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Wei,The implementation of English-only policy in the tertiary EFL context


David Dirkwen Wei
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages,Taiwan
email: 75001@mail.wtuc.edu.tw

Abstract: The implementation of English-only policy in the English classes at Wenzao

Ursuline College of Languages in Taiwan has continued for nearly 40 years. Its advantages
and disadvantages have also been debated and challenged because of the rising demands on
students’ English proficiency in Taiwan. This study intended to reexamine the efficiency of
the implementation of English-only policy in the English learning at a college of languages
in Taiwan. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the process of data
collection. 279 English major and non-English major students were invited to answer
questionnaires, and six participants were invited to join interviews. The process of data
analysis included the analysis of both the quantitative questionnaire data and the qualitative
interview data. This study found students’ progress in English listening and speaking
proficiency in the basic and lower-intermediate levels because of English-only policy.
However, the interaction between teachers and some students was hampered because of the
policy. Also, the ambiguity emerging in the insistence on using English only blocked some
learners from comprehending the meanings of the texts they were learning, specifically the
texts in the upper-intermediate and intermediate-advanced levels of English reading and
writing courses. This study also found that proper tolerance of using both students’ native
language and English in TEFL classes in the way of code-switching may help students more
than the implementation of English-only policy in a tertiary TEFL context.

Key words: English-only policy, TEFL, Taiwan, college English teaching

Abstrak: Penerapan penggunaan kebijakan bahasa-Inggris-saja (English-only policy) di

kelas-kelas bahasa Inggris di Wenzao Ursuline Institute telah berlangsung selama hampir
40 tahun. Manfaat dan kerugiannya telah diperdebatkan dan dipermasalahkan karena
meningkatnya tuntutan akan kecakapan bahasa Inggris siswa di Taiwan. Kajian ini bertujuan
meneliti ulang kedayagunaan penerapan kebijakan bahasa Inggris saja dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris di sebuah institut bahasa di Taiwan. Metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif
digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data. Sebanyak 279 mahasiswa dari jurusan bahasa
Inggris dan jurusan lainnya diundang untuk menjawab angket, dan enam orang peserta
diundang untuk wawancara. Proses analisa data mencakup baik data kuantitatif dari angket
maupun data kualitatif wawancara. Kajian ini menemukan kemajuan siswa dalam kecakapan
mendengarkan dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris di tingkat dasar dan menengah bawah
berkat kebijakan bahasa Inggris saja. Akan tetapi, interaksi antara siswa dan beberapa
guru terhambat karena kebijakan tersebut. Selain itu, keambiguan yang muncul dalam
desakan penggunaan bahasa Inggris saja menghambat beberapa pelajar dalam memahami
makna dari teks-teks yang mereka pelajari, terutama teks di tingkatan menengah atas dan
menengah mahir dalam mata kuliah membaca dan menulis bahasa Inggris. Kajian ini juga
menemukan bahwa toleransi yang tepat dalam penggunaan bahasa ibu siswa dan bahasa
Inggris di kelas-kelas bahasa Inggris untuk penutur asing dalam bentuk code-switching
bisa membantu siswa lebih baik daripada penerapan kebijakan bahasa Inggris saja dalam
konteks bahasa Inggris untuk penutur asing tersier.

Kata kunci: kebijakan bahasa Inggris saja, TEFL (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai
Bahasa Asing), Taiwan, pengajaran bahasa Inggris tingkat universitas

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,Vol. 2 No. 2, January 2013, pp. 187-198

Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages “a piece of test paper.” For most Wenzao
in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is a college that students, English has played the roles of
started implementing English-only policy in broadening their views to foreign countries
its English classes as early as around 1970. and strengthening their confidence after they
At the time in Taiwan, most schools taught acquire the language proficiency to perform
English in the Grammar-Translation method a successful communication with foreigners,
and focused on assisting students to pass specifically native English speakers, during
the entrance examinations of senior highs friends-making, daily activities or career
and colleges. However, as Wenzao is in the establishment.
Technical and Vocational system of education Because of the emphasis on English-only
in Taiwan, its consideration of students’ career instruction, listening and speaking were more
development in a globalized society prompted emphasized and fluency was more focused than
its implementation of the English-only policy accuracy at Wenzao. Students were taught to
in all English courses. express English spontaneously. However, their
As most students in the Technical and expression was sometimes accompanied with
Vocational system of education in Taiwan grammatical errors, improper word choices
usually start applying for a job right after they or unclear and pidgin sentence structures.
graduate, the focus of the English education Improper communication or ambiguity often
at Wenzao is on providing students with emerged and students were usually in the
pragmatic and solid English proficiency in status of “rough guessing,” instead of being in
listening, speaking, reading and writing for the status of “clear and precise understanding”
their job requirements. In the 1970s, different between the two parties of communication.
from the English education at other schools Wenzao English teachers aimed to teach
in Taiwan, which focused on making their students to present themselves in English
students pass the written tests in English in the naturally and confidently, after they were
entrance examinations, the English education educated with the English-only policy. Also,
at Wenzao focused on providing students with around 30 years ago, the result of such an
the opportunities to perform better English education might have matched the demand
proficiency in their worksites. Instead of only of the Technical and Vocational education
focusing on reading and writing as in other in Taiwan in forming an intermediate-
schools, Wenzao placed no less emphasis on level workforce to conduct international
listening and speaking, which was highlighted communication in the world. However, when
by the implementation of English-only policy more delicate and sophisticated English
in all English classes. proficiency is required, besides fluency,
At Wenzao, English is taught in an EFL accuracy is more than expected. Accordingly,
tertiary context. Implementing the English- the achievement of English education at
only policy diverts students’ attention from Wenzao acquired in the past few decades has
merely reading English textbooks and become inadequate because of students’ lack
acquiring bookish English ability to using of accuracy in English (Mylod, 2000), and the
English as daily communication skills. For insistence on implementing the English-only
students at Wenzao, English is more than a policy in English classrooms met challenges
“course” to help pass examinations; instead, and required reexamining.
it has become a skill that provides them English-only policy, as was discussed
with the opportunities to excel in their daily in Auerbach (1993), was both supported and
communication with foreigners and in their challenged by different English educators and
worksites in the future. They acquire the policy makers in ESL. In order to promote
proficiency to “communicate with people” the national interest of the USA in immersing
more than enhancing the memorization of the non-native English speakers, specifically
the crammed data to provide answers on the immigrants, English-only policy

Wei,The implementation of English-only policy in the tertiary EFL context

was implemented in ESL classes and the allowance of L1 does not only provide both
implementation made native English teachers teachers and learners better opportunities to
take the policy as the most workable way complete the tasks of teaching and learning
because it is difficult for different immigrants English language in an EFL context, it also
to effectively communicate with one another consolidates classroom management and
in an ESL class using different foreign enhances the relationship between teachers
languages. However, the unsteady efficiency and learners, which may advance the success
of learning English using English-only in ESL of English language teaching.
classes mentioned in Auerbach (1993) reveals The coercion of using English-only
the necessity of reconsidering the insistence policy, according to Han (2004), may breed
of the English-only-policy. some phenomenological effects of fluency in
Huang (2009) explained that English- teaching. However, more hidden problems
only instruction improves students’ listening related to lack of accuracy are actually waived
proficiency and vocabulary. Also, students from discussion because of the coercion of
acquire more confidence when they are the policy by the decision makers and policy
required to express themselves in spoken makers of English education at some institutes.
English. However, it is inevitable that students The disadvantages of insufficient accuracy and
may confront tension and stress from peers lack of idiomatic English expression might
in an English-only class. Specifically worth become rooted and fossilized (Han 2004) and
noticing in the implementation of English-only hard to be negotiated when they were found.
instruction is that students’ proficiency levels, As Raschka, Sercombe, and Huang
learning environments and students’ interests (2009) argued, trying to use only one language
may not be all well-observed and students feel to teach English in such an EFL context as
disoriented in the class, when English-only Taiwan is not practical because very obviously
instruction is implemented. Huang (2009) when the teacher and the learners of English
has suggested that in order to implement are all L1 (Mandarin) speakers, the insistence
English-only instruction successfully, on the English-only policy may meet
teachers’ proficiency in rephrasing terms challenges more than imaginable. It is also
and interpreting ideas using a simple way argued that “English-only seems to be a lazy
or concrete examples should be strongly rule” (Raschka, Sercombe & Huang, 2009,
required. With such proficiency, teachers will p. 170). It is “lazy” very possibly because it
be able to help students understand the content offers the teacher who knows only English
in English clearly and avoid ambiguity in the the opportunity not to understand L1 when
interaction between the teacher and students in teaching English to non-native speakers in
the class taught in English only. Furthermore, ESL or EFL contexts. The defense of English
the tolerance of L1 may also help. as the legality of English teaching may be
According to Tien (2009), the used to cover such “laziness” and incapability
implementation of L1 in the form of code- of code-switching.
switching in an EFL class in Taiwan helps Tsao & Lin (2004) provided a research
“avoid and resolve tensions and conflicts” result about English-only instruction in Taiwan
(Tien, 2009, p. 188) between English teachers with a broader view. English-only instruction
and learners. Also, as Tien (2009) found, it improves students’ listening comprehension
may help English teachers clearly explain more than reading comprehension. However,
English lexical items, phrases, sentences and according to Tsao & Lin (2004), the
grammatical rules. Besides, the allowance implementation of English-only instruction
of L1 may make classroom management does not bring any significant change on
smoother and the teacher may also “build up students’ learning anxiety, learning attitudes
solid relationship with students in classrooms” and learning motivation. Furthermore, when
(Tien, 2009, p. 188). Accordingly, the the research participants came from different

