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Teacher Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 3 Subject: Music

Lesson Aim/Objective: To learn the Star Spangled Banner, and

connect the text and music to the history that was learned in the
previous class.


Computer with Whitney Houston video and Slugger Video

Copy of the SBB music (provided)


List of Singer’s Secrets (posted on the wall)

Common Core Standards:

3.1.4 (reading melodies of increasing complexity)

3.1.6 (reading patterns that include single eighth notes, rests and
dotted half notes)
3.2.1 (singing in tune with a clear tone quality)
3.2.2 (singing melodies within the range of an octave)
3.2.3 (singing melodies written on the treble staff)
3.8. (explore historical and cultural aspects of music)
3.10 (describe relationships between music and other fields)


Pass out the SSB handouts and go over rules for holding paper (class
set, don’t rip, don’t crunch, don’t bite).

Watch Whitney Houston sing the Star Spangled Banner and have the
kids follow along in the music with their finger.
Teach the notes to the melody of the SSB through call and response,
reminding them of the ‘Singers Secrets’ (good breath, yawny mouth,
listen, then sing, head voice, consonants)

Listen to the Slugger version of SSB and have the kids guess what
instrument it is on, and how it was different from the first video.

Work on T and V consonants

Work on phrasing for Star Spangled Banner

Assessment Activity:

Throughout the activity above, they will demonstrate proper singing

posture and ‘Singer’s Secrets,’ specifically focusing on head voice and

Follow Up:

Next class, they should be able to sing the song in full with the
consonants and phrasing worked on last class.


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