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THE PACT Central European Conflict and FIREPOWER ‘The Warsaw Trety Organization (WTO) i fat from simpy the Soviet oe eauvaent ofthe Nord ‘Atantie Treaty Orgran (NATO). Ii on of fe primary instrament employed bythe Soviet ‘Union forthe advancement Of ks wt ingorat feign si miliary polices. To sages hu he ‘WO eg to defend the USSR and te Commun ‘lint i paral tac, ut gnores i oie ‘tensive prone espe Commanit cars of “tra cis cornmuniy im Eastern Europe, the allan created Sim the Seve. Kis nots communi) of madly ste marking ‘ogee Tor comme county ani te vanes Of alratons ‘Sein is airy alace, formed by the Seve ion br Sve poss of sui: wih ‘Sil es overd Marnie Lenni and Russian maton The wert cemiry hi cemtty Incipirem akmost erry WTO member, In ce fo Romar. Conmanst governen! has sed resirgea sail and ae sbence of Soret, arson oscar a surpning independence om fhe USSR in addon, the WTO's superficial speriorty in terms of ground forces ver NATO doer not never Sel trae lino coresponing aca rainy power Serius stem and tecnatoial shoe Eomings corte ith a superior NATO aii © ‘Saye pracon war make he WTO's esa pervicinang fore INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS capital on 14 ay 19S, one day befor the USSR Sifned he wea restoring the soreeiy of Auto ie eblgaing the widrnwal € Sorc tary strom Murgery and ReoorinThe Paes ‘rginal signmeries ware the USSR, he German Hungary, Remon, Cosshodovaki, Buia a Alter "Te alilace’smerbership as remated consunt tut forthe worn of Alban, 3 county th By James P. Wertuneh 1 repressive ard Stsinist domestic system and 2 forean policy that has ben both senophaoic and mila polation. In Osiober "1961. the [Abanaseretsed 0 send represertwes to he ‘WTO's Pica! Conataive Commies beeane thar curry eer fe on ached by Wikia Kraehe Alban madeira mala Saperber 1968 response to the invasion of Cnsvstovakaby Sov forces wih hen WTO. “Ary amiss fhe WTO mast take into account sherwo tctor manexed in Alani’ dpe ith the US an the WTO, anf te apportion fo he Invasion of Caacheslovisa to suppres «reine that ram he lenin pee, was dar Etrovenn staa fave boca te scbiocs ot the Foreign policy andar were Gone “i” Eaters rope, not inated by Second, in opto of 4 Popa image of sein European homngencout Dances, the rogions peoples ates ahve ane Ietrogenus la, wath ran ita ra ists nd snmties Without the comin cveror ‘ip o's Stet Union merely Perse nan taining Eastern European cooperation at "end Ship the rho meres of the WTO would be ‘sere are teas ae ise Son the pops of ainoe! al San Exropene wutios harbor das grievances onard either oF othe USSR and bop Russa Rusia fs ese hot npr ttre Earp cn Sibopred women pean ations ae very deep saad The ms srous Fata poweon Hongary and Roma Song sitar the guaran 9 the Magy and Yugoulvies Crechonovaia an Romania bythe ‘Comurnitgovernen of Hungary senactly ‘bcs to the perewved misteatment of Hungarians ir Tramlvania by the Romani governere The atonal Romans ent th roast fr tration adversaries an rtemily nt force the Transylvania Magyar osama to the Roma Ian euure. This ay tenses Hungarian on fit ng ee ee SSitog the 19705, tad personal smoasy hat row beiveon Commune Par Teasers Janos Katt of Hungary ard Niue Ceatsesc of Roma kept a neta he ne cd fw Scape erin show tht lism ia force to Be reckoned with fn Easton urope tn the 1980, fed inthe 1968 imation of Creconlonabia Presid ttle atthe Creche dered ae, {Poland had suffered more andor Nae dominn thn Others were uthappy tat tbe Czechs he rae weeny ear te of Ronlins ty eee an Wclopy, Marton Lenni that i ate amor Pols 5 Ras. Bur win anor