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,Vol. 2 No. 2, January 2013, pp. 187-198

levels of education, such as primary school both teachers and students challenged.
pupils and university students, the findings In another study by Wei & Wu (2009), a
are different. English-only instruction offers policy similar to English-only instruction was
a more positive impact on primary school actually challenged by some Chinese students
pupils than on university students. Besides, in the complementary schools in England. The
according to Tsao & Lin (2004)’s empirical students, disregarding the demand on the One
research, the influence of English-only Language Only (OLON) or One Language
instruction on the group of students taught in at a Time (OLAT), defy the demand and try
English only has little difference from that on to use their Chinese language proficiency to
the group of students taught in L1 only. The challenge the teachers’ authority and even
research concludes that it seems not necessary influence class interaction.
to implement English only. L1 should be Similar to the above-mentioned research
allowed, but the allowance of students’ in various countries, some students at Wenzao
native language should be confined in the College in Taiwan in recent years have tried
situation when the teacher needs to explain to negotiate the demand of the English-only
grammatical structure and difficult vocabulary, policy. This prompts the necessity to conduct
explain complicated concepts, conduct class research to understand how to reconsider the
management, convey important administrative pedagogy implementation and curriculum
information, such as homework, exams, etc., arrangement in the English-only classrooms
fill up the communication gap and advance in the tertiary context in Taiwan.
the interaction between teachers and students.
The challenge of English-only is specific METHOD
in Japan. According to Hiroko, Miho & This study implemented both quantitative
Mahoney (2004), “many [Japanese students] and qualitative methods. In order to find
express reluctance to participate in English- out learners’ response towards English-
only class” (Hiroko, Miho & Mahoney, 2004, only policy, using a questionnaire with 11
p. 486). Students in Japan might not be so questions, in which three categories of issues
averse to English learning; however, they were included, I collected quantitative data.
usually prefer that their English teachers The three categories were students’ progress in
use Japanese in their English classes when English listening and speaking proficiencies,
necessary (Hiroko, Miho & Mahoney 2004). the interaction between teachers and students,
Besides, for Japanese, since only those who and the ambiguity emerging in the insistence
may use English in their jobs need fluent on using English only. 279 respondents
English, taking English as the second official answered the questionnaire. The answers on
language in Japan is not an idea suitable for the questionnaire are on a Likert scale of 1 to
the Japanese society. 5. The last question is semi-open and students
A similar case emerges in Korea, may write their own answers on the last part
according to the study of Liu, Ahn, Baek of the question.
& Han (2004), it seems that even though In order to collect in-depth answers to
English-only is suggested in the high school explore the responses of the learners who were
English classes in Korea, “the teachers use taught with English only, six participants at
English primarily to greet, give directions, Wenzao College were invited to be interviewed.
and ask questions and they use Korean mostly Each interview was conducted in around one
to explain grammar and vocabulary,” or hour and recorded with a tape recorder. All
“when they feel their students have difficulty interviews were conducted in Mandarin as
understanding” (p. 632). In the high schools the interviewees felt more comfortable with
in Korea, though 50%-60% of English should responding in their native language. All the
be used in the English classes is considered as recording of the interviews was transcribed
the goal in 2004, English-only is still making

