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The Growing Fetus

Stages of Fetal Development

During pregnancy, the fetus undergoes 3 major stages of development:
1. PRE-EMBRYONIC PERIOD – fertilization to week 2
week 3 – week 8
3. FETAL PERIOD – week 8 to birth

• Beginning of pregnancy
• Union of the ovum and spermatozoon
• Usually occurs at the outer third of fallopian tube


• Contact between growing structure and uterine


• Occurs 8-10 days after fertilization

• Embryonic and Fetal Structure Decidua

• Chorionic villi

• Placenta
Umbilical Cord
• From fetal membranes
• Provides circulatory pathway
• Contains one vein and two arteries
Amniotic Membranes
• Chorionic membrane
• Amniotic membrane
• refers to condition of carrying an offspring within the body.
• a form of reproduction that unites the cell of 2 individuals to form a unique new individual who
embodies characteristics of both parents
• union of ovum and spermatozoa
• union generally occurs in the distal third of the fallopian tube
Cells of the human body develop from chromosomes
Normal human cell tissue contains 46 chromosomes-22 pairs of homologous autosomes (any
chromosome other than sex chromosome) and one pair of sex chromosomes; one chromosome of
each pair of chromosomes is received from the mother and the other one from the father
Sex determination occurs at the moment of conception as a result of the sex chromosome
contributed by the male; an X-carrying sperm fertilizing the ovum produces a female (XX), a Y-carrying
sperm produces a male (XY)
Aberration in the number of chromosomes result in abnormal offspring or spontaneous abortion
Process of fertilization (conception)
– only one sperm penetrates ovum
Usually occurs in the outer third of the fallopian tube
Implantation usually occurs in the upper part of the uterus about 7-10 d after fertilization when the
developing zygote burrows into the endometrium, which has undergone changes to provide for its
nourishment and is now called the deciduas
There are three groups of cells in the developing embryo:
Outer layer (ectoderm) – develops into the following structures; hair, nails, sebaceous glands, sweat
glands, epithelium of nasal and oral passages
Middle layer (mesoderm)
– develops into the following structures: muscles, bones, sexual structures, heart, kidneys, teeth
Inner layer (endoderm) – develops into the following: epithelium of digestive tract, respiratory tract,
• Zygote- fertilized ovum
• Cell division:- occurs as the zygote travels the fallopian tube to the uterus.it takes 3 to 4 days of
cell division or mitosis for the zygote to become morula( resemble mulberry), this morula
entering the uterus is now called a blastocyst
Blastocyst- differentiates into
1. inner mass of embryonic cell which becomes the EMBRYO
2. outer layer called the TROPHOBLAST, which is involved in implantation, hormone secretion, and
membrane and placental formation
III. IMPLANTATION - 7 days or 5 days
after fertilization, the trophoblast burrows into the endometrium (upper part of uterus),
embedding the fertilized egg into the uterine lining
decidua - what the endometrium is called after implantation
Formation of twins:
• Fraternal or dizygotic - 2 ova are
being fertilized by 2 sperm, they
are nonidentical, there are 2
amnion, 2 chorion, 2 placenta
• Identical or monozygotic twins:
- one ovum is fertilized by one sperm and
the inner cell mass of the blastocyst splits into
2 to form two embryos
- maybe 2 males or 2 females, there are 2
amnion , one chorion and one placenta
Chorion - outer fetal membrane, formed from
the trophoblast ( maternal side of placenta)
Amnion - originates in the blastocyst during
early stages of development, expands as the
fetus grows until it slightly adheres to the
chorion ( fetal side of placenta)
Amniotic sac - formed by 2 fetal membranes
(chorion, amnion)

