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04 >

Joel Ernst,

into an Old Foe: TB

up a petri
dish filled with
E.coli bacteria.

WHITE PLAGUE. KING’S EVIL. WASTING CXjkp\Xi#;i%<iejkËjk\Xdi\]lk\[

[`j\Xj\%G_k_`j`j%:fejldgk`fe%KlY\iZlcfj`jK9 `jXefc[ `ddlefcf^p[f^dXYpj_fn`e^k_Xk#
although the lungs are the primary site
[`j\Xj\n`k_dXepeXd\jXe[^l`j\j%9lk`knXjeËklek`ccXjk f]K9`e]\Zk`fe#X]lcc`ddle\i\jgfej\
p\Xik_XkjZ`\ek`jkj[`jZfm\i\[_fnfc[k_`jXeZ`\ekjZfli^\ i\hl`i\jk_Xkk_\YXZk\i`XÔijkY\kiXej-
really is. Egyptian mummies, skeletal remains, and gfik\[kfcpdg_ef[\jY\kn\\ek_\cle^j#
^\e\k`ZXeXcpj`j_X[Xccjl^^\jk\[k_XkK9_X[Y\\eXifle[ and that M. tb manages to establish a
chronic infection, in part by interfering
]fiXkc\XjkX]\nk_fljXe[p\Xij%9lk`eXYcfZbf]ifZb n`k_k_`jgifZ\jj%K_XkdXpj\\dc`b\YX-
d`e\[]ifdXhlXiip`en\jk\ieKlib\p#Xek_ifgfcf^`jkj[`j- sic information that should have already
covered the fossil of a young Y\\ebefneXYflkjlZ_X]Xd`c`Xi\e\dp#
male dating back some takes hold, it literally consumes the body YlkK9`jefncXi^\cpc`d`k\[kf[\m\cfg-
,''#'''p\XijXe[`e]\Zk\[# ]ifdn`k_`e#\Xk`e^k_ifl^_cle^k`jjl\j
and the blood vessels that run through
ing countries.
le\og\Zk\[cp#n`k_klY\i- `k%<m\ipk`d\jfd\fe\n`k_X]lcc$Ycfne Z_Xe^\[j`eZ\k_\(0-'j1j\m\iXckfo`Z
Zlcfj`j%K_\pXeefleZ\[ infection speaks, sings, coughs, or sneezes, [il^jkXb\e\m\ip[Xp]fij`odfek_j%K_\
in December 2007 that the the bacteria expelled linger in the air for XmX`cXYc\mXZZ`e\#9:>#`jfecpgXik`Xccp
hours, ready to invade the next victim effective, and the most commonly used
young man had lesions on K_`j`jn_pK9_Xjjff]k\eY\\eX [`X^efjk`Zk\jk`j(''p\Xijfc[%
the inside of his skull, the disease of the poor, because it is at its most 9lk`ek_\gXjk(,p\Xij#i\j\XiZ_feK9
imprint of brain membranes [\X[cp`efm\iZifn[\[#lejXe`kXipZfe[`- _Xj\eafp\[Xi\eX`jjXeZ\%=fccfn`e^X
`eÕXd\[n`k_K9Çgiff] k`fej%@e)''-#K9`e]\Zk\[0%)d`cc`fe ]i`^_k\e`e^\g`[\d`Z`eE\nPfib:`kp`e