Wei,The implementation of English-only policy in the tertiary EFL context

by the author into English in Word files. The FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
answers of the questions provide the author an This study found that most students at Wenzao
opportunity to cross-check the data in order approved the implementation of English-
to reach the trustworthiness/reliability of the only policy in their English classes, and their
research project (Merriam , 1998). confidence was strengthened. Confidence
The interviews were conducted after strengthening is also confirmed in Tsao &
the questionnaire answers were collected. Lin (2004) who found the positive function
Therefore, in the interviews, the results of of English-only instruction on students’
the questionnaire were mentioned to elicit confidence building. This is probably one of
the interviewees’ responses. When some the most important functions of English-only
related questions emerged in the interviews, policy in English classes.
the interviewer followed the answers to ask According to the results acquired from
further questions in order to seek deeper Question 1 of the questionnaire, “Do you
interaction and in-depth response from the approve English-only policy at Wenzao
interviewees (Kvale, 1996). Ursuline College of Languages?” 85.3%
In data analysis, the data collected in the (238 out of 279 valid questionnaire answers
questionnaire were analyzed in a quantitative collected) approved English-only policy.
way. Simple sum-and-mean calculation was There are several explanations for the high
made from the questionnaire answers and percentage of approval. Tom, one of the
then used to conduct the analysis about the interviewees, explained that “when there is
relationship of the three categories of the an English-only program, students will try to
questionnaire questions and cross-check the keep up with the teacher and keep learning”
data acquired in the interviews. However, (Tom, interview, May 11, 2010). What Tom
in order to focus on the exploration of the tried to express is that as a non-native English
implementation of English-only policy, the speaker, when learning English, the learner
qualitative aspect of an in-depth analysis of has to concentrate on listening to the sound of
the interviews was more emphasized. the language. Otherwise, it might not be easy
The accounts of the interviewees were to catch what the speaker says. Tom’s opinion
taken to cross check the trustworthiness of the was also supported by Nana, who approved
content of each interview. In addition, the result English only teaching because it helped
of the questionnaires was taken to cross check students acquire language fluency:
the content of the interviews to confirm the
validity of both the interview and questionnaire In other universities, every time students do
data. Accordingly, this research project used not understand what the teacher said, the
the data collected from both quantitative and teacher may explain it in Chinese. However,
qualitative method to triangulate each other to at Wenzao, the teacher needs to explain it
avoid the disadvantages of implementing one in English and it makes students able to be
fluent in the language (Nana, Interview, May
method only (Neuman, 2000).
12, 2010).
When the data from the questionnaire
and interviews were analyzed and presented Nana gave her positive emphasis on the
in the section of discussion of findings, all the use of English-only teaching. It indicates that
names of the interviewees in this paper were using Chinese all the time when one learns
pseudonyms. All the data quoted directly in English may block the learners’ opportunities
the discussion of findings of this paper were of forming the habit of using English naturally.
sent to the interviewees for their confirmation Kathy mentioned that:
and consent before they were presented in
public. [i]f you study here and would like to learn
English but all the time you hear Chinese, I

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,Vol. 2 No. 2, January 2013, pp. 187-198

