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PERGAMON Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086


Final common pathways in neurodegenerative diseases: regulatory role of

the glutathione cycle
G.F. Weber*
Department of Medicine, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, 44 Binney Street, Room SM 718, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Received 18 February 1999; received in revised form 12 July 1999; accepted 19 July 1999

Attempts to unify diverse mechanisms of neurotoxicity have led to the concept of final common pathways which characterize frequently
occurring cellular responses to disruption of homeostasis. The clinical presentation and common patho-biochemistry of reactive oxygen
intermediates of Guam’s disease have suggested that such pathways may be operative in three major neurodegenerative disorders: Alzhei-
mer’s dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. A candidate-signaling pathway in this regard is characterized by the
cascade arachidonic acid/HPETE/ ·OH/cGMP followed by activation of cGMP-dependent kinase and phosphorylation of NF-kB proteins and
possibly CREB. This sequence may lead to apoptosis as well as long-term potentiation and memory and constitutes a biochemical correlate to
excitotoxicity. The predominant control of ·OH release from HPETE, a checkpoint in this pathway, is exerted by the glutathione cycle, a
central biochemical process that is also intimately associated with the synthesis of the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA and is
connected to energy metabolism. Modifications in the activity of the glutathione cycle may provide treatment options. q 1999 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Neurodegenerative diseases; Homeostasis; Glutathione cycle

1. Introduction 2. Biochemical basis

Although it is known that multiple causes may lead to the 2.1. Pathways to memory
three major neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer demen-
tia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, Ligation of the NMDA receptor by glutamate mediates
their patho-physiology appears to be linked as evidenced by signals leading to long-term potentiation. The biochemical
the occurrence of symptoms from all three disorders in steps involved in this signal transduction cascade include
Guam’s disease. Furthermore, recent indications attribute phospholipase A, reactive oxygen intermediates, and cyclic
the cell loss in these diseases to apoptosis, a process that guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) [1] and are consistent
has been intimately associated with signaling involving with a pathway in which arachidonate is released, converted
reactive oxygen intermediates and is consistent with asso- to hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoate (HPETE) which releases
ciation of all three syndromes with an imbalance in redox hydroxyl radicals that activate guanylate cyclase, the
regulation in the central nervous system. Thus, the involve- production of cGMP activates cGMP-dependent kinase,
ment of reactive oxygen intermediates in signaling leading which phosphorylates and activates transcription factors
to cell death may constitute a convergence in disease (Fig. 1a). In addition, a cascade of calcium/calmodulin-
mechanisms. Such final common pathways characterize dependent activation of nitric oxide synthetase and nitric
frequently occurring cellular responses to various modes oxide production is mediated through the NMDA receptor
of disruption of homeostasis for which this study outlines [2]. cGMP-dependent kinase activity that can also be
a candidate biochemical pathway. induced by nitric oxide has been demonstrated in the hippo-
campus and modifiers of this enzyme can modulate induc-
tion of long-term potentiation [3]. The transcription factor
CREB is a likely substrate for cGMP-dependent kinase that
* Tel.: 1 1-617-632-4629. has been shown to enhance memory [4]. It may be important
E-mail address: georg_weber@dfci.harvard.edu (G.F. Weber) to note that arachidonate, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide,
0149-7634/99/$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0149-763 4(99)00041-X
1080 G.F. Weber / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086
G.F. Weber / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086 1081

Table 1
Pathobiochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease. Known genetic risk factors commonly elevate amyloid formation and induce oxidative stress that may lead to
programmed cell death. Since amyloid itself can transduce apoptotic signals in neurons, two modes of induction of cell death may synergize. APP: amyloid
precursor protein, Ab: amyloid b, PS: presenilin, ApoE: apolipoprotein E, RAGE: receptor for advanced glycation end products

Risk Defect Contribution to amyloid Oxidative stress/apoptosis

factors formation

APP Point mutations, loss Precursor of amyloid Potential generator of reactive oxygen species,
of bases in mRNA apoptosis through binding of Ab to RAGE
PS1, PS2 Missense, in frame Increased levels of Ab 42/43 Defect of anti-apoptotic gene product
ApoE Allelic variation Lack of Ab binding activity Lack of anti-oxidant

