves t

o the US mstructor. lt"s an honor to have a legend like

in San Diego and Los Angeles, these two in my mini series. Of course let's

California not forget to mention Erle Roberts who plays

Colonel Brooks and Catriona McColl, an

actress known !Of the films of Lucio Fulci. Also

It's lull ol suspense, action, and a we have our main stats Merrick Mccartha as

lot of drama. QI course it involves Dr. Brown, Angelique Kenney as Valantine

martial arts but it's not necessarily Malandrain, Christina Okolo as Melissa Jordan

a martial art ltlm. Franck is lorced and Tahir Hubbard as Officer Johnson.

to choose between being involved

in a huge conspiracy involving the Did ou have hel from fello

military, or take a chance on starting a l

u t
, I, !t11ttitmttf

new hie for himself I wanted t

o add a more Master Todd McKlnely of the American

direct approach when creating the fight Kenpo Karate of San Diego generously lent us

choreography thanks to the advice of Billy his dojc as a film location.

Blanks and Bob Wall

hat makes the show stand out? Bruce Lee. Bob Wall, Chuck Norris, and Billy

Everyone can identify wrth Franck, because Blanks of course are my inspiration. Jean

it's a message for people to never give up Claude Van Damme is a very important too,

believing in themselves no matter the situation. we are both from Europe. My favourite films are

It's not a super hero SIOtY but rather a modern Bloodsport, KJclltioxer and Enter The Dragon.

stOtY in lacing the challenoes lile throws at you

no matter how difficult. hat Is our role on the sho

I am the creator and one of the main actors.

How was It osslblo to brln I play Franck Denard. I especially llke the

ssontlall what stnrtod as nn ldoa dramatic aspect of the character. It is a

mto a lull llod ed show? pleasure to play this type of role.

I was IOl'lunate t
o gain h.mding from our

Kickstarter campaign and also receive finance Do ou use wires or an kind ol effects

from some private investors with the help for our fl ht sconos?

of Meosha Bean, a very talented Director There were no wires or any kind of eff

and cinematographer, who bel!eved In my used In any of our fight scenes. When ii comes

project from the beginning. Christopher t

o doing fight scenes, I prefer t
o do them old

Jermus who's also the executive producer, school. I like !or them to have a nice balance of
my best friend Richard Sumbu who"s also a both fantasy and raw fighting. Although I prefer

producer and one ol the actors of the show, the rough fights because in reality a fight is

and LH Chambal who has been a huge help not artistic but raw, I also feel that you need to

o us f
or the post-production. It is important bring in 1he aesthetic appeal that brings out the

o have support from people who believe m arts m martial arts.

the project. Ifs not easy to be in mdependent

production. Wrth that being said, I would say hen Is it avallable?

thank you to all the people who supponed Available on Amazon Prime, DVD will be

us and I'm grateful to have my Dream Team available early 2019.

www.woma.tv 29
his film has the familiar, well­ one-sided massacre. Luckily, the film crew have

oved plot of a mov1e-w1th1r1-,1- .i martial ans expert, and an 10\'COtl\'<: SFX/

movie, full of some irnprcssiwlv Milke Up Artist, added to that the gangsters can't

Get ready for choreographed fight sequences­ risk using their guns in a Dllilding ri
-d for

The Raid meets b'O

ry set pieces and comedy, dcmollnon. without blowing ewrvonc up.

It's a ctasac. in acoot B movie style, bl.ick

Snatch with
comedy, gangster crime drama, along with the Nigl,tshooters stars Iean-Paul Ly. an
a touch of
all imponant room to room. floor to tloor chasc impressive lead and clearly a rising star in
Tarantino in
with added bloody splatter, horror .:
md n-wngc, marti.Jl arts. movie actors as he is simply brilli.Jnt
Marc Price's v.'CII
and a great deal of extremely ex..
cured as the hard hitting and fearless Donnie. The

latest film mania! ans fighting. undoubted marti.JI alb skills of Lyoome into

'Niqhtshooters', their own in this movie, he also acted as the

The film opens .1t night on ,1 low blKl1,•,,:1 film tight choreographer for the film creating visually

tt's an all-out Cn'W making a zombie film ca[IL,J Dawn of the exciting. believable fight SC('nCS that areas high

l)e.:idly in an abandoned tower block that is on adrenalin they are deadly,

roller coaster that .11,

sdw..-duled for demolition the following day, in

takes the viewer
fact lo their surprise lhL)' uncocer thc ca hi L
'S Other outstandsng performers arc Richard
through numerous
and then the explosi>L'S that an' golng to turn Sandling who is a fantastic gang leaderTarker,
unexpected twists
it into a ma�si\·e pile of rubble. Desperate to and Adam McNab as the ever more desperate

and turns, and finish their schlockcr they low budget director Marshall.

importantly accidenully discover that the

as director he neighbouring tower block is Thefilmisafullbon.•,

gives his fight being used for a very different entl'rtaining. high octane,

kind of shoodng, a gangland high punch count, high gun

execution; the gangsters score, crime-thriller, daring to
plenty o
f room to
sec the film crew and their go were other film producer's
inventively keep
lights and realise thL'Y have fear to tread.
the mayhem and

action flowing. The iconic The Raid

The \\-ell armed cnmmals undoubtOOly milucnced

set out t
o remove the film Nightshooters. )'Ct a

crew in what should be a tremendous amount of

30 WOMAMagaz1ne
mmedy has been added so n violently and gorily

mo\'l.'S the b't'nre along. ga1mng..,n identity of i


own as the film makers desperately try to survtvc

the murderous gang..ters.

The visual effects are stunnmg and Marc Pelee

knows how to shoot rhc action. with wkte and

!ong takes, letting us st.

't' the choreography,

in all 1
L � hard work. lt becomes even more

irnprcsslvc when you learn thilt Nigl1tshooters

w,11, shot in just 17 days.

There i!, ,1 deft balance between Jct ion and

cornedv for much of the film, jokes flow

aplenty like the gore. splatter and violent

deaths Swearing is full on and in your fare;

as you might expect as it's not every day that

one minute you're maktng a Zombie film and

the next you're dcsrlncd to die; unless you're

a g,mgster in which case it's the usual need to

murder someone to stop them tell mg the law

that you've murden.-<l someone.

, of course, the pace of the film is fa1ot and

unstoppable. one lot have to escape, the other

want to kill them so there's no hangmg around

which makes ii entertaining and nails your

eyeballs for the duration of the movie. The

original soundtrack by Adam Langston i

s gn:'.lt

throughout the film dehvenng emotion, mood

and tension. The Cinematography is good for a

low budget picture. The stunt team are also to

be commended for crcanng such outstanding

fight sequences . •
. ;

' '

,· ,

. ' ....

· 1 · � · : .
. . \

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,. 4Ef'Oli£ G£1/Efi4t fiEt£4SE o« 1�1/f DEC£"4Efi

OfiDEfi TlfE ElfCtJISWE /Ull-fi4't 1111/f tTD- EDIT/Olf StEEIIEI

f4114/t44t£ f'fiOl'f !ST DEC£"4Efi)
34 WOMAMagazme
The Legendary

Blind Swordsman
in his many forms
TI1c popularity of Zatoichi films is lntere,tingly, Bruce Lee was ,1 fan of

immcn..c. The.')' .arc the lon�t-running [apanesc films, panku 1.arly Zutoicl,i:

action serio._'ti of films and a wk-vision series The Blind Swords mo 11, he approached

that are both set during the tnc EJo period his rotes in his films with the same

(18JOS and 184os) of [apanese history and cxallb""r,1t1..'ll cmouona! stylcof'japancsc

created one of the sc

reen's greawst heroes. samurai movit.'!!1. Bruce L.o111..,l the Zotoirl,i

The character, a blind masseur who also scric.-sso much rhar h., diet a photo-.hoot to

happens to be .1 lightning-f.lst swor<lsm.m, S...

'C wh,1t he lool«.'ll like in character, with

was created by no111,.•[ist Kan Shimozawa. 1h1..• idea ofhims..."lf playing Zoroirl,i.

