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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.


Chakras & Aura 101

Your Invisible Energy Anatomy

How to Run Your Energy to create a life of ease, joy, clarity, peace of mind,
confidence, abundance and a wealth of aligned love, clean money and radiant health.

Updated 4-2018 Chakras & Aura 101©, Page 1

By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com


DISCLAIMER: Kimberly Sherry is not a medical nor mental health

professional. She does not diagnose nor treat medical or mental health
conditions. Kimberly's work is intended to complement working with your
medical doctor -- not replace it. If you have a serious illness, or mental
health disorder, please consult a medical or mental health professional.

Kimberly is also not a financial planner, nor advisor and gives no

guarantees about how much money you will make if at all. She has no
control of the efforts a client will bring to her work.

This is not an exact science but is based on Kimberly’s highly tuned

intuitive gifts.

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Table of Contents

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Chakras & Aura 101

Your Invisible Energy Anatomy

Your invisible energy system is as important as our physical body
with all of it’s intricate systems that are magnificently designed to
cooperate together harmoniously.
We are only beginning to understand the complexity of this
amazing energy system.
Understanding it is more important than knowing about your
physical body because it has such an important influence on all
aspects of your life. Symptoms will show up in your energy
system long before showing up in your physical reality.
Understanding your invisible energy system will give you an
energetic & physical advantage. It’s the wave of the future.
Those who not only understand how their invisible energy system
works, but more importantly, actively interact with it daily on
purpose, will have an advantage over those who do not.
Those who regularly care for and consciously clear their energy
field will be able to improve all areas of their life. Your physical
body is directly affected by these spinning wheels of energy.
Emotions can linger in all areas of your energy channels and
Once you understand how this system works, you will be better
able to manage your life through your invisible energy system.

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Chakras 101

Chakras are energy centers that process different kinds of energy.

There are seven in the physical body and additional chakras
extend out to infinity.
Each chakra starts small at the core and funnels out as
demonstrated in the picture below. What the picture does not
show is how it then feeds into its corresponding layer of the aura.
The first chakra feeds into the first layer closest to the skin.
This is not an all inclusive list, however, it will give general
information about each energy vortex called a chakra.

Root Chakra (1st) ~

Found at the base of the spine. This is
your grounding chakra.
Signs of congestion include: anxiety,
fear of the future, worry about money,
and fear of losing things that make you
feel safe like your job or home. Fear
can be found anywhere depending on
what you are afraid of. For example,
fear of speaking may additionally be
found in the throat.

This chakra sets the tone for all other
chakras above it. Staying “Ultra

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Grounded” and keeping the energy around this chakra clear and
flowing is crucial for manifesting money with ease. Money does
not give you security, however, it will amplify the security that
already exists in your root chakra. Physical issues can include
hemorrhoids and other issues with the anus.
Signs of a healthy root chakra: you feel safe, grounded, at
ease, confident, peaceful, abundant, and feel full of vitality no
matter how much money you have. When you add money to this
equation, your security will be amplified.

Sacral Chakra (2nd) ~

Found halfway between the top of your pubic bone and your belly
This chakra processes three main energies: sexual information,
your creative energy, and emotional energies. The most common
emotions found here are fear, terror, sadness, grief, anger, rage
and fury. 

This is your energy transformer. It converts energy into physical
reality. It’s also where clairsentience (clear feeling) originates
from, although many experience clear feeling in their solar plexus.
Signs of congestion include: sexual & fertility issues, difficulty
with one-on-one relationships, inability to manifest your intentions
including money, lower vibrating emotions such as fear, sadness,
anger, shame, and guilt. Inability to trust your gut feelings.
Physical issues can include problems with any of the female or
male reproductive system and lower back.

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Signs of a healthy sacral chakra: comfortable and confident

with your sexuality and intimacy, able to manifest effortlessly
including money, creative...may be a musician, artist, and writer,
emotions pass easily, and connections with others are natural and
effortless. Increased intuition through body feelings and
sensations. This feels like the most magical chakra because it
transforms invisible vibrations into physical things or reality.