feel that it is of no help. Instead, if you like that students’ whole English ability was
something and you try to be with it all the enhanced. However, for Question 2 related
time, you will get improved [and form the to all English abilities, different interviewees
habit of using the language naturally] (Kathy, gave different answers. Nana said:
Interview, May 10, 2010).
I feel that in listening and speaking, English-
The data collected from Tom, Nana only teaching helps. But in writing, it helps
and Kathy confirm the approval of the not much because in grammar and writing, no
implementation of English-only teaching matter how the teacher explains in English,
in an English classroom and pinpoint the still, my grammar and writing do not improve
importance of forming the habit of using so much (Nana, Interview, May 12, 2010).
English naturally.
Lisa had similar opinion to Nana’s;
Progress in listening and speaking however, Lisa had her explanation:
This study found that students made progress I feel that English-only teaching will certainly
in English speaking and listening proficiency help one a lot in listening and speaking. As
in the basic and lower-intermediate levels of for reading and writing, I think it requires
attending the classes to improve them. But
English classes because of English-only policy.
since in reading and writing, the courses
The finding matches the result of students’ are still conducted in English only, and you
improvement in listening comprehension in have to keep on listening and speaking in
Tsao & Lin (2004) and Huang (2009). Students English, certainly your ability of listening
were urged to use English only in their and speaking will improve (Lisa, Interview,
English classes no matter they liked it or not. May 13, 2010).
Accordingly, students needed to concentrate
on listening to any other speaker in the class It seems that both Nana and Lisa acquired
and do their best to express themselves in progress in listening and speaking and casted
English. This, in some way, made students get doubt on the effect of English only on reading
used to English sound and English sentence and writing. In their data, both of them seemed
patterns. Also, under the circumstance where to claim grammar as the reason of their low
students had no other choice but use English, improvement in reading and writing. When
their repetitive usage of English shaped them English grammar is taught in English only,
to be more confident in speaking English. both of them confronted challenges. Nana
In Question 4, “Do you think the English- explained:
only policy will increase students’ listening
comprehension?” 92.1% of students agreed It also depends on the difficulty level of
that there was positive effect on students’ the grammar taught. Some just make me
listening comprehension. According to feel that no matter how, it is still difficult
Question 3, “Do you think the whole English to understand. For example, in high school,
instruction can improve students’ English when the teacher taught English Modal,
even though it was taught in Chinese, we
communication abilities?” 85.8% of students
still needed to keep on asking our classmates
gave positive answers. about what the teacher was teaching (Nana,
The data collected from the interviewees Interview, May 12, 2010).
reveal that Tom, Kathy, Nana and Lisa
all agreed that English-only teaching Nana’s explanation reveals that it is
enhanced their listening comprehension and challenging for students to understand some
communication ability. In Question 2, “Do you of the English grammar when the teacher
think the English-only pedagogy will enhance teaches it in English only. Lisa was a student
students’ all English abilities?” 87.1% agreed who spoke English fluently, but she still felt

Wei,The implementation of English-only policy in the tertiary EFL context

challenged when she needed to learn English needed to respond in English. According to the
grammar in English: result of Question 5, “Do you think in the whole
English instruction students will have difficulty
In grammar, it is arguable. I may understand in responding to the English questions?” 18
it, but for some parts which look similar, I (6.5%) strongly agreed, 134 (48%) agreed and
may get confused. But, if the teacher gave us 83 (29.7%) answered neither. If we take half
exercises, well, fine. But, most grammar was of the neither as “agree,” 42 (14.9%) it will
taught once only, and then, it was not taught
be considered positive in the answer. Then,
again. Even though it is not taught in English,
it is still easy to be forgotten, especially in the
69.4% of the students responded that they had
part of the grammar that usually makes me difficulty in responding to English questions.
feel confused (Lisa, Interview, May 13, 2010). This indicates that more than two thirds of the
students felt challenged in demonstrating their
The opinions of both Nana and Lisa do speaking proficiency when they were taught
not mean that no learner at Wenzao acquired in English only. From the data of interviews,
improvement in all English abilities. Kathy almost all interviewees expressed being
was the person who attributed her progress in challenged when responding in English. Tom
English to the English-only pedagogy when explained why it was so:
she was taught in English only in a year:
When I don’t know the vocabulary or when
When I was in the first year of the five-year I could not find suitable words to express
college, I got only 99 points in College myself, it makes me at a loss and I could not
English Test1 [out of the full mark of 380]. At express the meanings completely. Sometimes
the time, I felt that my English was very good it might be that I couldn’t understand what the
because in the Entrance Examination for teacher said and I could not answer it. Mostly,
Wenzao, my score was a full mark [100] and I think my problems came from lacking of
I liked English very much. However, after I sufficient vocabulary (Tom, Interview, May
got the score of College English Test, I found 11, 2010).
that I was really poor in English. Compared
to other students, I was really, really bad, but Vocabulary might be the reason; however,
when I was in the second year of five-year in Kathy’s case, the challenges came from the
college [at Wenzao], I had already got more ability of organization:
than 210 points [out of the full mark of 380]
(Kathy, Interview, May 10, 2010). In a course, I understand what is taught. I
know the answer. However, it is impossible
Kathy’s opinion might indicate that for me to express it completely. That is why
it is possible that in the beginning or at the it makes me feel annoyed because I feel that
lower beginning levels of English classes, the I know a lot of vocabulary and I am good at
memorizing vocabulary. But, I don’t know
implementation of English-only policy did
why I have no idea about how to use the
help some students. However, in the upper- words I know. Probably I have a poor ability
intermediate and intermediate-advanced of organization. I scarcely have chances to
levels of English classes, not only in reading practice expressing myself in English (Kathy,
and writing but also in listening and speaking, Interview, May 10, 2010).
there are challenges on the interaction between
teachers and students. Practice may be Kathy’s problem.
However, Kathy mentioned that Lisa usually
Interaction between teachers and students had opportunities talking with native speakers
This study found that more than half of the and communicating with friends in English
students at Wenzao felt challenged when they only. This does not guarantee that there were
no challenges for Lisa. Lisa still felt challenged
The full mark of College English Test in Taiwan is 380 points.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,Vol. 2 No. 2, January 2013, pp. 187-198

