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Modified Lesson Plan Template

Objective: Students will answer reading questions on chapters 1-3 that were written in class
yesterday in order to acquire full comprehension of the reading thus far.

Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.3
Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop
over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the


Learning Target: Students will be able to create reading comprehension questions that
provoke critical thinking, as well as be able to formulate answers these.

● Reading questions for chapter 1-3

15 min. After students turned in reading comprehension questions yesterday, I looked through
them last night and chose 5-6 different ones that provoke critical thinking. For the 15 minutes
that we have in class today, I will pose these questions for student responses instead of doing
this and the following:

(22:31-29:59-- 15 min.) Show “Alabama” chapter on Hey Boo DVD - gives backgrounds on the
Great Depression, Harper Lee, introduces Truman Capote. Discussion follows.

(1:43-- 5 min.) View Clip of the Dust Bowl on PBS: http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/dustbowl/ ;

Discussion follows

(25 min.) Remainder of class time: Reading Comprehension Questions on chapters 1-3.
After students turned in reading comprehension questions yesterday, I looked through them last
night and chose 5-6 different ones that provoke critical thinking. For the 15 minutes that we
have in class today, I will pose these questions for student responses instead of doing this and
the following:

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