Action Chakra (3rd) ~

Found at your solar plexus...above your belly button in the hollow
just below your sternum.
This is often referred to as your power chakra, however, when it is
healthy involves effortless action.
Signs of congestion include: being tired, sluggish, needing to
use a lot of effort, force, pushing, and driving to get things done,
lack of motivation, feeling stuck, helpless, and fear of taking your
next step. Physical issues can include issues with the stomach.
Signs of a healthy action chakra: highly motivated, effortless
actions, and plenty of energy. Combined with the clarity of seeing
your next step in your third eye (6th) and knowing your next step
as it comes from your crown (7th), you know exactly what to do
and you do it effortlessly.

Heart Chakra (4th) ~

Found in the center of your chest. This is your heart chakra.

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Think in terms of feelings and self-love vs self-loathe. Lots of old

judgements from others are held here. This is also the seat of our
intuition and innate knowing, your higher intelligence.
Signs of congestion include: inability to connect with others, lack
of compassion, fear of being vulnerable, self-judgements, setting
unattainable expectations of yourself, thinking others think badly
of you, not feeling deserving of receiving love and/or money, not
being able to trust your intuition. Physical issues can include
problems with the heart, lungs and breasts.
Signs of a healthy heart chakra: you adore, appreciate, admire,
and respect yourself. This self-love does not come from ego. It is
self-generated from an inner knowing and connection to divine
source energy. This self-love radiates out into the world and gets
mirrored back as others love, appreciate, and admire all you do.
You feel your self-value and get compensated accordingly. You
have keen intuition that you trust and it confidently guides your
life. You have a strong healthy physical heart.

Throat Chakra (5th) ~

Found at your throat.

This is your communication chakra.
Signs of congestion include: difficulties with speaking up, saying
“no”, setting boundaries, expressing what you need, and speaking
your truth. You don’t feel heard or understood, your voice may not
have much volume, you spend a lot of time convincing others or
arguing, its difficult to have conversations about money, and its a
challenge to ask for money owed to you. You are challenged to

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

hear communications from the spiritual realm. Physical

challenges can include thyroid issues.
Signs of a healthy throat chakra: you may be a singer or
speaker, you speak your truth with confidence, you are not afraid
to talk about money, you feel heard and understood, you look
more youthful because all the cells in your body communicate
freely to each other..

Third Eye (6th) ~

Found in the middle of your forehead.

This is your visual or clairvoyant (clear seeing) chakra, how you
see the world. It’s where your beliefs and points of view are held.
Signs of congestion include: confusion, lack of clarity, little or
no imagination, unable to know your truth and what you believe to
be true, and your ability to see clairvoyantly is diminished.
Signs of a healthy third eye: you understand and see what
people mean, you have vivid dreams, you have an active
imagination, you see beyond people’s masks, and you clearly see
the truth.

Crown Chakra (7) ~

Found at the top of your head.
This is your crown chakra, your connection to your innate wisdom
and higher intelligence, and how the world sees you. This gives
you direct access to God; your higher power, the supreme being,
divine source energy, the energy that binds entire universes

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

together in an orderly fashion, or however you’d like to refer to the

energetic field of potentiality…pure source energy.
Some see this as white others indigo. I believe the actual chakra
is indigo and the white that is often seen is pure source energy
entering the crown.
Signs of congestion include: inability to give yourself
permission, needing to get the approval of others, doubt about
what you know to be true, blocked access to your answers,
information, higher intelligence, and pure divine source energy.

Signs of a healthy crown chakra: you feel assured with what

you know, you are confident in your decisions, you feel supported
and always connected to source, you are not worried about how
others view you or what they think.