peseis soe os wove un pent ad eacatt pect ng can ake Most members ofthe WTO, ining the Soviet repre inthe Soviet bc By Est Geran Prat and Germany ere, ike Risso, ener and ambi actors in Easier Europe evenetore the Hier er. Both Poland and Czechoslovak {dite the views of crn Poli Any cers Shere sles 9f Germ i Weld War I Muna Romania, and Bulgaria were raged duting the ‘ening sages of Mewar when Hangary oped Selted (ana ueccestlymplented| Fa) 4 Remar sie othe Allied ease hotly toward Germany of courte Po heaageof Pasian and Inpeval German ambition tear ha Couey as done wt em the ‘Gannane he ole, The Polun experience di 4 ing Work War comet Geman roth Potsh ind ara vil. The Polish and Rossin non Ado'mr agree mich, but they concer on tt hostty toward and eep cst of the German ‘Of ccure, or areata taal soe tea wat betucent Fr ai eran Be on {oven Grn an Turty conga othe orm Ine WTO. Were tnt for he Soviet Unions ‘reponerance of power in Eastern Earope. tis Whip probate hat Hungary and Reread [ve gonsto er tonmimesher Won War over ‘Tran ania ‘Riots is wot he only fre tat hades sincere regional Coopers in ues Earope {Communism ae instid never county bot Gemonlovaha whi was then vere coup ‘Tern 190) oy Soviet mes. Prin vote wer. very county etcotCaechasiovi bad 8 Waa iow soul order and rey aresian sorry tht fad vot tered the rom of Comma rsympahis Ths the posta. “Pegeae ovement were bail foreign beads grafed Sino the body pole. Only in Bulga, alone in iehisorkl afi for Rossa i he re on Snying hee Sows mia sen Poon psy fxd inte Ameren popular sind ith sci Commanismy Daring Polo ar sim ihe US ser Word Wa the Pin Com trans! Party advocated rerbroreton af te Nes Polish stat by the ney Tormed USSR ths not tab ierfjng foci ean agent ofthe had vane bet aerping tothe the roe dey Ale goa of Fol rationalism. The Boles ever {org f stdin, n Poland the Ceo Cherch ‘none ofthe clewe and not epee istions {nmr Tease of anni mate heretical and doubly at ratenaie "Ceechosovaka was the oly Eastern European coun to martan nworabe Semerny between ‘Se teacup of te aus Manguran Epi snd {Ee Ter’ caren terror Semen Prr to Cacealovake's creation, Boker nd Mera ‘nee cutie secu anh tecptive 10 Faecal param Aor he merger oe Cech {Slovak ration ts ingle sate, Caechovovaia ‘td mai-prty pla sytem wi lrg and egal Comms fury ser 988, fn cleat {85 Camnoovaca var no more resp oe scl of Conan fu poner tan es Pla ‘itv asin of etal reer and pat Kat tolerance, the people were ofended 0) the ‘epresion snd dophatim of Slim 1968 the Communist Paty of Cechslovakia aempse form “alain with ahaa fie,” ites acon adced othe cory erat {nd purse henge The apart of repre Sn an censorship was cared, foener bse ‘power were pty acted apis nd rome depo of politcal dette was showed ‘This was coupled wit equent government del ‘ation of tentsip wih Be USSR, comtineed the Soviet Conenenat case. Bu be Sovice found ‘ineralaed Cuthstvaks too macho fear and lnvace te county to sal government Tore to fe dng, The Cusch and’ Slovta resisted Dussvely andthe NATO governments sid tht hey were very an) “foe Hungama ere ery moralistic people sui endo Weeld Wa they are tds For Hungan, the Communist leu of power meant tovntyCommenitnmot tessa ar cate Sor sine Suess ormery numer ngerian heros sont bore Slavic names. Roman Utroure wea up inthe schol even 2 itanpran crane wat spre, sf tng pay ina county in wih the langage is {ptenary veel of naan, Sepportng the {cementation a Rsafeaion of nay was perhape thermo sen nd arora security apparatus in Slit Eastern Europe, Because of fs atorts tational, te Hangar fan party ound lf eying on Fen 9 mala power ‘Bat al came apart