in some situations when native speakers did specifically in speaking according to the
not understand her: answer in question 5, required improvement.
The English teacher might be able to grasp
Probably they did not really know what I students’ meaning if the teacher had more
was talking about. Yes, and I personally feel experiences of international and intercultural
very embarrassed. It seems that my ability is communication. However, if the teacher is
not good enough to make the teacher clearly not familiar with the learners’ L1, it might
understand me. I thought that probably I
not be easy for the teacher to “guess” what
should try to improve my English and just
the learners mean when they hear or read the
pass away from the embarrassment in the
class (Lisa, Interview, May 13, 2010). words and the sentence patterns the learners
use. This may be further explained by the
According to Lisa, there seemed to answers to Question 9, “Do you think under
be some ambiguity, specifically in the the whole English instruction environment,
communication with native speakers when foreign teachers will be more appropriate than
only English can be used. Nana’s experience local teachers?” 9.3% of students strongly
with the American teacher John (anonymous) agreed, 22.9% agreed and 35.5% neither
is the example to support this argument: agreed nor disagreed. Taking half of neither
as “agree,” the positive answer will be 50%.
When John asked me questions with high Then, it means that the other 50% of students
speed, I did not know how to answer. When disagreed. The result from Question 9,
students answered, he was not good at different from the myth that English learners
guessing what words students were using. always want native speaking teachers, reveals
Usually, after we found some words and a 50-50 preference, and it is also supported
expressed them, he just could not understand by the data in the interviews. Tom’s answer
us. Or maybe we just understood part of his supports the result of the questionnaire from
question and answered him. But after we 279 respondents:
answered, he felt confused and that made us
also feel confused and hesitate in whether
I feel there is no difference because when a
to continue answering him or not (Nana,
foreigner uses English to teach, the teacher
Interview, May 12, 2010).
is just using his or her native language. But
for a local teacher, I think at least the local
According to the answers of Question 3, teacher has certain capability and is able to
“Do you think the whole English instruction speak English as fluently as a native teacher
can improve students’ English communication as long as the teacher is recruited to teach at
abilities?” 85.8% of students agreed that Wenzao (Tom, Interview, May 11, 2010).
their communication abilities did improve.
However, considering both the answers of The demand of Wenzao College may be
Question 3 and 5, in which 69.4% answered one of the reasons that make students feel there
that they had difficulty in responding to is no difference between foreign teachers or
English questions, I infer that students under local teachers in the college when they teach
English-only instruction may acquire the English in English only. However, according
opportunities to listen and talk and they may to Nana, both had their merits and defects:
interpret the access to more listening and
speaking as “improvement of communication I would say, not necessarily. There are both
abilities.” Actually, the improvement could advantages and disadvantages. In the case of
be interpreted as the improvement of a local teacher, when we don’t understand
communication “opportunities,” instead of something, we might be able to ask in Chinese
and the teacher may explain it in Chinese to
“proficiencies.” More than 69% of them agreed
make us understand it. In the case of a native
that their “proficiencies” in communication, teacher, when students don’t understand some