When all of your chakras are aligned, meaning they are all
clear and at their highest vibration, vibrating in resonance with
each other, and working in harmony with each other, you will be
able to hear the song of your soul, the beat of your abundance,
and the symphony of your success.
As you follow the energy from your root up your spine, here is
how they feed into each other…
The energy in your root chakra sets the tone for all the chakras
above it and feeds into your sacral chakra. Your sense of security
in your root will become manifest in the transformer of your sacral

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

chakra where all of your thoughts and ideas, which are energy,
become reality.
What becomes manifested in your 2nd chakra needs action to
make it revealed as the energy feeds into the 3rd chakra where
effortless action creates manifestation.
What gets created by your effortless actions in the 3rd chakra will
then validate you and make you feel proud in your heart chakra of
what you have accomplished. You will feel grateful for stepping
into your light and bring your gifts into the world.
As this joy, or whatever feelings arise from your heart, flows into
your throat chakra you will be able to talk about and communicate
feelings of joy and accomplishment.
You will also be able to talk about what you are seeing and will
have a keen image of what you are creating in your third eye. You
will see the steps necessary to continue creating and manifesting.
As the energy flows out your crown above your head, you have a
sense of knowing you are on the right track. You feel blessed and
guided as you are connected to pure source energy.

Aura 101
The energetic field that surrounds your body is referred to as your
aura. It can be imagined like an egg-shaped onion with many
Each layer of your aura is an extension of each of your chakras
and processes the same kinds of information. Seven Chakras

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

corresponds to seven layers of your

aura with the first layer being closest to
the body.
There are also layers in-between each
of the layers. These in-between layers
help the adjacent layers communicate
to each other.
The bottom of your aura merges with
your grounding cord so the aura has a
place to release foreign energy.
Just like your chakras, the layers of
your aura are always in motion as they
process information.
Foreign energy, other people’s energy including their thoughts
and beliefs, can collect in the aura just like in your
Spirit guides that you have outgrown can also be found in your
aura and chakras. These are often released during clearing
sessions. I only find what you are ready to release.

As you raise your vibrations higher and you clear the layers of
your aura, you become more aware of the outer layers beyond
your seven layers that correspond to the seven body chakras.
The guided meditations include clearing your outer layers from
the 8th layer to the 20th layer and beyond. These outer layers
correspond to your spiritual nature and your connection to your
spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters. As these outer

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

layers stay more and more clear, you will be able to hear the
whispers and gentle nudges from your guides helping you to
know you are never alone. You will also know that being ONE and
LIMITLESS is no longer a concept. You will feel the reality of this.

While I may not know the exact meaning of the different layers
beyond the body chakras, I do know that they do relate to our
spiritual nature. By clearing these outer layers from 8-20th layers
and beyond, we can access the spiritual realm of ascended
masters, angels, and spirit guides much easier.
The three outer layers that are the most commonly congested are
the 10th, 12th, 15th and 20th layers.
The 10th and 12th layers correspond mostly to gaining access to
the spiritual realm. They want you to know we are never alone.
They love helping. You do not need to prove you are worthy of
receiving their assistance. You just need to ask.
“The 1% Energy” is not an exact number, but instead refers to a
specific energy of the oppressive influence of the most elite
families on the planet influencing and controlling all of humanity,
as well as influences that control them.
“The 1%” hang out in the 15th layer of your aura far out of your
awareness. Their energy feels like this: it makes you feel like life
is a struggle, like you have to work very hard, you can’t complain
or question, and when you look around and see everyone else in
the same situation you conclude there is nothing you can do
about it. They also want you to feel like it is all your fault. That is a
lie. Once you keep their energy out of your energy system, you

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

will feel less and less influenced by them. You will need to clear
them on a regular basis.
The 20th layer holds an energy that blocks access to your innate
warrior…your Ultimate Power.
Like the African Nuba tribe that never gets eaten by the predator
cats, this Ultimate Power is the part of you that operates from a
deeply grounded, completely present, highly focused expanded
awareness that operates 360 degrees around you. You will be
ready for this when you have eliminated the fear and anger that
contracts your energy field. You will still have access to your
anger whenever its necessary, it just won’t be brewing in the
background causing havoc on your nervous system. You will have
stopped using anger as a way of setting boundaries and giving
the illusion of being safe. You will instead stand in your powerful
voice grounded in truth so you are heard and understood.

