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AREVIEW OF MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY ‘Table of Contents Chapter 1 General Considerations i fatroduction o gp ee | I _ Definitions and Enumerations: Parasitology Clinical or Medical Parasitology Parasitoses Parasitism Host 1. Definitive host 2. Intermediate host 3. Reservoir host moowp F. Vectors 2 1. Phoretic or mechanical veciors 2. Biological vectors G. Host ~ parasite relitionship 2 1. Commenselisn’commensai 2. Mutualism 3. Symbiosie 4. Antagonism H. Prodators merce © L Prey ‘ 3 4. Zoonosis 3 Types of Zoonosis i, Enzoonosis 2. Parazoonosis 3. Anthropozoonosis 4, Zooanthropozoonosis, 5. Amphixenosis K. Parasites : ee Kinds of parasites a Aste location in host 1. Eetoparasite 2. Endoparasite 3. Erratic parasite Vi b. As to reed for a host for its development 1. Otdieate parasite 2. Facultative parasite 3 Spurious parasite ©. Asto cex alarva laying sxposure to parasitic infection M, Portals of ent-v N. Infechoa 4A, Auto infection 4 Retro infection ©. fncubstion period Typos of Incubation 1 Clinical incubation period 2. Bivlogical incubation period Developmental stagey of the different parasites Metabolism of animel parasites: Epidemitog: and Geographical distribution of Human Diseuses caused by animal parasites A. Definition 1 Different types of divease occurrence C_ Factors determining type of disease vecurrencs D. Fpizoototogy E. Factors aflecting parasitism and its distribution Taxonomy A. Basis B. Classifiewion © Naming of parasite ‘The Disease Procese A. Pathogenesis B. Damage - Typ2s 1 Trauma of physical damage 2. Lyte necrosis 3. Stinulatioa of host tissue reaction HL WN, 2 R 4. Toxic and alleraic phenomena 5. Opening of pathways for entry of microorganiams 6. Predigpesiiion to cancer Clinical evidence of parasitism Diagnosis Treatment Prevention »nd Curtrol Chapter 2 Parasite immunolog: General Considerations Inuaune respons Development of the immune system A B ue D, E. Panction of B-celle Function of T-cells Facets of the immune response Immunity Hypersensitivity Various immunologic lest used in parasitology Chapter 3 Protozoan Infections Introduction to Protozeology A i. Hs ¥ ic ¢ ct Defiuitions Momholegy Cytoplasis us structures Biolagy of the protozoa and scology Physiology of the parasites and its metabolism Life Cyele of the Protozoa Classifivation of protozoans - By taxonomy: + By habitat and other means Classification “4

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