Dai'°'i Films (now Kadokawa Dai'°'i In eddnion, the •

JUI film "Zotoichi

Studio) ,1mJ actor Shintaro Karsu, who Chollenyed" oft he onginal series wa-, n
I addition to the ko nk movies the bonus

created the SC'N.'Cn version, de...'eloped this remade in the US in 1990 {by TriS1ar extras are, A Blind Swordsman, 1

originally minor character for the screen. Pictures) as Blind Fury, an action documentary abou t Zat oichi port rayer a nd

As this iconic figure, the charismatic and movic�urring Rutger Hauer. Moreover, fi lmmaker Shi111aro Kat su, along wkh

earthy hero became an in ..tant scperetar, Takeshi Kitano who also starred as a new i nterview with i
ts direc tor, ohn

ll'n<ling a larg,:-r-than-life presence to the Zatoichi in the film directed ,1 roo3 Na than, a new nterview with
I A sian-film

thnlling .xiventures of a man who lives film, with the same name. The film was critic Tony Rayns, Trailers. and New [ nghsh

staunchly by a rode of honour and delivers awarded the Venice Film Pesrival's Silver Subtitles. A lso included in the boxed set is a

justice in every town and vdlagc he enters. Lion for Best Direction in aooj. Fm,1!1y, book featuring - a n � by critic Geoffrey

The films that feature him arcv,uiously a stage version of Zatoichi directed by O'Brien, Sy nopses of the l
fi ms by critic,

pulse pounding, hi la nous, surnng ,md Takashi Miike starred Show Aikawa, novelist nd musician Chris D, The Tale

completely off-the-wall. which was very successful o

f Zatoichi, the original short story by

Ka n S himozawa, Twenty-fin: ill ustrations

Twenty-six films were made between Now over 5oycars smce the ongmal mspircd by the fi lms, by twenty-five

1¢1 to 1989, and from 1974 to 1979, the films we

re made a deluxe set of the different artists.

tclw1s10n series Zatoichi was produced, Zatoichi films produced between 1¢1

starnng Katsu and some of'thc same and 1973, have been d1g1t,1lly n.'Ston.:d W h.at truly makes the bntlunce of this

actors that appeared in the films Katsu with uncompressed monaural filmed series is the mixture ofSamurai actjon

Productions produced these. One soundtracks and will be released in with comedy, drama and philosophical

hundred episodes, with episodes 99 and Nm-.,mber as a The Criterion Blu-ray clements. The.actio n r
s great in all the lms,

00 being a two-p.:irt story finale, were Collection from Sony but it is the plot that ourwelghs the hting

aired before the Zaroichi television s...

'!I pictures. by for. Overa ll, this s...
1 is a grea t piece of

was cancelled. cult-cincm.a a nd everybodyeven

re motely interested in [apanese

TI1e reasons why the Zat6ichi franchise fi lms must own it. •

1..·njoyssuch an cnormous cult-siarus arc

numerous, hut one is because he Is the

most likeable character C\'Cr in [apanese

ctnema to work as a hir"l..'li sword. He is

such ,1 kind, b""ntle and humorous

man by nature, who would rather

solve problems th,1n resort to

is bnllianr in the role of his life.

The first two films in the series,

were the only two th.lt were

filmed in black and white

www.woma.tv 35
Tsui Hark's phenomenal Once Upon A Time In China trilogy Parts I, II, &

Ill, plus Once Upon A Time In China & America has arrived on Blu-ray, in the

UK, from brand new 4K restorations!

or course they feature the awesome Jel Li starring as the real life Cantonese folk hero, Wong Fei·hung, curing ills

and righting wrongs, and fighting the bad guys in superb set piece fight scenes. You know the score these films

cap tu� the essence and physical embodiment or traditional Chinese values and moral incorruptibility in the

turbulence of change in the 19th century with awesome martial ansasstandud.

So let Phil Wrath bring you up-to-date with the movies so far.

The Ultimate Stor:

he fin.tis set in late l<)lhcenruryC.inron, in the V.LN.'Work and use of doubles. The final showdown is a

Qing dyn.1styChin.1. The film depicts the maste'l'icccof l><liringas Jet LI w o be

as injured and had t

legend.Jry, and very rwl. martial arts hero doubled for rnanyof the shots th.1t wercnr above rhewaist,

Wong f-.ei-Hung's (1&.f:7-1924) fight against but his fist techniques make up for this. 11,e film h.is.i long

foreign force;
' (English, Frroch, Amencan running time fora martial arts movie so. luckily. there is

and Japanese) .xtions in China. When Aunt Y

ee arrives back plcnry of'nme for s1ory and acnon .

from America totallyv...,,.ternised. Wong F,:,i-Hung assumes

the role of her protector This p� t

o be difficult when An honourable mcnrion has to go the music written by

his marttal ans school and loc.il rmhna become involved III James Wong, as rt 1soneofthe greatest and most

fierce b.inl<S v.ith fon,ign and local IJM"Tnment. As violence, memorablcohll martial ans themes.

es,c.:,lateia. CY<:n Aunt Yee ha� toquesrion her new western

ick,als, but is it pc:,siible to fight guns with Kung Fu? This film, f
o r director Tsui Hark, marks the

peak of biscrcanvc genius Overall: this

Onrf' Upon u Timf' in Chinu lli quite simply one of the is one of rhc all-timc gre.it martial ans

o romc out of I-long Kong f

best films ever t rom almost 1.."\lery movies.

per$pecti,l!. Jet Li star,, in the role he w.:,s born to pl.Jy. a

re.il·life marti.11.irts master, doctor .1ndcommanderofthe Part II

local militi.J, Wong Fci-1 lung. Despite not even beingJble to ln this scqccl. m.:,rtial arte expert

speak C.inton� his .xtingjust using faci.il expression, and Wong Fei-1 lung f
aces Kung.

body language is high I)' impressive. oooveylng a man ofgrea! a mem.'nary rival with skills

dignity and command beyond his real age. This soundly to1..-qual hisown. lnad<lition,

answered the critics whocoosic.lcrcd him too young f

or the Canton isC011YUl,;c.,l by a struggle

role. l'rom Jee Li's perspective it must have been a difficult between the local representatives

or him ro rake ou. with l(w;u1 T.ik·Hing (who pbyed

role f oft he Chinese gocemmcut and

Wong Fei I lung in around 100 film1o) and Jackie Ch.an 1-:uropcan.'i who want toron1rol

(Drunbn Muslf'r I 6 II) being his predecessors. Chrna, and Wong ends up in the

middle of this fight I le is a�in

The wondenultyathk.1ic Yuen Biao plJ)'li Leung l'oon, J a�sL!,tc<l byroung Chung. and

o learn kung F
trainee actor who wants t o proecce himself
u t ag.ii11 must protect Aunt Yee.

Kem CJ1eng is perfect f

o r the role of the lari;er-th.in-hfe hL� young. wesrcmized aunt-

Lam �-Wing who is Wong Fei I lung's bead student. by-adoption with whom Wong

has fallen i
n love. J lealsoemk

The.xtion is superb ,..,tiich is unsurprising considering Yuen up with a school full ofsmall

Woo-Ping choreographs 11, though crincs will still fault children 10 protect!

36 WOMAMagaz1oe

This is as good as a sequel can get, it isa further conies! Al50accompanying him is cousin Yee, his

fan1,1stic kung f
u ride and ,1lmos1 as good as the firsr. young. westernized aunt-by-adopnou, to whom Wong

if that is possible! All the charactersue eXC'l'llent )'fl issecreily be1ro1hed. Wong faces a possible romantic

,1g.im, with awesome cbaracter development. and tbe rival m .i Russ1.1n diplomat, Tumanovsky. whom Aunt

light choreogr,1phy iss1mply incredible. Jel Li ,1nd Yee knew back m school, and ,1 martial arts rival m the

Ros.amunde Kwan ha"c great chcmistryoncieag.iin! brut.il Club Foot, who beats up Wong's fachcr. Club F

Tsui Hark'sdirec,ion is fl.twles wi1h soTTH? incredible is.i great character baddywho works fort he unpleasant

c,1mer,1 work, am.uingshotsduring tbe figh1 scenes. Leung Fun. a man determined t
o win the prestigious

grNt angle11, all pitched at an incrl'dibly fast pacie. Lion O.in« contest whatever the cost.

With its shorter running time,1nd ,1 more coherently Seeing this movie you w,11 realise that Tsui Hark really

constructed stOf)·line, Jet LI returns l

o play legen<fory hasa knock for period films. Jet LI in this third in the

Wong Fe1 Hung,1nd continues much where Purt I senes. displays his mani.il ens Pl'O\'.'essas he battle
s all

finished. HO'l\'l"\'t'r, the stakes are upped in part two his enemies and m doing this, he demonstrates thcgreat

as there is a staggering final dud between Jel LI and use ofa j.,cket to ward off a str,..-et battle, the restaur.int

Donn le Yen, that is crafled to appear uuerly realistic. fight scene isclas.sic Je1 LI and you have t
o 10\'e the

The action and m,1rtial artsare orchestrated by Yuen signature sh.idow less kick, which Wong w,1s famous for

Woo--Pi ng, and therefore are ucep1iorutly well

cborecgraphed and executed: no funher explaearicn is The scenes with Wong and Aunt foe (played by

needed fora master at work. theeverlcwely Rosamund Kwan)are natural.ind

engaging. The w.iy I hey pbyoff each other is 50

The film is really about the birth of ,1 new nation, or innocent that you cannot help have a smile on your

a1 le.>st one that was re-inventing i1self. Ulti111,;1tely Iaee. h is ,1]50 a chance t
o c a jealous Jet Li. which

this became the Republic of China, represent.-.:! by Its adds to the emotion and m some way the humour. You

highly respected progenitor, Dr. Sun Yet Sen, the only really root for him to get the girl.

re\'olutionary figure admired equ,1]ly by Nation,1lists

and CommunistS.lhke. h should be noied 1ha1 Sun Ye1 Overall, the film works well in part because ll keeps

Sen strongly believ

ed 1ha11heonlyway the Chinese the humour from Purt II The gem le comic touches

could nd 1hemselvesofM.1nchun.1n djctatorshipwas throughout are laugh-out-loud funny and they re


by adopting the Modernist culture of the West !hat the bind the whole film together. making it a veryenioy,1ble

Manchuri,1n's utterly loathed and feared. film that iHeryc.isy to watch The plot

may be slightly weaker tban the

All mall the fabnc of the story is strong and the prevmus films but 1t has many

martial ,1rts 1s fined into places 10 make the viewer other strengths

feel they are being entertamed by act1on and drama

not just action In many circles, !his second movie is Part IV& V
the besr in the series as it develops rhe characters and 'res. rhere are anceher .2

ally dellvers on .iction. movies in the Once Upon A

Time In China canon, Part

Part Ill IV & Vthal continue Wong

In this Third inSlalment oft he series, "'t' see Wong Fei Hung's story. Neither

Pei-Bung and sidekick Chung errive in Peking just feature Jet Li, the

as the Empress anooences a Lion D,mce martial arts lead m both is









Once Upon a Time in China and America (From a new 2K restoration):

New audio commentaries by Hong Kong cinema authority Mike Leeder:

Hours of interviews with key cast and crew, including Jet Li, Donnie Yen, and Tsui Hark:

Hours of documentaries and behind-the-scenes featurettes;

PLUS: Collector's booklets featuring new essays on all films.