Wei,The implementation of English-only policy in the tertiary EFL context

words or some idea, the native teacher has reading and writing courses in an EFL context
tried his or her best to explain it, but students may become unsuitable. That is why, in the
still could not understand it (Nana, Interview, answers to Question 8, “When students
May 12, 2010). couldn’t understand what a teacher said in
English, could they ask the teacher to explain
Another interpretation is that different it in Chinese?” 72.1% of students agreed that
English courses may require different they needed the assistance of their native
teachers. Some might require native speakers language to avoid the emergence of ambiguity
and others might require local teachers. in communication. Corresponding to the
According to Lisa: percentage acquired in the questionnaire,
two out of three interviewees offered similar
It depends on the English courses taught.
answers to this question. Tom, who had all the
For listening and speaking, I think native
speakers are more suitable. Native speakers’ time immersed himself in English by seeing
pronunciation and their ways of speaking will English movies and TV programs, was the
be suitable for students to get familiar with person who felt that it was not so necessary
(Lisa, Interview, May 13, 2010). for the teacher to explain in Chinese:

Besides teachers’ capability, merits and There is no such a problem. Probably the
defects and differences of English courses, teacher rephrased the question or explanation
teachers’understanding about learners’cultural and I could get it. But there is not anything so
difficult that students need to ask teachers to
background might also be one of the reasons
explain in Chinese. To understand the teacher
to consider whether native English teachers or in English, preview turns are very important.
local teachers are preferred. When learners’ We need to take some ways to compensate
L1 is of a linguistic system different from our lack of English listening proficiency. In
that of English, the teacher’s understanding the first class, if a student finds that he or
of learners’ English usually counts on the she does not understand or cannot catch up
teacher’s capability of distinguishing the with the teacher, then one needs to get a good
differences between English and the learner’s preparation before coming to the class (Tom,
L1. It is not easy for a teacher without the Interview, May 11, 2010).
background of a learner’s L1 to precisely
grasp the meanings of the learner and provide However, Tom’s answer does not
simple and clear explanations to students completely exclude the necessity of using
because ambiguity may emerge. Chinese in the class. For some special
situations, he agreed that he needed the
The ambiguity emerging in the insistence assistance of Chinese:
of English-only policy
The study also found that the ambiguity led For some terms, for example, at the beginning
by English-only teaching brings burden of of an article teaching, there might be some
introduction about the article that mentions
learning and communicating to students.
this –ism or that –ism, such as realism or
When students’ vocabulary, sentence patterns romanticism, then it is better that the teacher
and the background knowledge of English explains it in Chinese (Tom, Interview, May
culture is insufficient, it is highly possible 11, 2010).
that teachers’ explanation of the texts in
reading courses may turn to be difficult to However, in a different situation, Nana
be understood by the students, and students’ confronted challenges because she was taught
expression in writing may not be understood by a native English speaker. She was desperate
by the teacher either. Under the circumstance, when no Chinese could be offered from the
the insistence on using English only in native English speaker to help her understand
and communicate:

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,Vol. 2 No. 2, January 2013, pp. 187-198