Here is a guide for the layers beyond the seven body chakras
from information found on the internet. These all test as being
true, however, 8-14 are new to me and still feeling into how that
translates into reality.
8th Chakra and Auric layer ~ etheric plane, realm of unlimited
probability…above head
9th Chakra and Auric layer ~ causal plane, realm of all possible
things…above atmosphere
10th Chakra and Auric layer ~ real self, realm of the real,
transcendent self…Solar Center

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

11th Chakra and Auric layer ~ soul star, realm of true spiritual
essence…Galactic Center
12th Chakra and Auric layer ~ divine gateway, god force
consciousness…Universal Center

13th Chakra and Auric layer ~ Godhead
14th Chakra and Auric layer ~ (uncertain…)
15th Auric layer is controlled by The 1% (the group of wealthiest
families that control humanity).
16th-19th Auric layers...your unlimited spiritual nature where you
are connected to the white light, you are connected to all, you are
one with the Universe, and you are limitless.
20th Auric layer is where you can gain access to your innate
warrior…your Ultimate Power.

How to Run Your Energy

What follows is the standardized process of moving your energy

and pure source energy through your body in a way that clears
energetic blocks and keeps your energy flowing in a healthy way.
The point of this is to be aware of energy blocks along the way
where you will stop to clear these until the energy is flowing again.
A chart follows to describe how to determine and interpret the

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

blocks. Where each block is will paint a picture of what you may
be experiencing.
While this can be done sitting, standing or lying down, the process
will be explained as though you are sitting in a chair with your feet
flat on the ground and your eyes closed.

3 Parts to Getting Ultra Grounded ~

1) Imagine a line of energy that extends all the way to the center
of the planet about the size of a softball…even as wide as your
hips if you start to release a lot. Some like to imagine a pipe, or a
beam of white light, or a tree trunk with roots that wrap around
crystals at the core of the Planet.

2) Send roots down from the bottoms of your feet deep into the
earth anywhere from 5-100 miles. Ask and see if you get an
answer how far you need to go. Your roots should match the size
of your tree.

The matrix and 1% Energy only go 3 miles into the earth, so be

sure to go past this energy and root deeply.

Start using the roots like straws to bring the abundant, feminine
Earth Energy up through the feet and legs. When it gets to the
root chakra, send it down your root chakra as deep as the roots in
your feet go (50100 miles) and then bring it back up through your
feet and legs. The energy running up through the legs creates a
loop of energy that goes only part way down your grounding cord
before it loops back up your legs (because the grounding cord
goes to the center of the Earth and your roots only 50-100 miles).

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

3) Imagine a circle of energy that radiates around your root
chakra at the base of your spine like when you drop a pebble in a
pond. This is your Worry Circle. If you can’t tell if your Worry
Circle is congested, imagine you know where your 20th layer
exists and pull in your circle from there, sending all your worry,
stress, anxiety, fears and doubts down your grounding cord.

Clear Your Creative Rings ~

There are three rings that hover above your head with space in-
between each ring. They look like big gold wedding bands and
are about the size of a softball. The rings should be shiny with no
pieces missing and nothing in the middle.

The purpose of these rings is to hold the intentions, desires and
goals you are creating.

Imagine using your psychic hands to energetically clear the rings

or just watch them with your minds eye until your intention clears

Clear Your Chakras ~

Next you will connect with Pure Source Energy far above your
head. Start bringing this energy into your Creative Rings. As Pure
Source Energy passes through the Rings, it resets and energizes
them in your highest and best interests. Then it descends down
into your crown chakra and down the backside of central core

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

channel as it passes through each chakra spinning each one on

the way down.