�V.l.UIU ru•

-fromr,<>g, J8

pla}-cd by Wend1uo Zl1.10, Yuen Bun direct� JV

and Tsui H.irl. d1recu V, As theydon"t feature Jet


Li we haV<..'llt indud«l thcm in thts l'l'Yiew. There's

always another time.

In China & America

This final ins1alme111 in the fillTIOO series onc,eagain

stars Jet Li (afwra four·ycargap) n

, Wong Fci-Hung. with a

s1ory set in both I long Kong and the U.S. Wong l�i \lung

o 19th crotury US/\ t

and crew travel t o visit Bu.cktoorh So

who has opened ,1 ma11ial ,lJ'I

S school and clinic. ATOUnd

this period, rrcnyChinesc v.orkcn "'

'l'f'C iodc...-.tun..J as

o US. ra1lrood rompanics. and v.,ere h.u-shly treated

workers t are nOl so greJt; whilst not tc1Tible, it isn't asurprisc that

wttb very tough conditions. Existing American worb:,rs' none of them are well known, or known at all f
or rhat matter.

dislike 10...-al'U$ theChillt'SC immigrants was high. As. a result, OvcrJII, this is a 101 of fun if you w.mt plentyofaetiCN1 and

Sogeu into teoublewith the Americans and the mob. an<l laughs.

calls Master Wong f

o r hdp.

'Ille action and stunt·"°"' m this film has been called the OnC"e Upon A Time In China Purts I, JI, & Ill, Ts11i Hark'11

'eighth v.'Onderor the v.'Orld'. The things Jet Li does with onginal trilogy. 1
s a glorious high-point 111 marri.ll-arts

his fighting and acrobaticbkillsare truly ama:,:ing. lt'�a film making. Onc-e Upon A Time In China 6Ameriro

great ,tory. too; very hum<)l'()US in places, as it spoofs the makes a complete package of Jet Li as Wong Fci I lung. No...­

o,.ce Upon a Time i

n China series in general. A further forthe first time on IJlu-ray, 111 the UK, Eureka cressrcs

outstanding element is rheuscofwi<lescrecn roshowt:asc present thi, iconic set in a Special Limited Edition 4·Disc

large-scale stunts. Box Set loodcd with extra content

Some folk argue the point. hov.'l.'Ver tfus film Purr VI is not
All thl'C<! films, )(lurc,:d fn:.,,n brand new 4K TC1,torations,

Ofl the same le,'CI as Purts I & II,}�, with original Cantonese audio tracks, optional English audio

some would say 1ha1 neither rs tracks, optional English submlcs. Once Upon A Time In

Purl Ill. Either "'"Y it is v.orth a

China 6 Amerka 1100 rmns. HD) the final chapter in the

watch. OnC"e Upon u Time in Chinu senes presented from a new

2K rcslOration.

Tlus film pla)-son the

sericscomeJyside, thcre New audio commcntarlcs on OnC"e Upon A Time In Chi nu

are laughs and over the I-Ill by martial-arts cmema authority Mil.e Leeder Jlld

filmmak<.'f Ame Venern,i. Exdu,ive new vid

e o interview
lop Kung-Fu action.

which delivers a lo( of with actor Mil.e Miller [49 mins]. fu:dusivc new video

cn1e11aining fun. CtichC interview with actor John W.ikefield \29 rni11s) The

s piled on clichC as wc U'ynul ofWouy Fei-Huny 148 nuns] a fca1urct1eon the

have marauding Indians. lcg,:,n<lary folk h<.'l'O. Archival int,:,rv1cw with acror an<l

amncsi.:I. corrupt ollici.lls, Sh.iw Brothers veteran. Ycn Shi-Kw.in {10 mins]. Archival

interview with Jet LI [10 m1ns]. Archival interview with

Mexican bandits and

diabolical villains. oeeof

Donnie Yen. Archival Q&A with Jct Li [,o mins]. Archival

whom just happens to know interview with director Tsui Hark l::i.J minsJ. Archival

Km1ij·Fu! interview with actor John W.ikefield [11 min,]. M11�·i11y

o/Oncft Upon <1 Time in Chin<1 und Americ<1 (::i.5 minsJ.

The iKtion scenesarev.dl Trailers l'lus an exclusive Collectors Booklet fe;1turing new

CSl,,l)'liOn all films by [ames Olh·er.

choreographed k>I" the mcst pa11; thecabt

are introduced in a "'"Y tha1 mccns )OU do

nOI have t
o have seen e.:arlier inlilalmcnts; the The Onre Upon A Time In Chim, Series, Marn11g rhc

only real confu)ion is the title, as we never sec Wu Shu athlete Jet Li. is ;1 true, epic tribute and ,1 feast of

them in China! The Chinesecalit clowcll;as one information ;1nd cntertainmcnt about ChinJ, iuculturcJnd

would expect. There are grcar action scenes with Irs beautiful mal1ial art sr-,terns.

Xin Xin XiOtltf, who pla)'S Seven; R05ilmund

Kwan is also likable as Aun1 Ltt. Tll<'westem cast Our v� worth ev.ry SMnn)', buy It now.

WWW."MXM.lv 41
Welcome to our

second column

in World Of

Martia I Arts


In this issue we look at

the new film starring

the Afghan Bruce Lee.

India, the Far East.and

Russia love Bruce Lee so

much they are making

their own movie to

honour the master.

Weal so bring you news

of two new Bruce Lee

products from Steve New fllm honours the legacy of Bruce Lee
Kerridge and Eastern

Heroes and update you 'He is Back' is a film by Showtimes Cinema and SBM Studios in

Association with Ninjoor Pictures, they are all set to roll out their
on yet another short
ambitious international venture.
biography on Bruce.

See you next issue. reduced bySuresh Sharma The story rs by Chitah Yajnesh and sound by

Walk on who last produced the gritty Resul Pukutty, the screenplay and dialogue are

Andrew Staton and drama Halla Boland Suresh by David White. lntcmatjonal names in the

Kieran Clarkin.

Cheetah Yajnesh
Babu Malge a veteran

producer and directed by

She tty who helmed Hum

movie makmg business arc attached ,md include'

DoP Ross Clarkson and world-n:nowncd actlon

director Kecha Khampakdee.

Tumpe Marte Hain. In addition, William

TI1e film r
s a joint venture between fiwcountnes

mdudmg India, Chin ..., Russia and Thailand The

Starring newcomer Abbas Alizada film was launched at Armani Buri Khalifa in

or Abb Li, 1s" m rtial artist from Dubai with a grand mahurat. The movical;;o

Afgh ...ni,.t,m who chieved instant inlroduns actress Aline llyumzhinov in a lead role

fame vi ... Facebook because he looks along with an enscmhlecast of Holly\o\UXI stars!

like Bruce Lee. He also happens to bc

a big apprcctator of nruce Le

e's work "1 myself am a hu1,>c Bruce Lee fan. \Vhen

and has such loyalty to Mr Le

e that he has I met Cheetah Sir he shared his views about

transformed his body to look like the meswr, this (He is back) film. Moreover, when he

showed me Abb Li's photograph I knew that

lnspin.-d by Bruce Lee, the movie we had to carry forward this pnlJ<:ct. We decided

n.""Olws .uound a poor young man on this and within two months ha,·e reached to

from Afghani,,tan who has devoted this st..i1:,oe. From January, we will start shooting

his life to helping his village. for the film and release by June or July.• Said

Within him isa special Producer Suresh Sharma.

power that wrll help him

fight an encroaching evtl that TI1e Film is set to shoot in Kosovo, c...mbodia,
threatens not Jost his home, Thailand. Russia, and the USA. Filming officially

but alsc the world. bcgim,on January l.8th, .z.o19. M studios.


After several years of research and This Nos•<.·mlx-r hot on the trail oft he

!,OUTCing rare a nd un publ lshcd Brute Lee Fore ...er Poster Magazine

photographs, Eastern Heroes are Collettion from Eastern Heroes

now proud tooffur ,1 wry limih..

'<l 'Red comes Volume, Issue, of'lmogf's o

Stripe Collettor's Edition'. Brucf' lef'' by world renowned Bruce

e historian Steve Kerridge.