g\fgc\nfic[n`[\#ZcX`d`e^k_\c`m\jf](%, k_\(00'j#k_\E@?ÇXe[#`egXik`ZlcXi#
that the disease has been d`cc`fe#dfjk`ek_\[\m\cfg`e^nfic[%@e jZ`\ek`jkj`eE\nPfibÇY\^XegXp`e^
ravaging humans for much some parts of South Africa, as many as 70 Zcfj\iXkk\ek`fekfk_\[`j\Xj\%J\m\iXce\n
longer than anyone had ever g\iZ\ekf]k_fj\n`k_K9Xi\Xcjf`e]\Zk\[ [il^jXe[mXZZ`e\jXi\efn`ek_\g`g\-
suspected. n`k_?@M#Y\ZXlj\K9`jfggfikle`jk`Z% c`e\#Xe[i\j\XiZ_\ijXi\nfib`e^fek\jkj
Most bacteria or viruses that attack k_XkZXe[`X^efj\K9dfi\\Xj`cp%
8e\jk`dXk\[)Y`cc`feg\fgc\Çe\Xicp the body elicit a robust immune response Lek`ci\Z\ekcp#Èk_\[`j\Xj\nXj`egffi
fe\$k_`i[f]k_\nfic[ËjgfglcXk`feÇXi\ n`k_`eX]\n[Xpj%=fiK9#k_\\Xic`\jk Zfleki`\jXe[k_\k\Z_efcf^pnXj`ei`Z_
thought to harbor Mycobacterium tubercu- [\k\ZkXYc\i\jgfej\kXb\jn\\bj#Ypn_`Z_ countries,” says Suman Laal, Ph.D., asso-
losis (M. tb #k_\YXZk\i`ldk_XkZXlj\jK9% time the bacteria have multiplied to nearly ciate professor of pathology and microbi-
@k^ifnjjcfncp#clib`e^`ek_\cle^j]fi (''#'''k`d\jk_\`i`e`k`XceldY\i% fcf^p%ÈEfnk_\i\Ëjk_`ji\Xc`qXk`fek_Xk
p\Xij#Xe[flkn`kjk_\Yf[pËj`ddle\ “What are you doing in the meantime?” \`k_\ipfljkXdg`kflk\m\ipn_\i\fipfl
jpjk\d#`egXikYpnX`k`e^]fik_\_fjkËj asks Dr. Joel Ernst, chief of the Division of jkXdg`kflkefn_\i\%É
[\]\ej\jkfn\Xb\e%@edfjkg\fgc\#k_Xk @e]\Zk`flj;`j\Xj\j%ÈEfk_`e^Ç^\kk`e^ ;i%<iejk#k_\A\]]i\p9\i^jk\`eGif]\jjfi
fggfikle`kpe\m\iXi`j\j#Xe[k_\pj_fn j`Zb%K_\`ddle\jpjk\d`jefk[f`e^X of Medicine and professor of microbiology
efjpdgkfdjf]k_\[`j\Xj\%9lkfeZ\M. tb very good job of handling the infection.” Xe[gXk_fcf^p#Y\ZXd\`ek\i\jk\[`eK9`e
available drugs, underscoring the urgency
basic research to understand the progres-
constructed defenses are no match for M. tb.
response is from dendritic cells, gatekeepers
that initiate the immune response, dispatch-
marshaled another kind of initial response

