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Adoption of the Katowice Climate Package, COP25 to

take place in Chile

In the wee hours of Sunday Morning, the Package was delivered!!!

The wins of COP24

 A consolidated package delivered

 CMA 1 decided that common time frames to Party nationally determined
contributions (NDCs) to be implemented from 2031
 Adaptation Communication given green light, GEF to take lead in channeling
support for the preparation and submission, process to develop by June 2020 and to
regularly update an inventory of relevant methodologies for assessing adaptation
 Adaptation Fund to serve the Paris Agreement under the guidance of, and be
accountable to, the CMA with respect to all matters relating to the Paris Agreement,
effective Jan 2019, and to exclusively serve the Paris Agreement once the share of
proceeds under Article 6, paragraph 4, becomes available
 CMA decided to initiate at its third session (November 2020), in accordance with
Article 9, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement, deliberations on setting a new
collective quantified goal from a floor of USD 100 billion per year
 Equity and Science to be part and partial of the Global Stocktake
 Launch of 14 member Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform
Facilitative Working Group to enhance the engagement of local communities and
indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process and integrate their considerations into
climate change policy and action, however, half of the membership is Party

The losses

 financing for adaptation reduced to assisting the least developed country Parties
and other developing country Parties in building or strengthening their enabling
environments, policy frameworks, institutions and national public financial
management systems so as to mobilize support for adaptation, in particular
capacity-building, including as part of the process to formulate and implement
national adaptation plans
 Paris Agreement reporting to supersede Convention (UNFCCC) reporting i.e. COP24
decided that, for Parties to the Paris Agreement, the biennial transparency
reports, technical expert review and facilitative, multilateral consideration of
progress prepared (submitted by end of 2024) and conducted in accordance
with the modalities, procedures and guidelines referred to in paragraph 39 above
shall replace the biennial reports, biennial update reports, international
assessment and review, and international consultation and analysis referred to
in decision 2/CP.17; though LDCs & SIDs to submit such information at their

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