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Administrator: Ken McMurray

Intern Teacher: Brayden Gill

Administrator Comments:
t has been our pleasure ta have Brayden Gill as a PS Ill student at Cardston High School for the past 4 months. Brayden is a
ery hard worker. His lessons were well prepared but his primary and mast important goal early on was to build positive
lationshlps with his students. This did not come easy for Brayden initially. Although he was trying very hard, his relationship
uilding seemed mechanical and his students were not responding or respecting him. Ta most people this could have been
lscouraging but not to Brayden. He saw this as a challenge and sought strategies to build relationships. One of those was a
imple attendance question technique to record attendance for the day. The questions allowed a one on one interaction that
as not based an curriculum but it had great value in recognizing student interests. Fram these interactions Brayden was able
o build interest and engagement in his lessons by using these student interests as examples to build understanding. Brayden
Isa volunteered ta help supervise the Sadie Hawkins Dance and formed a chess club as well. Brayden found these
nteractions valuable in seeing students outside of the regular classroom.

rayden is passionate about Social Studies. He knows the curriculum very well and presents his lessons using a balance of
echnology and other teaching strategies. He recognizes that students learn differently and he did a great job of modifying his
essons to suit the varying needs of his students.

Brayden craves feedback. He wants to be a great teacher. Every time I gave him feedback I would see the change in my
allowing observations. I believe this growth mindset will serve him well.

f all the PS Ill Teachers (5) at Cardston High School, Brayden was the one that showed the most growth. He is determined to
great and will be because he is constantly using feedback to move himself forward.

/ Date
This page Is to be returned to the UC ta be included in the PS Ill Final Report

U of L: PS 111 Final Report: (Revised: January 2018) Page 5 of 5

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