all inducers of guanylate cyclase, are also candidate retro- nuclear localization of NF-kB p50 [13], are intimately asso-
grade messengers in long-term potentiation implying the ciated with the outlined pathway because heme oxygenase-1
possibility that identical pathways are operative presynapti- may activate cGMP kinase [7] while the NF-kB proteins p50
cally and postsynaptically. This pathway is relevant for and p49 are substrates for this enzyme (Weber, unpublished
induction of long-term potentiation, while protein kinase results). Cyclic GMP-dependent kinase also induces expres-
C (PKC) causes maintenance of long-term potentiation, sion of c-Fos, possibly via activation of SRE, CREB or FAP
and protein kinase C can be induced by calcium, arachido- [14]. Glutathione has been shown to prevent various forms
nate, and reactive oxygen species (Fig. 1b). of programmed cell death, which are associated with
The intracellular signaling cascade mediating long-term increased levels of reactive oxygen species in signaling
potentiation is negatively regulated by glutathione peroxi- [15]. This is accomplished by the redox cycle catalyzed
dase, which can prevent the release of hydroxyl radical from by glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase,
HPETE by enzymatic conversion to hydroxyeicosatetraeno- which can scavenge reactive oxygen intermediates, includ-
ate (HETE). In functional synergism, 12-lipoxygenase is ing HPETE, during glutathione oxidation. In conjunction
directly inhibited by reduced glutathione [5]. Therefore, with direct inhibition of 12-lipoxygenase by glutathione
the release of hydroxyl radical can be considered to be a [5] this mechanism may account for protection from
checkpoint that is controlled by the glutathione cycle. Short- excitotoxicity.
term memory capacity may be a readout for long-term
potentiation and has been associated with intelligence [6].
The link between the long-term potentiation and memory 3. Neurodegenerative diseases linked by pathology of
[3] suggests that glutathione may contribute to intellectual reactive oxygen species
performance by limiting the glutamate-dependent signal
transduction to sub-excitotoxic levels (see later). This 3.1. Alzheimer’s disease
may, in part, explain the observed correlation between
glutathione peroxidase levels and intelligence [6]. Known genetic risk factors for familial Alzheimer’s
disease have been localized to the amyloid precursor
2.2. Pathways to apoptosis protein, apolipoprotein E, presenilin 1 and presenilin 2
genes. Common mechanisms of action of these diverse
The concept of excitotoxicity is based on the hypothesis molecules include regulation of amyloid production and of
that common receptors mediate both excitation and toxicity the metabolism of reactive oxygen intermediates so that
in neurons. Interestingly, a pathway similar to the one asso- malfunctioning of these gene products causes elevated
ciated with induction of long-term potentiation has been generation of amyloid b protein and of reactive oxygen
attributed to programmed cell death in T-lymphocytes species (Table 1). The increased oxidative stress may sensi-
[7,8] and has been inferred from studies of TNF-receptor- tize neurons to the apoptotic signals induced by amyloid
dependent signaling [9–11] and engagement of the Fas anti- (see later), creating a double burden.
gen [12]. Two markers of oxidative stress in the central Presenilins (PS1 and PS2) contribute to the regulation of
nervous system, expression of heme oxygenase-1 and apoptosis, with the wild-type of Alzheimer’s gene STM2

Fig. 1. A biochemical pathway describing redox regulation of signal transduction may be engaged after ligation of various receptors in cells of diverse
specification. This signaling cascade may mediate transient activation followed by programmed cell death. PLA2: phopholipase A2, PLC: phospholipase C,
DAG: diacyl glycerol, AA: arachidonic acid, PKC: protein kinase C, GPX: glutathione peroxidase, NOS: NO synthetase, LTP: long-term potentiation. (a)
General outline of a pathway that is widely used and may lead to apoptosis or—in the central nervous system—to long-term potentiation. (b) Memory in the
central nervous system may depend on the pathway outlined in (a) insofar as induction (solid arrows) of long-term potentiation is concerned. Maintenance
(dashed arrows) of long-term potentiation is mediated by protein kinase C which can be activated by calcium, arachidonate, or hydroxyl radical from the
pathway to induction.
1082 G.F. Weber / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086

Fig. 2. Regulatory pathways affected in Alzheimer’s disease share two common mechanisms, control of amyloid b secretion and of oxidative stress leading to
apoptosis. The mechanism of apoptosis induction by amyloid b converges with the signal transduction cascade that mediates long-term potentiation and may
result in excitotoxicity which would account for the loss of memory.

