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PAUL DOMENTC PUZZELLO ARCH I TECTURE FOR Fu TURE uSERS A CHILDRENS MUSEUM ABOUT ARCHITECTURE May 1992 on oe The Sa5% AFG, iPr DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING BALL STATE UNIVERSITY PAUL PUZZELLO ARCHE TE c TURE FOR FuTURE uSERS @ CHILDRENS MUSEUM ABOUT ARCHITECTURE Bachelor of Architecture Degree Program Thesis Design Thesis Design Committee Cen ulin, Arthur Schaller - Professor of chitecture ~ Studio Critic Robert Jy Koester - Professor of Architecture - Thesis Critic / AD AGQW Kenton Hall - Professor of Art ~ Thesis Critic ¢ Paul Puzzello 1992 Paul Puzzello / Thesis Brochure / May 1992 DEDICATION Thanks and love to Mom and Dad for your unlimited support, both tangible and intangible. To Tom and Fred for the inspiration in my early years. Most of all, to my wonderful fiancee’ Catherine, whose unconditional love, sacrifice, and support got me through the worst. This is our year babe! I love you very much.

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