IV. AMNIOTIC FLUID - formed by the secretion of: 1. amniotic cells

2. lungs and skin of fetus
3. fetal urine
- 98% water, but also contains glucose, protein, sodium, urea, creatinine, lanugo, vernix caseosa
- slightly alkaline, replaced approximately every 3 hours
- amniotic cells and the fetus urinating and swallowing regulate the secretion and reabsorption of the
Functions of amniotic fluid:
Never stagnant
Serves to protect fetus
- Shields against pressure; equalizes the pressure around the fetus; cushions the fetus from external
- Protects from temperature changes; . provides constant temperature and fluid for the fetus to
- Protects umbilical cord
- allows freedom of movement for the fetus
- lubricates the membrane and the fetus
yolk sac - cavity in the blastocyst
- forms primitive red blood cell until the liver is able to take over the process in about 6 weeks
placenta- formed by the :
1. chorionic villi at the base of the implanted fertilized ovum and the decidua basalis
2. endometrium at the side of implantation
Placenta - membranous vascular organ connecting the fetus to the mother, supplies the fetus with
oxygen and food and transports waste product out of fetal system
- development is stimulated by progesterone secreted by corpus luteum
( 3rd wk after fertilization)
- fully functional by the 12th week
2 sides of placenta:
1.maternal side which is irregular and is divided into subdivisions called cotyledons
2. fetal side covered by amnion, so it is smooth and shiny

umbilical cord - a
structure that connects
the fetus to the placenta.
- has 2 arteries and 1
vein (AVA)
- 2 arteries carry
deoxygenated blood
from the fetus to the
- 1 vein carries
oxygenated blood to the
fetus, along with
nutrients, hormones etc
Circulatory system of the mother and fetus are separate
- maternal blood enters the intervillous spaces of the placenta
- fetal blood is in the vessels of chorionic villi
Functions of placenta:
1.Transport: ( substances)
a. by diffusion from an area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration
(oxygen, carbon dioxide, electrolytes, fat soluble vitamins, gases and drugs)
b. facilitated diffusion uses carrier system to move molecules ( some glucose and oxygen)
c. active transport – allows molecules to move from lower concentration to area of higher
concentration (amino acids, iron, calcium,iodine and water soluble vitamins)
d.Pinocytosis - transfers larger molecules
(albumins, globulins, antibodies, viruses)
e. osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure
Insulin, heparin IgM, and blood cell do not move across the placenta unless there is tear
2. Endocrine:
secretes 5 hormones
1. hCG- basis of pregnancy test
2. human placental lactogen
HCG- secreted by trophoblast, during early pregnancy
- prevents involution of corpus luteum, stimulates it to continue producing progesterone and
estrogen for 11-12 weeks
- 8 to 10 days after fertilization, hCG is present in maternal blood
- few days from missed menses, (+) in urine
Human placental lactogen
- makes sufficient amount of protein, glucose, and minerals
- an insulin antagonist (maternal metabolism of glucose)
- ensures that the mother’s body is prepared for lactation
Estrogen - stimulates development of uterine and breast tissues in the mother
- increases vascularity and vasodilation in the villous capillaries
Progesterone - after 11 weeks of pregnancy, placenta takes over the production of progesterone
from the corpus luteum
- it is a smooth muscle relaxant, prevents uterine contraction by decreasing its contractility
- also maintains the endometrium
relaxin - causes changes in collagen
- from proximal to distal and from general to specific
- or described in general term of trimester
(1 trimester -12 wks, 2nd trimester-13 to

27 weeks, 3rd trimester-28 to 40 weeks)

week 4 - (wt 0.4g, length is 4- 6mm), half the size of a pea, brain differentiates, G.I. tract begins to
form, limbs buds appear
week 5 - cranial nerves present, muscles
have innervation ( L 6-8mm)
week 6 - fetal circulation established. liver
produces red blood cells, CNS forms,
primitive kidney forms, lung buds present,
cartilage forms, primitive skeleton forms,
muscles differentiate
week 7 - eyelids form, palate and tongue
form stomach formed, diaphragm
formed, arms and legs move (L 22-28mm)
week 8 - resembles human being, eyes move to
face front, heart development complete, hands
and feet well formed; bone cells begin to
replace cartilage, all body organs have begun
(wt-2g, L 3cm,)