upon the death of os Stalin in 1953 andthe ior of relative ler aor power single in Hungary. In 1936 there was 3 Fevelton aga Stains, he sacra spp, Rasifcaton, the USSR, and the Warsaw Pack lacs rom wich he revolutionary Communist {govermere of Inve Nagy aitherew ‘The Soviet Union Moodad Hungary with woops, pat down the revoltcn, and daposed of Nowy Hngary remain fn the WTO Yay. The ma placed in power By the Soviets, Janos Kader. as Iranaged ts purchase seme lestinac though ae” {il iralztion and he tation of arch sttuent and efficient cconony at eles up Tinted free market. The trauma of the 1956 ‘evlion was so severe ha itis ou that he “Hiugarans wil even be wergted 1 take up a8 gan the Soviets ne orenenbe tire, But he Seve oope wn remain the county are eal tumeachables who ae pever Set in pblic unless In groups. Hungarian aonals {5 seh that ‘Hangar traeral sin are lps ‘Onin ues observer mould suggest that the twin forces of aon and aon se {Communism wl pull the WTO apan in the foe Seeable future. One rast me ignore te economic Sd miliary power ofthe USSR. But the Warsew Poctand iy ensuing wed of baer ete have Ing the Warsaw Treaty Organization. The most ftv was to form coumerweght othe NATO Aliance. The second, fr ore dsp ote in the tradition of European conic. was o preven the ‘resurgence of Gerry “Ota the parte othe Wars Pact, none su pases the USSR tn dtu ofthe Germans. The Fistor of Soviet Conmranism i iesorably dw German nein of Risin Worté Wa, Ger. tran armies so weakened Russa’ voce and {rms thatthe Dolev nee the clones thal he ‘cunty ad a goveramert by the emt of 1917 ‘The setond inst of he sentry Jone 198i was the advet ofa ighinae thal fen Americans Kaveh he espacity fo understand. A Geran asion way pally responsible for bringing the ‘Communi power and arene ery netly ‘troyed the USSR. Isle wordr the Sones fr clletvelyfighened ty the prospect of ar ind of Germea reampeace, "The USSR government and Panty wer exterey ncorforbl wher the Unie Sasa fo NATO. lle moved toward reaming te Federal Repub- Iie of German (Wes! Germany) ate close ofthe 1840s. When the USSR saw’ rearmes trough teuncled Germany sing ona fon years afer toe ‘done of Work War Ms eaters aa ave Bm fetal alarmed “Anpresment wa teachod by NATO's members in Oaber 19541 allow reared FRG ton the allance. "The WTO at formed only sven ‘ons terse years ater formation of NATO. Tein clear tat the Soviet Union, the dspaable ‘overlord of Fastern Europe, feared the poet ower of West Germany more than it feared the {Sua combined pomer ofthe United Stats an ts European als. The Warsaw Pact asthe cet= ‘lce fora foreign pty that amed at preventing tecurence of Barbrost, {51955 the USSR wanted shield. consvted ne out ofthe quarrels, aos. se fe ‘gery a Cemmunls naes and ats oe var {ne greet andthe ciaporton of ors te ‘Snclanon of Word War had piven eorex {ated an aliance-—apen wich fe hat tg have to rte fret of ste that could ars be civil to each other, in some cates, and Shoo population freuen sam communism and Rossin atonal asters, The WTO ix ownded Spon Communit Eaten Eurcpean povermens ‘hich are i meat eases alien pis im he coun (that hey govern. Tes harcly surprising thr the Warsaw Treaty Orgran fiche an ence 9 Comme (Suiting. The avanen of Hungary wat an etrly ‘Soviet operation, possibly boeane Polar hos ‘muhSovct end st-goveroncetopnrus1950, {nd the GDR had experienced serous problems in 1953 The Soviets scied to be frightened at terveing WTO anus woud carry the Rangarisn 1B the nea tie tha the USSR vad ally \oenfoeccomrael asilite i wan the com leatoftttance, aad ws eset he sweep {ag Bretney Doctrine. The Brethngy Doctine