(PS2) exerting anti-apoptotic effects [16]. Presenilins stability, and homophilic interactions. APP may bind copper
undergo regulated endoproteolytic processing. During and catalyze a redox reaction that reduces Cu(II) to Cu(I)
apoptosis, they may be cleaved distal to their normal cleav- and gives rise to cystine formation in the amyloid precursor
age sites and a mutation in presenilin 2 that is related to protein. Once Cu(I) is formed, it may, in the presence of
familial Alzheimer’s disease favors this alternative cleavage peroxides, produce activated oxygen species including
which may either directly enhance apoptosis or diminish the superoxide and hydroxyl radical [19]. It is currently
apoptosis regulating function of the wild-type fragments unknown whether the binding of zinc, which can lead to
[17]. Furthermore, a complex of presenilin and b- or d- precipitation of amyloid protein [20], may also be asso-
catenin can activate g-secretase, the enzyme that releases ciated with changes in the homeostasis of reactive oxygen
the amyloid fragment Ab(1-42), with a consequent increase species. While the function of amyloid precursor protein as
in the excreted amyloid b. Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) a free radical generator may contribute to affecting neuron
protects neurons from hydrogen peroxide toxicity and viability, the concentrations of amyloid b required to gener-
binds specific metal ions, including iron, which could other- ate free radicals are, in general, moderately high [21] imply-
wise catalyze the generation of hydroxyl radicals. The gene ing that the importance of this mechanism in vivo may have
product of apolipoprotein E allele epsilon 4 has decreased been overestimated. Furthermore, the accumulation of inter-
anti-oxidant activity compared to alleles epsilon 2 and 3 cellular masses of amyloid, in contrast to the soluble mole-
[18]. Apolipoprotein E may also protect from b-amyloid cules, is not suitable to induce signals in neurons. An
peptide toxicity by binding to amyloid b and, under certain alternative mechanism by which amyloid b may cause
circumstances, acting as kinetic inhibitor of amyloid forma- oxidative stress in neurons as well as activation of microglia
tion [18]. cells is via binding to a cell surface receptor for advanced
The major proteinaceous component of plaques is b- glycation end products (RAGE) [13]. This receptor can also
amyloid, the abnormal cleavage product of the amyloid be engaged by amphoterin and is physiologically involved
precursor protein (APP). Various metals can bind to in neurite outgrowth. Signal transduction through RAGE
amyloid precursor protein and influence its conformation, may increase lipid peroxidation as well as activation of
G.F. Weber / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086 1083