Blocks will be removed along the way.

Once Pure Source Energy reaches the bottom at the root chakra
you can spill some down your grounding cord. You are now
connected to Pure Source Energy going up and deeply rooted
into the center of the Earth. This is a very powerful vertical

Next you will mix these two energies…Pure Source Energy

coming down the back side with the Earth Energy coming up
through your legs. Where these meet at the root chakra, mix them
together and bring 50% of each up the front. This used to be 95%
earth energy but this has recently shifted.

Now start to bring this mixture up the front of the Central Core
Channel real close to the spine so it spins the beginning of each
chakra clearing blocks along the way.

Clear Your Aura ~

As the mixed energies come out the crown chakra, they pass
through the rings again and then cascade down through all the
layers of the aura like paint being poured over a balloon. Once the
energy coming through the aura and reaches the bottom of your
aura, it merges with your grounding cord below your feet so the
aura has a place to release.

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

This is where I will count to see which layer of the aura needs
clearing starting with the layer closest to the skin, the first layer. At
one time I used to clear each layer and the layers in between
each layer as the in-between layers help the layers talk to each
other. Now I use the shortcut of counting to see which layers need
clearing starting with one (the first layer of the aura) and going out
to the 20th layer of your aura.

Each layer comes out of and is connected to its corresponding

chakra. Therefore the first chakra at the root creates a layer
around the body closest to the skin. The second chakra passes
through the first layer to create the second layer of the aura and
so on.

How to Know There Are Blocks ~

If you are a visual person, you will be able to see blockages in

your mind’s eye and can watch the energy until the blocks clear.

If you are more kinesthetic, you will be able to feel energies with
your hands. That’s how I work. I imagine the person (who could
be across the globe) is in front of me standing sideways so my
right hand clears the front of their body and the left hand clears
the back. Where ever there are blocks, the air may feel a little
spongy or you may get a download of information.

It’s also helpful to know how to feel you inner “yes” or “no”. Some
will use a pendulum to dowse, some will muscle test, others feel a
sensation in their body. I feel mine in my abdomen as a squeezing
sensation. Once you are confident with your “yes/no”, you can ask
an endless number of questions. This is also how I count for

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

answers, like which layer or chakra is blocked. This is a shortcut

for getting information.

Additionally, blockages anywhere can create a felt sense or

intuition that something has stopped flowing. A simultaneous
emotion may also be felt. Usually it is a combination of many felt
senses and knowings. You are using lots of awarenesses that will
fine tune your intuition.

Where ever the energy is blocked at a chakra, I count to see how

far out into the aura it is congested. Remember those little funnels
of energy that come out of each chakra? Then I go out to that
layer of the aura and gently pull that energy into the chakra so it
can be eliminated down the central core channel into the
grounding cord so it can be transmuted into a more useful energy.

Even though you are going out to a certain layer of the aura, you
have not focused on the layers of the aura yet. You are just
clearing the chakras.

These blockages can be associated with current mind states and

beliefs as well as past life energies. I assume it is usually current,
however, sometimes my intuition will tell me this is bigger than
this current life.

The most common blockages are the result of beliefs that are not
your truths. Usually current life events are the result of beliefs we
hold in our energy field. The programs that are not our truth
(therefore a lie) create incongruences that can be felt in the body.
These lies create blocks. They are most often felt as fear,
sadness, grief, martyr, victim, shame, anger, rage and guilt. The
energy of resisting a block will be felt as pain.

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By Kimberly Sherry, Int’l Energy Healer kim@kimberlysherry.com

Some other common blocks include people cording to you,

usually at the chakras but can also be found throughout the body,
especially if there is a pain for no apparent reason. A common
place is in the upper thighs which is where you access your power
and then drive it at the solar plexus.

Outgrown spirit guides can also prevent a healthy flow of energy.

(Refer to Chakra & Aura Chart to learn how to interpret where

blocks are.)

If you have any questions, please email my team at


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