States ht whenever a socialist tae (Sovak bo Comtnuriso exhibits sigas ta Is backs ag om socal i rer ales Nave the Mahe toldo whatever necesny. inching the use af fore, wo restore sll tothe proper progressive Ph nd remedy W of errs erefre sang ‘The WTO caforemet function ae! he Brchney Deatfne cate ito playin 1968, when the WTO ‘ve Crchosewsba from "scl with 2 aan ce yt or General Woh ret up in Poland in December 1981 ands tendon Erachdown on Solidarity. exterely prose the Brezhnev Doctrine, despite ts ovn exceedingly Figid domestic polices, Not oay kd Nise ‘Cemecnc eis os Romanian contingent (Caechoovalia, bute pubic) woe at ry Sch Invasion of his country would be met with Frc. ‘Whereas the Czechoslovakian ary stayed ins race, Roenanas would meet the Seve athe ‘order, Concent wih head, Reema oppo ‘WTO intervention in Poland im 1982 ‘Since then, Romania has corned 10 bea ds ‘ident memo of the Comuritaliace. 1 has prohited WTO fers from enrsisng on, ‘Mowing only nap exetises In Bucharest. The Soiet meaty mon inte Roman cpl has ‘een oat fo 2 handel officers In aditon, Rormania as Mote Sov Foreign oly by open) our Chin, torpedoeing Soviacerorc co- ‘tonic propose lhe Counc for Muti Heo. omic Assitance (CMEA cr COMECON), and Seodieg ubletes othe 1984 Olympics. MILITARY POWER Determining the miliary power ht the WTO can bring to Bear ngs ie primary target, West (Goteny, i mies ane Of waag chica [gsses thar preese calculations, Since ne war has ‘rer been fought between free of the sie and tmobilty of hose of NATO aad he WTO. thee is to alid pat of eerence in eceat was. The Viet fin War nd tht Aighnisan have oem strug {Ben hetweens moder, mechanira ad irae force wth copoat sir an are Rapport weaker, lest technological opponents without ‘wibering e por. an itca gurl waste Insead of convertion! satepis of positon snd stein The alkaade Wat Of 1982 wae fought ‘between frees of comparable echnlogy and doe tee Bat he parm sinvall a hiane as Alec by si and aval ore, ot proud was {wuld probaly beth case Bnropean var ‘Argentina ost Lat las Malvinas when Deamse ‘lear ht the Royal Niy was pox going to team bc i Porsmoum; eect. te ind war wa “ne varus Arr arin 967, 1979 an 1982 were ceided lego by. sound combat tener meshunae eee, tu sy conperion sien Wort! Warf in Baro would nonelen {Stpacur. hin he except of he br om {he Wes Bank of denn 196 ed he al Stun of stan in 192, the tegen hn Tattethemmanpr egy nebo er nd ‘oti By con, West Gorman ea desely Pevuld ad wellwaerd county wih pet fnay isan wage acs est sad {highy Sevag tw of ghamye: Phong, inthe Paral Repu would be mach more ke ighig in New Jermyn Oe Sa ron he ‘Saan Hegns Forhemers he oma and cope of war for \west Germany wollte ar wider a Fug {encanta neighbor. Th border {iar West Germany tare wih te CDR and \Ceectodvaan chong haa te Soe Cra ‘rina noice omer. The ground forces ‘Sole othe Borge alnces wt cores ingly eer he Gun ar of cerns as mre raha dvnos han any se of Sai Por example, he Sal acy urge (Soon, whe tunis range inthe ser ta ‘Stance nary movement ochre ad Shrug porch ore Mita The Mt Hermon Sen Libanon-Goln ot es iang sree of ined team anchored tech en he Mar ‘atean ta he Jordan Vali. "reece et ry iti i cecal pepegaind ee re Dash border sou 1S hese ef Hess the Nort German Pisin. Ths pr f em enormoas fant secs fm noern France: ast extern Germany and Poland and Gop ino te {USSR Te pot ware hi anaes bee ert Despecdwa for vading ates nal or cour ‘ror eestly mecouned formation. The oly Suit oberon te No German Pan bo Scan he GDR and he hin te fon river and tree's population enters. “carn ote Non German Plain ete Fulda ‘cap In is region te ast