Bruce Lee Mandarin Super Star J

t is cornpiled and produced by On

offers the definitive and most The Fly Produttions official Bruce

complete book on his meteoric nsc to Lee merchandise distnbutOO by

fame and extensively covers the lead Eastern Heroes.

up to hi!. role in his breakthrough

movie The Big Boss. This new magazine is the first in

a SC'Tle5 ofh1gh quahty rnagaxmes

This project hes been ii labour of dctalllng the many Images of Brute

love for Steve Kerridge and Darren Lee throughout his lifu. Th..-y are

Chua. The book which was originally printed d1n'ctly from the 35mm

'j6o J>il
b "S has now increased by
"'- negatives and printed on high-gr.xlc

a funhu 40 P-l
b "-
"' Lilking it to a art paper, The magaxtnc will bmld

st,11:h-.:ring 400 pages of new, and into ,1 s1� issue Limited Edition

many rare. photographs and close to Collection, ready to be preserved in

50.000 words of information covering be,mtifully designed binders.

the timdinc from 1¢9 - 71, including

the makingofh1s first movie f

o r The first 100 orders will re
e a 6.\'.8

Golden Marvest 'Tl1e Big Boss'. Blatk & White Photograph taken

from the 'Roof Top Photo Shoot'

This is NOT ju"'t a picture book; Steve and will be primed dire
ctly from the

and Darren rako }'OU on a jourm,y onginal 35mm ncgarlw.

bringing the photographs to life

with beck-stones and first-hand This new collection follows the other

information. great product m,1dc by Steve and

Eastern Heroes and is must f

or all

Only .wo books arc being produced, collectors of Bruce Lee memorabilia.

each wdl be numbered and signed. For more information check out

The hardback L'\lit1on also comes www.EasternHeroes.com.

with a protective mcdta cover,

Ior your copy !, o www.

'O t

EaslernHeroes.tom. www.woma.tv 43
4¢Anniversary celebration

Over the next six issues we are going to look at several

articles and interviews celebrating tire 45tl1 Anniversary o


Enter The Dragon.

These articles will 011tli11e the meteoric rise to Iconic status oft/1is

particular Bruce Lee film. The first article is by resident Bruce Lee

Hist orion Peter Jagger and he looks at how the critics first evaluated

the film before its cult stat11s, and then how over the yrors the film has

been cut badly and finally restored and now theorized 011er.

Quite 011 epic journey faro low budget Martial Arts

movie, so read and enjoy.

' I I

c-1 r , r r:.....


ruce Lee's popularity was already cham sticks foot:a

1,oe bcmg removed (and so was the

on the rise in this country, image of the Bruce Lee holding nunchaku on the

C'!,JX'Cially ,1mong the Chin,nown cinema poster). I was one of Bruce Lee'
s many fans

communities. when Enter the who was infuriated at thecul\.and wrote t

o the BBFC

Dragon premiered in the USA in informing them on mvdeplcasurc et their miss­

August 1973. Fist o

f Fury had opened in the West trcatmcntof a Master at the hl'ightofhis gem us.

End of London in July 1973, the day before he died, I rcccrvcd a detailed response from them (a copy

it broke all box office records at the lwlto cinema endO!,(,..J) dated April 1<)8o. which included the BBFC

for normal performances. for first day, for fir.,t w,.'f..ok stating: "It is extremely unhkdy

and for two weeks run. During th e first two 10,."t.>ks, that these cuts will be restored"

ll,lOO pt."Ople attended e Rialtocirn::m<'l to sec

th I contjnucd to protest.

Bruce Lee in Fist o

f Fury; but it 1<'.tS after e UK
th --- -
cinema relcesc of Enter lhe Dragon in January In lOOl, all pn.,viou .. cuts,
1974 that rhe Bruce Lee/Kung Fu craic REALLY

ook off in tlus country, Indeed, Enter the Dro9011

including the

foot.11,>c, were restored


___ ...
-·- --·
became an Intcrnatjonal success and Bru(e Lee the film W<'l
S classtficd '18' ::"::"'--:..-..:=.--=.: ::...
- ..== :-- �..;>;:
became <'l worldwide phenomenon. forvxlco. B
ut what was the
:-. ·-=...-:- :::-:. -;.::,
-;_ ":..
... ---·- ---- ... ,,.
re,lction to Enter the Omgon . ..

-- _

Enler the Dra9011 wes eubmlne.

..J to the IJriti..h in 1973/74? Andmwtheyean., ------------·-
-·----·- ---
__ ..,
..... -
__ -
-- -- ---

Uoan.l Film Censors fordassification in AUl,'ll',I. of

of has the film critics' opinion
-- ... ...... - -
1m, Murphy was ... �-:.
- .;: :::.:� r- .':.':":..-.:::=:::
S1ephe1, th e BBFC Secre1ary Enter the Dragon ch<'ln!,"-'(['!
---- ,_ ... ---�
at the i
t m e. On October 13n.l 1m, with five cuts
.: :.�
- - - - - - - - .. -
":. -
o th e film , En fer the Dragon wasdassifit...J a,, an This i
s what film critio. said

'X' certificate. Jn December 1

979, james Ferman, about Bruce Lee and Enter the

who h ad taken O\
'f thl' role o fUIJFC Secn.'Ury, Dragon in 1974, shortly after

re-assessed th e film, resulting i

n the nunchaku/ the UK release:

44 WOMAMagaz1ne
45f:hAnniversary celebration

-- I

Merrill Ferguson

Februuy 8th 1974

·1J the current craze for Kung Fu w1d u/1 things

OrientC1I cun be ottrih11ted to uny one man, then that

111<111 must sufl'/y bi- Brune Lee. Enter the Dmgo11,

the EuSlern culr film in whieh he !ilur:,, hus bttn

w weeks. ...
playing to cup<u:ity1.111dknces in the puSl fi

l:Jc.'ath (und some swift and shnrwd spade work by

u platoon o
fpublicists) hud transformed u minor

superswr into ,:m inll'mutiom1/ mltftgurr ... '


brighte,;t thing sill('(' Vale11ti110 and Jomes l.kon ·

the pt1blic1ty man shouted. In priwite, howe\<l!'r, thl'Y

wo11den>d just howfor the U'e cult could he pusfM.,J

• and for how /0,19. Thdr unxietil'$ were not without

somt• foundution. De<Jd cultfigurt'S an- notorious

for their romnN'rc-iul bl'l'Viry. Also, Bruce lee WllS

Chinese. Ami uny film man 11111/ tell you thut the West

bus always displayed u curious rcsistcmce to the id�'O

f cmy long-term admiration ofOrienwl heroes. SHOWING EVERYWHERE moM JANUARY 13111

Tocomplirntl' 11K1trers, Let>, unlike \tilentino ond

/)run, was not a go«l uctor... on the other hand, Uoe Throughout the years. Enter 1/,e Dmgon has

hud muny go«l undfashionab/e things going for him continUC'd to rcceivc sirrnlar reviews, such as Kim

He wus on extr,:mely hum/some lfKln He looked like Newman's review m aooj. thirty years .:ifter the

fo storybook Chinese hero -

every schoolboy's idea o film's mitial release that .ippc::ar,_>d in the book '1001

that is tosny, halfWesrem, halfEasurn. HI' wa,;: also Movit'S You Must Set' Before )Ou Die'.

enormously uth/etic, moving about in his films us if

he had never heard o
fa pace siOWftr than ajloM,ut Kim Newman
sprint. Then, he wus lucky that his films orri""1 at 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

the time they did... Finolly. he had go«l old fashioned "/)1rector Ro�rr C/o11� has the .�tyle you"J

film star sexuppeu/ .. _Ewn those who initially scorned fsomeone d1n'l'.:tmg u Brock Landers
expect o

to mention him, except in amused or contemptuous uclventure (lots o

f zooms ,md ffon."!,) and

tones. are now changing their minds.• Let>, whose reul-1,fe Hong Kong Cnglish

WllS hl'UVily--0<wnted lwt fluent llrtd

Ian Flndlay distim:tiw, is �tuck with Charlie Chan

Elcciting Cinema Mafazine, 1974 diulogueconsisting o

f enigmnticolly wis.•

·Robert Ctcuse seems to holl'e lost grip ofthe movie pronouncements. 11ur the uction sr,// delivers

ut vurious times and then tried to get buck into the non-stop cistonishment m,, without the "icl

1,wing o
fthing'>, b11t ut that he doesn't Stiocttd tembly f the win.'» or effi'(.'ts usec/ in the likes o
o f

we//. The jl"shbuc-ks. olth™t9h mront in goodfaith, Crouc:/1i11g Tiger, Hidde11 Dmgo11, Lee

just do not how rhe solidifying effi'(.'t rhur they sh0(1/J gOl.'S IIIC1gnificcntly through the motions.

how, and the scenes where I.« is recniitt'(J into Mr. twirling his �igrmture rum <·hu,ks,jlexing

/Jmithwuite 's secret orguniS(ltian ore terribly wt.'tlk. hus oiled scoc. influenriul on c
m <'ntire

The film its"'fdoesn't swm to n.'tllly wum1 up until genre o

f sum.t.'queur nwrtiul urt movie.� um/

the men ure MJ

f ely 0,1 the island and performing ut o template for every b.:ut-'em-up computer

the t0(1ruu,n('nt .... Not u really spectuculurfilm by gume. E11ter tht' Droqon wtns its pluce

any m,,.m� uncf it dicln"r really do justice to /Jruce in film history purely on the 1,trength o