+ FALL 2007

+ SPRING 2008
+ SUMMER 2008 21
counter M. tb and that the bacteria live and
Fighting Drug- BY: APOORVA

Resistant TB in
multiply in these macrophages. But some DOCTOR:
bacteria, such as M. tb, have devised ways to WILLIAM ROM

New York City

right,’ ” says Dr. Ernst.
Dr. Ernst and graduate student Andrea
Nfc]Zi\Xk\[M. tbkX^^\[n`k_XÕlfi\j-
cent green label to allow them to track
the bacteria’s progress through the body.
They found that, in fact, the bacteria
infect different kinds of cells and that the
predominant type of cell infected changes
over time. At the earliest point there is
a three-way tie in the cell types infected Americans were riveted by news that Andrew Speaker,
with M. tb: macrophages, dendritic cells, k_\eX*($p\Xi$fc[8kcXekXeXk`m\#dXp_Xm\Y\\eÕp`e^
Xe[e\lkifg_`cjk_\Ôijk`ddle\Z\ccjkf on commercial airplanes, exposing hundreds of people
arrive at a site of infection). By the third
week, dendritic cells, not macrophages,
to a virtually untreatable type of tuberculosis (TB).
are the cell type predominantly infected They could be forgiven for having thought of TB as strict-
with M. tb, they reported. “That certainly ly a third-world disease. In 2006, 13,767 people in the U.S.
calls into question the TB dogma that mac- had TB — the lowest prevalence in the country recorded
rophages are the only cells that harbor M.
tb,” says Dr. Ernst. “It says TB immunity
since 1953 — while else- the 1960s, and that the available drugs
is in line with the rest of contemporary where 1.5 million people were powerless against some new strains
cellular immunology.” died of the disease. of M.Tb.
The researchers also found the bacteria Multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB develops
in lung-draining lymph nodes, but up to 80 Speaker was diagnosed in early May when patients don’t complete the pre-
percent of the bacteria were once again in )''.#YlkX^X`ejkd\[`ZXcX[m`Z\_\Õ\n scribed six-month course of isoniazid and
[\e[i`k`ZZ\ccj%;li`e^k_\Ôijk]\nn\\bj to Greece for his wedding later that month. rifampicin. About one in 20 new cases of TB
of infection, Dr. Ernst explains, a large Tracked down in Rome on his honeymoon, nfic[n`[\`ji\j`jkXekkfÔijk$c`e\[il^j#
number of infected dendritic cells carry the he was told he had extensively drug-resis-
bacteria from the lung to the lymph nodes. tant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) and was asked
Dr. William Rom stands at the
It’s only after the bacteria appear in these to stay put. entrance of the Chest Service
lymph nodes that T cells are activated. The @ejk\X[#_\Xe[_`jn`]\#JXiX_#Õ\n on Bellevue’s 7th floor.
T cells then have to be transported back to to Prague and Montreal and then drove A Bellevue security officer stands
the lung, the main site of infection. M. tb kfE\nPfib:`kp%FeDXp)+#f]ÔZ`Xcj guard in the foreground.
takes advantage of this lost time, multiply- from the Centers for Disease Control and
ing to overwhelming numbers. “I think Prevention directed Speaker to report to
that’s one of the reasons TB wins,” says Dr. Bellevue Hospital, where he was served
Ernst. “It rigs the system so that by the time with a federal warrant that isolated him for
the T cells are recruited into the lung, there d\[`ZXc\mXclXk`fe#k_\ÔijkjlZ_]\[\iXc
are a million bacteria.” order issued in 44 years.
Getting the bacteria to the lymph nodes, Bellevue is no stranger to TB. The hos-
which has to happen before the immune pital’s Chest Service, established in 1903
response kicks into gear, appears to be the to treat the disease, has contributed a great
time-dependent step that slows down the deal of knowledge about its pathophysiol-
whole process. Dr. Ernst says the bacteria ogy, clinical behavior, and treatment. In
may have evolved to survive in a part of the late 1980s and early 1990s, Bellevue
the lung from which they can’t easily be endured a long bout with this familiar foe,
moved to the lymph nodes. Some people’s grappling with nearly 4,000 cases in New
bodies may be able to get around this bet- York City, many of them homeless people
ter than others, which potentially explains addicted to drugs and infected with HIV.
why not everyone exposed to TB develops “I came here and I found everything was
a full-blown infection. Unfortunately, XccK9Xe[8@;J#Éi\ZXccjN`cc`XdIfd#
even the infected cells in the lymph nodes M.D., M.P.H., director of the Chest Service.
are rather inept at inducing an adequate He came to NYU in 1989 after a long stint
immune response. at the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupa-
;i%<iejkËjÔe[`e^j_Xm\jfY\i`e^`d- tional and Environmental Health, where
plications for vaccine development. If the his primary experience had been with coal
`ddle\jpjk\dZXeËk\]]\Zk`m\cpÔ^_kk_\ miners and asbestos workers. Dr. Rom,
infection, vaccines designed to activate im- the Sol and Judith Bergstein Professor of
mune cells may prove powerless — at least Medicine and professor of environmental
without additional methods to foil M. tb’s medicine, quickly discovered that TB treat-
evasive tactics.› ment and care had barely changed since

+ SUMMER 2008

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