Garman ower ran Parl wath he Fu River inthe FRO, On te Stari cfte ones and newt mone Srsten and advaeageon the ence tha he Nort Grmon pat snd affording acest he jamcon fhe Main nd Rie ives Toth th {emote of Bavaria Unit are ‘ange o te Sa and Lebanon, the Apes 2 [Rett angs ee welled and wfc “Fos the Germ font NATO tc longer an move geographical completed than ser {lacs noberm or sxthrn ert wcold Be ‘roche iia for etching lance a ‘Reow of dechve ston appleble rose fe ‘Ste om hat nel vara o seoure cong Rect Canal n 1972. Toe prob oe ng Sachive retry in Cantal Earope srt Sinitned ny te qusntarve aperonty of S770" road ere and he gullanve speroey UENATO™, which woul probaly oft sch “One fhe mest ipo fos that wea di tiogush Wort War from ay fog 0 et teteen nel nds nighbors the presence of ‘clear weapon The itis aed seg oft “slant wars wre no tected by te hes feb epy sac aro t ioecreart reueatrecls rowed reas ype snnto snack he Sin Osher 979 ‘Eure ony that nrc bombers esl 3 ice Cae an Alen, an Arc Sharon was tier consoles bsgchnd on he See ree Sf be tet tht singe gyi oF ie Ste woud dese) hs dion Re WO o; NATO head of government or nl uy conrnener of ry on Be iy ee ‘te ucla tat, The us of nla ncapons by ter or bot sees lsint poset Bech of the possi of extn aero we bfeven the smiles deve, enemy erpoy ment of fuses arms gui popula cemers wl ete Bemoste" sword hangover the ead fal bel Tigers. Tris marly cern tha war for Germany woul! easly ang war deci by combat eter ‘mechanized proud ais. Naval tnd poser Muah Besecisive nsecondry tears such a Scandi Wins he North Atami or Cu Ba thew ss ‘acu most probably pay a secondary role 19 the moved ond echoed infaany wns Weel Germany “The USSR and js Warsaw Pact allen tase sscemoled mano and ently ecteize fost, ‘nth wich to confront NATO. Sov waits are Stoned i four Eanern Europes) sts. The Nerthor Group of Fores hat Rewer 3 Lagrie in Lower Silesia ad consis of the to Soviet divion in Poland. Te Southern Group of Forces fc henagavtered a Tol te Bop ‘consists of the four visions garroaing Hun 9. The ive Soviet vision in Ceechoiovakie ‘nde conan of the Cental Group of Fors, ‘tine nadguarers orate a Milovte Not ar prima, the largest arson i the Group 0 Soviet Fores ta Germany, wih inten dvston the (GDR and es heaguater at Zsen ers eat Poland, Ceechosovakia, Hungary and East Ger. may spead very lt of tc beet on thei al Spending only 2.5% of is gree sutoel prodael Oh ts armed fore, the lowest of any member of the WTO likly to ph in Germany. The highest Fata sperdirg wth fe German Deca Republic, which spent 6.3% of GNP on ral tary experies. This is still fr ess tan the SPUR oF ts own ONP allocated by te USSR wo ie aay Padget Tat the larger hate ot the ‘sonomic arden of mainining the WTO alliance ‘Sturm by te Soviet Union None, te ami of old, Cacchnoral, Hungey and ist Germany ae surprising Tete Ain derse Poland has five tank Svsions ‘tor if nehanized nana) clvsion. ane Avon eacivofarorne and ries. in i he ‘ual namber of motor rifle visions, anda singe Stftornebrigae Inthe save yar Hungary had {ank ios and four moore dso, 2 {he Voliaarmce of Eat Germany. On he het had Ihe Soviet Unio keeps ound forces inthe CDR ‘ver tree times the sve ofthe Yousomtee Not Sali the CDR a strtegicspengbourd agaist be ‘res, st Rasa can seins never ene ras (Germans with gus “In force tht be WO file aroun West Ge. many are hag. Toy reo far i excess ofthe Forces under NATO that only the most bse Dtmerver othe most etrines apologist forthe ‘Soviet Union could serio ey at hey ar ie place coy fr defensive purposes, Oa paper, the Sianew Pact cousins fare tering oot of rary power But thae ar