U."C's ubilities. Tht• film ll'tlnt much tao heavily on I.et'S charisnwtk preM:'m:e mu/ liremlly

the 1,pectude o
f the Murtial Art T™1r1wment ond JKI ini11111C1ble fighting »ro-es"

nor 1nokeen0(19h effort to cm:ire u really solid story

™'' ofth,• mllteriul g�n. This wus not due to the The real importance of Emer rl1t'

drn.'Ctor, Rolw:rr Clo11st', alone, b

ur to the terrible Dragon was rcallscd after being

senpt .
�upp/ied by Michot'I Alli n. All in QI/, not a very the subject of much academic

sa tisfying expe rience.· study. As it states on Wikipedia:

46 WOMAMagaz1ne
Article: Chris Kent
Photographs: CIChris Kent

Info: www.ckjkd.com

Written while he was teaching in Italy recently Chris Kent talks about a

problem that seems to be prevalent in the JKD world today.

see it here in Europe and I see it

Certification just being negaaive and pessimistic about

going on elsewhere. That problem things, let me offer up so me solutions.

re is no one ndividual or up hat

is the continual negativity The i gro t

expressed by or possesses everything. or he lute h

Building Bridges
individuals t abso trut

groups of individuals against o

t the exclus ion of others. I see more and

other individuals or groups. This has gone more groups com ing into exi stence every Why not strive to build bridges that unite

on for )'ears, and I honestly doubt that day and they a ll da im to be " the best" or connect people rather than walls that

it will ever cease. All the talk abcut one "the p urest" "t he ruest"
t a nd so on. Let us separate them - bridges that lead to better

big happy JKD family is just that, talk. be very dea r abo ut something. The fact
understanding and better relationships

In addition, I do nm know about you but that yo u have received i

cert fica i t on from within the JKD community. Try seeking out

in my family, we had disagreements and so meone simply mea ns that you have similarities rather than differences - set

arguments. Moreover, there are members fulfilled the requirements that that person aside creative or philosophical differences

ofmy family I do not like. or group requires giving you a certificate. and eng.ige in talking with others who

In addition, different groups have different possibly do not agree with you in various

Well as someone who has been intimately r equirements. Th at is up to them and subjects with the idea that so mething better

involved in JKD for ccer 45 years. I am going no one else. It does not mean that your might come from it.

to let those people know a few hard truths. artificate is better than someone else's. It

simply means you have a certificate from The best in any industry bring out the

someone. Get over it people. best in one another and it is no different

for jeet Kunc Do. Stop being fearful or

People who engage in such actlOlls arc doing So again, in the end, however you try feeling threatened by other people who

a disservice to JKD and Bruce Lee's legacy. to conceal things; your true intentions might be teaching JKD and competing with

Y ou may sa y you are doing it out oflO\'e are about power and control. MorCO\·er, you in some way. CollaOOrate and share

a nd respec t for the an and Brun", but you eventually people will see that about you. information and knowledge.

are doing it out of fear and jea lousy- fear In addition, just so you do not think I am

of poss ible co mpetition from her

ot I know that some people who read

teachers a nd groups, and jealousy this will co ntinue doing what they

beca use t's

i a ll about rea l estate a nd are doing. Th at isokay. Let them.

who has the mos t students, schoo ls. However, perhaps some people

instructors, etc . I han• see n this who read this might decide that

for decades so p ease l do not try t o there is ii better way to perpetuate

co nvince me that you are doing it for JKD. Mcree,. er, I am speaking to

a ll the right reaso ns. those people. •

48 WOMAMagazme
World Championships
oil owing several months of Despite beautiful sunny days outside, the

preparation. the 2018 Sava le indoor stadium echoed to the cheers and

World Championships encouragement of athletes representing 43

F rook place in October

at one of the largest

exhibition spaces in Southeast Europe- the

countries. Savate is growing m popularity

around the world, and for the first time,

athletes from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Guinea,

International Fair Plovdiv. Bulgaria, India and Peru participated.

the host federauon and i

ts president,

George Tanchev, organised airport pick­ France, the mother country of our sport,

ups. hotel accommodation and food for showed their dominance by taking many

several hundred people, as well as building titles. with notable wins in Ass.au! by

the competition venue. A massin.• task llhame Raguig (France, F-7okg) now

completed with determination and smiles. 4 times world champion and Julie

Lau rd (France, F-65,kg) now 3 times

These senior world championships are World Champion. In Canne de Combat,

open to adults aged 18 rears and over. Benjamin Latt (France) showed his

In total, 18 World Champion titles were skill by taking a 4th World Champion title

awarded - 8 weight categories ror men and and Nicole llol·unann (Germany) by

8 weight categories for women in s.>ivate taking her second World Champion

Assaul, and the male and female titles in title. A recent change in the scoring The qualifying tournament of the 1019

Canne de Combat. system for Canne was tested at this event, World Championships in Savate

with great effect, encoareging the athletes Combat will be held in Hammamee.

Assaul is the most commonly pracrlsed to express their creativity, rather than just Tunisia, in May. Followed in July by the

form cr savare. A wide range of people scoring points. World Youth Championships, which will

can participate s.afely In Assaut, which be held in Croatia.

emphasises technical and tactical skills, The overall medal distribution

without forceful hits. As sevateurs wear reflected the spread ofSavate, with For the full results of the 2018 World

boots (chassures), thls control of f

orce is 13 countries taking 1 or more medals, Championships and to sec the 1019

an important aspect or athlete safety. Elite including Iran with a suver and 3 bronze. calendar, check out the website of the

athletes are distinguished by their speed, and Peru and Czech Republic with their Federation Internationale de Savate er

mobility and agility. first bronze medals. hllp:/ /fisavate.org.

Julie Gabriel

50 WOMAMagazme
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52 WOMAMagazine

work through an or,poncnl's weak lines.

Aligning Tori's strongest posture with their

opponent's weakest immcdiatcly prior IO

the final exccuncn ofthc tcchniquc.

The Technical principles involve the

un<lcrstandmg and eoqulsrnon of skill.

The ability to deliver techniques wil I

dcpcnd largely on the adaptability of

the practitioncr.

The <lcn:lopmcnt of skilful practict'

depends on four main factors.

The experience and com munic.uion

skills of the coach

The development of the individuals'

central nervous system and th1:ability

la Kl' oontrol of their opponent by clt.'1>Uoy1ng of the body I ceive and store
O re

thc attacker's balance. Thc most dti'Ct1n• information

way t
o perform Kuzushi is to pin rhc l)i1y1,kal maturity ofthc srudent and

opponent firsl, prior IO the balance break. o translate information

their ability t

Pinning m<MS an opponent's "'t.'ight from into practical application and activity.

thcirccntre to lhc front or back f

oot thus Prior expcncnce ofthc student and the

�tricting movement. Jn A1kido then: are i,kills d11.'Y have already experienced.

primary and secondary balance breaking

diN.'Ctions which provide opportunity 10 Getting the kl')' principles embedded

destroy an opponent's posture. in practice ii, fundamental t

o the

development cf Aikido, the n..'!>t is

Direction and Kake window dN."SSing In the next issuc

(execution of technique) "'t.' will begin to investigate the

The din..'Ction of throw is a vital clement appbcauon of these principles through

To maxirnise clfort, Tori should always basjc Aikido techniques.

www.woma.tv 53
Physical practia>. It is the means by which the

Development body, through training. makes effective

Physic.al attributes are a crucial clement use of OXVb"'" as an cm,rgy source. The

m the delivery of each throw and the madrnlsaron of aerobic, anaerobe and

development of the indwkiual's Aiki<lo. muscular cndura nee provides for cfkctivc

�U',l.lincd practice.

The five key clements of physical

development are Fll.'Xibility, Endurance, Speed

Spct_-d, l'owcrand Timing. In onlcr Spe

e d is ,1 major component of.111 combat

to produa: the pcrfc:ct threw each of sports. The most important aspect of

the fiwclcmcnts need to be pcrfoct. speed relates to reaction time - the time

l'hy�ical strength is no substitute for good th.Jtd.JJ)SC!, between the intlal attack and

technique. Indeed somc practictioners try the response. Speed should be calculated

tosubsututc strength for technique with in rd,ltion to distance but is esscnnal to

ncgetlvc 0005'.."ljUC�. ensure cffocth·e avoiding actlon.

RexlbHlty Power

I OCR',¥.,(..-d flcxibihty facil itat('S speed J>owCT isa contro..-crsial clement fur

and agihty that are key ingredients some Aikkloka TheJdinition of power

in improving movement and T.lflb'C is Strength x speed. Strength being the

thus increasing the effcctjvcncss of abilitvof'muscles to rnovc the body. The

thc technjque. ki..

'Y to,my1,"00d marti,1! arts practice is

to generate la'l,.,..quantiticsof power and

Endurance apply to technique. Once achieved this is

Endurance is the ability for sustained an unstoppable combinanon. We must also

54 WOMAMagaz1ne
• 1


taught excellent technjque but

gave siudcnts a sense of worth and

nstilled a sound ethical base. Amongst

these Mike Smith 7th 0,1n deserves a

special mention as ,1 uniqlK' human bt'ing

and msplranonal teacher,

Emotional development focuses on a

'l' of attnbutes that underpin ,1 well­

balanced mdivideal.