Fetal Stage
week 9 - fingers and toenails form; eyelids fuse shut

week 10 - head growth slows, islets of langerhans differentiated, bone marrow forms, rbc
produced; bladder sac forms, kidneys make urine
( wt-14g,L 5-6cm C – H )
week 11 - tooth buds appear, liver secretes bile;urinary system functions, insulin forms in
week 12 - lungs takes shape, palate fuses, heart beat heard with Doppler, ossification
established, swallowing reflex present; external genitalia, male or female distinguished
week 16 - meconium forms in bowels, scalp hair appears, frequent fetal movement, skin thin
and pink ,sensitive to light, 200 ml of amniotic fluid
week 20 - myelination of spinal cord begins, peristalsis begins, lanugo covers body; vernix
caseosa covers body, brown fat deposit begins, swallows and sucks amniotic fluid,
heart beat heard by fetoscope,
hands can grasp, regular schedule of sucking , kicking and sleeping ( wt 435 g L 19cm)
week 24 - alveoli present in lungs/ begin producing surfactant , eyes completely
formed, eyelashes and eyebrows appear,
many reflexes appear, (+) chance of survival if born
week 28 -subcutaneous fat deposits begin; lanugo begins to disappears, nails appear, eyelids
open and close ; testes begin to descend
week 32 - more reflexes present, CNS direct rhythmic breathing movement/ partially controls body
temperature, begins storing iron, calcium phosphorus; ratio of lungs surfactant lecithin and
sphingomyelin is 1.2:2
week 36 - a few creases on soles of feet, skin less wrinkled, fingernails reach fingertips, sleep-wake
cycle fairly definite, transfer of maternal antibodies
week 38 - L/S ratio 2:1
week 40 - lanugo only on shoulders and upper back; creases cover sole, vernix mainly in folds of skin,
ear cartilage firm, less active, limited space, ready to be born

System development:
-all systems in the fetus begin forming by the 8th
• cardiovascular system -primitive heart begins to beat
on the 21st day following conception ,the 1st to function in
the embryo; congenital malformation may develop
during the 6th to 8th weeks

Fetal circulation:
superior vena cava
right atrium
right ventricle
pulmonary arteries
( ductus arteriosus)
supply blood to the body
Special Structures:
Foramen Ovale
 Connects the left and right atria
 Bypassing fetal lungs
 Obliterated after birth to become fossa ovalis
Umbilical Vein
 Brings oxygenated blood coming from the placenta to the heart and liver
 Becomes ligamentum teres
Umbilical arteries
 Carry unoxygenated blood from the fetus to placenta
 Become umbilical ligaments after birth
Ductus venosus
 Carry oxygenated blood from umbilical vein to IVC
 Bypassing fetal liver
 Becomes ligamentum venosum after birth
Ductus arteriosus
 Carry oxygenated blood from pulmonary artery to aorta
 Bypassing fetal lungs
 Becomes ligamentum arteriosum; closes after birth
Hematologic development:
 - day 14 , primitive blood cells are formed in the yolk sac.
 - fifth week of gestation before the fetal liver
 begins hematopoiesis
 - fetal hemoglobin ( Hgb F ) found only during gestation and early neonatal
period, has great attraction for oxygen
 - blood type is genetically determined at conception
 Gastrointestinal system:
- 4th week of gestation ,G.I.T. begins to form
- 20th week fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid, but there is no coordination of the
swallow and suck reflexes until about the 34th week
meconium - fecal material stored in the fetal intestine, begins to form about week 16
- if the fetus encounters hypoxic stress anal sphincter may relax and meconium may be
• Musculoskeletal system:
- limb buds appear late in the 4rth week and development is complete by the 8th week
- growth of skeleton is determined by genetics and maternal supply of calcium and
- cartilage is noted about the 5th week
- ossification begins about the 12th week but not completed until after puberty
- end of 12th week skeletal muscles begin involuntary movement ( depend s on volume
amniotic fluid)
Genitourinary system:
- kidneys begin forming about 3 weeks
- 12th week -begins to produce hypotonic urine
( all nephrons are in the kidneys at birth)
• Reproductive system:
- testes seen on abdomen by 7 weeks, and
begin to descend to the scrotum about 30 weeks;
ovaries develop in the abdomen and stay in the pelvic cavity
• Integumentary sytem:
- creases form on the palms, fingers, soles, during week 11, permanent design formed
by week 17
- lanugo appears during week 20 and slowly dissappears
- mammary glands develop during the 6th week
• Respiratory system:
- lung buds form during the 6th week
- bronchi form by week 16
-surfactant production begins between weeks 20-24
- primitive lungs formed by week 23
- surfactant production matures between
weeks 35 and 37
• Immunologic system:
- between 12-15th weeks immune capability begins to develop
- fetus produces small amount of immunoglobulin IgA, IgG, and IgE
Fetal development:
- preembryonic or germinal stage:
weeks 1 and 2 - rapid cell division and differentiation
- germinal layers form
-embryonic stage:
week 3 - primitive nervous system, eyes, ears, rbc present, heart begins to beat day 21
Any factor that adversely affects fertilized ovum, embryo or fetus

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