important factor that 9 reduce the amount of poner evaable othe USSR ‘hold Hw lead a atk onthe FRG. Fist (als no al ofthe Easter European alii are hcl vaiable othe WTO command ac fare mich va virtual annex to that of he Soviet [Army Under the WTO" comand are he Seve ‘visions in neem Europe andthe Est Gar tiny, Allother uns of te oer Warsaw Pacts ‘ties remain der he con of Bel cous {fem miniger, wha lone have the auto) 10 place their ite andr WTO comand Esler Europe nay be under Soviet domination ant is goveromens and: miliary organations 25 under he consol of commited Maxi Leninits, Ins tere em aarnte ta any om Ger funy eat wil be commited fo a var for West {Gcimany. Even ihe normal spine government ‘or Erich Hornecker hrs expres sigs of dia Fstion with come apes of Soviet foreign poly, paral ath rnc etemodit range nackte ‘weapons Ia Polar she nltaryesceted a up f= Devember 10811 ake po fren demora ‘ed and rffectn Commas arty are Sesion of the Marxist Lonnist hel. The Polish trys assen of power ver the Paty ay have tie era tte rere Fay "Win th cve-prcsent ators of ational and fap sn unslan ad an-Commmanist sent trent ae taken inte conidration, the probly ‘creases that apes to Commanistecogy and eploal solldaty would autortcally res inthe fkage ofall Eastern Furapean foees fer eal fo Soviet oneal The iragimation sais athe Uhoagh of Geonans, Poles Cech, Hangar and Russians effetvely cooperating arythng 80 ‘ingeros, desma and natonatism-nfarng 3 Should the WTO z0 10 war. Germany must be tac esr tee of operations. Bu thece wold te fhe aren of contain thet sl Grave a3 Soviet nity power dt would ethers be val able eiforce amt tepning the war a astern Earope ersan ambitions toward the Bosporus and nel dat ack toh eighteen centr, Bocse Se acet 16 armor ps9) book april Sd Communist goveromens, 4 secondary ont funast Tuthey and Greece iso ceriny Soviet {Grces would be employed in ener Tuthey. amd {he employer oft lest one aborne avon highly probable “The Soviet Union could cunt on Bulgarian pe ‘ipion aaint Ceece and Turkey Bupa fevernmen the mot spin allo Cemmunst Etstcrn Earope. In addition, the USSR has rth Ing to ear tom the inctement of Bulgin nate alm. Bulgara has close Ings ane ators ‘th Ras an Balers owe salvation fom “ork ul and te county slit fom viral “Turkish ant-atonalist epi tote intervention the Car's army in the Rus Torksh War in 1677 1678. (n aden, here has ben We love fos between the Bulpransae the recs. alld pom odo eo the moder ae Sf Baars wld Probably be ony Yoo happy to help tational Ferd Ril ts tadtional ener. Romania fe far iferert ese ts exremely outta tat Romana sould oi he WTO in ay Srar agin any conceivable enemy In fc, (Gat probes Ge the Remenian goverment wed fh tote advantage of Soe dracon fe wae tin to secure the Souny st ae a depend ‘ct cette of Communism similar Yugoslavia, Trike USSRestabes secon oo a Soa ina, iene primary ana and naval nar, With possible employment of Soviet and Polish Inara a ptoopes. Actin on a Seaninian from mould do new syphon WTO pound forces from a main drive sm Corman “Fae elon 0 defend he UNSR°s friends ia the “Weoter Hemioptere wa tke even es ner she defense o Cus and Niearapan willbe neat impowible Bath countries ae ete mete ‘resi and Rstericliphre of influence of te Unies Stes, whicheculd bring overwhelming wt al and and power to tea inthe Caribbean The ‘Soviet ould net be tempted to coma reseures ‘ecuired in Europe toa hopes cause it Cube and Nearapta "The re ht teste to ver he retest Samet lanl forces ae Afghanistan and China. Afghanistan Contino te festering polical and ary Soe

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