The development of emotional robustness

is essential so pracfitjoncrs are ablc t


control crnouonal responses and th e

conceptofMushin Mugam,1eorcmpty

m md. This is the technique of producing

a totally automated response w thi out

conscious tho ug.ht

by lk•vt.foping cona:ntration which allows Soclologlcal To have control of body and mind

focu., rhus m aximismg mental flexibility Aspects includes the m,1�teryof ones emotional

and bodyronuul. Sociologic.il aspects are required for the response both during precrlce and as part

practftjoncr to lin k e art

th to "daily life" of"d,11ly life".

The discipline of com mitment and to give it meaning oursjdc the dojo.:md

dt.odication m ust be instilled i

n practice. provide an environment o
f r the pracnnoncr In addition practltjoners sbould be

Withoutcommitmentonly limit ed to aximise trainlng,

m aSl>('rth't' not aggn..�si,·e, havea:iur.11:,'I' and

progress can bl' .lChil'\'l'tl. not be soblcct to peer pressure. to have

Traits, such cs generosity, h umility, respect. ,

1 posltjv
e oudook and bl' patient and

Commitment and dedication grow loyalty and integriry arv kt.

-y b..<haviours in empathetic.

along..i<ll' confidence. I ndividcels need a true student of Ai kido. These rovide

p or

to h.1\'t' self assurance in their abilsry to a rounded hum,m bcmg and help eradicate To master A1kido, wh ether as,1 m arti.il

perform. Confidence is a positivc,mributc self-intcre.t, selfishness and arrogance. an or martial sport, an individual mu st

which flC('(IS to be dt.'\'Clopcd, but tempered develop the physical and technical aspects

with a scnscof proportion and hum ility. During my form ative vears, I wa., cky
lu to and bl' able t
o grow spiritually, mo rally

Dvcr confidcncc can lead to ccmpleccncy have cxtremcly good teachers who not only end ethically. •

WWW.'Mlffla.lv 55
Article: Stephen Blomeley

Phowgrophs: Stephen Blomeley & Chris Ke,ern

Shock Horror Outrage:

Training in another system to enhance your style

OR Martial Arts Bridge Building:

The principles of another art enhancing your own!

'ma Martial Artist whose bosc art is "t wanted answers lo tecimieues tlwt we,·e

Taekwondo. I am curn:ndy a 6th I

X -g
'C contained ill Forms, Poomsne, PflttC"r11s, Tu/,

Ulack llclt i
n World Taekwondo (WTF Palg11c, Jura, Kata etc:

Olympic style) and have been training.

�--•ll.'achingand corupenng occr a J8 year The modern day approach to traming is to reach a fow

period. A feiriy successfirl pla)"t'r in n,nional WTF bcsjcs to the student then gc,t them learning to fre
e spar

compcrltjon 1 n:lin:d from oompetjng at around 35·)6 a little, whl.'rt:a<t in the old w,1y students weren't allowed

years old in what my generation would call 'Old School to 'spar' until thl1' hed burlt up quite a rep,.•rtoirc of

"raekwcndo'. I re
c all myearlycompt.'tition experience techniques Then.:fon: the mindset was ,·erydiffcrent!

Wil"5 done with no headguan:ls, no matted area just a

hogoo (body armour) and a taped off square for the nng. Having my own class and through my circle of Martial

An fril.'n<ls, I had hosted verjous sem mars from

"Every now and again, someone comes along on non-Taekwondo people or attended a few mysdf

your martial art journey who inspires you and that which opened myt.')'t.� to different perspectives

you can learn from ifyou have 011 open mind» cspcciallyconcermng edged =a pons. I knew and

lrnmedrately understood that the general edged

I truly bcljcve a student should strive to achieve weapon material shown in the Taekwondo

proficiency in the basic techniques of their chosen art world was really, very basic and perhaps not that

r.c !,
� t to Black Belt but then most will stick with their effective to be honest. Taekwondo docs not begin

base art and pelTiaps look no further. Can another an from a culture of bemg weapon Da!,(.
.J first hand.

hdpyou to perhaps understand your own base art toa

greater <lq>th? Is the gr.a,,.

--s grwner on the other �i<le? "Enter tl,e Bridge Builders.. :

Can dipping your foct into a different style that has

sumlar aspects to your b.ise art help )'OU develop into a

bcucr martial arts practitioner?

"In spite o
f w/,at some might think it's NOT

sacrilegious to study other martial arts".

I had not been training long when the BIJC ran a 6

part documentary on television titled 'The Way of

the Warrior'. I t
ook note ofvarious thin� that the

diffon:nt masters from <liffen:ntarts portrayed for

dw serfes. I was fascinated with some of the

conversations and the techniques that wen: shown,

especially about certain pointsoranatomical areas

including reviving an opponent who had been

rendered unconscious. As time ""-'"l by and I earned

Black Belt 1 soon began to realise many clements were

missing in our tralning despltc hevtng somc wonderful

technical teachers along my path.

56 WOMAMagaz1ne
So on to the 'Bridge Building'

m d me stepping into the

world of Karate! Various

friends f
rom diffurent.ans

attended a semlnar on

pressure point work with me.

Sl•nsci Vince Morris was the

ho,,t and I immedietciy gatned

valuable information ,md possible

answers to sorne of my qUt.'Stions.

He himself had or was in Ult.' pmass

of studying his Kata with a view to

ckciphcring the m;my odd orstran1,"C

n hand posuions and movements which

were certainly not 'blocks'.

"It wo-5 quite unusual back t/1e11 ro be this

Tackwo11do guy in dabok li11i119 up wit/1 all

these Karoteko i
n gi's, studying tmd /earnirig

11ndcr the same roor

Vince ,m<l his group were cxccllcnt, friendly, \sery

respectful and acoommodatlng as proper Martial

Artist.!. should be I absorbed many of the

principles shown into my own Taekwondo

trauung espcciallyconccming the forms.

You only have to look at Ka Lil and

Pcomsae and although performed

in a different approach �tyle

wise, thL'Y h.-ive many similar

or same movements. Bn<l1,'('S

were bcmg bl.ult on so many

www.woma.tv 57
levels, friendship,s, understanding, kno•
'C shared,

knowledge gamed. ideas created and the odd lucraturc

LOdigt.-,,l Vin«' has WTitlcn a lew books on the subject

and 1 recommend thL'Y arc well worth having in )"OUr

martial library. Within a culture ofle.nning espcctally

on such .a sebjcct as patterns or kata. I h.ad m.any 'light

bulb' moments or "the pcnnydropp.'li' which SL"CmL-<l t


glw me bt.1:tercxplanations than the usual "it's a block"

or 11,dl "wc don't �wt.•t.'P in Taekwondo".

"Suddenly I c-ould see or visualise what I /,ad

watc/1cd way back 011 t/1e BBC rv c-oncerning my

own patter11s or moveme11u 011d rhey mode more

seuse, Gone was .some o

f the 11011se11se that I was

avoiding a sweep when I was stood 011 011e leg or

lmd lifted one foot in a particular direction. I could

see the leg sweeps, traps, grapples, take downs,

,:/1okes, onotomicod strikes all c-omai11ed wit/1i11111y

own arts farms wl,ich may have been dropped, lost

ar just 11ot passed on as we didn't c-ompete i11 that

way on the sporting mot".

Adapt mg myvew point C\'

C n just a little enhanc ed

efficient practice on a one to one tr.aining. Noone h as

all the .answers but i

t su re felt like- people were heading

m e
th ri ght d m.-ction, as the people who origin.ally

created thc devastaung tL-chniqu� 1f don e properly

were lon g gone

"Every now a11d again, .someone comes along o n

your martial arr jour11ey who inspires you and that

you ccn /eornfrom ifyou have 011 open mind�

l'vc picked m any th ni gs up f

rom many d ifferent Currently I try o tram
t 111 certain Sila1 seminars run by

tcechcrs and whl'n,\'Cr 1 can I try toSCC' what another Maul Momie teaching SILATSUFFIAN BELA DIR!

art is domg and how thL-y approach i gs. I have a

th n
a rtial
m.a art from Brunei in Asia. Why... lntereo,tingly a

few very old martial books wh ich arc pre world w ar 11 l

o t of thl' Si lat i
s still selfdefence focused rather than

which contain small sccnons sh owing thecona.-pts, spon based. This bi why I undertook tr.aining in the

anatomical strikes 10 vulnerable' points, tht_. serious fil'l>t place. One thing I have absorbed through another

and f.ital blOW5,, chokes that are not l,'Cnl'r.ally friend and great teacher is howcolrurcor cnvlronmcm

shown in modem judo etc. rv

c met many great has a part t
o pl.:iy in how an art d evelops r progn."SSI..S.

different style teachers like Vince Morris, Rick

Clark, Wally Jay. Bill Wallace, Like all the oth er pracritloncrs or te.:ichcn. from

Luke Holloway t
o name but a drffcrcnr seylcs it as
h h elpt.,,:l me adJpt and expand my

fow. Their approach and the own group's tr aining. I thi nk if you're open mind ed and

m.a.ny different variations willin g to continue t

o learn you can adapt. visualise and

o( manial art h.as helped develop y

our own tramlng stratl'g11.,s t
o better yourself

me open my C.
L 'S and and i
n the long term your students or dub members,

whi lst still keeping th e tr aditional art,, alive. Through

my wi llingness o loo
t k at oth ers to help enhance

within my own. my own style I now have a tcocber who cmbodes

t..-verything that I visualised m.1ny, m.1ny )\'·ll'S.lQO

v1,1 that IJBC tv scrfcs.