When students don’t understand some idea, for a successful intercultural communication
the native teacher has tried his/her best to between a native English speaker and a non-
explain it in English, but students still could native English speaker. If L1 is not allowed
not understand it. Also, there is the problem to be used in an ESL or EFL classroom,
with communication. For example, I ever sometimes the interaction between teachers
raised a question to a native teacher, but
and some students might be unsuccessful and
he did not understand what I was asking.
Probably, I had problems with my grammar the ambiguity expands because of English-
or something. I was wondering whether the only policy.
native teacher really understood me or not.
When I said something and the teacher heard Proper tolerance of using both L1 and L2
what I said, he responded. But I found that it Accordingly, in a tertiary TEFL context,
was not what I meant to ask. A local teacher proper tolerance of using both students’ native
is usually capable of guessing what I meant language and English in TEFL classes may
in Chinese when I expressed in English and help students more than the implementation
tried to use another sentence or word to of English-only policy. Similar to what is
confirm what I meant. However, the native presented in Auerbach (1993), the tolerance
teacher couldn’t do so and I could not ask
of using both students’ native language and
the native teacher in Chinese and the native
teacher couldn’t answer me in Chinese. And English in an ESL classroom may allow both
I will think, oh, forget it, don’t ask (Nana, the teacher and students more possibility to
Interview, May 12, 2010). understand each other and understand what is
being taught. This is also revealed in Tsao &
Nana’s desperate situation might be Lin (2004).
released if she had had a teacher who could Students may not need teachers to
have explained to her in either understandable provide Chinese explanation about the terms
English or Chinese, as judged from Nana’s or abstract concepts as long as the teachers
reaction. Lisa’s experience may explain why know how to use suitable, simple and clear
72% of 279 students affirmed the need of the words and sentences to explain complicated
assistance in Chinese: ideas. This is why in the answers to Question
10, 58.8% of students agreed that the teachers
Now I am taking a course of practical did not need to provide Chinese explanation.
grammar. The [local] teacher teaches us in However, this does not mean that when
English basically, but sometimes he says, students have problems understanding the
“Ok, I will explain it again in Chinese.” I feel terms or abstract concepts, they give up the
it is good. When one listens to grammar rules option that their teachers communicate with
in English, very possibly one just understands them in L1. The findings in both Tsao and Lin
50% of it. One might wonder where one is (2004) and Liu, Ahn, Baer and Han (2004)
going to put some words. After the teacher
support implementing L1 to explain terms and
explains it in Chinese again, it will impress
us more. I feel it is not bad. I feel that for abstract concepts. That is why, in the answers
grammar and writing courses, it is suitable to to Question 8, 72.1% of students agreed that
use Chinese sometimes. It is a good idea to they would like their teacher to explain terms
use our mother language as a bridge to help and abstract concepts in Chinese.
us express ourselves more clearly and learn In a word, students may like their teachers
English more efficiently (Lisa, Interview, to use English to give explanation so that they
May 13, 2010). may learn to understand and express their
thoughts in English fluently. However, when
In the case of communication, ambiguity emerges and students find that they
conversational or written, the mutual cannot understand what exactly the teacher
understanding may count on the assistance teaches and, they cannot express themselves
of the understanding of different cultures in accuracy, they still consider taking the

Wei,The implementation of English-only policy in the tertiary EFL context

assistance of their native language the final When a teacher is going to teach in
resort. Fluency might be what English-only English only, the teacher has to be able to use
instruction usually offers; however, when the English students are able to understand
accuracy faces challenges because of the in teaching. Otherwise, the teacher may just
emergence of ambiguity, native language confuse students and English-only teaching
should not be sacrificed without any reason. may not make sense under the circumstance.
English-only teaching is more suitable
CONCLUSION for small classes. It will offer teachers
In conclusion, this study found that most more chances to understand the challenges
students at Wenzao College in Taiwan students confront, and students could have
approved the implementation of English- more chances to practice. What is important
only policy in their English classes. They is that teachers have to understand students’
revealed that teaching English in English only situation. They need to know how to teach
made them improved a lot in listening. As for in English only to non-native speakers. If
speaking, they might have mistaken “having there are 40 or 50 students in a class, they are
more opportunities” of speaking in English as probably surrounded by a few students who
“improving speaking proficiency”; however, it speak English well and some who do not really
is ascertained that they felt more confident in know how to answer in English. For those in
speaking in public in the guidance of English- between in a big class, the teachers might not
only teaching. be able take care of students’ learning when
However, English-only teaching made more English only is implemented.
than two third of the students at Wenzao All three aspects have to be observed
College feel burdened when they needed together in English-only teaching. The
to respond in English. Some of them also implementation of English-only teaching
felt challenged in higher level of reading requires English teachers to posses the
and writing classes when only English capability of rephrasing difficult words and
was allowed because of the emergence of concepts in understandable English, suitable
ambiguity in their communication with the grouping of students, and careful evaluation
teachers, specifically native-speaking English of the challenges of the content of the courses
teachers. Accordingly, the allowance of L1 to be taught in English-only.
in EFL in the tertiary English education in Wenzao College in Taiwan has
reading and writing courses may help students implemented English only for more than 40
acquire clearer comprehension and produce years, but not all students were able to pass
more confidence in sophisticated English the stage of ambiguity in comprehending
expression. The pedagogy of English grammar input and performing output in English only.
may need more allowance of L1 in order to This study suggests that the allowance of both
help students use English more confidently in L1 and English in English teaching may be
formal written works and avoid the ambiguity more suitable than the insistence of English-
in communication. only teaching in tertiary TEFL education in
Furthermore, to implement English- Taiwan.
only teaching counts on the consideration of
teacher’s capability of explaining complicated REFERENCES
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