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Putra Ganda Taruna Sibagariang, 214 210 143, Gambaran CT Scan Kepala
Dengan Hemiparesis Pada Penderita Stroke Non Hemoragik Di Departemen
Radiologi RS Tingkat II Putri Hijau Medan Kesdam I/ Bukit Barisan Tahun
Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Methodist Indonesia Medan
Latar belakang: Stroke telah menjadi penyebab utama kematian ketiga di sebagian
besar negara di dunia, melampaui penyakit mematikan lainnya seperti penyakit
jantung dan kanker. Stroke non hemoragik terjadi ketika adanya suatu sumbatan di
pembuluh darah ke otak. Diagnosis jenis etiologik stroke dapat ditentukan dengan
gold standart (baku emas) menggunakan CT Scan kepala karena memiliki sensitifitas
yang tinggi untuk membedakan stroke perdarahan intraserebral atau stroke infark.
Diagnosis serta penanganan awal yang cepat dan tepat akan mengurangi kerusakan
otak yang ada, yaitu defisit neurologik yang bergantung kepada luasnya daerah yang
terkena stroke serta hemisfer yang terkena, sehingga manisfestasi gejalanya juga
berbeda. Gejala yang paling menonjol pada stroke yaitu hemiparesis, di mana lengan
dan tungkai sesisi lumpuh sama beratnya ataupun hemiparesis di mana lengan sesisi
lebih lumpuh dari tungkai atau sebaliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
Gambaran CT Scan Kepala Dengan Hemiparesis Pada Penderita Stroke Non
Hemoragik Di Departemen Radiologi RS Tingkat II Putri Hijau Medan Kesdam I/
Bukit Barisan Tahun 2017.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan
cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RS Tingkat II Putri Hijau Medan Kesdam
I/Bukit Barisan Tahun 2017. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total
sampling yang memenuhi kriteria. Data diambil dari data rekam medis dan hasil
pengolahan data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi.
Hasil: Berdasrakan hasil penelitian dari 77 subjek, ditemukan kelompok usia 50-59
tahun sebanyak 33 kasus (42,9%), laki-laki dengan 48 kasus (62,3%), hemiparesis
sinistra sebanyak 34 kasus (44,2%), dan hemisfer dextra dengan 34 kasus (44,2%).
Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian ini disimpulkan, stroke non hemoragik paling
banyak terjadi pada laki-laki, kelompok usia 50-59 tahun, hemiparesis sinistra dan
gambaran CT Scan kepala di hemisfer dextra.

Putra Ganda Taruna Sibagariang, 214 210 143, Overview of Head CT Scans
with Hemiparesis in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients in Radiology
Department of Medan Grade II Hospital, Putri Hijau Hospital, Kesdam I / Bukit
Barisan in 2017
Mini Thesis. Faculty of Medicine, University of Methodist Indonesia Medan
Background: Stroke has become the third leading cause of death in most countries in
the world, surpassing other deadly diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Non-
hemorrhagic stroke occurs when there is a blockage in a blood vessel to the brain.
Diagnosis of the etiologic type of stroke can be established by gold standard using a
head CT scan due to its high sensitivity to differentiate intracerebral hemorrhagic
stroke from infarct stroke. Early and proper diagnosis and treatment will reduce the
existing brain damage, namely neurological deficits that depend on the extent of the
area affected by stroke and the affected hemisphere, hence the manifestation of
symptoms will be different as well. The most prominent symptom of stroke is
hemiparesis, in which the arm and leg of the same body side are paralyzed as severely
or hemiparesis in which the arm is more paralyzed than the leg or vice versa. This
study aims to overview the head CT scans with hemiparesis in non-hemorrhagic
stroke patients in the Department of Radiology, Medan Grade II Hospital, Putri Hijau
Hospital, Kesdam I / Bukit Barisan in 2017.
Method: This study is a descriptive research with cross sectional approach. This
study was conducted in Medan Grade II Hospital, Putri Hijau Hospital, Kesdam I /
Bukit Barisan in 2017. The sampling technique used was total sampling method. Data
was obtained from medical record and data processing results were presented in the
form of frequency distribution table.
Results: Based on the results of the study of 77 subjects, it was found that the
number of 50-59 years old age group were 33 cases (42.9%), men were 48 cases
(62.3%), cystic hemiparesis were 34 cases (44.2%) and right hemispheres were 34
cases (44.2%).
Conclusion: Based on this study, it was concluded that non-hemorrhagic stroke most
commonly occured in men, 50-59 years old age group, manifested as left hemiparesis
and in right hemisphere of head CT scans.

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