Maul and his S'iBD group,1re OJX-

'fl and try to

educate and enlighten martial artists on the

core principal of his family art. I gave him the

nickname.· "The Bridge Builder" partly

referring to his enginc.'t'ring dc.ogrcestudy

in the UK, end m.1inly because he builds

a students 1,mder:.t.1nding of corn::ct body

mechanics, footwork, structure, timing.

dist ance and efficiency. \Vithout it you'"'

limiting your chances ofh,1ving a successful

outcome in ,1 sdf defence situation. Correct

practice espcctallv if your lift.· is at stake takes

time, you cannot rush it! Which i,, why the bi-idb'<.'

building comes into pl.1y. You need to be t.mght by

efficient teachers who h.1w ,1 deep understanding

of body mechanics, mtndsct and movcmeru

because you cannot b'C

t the syntax of the techniques

correct just by watching a video.

Experiencing that particular art is what aids the

steps and understanding. You can absorb it into

your own art to help you understand it better and

perhaps be more efficient as you also b'l'

t older.

It's not aboot sp;irnng! It's about concepts,

tactics, mechanics, principles, bailing. trapping.

smooth efficient movement. Many open senior

martial artists glean so much from teachers

such as Maul and this is surely the best w,1y of

preserving oor heritage and traditional

Martial Arts for future generations,

bcfore it is .111 IO!>t to purely sport

techniques. The forms/l'atterns/K.it.1

of a panlcclar martial an an:: just

a mc.·mory aid and by taking part

in seminars or Mudying another

similar yet different style or

an, in myopmion, definitely

enhances your original art.

Wc.•should all encour.ige

cech others ans and

deYl'lop the culture

ofle;irning from

each other.

Keep Bridge

Bml<ling! •

www.woma.tv 59
You started training to improve

yourself. You got.fitter, stronger, lost

weight, learned to defend yourself- so

you ticked all the boxes, right? You mix

f people and you

with a good group o

feel good about yourself ....

So why do you ...

Stifl feel anxious and fay awake at night


Do the smallest o
f things make you so angry?

Find yourselfp11tti11g others down, so you con

feel good about yourself?

Stifl need the positive attention a

f others?

Still have that 1wggi11g feeli119 that

somethillg about you is not right?

1011 can kneel in seiza and meditate in

mokusa at the start and end o

f training

sessions or stand in zhan9 zhua11

(standing post) for ages in agony

without showing it - so you con

meditate -right?

Wrong. Sufferi119 to team, also

known as 'eating bitter' i

s 011

important port o
f our development

and pers-011af testing in the Martial

Arts, but it is only one aspect o

f it.
Article: Steve Rowe
Photographs: CSl:eui Ro ..e

lnfo:w"'"'.shikon.rom ww ..·.manialansto1ndards.org

Lose Yourself
To Find The Way
What went wrong? treat harmony The balance lit.-s in st11lnc,,s, de
e p reathing

Bltdo: T
o '
stop he spear· and create peace
t and mental dkcipline. This is thecssenual

In our culture we fod that 'trying hard' pan. of meditation that often gets mjsscd.

�how,, that we are putting 110% into what Wt.' The problem ca n be that fitting A<lju�ting the posture, correcting the

aredomgand will please our coaches as wdl traditional martial arts m to wes e t rn brcathmg, holding the anennon and

as those around us and make us feel that ,,.

'C cult ure, we Jre in danboerof'throwmg keeping it locust-cl arc skills that need to be

are doing our best. The problem is that it the baby out with the bathwater' by taught. The philosophy and str.:itl'giesof

can dampen our sensitivity to our own body

, dismissing a valuable part of the c ulture the traditional ans lay in unfocused sion,

mmd and emotions and alsotha1 towards that they ca me from. lly trying to make an open spontaneous and responsive mmd,

others and this can lead to that fo.'Clingof them fit our media driven '
gy m culture ' of thc ebilitv to let goof anboer and aggression,

deep unease-and mi!.trust. We can't control se lf-punishment to mprove,

i ,,.
e a e r losing losr ng the ego and d�opmg emotional

ewrythingand l'\"el)'<lfle to make the that sdca of peace, harmony and b.l a l nce intdlib,cnceand wisdom JrcJU esscnual to

world around us fit our perception of ...hat the right kind of training

it should be and sho.vcaseour personal The 'three treasures' of

success to ourselves and others. good health are ... The 'Way', 'Do' or Tao' m the ans rs that of

Taoism, understandmg the impcrmant'!lce

'Be ing the best )OU can be' is of course Mind, Body & Breath of ,.1II things, the way of nature, our inter­

hishlysub,l'Cli\-eand having a 'model' The abil tyi to harmomse t he 'Mmd', 'll ody' dependence with everything and {",,:,ryonc

like body o
t fit the media's ide
a of what and 'llrca th' can bri ng peace a nd b
'O()() around us. llcing still, brc,.1thmgdet_-p,

}OU should be and having more monl')'

, health and we d on't have to secnfice wo rldly celmmg down and 'losing our self to find

property a nd goocb than most other peopl e succt.

'SS to achevc it the harmony we have with it all and finding

co mes t a prict.', it
a ofte n K'tXls ob,,._'Sl>ion, that essential stillness that lays behind and

nJrcis sism and losing you r health. nity

sa Basic troditjcnal training will correct �u�Llinsevcrything means we will never f

and frk:nds. bad posture t

o help deepen the brea th, lsol.ned, out of sync or anxious again.

bri ng moreoxvgen to he bra!n

t and make

So how do wefnd the the mind more aware, focused, scnsurw Look into the roots of your art. Find that

right balance. and intense. balance that m ay have been IO!>t. If you

can't find it within, look without. thcre

Luckily, the trcdinonal Mani.ii Ans a sol has Ma ny martial artists only practice exciting arc many people like myself teaching 'bolt

the answer, their struct ure is OOSl.."<I JT01.md

ffiO','c mcnt so that they remain engaged. on' programmes that will enhance the

balance and harmony. f it's more

i bor ing, tht')' put headphones intcrnal aspects of your an. and provide

i a nd play exc iting muslc tu keep them that b.:ilancc that it may need. M,my of us

K.u-11te: The hand empty of a�slon distracted from what they a cr doing, l
a l have also 'westernised' the langua1,oe and

Alkldo: 7he�ofharmony the time i

t's exciting. pow erful, pai nful tcachmgs so they are not vague or mystical

W11do: The � of peace a nd adrenaline p umping, they can keep but still retain that essential 'magic' of

GoJu: The balance of hard and so� b'<ling, b ut at the e nd thl'Y are faugucd balance end harmony.

Judo: 7he way of softness and drained nd

a thi� w l i l bri ng on the

Ju Jitsu: The sk/11 of softness b.lla ndng l ngs of

fi.-t: i weakne ss, Keep calm and learn to
T11I Chi Chu11n: The martial way to find the insecurity and fatigue. harmonise!

WWW.'Mlffla.lv 61

Reptile Brain &

No Mind

lking aware that humans are not natural

fightcri., and that our most likely response to

an attack would be to '

f TC1.·1c'
, or to cower in

foar, CSF seallse

d that it would not be enough

o simply Iearn tl1L'M' most <lanb"'rous points,

and expect to use them on ,1 'sitting duck'.

Therc ....-crc 2 separate aspects to this

Issue. which had to be resolved.

1. Enable humans t
o overcome

their natural fear of attack, by

instantly changing their 'mind scts


when attacked, from that of a docile

human, t
o raging wild beast full

of aggn.-ss1on, prepared to do

whatever i
t takes t
o survive, .at

a subconscious reflex level.

2. Teaching them how to

fight, ,
m d I don't mean

punching and kicking

which arc only the tools for

fighting. but 'the way' to

fight, by using scboonsocos

(No mind) power and

not physical thought

power. This is essential

as we do not have the

venom of the snake, the

super strength, claws and

sharp teeth of most wild

anim,11., or the ,1gility of the

sprightly monkey, and it would

therefore not be enough to just

enter our lkptilian brain.

We need t
o be able to light in

order to penetrate an attackers

defence, gain .J
'SS to, and strike

Dim Mak points rcflcxi>�ly, using

explosive speed and maximum power

for the least expended energy.