oxidative damage. Motor neurons may be the selected target

because of their direct glycinergic innervation since glycine
prevents desensitization of the NMDA receptor to this
ligand thus abnormally enhancing glutamatergic transmis-
sion [31].
Some cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are
characterized by mutations of copper–zinc superoxide
dismutase. It may not be immediately obvious why muta-
tions of an enzyme that serves protective functions through-
out the organism would selectively lead to amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis as opposed to a broader range of disease
phenotypes. This question arises particularly in view of
the observation that superoxide dismutase activities in
erythrocytes from patients may be reduced by 50%
compared with healthy controls [27]. The relevant muta-
tions appear to be pathogenic due to a gain in adverse
function rather than a loss of superoxide dismutating
Fig. 3. The glutathione cycle. The turnover of glutathione involves the
intracellular synthesis from glutamate, cysteine and glycine. Glutathione is activity and are independent of the activity of the
then transported and converted by membrane-bound g-glutamyl transpep- wild-type enzyme [32]. Superoxide dismutase may act
tidase followed by cleavage by membrane-bound dipeptidase. g-Glutamyl as a peroxidase [33,34] with mutated superoxide dismutase
amino acids are transported into the cell and converted to glutamate via catalyzing substrate oxidation by hydrogen peroxide at a
oxoproline. Glutathione is synthesized from glutamate by addition of
higher rate than wild-type enzyme [35]. This hydrogen
cysteinyl- and glycyl-residues [49].
peroxide-dependent substrate oxidation leads to signals
that mediate the release of arachidonate [36] which, in addi-
NF-kB p50 [22]. It can be suppressed by N-acetylcysteine tion to its contribution to apoptotic signaling, may inhibit
[23] and inhibition of lipoxygenase protects hippocampal the uptake of glutamate from the synaptic cleft [26,37,38].
neurons from amyloid b toxicity [24]. These data imply a This predominantly affects motor neurons because their
pathway outlined in Fig. 1 to be associated with RAGE. The direct glycinergic innervation prevents desensitization of
oxidative stress generated via production of free radicals by the NMDA receptor (see earlier).
amyloid or via amyloid-dependent signaling can be
increased by the common risk factors through elevated
release of Ab and through directly inflicted oxidative stress 3.3. Parkinson’s disease
and apoptosis (Fig. 2).
Increased turnover of dopamine in catecholaminergic
3.2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis neurons may lead to the generation of hydrogen peroxide
during dopamine desamination and its consecutive reduc-
Glutamate signaling through the NMDA receptor tion to hydroxyl radical catalyzed by melanin chelated iron
involves the generation of hydroxyl radical, excess of [39,40]. Excess hydroxyl radical can mediate signals lead-
which may be excitotoxic. Like the NMDA receptor, liga- ing to programmed cell death and the resulting loss of
tion of the kainate receptor by glutamate may induce the neurons may induce a vicious circle by compensatory upre-
generation of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and gulation of dopamine turnover in the surviving neurons.
cyclic GMP [25,26] even though the two signal transduction Signal transduction through dopamine D2 receptors also
pathways differ proximally. Selective neuron degeneration activates phospholipase A2 with consecutive release of
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may be caused by gluta- arachidonate [41] and the biochemical consequences
mate-mediated excitotoxicity [27] with ligation of kainate described in Fig. 1a. The highest brain peroxidase activity
receptors as contributing mechanism. One possible cause is in healthy individuals is localized in the substantia nigra and
an altered presynaptic process due to reduced glutamate particulate glutathione peroxidase activity is highest in the
dehydrogenase that would lead to elevated levels of gluta- basal nucleus and amygdala [42]. Peroxidase and catalase
mate in the synaptic cleft [28]. This could give rise to activities are reduced in the substantia nigra, caudate, and
mutual enhancement of glutamate toxicity and oxidative putamen in Parkinson’s disease [43]. A marked reduction in
stress by two mechanisms. Firstly, reactive oxygen species glutathione has been observed [44–46] and Riederer et al.
may inhibit high affinity glutamate uptake thus increasing [47] reported significantly lower glutathione content in the
the synaptic glutamate concentration [26]. Secondly, contin- basal ganglia. This is consistent with experimental results
uous exposure of cells to glutamate inhibits cystine uptake where depletion of glutathione increased dopamine toxicity
via the glutamate/cystine anti-porter and thus reduces cellu- [48] demonstrating the protective role of glutathione
lar glutathione resynthesis [29,30], which predisposes to (Fig. 4).
1084 G.F. Weber / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086

Fig. 4. Central role of the glutathione cycle in the regulation of signal transduction for long-term potentiation or apoptosis. The glutathione cycle is also
associated with energy metabolism and with the synthesis of neurotransmitters. The biochemical reactions associated with dopamine metabolism are shaded
dark, the glutathione cycle has an intermediate shade, and the signal transduction pathway associated with the NMDA receptor is shown in light gray shade.
Furthermore, the involvement of glutathione in the hexose monophosphate shunt (HMS) is pointed out and the relationships of glutamate with the g-amino
butyrate (GABA) shunt and the tricarboxylic acid cycle are depicted.

4. Regulating function of the glutathione cycle disulfide linkages of proteins in many cell types. Further-
more, around 10% of cellular glutathione peroxidase are
The engagement of identical biochemical pathways for mitochondrial and there prevent oxidative damage by
cellular activation and for programmed cell death poses the hydrogen peroxide. It is also linked to the mitochondrial
unique hazard of excitotoxicity. The release of hydroxyl respiratory chain through its close relation to the tricar-
radical in the signaling cascade may serve as a checkpoint boxylic acid cycle that supplies succinate for this process.
in this context. A central regulatory role in the scheme of In addition, it regulates energy metabolism by its associa-
redox regulation is played by glutathione peroxidase, the tion with the hexose monophosphate shunt. The glutathione
enzyme that may convert HPETE to HETE. Glutathione cycle may serve regulatory functions in intra- and intercel-
peroxidase is part of the glutathione cycle (Fig. 3), a ubiqui- lular signaling in the central nervous system where it is
tous metabolic pathway that includes intracellular synthesis linked to uptake and metabolism of glutamate and to the
of glutathione, transport, extracellular reactions, and re- synthesis of g-aminobutyrate (Fig. 4).
uptake of g-glutamyl-amino acids and cysteine. The The regulatory role of the glutathione cycle is particularly
glutathione cycle [49] is an important biochemical process important in the central nervous system because deficiency
that contributes critically to homeostasis of the intermediary of enzymes associated with it (glutathione synthetase, g-
metabolism of reactive oxygen species through reduction of glutamyl synthetase, or g-glutamyl transpeptidase) leads
G.F. Weber / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 23 (1999) 1079–1086 1085

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