Both ISSlWS were resolved through the

practice of the Tai Chi (Dim Mak) form

CSF had founded to disguise the Dim Mak

www.woma.tv 65

muscle power, as it makes use ofthc within the form, makes Dim Mak

whole body to light (the body is the into ,1 'complete. mtcgratcd. and

wcaponj.and not just the attacking formidable system of fighting', and

weapon. Fa Jing is also the 'engine' earned it the name of'Supreme

of Dim Milk, as it is the only way Ultimaie Boxing'.

to transfer adverse ent.'rgy into

, attackers acupuncture points, Through the generations, ancient

causing gre,11 damage by using an masters, such as thc ki,'t.'ndary

explosive violent shaking of the Yang Lu Chan, used Chang San

walst. This is nc.-a.,,;s.ary in order t

o Fengs' Immortal 13 postures to

achieve a KO or worst.' for the va1>t expand on thc original form, and

m;,jorityofOim Mak points. also to develop many l man sets

such as 'Push hands' the 'San

Engaging 'No Mind' Sau'. 'Da Lu', and soon, in order

The issue of learning 'the way' to to further programme the 1'.1IL'O­

light at a subconscious rt'flu level, mammalian (Body Mind) part of

was also resolved by the movement the subconscious wuh fiW'tmg

of the 13 postures inherent within principles, to be used at .:i No Mind

the Tai chi form le •.el, when in Reptile Brain mode

in order to gain access to Dim Mak

The form was structull'<I pomts.

so that, as well as entering As he attacks, atrack first, upset their

the Reptilian Brain, the timing by domg what they don't expect Conclusion
varying combinations of the 13 you to do.

po,,tures and their respective Lead m

, attackmg force into cmpnncss We can safclycondudc that ,1
5 far as the

'f 'Y mamfestanons, would
!, by co-ordinating with and re-directing martial aspects of the system an-

programme/re-programme the an attackers chi flow, thereby setting concerned it is geared towards

palco-mammelian part oft he him up for a counter auack. programming /re-programming thc

subconscious [the body mind which 'Using 40't to defeat .:i thousand pounds', subconscious mind with internal fighting

can only IX' programmed through byc ..ading as we !,

'O forward and clements, such as Reptile Brain, Eagle

attacking as he comes in for hi" aucck. Vision, Fa-Jing and No Miod, all achieved

or text!) with internal fighting and using the soft (Ym) to dcfc.1t the through the practice of the Yang Lu Chan

principles, through the abstract hard (Y.:ing). form, which explains why the original

applications inherent within its 'Not even a feather shall ahght', without name for Tai Chi was Dim Mak!

postures. which can be uSL'O prompting a sudden violent counter

reflexively against any attack. attack in full reptile mode. This trainmg will chengc our natural

at a 'No mind' level, to strike Always counter wrth a rapid sucet.=ion o an arrack from being
response t

at the most devastating points of strik..."S at exploslve SJX'L'O (Fa Jing) reflcxi\"l'ly defensive to becoming

from whatever position wc arc reflcctivelv offcnsiw, cnabling us to

ln er any umc. The Reptilian Brain i

s a purely reflex penetrate an anackcrs defence. gain

brain which acts in accordance with how access to and strike pressure points.

Evidently thceefoee the very thc Palco-mammal1.ln 1,.progr.1mmt.'<!,

essence ofTai chi and the kL'Y that thcreforeoncc enacted. it would act in IJy practicing the Tai chi form and

unlocks all its hidden ()O\'"l'rs is accordance with these fighting principles. its related training methods, we use

hidden within these 13 postures. the physical to gain the internal,

Programming the subconscious m thi,. and the internal will then dirccl the

Fighting principles programmed into way, entcring the Reptilian Brain with physical to always do the right thing,

the ..ubconscious body mind include all that it entails, from pressure point because 1f the mind docsn't have it,

the followmg: strikes and No Mind, that are all inherent we don't haw it!

WWW.'Mlffla.lv 67

c2\uthors . . •
Athos Antonl•des
A qO h O.n 81•<1, b<k, .md • Kcnpo 'f.liji •ndT•i chi (Dim mol) tn.runo<. H<

hold, -- In Fln<hio)', Sonh J.-ia,, •nd 11.......1w.i. for Vlo


.,.,.,...,...,.iaL,ru-l,0nclon.Ce.u• rar 1,.r.,,.,...1<,,._

Jonathan Barb.,y
Slfu a.,rt,.ory • ,htdiortplt ors;r,., i....o Wei K<i. "''....,. heod o'1ht

l'auan P•kn1<i•nd tho fl,,. oonofGr•nd M-<r 1..o!>iu l,ru,._Anttpm

lnthtpr.nhof•nci... O,J,,..._....,....nd••<><lmt ror, _ _........

ofSifu 1..1 Chun W•h In 11o,. K""& 1-l<tontlnua°" hlop,o<h al

........ hi... ....,J 0.1 ............ i.1 .... , hlooory.

Stephen Bloineley

A 6th °"11.rff 81o<k llf

k I
n Worldl.Mk-ndo(WTl'�•ylt)- h.M

bM!, tulnl"«,•-M"l.....i"""po,lng<Mr• ts�P*nod-

Julle O.brlel
Jull< c..b,l<I l
u � lnS....,<.bw<k b<k lnCoall••• Son,bo, O..C..

I'•"•• l:.krlm.o,1,.wlltlo ...l i:.., ....n M•rti.alAru, l-n;n0< In it.Ii I Jun

l•n I IKII uftdtt Ri<k l".11-e.

Kristy Hitchens

I( riory llil<h<m ....nod T...,k-io...,t ,IO.Slut -wrktubout tht

1nop1 ...1oon... nd ,tw fun or, ..1n1,._

l'fl<r �· II• 1111.n I.ff HlotONund "'°"i.,J .,.. ....,.....,.,._ Ht i..,,

•tt•lntd Blo<k 11<,k gr.oda In ....� •yla/-lllf. lMludlng th<gr.odt of

81«k llot
k 7<h Dim Kkli-1"1 (WICA).

Bob Jones
Ntt<11tly....,.....n1ed Chi<'f��Offittrol1h< lln1i1h AlkidoA--1.>liOR

Bob Jontt li.oo t-n prM1loln1 ,,...,i.,1 ..... ol11tt "Jll6•rwl 1i.oo.-.1ned 1h<

.... 1 of 1' h lllR S,.- Aik,do .... h 0..A Tt•di1io ....1 Alk�o •rwl ... Dan

judo. lle«>n'lp<1ed ltor0>'tr ,ote,,r1.orlliffinf,H>ftil hcn""rt. lie-to bf

•ppointed S.ioRaJTo,un Ma,.., In 19117. • rolf ht htld ..,,,il 1997. ext

Chris Kent
V.'nh ""''•51""'"·.......,.....,.,.c�,;,..:,n, 11..-ldely.orlMMledi,ed ...

on< olth• ..ond"

, fottm<>R ....horitlooon

inte,,.....,nal """"1�ion
Jttt "'""' Oo..ond h.oi l"ined

»rt.is k,_.,....•rwl leadtrdi.ipin

•n. tr•inlng methods. •rwl pllilooopt,y-loped !>)' llru«t 1

mio ........,...., ,o

,. Fol- funht-r

45th Anniversary
Lak Loi
1...k l.oi ill.o publillhod ....ho< r •nd ....horlryon ru""""ln1 Self
. J>ioo-

<Orp<II"..,• .....11t...in1
Enter The
Man..., uoln1 ManWJ An••nd Phllooophy. prroorwl•nd

ro>rll. .,....,,.;..,...tv;,o, 10th< Wednadoy N"

,ght <;'°"' boord.•l'ld <mlfied

;..,......, .... in BN« I.ff� .......... 1 ... •nd pltilooophy. Jttt ....... Do Fu

mo� lnfonnolion chtclootot "" w.M•nYJMlncl""-r.«>m.

M•tthew Okuhu•
Mau hew OkuU,• lo• mU1w1y,.,..,,.n of lwq & J!.Jgt>on.....11, who r,ow 11,a

I n. lie 11.o ,..........,.of,h• t,1a,,.._o c

n Japo ...n Corp,.
Tai Chi Inner Secrets
Steve Rowe
ll<n• M_.., 91h U.n Bl,o<k bf� ht K••••••nd ..:u,.ru.1 .........,..,,,., r.o
i Advanced Wing Chun
Chi "IN<heo Jn1 U.n Loldo, >nd °"" Jodo. Studied lluddhifm. 7.en •rwl
1aol,m .ol\d ,,....,. _..,... phllo9ophia. Owl.....,. �1 """ t,t.anl.llAn•
BJ) Breakdown
lnte,n.,tlon.,J.ol\d1he td•nLolAn,Sund.a,do.4f,<ncy. Writ« 1t,r...., JO

Y""" IMludl"' l"Ndltiono/ I(•"''"· c-,,.., .ol'ld M""l.t An• 111.... ,.,n Inside Ancient Arts
........ 1..... ,.....,.boob. T_htt...,,1 ...... ...--Ut: fl Europe.

John Wiii
Mat Mastery
Tr.olned ln ..:...,., •• 1:oek•ondo. �Lo,. \"•J•• Mu.ht!. Blj•nd�Gshting.

lie ""lned with , ho �nn� U<quldH, C.�ne t..fl<IL llck ...n & lorion WalJ Of Legends
(;r.aci• .ond ...,,...i hill block be
k fmm ltlgan M.Kludo

w;n; .. 11,hefoull<lorofD,...,n DW!noe�•., ·•clmf·
quontr p,o<tnion ..,...... ,tut '!*w.li>fl 1
• 1....ntlydi<lfnt ,...-ilr..t
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